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3rd Exp

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Department of Electrical and Electronic


Course No. : EEE 102

Course Title: Electrical Circuits I Laboratory

Experiment No. :3
Name of the Experiment: Verification (Part-I) Superposition Theorem and (Part-
II) verification of Thevenin's Theorem .

Submitted by:
Name: Nilotpaul Kundu Dhrubo
Student ID : 1906060
Department: EEE
Section- A(2)
Group No.- 15
Group Partner’s ID:

Date of Performance : 07/11/2020

Date of Submission : 20/11/2020
THEORY: In a circuit (network) made up of linear elements (e.g. resistors) and
containing two or more sources of emf, the current in any particular branch when
all the emf sources are acting simultaneously may be found by considering the
sources of emf to act one at a time, then finding the current in the specified branch
due to each source and then superimposing, or adding algebraically, these
component currents. While the current due to a particular source of emf is being
found the other emf sources are rendered inactive and if any branch element is in
series with those sources that remains intact.

Superposition theorem: The superposition theorem states that the voltage across
an element or current through an element in a linear circuit is the algebraic sum of
the voltages across that element or current through that element due to each
independent sources acting alone.

Thevenin’s theorem: The Thevenin’s theorem states that a linear two terminal
circuit can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of a voltage source VTh
in series with a resistor RTh ,where VTh is the open circuit voltage at the terminals
and RTh is the equivalent resistance at the terminals when the independent sources
are turned off.

Verification of Superposition theorem:

1. Two DC power supplies of suitable voltage and current ratings.
2. Five resistors of suitable ratings.
3. Five DC ammeter (0-5 amps) and five DC voltmeter (0-50 V).
4. Two SPDT switches
5. One breadboard .

Circuit diagram:
Circuit diagrams(From tinker cad):

In setup –1,the two sources are acting together.

In setup-2,only E1 is working.


In setup-3,only E2 is working.
Experimental Data Table:
Step-1: Here the two switches are closed . As a result both the sources (E1 & E2)
are supplying power to the circuit . Measuring the voltage of each resistor using
voltmeter and current with ammeter , we find the following values (shown in
Table 1).
E1 E2 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
(1200 (220 (220 (220 (1500
ohm) ohm) ohm) ohm) ohm)

Voltage 20 10 15.2 -2.07 -3.08 4.85 6.92

Current 12.6 -14 12.6 -9.41 -14 22 4.61
Power= -0.252 0.14 0.193 0.02 0.043 0.11 0.032
VI=V2R (supplyi (absorbi
=I2R ng ng
power) power)

Manual mathematical solve:

The manual calculation matches with the experimental data.

Setup 2: The spdt switch , parallel to E2 has created a short circuit . So,no current
is flowing through the source E2 .At present ,there is no effect of E2 source in the
circuit and only E1 is acting.All the current passing through the resistors is for
E1.The data we get from this setup is shown in Table 2.
E1 E2 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
(1200 (220 (220 (220 (1500
ohm) ohm) ohm) ohm) ohm)

Voltage 20 10 17.9 1.14 .995 2.13 .995

Current 14.9 0 14.9 5.18 4.52 9.7 .663
Power= -0.298 0 0.27 0.006 0.005 0.02 0.0007
VI=V2R (supplyi
=I2R ng

Manual mathematical solve:

The manual calculation matches with the experimental data.

Setup 3: The spdt switch,parallel to E1 has created a short circuit.So,no current

flowing through the source E1 just like setup-2 for the E2 source . Again,there is
no effect of E1 source in the circuit and only E2 is acting.All the current passing
through the resistors is for E2.The data we get from this setup is shown in Table 3.
E1 E2 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
(1200 (220 (220 (220 (1500
ohm) ohm) ohm) ohm) ohm)

Voltage 20 10 -2.71 -3.21 -4.08 2.71 5.92

Current 0 18.5 -2.26 -14.6 -18.5 12.3 3.95
Power= 0 -0.185 0.006 0.05 0.08 0.03 0.023
VI=V2R (supplyi
=I2R ng

Manual mathematical calculation:

The manual calculation matches with the experimental data.

E1 E2 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
(1200 (220 (220 (220 (1500
ohm) ohm) ohm) ohm) ohm)

Voltage(V) 20 10 15.19 -2.07 -3.085 4.84 6.915

Current 14.9 18.5 12.64 -9.42 -13.98 22 4.613
Power=VI=V2R=I2R -0.298 -0.185 0.276 0.056 0.085 0.05 0.03
Now adding the data of table 2 and table 3 ,we have made table-4 which is almost
similar to the data of table-1 in case voltage and current of the resistors whereas the
power of the resistors completely mismatches.

Discussion : It can be seen from the table-1 of experimental data and table-4 of
calculation that values for the voltages and currents are almost equal .But the
values for power,however,don’t match.This is pretty obvious since only voltage
and current abide by the law of linearity and superposition in resistive dc circuits .
Power is not a linear property (because power , P= V2R=I2R) for the square term ,
present in its equation. Here , all the analysis is done through tinkercad . So,there
almost zero percent error in the experimental values comparing to theroritical
values . But if all the simulations are done in hardware lab , we will definitely find
error due to resistance of wire and also due to voltage sources.

Verification of Thevenin’s Theorem:

1. A breadboard.
2. Two DC power supplies of suitable voltage and current ratings.
3. Seven resistors of suitable ratings.
4. One DC ammeter (0-5 amps) and one DC voltmeter (0-50 V).

Circuit diagram:
Circuit Diagram (from tinkercad):
Setup-1:Voltage difference of R5 (Load resistance) resistor while it is connected
to the circuit.
Setup-2 : Voltage Difference of VA and VB when R5 is removed. Here VAB is
called the Thevenin’s voltage(VTh).

Setup-3: Here,R5 is removed and the short circuit current is measured to calculate
Thevenin’s resistance RTh .
Thevenin’s equivalnet circuit.

Experimental data:
Supply Supply V(R5 ) or VTh ISc RTh
Voltage Voltage (VL ) (V) (mA) (ohm)
V1(V) V2(V) (V) RTh
= VTh / ISc
20 10 0.415 1.9 5.32 357.14

Supply Voltage RTh RL=R5 (ohm) VL (V)

Vdc (V) (ohm)
2 357.14 100 0.435
Manual theoretical calculation:
Calculation for setup-1:
Calculation for setup-2.
Calculation for setup-3.
Error calculation:
Discussion: Although the difference between the load voltage from theoretical
calculation and from tinkercad analysis is little , it occurs due to the voltage source
taken in the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit(For some problem of source we can’t
bring the 1.9V in tinkercad .Instead we have to use approximate value 2V .And so
we get error in load voltage in amount of 4%).But they are quite close to the
original value . So , the circuit here supports Thevenin’s equivalent transformation.

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