SEL-3400 IRIG-B Distribution Module Instruction Manual: Features, Benefits, and Applications
SEL-3400 IRIG-B Distribution Module Instruction Manual: Features, Benefits, and Applications
SEL-3400 IRIG-B Distribution Module Instruction Manual: Features, Benefits, and Applications
Product Overview
Figure 1 provides a functional overview of the front and rear of the SEL-3400.
LED status information Display for time or date Pushbuttons for easy settings
Accessories enhance your SEL-3400 application. For a complete list of
available accessories, refer to the SEL Satellite-Synchronized Clocks
Accessory Guide at
Disconnect Device
For installations requiring IEC compliance, place an external circuit breaker
no more than 3.0 m (9.8 ft) from the equipment. The circuit breaker must
comply with IEC 60947-1 and IEC 60947-3 or an equivalent approved
disconnect device appropriate for the country of installation and be identified
as the disconnect device for this equipment. The maximum current rating for
the power disconnect circuit breaker or overcurrent device must be 20 A.
Operational power is internally fused. This fuse is user replaceable. If a failure
occurs, use the procedure described in Testing and Troubleshooting on page 9.
Rear-Panel Symbols There are important safety symbols on the rear of the SEL-3400, as indicated
in Figure 2.
Observe proper safety precautions when you connect the SEL-3400 at
terminals marked by these symbols. In particular, the danger symbol located
on the rear panel corresponds to the following:
Contact with instrument terminals can cause electrical shock that can
result in injury or death.
Limit access to terminals marked with the danger symbol.
Indicators The SEL-3400 has two status indicator LEDs. Table 1 describes these
indicators that annunciate the status of the clock.
Label Description
Label Description
Display The SEL-3400 shows time information on the front-panel LEDs. The display
positions are the time in HH:MM:SS format, where H is hours, M is minutes, and S
is seconds. For setting the time display to local time, see SET TIME on page 6.
IRIG-B Input The SEL-3400 has two IRIG-B inputs, located on the front and the back of the
unit. Use Control Switch 1 to select the primary source of IRIG-B.
The SEL-3400 accepts a demodulated (also referred to as unmodulated)
IRIG-B000, IRIG-B002, and IRIG-B004 input. The IRIG-B002 time-code
format is binary-coded decimal (BCD) time code (HH,MM,SS,DDD); this
time-code format is “regular” IRIG-B. The IRIG-B000 and IRIG-B004 time-
code formats consist of BCD time code (HH,MM,SS,DDD), plus straight
binary seconds (SBS) of the day (0–86400 s), and control functions that
depend upon user applications. In addition, IRIG-B004 contains continuous
time quality indication.
IRIG-B Output The IRIG-B output provides demodulated IRIG-B on the twelve BNC outputs
on the back of the device. If an IRIG-B000, IRIG-B002, or IRIG-B004 input
is present, the IRIG-B input signal is passed to all twelve IRIG-B outputs with
minimal delay (Control Switch 2 OFF). When no IRIG-B input signal is
present, the SEL-3400 extinguishes the front-panel IRIG-B LED and does not
transmit time. It will keep time internally and display it on the front panel.
Cleaning Use care when cleaning the SEL-3400. Perform the following steps:
Step 1. Use a mild soap or detergent solution and a damp cloth to clean
the enclosure.
Do not use abrasive materials, polishing compounds, or harsh
chemical solvents (such as xylene or acetone) on any surface.
Step 2. Be careful cleaning the front and rear panels because a
permanent plastic sheet covers the panel.
Switch Function
NOTE: Control Switches 3–8 are for 3 OUT1, OUT2, OUT3, OUT4 configuration:
testing purposes only. Control
Switch 2 must be ON to enable use of 4 OUT5, OUT6, OUT7, OUT8 configuration: ON = IRIG-B002 format
Control Switches 3–8. OFF = IRIG-B000 format
5 OUT9, OUT10, OUT11, OUT12
6 OUT1, OUT2, OUT3, OUT4 configuration: ON = Set time quality of
IRIG-B outputs to 0, locked
7 OUT5, OUT6, OUT7, OUT8 configuration:
OFF = Set time quality of
8 OUT9, OUT10, OUT11, OUT12 IRIG-B outputs to selected
configuration: IRIG-B input
Figure 3 Control Switch ON/OFF Direction
Primary Input
Control Switch 1 selects which IRIG-B input is the primary source if both
IRIG-B inputs have a time quality of zero. The purpose of Control Switch 1 is
to break a tie condition when both sources have good time with “locked” time
quality indication.
Redundant Mode
Leaving Control Switch 10 in the down (OFF) position puts the SEL-3400 in
redundant mode. In this mode, the device will output time from whichever input
source has the best reported time quality. In the event that the time quality of the two
sources is equal, the SEL-3400 will default to the primary input as dictated by
Control Switch 1. If the primary source is no longer sending time or its time quality
is worse than the secondary source for three or more seconds, the SEL-3400 will
assert the alarm contact and switch to the secondary source. The SEL-3400 will only
switch back to the primary source once the primary source has a time quality equal
to or better than the secondary source. This offers protection against the failure or
degradation of one of the two time sources.
Verification Mode
Switching Control Switch 10 to the up (ON) position puts the SEL-3400 in
verification mode. In this mode, the device compares the two IRIG-B inputs and
checks for abnormalities. If the two sources are reporting the same time data with a
time quality of zero, the SEL-3400 will distribute IRIG-B from the primary input. If
the sources are reporting different times, or if either source is absent or reports a time
quality greater than zero, the device will alarm and output failed time quality.
Delay Compensation
The SEL-3400 allows a user to extend the distance and number of IRIG-B
connected devices. In order to maintain accurate time to the end IRIG-B
devices, the SEL-3400 can compensate for cable delays. A single time
compensation adjustment will be applied for the device so using output cables
of the same lengths improves accuracy. If this is not practical, and you need
output cables of different lengths, use the average cable length to each end
device as your cable delay compensation setting. Control Switches 11–15
NOTE: Users can also set cable delay
allow the user to compensate for the total cable delays of up to 155 m
compensation to account for input (508.5 ft) in 5-meter (16.4-foot) increments. To make settings easier, the user
cables. If the input cable length is sets cable delay in terms of cable length instead of trying to calculate the cable
known, the output length can be
overcompensated to take the input delay. The SEL-3400 compensates for 5 ns of delay for every meter of cable,
delay into account. corresponding with the SEL-C953 RG-58 IRIG-B distribution cable. This
means the minimum compensation is 25 ns and maximum compensation is
775 ns. When any of the Control Switches 11–15 are switched ON, the
SEL-3400 will add delay compensation for the specified cable length. This
cable length is added as each of the control switches are switched ON. For
example, if someone were using 30-meter cables to one device and 60-meter
cables to another device (see Figure 4), they would set Control Switches 12
and 15 to ON to adjust for 45 m of delay (the average of the two lengths). This
would account for 225 ns of delay.
30 m
60 m
12/24 HOUR Pressing the 12/24 HOUR pushbutton toggles the clock display between 12- and
24-hour time. For instance, if the time is 11:30:00 p.m., pressing the
12/24 HOUR pushbutton toggles between 23:30:00 and 11:30:00.
Pressing the 12/24 HOUR pushbutton for longer than three seconds displays the
SEL-3400 Firmware ID (FID). Release the pushbutton to return to normal
SET DATE Pressing the SET DATE pushbutton for less than three seconds displays the
present date. When displaying the date, the clock does not light the colon
separators. To revert to the time display, press the SET TIME pushbutton.
NOTE: If a valid IRIG-B signal is Pressing the SET DATE pushbutton for longer than three seconds causes the
present, the SEL-3400 automatically SEL-3400 to enter the date-set mode. In the date-set mode, the most
displays the IRIG-B date and overrides significant digit of the year flashes first, indicating that the value can be
the battery-backed settings you enter.
changed. Set the year, month, and day in order. You can change the value of
the flashing LED by pressing the ADV pushbutton. Pressing the SET DATE
pushbutton again sets the flashing LED and advances to the next digit. To
advance past the flashing digit, press the SET DATE pushbutton. Continue this
process until you have set the correct date. When you have set the last seven-
segment LED, the SEL-3400 returns to normal operation and stores the date in
the battery-backed clock.
SET TIME Pressing the SET TIME pushbutton for less than three seconds causes the clock
to display the present time and illuminate the colons used to separate
hours/minutes and minutes/seconds.
NOTE: If a valid IRIG-B signal is Pressing the SET TIME pushbutton for longer than three seconds causes the
present, the SEL-3400 automatically SEL-3400 to enter the time-set mode. In time-set mode, the most significant
displays the IRIG-B time and overrides
all battery-backed settings you enter.
digit hour LED begins to flash, indicating that you can change the value. Set
the hour, minutes, and seconds in order. You can change the value of the
flashing LED by pressing the ADV pushbutton. Pressing the SET TIME
pushbutton again sets the flashing LED value and advances to the next digit.
To advance past the flashing digit, press the SET TIME pushbutton. Continue this
process until you have set the correct time. When you have set the last seven-
segment LED, the SEL-3400 returns to normal operation and stores the time
in the battery-backed clock.
ADV While in time-set and date-set modes, pressing the ADV pushbutton increments
the value indicated for the flashing digits. Pressing the ADV pushbutton for
longer than three seconds when the SEL-3400 is not in a setting mode begins
the LED self-test. See Self-Test on page 9 for details.
Time-Code The SEL-3400 has sufficient driving capacity to provide demodulated time-
code signals to multiple products simultaneously.
Demodulated Time Code
Table 4 shows typical drive capabilities per demodulated BNC output for the
SEL-3400 connected to other SEL equipment. The demodulated BNC outputs
provide a standard IRIG-B00X DC level-shift (TTL) signal. The accuracy of
this signal through the SEL-3400 is <50 ns, average. The drive capability of
each output is 120 mA into 25 ohms at a nominal level of 3.5 V.
A series/parallel connection of SEL-100 and SEL-200 series products consists
of two relays in series, with as many as 10 of these series pairs connected in
40 m (131.2 ft)
... 50 Ω
SEL-3400 * * *
Dual-Input Sources The SEL-3400 provides the ability to accept two separate IRIG-B time inputs
(see Figure 6) and automatically select the best available source for
maintaining time. Alternatively, the user can choose to compare the two
sources against each other to detect spoofing attacks. Using two input sources
for the SEL-3400 provides increased reliability for time distribution to
downstream devices.
SEL-2488 SEL-2401
Either one of the IRIG-B inputs are available to source demodulated IRIG-B
formatted time to the SEL-3400. When using two input sources in redundant
mode, the SEL-3400 provides failover to the best IRIG-B source available. If
NOTE: IRIG-B000 or IRIG-B004
format with IEEE C31.118 extensions the primary source is either no longer sending time or the time quality is worse
must be used to fully enable the than the secondary source, the SEL-3400 will assert the alarm contact and
SEL-3400 failover feature.
switch over to the secondary source. The SEL-3400 will only switch back to
the primary source once the primary source has a time quality equal to or
better than the secondary source.
In verification mode, the SEL-3400 compares the two input sources and
checks for discrepancies. If either source reports a time quality above zero, or
if both sources are reporting a time quality of zero but the signals have a phase
difference greater than 5 s, the device will assert the alarm contact and force
NOTE: Time quality and continuous
time quality definitions can be found in its time quality and continuous time quality settings to the failed condition,
the IEEE C37.118-2011 standard. and the IRIG-B LED will be illuminated and in the red state.
Data Verified IN1, IN2 TQ = 0 |IN1 - IN2| < 5 s Output TQ Alarm Source
Battery Replacement A battery maintains the time if the external power is lost or removed. The
battery is a 3 V lithium carbon monofluoride coin cell, IEC No. BR2335 or
equivalent. At room temperature (25°C), the battery will last for at least two
years if there is no other power to the SEL-3400. The battery cannot be
To change the battery, perform the following steps:
There is danger of explosion if the Step 1. Remove power (and IRIG-B signal, if applied) from the SEL-3400.
battery is incorrectly replaced.
Replace only with Ray-O-Vac® no. Step 2. Remove the top panel by removing the five top-panel screws
BR2335 or equivalent recommended
by manufacturer. See Owner's Manual
and the four front-panel screws.
for safety instructions. The battery
used in this device may present a fire Step 3. Locate the battery in the middle of the circuit board.
or chemical burn hazard if mistreated.
Do not recharge, disassemble, heat Step 4. Remove the battery from beneath its retaining clip and install a
above 100°C or incinerate. Dispose of new battery, being careful not to deform the clip.
used batteries according to the
manufacturer’s instructions. Keep
battery out of reach of children.
The positive side (+) of the battery faces up.
Step 5. Replace the top panel. Reinstall the top-panel and front-panel
screws and tighten securely.
Step 6. Apply power to the SEL-3400.
Step 7. If an IRIG-B signal is not connected to the SEL-3400, use the
SET DATE and SET TIME pushbuttons to set the date and time (see
Settings and Commands on page 4 for details).
Fuse Replacement If it appears that there is no power to the SEL-3400 (for example, all display
indications are off), perform the following steps:
Step 1. Verify that a supply voltage within the power supply range is
present on terminals 7 and 8.
Step 2. If the correct supply voltage is present, remove power and then
remove the SEL-3400 from the equipment rack.
Step 3. Remove the top panel by removing the five top-panel screws
CAUTION and the four front-panel screws.
Equipment components are sensitive
to electrostatic discharge (ESD).
Undetectable permanent damage can Step 4. Replace the fuse with a BUSS S505 2 A (ceramic),
result if you do not use proper ESD Schurter T2 A 250 V, or equivalent.
procedures. Ground yourself, your
work surface, and this equipment Step 5. Replace the top panel and secure it with the top-panel and
before removing any cover from this
equipment. If your facility is not front-panel screws.
equipped to work with these
components, contact SEL about Step 6. Reinstall the SEL-3400.
returning this device and related SEL
equipment for service. Step 7. Apply power to the SEL-3400.
Mechanical Diagrams
Compliance Dimensions
ISO 9001:2008 Certified 43.7 mm x 482.6 mm x 199.8 mm
FCC CFR 47 Part 15, Class A (1.72" H x 19.00" W x 7.87" D)
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Type Tests
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a
Electromagnetic Compatibility Emissions
commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can IEC 60255-25:2000
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in FCC CFR 47 Part 15, Class A
accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. Operation of this Electromagnetic Compatibility Immunity
equipment in a residential area may be likely to cause harmful
Standard: IEEE 1613, Class 1
interference in which case the user will be required to correct the
interference at his own expense. Any changes or modifications not Conducted RF Immunity: IEC 60255-22-6:2001
expressly approved by the manufacturer can void the user's IEC 61000-4-6:2008
authority to operate the equipment. Severity Level: 10 Vrms
Power Input Electrostatic Discharge IEC 60255-22-2:2008
Immunity: IEC 61000-4-2:2008
Rating: 24, 48, 125, 250 Vdc Severity Level: 2, 4, 6, 8 kV contact; 2,
120 and 230 Vac 4, 8, 15 kV air
50/60 Hz IEEE C37.90.3-2001
Range: 18–300 Vdc or 75–264 Vac Severity Level: 2, 4, and 8 kV contact;
4, 8 and 15 kV air
Burden: 10 W
Fast Transient/Burst IEC 60255-22-4:2008
IRIG-B Time Input Immunity: Severity Level: Class A: 4 kV, 5 kHz;
2 kV 5 kHz on communication ports
Demodulated IRIG-B000, IRIG-B002, or IRIG-B004 IEC 61000-4-4:2011
Input Impedance: 1.33 k Severity Level: 4 kV, 5 kHz
NOTE: The SEL-3400 is not field To find the firmware revision number in your digital clock, press and hold the
upgradeable. The unit must be 12/24 HOUR pushbutton for longer than three seconds. The SEL-3400 displays
returned to the factory if a firmware
upgrade is required.
the firmware ID (FID) on the six, 7-segment LEDs until the pushbutton is
The firmware revision number is after the “r”.
For example:
Firmware ID (FID) Number Summary of Revisions
Date Code
R102 ➤ Added IRIG-B verification capabilities when using dual time-input sources. 20150218
R101 ➤ Added delay compensation for long cable runs. 20140418
➤ Added IRIG-B failover capabilities when using dual time-input sources.
R100 ➤ Initial version. 20130906
Instruction Manual
The date code at the bottom of each page of this manual reflects the creation
or revision date.
Table 2 lists the product manual release dates and a description of
modifications. The most recent product manual revisions are listed at the top.
Factory Assistance
We appreciate your interest in SEL products and services. If you have
questions or comments, please contact us at:
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
2350 NE Hopkins Court
Pullman, WA 99163-5603 U.S.A.
Tel: +1.509.332.1890
Fax: +1.509.332.7990
Contact with instrument terminals can cause electrical shock that can Tout contact avec les bornes de raccordement de l’appareil peut
result in injury or death. causer un choc électrique pouvant entraîner des blessures ou la mort.
Have only qualified personnel service this equipment. If you are not Seules des personnes qualifiées peuvent travailler sur cet appareil. Si
qualified to service this equipment, you can injure yourself or others, vous n’êtes pas qualifiés pour ce travail, vous pourriez vous blesser
or cause equipment damage. avec d’autres personnes ou endommager l’équipement.
Operator safety may be impaired if the device is used in a manner not La sécurité de l’opérateur peut être compromise si l’appareil est utilisé
specified by SEL. d’une façon non indiquée par SEL.
Equipment components are sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). Les composants de cet équipement sont sensibles aux décharges
Undetectable permanent damage can result if you do not use proper électrostatiques (DES). Des dommages permanents non-décelables
ESD procedures. Ground yourself, your work surface, and this peuvent résulter de l’absence de précautions contre les DES.
equipment before removing any cover from this equipment. If your Raccordez-vous correctement à la terre, ainsi que la surface de travail
facility is not equipped to work with these components, contact SEL et l’appareil avant d’en retirer un panneau. Si vous n’êtes pas équipés
about returning this device and related SEL equipment for service. pour travailler avec ce type de composants, contacter SEL afin de
retourner l’appareil pour un service en usine.
There is danger of explosion if the battery is incorrectly replaced. Une pile remplacée incorrectement pose des risques d’explosion.
Replace only with Ray-O-Vac® no. BR2335 or equivalent recommended Remplacez seulement avec un Ray-O-Vac® no BR2335 ou un produit
by manufacturer. See Owner's Manual for safety instructions. The équivalent recommandé par le fabricant. Voir le guide d’utilisateur
battery used in this device may present a fire or chemical burn hazard pour les instructions de sécurité. La pile utilisée dans cet appareil peut
if mistreated. Do not recharge, disassemble, heat above 100°C or présenter un risque d’incendie ou de brûlure chimique si vous en faites
incinerate. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s mauvais usage. Ne pas recharger, démonter, chauffer à plus de 100°C
instructions. Keep battery out of reach of children. ou incinérer. Éliminez les vieilles piles suivant les instructions du
fabricant. Gardez la pile hors de la portée des enfants.
This product is covered by the standard SEL 10-year warranty. For warranty details,
visit or contact your customer service representative.