Phytosomes: A Novel Dosage Form For Enhancement of Bioavailability of Botanicals and Neutraceuticals
Phytosomes: A Novel Dosage Form For Enhancement of Bioavailability of Botanicals and Neutraceuticals
Phytosomes: A Novel Dosage Form For Enhancement of Bioavailability of Botanicals and Neutraceuticals
Review Article
1 Department of Pharmaceutics, Nirmala College of Pharmacy, Muvattupuzha, Kerala
Received: 14 Jun2010, Revised and Accepted: 13 July 2010
The effectiveness of any herbal medication is dependant on the delivery of effective level of the therapeutically active compound. But a severe
limitation exists in their bioavailability when administered orally or by topical applications. Phytosomes are recently introduced herbal
formulations that are better absorbed and as a result produced better bioavailability and actions than the conventional phyto molecules or botanical
extracts. Phytosomes are produced by a process where by the standardized plant extract or its constituents are bound to phospholipids, mainly
phosphatidylcholine producing a lipid compatible molecular complex. Phytosome exhibit better pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile
than conventional herbal extracts.
Key words: Phytosomes, Phosphatidyl choline, Liposomes
INTRODUCTION Phosphatidylcholine is not merely a passive "carrier" for the
bioactive flavonoids of the phytosomes, but is itself a bioactive
The advancement in the field of herbal drug delivery started nutrient with documented clinical efficacy for liver disease,
recently with the aim to manage human diseases efficiently. Every including alcoholic hepatic steatosis, drug‐induced liver damage, and
nation is seeking health care beyond the traditional boundaries of hepatitis. The phytosome process has been applied to many popular
modern medicine; turning to self medication in the form of herbal herbal extracts including Ginkgo biloba, grape seed, hawthorn, milk
remedies1,2.Nowadays expensive research in novel drug delivery thistle, green tea, and ginseng . The flavonoid and terpenoid
systems is going on to improve the therapeutic efficacy of the components of these herbal extracts lend themselves quite well for
existing natural molecules. Toxicity and limited absorption of the direct binding to phosphatidylcholine. Specifically, the choline
different phytoconstituents obtained from herbs are major problems head of the phosphatidylcholine molecule binds to these compounds
in exploring their real potentials against different diseases. So, while the fat‐soluble phosphatidyl portion comprising the body and
extensive research in the field of herbal drug delivery systems as a tail then envelopes the choline‐bound material. The result is a little
means of improving the therapeutic indices of drugs is inevitable. microsphere or cell like structure 2 . Phytosomes have improved
During the last century, chemical and pharmacological studies have pharmacokinetic and pharmacological parameters, which in result
been performed on a lot of plant extracts in order to know their can advantageously be used in the treatment of acute and chronic
chemical composition and confirm the indications of traditional liver disease of toxic metabolic or infective origin or of degenerative
medicine. The Phytosome process produces a little cell because of nature. It can also be used in anti‐inflammatory activity as well as in
that the valuable components of the herbal extract are protected pharmaceutical and cosmetic compositions6. PC is miscible both in
from destruction by digestive secretions and gut bacteria. the water phase and in oil/lipid phases, and is excellently absorbed
Phytosomes are better able to transition from a hydrophilic when taken by mouth. PC is the principal molecular building block
environment into the lipid‐friendly environment of the enterocyte for cell membranes (Fig. 1), and the molecular properties that suit
cell membrane and from there into the cell, finally reaching the PC for this role also render it close to ideal for its phytosome role.
blood3. Most of the bioactive constituents of phytomedicines are
flavonoids (e.g., anthocyanidins from bilberry, catechins from green
tea, silymarin from milk thistle). However, many flavonoids are
poorly absorbed; the poor absorption of flavonoid nutrients is likely
due to two factors. First, they are having multiple‐ring molecules
that are too large to be absorbed by simple diffusion. Secondly,
flavonoid molecules typically have poor miscibility with oils and
other lipids, which limited their ability to pass across the lipid‐rich
outer membranes of the enterocytes of the small intestine. Water‐
soluble flavonoid molecules can be converted into lipid‐compatible
molecular complexes; aptly called phytosomes. The term “phyto”
means plant while “some” means cell like4. Phytosome is a newly
introduced patented technology developed to incorporate
standardized plant extracts or water soluble phytoconstituents into Fig. 1: Cell membranes are largely lipid phase. A double
phospholipids to produce lipid compatible molecular complexes, molecular layer consisting of PC and other phospholipids
called as phytosomes (also often referred as herbosome in certain provides a continuous matrix into which the proteins insert
literature) and so vastly improve their absorption and
bioavailability5. The lipid‐phase substances employed to make Preparation of phytosome
flavonoids lipid‐compatible are phospholipids from soy, mainly Phytosomes are novel complexes which are prepared by reacting
phosphatidylcholine. Phosphatidylcholine is the principal molecular from 2‐3 moles but preferably with one mole of a natural or
building block of cell membranes miscible both in water and in oil synthetic phospholipid, such as phosphatidylcholine,
environments, and is well absorbed when taken by mouth. Chemical phosphatidylethanolamine or phosphatidylserine with one mole of
analysis indicates that the phytosome is usually a flavonoid molecule component for example‐ flavolignanans, either alone or in the
linked with at least one phosphatidylcholine molecule. A bond is natural mixture in aprotic solvent such as dioxane or acetone from
formed between these two molecules, creating a hybrid molecule. which complex can be isolated by precipitation with non solvent
This highly lipid‐miscible hybrid bond is better suited to merge into such as aliphatic hydrocarbons or lyophilization or by spray drying.
the lipid phase of the enterocyte's outer cell membrane. In the complex formation of phytosomes the ratio between these
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• Marked enhancement of bioavailability
• Significantly greater clinical benefit
• Assured delivery to the tissues
• No compromise of nutrient safety
Figure 2.Structure of phosphatidyl choline
Phytosomes have the following advantages15,16,17.
2) Biological properties
1) It enhances the absorption of lipid insoluble polar
Phytosomes are advanced forms of herbal products that are better phytoconstituents through oral as well as topical route showing
absorbed, utilized and as a result produce better results than
better bioavailability, hence significantly greater therapeutic benefit.
conventional herbal extracts. The increased bioavailability of the
phytosome over the non complexed botanical derivatives has been 2) Appreciable drug entrapment.
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3) As the absorption of active constituent(s) is improved, its dose Studies have shown ginkgo phytosome (prepared from the
requirement is also reduced. standardized extract of Ginkgo biloba leaves) produced better
results compared to the conventional standardized extract from the
4) Phosphatidylcholine used in preparation of phytosomes, besides plant (GBE, 24 % ginkgo flavone glycoside and 6 % terpene
acting as a carrier also acts as a hepatoprotective, hence giving the lactones). In a bioavailability study conducted with healthy human
synergistic effect when hepatoprotective substances are employed. volunteers the levels of GBE constituents (flavonoids and terpenes)
5) Chemical bonds are formed between phosphatidylcholine from the phytosomal form peaked after 3 hours and persisted longer
molecule and phytoconstituent, so the phytosomes show better for at least 5 hours after oral administration. It was found that the
stability profile. phytosomal GBE produced a 2‐4 times greater plasma concentration
of terpenes than did the non‐phytosomal GBE. Its major indications
6) Application of phytoconstituents in form of phytosome improves are cerebral insufficiency and peripheral vascular disorders, and it
their percutaneous absorption and act as functional cosmetics. also can ameliorate reduced cerebral circulation. Its improved oral
bioavailability and good tolerability makes it the ideal ginkgo
Recent research shows improved absorption and bioavailability
product even for long term treatment. Studies with ginkgo
with phytosomes as compared to the conventional means. Most of
phytosome in patients with peripheral vascular disease (e.g.
the phytosomal studies are focused to Silybum marianum (milk
Raynaud’s disease and intermittent circulation) have shown to
thistle) which contains premier liver protectant flavonoids. The fruit
produce a 30‐60 % greater improvement compared to regular
of the milk thistle plant contains flavonoids known for
standardized GBE28.
hepatoprotective effects18,19. Silybin is the chief and most potent
constituent of silymarin, the flavonoid complex from milk thistle. A Grape seed phytosome is composed of oligomeric polyphenols
standardized extract from Silybum marianum is an excellent liver (grape proanthocyanidins or procyanidins from grape seed
protectant but very poorly absorbed orally. extract, Vitis vinifera) of varying molecular size, complexed with
phospholipids. The main properties of procyanidin flavonoids of
Yanyu et al. prepared the silymarin phytosome and studied its
grape seed are an increase in total antioxidant capacity and
pharmacokinetics in rats. In the study the bioavailability of silybin in
stimulation of physiological antioxidant defenses of plasma,
rats was increased remarkably after oral administration of prepared
protection against ischemia/reperfusion induced damages in the
silybin‐phospholipid complex due to an impressive improvement of
heart, protective effects against atherosclerosis thereby offering
the lipophilic property of silybin‐phospholipid complex and
marked protection for the cardiovascular system and other organs
improvement of the biological effect of silybin20.
through a network of mechanisms that extend beyond their great
Tedesco et al. reported silymarin phytosome show better anti antioxidant potency29.
hepatotoxic activity than silymarin alone and can provide protection
In another study, rabbits were fed with a high cholesterol diet for 6
against the toxic effects of aflatoxin B1 on performance of broiler
weeks, to markedly elevate their blood cholesterol and induce
chicks21. Busby et al reported that the use of a silymarin phytosome
atherosclerotic lesions in their aortas and carotid arteries. One
showed a better foetoprotectant activity from ethanol‐induced
group of rabbits received grape seed phytosome in their feed for the
behavioural deficits than uncomplexed silymarin 22. Grange et al.
first 6 weeks, then 4 weeks of the high‐cholesterol diet. These
conducted a series of studies on silymarin phytosome, containing a
developed significantly less aortic plaque than did the control
standardized extract from the seeds of S. marianum, administered
groups which received conventional standardized grape seed extract
orally and found that it could protect the foetus from maternally
in similar regimen. In a randomized human trial, young healthy
ingested ethanol23.
volunteers received grape seed phytosome once daily for 5 days. The
Bombardelli et al. reported Silymarin phytosomes, in which blood TRAP (Total Radical‐trapping Antioxidant Parameter) was
silymarin (a standardized mixture of flavanolignans extracted from measured at several time intervals during 1st day, then also on
the fruits of S. marianum) was complexed with phospholipids. 5th day. Already by 30 minutes after administration on 1st day, blood
Phytosomes showed much higher specific activity and a longer TRAP levels were significantly elevated over the control which
lasting action than the single constituents, with respect to percent received conventional standardized grape seed extract30.
reduction of edema, inhibition of myeloperoxidase activity,
Green tea extract generally contains a totally standardized
antioxidant and free radical scavenging properties16.
polyphenolic fraction (not less than 66.5 %, containing
In the human subjects silybin from phytosomes effectively reaches epigallocatechin and its derivatives ) obtained from green tea leaves
the intended target organ, the liver. This was proven by Schandalik (Thea sinensis) and mainly characterized by the presence of
et al. using nine volunteer patients who had earlier undergone epigallocatechin 3‐O‐gallate, the key compound. These compounds
surgical gall bladder removal necessitated by gallstones. They are potent modulators of several biochemical processes linked to the
received single oral doses of 120 mg silybin as silybin phytosome breakdown of homeostasis in major chronic‐degenerative diseases
and bile was assessed for silybin levels. Silybin appeared in the bile such as cancer and atherosclerosis. Green tea has got several long
term beneficial activities such as antioxidant, anticarcinogenic,
and peaked after 4 hours. In the case of phytosomal silybin, the total
antimutagenic, antiatherosclerotic, hypocholesterolemic,
amount recovered in the bile after 48 hours accounted for 11 per
cardioprotective, antibacterial and anticariogenic effects. Despite
cent of the total dose. In the case of silymarin, approximately 3 per
such potential actions green tea polyphenols have very poor oral
cent of the silybin was recovered. These data demonstrate a four
bioavailability from conventional extracts. The complexation of
times greater passage through the liver for phytosomal silybin24, 25. green tea polyphenols with phospholipids strongly improves their
Barzaghi et al. conducted a human study designed to assess the poor oral bioavailability. A study on absorption of phytosomal
absorption of silybin when directly bound to phosphatadylcholine. preparations was performed in healthy human volunteers along
Plasma silybin levels were determined after administration of single with non complexed green tea extract following oral administration.
oral doses of silybin phytosome and a similar amount of silybin from Over the study period of 6 hours the plasma concentration of total
flavonoids was more than doubled when coming from the
milk thistle in healthy volunteers. The results indicated that the
phytosomal versus the non‐phytosomal extract. Antioxidant capacity
absorption of silybin from silybin phytosome is approximately seven
was measured as TRAP (Total Radical‐trapping Antioxidant
times greater compared to the absorption of silybin from regular
Parameter). The peak antioxidant effect was a 20% enhancement
milk thistle extract (70‐80 % silymarin content)26. and it showed that the phytosome formulation had about double the
Moscarella et al. investigated in one study of 232 patients with total antioxidant effect31.
chronic hepatitis (viral, alcohol or drug induced) treated with silybin Maiti et al. developed the quercetin‐phospholipid phytosomal
phytosome at a dose of 120 mg either twice daily or thrice daily for complex by a simple and reproducible method and also showed that
up to 120 days, liver function returned to normal, faster in patients the formulation exerted better therapeutic efficacy than the
taking silybin phytosome compared to a group of controls27. molecule in rat liver injury induced by carbon tetrachloride32.
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Maiti et al. developed the phytosomes of curcumin (flavonoid from sustained release property for over 24 hr and enhanced antioxidant
turmeric, Curcuma longa) and naringenin (a flavonoid from grape activity. Pharmacokinetic study revealed that the phytosome had
fruit, Vitis vinifera) in two different studies33,34. The antioxidant higher relative bioavailability than that of parent molecule at the
activity of the complex was significantly higher than pure curcumin same dose level35.
in all dose levels tested. In the other study the developed phytosome
of naringenin produced better antioxidant activity than the free In this way different phytosome products have demonstrated
compound with a prolonged duration of action, which may be due to significant therapeutic or health giving effects when compared with
decrease in the rapid elimination of the molecule from body. the conventional plant extracts. Some commercially available
phytosome products are summarized in the Table 1.
Hesperetin is a potent phytomolecule abundant in citrus fruits, such
as grapefruit and oranges. In spite of several therapeutic benefits CONCLUSION
viz. antioxidant, lipid‐lowering, anti‐carcinogenic activities their Phytosomes are novel compounds comprising of lipophilic
shorter half life and lower clearance from the body restricts its use. complexes of components of various plants like Silybum Marianum,
To overcome this limitation, recently Mukerjee et al. developed a Ginkgo Biloba, ginseng etc with phospholipids. Preparation of
novel hesperetin phytosome by complexing hesperetin with phytosomes is usually carried out by non conventional method.
hydrogenated phosphatidyl choline. This complex was then Absorption of phytosome in gastro intestinal tract is appreciably
evaluated for antioxidant activity in CCl4 intoxicated rats along with greater resulting in increased plasma level than the individual
pharmacokinetic studies. It was found that the phytosome had a component.
Table 1: Commercially available phytosome products
Product Company Indications Dosage
Ginkoselect Indena Improves memory, brain Capsule
phytosome S.p.A.,Italy functions, cerebral and peripheral
circulation, oxygenation and blood
Powerful antioxidant effects,
Greentea Natural preserving cell health to Capsule
phytosome factors,Canada improved longevity, health and
well being.
Grapeseed Natural Natural antioxidant protection
phytosome factors,Canada Capsule
Promotes adaptogenic functions
Panax gingseng Natural and resistance to stress Capsule
phytosome factors,Canada
Helps to strengthen heart and
Hawthorn Natures herbs,USA cardiovascular system Softgel
phytosome capsule
It guards against free radical
damage by acting as an anti Capsule
Milk thistle Indena S.p.A,Italy oxidant,and stimulates the
phytosome formation of new liver cells
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