Internship Report On Burie Kool Water and Soft Drink Share Company
Internship Report On Burie Kool Water and Soft Drink Share Company
Internship Report On Burie Kool Water and Soft Drink Share Company
Share Company
Messenbet Geremew
Approval of the Internship Report
I, hereby declare that this internship report is submitted to the partial fulfilment of the internship
program during the last four months. Any part of this report has not been reported or copied from
any report of the university and others.
Approved by: _____________________ ______________________
Academic supervisor company supervisor
This collected and organized internship report contains the entire production or process of the
host company with the overall internship experience and knowledge that I got when I enjoy in
the company. In addition to that, it contains my Host Company information and internship-
working report. All these collected and organized documents were presented in the final report.
Written by signature date
First, I would like to mention my appreciation heart fully to my almighty God as he has given
me staying power and over all personal wellbeing to accomplish this integrated internship
programme. Secondly, I would like to thank my academic advisor melkamu who give a
confidence and motivate me to implement the practical aspect within the predetermined time.
The last but not the least, I would like to show my appreciation for Jimma University as it
has given me the chance to enjoy in the internship programme to upgrade the knowledge that
I acquired by theoretical learning and teaching methodology in the class room.
Table Contents
Table Contents.........................................................................................................................iv
List of tables............................................................................................................................vii
List of figures.........................................................................................................................viii
List of abbreviations...............................................................................................................ix
Executive summary.................................................................................................................xi
1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Objectives.........................................................................................................................1
1.1.1 General objective........................................................................................................1
1.1 .2 Specific objectives.....................................................................................................1
2. Back Ground of the Company............................................................................................2
2.1 Location............................................................................................................................2
2.2 Vision, Mission and core value of the organization.........................................................3
2.3 The main products of the company...................................................................................3
2.4 Organizational structure of the company..........................................................................3
2.4.1The responsibility of individuals in the structure of the organization.........................4 General Manager..................................................................................................4 Production Department........................................................................................5 Quality Assurance Department............................................................................5 Commercial Department......................................................................................5 Human Resource Administration Department.....................................................5 Finance Department.............................................................................................5 Technical Department..........................................................................................6
2.5 Personnel...........................................................................................................................6
2.6 Resources..........................................................................................................................7
3. Section of the company that I have been visiting and working in...................................7
3.3 Steam generation section................................................................................................15
3.4 Syrup preparation room..................................................................................................16
3.4.1 Materials used..........................................................................................................17 Dissolving tank...................................................................................................19 Conveyor............................................................................................................19 Filter press..........................................................................................................19 Heat exchanger...................................................................................................20 Polishing filter bag.............................................................................................20 Buffer tank.........................................................................................................20 Mix tank.............................................................................................................20
3.5 Production of carbon dioxide from CO2 plant................................................................21
3.5.1 Materials and chemicals used for CO2 production in Burie soft drink plant were: 22
3.6 The Compressor Section.................................................................................................24
3.7 Mix processing \famix\ section.......................................................................................25
3.7.1 Major activities.........................................................................................................25
3.8 Bottle Filling Process/Filling Machine...........................................................................26
3.8.1 Foaming problem.....................................................................................................26
3.8.2 Date coder................................................................................................................27
3.9 CIP system......................................................................................................................27
3.10 Waste Water Treatment................................................................................................28
3.12 The major activity performed in the chemical laboratory room...................................30
3.12.1 MEA (H2N-CH2-CH2-OH) solution analysis test procedure...................................30 The effect of changes in MEA and soda ash concentration in the MEA
solution...........................................................................................................................30 Determination of total alkalinity......................................................................31 Determination of MEA strength.......................................................................31 Determination of specific gravity of MEA solution........................................32
3.12.2 Measuring the total hardness of water after softening process.............................32
3.12.3 Determine the hardness of water due to calcium from the line after softener.......33
3.12.4 Measuring the alkalinity of the treated water that used for beverage...................34 Measuring total alkalinity water.......................................................................34 Measuring OH- alkalinity of water used for production..................................34
3.12.5 Measuring titratable acidity of mirinda (both control &line sample)...................35
3.12.6 Measuring titrable acidity of pepsi.........................................................................35
4. Result and Discussion........................................................................................................37
5.1 How I Get the Company.................................................................................................41
5.2 The New Thing I Learnt From the Company.................................................................41
5.3 The New Value I Introduced the Company....................................................................41
6. Opportunities and challenges............................................................................................42
9. Recommendation................................................................................................................48
List of tables
Table 1: the content of initial water (Lit), sugar content, finished syrup.................................17
Table 2 : The contents of flavour and dry components for each beverage..............................18
Table 3: The results of MEA and soda strength, total hardness...............................................37
List of figures
List of abbreviations
Executive summary
I am an innovative learning program, which was prearranged by Jimma university
department of Food sciences, and postharvest technology that intended me to practice the
teaching model of integrating internship program and normal classes. The program was
purposeful to teach me on the different parts of food science and food processing
technology. This is a report on the internship program that lasted for four months in MOHA
soft drinks industry S.C Burie plant. Honestly, it has been an enormous experience that I
learned a lot from it. I have been working and learning the practical aspect of the food
science and developing my theoretical skills and practical skills in the company. I was also
introduced to the real life applications of the knowledge that I obtain in the university.
Additionally, this program formally integrates the educational study with work experience,
which is considered as an essential part of my education in cooperating organization. This
report is written to give explanation to my internship general idea.
The report contains different sections such as water treatment section, steam generation
section, bottle washing section, syrup preparation section, quality control section, chemical
laboratory section and waste water treatment section. In the first section studies about water
treatment that involves the major purification methods like coagulation, chlorination or
disinfection, carbonation and UV light. The second section, which is bottle washing section,
is dealing with the empty bottle washing operation. The third section is dealing with steam
generation and their method together with core preparation steps. The end two section deals
with waste water treatment process and quality control of the beverage, which involves the
physic-chemical laboratory. This report also includes the result of some parameters that
measured in chemical laboratory class.
1. Introduction
A soft drink is a drink that typically contains carbonated water, a sweetener, and a natural or
artificial flavouring. The sweetener may be sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, fruit juice, sugar
substitutes (in the case of diet drinks), or some combination of these. Soft drinks may also
contain caffeine, colourings, preservatives, and other ingredients (Brown et al., 2007).
Soft drinks are called "soft" in contrast to "hard drinks" (alcoholic beverages). Small amounts
of alcohol may be present in a soft drink, but the alcohol content must be less than 0.5% of
the total volume, if the drink is to be considered non-alcoholic (Mitchell and Alan 1990).
Soft drinks are made by mixing dry or fresh ingredients with water. Production of soft drinks
can be done at factories or at home. Soft drinks can be made at home by mixing a syrup or
dry ingredients with carbonated water, or by lacto-fermentation. Syrups are commercially
sold by companies such as Soda-Club; dry ingredients are often sold in pouches, in a style of
the popular U.S. drink mix Kool-Aid. Carbonated water is made using a soda siphon or
a home carbonation system or by dropping dry ice into water (Curhan et al., 1998).
1.1 Objectives
1.1.1 General objective
Identifying every raw material and additive that is added in each type of product
To upgrade knowledge how the returnable bottle was cleaned and how sanitation and
cleaning was performed in the company
To increase the knowledge about how the carbon dioxide and steam are produced in
the company that used for soft drink production
Estimating how the quality measurement is performed in chemical laboratory class
2. Back Ground of the Company
Burie Baguna Mineral Water Factory was launched on 30 June 1985 E.C by private
shareholders. The shareholders made a contractual agreement with Guna Construction
Company to facilitate the construction process of the factory. However, due to unknown
reasons, the agreement was interrupted and the factory’s construction process was delayed for
about two years. On September 1988 E.C., the construction process began with a new
company and ended up in the mid 1989 E.C., the year in which the people of Burie town in
the Amhara Regional State, west of Gojam, was thrilled with joy and happiness due to the
arrival of a new machine from Germany.
In 1989E.C, experts from Germany in collaboration with experts from the country, installed
and commissioned the machine. After fulfilling its spare parts, on 15 December 1990 E.C,
they made their first attempt to see if the factory produced its output. In addition, it was
ended. Then, the foreign Experts trained the indigenous ones how to operate the factory.
Finally, the factory was inaugurated on December 29, 1990 E.C.Since two days from the date
of inauguration, the factory had begun distributing its output for sale, and had served the
society for about four years. However, since 1994 E.C, due to internal problems, such as
disagreement among shareholders and external influences, like powerful pressures exerted
from the competing factories to discard it from the market, the factory quit its operation.
Nevertheless, in the beginning of September, 1998E.C, through the help of MOHA Soft
Drinks Industry Share Company, it has begun its function in a new spirit. A company, which
was inspired by the interest and feelings of the society towards the product, and be convinced
to buy it from Development Bank, which Claimed /taken away the factory from the incapable
shareholders to repay the money they owed from the bank. Now Burie Baguna Mineral Water
Factory is producing soft drinks, such as Mirinda orange, Pepsi, Mirinda apple, Mirinda tonic
and 7UP and Burie Mineral water.
2.1 Location
Moha soft drink industry, Burie plant, was located in Amhara region at North West of jimma
and in the west from Addis abeba. The distance of Burie from Addis abeba and jimma is
347and 758 kms respectively.
2.2 Vision, Mission and core value of the organization
MOHA soft drink industry S.C Burie Kool water and Pepsi cola plant‘s vision is to make
each of their product to be a drink of first choice among consumers and obtainable
throughout the Ethiopian market. They intend to create a superior value for their
shareholders, customers, and their employees.
Its mission is to be the best of soft drink industry in the country. It also continuously
improves their responsiveness to the needs and concerns of their customer’s employees,
partners, and the communities in which they serve. This will be accomplished the continuous
development of their employees, an emphasis on cost efficiency, market expansion and
profitability. They will expand their marketing area to both protect and improve their position
by placing emphasis on innovation and technological improvement to always keep ahead of
the competition.
The Core values is provide quality products with superior service and good value for money
in every market we serve and Customer driven to excel in anticipating and quality responding
to customer’s needs and preferences. Good employers to cultivate and sustain a working
environment that attracts, retains and develops committed employees who share vision
embrace the mission and take pride the success of the company.
Plant general manager
Human Finance Technical Production Sale
control and
resource manager manager manager manager
manager manager
General Material Production Quality Sale
accountant maintaince planning control product
supervisor supervisor and follow supervisor superviso
up desk
Up control
strategies, short term plans and policies, Coordinating and controlling the function of the
deputy General managers as well as the different departments under his direct super vision,
Measuring and evaluating performance of managers under his/her super vision and
Representing the company in all external retaliation aspects and negotiate company matters
with a third party.
5 Technical Department
Plan the room working process, give responsibility, lead, control, and coordinate workers and
the material which enter to the work shop for working command are determine by this
department. It also solves Solve the problem which is occurring in the work shop.
2.5 Personnel
The personnel who work with me to complete my job responsibility were operators, chemists
and quality control managers. The total workers in the company were 250. From these
workers, 200 were permanent and 50 were temporary. The status of the works in the
company was described by the following figure.
110 diploma
high school
Burie pepsi cola plant distributes their product to the local markets. The product from the
company distributed to the customers as follows:
Manufacturers Distributors customers
2.6 Resources
The resources that I used during the internship program were white coat, hair net and some
chemicals and apparatus like:
Modern standard burette: to measure titrable acidity (TA) of a beverage sample
Probe/PH meter: to measure the acidity of the sample
De carbonator/Degassing system/: to remove the carbon dioxide from the sample
Caliper: used to measure the fill height gauge and Crown gauge
Analytical balance: used to measure the samples (analyte)
Digital balance: to measure the product sample (the line sample bottle)
CarbonQC: used to measure the content of CO2, pressure and temperature of the line
sample production condition.
Densito meter: used to measure the brix content of both line and control drink samples.
H2SO4 (0.02N): used to measure the alkalinity of water and using as titrant.
NaOH (0.1N): used to titrate the beverage sample (analyte) by using as titrant.
EDTA (0.01M): used to measure the hardness of water sample (analyte) by using as
3. Section of the company that I have been visiting and working in
Burie Kool water and PepsiCo plant has been producing soft drink beverages by the trade
name of Pepsi cola. Now a day, it was produced the soft drink by using carbon dioxide, water
and syrup as the main ingredients with in different proportions and different flavor &dry
components for each beverage products. During the production of each beverage items, the
ratio of syrup to water was one to five ratios except mirinda orange, which was blended in
one to four ratios. Even the carbonation content was also varied according to the product
type. Therefore, the plant has separated operation rooms for each ingredient.
I have gained different knowledge in all section that I have been working relating to the
theory that I have learned in university more or less. I was so happy in all section because it
will be beneficial (important) to me in the future of the practical work. The plant had several
sections, which can help to produce its products. But I try to describe some of them. Those
have heavier organic loadings (particularly during changing of the seasons) and are more
easily contaminated or polluted. If Contaminants in water supplies present, it was danger to
the taste, aroma and appearance of the beverage. Because of this, all water to be used for
syrup or beverage production must be treated. Either turbidity, or even small levels of
colloidal matter, can cause foaming problems at the filler, or while the beverage is being
filled, or later, when the consumer opened the bottles. Microorganisms, algae, or even small
amounts of organic matter in the water can have an effect on the products.
The chemicals and materials that used for water treatment process:
Aluminium sulphate Brine (NaCl solution)
Calcium hydroxide Sand filter tank
Zeolite Chlorine
Activated carbon Carbon filter tank
Polisher Reaction tank
The water treatment process in Burie soft drink Company had two phases:
In phase one treatment process, the raw spring water from fetam was transferring to the
concrete tank, which holding capacity was 160m3. In this tank, 1.6ppm of sodium hypo
chlorate chlorine was added. The chlorine atom, which added in the water, was important for
disinfection of the microorganism and it also used for oxidation of the organic compounds
which, causes unwanted odour and flavor. The treated water from this tank moved to the
carbon filter tank. This tank contained activated carbon, which was used for removing the
chlorine that added in the concrete tank. The water from these tanks moved to tanker four (a
horizontal tank that holds 30m3 water) through the pipes. The activated carbon was used for
removing the chlorine from the water. Chlorine by nature forms a strong acid when it reacts
with water, which affects the pipe and the tanks. The dechlorineted water was transferred to
the two softener tank which contained zeolite.Zeolites were any of a family of glassy
minerals analogous to feldspar containing hydrated aluminum silicates of potassium and
sodium compounds. The zeolite had ability to tarps divalance chemicals (elements which
charge is greater than +1). The water from fetam contains Ca +2 and Mg+2 ions which causes
the water hard that forms scales on the pipes which affects the movement water and heat
through the pipe ,the soap and shampoo do not lather well. Therefore the zeolite was trapped
these ions and make the water softer. The two softeners were worked by 8hr shift and use
zeolite (NaAl SiO3) for removal of Mg+2 and Ca+2 ions in the water and forms Ca (Al SiO 3)2
and Mg(AlSiO3)2 in the following reaction equation.
Ca CO3+ Na Al SiO3 (zeolite) NaCO3+Ca (AlSiO3)2
Mg CO3+NaAl SiO3 (Zeolite) Mg (AlSiO3)2+Na 2CO3
The formation of insoluble solid products were used to precipitate other contaminants and
regeneration of zeolite were possible by NaCl salt or brine solution thus, during regeneration
Na+ ion in the brine solution replaced Ca+2 or Mg +2
in the Ca Al SiO3 or Mg A1SiO3
respectively to give Na Al SiO3 (zeolite) by the following reaction.
Ca (Al SiO3)2+2NaCl Ca Cl2+ 2Na Al SiO3
Mg (AlSiO3)2+ 2NaCl Mg Cl2 + 2Na AlSiO3
In this case elite were regenerated and CaCl2 and MgCl2 are insoluble solids that can be
removed with contaminant in the forms of sludge.
Finally, the soft water was used for boiler room, bottle washing room, carbon dioxide
production plant and cooling unit.
In the second treatment process the raw water from menzena was moved to concrete tank,
which volume was 260 m3. The water from this tank was moved to the reaction tank that,
volume was 14 m3. In the reaction tank, the chemicals like AL 2 (SO4)3 and Ca (OH) 2 was
added. The advantage of each chemical was given below.
Hydrated lime in the reaction tank was used to adjust pH of water and reduce its alkalify by
the following two reactions.
Ca (OH) 2 (a q) +Ca (HCO3)2 (a q) à2CaCO3(s) +2H2O (l)
MgCO3 + Ca (OH)2 → Mg(OH)2 + CaCO3
Due to the reaction CaCO3 and Mg (OH) 2 were insoluble solids and can be precipitated, the
alkalinity of water reduces as HCO-3 and OH– ions were eliminated by the reaction.
Aluminum sulphate Al2(SO4)3 was a chemical used in the reaction tank for coagulation
purpose by forming a gelatinous precipitate or floc form of Al(OH) 3 which absorbs foreign
organic matter by the following reaction .
6 Al2(SO4)3 + 18Ca(OH)2 = 12 Al(OH)3 + 18 CaSO4
Thus, Al (OH) 3 and CaSO4 are insoluble products and acts as a precipitating agent for other
impurities and finally removed as drainage in the reaction base tank.
These chemicals used for coagulate or flock formation of the impurities that suspended as
precipitate on the base of the reaction tank. Then the water moved buffer tank and sand filter
tank for further settling the precipitate or coagulants that formed in the reaction tank. The
filtered water was moved through the pipe to carbon filter tank in which, the chlorine was
removed from the water due to its acidic nature that affects the polisher filter tank and the
pipe. Then the water was passed to the polisher tank with the help of pipe. In the polisher, the
activated carbon that added in the carbon filter tank was removed. After that, the water was
transferred to UV treatment plant. Ultra violate light (UV ray) treatment was the final stage of
water treatment that destroys any foreign mater including any microbial. The UV ray was a
lonely HACCP principle in the plant, which had four lamps with light intensity of each 25
and the total was 100. The UV ray can provide service up to 8000 hrs and it must be changed
before its maximum time. The UV ray should be in its optimum level, unless;
If it is less, it can’t carry out its excepted treatment function ;
If it is in over intensity, it may disintegrate the water and form oxides (OH - &H+) that
cause for mutagenic and carcinogenic effects.
Finally, completely treated water was sent to syrup preparation and famix function as in the
following chart.
Water from Raw water from menzena
fetam Concrete tank
Aluminium sulphate
Concrete tank Chlorine Lime (Ca (AL2 (SO4)3)
(160m3) (OH) 2
Reaction tank
Carbon Flock was settled
Chlorine was
Zeolite Sand filter removed
Softener tank two A. carbon was
tank one removed
filter tank
Boiler room
Soft water
Washer Polisher
room Any mos was
Cooling room
UV treatment
Laboratory room
Co2 production room
Filling room
Syrup room
Figure 3: Flow chart for water treatment in Burie soft drink
3.2 Bottle washing process in Burie soft drink plant
3.2.1 Material and chemicals that used in bottle washing process:
Either glass bottles or plastic bottles may fill soft drinks beverage bottles. In case of Burie
Kool water and Pepsi cola plant, returnable glass bottles were used for beverage product
handling. Therefore, the plant has modern automatic and sustainable RGB washer with
maximum washing capacity of 11200 bph.
The bottle washer cleans and sanitizes “returnable” bottles that were returned back from the
market. “Returnable” bottles were rinsed to remove beverage residues, straws, and any
liquids or debris. High strength solutions of caustic, caustic based detergents, or caustic with
additives, at elevated temperatures, were used to clean and sanitize the bottles. Rinsing jets of
clean water were used to remove all traces of caustic and detergents. The use of the proper
temperatures and caustic concentrations will determine the cleanliness and sanitary quality of
the bottle upon its discharge from the bottle washer.
Washer operating conditions must meet PepsiCo International minimum mandates. Those
1. Hot Caustic Soak Conditions for RGB, a minimum of 2.0% caustic, 650C temperature, and
6.0 minutes contact time;
2. Pre-Final Rinse for RGB, approved rinse agent must be used, and result in the pH of 7.5
+/- 0.5.
3. Free EDTA of 5 ppm (minimum) must be added
4. Final Rinse: Treated or potable water must be used
5. Inspection: Post-wash inspection by human and as per PepsiCo requirements.
Rapid and drastic temperature changes that can break bottles due to thermal shock and it
should be minimized. The temperature differential from one rinsing stage in the washer to
another was not exceeded 28°C/50°F.Snce Caustic (sodium hydroxide) was extremely
dangerous, handling of caustic, and caustic solutions, should only done by trained personnel
aware of the proper precautions necessary. Protective clothing and eye glass must be worn.
In the Washed bottles exiting site, the chemist should be checked for caustic carryover. The
inspection for caustic carryover should be performed at start-up, and every four hours,
testing a complete row of pockets at the bottle discharge station of the bottle washer. The
caustic carryover test was performed using phenolphthalein solution that any color negative
results most likely indicate that rinse jets were blocked. Machine should be stopped and jet
orifices cleaned of clogging debris or scaling. In other causes, if rinse jets were okay,
Volume and/or pressure of fresh water rinses may be insufficient. The empty bottles used in
this test should be taken to the in-feed of the bottle washer to be re-washed (repeat the
washing cycle). By control of caustic concentration and solution temperature, bottle
cleanliness and the sanitary condition of the bottle were optimized.
The procedures for bottle washing process were:
The bottles that were collected from different area contain different contaminants, which
affect the final quality of the product. Therefore, for cleaning purpose, the returnable glass
bottle from the case was put on the conveyor belt by human. Then it was moved to the pre
bottle inspection. In this section, specialized man removed the bottle that was broken in any
part. Then the bottle was moved to the washing room. In the washing room the guide was
gave the bottle to the finger. The finger was contained 29 lines, which feeds 29 bottle to the
basket. The basket or washing room contains different parts.
In the part one, the internal and external part of the bottle was washed by high-pressure
prejetting water at the temperature of 75-80oc.The contaminant like soil and other that were
cleaned by water was removed. After that the bottle was passed to caustic treatment one for
further cleaning and sanitation. Caustic was important for facilitating the cleaning process
the bottle and its concentration was 2-2.5% at the temperature of 60-75 oc with contact time
5-6 minute. The bottle was moved caustic treatment two for further cleaning and sanitation
at the temperature of 60-65oc.
In part two, the bottles that were transferred from caustic treatment entered to warm water
one at the temperature of 48oc for further cleaning and reducing the caustic concentration
that appeared on the bottle. Then the bottle was moved to warm water two for extra cleaning
and reduction the caustic concentration on the bottle at the temperature of 40oc.
In part three, the bottles were transferred from warm water treatment to cold water treatment
for cooling the bottle and reduction the caustic concentration on the bottle at the temperature
of 38 oc and moved to fresh water washing at the temperature of 25 oc for further cooling and
cleaning the bottles. In this part, two chemicals were added. The chemical called divo AI
was used for adjusting the pH of the water, which contains a phosphoric acid that is
important for neutralization the caustic (NaOH solution) and divo LE contains a complex
chemical called EDTA which was used for solublized the chemicals that deposited as the salt
in the washing basket. These chemicals affect the normal function of the washing basket by
forming scales.EDTA was a complex chemical that was used for chelates the metal ions in
the case lead and heavy metals.
Finally, the bottles were moved to vapor extraction part for drying purpose by using steam
from the boiler and with the help of finger, the bottle passed empty bottle light inspection
part. In this part, the bottles, which were not clean correctly, were removed and the
remaining bottles were moved to the filling machine.
Figure 4: the process of bottle washing
3.3 Steam generation section
The raw materials those used for steam generation were air, water and fuel oil. The steam
was important for converting the solid and liquid CO 2 to the gas in the evaporator and it also
used for drying the washed bottle in vapor extraction plant. The steam was used for heating
the water that used for sugar dissolving in syrup preparation room.
In the burner there is also a step up transformer, which was used to step up the voltage up to
15KV to make it enough for burning system.
The boiler was boiled the water when the electrode get high electrical source (high voltage);
it shows spark and burn with the help of air. The fire boils the water by conduction system.
The flame were moved in the boiler (a horizontal tank) as the temperature greater than 100
C.In the boiler the flame was moved through the pipe and the water was moved to on the
layer of the tube by conduction, the heat transferred to the water and the water was changed
to vapour. The flame was changed to gas and discharge to the environment. The steam or the
vapour was passed from the boiler to mechanical valves and moved to steam distribution
tank. The steam distributer tank transferred the steam to syrup room, CO 2 room and bottle
washing room with help of pipe. After used the steam returned back to the condensate tank
for condensation and through the pipe the water was moved to the boiler feed tank for
Flow diagram for steam production in Burie plant:
Syrup room Steam
Co2 room r tank
Bottle washing
Boiler feed tank Mechanical
(40-60 oc) valve
Fuel oil
Burner tank Flame/fire tank Gas
(150oc) (>100oc)
Each type of beverage has its own aging time before going to be filled to enhance the flavor
oil of the syrup depends on the Pepsi cola standard.. The ready to fill finished syrup brix was
checked and then passed to the premix through 100 mesh strainer which traps any impurities
present in the finished syrup.
Table 1: the content of initial water (Lit), sugar content, finished syrup (lit) and target Brix;
First the treated water line pump was opened and filled the sugar dissolving tank and then
heat was applied from the boiler room, after filling the tank at the desired level for different
beverage with different volume. Then the granular sugar from Arjo Didessa, Wenji shewa
and India was mixed and added in to the hot at 800C of water in the dissolving tank at the
desired weight and agitated for some time. During its agitation, activated carbon was added
for purification because it was used as blenching agent and lasted for twenty-five minutes. As
soon as twenty-five minute reaches, Hyflo was added again and agitated for five minutes.
Then the solution was pumped to the filter sheet for filtration by pre coating with the Hyflo
over the filter sheet.
Finally, it was chilled by the chillers and pumped by carbon dioxide to the simple syrup tank
and then the colorants, sweeteners preservatives and acidulants were dissolved in the agitator
tank and delivered to the finished syrup tank. In the finished syrup tank, the degree brix of the
beverage was calculated to check its standard, it should be within range, and the pump using
carbon dioxide pumped the syrup solution to the paramix or mixer tank. In the paramix
carbon dioxide, treated water and syrup were mixed together.
Table 2 : The contents of flavour and dry components for each beverage use up in one batch
used to filter the dissolved sugar or simple syrup. This chemical is powder and mixed in
water in the filter aid dissolving tank which was found beside the sugar dissolving tank. After
celatom was dissolved in the filter aid tank, it was begun to pre-coat over the filter sheet to
screen out impurities found in the granular sugar. Finally, the simple syrup was allowed to
circulate through two horizontal filters called strainer and lasted for about one hour to
complete the filtration process inside the filter sheet. There was nothing different thing
performed in the strainers other than filtration. The celatom, which mixed with water, was
added in the dissolving tank in liquid form to trap carbon and other impurities like molasses
and silage to facilitate filtration. This chemical helps to treat the simple syrup. In addition to
celatom, chemicals which are used for syrup preparation include citric acid, sodium citrate,
sodium benzoate, sodium chloride, and ascorbic acid and potassium sulphate, malic acid. Conveyor
It was found separated by a wall from the main syrup room, but connected with the
dissolving tank by a pipe through the separator block or wall. Before transferring the sugar
into dissolving tank, the conveyor filters the sugar by extracting physically larger unwanted
materials and non-sugar particles with the help of sieves welded on it. After the filtration, the
sugar transfers into dissolving tank.
Therefore, simple syrup should be cooled at optimum to keep the raw materials functional
during production, storage and distribution.
Figure 6: Flow diagram for syrup preparation
beverage product. Naturally, soft drink beverages are exposed for microorganisms like
mould, yeast and bacteria. The growth and development of those microorganisms was limited
in acidic conditions because of the intrinsic factor of the product (PH) was low.
CO2 was prepared from burning of kilns, complete fuel combustion and waste gases. Burie
soft drink plant is producing CO2 by complete combustion of gasoline fuel by using burner.
3.5.1 Materials and chemicals used for CO2 production in Burie soft drink plant
Fuel oil (gasoline fuel) Potassium per manganese (PPM)
Activated carbon Burner
Purifier Direr
Evaporator Compressor
Air Scrubber
Mono ethylene amine (MEA) Liquirefier
top. During the production time, the solid and liquid CO 2 was changed to gas by evaporator
and transferred to the required part.
The purity of CO2 was measured in the drier unit by using an instrument called carbon
dioxide purity tester that contains potassium hydroxide solution. The required level of the
purity of the CO2 was 99.9%.In the burner tank the content of the gas was measured by using
detector tube like SO2 detector tube, CO2 detector tube, NO2 detector tube e.t.c.
Filtered air
Burner tank Heat+CO2+H2O+other
(150oc) gas
Soot and other
Gas oil (naphtha) impurity
Fresh water Scrubber
Other gas
Base tank (MEA (mono
ethylene amine), antifoaming
and soda Absorber
MEA solution
Stripper (CO2 and
MEA separated)
Mixing tank
3.6 The Compressor Section
The unwanted
A compressor was a device that creates refrigeration by removing heat from removed
objects or spaces
Figure Flowthe collected
chart for COatmospheric air. It increases the pressure on a fluid and transport the
2 production in Burie soft drink plant
Water was
Storage (solid,
fluid through a pipe. From MOHA Soft Drinks S.C Burie PepsiCo plant, I can saw ammonia
Ammonia compressor: compresses the ammonia gas in order to cool the beverage by using
water and wind pipes. On cooling tower of ammonia compressor, the chillier cools the
ammonia in order to cool the brine (NaCl) solution then the beverage. The ammonia
compressor contains cooling gas and water, the water turn to the cooling tower of ammonia
compressor agent and recycles. The ammonia become cooled by cooled water inside the
cooling room and the cooled ammonia return back to the compressor room to make cool the
brine and the cooled brine is used to cool the soft drink which is in premix section and after
the brine cools the soft drink, it returns bake to compressor room. There are temperature and
pressure sensors, which shows the temperature (how much the ammonia cooled) and pressure
of ammonia respectively.
Flow diagram for cooling unit was:
Cool water
Brine solution
Ammonia solution
3.7.1 Major activities
1. De-aeration: There were a number of processes used for de-aeration (removing
dissolved oxygen) usually based on a vacuum system. Some de-aeration units were
separated while others were integrated with other parts of the mix-processor system.
The benefits of de-aeration of the incoming water supply were important for,
Reduced air was necessary to meet standards for canned product :
Less air means greater product stability in filling and less foaming
Less air equals less product oxidation and less risk of contamination.
Less air was important in achieving maximum filling speeds and becomes critical
when utilizing "ambient" filling processes
2. Proportioning:
The crucial function of the proportioning equipment was to precisely blend finished
syrup with water at the correct ratios, or proportions, as called for in the official Pepsi
Cola formulas.
3. Carbonation: Carbonation processes utilize physical characteristics such as:
temperature and pressure to facilitate the absorption of carbonation into beverage.
The most common system in use is the saturation or carbonation tank. In this system,
beverage was distributed over cooling plates in a pressurized CO 2 atmosphere. As the
beverage was chilled, it absorbs carbonation.
4. Cooling: Most beverage operations were used cooling of 2 OC for cold filling.
The use of the cold filling process minimizes foaming at the filler, allows the systems to run
at lower carbonating pressures, can give a faster rated speed, and offers advantages from a
microbiologic standpoint.
number, time of manufacturing and the batch number of the product. After all this, checking
process bottles were placed in the crates. The whole process of production is automatic. Only
supervision is required. Finally, these crates were sent to the output warehouse.
The filling process has several phases:
Evacuation: was used only for bottles, where the bottles was subjected to a vacuum
to remove 90% of the air content before pressurizing with gas. This was a significant
process when filling particularly oxygen-sensitive beverages as the step can be
repeated after pressurizing with gas, thus removing 90% of the mixed gas, leaving a
highly concentrated gas atmosphere in the container.
Pressurizing with gas: was carried out after the container is sealed to the filling
valve. Gases from the filler ring bowl flows into the container until both pressures are
Filling: filling was performed when the filling valve was opened and the beverage
flow over the vent tube into the bottle. Gas in the container is displaced by the
beverage and flows through the vent tube into the filler ring bowl.
Settling and sniffing: - used to gently lower the pressure in the container and allow
the beverage to settle to prevent fobbing of the beverage as it is lowered from the
filling valve. The pressure between the container and the surrounding should be
Quality problems of foaming include; both under filling and over filling of bottles, product
residue like poor aesthetics of sticky package and an increment in volume of carbon dioxide
that causes acidity of beverage. The economical problem of foaming was, in loss of carbon
dioxide, increase the cost of cleaning and reduce filling speed. Foaming can be caused by;
dirty bottles, when filling temperature is too high, excessive air presents in the product, filler
bowl level is too low or too high, Filling temperature too high, unclean filling valve,
insufficiently treated water, warm bottle.
3.9 CIP system
The abbreviation for ‘CIP’ means cleaning in place that means cleaning any equipment that
were used when one types of product was produced and another was needed to be produce.
Equipments like sugar dissolving tanks, storage tanks, concentrate dissolving tanks and filler
must be cleaned to protect the growth of microorganism, elimination of flavourings and
coloring of one product component when mixing occurs for other products. CIP was a must
when one beverage production process finish and another production start.
3.9.1 Types of CIP System
There are several types of CIP system takes placed in the filling and syrup room. These were
To Pepsi Mirinda Mirinda 7-Up Tonic
From Orange Apple
Pepsi 3-Steps Rinse 5-Steps Rinse
c) Rinse by 38 0C -40 0C water for 10-15 minutes then checking for the absence of
d) Sanitize either by hot water at 80 0C for 15 minutes or chlorine at 100ppm for 20
e) Rinse by water for 10-15 minutes then checking the absence of chemicals.
Waste …...stage1…………………
… ……………………………………… …………………………………………………………
water … ……………………………………
..……………………………….. ………………………………
… STAGE1……….………….. STAGE2…………….…………………….
… ……………………………….
……………………………………… Stage2……………………. …………
Fresh ………………
water … ………………………………………
… ………….
production lines and processing systems were functioning properly
syrup was prepared correctly
all ingredients used in preparing syrup and final beverage are correctly treated,
handled, stored and within standards
Every single bottle of beverage leaving the plant should be as near perfect as possible. No
operation can be a success, regardless of how much money was spent on advertising or
merchandising, unless the product on the market leaves a favorable impression with the
consumers. They must have the desire to purchase the product again. A high quality product
is necessary in order to assure repeat sales. a High quality product defined as the product
design Quality control programs begin with the establishment of test protocols (including
frequency of sampling and proper testing equipment) followed by training of personnel.
Quality control programs focus on five main areas of plant operation, these were:
1. Syrup and beverage control testing to ascertain that the syrup had been making
correctly and that the resulting beverage was within standards.
2. Production line testing to assure that the individual units, such as the bottle
washer, mix-processor, carbonator, filler and cooling system are working
efficiently, and that the syrup,co2 and water are being proportioned correctly.
3. Water testing to assure that the water treating equipment is operating correctly.
4. Microbiologic analysis was taken to confirm that sanitation programs are
5. Testing of ingredients, production chemicals and packaging materials
One of the goals of quality control was to present the consumer with a product that is not
only consistently within standards, but that has a long shelf life also.
Beverage produced with the proper attention to the following areas offers the best
guarantee for a long shelf life:
produced within standards
prepared with sanitary equipment, in a sanitary environment
packaged in a sanitary container
sealed perfectly
handled, stored and distributed correctly
the product was stored in the coolest part of the warehouse
Distribution and marketing of these products were under carefully controlled
all packages were clearly coded The effect of changes in MEA and soda ash concentration in the MEA solution
MEA concentration, which was too high, requires a too high stripping temperature that could
to MEA break down and possible to corrosion. Too low MEA concentration will increase the
losses of CO2 in the exiting gas. Therefore the MEA solution strength should not exceed 10%
in water(by weight).if the soda ash content was too high, the boiling point and the stripping
temperature will increase ,which could leads to MEA break down. Therefore, the soda ash
content was between 3-6% in MEA solution.
The analysis was performed in two steps to obtain the weight percentage of MEA and sodium
carbonate. The solution was titrated with an acid to measure the total alkalinity due to the
MEA plus sodium carbonate. The sodium carbonate alkalinity in the second sample was
destroyed by reacting it with barium chloride and the residual alkalinity due to MEA alone
was titrated with acid.
distilled water
1N hydrochloric acid
bromophenolblue indicator
10ml pipette
250 ml conical flask
50 ml burette
100 ml measuring cylinder
50ml of distilled water was placed in 250ml conical flask. Using 10ml pipette, exactly10 ml
MEA solution was transferred to the flask.4 drops of bromophenolblue indicator was added.
Using the 50 ml of burette the solution was titrated in the flask with 1N hydrochloric acid
until the blue colour fades yellow green or yellow blue. Finally, the amount of acid used in
the burette was recorded and called it (T1).
Using the pipette exactly 10ml of MEA solution was transferred in to 200ml beaker, and
about 10ml of distilled water and 4-5 boiling chips was added in to the beaker. Heat the
solution to boiling (it was the most important that the solution boils for a few minutes to drive
off any dissolved co2).Take the beaker and off the heat and added 10ml of 10% barium
chloride. The white precipitate should form immediately. The hot liquid was filtered through
the Whatman No.41 filter paper. When all the liquid passed through the filter, use 3*10ml
distilled water to wash the beaker and filter. The filtrate was collected in 250ml conical flask
and the precipitate and the filter paper was discarded. Four drops of bromophenolblue
indicator was added in to the flask and the solution was titrated with 1N hydrochloric acid.
The end point was indicated by the colour change from blue to yellow blue or yellow green.
Finally the amount of acid consumed was recorded from the burette and called it (T2).
The MEA solution was transferred to the measuring cylinder up to 100ml.The temperature of
the solution should between 18-22OC and it could be adjusted by running a hot or cold water
over the outside of the measuring cylinder. The hydrometer was suspended in the solution,
twirl it. Wait for all movement to was stopped and read where the bottom of meniscus meets
the hydrometer. This was gave the direct reading of the specific gravity.
100 ml of water
measuring cylinder
1 ml dropper
hardness indicator (recrom black T solution)
0.01N EDTA
50 ml burette
100ml of water was taken from the line pipe after it pass the softener tank by using
measuring cylinder and put in to conical flask.1ml of 10% ammonia solution was added by
using 1ml dropper and used as catalyst. By using dropper, 2-3 drop of hardness indicator
(recrom black T-solution was added in the water after addition of ammonia. After that 0.01N,
EDTA from the 50ml burette was added until the pink colour change to blue colour and
recorded the value. It must be less than 15ppm.
3.12.3 Determine the hardness of water due to calcium from the line after softener
Reagent and apparatus:
100 ml of water
measuring cylinder
2 ml dropper
calcium hardness indicator
0.01N EDTA
50 ml burette
100 ml of water was taken from the line pipe after it pass the softener tank by using
measuring cylinder and put in to conical flask. By using 2ml dropper, 1N NaOH was added.
Then one spatula of calcium hardness indicator was added.
Finally from 50ml burette, titrate the solution with 0.01NEDTA until the light pink colour
change to normal pink colour.
3.12.4 Measuring the alkalinity of the treated water that used for beverage
Alkalinity: Is a measure of the capacity of water to neutralize acid. It is parameter to be
checked and will take an action if the result exceeds the range. The cause for the alkalinity
water was the presence of CO 3-2, HCO3-2 and OH-, which get from dissociation of CaHCO 3
NaOH and MgHCO3.
100 ml of water
measuring cylinder
250 ml conical flask
0.02N, H2SO4
M- purple solution
Frist the water was taken from the famix line after it pass with UV ray. After that, took 100ml
water by using measuring cylinder and put on the conical flask. To measure total alkalinity of
the treated water, 3-4 drop of m-purple solution was added and shecking.Then by using 50ml
0.02N H2SO4 (titrant) was added in to the water from the burette until the pink colour
changed to colour less. Finally read the burrete.It must be less than 50ppm.
100 ml of water
measuring cylinder
250 ml conical flask
T-solution (sodium thiophaphate with chemical formula Na2S2O3)
p-solution (C20H14O4)
0.02N, H2SO4
M- purple solution
100 ml of water was taken from the mixing tank line after it pass UV ray by using measuring
cylinder and put in to conical flask. By using dropper, 2-3 drop of T-solution (sodium
thiophaphate with chemical formula Na2S2O3) was added in the water for masking of
chlorine. If chlorine was not mask, the side reaction occurred which affects the titration. Then
3-4 drops of p-solution (C20H14O4) was added in the water. After that 0.02N, H2SO4 from the
burette was added until the pink colour change to colour less and recorded the value. Then 3-
4 droppes of the M- purple solution was added by using dropper. After that adding 0.02N,
H2SO4 started from at the point we stopped, in which measuring alkalinity of water by using
P- solution, until the colour change to dark pink.
Then by using the formula: OH- alkalinity=2P-M must be between 2-7 ppm
3.12.5 Measuring titratable acidity of mirinda (both control &line sample)
Titrableacidity; is the multiple of the normality of the solution (titrant base) by its volume
that is consumed to neutralize the given sample (analyte acid) up to the standard PH (both
control &line sample).when we do the titrableacidity of the beverage that produced in Burie
plant except pepsi which is phosphoric acid, the target acid was citric acid.
Reagent and apparatus:
Frist the sample of fill bottles were taken from on line production. From these fill bottle, 100
ml of sample was taken by measuring cylinder and put in to conical flask. Then by using tire
plate, the sample was tired for complete mixing of the ingredients. After that 0.1N, NaOH
was added on the sample until the point that, the pH meter reads 8.75.finally the amount of
0.1N NaOH consumed was recored.The value should be between 25.61-27.1 ml.
10 ml of pepsi sample was taken from drinking sample by using measuring cylinder, then
by using tire plate and stirrer the solution was stirred for complete mixing of the ingredient.
After that, 2 ml of 10% of potassium citrate was added for reducing the consumption of 0.1
N of NaOH. Because water that was added in the pepsi syrup contains Ca +2 and Mg +2
which reacted with phosphoric acid that produced more H+ ion that cause for more
consumption of NaOH.
Finally, the solution was titrated with 0.1N of NaOH until the pH read at 8.75. The titratable
acidity of pepsi must be 10.67-12.36 ml.
4. Result and Discussion
Table 3: The results of MEA and soda strength, total hardness, calcium hardness of water
The red colour indicates the concentration of MEA beyond the rand
The chemists did not take any measurements due to the total hardness water less than 15ppm.
Nevertheless, if the hardness is greater than the range the chemists were going to see the
softener tank and told the operator for adjusting the machine, adding sodium chloride solution
for regeneration of the zeolite Measuring the hardness of water caused by calcium was to
know the quantity of calcium and magnesium ions present in the treated water.
45 45
40 40
35 35
30 30
20 alkalinity(ppm)
15/11/2016 25/11/2016 15/12/2016 25/12/2016 05/01/2017
Figure 11: The total alkalinity of the treated water after it passes the UV ray
The total alkalinity the water that used for production was normal in these days. Because of
the alkalinity of water in these days was below 50 ppm which was required by pepsi Cola
OH alkalinity
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3 3
15/11/2016 25/11/2016 15/12/2016 25/12/2016 05/01/2017
The hydroxide alkalinity the water that used for production was between the ranges as a
result, the correction measurement was not taken by the chemist. If the hydroxide alkalinity
was greater than 7 ppm, the chemists going to see the line of Al2SO4 worked correctly.
27 27 27.1
26.25 26.24 26.3
26 25.9
As we have seen the above graph the titrableacidity for drinking mirinda was between the
standard of 25.65-27.19 ppm. Nevertheless if the TA of mirinda was below 25.65ppm, the
chemists would go to add citric acid until TA of the control sample reads 25.65-27.19 ppm. If
the TA of drinking mirinda was read above 27.19 ppm, the chemists were going to stop the
addition of citric acid until the TA of control sample reads between the ranges.
12.21 12.2
Titrable acidity
15/11/2016 25/11/2016 05/12/2016 15/12/2016
In these days the chemists didn’t take any measurements to make the TA of the pepsi at its
normal range, since it was on the expected range (10.67 – 12.36 ml). If the TA of the
sample was greater than 12.36ml, the chemists would reduce the concentration of
phosphoric acid by adjusting the blending machine and if the TA of pepsi sample was given
to be below 10.67 ml, two actions would to be taken
1. Increase the blending ratio (e.g.1.5 volume of syrup to 4.5 volume water)
2. Increase the phosphoric acid concentration.
5. Overall Internship Experience in the Company
The internship was the time by which students were assigned in the practical work
environment .And its main objective is to implement theoretical knowledge gained in
university into practical work skills in industrial area or other areas of fields. It is important
because the practical observation in higher educational institute was held under limited
condition due lack of available laboratories, lack of skilled lab assistant. During the
internship, students were exposed to the real application area of their concern there by
developing their practical skills. The importance of exposure students to practical attachments
is no limited to the case of practical skill development only. They also get opportunity to
understand responsibility, work ethics, punctuality and other disciplines related to working
6. Opportunities and challenges
6.1 Opportunities gained during internship
Since the company is old aged, I acquire a lot of practical work by the experienced
individuals like Ademe who is the manager of the quality control section and Melkamu who
is the chemist. They encouraged us to develop my knowledge through visual observation and
practical work in the company.
The internship program also develops my social interaction and personal communication,
how to precede my work and also how to ask questions and acquire knowledge and
understanding from different section of production line in the company. This internship
program has multiple opportunities to involve in food science and industrial world throughout
my life because it is a framework for job occupation in the future and for not only job
occupation but also it encourages me to develop theoretical knowledge in the classroom.
Therefore it is mandatory education strategy to develop and improve the knowledge I learnt
from different interesting courses like food processing technology, beverage technology and
mass and heat transfer, sugar processing and purification technology during the internship
< Transportation
< Food service
< Water availability
< Utility for housing and also
< Payment for house rant all these things make me bored during internship period.
6.3 Measurement taken to overcome challenges
The first problems related with the theoretical and practical aspect was solved by asking
chemists and reading the manual repeatedly.
Secondly, the company solved transportation problem by giving the chance to use their
service together with the employees. Problems related with food service, water availability,
and payment for house rant was minimized by allocating budgets for each rate and choosing
things that are less in price.
7. Overall benefits gained from internship
The overall benefits of the internship were not limited to the practical skill only but also
include the following advantages:
Upgrading theoretical knowledge and entrepreneurship skill
improving interpersonal communication skill
improving team playing skill and improving leadership skill
understanding about work ethics related issues
Honesty and Personal right & obligation
Generally, during this internship I improved the communication skill by communicating
starting from daily labor to project manager learning different type of production terms.
7.6 In terms of understanding work ethics
Work ethics include not only how one feels about his/her job, career but also how one did
his/her job or responsibilities. This involves attitude, behaviours, respection, communication,
and interaction one with others.
In the period of internship, I was understood what are work ethics? One of ethics was
punctuality. Some of the work ethics that I gained includes:
Possessing a positive attitude
Punctuality, Reliability and Cooperation
Honesty and integrity –Avoiding potential or visible conflict of interests
8. Summary and Conclusion
In my internship time of Burie soft drink, I saw and practiced the following parts. In the
company there was water treatment. The source of raw water was fetam and menzena.
Menzena would used for production purpose by treating in different chemicals and materials.
Coagulation was one of the treatment method in the coagulation process and chemicals like
Al2 (SO4)3 and Ca (OH) 2 are added for different purpose. The factory used these chemicals
for coagulation and reducing the alkalinity of water respectively. Fetam used for non
production purpose by treating it with the chemical called zeolite.
Carbon dioxide gas was produced in CO2 plant and it was very essential for the shelf life of
the product by forming H2CO3 and adding flavor to the products.
Syrup was produced from different ingredients and finally sent to famix. The treated water
from menzena was cooled by heat plate exchanger and mixed with syrup in the famix in the
ratio water to syrup 1:4 and 1:5 for mirinda orange and other pepsi cola drink respectively.
The CO2 mixed with the solution in the carbonation process. The boiler produces steam using
soft water in order to supply heat to different units by using heat exchanger. Washer was a
machine which washes the empty bottle and removes the contaminants in the bottle by using
different chemicals and checked its quality to use for product filling.
The quality test of the beverage and water were measured in chemical laboratory class. The
hardness of water after it passes the softener tank was less than15ppm and the hardness of
water was not greater than the range during the internship time. The alkalinity of water that
used for production purpose was measured in chemical laboratory class. The total hardness of
water after it passes the UV treatment must be less than 50ppm and the hydroxide alkalinity
was 2-7ppm.the alkalinity of the water during the internship time was not going beyond the
rand that specified by pepsi cola plant.
The strengths of MEA and soda used for extraction of CO 2 gas was measured in chemical
laboratory room.
Generally, when I staying in Burie Pepsi cola plant, I learnt so many practical skill related to
the academic area. It helps me to understand & analyze what should I take when I conduct
within the environment or looking myself into a responsible person place. Before the
internship, I was carelessly viewed the paratical activities during the lab class but now it
prepared me to view and understand any practical activities carried out in the lab in the good
and careful manner. Also it prepared me to pay special attention in all practrical activities that
was carried out in the company.
9. Recommendation
9.1 Recommendation to the hosting company
Here in my recommendation part I want to recommend different things to the company
besides its good strength; therefore I would like to recommend the following items.
Lack of worker recreational services such as cinema, sport fields
it’s better to use computer based management control the overall workers and process
of the whole company
The company maintenance section should have their own appropriate machine
winding &rewinding laboratory for those temporary damaged machines
The supervisors must assign a trained person for each room or for each part of the
production process to show or to give practical skill for the internship students
Even though there is operators who assists us to gain practical knowledge majority of
them are telling the process but they don’t join up with scienifical knowledge (lack of
scienifical knowledge).
In the company, there is some zone which danger for human. Therefore the
students are not entering the place that not allowed.
10. Reference
1. Brown, Catronia J.; Smith, Gay; Shaw, Linda; Parry, Jason; Smith, Anthony J.
(March 2007). "The erosive potential of flavoured sparkling water drinks". International
Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. British Paedodontic Society and the International
Association of Dentistry for Children. 17 (2): 86–91.
2. Curhan, G., Willett, W., Speizer, F., & Stampfer, M. (1998). Soft drink Beverage
use. Ann Intern Med, 128, 534-540.
3. Mitchell and Alan J. ed. Formulation and Production of Carbonated Soft
Drinks. AVI, 1990.
4. MOHA employees hand book (2005)
5. MOHA plant manual book (1999)
6. Syrup preparation manual