Online Complaint Management System For Ambo University
Online Complaint Management System For Ambo University
Online Complaint Management System For Ambo University
Name ID
1)Yewegie Molla………………………………………………………………………brt/0256/09
2) Yadesa Feysa………………………………………………………………………brt/0251/09
3) Zelalem Getachew……………………………………………………………….brt/0263/09
4) Dawi Mulugeta……………………………………………………………………brt/1964/09
5) Siranesh Abebaw………………………………………………………………..brt/0231/09
6 ) Wubnesh Hunegnaw…………………………………………………………….brt/0247/09
7) Wubrist Andualem…………………………………………………………………brt/0248/09
8) Debritu Mitku…………………………………………………………………………brt/0139/09
Feb 2020
The Project is our own and has not been presented for a degree in any other university
with this functionality and all the sources of material used for the project/thesis have been
duly acknowledged. (Name and Signature of the project group members)
Name signature
1) Yewegie Molla…………………………………………………………………………
2) Yadesa Feyisa………………………………………………………………………….
3) Zelalem Getachew…………………………………………………………………….
4) Dawi Mulugeta…………………………………………………………………………
5)Siranesh Abebaw………………………………………………………………………
6) Wubnesh Hunegnaw……………………………………………………………………
7) Wubrist Andualem………………………………………………………………………
8)Debritu Mitku…………………………………………………………………………….
This is to certify that I have read this project and that in our opinion it is fully adequate,
in scope and quality, as a project for the degree of Bachelor of Science.
Table of content
Table of Contents
APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... i
List of figures .............................................................................................................................. v
Acknowledgment ....................................................................................................................... vi
Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................... vii
Abstract ....................................................................................................................................viii
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background of the Organization ............................................................................................ 1
1.3 Statement of the Problem ................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Objectives of the project ....................................................................................................... 2
1.4.1General objectives........................................................................................................... 2
1.4.2 specific objectives .......................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Scope of the Project .............................................................................................................. 3
1.6 Significant of the project ....................................................................................................... 3
1.6.1 Target beneficiaries of the system .................................................................................. 4
1.7 Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.7.1 Data Collection Approaches ............................................................................................ 4
1.7.2 Software process model ................................................................................................. 5 System analysis and design approach ....................................................................... 6
1.7.3 Development tools and techniques ................................................................................ 6
1.8 Limitation of the project ........................................................................................................ 7
1.9 Risks and Contingencies....................................................................................................... 7
1.10 Constraints and Assumptions............................................................................................. 8
1.11 Time Schedule ..................................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................... 10
2.1 Overview of the existing system .......................................................................................... 10
2.1.1 Players in the existing system ....................................................................................... 10
2.1.2 Major functions in the existing system.......................................................................... 11
2.1.3 Business Rules .............................................................................................................. 11
2.1.4 Report Generated for the Existing System .................................................................... 15
2.1.5 Bottlenecks of the existing system ................................................................................ 15 Performance......................................................................................................... 15 Input and output ..................................................................................................... 16 Access control and security .................................................................................... 16 Efficiency ............................................................................................................ 16
2.2 Overview of the proposed system ....................................................................................... 16
2.3 Feasibility study .................................................................................................................. 17
2.3.1 Operational Feasibility .................................................................................................. 17
2.3.2 Technical feasibility ...................................................................................................... 17
2.3.3 Economical Feasibility .................................................................................................. 17
2.3.4 Political feasibility......................................................................................................... 18
2.3.5 Schedule feasibility ....................................................................................................... 18
2.3.6 Legal feasibility ............................................................................................................. 18
2.4 System Requirement Specifications ..................................................................................... 18
2.4.1 Functional requirement ................................................................................................ 19
2.4.2 Nonfunctional requirements......................................................................................... 20
2.5 Hardware and Software Requirements ................................................................................ 20
2.5.1 Hardware interface....................................................................................................... 20
2.5.2 Software Interface ........................................................................................................ 20
2.5.3 Security and access permissions ................................................................................... 21
2.6 Cost Budgeting .................................................................................................................... 21
CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................................................ 22
System Analysis and Modeling .................................................................................................. 22
3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 22
3.2 System requirement specification ....................................................................................... 23
3.3 Product function ................................................................................................................. 23
3.4 User characteristics ............................................................................................................. 23
3.5 General constraints ............................................................................................................. 24
3.5.1 Communication interface ............................................................................................. 24
3.6 Use case .............................................................................................................................. 24
3.6.1 Actors ........................................................................................................................... 26
3.6.2 Use case diagram ......................................................................................................... 26
3.6.3 Use case diagram description ....................................................................................... 27
3.7 Object Diagram ................................................................................................................... 35
3.7.1 Class Diagram ............................................................................................................... 36 Class Diagram Description..................................................................................... 37
3.8 Sequence Diagram .............................................................................................................. 39
3.9 Activity Diagram .................................................................................................................. 44
3.10 State Chart Diagram .......................................................................................................... 48
3.11 Analysis Diagram ............................................................................................................... 52
3.11.1 Sequence Diagram ...................................................................................................... 52
3.11.2 activity diagram .......................................................................................................... 53
List of Tables
List of figures
Figure 1:Iterative model .............................................................................................................. 6
Figure 2:use case diagram for complaint management system ................................................... 27
Figure 3:class diagram .............................................................................................................. 37
Figure 4:Sequence diagram for create and update account ......................................................... 40
Figure 5:View complaint information ........................................................................................ 41
Figure 6:Sequence diagram for handling grievance officer send solution to User ....................... 42
Figure 7:sequence diagram for login ......................................................................................... 43
Figure 8:sequence diagram for send feedback use case .............................................................. 43
Figure 9:sequence diagram for user complain registration use case ............................................ 44
Figure 10:Activity diagram for login ......................................................................................... 45
Figure 11:Activity diagram to manage account .......................................................................... 46
Figure 12:Activity diagram for handling Grievance officer to view notification ......................... 47
Figure 13:Activity diagram for User compliant registration ....................................................... 48
Figure 14:Activity diagram for handling grievance office send solution ..................................... 48
Figure 15:State chart diagram for our system............................................................................. 49
Figure 16: State chart diagram for Registration.......................................................................... 50
Figure 17: state chart diagram for login ..................................................................................... 51
Figure 18:Squence diagram for send complain in existing system ............................................. 52
Figure 19:sequence diagram for send complain solution in existing system ............................... 52
Figure 20:activity diagram for send complain in existing system ............................................... 53
Figure 21:activity diagram for send solution in existing system ................................................. 53
First of all, we would like to give thanks for God because helps us every success of our
proposal and analysis phase. Next to this we give thanks for our advisor Dr Raja for his
excellent advice and guidance to do the project from starting to this phase.
In addition to this we would like to give thanks for all the computer science instructors,
because they are the framework to do this project and also thanks for all our friends who
provide advice and some corrections from our error.
Acronym Description
BR………………………............Business Rule
DB ………………..................... Database
The objective of the project, automated compliant management System in case of Ambo
University which enables the grievance handling office to record complains in
organization, viewing compliant records, customers register complains easily. Automated
Complain Management System project mainly consists of different types of actors. Those
are grievance handling of organization, employees and customer.
In general term the function of this project is to manage the information of complain in
terms of fast, managing input/output and advertising.
1.1 Introduction
An academic growth can be of various concerns in academic environment to promote
social and functioning educational system. For an effective educational system to take
place there are some issues in academic environment that should properly address to, take
for instance issue of complaints management system in the university. This issue had
created a lot of problems for an academic growth in the various aspects of the educational
system. To support this approach, this project identifies a range of options that can be
used to manage and resolve Academic complaints. This includes, where the opportunity
presents itself, the need for administrator to make every effort to resolve potential or
actual academic complaints. [1]
Degree programs in the fields of Crop Production. Animal Production, Applied
Chemistry and Applied Biology. In the Meantime, the College was affiliated to Jimma
University by the name Jimma University –Ambo College.
To evaluate the existing paper-based information of complaint management
To analyze and organize compliant information in such a way that it will be used
to design the new system.
To design web based complaint registration and appeal management system.
To design and implement a database for proper implementation of the complaint
management system.
To design easy, fast and secure way for complain management.
To make backup of and restore it when necessary.
To develop communication system among members of the association with the
user of the institution.
Customer can register, view, update and send request to handling grievance
Grievance handling officers can assign complaint and give priority for complaint.
The proposed system keeps in mind the problems of the current system as stated
Complainer can send feedback and complain to the officers.
Generally, this system provides the following significances to the system users.
Is easily accessible.
Attempts to resolve complaints as close to the source as possible.
Faster decision making due to the report generation functionality.
Investigates and resolves complaints in a timely manner.
Applies principles of procedural fairness.
To give customer and students satisfaction.
Reduce resource wastage.
1.7 Methodology
The main use of methodology is to gather data and/or information about how the
complaint will be able to give complain and who the process of complain review and
decision giving mechanism. So in order to gather information the team will used the
following data gathering methodologies.
Figure 1: Iterative model
HTML: it is a client side programming markup language allows programmers to
develop Web pages.
Power Problem: - We try to use the time appropriately when the power is on. For
extra we use laptop when unfortunately, power is off.
Unfortunate failure of system: To handle this problem the teams have some
method to resist not completely but partially by using back up mechanisms using
flash disks, CD/DVD.
Virus attack: We try to scan our data and computer before we use. It is difficult
to control data from virus but try to scan the data, installing and updating antivirus
software and we use CDRW instead of flash.
Time management problem: we solve this problem by working cooperatively,
divide our time by schedule for each phase of the project and we try to use this
schedule effectively
Hard to clarify: some of their domain knowledge is hard to articulate and not clear on
Technical (skill) constraint: To complete this project there may be different technical
The team members of the project assumed some constraints may be faced and planed
counter measures to pass them this include:
Nov 08
Nov 11
Jun 20
Feb 20
Jun 10
Jun e1
Des 05
Des 16
2.1 Overview of the existing system
This project emphasizes handling complain management. The existing system of
conducting complaining process is through manual system. Due to these users of the
existing system wastes much amount of resources. Whenever a user of the University
requires service from the concerned body he/she required to submit the compliant to the
handling grievance officer. The current system is complains to written in paper and will
be submitted at the grievance handling officers. Then the managers will look after it and
then he will take care about the customer‟s problems. After that the managers will
enquire and allocate the problem to the specified person in that department. The current
system is time taking, unqualified, costly and not satisfactory since the current system not
use full computerized system for complaint purpose. Respondents spend much time to
work its own activity due to all information is transferred manually by paper-based
method and difficult to register new users, users must physically join to the offices to get
service, difficult to manage compliant. For instance, it takes time to respond the lodging a
complaint and evaluate the investigation process, jurisdiction of the complaint as well as
to announce the appeal hearing date to the responder. It takes also large numbers of paper
and even complaint may lose where and when the jurisdiction is performed. In general,
almost all activities in the system are done manually, so it has many we
introduce new system which is fully computerized. Therefore, the entities that interact
with the existing system are user of the system and have its own roles.
User: A user is a citizen who is interested to forward his/her complaint to office workers
of the university and follow the decision process.
Officer: An authorized employee of the University who solves all the complaints
received form the Users and forwards the complaints response back to the users. The
employees who perform this task are:
Human Resource Management (HRM)
Academic record directorate
Finance Directorate
College Dean
Department head
2.1.2 Major functions in the existing system
Accepting complaint: Receive the user complain through oral speech and application
Generating report: since the existing system is manual, the report is informed on the
notice board or directly by physical contact with the user.
Evaluate students based on the rules and
guide lines of the department.
Solve the student complain based on
evidence among students.
Transfer complaints to the next higher
body if he cannot solve it.
BR2 User Users must assign the complaint for the target
The customer should fill the petition form and
personal data clearly and face to the transfer
Users must follow the sequence of steps to get
solution for their complain starting from the
lowest one.
The member of the institution can get complain
more than one times, if it is necessarily
Users of the system contact with the office
workers to follow their complain procedure.
Users see the complaint decision on the notice
board or by direct physical communication
The customer must have complaint before
register the organ of the complaint/handling
grievance office.
When members or users get in to the organization
to get service they must first registered to the
BR3 Department Head Receive the user complain through oral speech
and solve the problem based on complain solving
principles. DC committee in the department head
solve the user complain and forward it to college
dean if it is beyond its capacity.
Department head should replay the decision to
Department head should write and post notice
for the customer complains
When the vacant position is announced to
external applicant on notice board on mass media
applicants record most of the time only for
consecutive 6 work days.
Manage employees of the organization dismiss
from the university if they not properly work
their task in 10 days.
They should give different information for
employee customer.
service standard.
They should get to office on time at work
Office workers should give fair decision
for complain. Performance
Due to the manual system of complaint management system the information of
about complaints is posted in the notice board by printing on paper and when they
want to update the print again in returned manually through long steps.
Searching and getting available information about complaint on notice board
takes long time for complaints. Input and output
Due to the manually inserting and printing of data it may face to error.
Loss of data on the notice board may occur by weather condition, and by some
other ugly peoples.
Inaccurate information may be produced.
Poor flow of information between the Complaints and the University. Access control and security
Due to the manual work the input data haven‟t any security and it may erase from
the notice board easily. Efficiency
2.3 Feasibility study
It is an analysis of the ability to complete a project successfully, taking into account legal,
economic, technological, scheduling and other factors. Rather than just diving into a
project and hoping for the best, a feasibility study allows project managers to investigate
the possible negative and positive outcomes of a project before investing too much time
and money.
• Error reduction
• Increased flexibility
• Increase accuracy
requirement specification this are functional and non- functional requirement. Functional
requirements are function that the system undertakes, whereas non-functional
requirement are restrictions that the system consider.
Only administrator can add, restore and back up the system and
privileged user account
Manage the whole activities users‟ information by blocking and
unblocking account of the system.
Check users message complains (request).
The concerned body able to see and decide complaints to handle.
Responds and give solution of complaints of privilege user.
Prepare report.
Assign complaints
Give priority for complaints
User to change his user profiles‟.
User can update complains.
Performance: The system is error free when the user accessing a data and the
system should be accessed by many users and should have fast response time.
User interface: The system should be user friendly. The developed system
provide web based application user interface and are compatible with browsers
like internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome.
Resources: the system is compatible with the specified hardware and software
requirement and the system should have compatible with any environment.
The complaint management system shall communicate with the Configurator to identify
all the available components to configure the product.
2.5.3 Security and access permissions
The application will only allow valid users and customers to access the system. Access to
data must be controlled, no one can log into the system without a registered user name
and password.
System Analysis and Modeling
3.1 Introduction
System analysis is the process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problems
and the information to recommended improvements on the system. System analysis is a
problem solving activity that requires intensive communication between the system users
and system developers. System analysis or study is an important phase of any system
development process. The system is studied to the minutest detail and analyzed. The
system analysis includes different activities such as gathering data, identifying system
requirement, prioritize system requirement and recommendation and evaluation of the
system. The system analyst plays the role of the interrogator and dwells deep into the
working of the present system. The system is viewed as a whole and the input to the
system are identified. The outputs from the organizations are traced to the various
requirement. There are different system analysis approaches, but we prefer to use object
oriented approach.
The system should enable the officer give priority to the officer.
The proposed system can reduce the cost of the organization by considering the number
of users in the campus. The users can send complain in a few minutes which is in the
time not more than three minutes
Every user should be:
Comfortable with Internet Browser.
He must have brief knowledge of complaint system.
He must also have knowledge of using computer or mobile too.
Provide a general description of any other items that limit our options. These can include:
user, another system, the system‟s physical environment). The identification of actors and
use cases results in the definition of the boundary of the system that is, in differentiating
the tasks accomplished by the system and the tasks accomplished by its environment. The
actors are outside the boundary of the system, whereas the use cases are inside the
boundary of the system. Use case is a list of steps, typically defining interaction between
a role of actor and a system to achieve a goal. It made up of a set of possible sequence of
interaction between system and users [4].
Register complain
Modify complain
View notification
View complain
Assign complain
Create account
Send complain
Manage account
Add user
Send decision
Send feedback
3.6.1 Actors
Actors are individuals involved with the system defined according to their roles, and
represented by strike.
System administrator
SQL agent
Department head
Human resource management officer
Collage dean
President officer
Finance Directorate
Figure 2:use case diagram for complaint management system
Precondition The actors involved to login must already registered and have a
valid user name and password.
Basic flow of event User event System response
1. The user opens the main 2. The system displays the main
home page home page
3. The user inputs user name 4. The system validate the
and password and submit account and display the user
system response require information
5. Use case ends.
Alternative flow of event A login name or password is invalid
A 4. The system displays invalid user name or
password message
A 5. The user re enters the user name and
A 6. The use case continues from step 3
actors may Change password
Post condition User is authenticated and taken to his/her own user interface
Table 4: Use case Description for login
Use case Id
Use case name Complain Register
Participatory actor User
Description The user can register complain to handling grievance offices
Precondition There should be fill available information on the complaint
registration page
Basic flow of event User event System response
1. The user registers complaint page 2. The System displays
3. The user fills the Necessary the register complain
information and Submit the forms. information Page.
4. The System displays a
success message
5. Use Case Ends
Alternative flow of event If the submitted form is not filled completely or invalid.
The system displays “unsuccessful” message
The user fills the missing information and corrects invalid inputs the
use case continues login page
Post condition The system can register complain information
Table 5:Use case Description for register complain
Alternative flow of event A: If the submitted form is not filled completely or invalid.
A4. The system displays “unsuccessful” message
A5. The actor fills the missing information and corrects
invalid inputs
A6. The use case continues from step 4
Post condition updating their account in the system
Table 6:Use case Description for manage account
Precondition Actors registered complain first.
Post condition User and organ of the complaint put the content of the question in
the available input box.
Basic flow of event 1.The handling grievance office opens the home page.
2. click on send menu
3. Fill the information on the label.
4. Click at send button
Post condition Send their resolution to the owner of the complaint.
Use case id UC6
Use case name Send feedback
Participatory actor User/complainer
Description This actor‟s send feedback to the handling grievance office
Precondition The listed actors interact (open) with the home page of the system
Basic flow of event 1. The listed actor opens the home page.
2. click on feedback menu
3. Fill the information on the label.
4. Click at send button.
Alternative flow of event If there is no feedback the system displays no feedback is posted
post condition The listed actors send important feed backs to the handling
grievance office
Table 9: Use case Description for send feedback
Use case id UC8
Use case name Add user
Participating Actors Administrator
Description The administrator adds user name and password to database to create
new user.
Alternative flow of event 1. The system displays error message if required fields missed or the
newly created account name already exist in database or if the
password does not match with conformation password or if the
worker has already account.
2. Go to step 3.
cases to the right person or group.
Precondition The listed actors interact (open) with the home page of the system
Basic flow of event 1. The handling grievance officers open the home page.
2. click on assign complain menu
3. Fill the information on the label.
4. Click at assign complain button
Alternative flow of 1. The system displays error message if required information missed
event or the newly complain priority is already given.
2. Go to step 3.
Post condition The system displays the complaint priority is already given
Participating Actors Department head, Human resource management officer, Collage dean,
and Finance Directorate, president officer
Description This use case describes the event of creating a report based on the
information collected by the system.
Pre-condition The administrator is logged on
Basic flow of event 1. The use case activated when the administrator selects
2. The system displays “View Report Page”.
3. The user enters report criteria from drop down menu.
4. The system generates report based on the criteria.
Exit Condition Report from database is generated and the user view or print the
Table 14: Use Case Description for generate report
and confirmation of new password.
3. The user enters the user name, old and new password and submits to
the system. (…. A1)
4. System does the authentication. 5. The system displays an
Class diagram is unified modeling language (UML) is a type of static structure diagram
that describe the structure of the system that showing:
Their attribute
Operation (or method‟s)
And the relationship among the class
Figure 3: class diagram
Phone VarChar(50) Phone number of the complainer
Status VarChar(50) Status of the complainer
Methods: sendComplaint(),viewNotification(),sendFeedback(),recieveDecision()
SendComplaint(): used to send the complaints.
viewNotification() : used to view the available notifications.
sendFeedback():used to send feedback.
recieveDecision () used to receive the decisions sent by the officers.
Table 17:class diagram description of attribute complainer/user
No Field name Data type Description
1 ID VarChar(50) Identification of the feedback
2 Type VarChar(50) Type of the feedback
3 Date VarChar(50) The date in which the feedback is
sent or replayed
Send():used to send feedback by the complainer
Table 20:class diagram description of attribute feedback
Sequence Diagrams are also used primarily to design, document and validate the
architecture and interfaces of the system by describing the sequence of actions that need
to be performed to complete a task or scenario [2].
Figure 5:View complaint information
Figure 6:Sequence diagram for handling grievance officer send solution to User
Figure 7:sequence diagram for login
Figure 9:sequence diagram for user complain registration use case
Figure 10:Activity diagram for login
Figure 11:Activity diagram to manage account
Figure 12:Activity diagram for handling Grievance officer to view notification
Figure 13:Activity diagram for User compliant registration
Figure 15:State chart diagram for our system
Figure 16: State chart diagram for Registration
Figure 17: state chart diagram for login
3.11 Analysis Diagram
3.11.1 Sequence Diagram
3.11.2 activity diagram
3.11 Reference
[3] (
[4](Amrute, Ajinkya, "Cloud Based Complaint Management Service" (2020). Master's Pr
ojects. Paper 298.)