FTDI Cable Mod
FTDI Cable Mod
FTDI Cable Mod
1. Buy a FTDI FT232RL VAG COM Cable. Do NOT buy the one with the CH340 Chip.
(Example of what I bought: http://www.ebay.com/itm/FTDI-FT232RL-VAG-COM-KKL-409-1-OBD2-K-
Line-KWP2000-ISO9141-USB-FOR-VW-AUDI-/281312477303 Over 5 copies from this seller, and all have
been great.)
a. Drivers http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm I recommend driver Version 2.10.00 (bottom of page)
to avoid potential problems with some cables.
2. Open cable and solder pin #7 and #8 together. (Optional - if you want to use cable with newer BMWs)
c. After making your changes: "Save Template as" (green floppy disk button, or File -> Save as..)
d. Program the cable with new settings: "Program" (Lightning button, or Device -> Program)