Monglo China
Monglo China
Monglo China
Big Concept:
China was ruled by many dynasties throughout its history, including one from
outside China, the Mongols.
Essential Questions:
1. What is a dynasty and how did they function politically and militarily?
2. What effect did the Mongols have on China, as an invading force and ruling
3. How did Mongol rule affect everyday life for people in China, including the
strict social hierarchy?
Benchmark C:
Describe the characteristics of feudal societies and the transition to the
Renaissance and Reformation in Europe.
Indicator 4c:
Explain the lasting effects of military conquests during the Middle Ages including
the Mongol invasions.
Anticipation Guide:
• As a class, read the statements on the anticipation guide. Students decide
whether they agree or disagree with each statement about Chinese dynasties
before they read Chapter 12, Lesson 2, Pages 350 – 355 in The World.
• Read the lesson together and have students raise their hands when they read
something that either confirms or changes one of their responses to the
statements. Complete the during reading column of the chart.
• The vocabulary activity and the anticipation guide will help to monitor student
learning and guide any modifications that may become necessary.
Vocabulary Quiz:
• Students will complete the vocabulary review worksheet from the book which
will identify the words that students have mastered and those that may need to
be re-taught.
• Students will create a timeline of what they believe are the five most
significant events during the Mongol invasions and Mongol rule in China. On
the timeline, they will tell why they believe each event was important. This
will evaluate whether students have met the expectations of the lesson.
Grade Adaptation
• This activity would be appropriate for students up to 10th grade. They would
need to use a different textbook to complete the anticipation guide. The
literacy strategies would benefit students of almost any grade level.
• The vocabulary strategy used could be modified for a lower grade level; just
change the words to grade-appropriate ones. The content of the Mongol
invasions segment of the lesson may not be appropriate for younger students
but the Chinese dynasties part definitely would be.
Vocabulary List
2. civil service – the practice of using skills and talents to work in the
• People had to take a civil service exam to work in the government.
3. shamanism – belief that good and evil spirits spread through the world
and can be heard by priests, or shamans
• People were allowed to continue the practice of shamanism.
civil service
Anticipation Guide
Chinese Dynasties
1206 A.D. Mongol chiefs chose Temujin Armies swept from Poland to Korea -
to be their leader and named him Genghis struck terror in hearts of people
Genghis Khan’s grandson fought the Song Established the Yuan dynasty
dynasty for 40 years
Kublai kept tight control of the Chinese Strict hierarchy developed – Mongols,
and used foreigners in civil service Non-Chinese, Northern Chinese,
Southern Chinese
Kublai continued Shamanism but allowed Chinese beliefs – little change and
Chinese to continue their beliefs Buddhist monasteries increased
Cause Effect
Mongols seized land to use for pasture for Chinese impoverished and suffered
their horses and livestock from disease and stavation
Marco Polo – explored and told world Europeans came to China – impacted
about China life there forever