Offline Reviewer Modules
Offline Reviewer Modules
Offline Reviewer Modules
Kaingin is a farming method in a portion of the
forest land which is subject to slash-and-burn cultivation
LAW ON NATURAL RESOURCES AND OTHER having little or no provision to prevent soil erosion.
13. Forest Land
Forest Land is a type of land under the constitution
which is beyond the commerce of man and may not be
alienated or disposed. It includes public forest, permanent
forest and forest reservations.
14. Laches
Laches is based on the maxim that "equity aids the
1. Government Lands vigilant and not those who slumber on their rights." It is a
Government lands are lands owned by the failure or neglect for an unreasonable time to assert a right,
government which may be classified into (a) lands of public warranting a presumption that the party entitled thereto has
domain, either alienable or inalienable, or (b) lands of private either abandoned on declined it.
15. Financial or Technical Assistance or Agreement
2. Public Lands A Financial or Technical Assistance Agreement is
Public land is a subset of government land which a contract involving financial or technical assistance for large-
are lands intended for public use. It. scale exploration, development, and utilization of natural
resources, in which the collection of government share shall
3. Doctrine of Primary Jurisdiction commence after the contractor has fully recovered its pre-
Doctrine of Primary Jurisdiction – the courts will operating expenses. In case of FTAA, any legally-organized
not resolve controversy involving question which is within foreign-owned corporation is deemed a “qualified person.”
the jurisdiction of an administrative tribunal especially where
the question demands the knowledge, experience and 16. Ore Transport Permit
services of administrative tribunal to determine technical and Ore Transport Permit is a permit specifying the
intricate matter of fact. origin and quantity of non-processed mineral ores from mine
site to warehouse.
4. Homestead Settlement
Homestead Settlement is a mode of disposition of 17. Exploration Permit
land by which a qualified beneficiary is granted with a portion Exploration permit grants a qualified person the
of land of public domain in exchange of cultivation efforts. right to conduct exploration for all minerals in specified area.
III. LEASE Does res judicata operates against third party with a better right?
What are the qualification for Lease? Res judicata will not operate against a third party who
A. Filipino Citizen appears with a better right and title to the property. It does not
1. Not to exceed 500 hectares operate as a bar to the proceedings for registration instituted on
2. 1/3 of the land must be cultivated within 5 years. the grounds of new evidence.
B. Corporation Res Judicata, a Brocard, is a basic principle of law which
1. 60% Filipino-owned provides that a matter judged by a competent court may not be
2. Period of lease: not to 25 years, renewable for not more pursued by the same party. The requisites of Res Judicata are:
than 25 years. 1. The former judgment must be final
3. Not to exceed 1,000 hectares 2. Judgment must be on the merits of the case
4. 1/3 of the land must be cultivated within 5 years. 3. The former decision is rendered by the court having
jurisdiction over the subject.
Conditions of Lease of public land: 4. There is similar identity of parties, subject matter and
. Lessee construct permanent improvement of the land cause of action for both cases.
. At the expiration of the lease, all improvement shall become
government’s property What are the non-registrable properties?
1. Property of public dominion
Limitations regarding Alienable land of Public Domain 2. Forest lands
Limitations on area 3. Watersheds
Lease* Sale 4. Mangrove swamps
Private Corp. 1,000 hectares n/a 5. Mineral lands
6. National parks
12 hectares (thru
7. Military or naval reservations
Filipino Citizen 500 hectares purchase, homestead or
8. Foreshore lands or reclaimed areas
9. Submerged areas
*Lease period cannot exceed 25 years, renewable for not more
10. Lakes
than 25 years
11. Navigable Rivers
12. Creeks
X filed a lease to a foreshore land. Subsequently, it was converted
13. Reservations for public and semi-public purposes
into a commercial or industrial land prior to the approval of the
lease. Will the application be terminated?
What is Torrens System?
NO. The application of the lease will not be
Torrens System is a system of land titling in which
terminated. The subsequent classification of foreshore land
register of land holding guarantees an indefeasible title to those
into commercial or industrial land shall not result in the
included in the register. Upon expiration of one year from its
revocation of the lease, since the said land was a foreshore land
issuance, the certificate of title shall become indefeasible.
at the time the application was filed.
May an applicant transfer/convey/encumber his rights to the land
and improvements of the homestead?
A. Judicial legalization YES. An applicant may transfer his rights to the land and
Applicable to the following citizens occupying lands of improvements to any person legally qualified, provided:
public domain or claiming to own any such lands or interest
1. Such conveyance does not affect any right or interest of the
therein but whose titles have not been perfected or completed.
(Under RTC’s jurisdiction) 2. The transferee is not delinquent
3. There is a prior approval Secretary of DENR
Requisites for judicial legislation:
Failure to meet any of the above requirement will make
1. Applicant must be Filipino Citizen
the transfer NULL and VOID. Additionally, any person who
2. By themselves or through their predecessor in interest,
transfer his rights may not again apply for a new homestead.
possessed and occupied A&D agricultural portion of public
A, under adverse possession of 30 years, claims ownership of a
3. OCENPO since June 12, 1945 under a bona fide ownership
parcel of land. The land was only classified as A&D on his 25th
4. Must be filed in proper court
year of occupation in the land. Does A have vested right in the
land? (Malabanan v. Republic)
B. Administrative legalization (Free Patents)
YES. A have vested right in the land and may apply for
What are the qualification for administrative legalization?
judicial legislation of imperfect title. The law provides that
1. Any natural-born citizen of the Philippines
there must be an OCENPO of at least 30 years under a bona fide
2. Not the owner of more than 12 hectares
ownership. It is not necessary that the land first be classified as
3. Has continuously occupied and cultivated either by himself
alienable and disposable at the time claim of ownership could
and or his predecessor in interest
start. The law merely requires that the property must be
4. Subject land must be an agricultural land
alienable and disposable at the time the application is filed.
5. Real estate tax must be paid
6. Land not occupied by any other person
If the land under adverse possession is a forest land, will your
7. Prescriptive period of 30 years, under a bona fide claim of
answer be the same?
NO. Occupation in a forest land in the concept of
8. FP to be granted not to exceed 12hectares
owner, no matter how long, cannot ripen into ownership and
be registered as a title. It is expressly stated in the constitution
What is the effect of compliance with legal requirements of a
that alienable lands of the public domain shall be limited to
agricultural lands. Since the land occupied by A is a forest land,
Even without a patent, he acquires vested right and is to
therefore, he cannot have vested right over the property.
be regarded as equitable owner thereof, unaffected by the fact that
the paramount title to the land is still in the government. Such land
Supposing that A sold the land to ABC Corporation without yet The transaction when a homesteader sold a portion
securing a title to the land after 30years of adverse possession, of a homestead on an understanding that actual conveyance
may ABC Corp validly register the land to the corporation’s will take effect after the 5-year prohibitory period is null and
name? void because the law does not distinguish between executory
ABC Corporation may validly register the land in the and consummated sales.
Corporation’s name. The confirmation of imperfect and
incomplete title has the following basic requisites: (1) RIGHT TO REPURCHASE
Applicant must be Filipino Citizen; (2) Registration must be . Period to repurchase within 5 years from the subsequent
made by themselves or through their predecessor in interest, transfer/ sale.
possessed and occupied A&D agricultural portion of public . Right to repurchase can be exercised even in the absence of
domain; (3) OCENPO since June 12, 1945, or at least 30 years any stipulation in the deed of sale
under a bona fide ownership; and (4) It must be filed in proper . Right to repurchase cannot be waived.
court. In short, a corporation may only validly own a land once
that it is already a private land. FRAUD
In the case at bar, the only way that a corporation Actual or Constructive
acquire ownership over land of public domain is through 1. Actual/ Positive Fraud – Intentional deception by
adverse possession of a predecessor in interest. misrepresentation of material fact
Although the land was not titled yet, A acquires vested 2. Constructive Fraud – Construed as fraud because of its
right and is to be regarded as equitable owner thereof. Such detrimental effect upon public interest and private/public
land may be conveyed or sold. confidence, even though the act is not designed to commit
Since A validly acquire the right to the land by meeting fraud or injury
the requisites mentioned above, hence, it is already converted Extrinsic or Intrinsic
into a private land, thus, he may convey the land validly to ABC 1. Extrinsic – Employed to deprive parties of their day in court;
Corporation. preventing them to assert their right to their property
2. Intrinsic – Fraudulent acts pertaining to an issue involved in
Differentiate direct attack v. collateral attack in land registration the original action, or when acts constituting the fraud could
proceeding. have been litigated therein
Collateral attack means that the ownership of the land
is not the main cause of action of the case, hence, it may be filed to . Court will deny relief if fraud is constitute in the
MTC. Direct attack, on the other hand, means that the ownership presentation of the trial
is the main cause of action of the land sought to be registered. . If the owner of an uncultivated land allowed a bona fide
Hence, RTC acquires proper jurisdiction over the case. grantee to till/improve the land, the owner lose all rights to
the parts of the land
What is Special Patent?
Special Patent is a grant by law of a property in favor of Differentiate Action for Nullity v. Reversion
a government agency pursuant to a special law, proclamation and Action for Nullity Reversion
special order. It is a proclamation from the president that titles a Initiated by Private individual The Gov’t thru SolGen
land in favor of a school, university or other government entity for Party-In- Plaintiff & Respondent The State
special/specific purpose. Interest have at least two titles
*The difference lies in the allegations as to the character of ownership
of the realty whose title is sought to be nullified.
Differentiate a patent v. registration
Pertinent Would require plaintiff’s Would admit state
A patent or a grant only operates between the grantor allegation ownership prior to the ownership of the land.
(Government) and the grantee (beneficiary), while the act of issuance of patent and
registration conveys or affects the transfer of land and binds third title vis-à-vis the
parties. defendant’s document of
A public land patent, when registered in the registry of title.
deeds, is a veritable Torrens Title, and becomes indefeasible upon Nature of Claims of ownership of Claims of ownership of
the expiration of 1 year from the date of its issuance. property the land as private the land as public
property property
What are friar lands?
Friar lands are lands purchased by the government When is Reversion improper?
from religious corporations for sale to actual occupants. These No. Scenario Rationale
1 At the time of the issuance, The government is not the real
friar lands are not public lands but private or patrimonial property
it is no longer a public party-in-interest, since the
of the government. property property is already PRIVATE.
Here, the court may direct the
May the government be barred by prescription by laches? defendant to RECONVEY the
NO. The government is not barred by prescription by parcel of land to the true owner.
laches if the State is the real party in interest to assert its own 2 Though the title was Fraudulent title may be a root of
rights. obtained by fraud, it was a valid title in the name of an
already sold to an innocent buyer-for-value and in
PROHIBITED ALIENATIONS innocent buyer for value good faith
and in good faith who are
holding a torrens title
Why is there a prohibition?
The prohibition has the avowed purpose of giving the
homesteader or patentee every chance to preserve for himself
and his family the land that the State had gratuitously given him
as a reward for his labor in cleaning and cultivating it.
PD 706: Revised Forestry Code 1. Cutting, gathering, collecting and removing timber
or other forest products from any forest land, or
Distinguish Forest v. Forest Land timber from alienable or disposable public and, or
Forest is a large track of land covered with a natural from private land without any authority; and
growth of trees and underbrush. On the other hand, forest land is 2. Mere possession of timber or other forest products
a classification of land under the Constitution that is part of public without the legal documents required under existing
domain which is beyond the commerce of man and may not be forest laws and regulations.
alienated or disposed.
The former is a description of what the land appears, and . In the second offense, it is immaterial whether the
the latter is a legal classification for legal purposes. However, it method of gathering the timber is legal or not. Mere
must be stresses that legal nature or status does not have to be possession of the forest product without the proper
descriptive of what the land actually looks like. Therefore, a land document is a prima facie evidence of the crime.
may be urbanized, yet still classified as forest land. . Violation of Section 68 is an offense equivalent to
Qualified Theft (Articles 309 and 310 of RPC). It is
What are the three (3) types of Forest? not qualified theft per se, but imposes only a penalty
1. Public Forest – a mass of land of public domain which has not equivalent to that of qualified theft.
been a subject of the present system of classification. . The elements of the crime of qualified theft of logs
2. Permanent Forest/ Forest Reserves – lands of public are: (1) that the accused cut, gathered, collected or
domain which have been subject of the present system of removed timber or other forest products; (2) that
classification and determined to be needed for forest the timber or other forest products belong to the
purposes government or to any other private individual; and
3. Forest Reservation – Forest lands which have been reserved (3) that the cutting, gathering, collecting or
by the President of the Philippines for any specific purpose. removing was without authority granted by the
Differentiate Watershed, watershed reservation and critical . Illegal Forest Products – Any forest products that
watershed are removed, cut, collected, processed and/or
. Watershed is a land area drained by a stream or fixed body transported: (a) without the requisite,
of water and its tributaries having a common outlet for authorization or permit; or (b) with incomplete
surface run-off. supporting documents; (c) with genuine
. Watershed Reservation is a forest land reservation authorizations or permits and/or supporting
established to protect or improve the conditions of the water documentation that have an expired validity, have
yield thereof or reduce sedimentation. been cancelled or that contain forged entries; or (d)
. Critical Watershed is a drainage area of a river supporting with spurious (fake) authorizations, permits and/or
existing and proposed hydro-electric power and irrigation supporting documents.
works needing immediate rehabilitation as it is being . This offense is considered as Mala Prohibita.
subjected to a fast denudation causing accelerated erosion Characteristics of Mala Prohibita are: (1) it is
and destructive floods. prohibited by a special law; (2) Commission of the
prohibited act is a crime itself; (3) Good faith is not
Notes: a defense; and (4) intent is immaterial.
. Legality of closure of logging road is a justiciable question . Any timber/forest product, as well as the
. Regalian Doctrine provides that all lands of public domain, machineries, equipment and tools illegally used in
including Forest lands, belong to the state and are not the area where the timber or forest products are
alienable and disposable. Hence, any title issued on such non- found, shall be confiscated in favor of the
disposable lands, even if it is in the hands of a purchaser in government.
good faith and for value shall be CANCELLED. . Reward to informant shall be 20% of the proceeds
of confiscated forest products
International Hardwood & Veneer Co. v. UP . Mustang Lumber, Inc. v. CA: Lumber is a processed
GR 521518, Aug. 13, 1991 log or timber. The legislative intent is to include
mere possession of lumber without legal documents
Issue: Does UP have the authority to collect forest charges to punishable under Section68 of Revised Forestry
supervise the operation of the petitioner of a previously Code.
reclassified forest land? . A forest officer or employee may arrest without
Yes. Even though the operation of the petitioner in the warrant any person who has committed, or is
land began when the land is still a forest land, it completely committing in his presence any of the offense
removed the said land from public domain thru the Presidential defined in the code.
Proclamation, hence, made UP the absolute owner of the . If an officer arrests an alleged perpetrator without a
property. Therefore, UP have the authority to collect forest warrant, and without violating any offense in the
charges to the petitioner. However, the right of the existing code in his presence, the officer shall be investigated
concessions in the land must be respected, even though it is no administratively.
longer a forest land, until concession expires. . Forest products and other items seized and
confiscated upon authority of the DENR Secretary is
Preservation and protection of forest lawfully taken by virtue of legal process and is
. Ramos v. Director of Lands: “The prodigality of the spendthrift deemed to be in custodia legis, therefore, beyond
who squanders his substance for the pleasure of the fleeting reach of replevin.
moment must be restrained for the less spectacular but surer . Appeal: Forest Management Bureau DENR
policy.” Secretary President; Courts cannot review the
. A license is not a contract, property or right protected by due decisions of the DENR Secretary except through
process clause of the constitution. It does not create an special civil action for certiorari or prohibition.
irrevocable right. It can be withdrawn or cancelled in the . A suit against public officers acting within the scope
exercise of the police power of the state whenever dictated by of their authority is a suit against the state and
public interest or public welfare. cannot prosper without its consent.
. No forest land 50% in slope or over may be utilized for
pasture purposes. II. Pasturing livestock
. Wildlife may be destroyed, killed, consumed, eaten or III. Illegal occupation of national parks system and
otherwise disposed of, without necessity of permit, for the recreation areas and vandalism therein
protection of life, health, safety and property, and the IV. Survey by unauthorized persons
convenience of the people. V. Misclassification and survey by government official or
Criminal offenses and penalties
I. Section 68 of PD 705
RA 7942: Philippine Mining Act of 1995 without the permission from the State, because the right to
possess or own the surface ground is separate and distinct
Constitutional Basis: from the mineral land over the same land.
Section 2, Article XII of 1987 Constitution
. Even though location of a mining claim has been perfected, it
. All lands of the public domain, xxx and other natural does not bar the government’s exercise of its power of
resources are owned by the State. With the exception of eminent domain.
agricultural lands, all other natural resources shall not be
alienated. . The right of eminent domain covers all forms of private
property, tangible or intangible, and includes rights which are
. The exploration, development, and utilization of natural attached to the land.
resources shall be under the full control and supervision of
the State. . All projects relating to EDUC of natural resources are projects
of the state, thus, the projects nevertheless remain as state
. The State may directly undertake such activities, or it may projects and can never be purely private endeavors.
enter into co-production, joint venture, or production-
sharing agreements with Filipino citizens, or corporations or Section 5: Mineral Reservations. When national interest so
associations at least sixty per centum of whose capital is requires xxx, the President may establish mineral
owned by such citizens. Such agreements may be for a period reservations upon the recommendation of the Director
not exceeding twenty-five years, renewable for not more than through the Secretary. xxx
twenty-five years, and under such terms and conditions as
may be provided by law. xxx . This section empowers the president to enter into mineral
agreements with contractor if the national interest so
. The President may enter into agreements with foreign- requires.
owned corporations involving either technical or financial
assistance for large-scale exploration, development, and . Hence, it is beyond the power of the DENR Secretary to
utilization of minerals, petroleum, and other mineral oils withdraw lands from forest reserves and to declare the same
according to the general terms and conditions provided by as an area open for mining operations.
law, based on real contributions to the economic growth and
general welfare of the country. In such agreements, the State Classification of minerals
shall promote the development and use of local scientific and No. Group Mineral
technical resources. xxx 1 First Group Metals or metalliferous ores
2 Second Group Precious stones
Four (4) modes of Exploration, Development and Utilization 3 Third Group Fuels
of Natural Resources (Shall be under the full control and 4 Fourth Group Saline and mineral waters
supervision of the State) Building stone in place, clays,
5 Fifth Group
fertilizers and other non-metals
I. The state may directly undertake such activities
Definition of terms:
II. The state may enter into co-production, joint venture and Exploration – searching or prospecting for mineral resources by
production sharing arrangement with surveys, remote testing, etc. for the purpose of the existence,
a. Filipino citizen extent, quantity, quality and feasibility of mining them for profit.
b. Corporation or association at least 60% of whose capital
is owned by such citizen. Development – work undertaken to explore and prepare on ore
. It should not exceed 25 years, renewable for not body or a mineral deposit for mining, including the construction of
more than 25 years necessary infrastructure and related facilities.
III. Congress may, by law, authorize small-scale utilization of Utilization – extraction or disposition of minerals
natural resources by Filipino citizen; (Congress may also
authorize cooperative fish farming, with priority to Foreign owned corporation – Any juridical entity with less than
subsistence fishermen and fish- workers in rivers, lakes, bays, 50% Filipino-owned capital
and lagoons.)
Qualified Person – any citizen of the Philippines with capacity to
IV. The President may enter into agreements with foreign- contract, or a juridical entity with technical and financial capability
owned corporations involving either technical or financial to undertake mineral resources development with at least 60%
assistance for large-scale EDU of minerals, petroleum, and Filipino ownership
other mineral oils 1. Individual
. It should be based on real contributions to the economic a. Must be a Filipino Citizen
growth and general welfare of the country b. Of legal age
. In such agreements, the State shall promote the c. With capacity to contract
development and use of local scientific and technical 2. Juridical entity (corporation, partnership, cooperation or
resources. cooperative)
. The President shall notify the Congress of every contract a. Must be organized or authorized for the
entered under this provision, within 30 days from its purpose of engaging in mining
execution. b. Duly registered in accordance with law
. Management and service contracts are not allowed c. 60% Filipino ownership
under this rule
. Large-scale EDU pertains to area covered and not the Abandonment is the actual relinquishment of right; giving-up
amount of investment. absolutely with intent never again to resume or claim one’s right
or interest.
Section 4: Ownership of Mineral Resources. Mineral resources
are owned by the State, and the exploration, development, 2 elements of abandonment:
utilization and processing thereof shall be under its full 1. INTENT to abandon a right or claim
control and supervision. The State may directly undertake 2. EXTERNAL ACT by which intention is expressed and carried
such activities or it may enter mineral agreements with out to that effect.
. Mineral resources are BEYOND the commerce of man. Thus,
. Thus, if a person is the owner of an agricultural land in which they cannot be subject of patent.
minerals are discovered, his ownership of such land does not
give him the right to extract or utilize the said minerals
Section 19: Areas Closed to Mining Operations. . Yes. The State may secure the aid of a foreign company.
1. In military and other government reservations The spirit of the law provides that although all minerals
2. Near or under public or private buildings, cemeteries, are owned by the State, given the inadequacy of Filipino
archeological and historical sites, etc. capital, it may secure the help of foreign corporation,
3. In areas covered by valid and existing mining rights PROVIDED that the State maintain its right of FULL
4. In areas prohibited by law CONTROL.
5. In areas covered by small-scale miners
6. Old growth or virgin forests, proclaimed watersheds, Are the agreements stated in the Constitution limited to only
forest reserves, etc. and in areas prohibited under NIPAS MPSA, JVA and CPA or FTAA?
. Upon close reading of the Constitution, there is no express
. In general, these areas are closed to mining operations except prohibition that restricts other agreements besides MPSA,
upon prior written clearance by government agency having JVA and CPA or FTAA. The phrase “the state may directly
jurisdiction over such reservation. undertake such activities, or it may enter into CPA, JV or
MPSA” and “either financial or technical assistance” DOES
. A mining license is a mere privilege and does not vest NOT restrict nor intend to exclude other modes of
absolute rights in the holder. Thus, it may be revoked by the assistance.
state if public interest so requires. . If the intent of the constitution is to confine the
agreements, it would have restrict it otherwise.
. Although BMG is vested with quasi-judicial power, it cannot
take cognizance of determining the validity of contract, since Discuss degree of control
it remains a judicial function and involves a judicial question. . The Constitution provides that the state must have FULL
control and supervision of the agreements, but full control
. Findings of fact made by quasi-administrative body must be and ownership does not mean control and supervision of
respected as long as they are supported by substantial EVERYTHING. Degree of control must only be sufficient to
evidence. The administrative decision in matters within the enable the state to regulate the extractive enterprise.
exclusive jurisdiction can only be set aside on proof of gross
abuse of discretion, fraud or error of law.
Quarry Resources
Examples of permits issued under Philippine Mining Act 1. Quarry permit
1. Exploration Permit – grants the right to conduct exploration 2. Sand and gravel permit
for all minerals in a specified area. 3. Gratuitous permit
4. Guano permit
Initial term of exploration 5. Gemstone gathering permit
2 years
Renewable Permit Section 76: Entry into Private Lands and Concession Areas.
Non-metallic 4 years Subject to prior notification, holders of mining rights shall not
Metallic 6 years be prevented from entry into private lands and concessions
Extension* Not to exceed 2years by surface owners xxx upon payment of just compensation
xxx and any damaged done shall be properly & justly
. *In case exploration permit expires prior to the approval compensated.
of the declaration of mining feasibility, the permit shall
be deemed automatically extended until such time FTAA . Easement of Right of Way – ownership will not vest to the
application is approved. owner of the mining area. They merely uses the area
temporarily for the purposes of more convenient mining
. Exploration permit may be transferred or assigned to a operations, in exchange of just compensation.
qualified person subject to prior approval of the
Secretary. . Holders of mining right may invoke power of eminent
. Assignment or transfer of right and obligation of any
mineral agreement except FTAA is deemed . Under Regalia Doctrine, minerals found in one’s land belong
automatically approved if not acted upon by the to the State and not to a private landowner. Nonetheless, a
Secretary within 30working days from OR date, unless condition sine qua non is that prospecting, exploration,
patently illegal. discovery and location must be done in accordance with
the law. Omission or failure to comply with the condition
2. Ore Transport Permit (OTP) – permit specifying the origin precedent means that its claim for surface rights and right of
and quantity of non-processed mineral ores from mine site to way will not mature, hence, it would be to countenance illegal
warehouse. trespass into private property.
. The absence of permit shall be considered as prima facie
evidence of illegal mining. Section 9, Article III of 1987 Constitution: Private property shall
. OTP is not required for ore samples not exceeding 2 not be taken for public use without just compensation.
metric tons to be used exclusively for assay and pilot test
purposes Issue: WoN taking under power of eminent domain for mining
is for public use.
3. Mineral/Ore Export Permit (MOEP) - permit specifying the
origin and quantity of non-processed mineral ores from Held: Yes. Mining is for public use, since mining is an industry
warehouse to ship. which is for public benefit. Hence, eminent domain may be
La Bugal B’laan Tribal Association v. Ramos
Types of mining disputes
May a foreign corporation hold exploration permit? 1. Rights to mining area (any adverse claim, protest, or
. Yes. A foreign corporation may hold exploration permit. opposition to an application for a mineral agreement)
This is NOT unconstitutional because in fact, there is no 2. Mineral agreements, FTAAs or permit
express prohibition in the constitution prohibiting 3. surface owners, occupants and claim holders/
foreign/local contractors to hold exploration permits. concessionaires; and
. The right to conduct exploration is not tantamount to an 4. disputes pending before the Bureau at the date of
authorization to extract or carry off mineral resources that effectivity of Phil. Mining Act
may be discovered
Appeal 4. Destruction of mining structure
5. Mines arson
Panel Arbitrators 6. Willful damage to a mine
Composed of 3 members: 2 lawyers and 7. Illegal obstruction to permittes or contractors
1 licensed mining engineer in regional office 8. Violations of the terms of ECC
9. Obstruction of government officials
Mines Adjudication Board (MAB) 10. Other violations
Composed of 3 members: DENR Secretary,
Director of MGB and USec for Operations
Court of Appeals
No. The action will not prosper. Panel arbitrators has exclusive
and original jurisdiction over the following disputes: (1) Those
involving rights to mining area; (2) those involving mineral
agreements or permit (3) those involving surface owners,
occupants and claim holders/ concessionaires; and (4) those
pending before the Bureau at the date of effectivity of Phil.
Mining Act.
Penal Provisions
1. False statement
2. Illegal exploration
3. Theft of minerals
. Elements of theft of minerals
i. The accused extracted, removed and/or
disposed the minerals
ii. These minerals belong to the government or to
other person
iii. The accused did not possess the required
permits or documents from DENR
. In crimes punished by special laws, the act
alone, irrespective of the motive,
constitutes the offense
RA 8550: Philippine Fisheries Code Differentiate marginal v. subsistence fishermen:
. Marginal fishermen – an individual engaged in fishing
Philippine water whose margin or return is barely sufficient to yield a
1. All waters within the Philippine Territory profit.
2. Waters around, between an connecting the islands of the . Subsistence fishermen – catch yields but irreducible
archipelago, regardless of its breadth and dimension minimum for his livelihood.
3. The territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the insular shelves
and all other waters over which the Philippines has National Mapping & Resource Information Authority
sovereignty or jurisdiction (NAMRIA) – repository of all maps in the Philippines.
4. 200n.m. EEZ and the continental shelf.
Obligations of the coastal state
Section 2, Article XII of 1987 Constitution: 1. Ensure measures that the living resources are not subject to
“The state shall protect the nation’s marine wealth over-exploitation
and its archipelagic water, territorial sea, and exclusive 2. Promote optimum utilization of living resources
economic zone, and reserve its use and enjoyment exclusive for
Filipino Citizen.” 2 kinds of fishing:
1. Municipal fishing – 3 gross tons or less
In other words, Filipino subsistence or marginal 2. Commercial fishing
fishermen shall have “preferential right” over use and a. Small scale (3.1 to 20 GT)
exploitation of fishery and aquatic resources. b. Medium scale (20.1 to 150 GT)
c. Large scale (more than 150 GT)
However, in Tano v. Socrates, the “preferential right”
of the subsistence/marginal fishermen is NOT ABSOLUTE, Limit of fishponds:
since in accordance with the Regalian Doctrine, EDU of 1. 50 hectares – individual
natural resources shall be under full control and supervision of 2. 250 hectares – corporation
the state.
any right to subsistence fishermen but to lay stress on duty of SECURING A LICENSE FROM DEPARTMENT OF
the state to protect the nation’s wealth. AGRICULTURE.
What is NIPAS? What are the aims of the Coal Development Act?
National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS)
is a system of classification and administration of designated Coal Development Act of 1976 aims to:
protected areas xxx to preserve genetic diversity. 1. promote an accelerated exploration, development,
exploitation, production and utilization of coal,
What are the protected areas? 2. encourage the participation of private sector with
1. Strict natural reserve sufficient capital, technical and managerial resources in
2. Natural park the exploitation and production of coal resources, and
3. Natural monument 3. upgrade the technical and financial capabilities of coal
4. Wildlife Sanctuary industry.
5. Protected landscape and seascape
6. Resource reserve . Jurisdiction over coal development act shall be under
7. Natural biotic areas Department of Energy (DOE).
8. Other categories established by law
. DOE shall not accept any application or proposal for contracts
PICOP v. Base Minerals Corp. except during competitive public contracting rounds/bids.
. There must be a classification that an area is considered as
“protected area.” . Blocking system: each coal region shall be divided into
. Without proclamation/classification pursuant to law, meridional blocks or quadrangles containing 1,000 hectares
prohibition of mineral location will not be operational. or less.
Prohibited acts under NIPAS . No person shall be entitled to more than 15 blocks of coal
lands in any coal region.
1. Hunting, destroying, disturbing, or mere possession of any
plants or animals or products derived therefrom without a . Exploration period under every coal operating contract shall
permit from the Management Board; be for 2 years. It may be extended for another 2 years.
2. Dumping of any waste products detriment to the protected . All materials, equipment, plants and other installations
area, or to the plants and animals or inhabitants therein; movable in nature shall be properties of DOE if not removed
within 1 year after the termination of coal operating contract
3. Use of any motorized equipment without a permit from the
Management Board; EMINENT DOMAIN
. Power of eminent domain may be invoked and exercised for
4. Mutilating, defacing or destroying objects of natural beauty, the entry, acquisition and use of private lands for purposes of
or objects of interest to cultural communities (of scenic coal exploration, development and exploitation, upon prior
value); written notice to the surface owner.
PD 1586: . Once a project is implemented, the ECC remains valid and active
Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System for the lifetime of the project
. The ECC automatically expires if a project has not been
Principle of Sustainable Development - rational and orderly implemented within five (5) years from ECC issuance, or if the
balance between economic growth and environmental protection ECC was not requested for extension within three (3) months
from the expiration of its validity.
What is PEISS?
Deciding Authority Appeal
PD 1586 otherwise known as Philippine Environmental EMB Regional Office Director EMB Central Office Director
Impact Statement Systems (1978) requires all instrumentalities of EMB Central Office Director DENR Secretary
the government and private entities to prepare an Environmental DENR Secretary Office of the President
Impact System (EIS) for every proposed Environmentally Critical
Projects (ECP), or projects located in an Environmentally Critical Area Paje, Secretary of DENR v. Casiño
(ECA), for every proposed project and undertaking which significantly
affect the quality of the environment and to justify why the project Is ECC a permit or license?
should be implemented.
No. ECC is not a permit. A “license” has been defined as “a
ECC v. CNC governmental permission to perform a particular act (such as
getting married), conduct a particular business or occupation,
. Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) - document operate machinery or vehicles after proving capacity and ability to
issued by the DENR/EMB after a positive review of an ECC do so safely, or use property for a certain purpose.”
application, certifying that based on the representations of the
proponent, the proposed project or undertaking will not cause While a “permit” has been defined as “a license or other
significant negative environmental impact. document given by an authorized public official or agency (building
. Certificate of Non-Coverage (CNC) – a certification issued by inspector, department of motor vehicles) to allow a person or
the EMB certifying that, based on the submitted project business to perform certain acts.”
description, the project is not covered by the EIS System and is
not required to secure an ECC. ECC is not a permit and should not be interpreted as such but
rather a set of conditions which will have to be complied with by
. It should be noted however, that the issuance of an ECC does the Project before implementing the said project, hence, not a
not preclude a project proponent from securing related permit.
permits, such as sanitary, conversion, water, and building
permits, from concerned government agencies under other Why do I need to know WoN ECC is a permit?
existing laws, rules and regulations.
In IPRA Law, it is necessary to secure a Certificate of Non-
ECA v. ECP Overlap (CNO) from NCIP before any license will be granted from
any government agency. Since ECC is not a license, therefore, there
. Environmentally Critical Area (ECA) - area delineated as is no need to secure certification before the actual granting of ECC.
environmentally sensitive such that significant environmental
impacts are expected if certain types of proposed projects or Aside from DENR, may LGU issue ECC or CNC?
programs are located, developed or implemented in it.
. Environmentally Critical Project (ECP) - project or program No. PD 1586 provides that ECCs are issued only by the
that has high potential for significant negative environmental President of the Philippines or his duly authorized representative,
impact. which is DENR (DENR Secretary as Alter Ego of the President). A
delegated authority cannot be re-delegated.
Thus, administrators of declared area management
. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) - document, prepared authorities and economic zones/industrial parks as well as LGUs
and submitted by the project proponent and/or EIA Consultant do not have the authority to issue ECC/CNC under P.D. 1586 unless
that serves as an application for an ECC. otherwise expressly delegated by the President of the Philippines
. Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Report - document
similar to an EIS, but with reduced details and depth of Identify if issuance of the following are ministerial duty:
assessment and discussion.
I. ECPs in ECA or NECA: EIS ECC a. CNC – Yes. Issuance of CNC is a ministerial duty upon
II. NECA in ECA: IEE ECC application of the proponent.
b. ECC – NO. Issuance of ECC is NOT a ministerial duty
A. Environmentally Critical Projects
I. Heavy Industries It is important to know the nature of ECC/CNC whether it is
II. Resource Extractive Industries a ministerial duty because it is one of the element of the judicial
III. Infrastructure Projects writ of Mandamus, to wit:
B. Environmentally Critical Areas 1. Petitioner must show a clear legal right to the act
1. NIPAS demanded;
2. Aesthetic potential tourist spots; 2. Respondent must have a duty to perform the act
3. Habitat for any endangered or threatened species mandated by law;
4. Historic, archaeological, or scientific interests;
5. Occupied by cultural communities or tribes; 3. Respondent unlawfully neglect the performance of the
6. Frequently visited and/or hard-hit by natural calamities duty enjoined by law;
7. Critical slopes areas;
8. Prime agricultural lands; 4. The act to be performed is ministerial and not
9. Recharged areas of aquifers; discretionary; and
10. Water bodies
11. Mangrove areas 5. There is no other plain, speedy and adequate remedy in
12. Coral reefs the ordinary course of law.
. The outcome of the EIA Process within the system administered To tell whether the act may be compelled by Mandamus, the
by the DENR is the issuance of decision documents. Decision duty must be first ministerial. A duty is ministerial if it is the
documents may either be an ECC, CNC or a Denial Letter. official duty of a public officer required by direct and positive
. The decisions on applications shall be made within prescribed command of the law wherein the officer has no room for the
timelines within the control of DENR, otherwise, the application exercise of discretion.
shall be deemed automatically approved, with the issuance of the
approval document within five (5) working days from the time
the prescribed period lapsed.
RA 8749: Philippine Clean Air Act PAB or LGU requiring determination of intricate matters of
What is Philippine Clean Air Act?
Citizen Suit
Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 outlines the
government's measures to reduce air pollution and incorporate . Any citizen may file an appropriate civil, criminal or
environmental protection into its development plans. administrative action in the proper court against:
Definition of terms 1. Any person who violates or fails to comply with the
provision of the Clean Air Act
Air pollutant – any matter found in the atmosphere other than the
inert gases in their natural or normal concentrations that is 2. The Department or other implementing agencies with
detrimental to health or environment respect to orders, rules and regulations issued
inconsistent with Clean Air Act.
Air pollution – any alteration of the physical, chemical and
biological properties of the atmospheric air, or any discharge that 3. Any public officer who willfully or grossly neglects the
will likely to create or render the air resources harmful, performance of an act.
detrimental or injurious to public health.
Suits and Strategic Legal Actions against Public Participation
Ambient air – the general amount of pollution present in a broad (SLAPP)
area; and refers to the atmosphere’s average purity as
distinguished from discharge measurements taken at the source . Where a suit is brought against a person who filed an action
of pollution. as provided in Section 41 (Citizen suit) against any person,
institution or government agency that implements a law
Incineration – process of burning of municipal bio-medical and complained about, it shall be the duty of the investigating
hazardous wastes, which emits poisonous and toxic fumes. prosecutor or the court, as the case may be, to immediately
However, prohibition on incineration does not apply to sanitation determine within 30 days, whether the said legal action has
“siga”, traditional, agricultural, health and food preparation and been filed to harass, vex, exert undue pressure or stifle such
crematoria. (Atty. USec: Jurisprudence held that incineration is legal recourses of the person complaining.
not at all prohibited, provided that it meets the standard)
Gross violation
Will mandamus prosper to compel PUVs to used natural gas
as alternative fuel? . Gross violation against clean air act shall mean:
NO. Mandamus will not prosper to compel PUVs to use a. three (3) or more specific offenses within a period of (1)
natural gas as alternative fuel in the absence of specific law on year
the matter. The legislature should provide first the specific
statutory remedy to the complex environmental problems b. three (3) or more specific offenses within three (3)
before any judicial recourse by mandamus is taken. consecutive years;
Regulation of Vehicles and Engines c. blatant disregard of the orders of the PAB, such as but
not limited to the breaking of seal, padlocks and other
. Any imported new or locally-assembled motor vehicle shall similar devices, or operating despite the existence of an
not be registered unless it complies with the emission order for closure, discontinuance or cessation of
standards set, as evidenced by Certificate of Conformity operation; and
d. irreparable or grave damage to the environment as a
. No motor vehicle registration (MVR) shall be issued unless consequence of any violation or omission of the
such motor vehicle passes the emission testing requirement. provisions of this Act.
. Section 10 of Clean Air Act: Smoking inside a public building Application of Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies
or an enclosed public place, including public vehicles and
other means of transport, or in any other enclosed area . PD 1586: EAR shall apply
outside one’s private residence, private place of work or any . Clean Water Act/Clean Air Act: EAR does not apply, since
duly designated smoking area is prohibited. (To be jurisdiction on the matter is vested on a quasi-judicial body.
implemented by LGUs)
RA 9275: Clean Water Act RA 9003: Ecological Solid Waste Management Act
What is Clean Water Act? What is Ecological Solid Waste Management Act?
. Clean Water Act of 2004 aims to protect the country’s water . Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 refers to the
bodies from pollution. It provides for a comprehensive and systematic administration of activities which provide for
integrated strategy to prevent and minimize pollution segregation at source, segregated transportation, storage,
through a multi-sectoral and participatory approach transfer, processing, treatment, and disposal of solid waste and
involving stakeholders. all other waste management activities which do not harm the
. National Solid Waste Management Commission (NSWMC) shall
. It covers ALL types of bodies of water
implement the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act which
shall be composed of 14 government agencies and 3 members
. All owners or operators of facilities that discharge from private sector.
wastewater are required to get a permit to discharge from
the DENR or LLDA Definition of terms
Collection - shall refer to the act of removing solid waste from the
. Anyone discharging wastewater into a water body shall have source or from a communal storage point;
to pay a wastewater charge.
Composting - shall refer to the controlled decomposition of organic
Definition of Terms: matter by micro-organisms, mainly bacteria and fungi, into a humus-
like product;
Beneficial use – use of the environment or any element/segment
thereof conducive to public or private welfare, safety and health; Ecological solid waste management - shall refer to the systematic
and shall include, but not limited to the use of water for domestic, administration of activities which provide for segregation at source,
municipal, irrigation, power generation, fisheries, livestock segregated transportation, storage, transfer, processing, treatment,
raising, industrial, recreational and other purpose. and disposal of solid waste and all other waste management activities
which do not harm the environment;
Contamination – means the introduction of substances not found
Leachate - shall refer to the liquid produced when waste undergo
in the natural composition of water that make the water less
decomposition, and when water percolate through solid waste
desirable or unfit for intended use. undergoing decomposition. It is contaminated liquid that contains
dissolved and suspended materials;
Discharge – the act of spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring,
emitting, emptying, releasing or dumping of any material into a Materials recovery facility (MRF) - includes a solid waste transfer
water body or onto land from which it might flow or drain into said station or sorting station, drop-off center, a composting facility, and a
water. recycling facility;
Effluent - means discharge from known sources which is passed Solid waste management facility - shall refer to any resource
into a body of water or land, or wastewater flowing out of a recovery system or component thereof; any system, program, or
manufacturing plant, industrial plant including domestic, facility for resource conservation; any facility for the collection, source
commercial and recreational facilities. separation, storage, transportation, transfer, processing, treatment, or
disposal of solid waste;
Hazardous waste - means any waste or combination of wastes of
solid liquid, contained gaseous, or semi-solid form which cause, of Municipal waste - shall refer to wastes produced from activities
contribute to, an increase in mortality or an increase in serious within local government units which include a combination of
domestic, commercial, institutional and industrial wastes and street
irreversible, or incapacitating reversible illness, taking into
account toxicity of such waste, its persistence and degradability in
nature, its potential for accumulation or concentration in tissue, Solid waste - shall refer to all discarded household, commercial waste,
and other factors that may otherwise cause or contribute to non-hazardous institutional and industrial waste, street sweepings,
adverse acute or chronic effects on the health of persons or construction debris, agricultural waste, and other non-
organism. hazardous/non-toxic solid waste.
Pollutant - shall refer to any substance, whether solid, liquid, Solid Waste Management Procedure
gaseous or radioactive, which directly or indirectly: . Segregation of wastes shall begin in the household, institutional,
industrial, commercial and agricultural sources, which shall be
a. alters the quality of any segment of the receiving water body segregated into “compostable”, “non-recyclable”, “recyclable” or
to affect or tend to affect adversely any beneficial use thereof; “special type of waste”.
. Collection of wastes shall be undertaken by the LGU. Solid
b. is hazardous or potential hazardous to health; wastes shall be brought to Materials Recovery Facility (MRF),
in which solid wastes shall be further sorted. Residual wastes
c. imparts objectionable odor, temperature change, or physical, shall be sent to landfill, while hazardous wastes shall be sent to
chemical or biological change to any segment of the water treatment facility.
body; or
Salient Features:
. Prohibition on the Use of Non-Environmentally Acceptable
d. is in excess of the allowable limits, concentrations, or quality Packaging - No person owning, operating or conducting a
standards specified, or in contravention of the condition, commercial establishment in the country shall sell or convey at
limitation or restriction prescribed in this Act. retail or possess with the intent to sell or convey at retail any
products that are placed, wrapped or packaged in or on
Treatment - means any method, technique, or process designed packaging which is not environmentally acceptable packaging.
to alter the physical, chemical or biological and radiological
character or composition of any waste or wastewater to reduce or . Prohibition Against the Use of Open Dumps for Solid Waste - No
prevent pollution. open dumps shall be established and operated, nor any practice
or disposal of solid waste by any person, including LGUs, which
Waste - means any material either solid, liquid, semisolid, constitutes the use of open dumps for solid wastes, be allowed
contained gas or other forms resulting industrial, commercial, (Atty Usec: There should be no open dumpsite by 2016)
mining or agricultural operations, or from community and
household activities that is devoid of usage and discarded. . Prohibition on [1]Littering, throwing, dumping of waste matters
in public places, such as roads, sidewalks, canals, esteros or
Water Pollution - means any alteration of the physical, chemical, parks, and establishment, or causing or permitting the same;
[2]Open burning of solid wastes, et. al.
biological, or radiological properties of a water body resulting in
the impairment of its purity or quality.
RA 6969: Toxic Substances and RA 7076:
Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act People’s Small-Scale Mining Act of 1991
What is Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes What is People’s Small-Scale Mining Act?
Control Act?
. People’s Small-Scale Mining Act of 1991 enshrines the rights of
Toxic Substances and Hazardous, and Nuclear small scale miners, and authorized Mining Regulatory Board
Wastes Control Act of 1990: (1) regulate, restrict or prohibit the directly under DENR Secretary’s control and supervision to
importation, manufacture, processing, sale, distribution, use and declare and set aside people's small-scale mining areas in sites
onshore suitable for small-scale mining, immediately giving
disposal of chemical substances and mixtures that present
priority to areas already occupied and actively mined by small-
unreasonable risk and/or injury to health or the environment; (2)
scale miners before August 1, 1987;
prohibit the entry, even in transit, of hazardous and nuclear
wastes and their disposal into the Philippine territorial limits for . Exceptions
whatever purpose; and (3) provide advancement and facilitate a. such areas are not considered as active mining areas;
research and studies on toxic chemicals. b. the minerals found therein are technically and commercially
suitable for small-scale mining activities:
TSHNWCA shall cover the importation, manufacture, c. the areas are not covered by existing forest rights or
processing, handling, storage, transportation, sale, distribution, reservations and have not been declared as tourist or
use and disposal (from cradle to grave) of all unregulated marine reserves, parks and wildlife reservations, unless
chemical substances and mixtures in the Philippines, including the their status as such is withdrawn by competent authority,
entry even in transit, as well as the keeping or storage and disposal
of hazardous and nuclear wastes into the country for whatever . Suitable areas for small- scale mining:
purposes. a. Areas already occupied and actively mined by small-scale
miners before August 1, 1987Public lands not subject to any
There is an Inter-agency Technical Advisory Council existing right,
attached to the Department of Environment and Natural b. Public lands not subject to any existing rights
c. Public lands covered by existing mining rights which are not
Resources which shall be composed of one (1) chairman and ten
active mining areas, and
(10) members: Secretary of DENR as Chairman, and Secretary of
d. Private lands, except those with substantial improvements
DOH, Director of PNRI, Secretary of DTI, Secretary of DOST, or used as a yard, stockyard, garden, plant nursery,
Secretary of DND, Secretary of DFA, Secretary of DOLE, Secretary plantation, cemetery or burial site; or land situated within
of DOF, Secretary of DA, Representative from NGO from Health and one hundred meters (100 m.) from such cemetery or burial
safety as members site, water reservoir or a separate parcel of land with an area
often thousand square meters (10,000sq.m.) or less.
Section 13 of TSHNWCA enumerates the following as e. Ancestral lands with prior consent of the cultural
Prohibited Acts: communities
a. Knowingly use in chemical substance or mixture which is f. Areas occupied by a community of traditional small-scale
imported, manufactured, processed or distributed in miners, subject to approval of the said community
violation of this Act or implementing rules and regulations or
orders; . No ancestral land may be declared as a people's small-scale
b. Failure or refusal to submit reports, notices or on the mining area without the prior consent of the cultural
information, access to records as required by this Act, or communities concerned: Provided that, if ancestral lands are
permit inspection of establishment where chemicals are declared as people's small-scale mining areas, the members of
manufactured, processed, stored or otherwise held; the cultural communities therein shall be given priority in the
awarding of small-scale mining contracts; provided further that
c. Failure or refusal to comply with the pre-manufacture and
royalties shall be paid to them by the parties to the mining
pre-importation requirements (Meaning, there must be
import clearance before entry of any chemical substances to the
Philippines); and . Small-scale miners have easement rights to mining and logging
d. Cause, aid or facilitate, directly or indirectly, in the roads, private roads, port and communication facilities,
storage, importation or bringing into Philippine territory, processing plant which are necessary for the effective
including its maritime economic zones, even in transit, either implementation of the People's Small-scale Mining Program,
by means of land, air or sea transportation or otherwise subject to payment of reasonable fees to the operator, claim
keeping in storage any amount of hazardous and nuclear owner, landowner or lessor of the property.
wastes in any part of the Philippines
. In no case shall a small-scale mining contract be subcontracted,
Definition of Terms: assigned or otherwise transferred.
Hazardous substances are substances which present either: . A contract shall have a term of two (2) years, renewable subject
1. short-term acute hazards such as acute toxicity by ingestion, to verification by the Board for like periods as long as the
inhalation or skin absorption, corrosivity or other skin or eye contractor complies with the provisions of the act.
contact hazard or the risk of fire or explosion; or . The small-scale mining contractor shall be the owner of all mill
2. long-term environmental hazards, including chronic toxicity tailings produced from the contract area. He may sell the tailings
or have them processed in any custom mill in the area
upon repeated exposure.
. All golds shall be sold to the Central Bank, or its duly
authorized representatives, which shall buy it at prices
Hazardous wastes are substances that are without any safe competitive with those prevailing in the world market regardless
commercial, industrial, agricultural or economic usage and are of volume or weight
shipped, transported or brought from the country of origin for . Royalty of private land owner shall not exceed 1% of the gross
dumping or disposal into or in transit through any part of the value of minerals
territory of the Philippines.
Definition of Terms:
Nuclear wastes are hazardous wastes made radioactive by Small-scale mining refers to mining activities which rely heavily on
exposure to the radiation incidental to the production or manual labor using simple implements and methods and do not use
utilization of nuclear fuels but does not include nuclear fuel, or explosives or heavy mining equipment.
radioisotopes which have reached the final stage of fabrication so
as to be usable for any scientific, medical, agricultural, commercial, Small-scale miner refers to Filipino citizens who, individually or in
or industrial purpose. the company of other Filipino citizens voluntarily form a cooperative
duly licensed by the Department of Environment and Natural
Kinds of list of chemicals as provided by TSHNWCA: Resources to engage, under the terms and conditions of a contract, in
1. Philippine Inventory of Chemicals & Chemical Substances the extraction or removal of minerals or ore-bearing materials from
the ground
(PICCS) – list of all allowed chemical substances.
2. Philippine Priority Chemical List (PPCL) – list of
prohibited chemical substances
Cartagena Protocol Rotterdam Convention
12 worst chemicals
1. are lands owned by the government which may be classified into (a) lands of public
domain, either alienable or inalienable, or (b) lands of private
a. Government lands
b. Government fields
c. Government rice fields
d. Public Land
2. is a subset of government land which are lands intended for public use?
a. Government lands
b. Private Lands
c. Public Lands
d. Land
Ans – b Public lands
3. the courts will not resolve controversy involving question which is within the jurisdiction of an administrative tribunal especially
were the question demands the knowledge, experience and services of administrative tribunal to determine technical and
intricate matter of fact.
a. Doctrine of Primary Jurisdiction
b. Doctrine of Secondary Jurisdiction
c. Doctrine of Tertiary Jurisdiction
d. Doctrine of Jurisdiction
4. is a mode of disposition of land by which a qualified beneficiary is granted with a portion of land of public domain in exchange
of cultivation efforts.
a. Home Settlement
b. Homestead Settlement
c. House Settlement
d. Housing Settlement
5. provides that court action will not prosper until all the remedies have been exhausted at administrative level. It simply deprives
the plaintiff of a cause of action, which is a ground for a motion to dismiss.
a. Doctrine of Administrative Remedy
b. Doctrine of Exhaustion Remedy
c. Doctrine of Exhaustion of Administrative Remedy
d. None of the above
Ans - c Doctrine of Exhaustion of Administrative Remedy
6. is a scenario in which a vested right under a bona-fide ownership is acquired over the land in the absence of a Torrens Title
a. Perfect Title
b. Imperfect Title
c. Complete Title
d. Torrens Title
7. is a strip of land that lies between the high and the low watermarks that is alternately wet and dry?
a. Forehead Land
b. Government Land
c. Foreshore Land
d. Vested Land
8. is some right or interest in the property which has become fixed and established and no longer open to doubt or controversy by
any parties or regulation. This vested right over a property may not be altered or deprived by executive fiat alone without
contravening the due process guarantees of the constitution.
a. Foreshore Right
b. Vested Right
c. Left Right
d. Government Right
9. is a proceeding for registration of ‘unregistered’ land filed in RTC, initiated by those who, by themselves or through their
predecessors-in-interest, have been in open, continuous, exclusive and notorious possession and occupation of alienable and
disposable lands of the public domain under a bona fide claim of ownership since June 12, 1945, or earlier.
a. Ordinary Registration Proceeding
b. Special Registration Proceeding
c. Public Registration Proceeding
d. Private Registration Proceeding
10. is a government initiated proceeding for compulsory registration of ‘unregistered’ land by filing petition against holder/
claimant, otherwise, they lose their right to own their property?
a. Private Registration Proceedings
b. Government Registration Proceedings
c. Cadastral Registration Proceedings
d. Public Registration Proceedings
11. is a drainage area of a river system supporting existing and proposed hydro-electric power and irrigation works needing
a. Normal Watershed
b. Critical Watershed
c. Abnormal Watershed
d. Common Watershed
12. is a farming method in a portion of the forest land which is subject to slash-and-burn cultivation having little or no provision to
prevent soil erosion?
a. Kainan
b. Kaingin
c. Kaibigan
d. Deforestation
Ans – b Kaingin
13. is a type of land under the constitution which is beyond the commerce of man and may not be alienated or disposed? It includes
public forest, permanent forest and forest reservations.
a. Public Forest
b. Permanent Forest
c. Reserve Forest
d. Forest Land
14. is based on the maxim that "equity aids the vigilant and not those who slumber on their rights." It is a failure or neglect for an
unreasonable time to assert a right, warranting a presumption that the party entitled thereto has either abandoned on declined
a. Laches
b. Homestead
c. Public
d. Government
Ans – a Laches
15. is a contract involving financial or technical assistance for largescale exploration, development, and utilization of natural
resources, in which the collection of government share shall commence after the contractor has fully recovered its preoperating
expenses? In case of FTAA, any legally-organized foreign-owned corporation is deemed a “qualified person.”
16. is a permit specifying the origin and quantity of non-processed mineral ores from mine site to warehouse?
a. Ore Permit
b. Ore Transport Permit
c. Transport Permit
d. Exploration Permit
17. grants a qualified person the right to conduct exploration for all minerals in specified area.
a. Ore Permit
b. Ore Transport Permit
c. Transport Permit
d. Exploration Permit
19. provides that only utilization, exploitation, occupation or possession of natural resources that will produce optimum benefits,
with least injury, shall be allowed.
a. Multiple Use Management
b. Single Use Management
c. Double Use Management
d. None of the above
20. provides that man bears a solemn responsibility to protect and improve the environment for present and future generations.
Essentially, the principle means that we hold the natural resource treasures of the earth in trust for the benefit, enjoyment and
use of the generations of humankind yet to come.
a. Fundamental of Intergenerational Responsibility
b. Principle of Intergenerational Responsibility
c. Instruction of Intergenerational Responsibility
d. Intergenerational Responsibility of Principles
21. provides that all lands of public domain, including its natural resources, belong to the state. All lands not appearing to be of
public domain presumptively belong to the state.
a. Regalian Doctrine is enshrined in Article XII,
Section 3 of the 1987 Constitution
b. Regalian Doctrine is enshrined in Article XII,
Section 1 of the 1987 Constitution
c. Regalian Doctrine is enshrined in Article XII,
Section 2 of the 1987 Constitution
d. Regalian Doctrine is enshrined in Article XII,
Section 4 of the 1987 Constitution
22. provides that that indigenous people may obtain recognition of their right over ancestral lands and ancestral domain by virtue of
a native title.
a. Doctrine of Native Titles
b. Doctrine of Ancestral Titles
c. Doctrine of Hybrid Titles
d. Doctrine of Titles
23. is an agreement between government and a contractor where the government will share inputs on mining operations other
than minerals?
a. Pre-production agreement
b. Co-production agreement
c. Mid-production agreement
d. production agreement
24. agreement that the government enters into a business venture to set-up a firm in which share of equity and gross revenue is
a. natural joint venture agreement
b. joint account venture agreement
c. joint venture agreement
d. venture agreement
25. is where a government provides an exclusive grant to a corporation for the utilization of natural resources in exchange of taxes
or royalties.
a. production-transport agreement
b. production-exchange agreement
c. production-exclusive agreement
d. production-sharing agreement
26. Is A liable under Forestry Code for cutting trees within his ancestral land?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
d. Both
e. None of the above
28. comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced therein, and all other territories over which the
Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial and aerial domains, including its territorial sea, the
seabed, the subsoil, the insular shelves, and other submarine areas. The waters around, between, and connecting the islands of
the archipelago, regardless of their breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the Philippines
a. international territory
b. national territory
c. foreign territory
d. local territory
Ans - a Imperium
30. refer to a group of people who have continuously lived as an organized community on communally bounded and defined
territory. These groups of peoples have actually occupied, possessed and utilized their territories under claim of ownership since
time immemorial.
a. Foreign People
b. Indigenous People
c. Normal People
d. Abnormal People
31. refers to the land occupied by the individual families and clans who are member of indigenous cultural community since time
a. Ancestral land
b. Native Land
c. Indigenous Land
d. Domain Land
34. Land belonging to the state as a private individual without being devoted for public use, public service or development of
national wealth.
a. Lands of Private Domain
b. Lands of Public Domain
c. Lands of Single Domain
d. Lands of Domain
35. Those intended for public use; these properties are: (1) Outside the commerce of man; (2) not subject to levy, encumbrance or
disposition through public or private sale.
a. Private Dominion
b. Single Dominion
c. Public Dominion
d. Patrimonial Properties
36. Those intended for public use; these properties are: (1) Outside the commerce of man; (2) not subject to levy, encumbrance or
disposition through public or private sale.
a. Private Dominion
b. Patrimonial Properties
c. Public Dominion
d. Public Domain
Ans – b Patrimonial Properties
37. means that the ownership of the land is not the main cause of action of the case, hence, it may be filed to MTC
a. Collateral Attack
b. Direct Attack
c. Special Patent
d. Patent Attack
38. means that the ownership is the main cause of action of the land sought to be registered. Hence, RTC acquires proper
jurisdiction over the case.
a. Collateral Attack
b. Direct Attack
c. Special Patent
d. Patent Attack
39. is a grant by law of a property in favor of a government agency pursuant to a special law, proclamation and special order, it is a
proclamation from the president that titles a land in favor of a school, university or other government entity for special/specific
a. Collateral Attack
b. Direct Attack
c. Special Patent
d. Patent Attack
40. are lands purchased by the government from religious corporations for sale to actual occupants. These friar lands are not public
lands but private or patrimonial property of the government.
a. Public Lands
b. Friar Lands
c. Private Lands
d. Patent Lands
41. a mass of land of public domain which has not been a subject of the present system of classification
a. Public Lands
b. Permanent Forest
c. Public Forest
d. Forest Reservation
42. lands of public domain which have been subject of the present system of classification and determined to be needed for forest
a. Public Lands
b. Permanent Forest
c. Public Forest
d. Forest Reservation
43. Forest lands which have been reserved by the President of the Philippines for any specific purpose.
a. Public Lands
b. Permanent Forest
c. Public Forest
d. Forest Reservation
44. is a land area drained by a stream or fixed body of water and its tributaries having a common outlet for surface run-off?
a. Critical Watershed
b. Watershed Reservation
c. Watershed
d. Forest watershed
Ans – c Watershed
45. is a forest land reservation established to protect or improve the conditions of the water yield thereof or reduce sedimentation?
a. Critical Watershed
b. Watershed Reservation
c. Watershed
d. Forest watershed
46. is a drainage area of a river supporting existing and proposed hydro-electric power and irrigation works needing immediate
rehabilitation as it is being subjected to a fast denudation causing accelerated erosion and destructive floods?
a. Critical Watershed
b. Watershed Reservation
c. Watershed
d. Forest watershed
47. searching or prospecting for mineral resources by surveys, remote testing, etc. for the purpose of the existence, extent, quantity,
quality and feasibility of mining them for profit.
a. Utilization
b. Development
c. Foreign owned corporation
d. Exploration
Ans – d Exploration
48. work undertaken to explore and prepare on ore body or a mineral deposit for mining, including the construction of necessary
infrastructure and related facilities
a. Utilization
b. Development
c. Foreign owned corporation
d. Exploration
Ans – b Development
Ans – a Utilization
50. Any juridical entity with less than 50% Filipino-owned capital
a. Utilization
b. Development
c. Foreign owned corporation
d. Exploration
51. any citizen of the Philippines with capacity to contract, or a juridical entity with technical and financial capability to undertake
mineral resources development with at least 60% Filipino ownership
a. Utilization
b. Improvement
c. Foreign owned corporation
d. Qualified Person
52. is the actual relinquishment of right; giving-up absolutely with intent never again to resume or claim one’s right or interest.
a. Utilization
b. Improvement
c. Abandonment
d. Qualified Person
Ans – c Abandonment
53. grants the right to conduct exploration for all minerals in a specified area.
a. Ore Transport Permit
b. Exploration Permit
c. Mineral/Ore Export Permit
d. Qualified Export Permit
54. permit specifying the origin and quantity of non-processed mineral ores from mine site to warehouse.
a. Ore Transport Permit
b. Exploration Permit
c. Mineral/Ore Export Permit
d. Qualified Export Permit
55. permit specifying the origin and quantity of non-processed mineral ores from warehouse to ship
a. Ore Transport Permit
b. Exploration Permit
c. Mineral/Ore Export Permit
d. Qualified Export Permit
56. ownership will not vest to the owner of the mining area. They merely use the area temporarily for the purposes of more
convenient mining operations, in exchange of just compensation
a. Easement of Right of Way
b. Right of Way
c. Easement of Way
d. Easement of Left of Way
57. an individual engaged in fishing whose margin or return is barely sufficient to yield a profit.
a. Subsistence fishermen
b. Marginal fishermen
c. Fisherman
d. Boat Fisherman
59. all waters landward from baseline of the territory. According to the constitution, “the waters around, between and connecting
the archipelago. (Archipelagic waters)”
a. Contiguous Zone
b. Exclusive Economic Zone
c. Territorial Sea
d. Internal waters
60. Water not exceeding 24n.m. from baseline; exercises authority for customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitation authority
a. Contiguous Zone
b. Exclusive Economic Zone
c. Territorial Sea
d. Internal waters
61. a belt of sea outwards from baseline up to 12n.m, in which the coastal state exerciser sovereignty
a. Contiguous Zone
b. Exclusive Economic Zone
c. Territorial Sea
d. Internal waters
62. Not more than 200n.m from baseline. The coastal state has rights & obligations relative to the exploitation, management and
preservation over the economic resources found within the zone.
a. Contiguous Zone
b. Exclusive Economic Zone
c. Territorial Sea
d. Internal waters
63. low-water line along the coast as officially recognized by the coastal State.
a. Baseline
b. Continental Shelf
c. High seas
d. Straight Baseline
Ans – a Baseline
64. beyond territorial seas and not subject to the sovereign of the coastal state.
a. Continental Shelf
b. High seas
c. Straight Baseline
d. Baseline
65. seabed/subsoil of submarine areas adjacent to the coastal state but outside territorial sea up to depth of 200meters or beyond
a. Continental Shelf
b. High seas
c. Straight Baseline
d. Baseline
66. drawn connecting selected points on coast without appreciable departure from general shape of the coast.
a. Continental Shelf
b. High seas
c. Straight Baseline
d. Baseline
67. bodies of water within the municipality which is not included within the protected areas, 15km from coastline
a. Catch Ceiling
b. High seas
c. Straight Baseline
d. Municipal Waters
68. limitations or quota on total quantity of fish captured for a specific period of time and specified area based on available
a. Catch Ceiling
b. High seas
c. Straight Baseline
d. Municipal Waters
69. refers to identified portions of land and water set aside by reason of their unique physical and biological significance, managed
to enhance biological diversity and protected against destructive human exploitation.
a. Unprotected Area
b. Buffer Zones
c. Indigenous Cultural Community
d. Protected Area
70. are identified areas outside the boundaries of and immediately adjacent to designated protected areas pursuant to Section 8
that need special development control in order to avoid or minimize harm to the protected area.
a. Unprotected Area
b. Buffer Zones
c. Indigenous Cultural Community
d. Protected Area
Ans – b Buffer Zones
71. refers to a group of people sharing common bonds of language, customs, traditions and other distinctive cultural traits, and who
have, since time immemorial, occupied, possessed and utilized a territory.
a. Unprotected Area
b. Buffer Zones
c. Indigenous Cultural Community
d. Protected Area
72. rational and orderly balance between economic growth and environmental protection
a. Principle of Sustainable Development
b. Indigenous Cultural Community
c. Environmental Compliance Certificate
d. Certificate of Non-Coverage
73. a certification issued by the EMB certifying that, based on the submitted project description, the project is not covered by the EIS
System and is not required to secure an ECC
a. Principle of Sustainable Development
b. Indigenous Cultural Community
c. Environmental Compliance Certificate
d. Certificate of Non-Coverage
74. document issued by the DENR/EMB after a positive review of an ECC application, certifying that based on the representations of
the proponent, the proposed project or undertaking will not cause significant negative environmental impact.
a. Principle of Sustainable Development
b. Indigenous Cultural Community
c. Environmental Compliance Certificate
d. Certificate of Non-Coverage
75. project or program that has high potential for significant negative environmental impact.
a. Initial Environmental Examination
b. Environmentally Critical Area
c. Environmentally Critical Project
d. Environmental Impact Statement
76. document, prepared and submitted by the project proponent and/or EIA Consultant that serves as an application for an ECC
a. Initial Environmental Examination
b. Environmentally Critical Area
c. Environmentally Critical Project
d. Environmental Impact Statement
77. area delineated as environmentally sensitive such that significant environmental impacts are expected if certain types of
proposed projects or programs are located, developed or implemented in it
a. Initial Environmental Examination
b. Environmentally Critical Area
c. Environmentally Critical Project
d. Environmental Impact Statement
78. document similar to an EIS, but with reduced details and depth of assessment and discussion
a. Initial Environmental Examination
b. Environmentally Critical Area
c. Environmentally Critical Project
d. Environmental Impact Statement
79. outlines the government's measures to reduce air pollution and incorporate environmental protection into its development
a. Initial Environmental Examination
b. Environmentally Critical Area
c. Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999
d. Environmental Impact Statement
80. any alteration of the physical, chemical and biological properties of the atmospheric air, or any discharge that will likely to create
or render the air resources harmful, detrimental or injurious to public health.
a. Air pollution
b. Air pollutant
c. Ambient air
d. Incineration
81. any matter found in the atmosphere other than the inert gases in their natural or normal concentrations that is detrimental to
health or environment
a. Air pollution
b. Air pollutant
c. Ambient air
d. Incineration
82. process of burning of municipal bio-medical and hazardous wastes, which emits poisonous and toxic fumes
a. Air pollution
b. Air pollutant
c. Ambient air
d. Incineration
Ans – d Incineration
83. the general amount of pollution present in a broad area; and refers to the atmosphere’s average purity as distinguished from
discharge measurements taken at the source of pollution
a. Air pollution
b. Air pollutant
c. Ambient air
d. Incineration
84. aims to protect the country’s water bodies from pollution. It provides for a comprehensive and integrated strategy to prevent
and minimize pollution through a multi-sectoral and participatory approach involving stakeholders.
a. Clean Water Act of 2004
b. Clean Act of 2004
c. Clean Air Act of 2004
d. Clean Saltwater Act of 2004
85. use of the environment or any element/segment thereof conducive to public or private welfare, safety and health; and shall
include, but not limited to the use of water for domestic, municipal, irrigation, power generation, fisheries, livestock raising,
industrial, recreational and other purpose.
a. Contamination
b. Discharge
c. Effluent
d. Beneficial use
86. the act of spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, releasing or dumping of any material into a water body or onto
land from which it might flow or drain into said water
a. Contamination
b. Discharge
c. Effluent
d. Beneficial use
Ans – b Discharge
87. – means the introduction of substances not found in the natural composition of water that make the water less desirable or
unfit for intended use.
a. Contamination
b. Discharge
c. Effluent
d. Beneficial use
Ans – a Contamination
88. means discharge from known sources which is passed into a body of water or land, or wastewater flowing out of a
manufacturing plant, industrial plant including domestic, commercial and recreational facilities
a. Contamination
b. Discharge
c. Effluent
d. Beneficial use
Ans – c Effluent
89. means any waste or combination of wastes of solid liquid, contained gaseous, or semi-solid form which cause, of contribute to,
an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible illness, taking into account toxicity of
such waste, its persistence and degradability in nature, its potential for accumulation or concentration in tissue, and other
factors that may otherwise cause or contribute to adverse acute or chronic effects on the health of persons or organism.
a. Human Waste
b. Waste
c. Hazardous Waste
d. Toxic Waste
90. means any method, technique, or process designed to alter the physical, chemical or biological and radiological character or
composition of any waste or wastewater to reduce or prevent pollution
a. Treatment
b. Pollutant
c. Water Pollution
d. Waste
Ans – a Treatment
91. means any material either solid, liquid, semisolid, contained gas or other forms resulting industrial, commercial, mining or
agricultural operations, or from community and household activities that is devoid of usage and discarded
a. Treatment
b. Pollutant
c. Water Pollution
d. Waste
Ans – d Waste
92. - means any alteration of the physical, chemical, biological, or radiological properties of a water body resulting in the impairment
of its purity or quality
a. Treatment
b. Pollutant
c. Water Pollution
d. Waste
93. shall refer to any substance, whether solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive, which directly or indirectly
a. Treatment
b. Pollutant
c. Water Pollution
d. Waste
Ans – b Pollutant
94. refers to the systematic administration of activities which provide for segregation at source, segregated transportation, storage,
transfer, processing, treatment, and disposal of solid waste and all other waste management activities which do not harm the
a. Collection
b. Leachate
c. Compositing
d. Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
95. refer to the act of removing solid waste from the source or from a communal storage point
a. Collection
b. Leachate
c. Compositing
d. Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
Ans – a Collection
96. refer to the controlled decomposition of organic matter by micro-organisms, mainly bacteria and fungi, into a humus like
a. Collection
b. Leachate
c. Compositing
d. Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
Ans – c Composting
97. refer to the liquid produced when waste undergo decomposition, and when water percolate through solid waste undergoing
decomposition. It is contaminated liquid that contains dissolved and suspended materials
e. Collection
b. Leachate
c. Compositing
d. Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
Ans – b Leachate
98. includes a solid waste transfer station or sorting station, drop-off center, a composting facility, and a recycling facility
a. Materials recovery facility
b. Solid waste management facility
c. Municipal Waste
d. Solid Waste
99. refer to any resource recovery system or component thereof; any system, program, or facility for resource conservation; any
facility for the collection, source separation, storage, transportation, transfer, processing, treatment, or disposal of solid waste.
a. Materials recovery facility
b. Solid waste management facility
c. Municipal Waste
d. Solid Waste
100. shall refer to all discarded household, commercial waste, non-hazardous institutional and industrial waste, street
sweepings, construction debris, agricultural waste, and other non-hazardous/non-toxic solid waste.
a. Materials recovery facility
b. Solid waste management facility
c. Municipal Waste
d. Solid Waste