What Are The Specialized Fields of Entomology?
What Are The Specialized Fields of Entomology?
What Are The Specialized Fields of Entomology?
Course/Section: BSIT – 3A
1. What is entomology?
- Entomology is the science of insects and how they interact with humans, the world, and
other living things. Entomologists make significant contributions to nutrition, chemistry,
genetics, human/animal health, molecular science, criminology, and forensics, among
other areas. Insect research is the foundation for advances in biological and chemical pest
control, food and fiber processing, and other fields. Moreover, entomology study to date,
more than one million insect species have been identified. They are the most numerous
animal species on the planet, and they can be found in almost any ecosystem. Insects
have been on the planet for over 350 million years. Human disease, livestock, evolution,
ecology, and biodiversity all benefit from a better understanding of entomology.
- Entomology, like every other body of information, is a very broad subject to discuss. As a
result, depending on what field of entomology they are focusing on, entomologists have
their own area of specialization.
a. Insect ecology - is the study of how insects communicate with their surroundings.
Insects are very important to the natural world, and they play a variety of roles in the
environment, from angel to villain. While most people think of insects as annoying
bugs that ruin an evening barbecue, insects are actually very important to the natural
environment. Several fields of study are involved.
d. Insect physiology - is the study of how insects live and reproduce is known as insect
physiology. Insect physiology is usually studied using a systems approach. These are
the same structures that all animals require. The digestive, excretory, circulatory,
immune, muscular, nervous, and reproductive systems are the main systems.
f. Insect toxicology - studies how insecticides and other chemicals affects insect
physiological functions. This field of entomology plays a very import role in pest
management as far as crop production and agriculture is concerned.
g. Industrial Entomology - Honey, silk, and shellac are just few examples of products
derived from insects. When these insects are bred and cultured for the purpose of
mass production of insects bi-products, that’s where industrial entomology step in.
industrial entomology is the branch of insect science which deals with the study and
rearing of beneficial insects such as honeybees, bumblebees, butterflies and silkworm
for the benefits of man. It also deals with the extermination of household pests such
as termites, cockroaches, houseflies, and many others.
h. Medical and Veterinary Entomology - Insects can definitely cause harm to both
humans and animals. Medical and veterinary entomology deals with everything about
of medical or public health and veterinary importance. Topics such as malaria,
dengue, chikungunya disease and many others are common concerns of this field.
i. Crop protection entomology - is the study and practice of eradication and control of
insect pests that damage man and his possessions. This is also called agricultural
k. Post-harvest entomology - deals with the study and practice of controlling insect
pests in stored commodities