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- - المختبر الاول -

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is the largest phylum of the animal kingdom.

word comes from Greek arthron (≡ joint) and podos or pous (≡ foot) i.e.
“animals with jointed legs”, comprising over 1,000,000 terrestrial and
aquatic species,( more than 85% of all known animals). They are one of the
chief divisions of animal kingdom both as regards to diversity of
organization and the number of genera and species. They are adapted to
different types of environmental conditions.

They also are essential predators, prey, pollinators, and they

provide useful items for human us as well ( medicine, dyes, silk, honey,
wax, etc…)

On the negative side, many arthropods, especially insects, are harmful to

plants and destroy crops and forests. Still others are pests of animals by
serving as vectors of disease: malaria, yellow fever, bubonic plague, and
elephantiasis are all transmitted to humans by biting insect vectors such as
mosquitoes, fleas, and flies and they play the role as a passive carrier of
Arthropod Characteristics
1) All arthropods possess a hard outer covering or jointed exoskeleton
(Chitinized exoskeleton) made of chitin secreted by the epidermis.
2) Jointed appendages ) Jointed legs(
3) Body segments .
4) Hemocele : the body cavity serves as blood cavity simultaneously.
5) They have a complete digestive system with digestive glands to aid
in breaking down of nutrients.

Classification :
Phylum Arthopoda contains the following Classes :
1. Insecta , Hexapoda (insects).
2. Arachnida (spiders, mites, ticks, scorpions, etc)
3. Chilopoda (centipedes ) e.g. scolopendra
4. Diplopoda (milipedes)
5. Crustacea (crabs, shrimp, lobsters, water fleas, etc)

The name Hexapoda denotes the presence of six legs (three pairs) in these
animals as differentiated from the number of pairs present in other
arthropods. They are the largest group within the arthropod phylum.
Hexapods are characterized by the presence of a head, thorax, and abdomen,
constituting three tagma.

Typically, the head bears one pair of sensory antennae, external mouthparts,
a pair of compound eyes, and some ocelli (simple eyes) along with
numerous sensory hairs.

The thorax bears three pairs of legs (one pair per segment) and two pairs of
wings, with one pair each on the second and third thoracic segments. The
abdomen usually has eleven segments and bears reproductive apertures.
Hexapoda includes insects that are winged (like fruit flies) and wingless
(like fleas).

Insect Life Cycle

The insect life cycle is the series of unique developmental stages that an
insect undergoes throughout their lives. Development takes place in the form
of metamorphosis :-

(1) Complete Metamorphosis (Holometabolous) : these have larvae that are

distinctly different from the adult form.They undergo egg to larvae, to pupae
, to adult. ex: Butterflies , Flies and Bees

(2) Incomplete Metamorphosis (Hemimetabolous) : these forms the younger

forms (nymph) closely resemble the adult form except for size, ex:
dragonflies and Stone flies .

Circulation / Respiration / Nervous system

(1) Insects have an open circulatory system .
(2) They do not however have any lungs or gills.
(3) Insects breathe air through a system of paired openings along their sides,
connected to small tubes that take air directly to the tissues.
(4)The insect nervous system consists of a brain and a ventral nerve cord.

The twenty six orders of insects are divided initially into two subclasses:
1- The more primitive wingless insects are assigned to the Subclass
Apytergota (3 orders).
2- The winged insects to the Subclass Pterygota(23 orders) .

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