Chapter 3. Corrosion of Metals
Chapter 3. Corrosion of Metals
Chapter 3. Corrosion of Metals
Corrosion of Metals
Occurs all the time
Attacks many structures in a plant
Shortens useful life of plant equipment
Increases maintenance requirements
Creates safety and environmental problems
Increases production downtime
Corrosion caused
leakage which
triggered the fire
that destroyed this
Nypro Reactor
Chevron 2001
Coating holidays
cause localised
The corrosion of one metal caused by another in an electrochemical process driven by
the potential difference between the two metals.
In this process, the corrosion in one metal is accelerated (the anode) while in the
other suppressed (the cathode)
Three Essential Conditions
• potential difference
• presence of an electrolyte
• electrical connection between the two electrodes
Factors Influencing Galvanic Corrosion
• potential difference:
electromotive force (emf) of pure elements
galvanic series of alloys
• environment: electrolyte conductivity, temperature, etc.
be aware that under certain environment conditions a galvanic coupling may
reveres their cell potential difference: galvanised steel in hot water systems
• cathode-to-anode area ratio
• distance effect
Galvanic series, the
driving force of
galvanic corrosion
Restoration of the Statue of Liberty in
1986, due to galvanic corrosion damage
Prevention Techniques
• selecting metals of similar electrode potentials to minimise the driving force
of the process
• protection against moisture condensation to eliminate the chance of
forming an electrolyte
• insulation between dissimilar metals to avoid electrical connection
• coating for electrical insulation or isolation of metal from electrolyte
• installing a third metal which is anodic to both metals
• designing for easy replacement of the anode metal or thicker section for
longer service life
Beneficial Applications of Galvanic Corrosion
• Cathodic protection, sacrificial anode protection
Galvanised steels: Zn coating is anodic to steel, act as a sacrificial metal
• Cleaning silver
blackened surfaces: silver sulphide
rubbing with an abrasive? bad for silver plates
Ag in Al pan: soda solution:
cathodic reaction reduces silver sulphide to Ag
In a seawater environment: H2O, O2, Na+ and Cl-
Metal oxidises in balance with the reduction of oxygen:
M M+ + e- (the anodic reaction)
O2 + 2H2O + 4e- 4OH- (the cathodic reaction)
M+ + OH- MOH
Due to the similar mechanism many other forms of corrosion are also considered
crevice corrosion. These include:
Deposition corrosion
Most corrosion is found in the
Waterline corrosion splash zone, where wet-dry
Inlet corrosion conditions alternate
Gasket corrosion
Droplet corrosion
Differential aeration corrosion
Corrosion pits
Factors Affecting Pitting
• Solutions
solutions containing chloride or chlorine-containing ions: sea water
hypochlorites (HClO3) have strong pitting tendencies; oxidising metal ions with
chlorides are extremely aggressive pitters:
cupric (CuCl2) and ferric (FeCl3) chlorides
• Flow
Pitting is associated with stagnant conditions. Increasing flow velocity
decreases pitting attack.
• Alloys
As a class, stainless steels are more susceptible to pitting corrosion than are
any other group of metals or alloys.
Solution-quenched austenitic SS exhibit better pitting resistance.
Cold working increases pitting attack of 18-8 steels, preferentially on edges.
Surface finish affects pitting resistance. Polished surfaces are more resistant
than etched or ground surfaces.
Cr, Ni, Mo and N as alloying elements increase pitting resistance of SS.
Type 316 SS is more resistant to pitting than type 304 due to the addition of 2%Mo.
Type 304 is considered unsuitable for applications in seawater whereas type 316 is
sometimes recommended. Ti has excellent resistance to pitting, owing to its
protective film being inert to Cl- and H+.
The Mechanism
The process of pitting corrosion consists of two stages: the initiation and the growth.
Pitting starts with an initiation period of very slow corrosion rate. Pitting selectively
initiates at areas of surface irregularities chemical, microstructural, physical.
• a surface scratch or other mechanically induced break
• en emerging dislocation or slip step
• a compositional heterogeneity such as an inclusion, segregate or precipitate
The initiation of pitting is very fragile and young pits are unstable.
Following the initiation, a pit grows at an ever-increasing rate with an identical
mechanism to crevice corrosion. It is an autocatalytic process. The same
mechanism implies that alloys that show pitting attach are also susceptible to
crevice corrosion.
Erosion corrosion is a result of the combined effect of chemical attack and mechanical
The Attack:
The damage appears as groves, waves or holes, following the direction of the flow.
• Typical conditions:
submarine propellers
interior of slurry pumps
exterior parts of high speed boats and ships
high flow rate pipelines
• Special locations:
elbows and junctions, extra angular acceleration
sudden reduction of pipe diameter, high velocity
sudden increase of pipe diameter, turbulence
valves, high velocity + turbulence
• Alloys:
Most alloys are susceptible to erosion corrosion, particularly those that have low
hardness and rely on protective surface films for corrosion resistance, such as
Al, Pb and Cu alloys, and stainless steels.
Liquid impingement and
impingement erosion
• Medium
Many mediums can cause erosion corrosion. These include gases, aqueous
solutions, organic systems, and liquid metals. Solid particles in suspension in
fluid are most destructive by destroying surface films.
• Velocity
Increasing velocity generally increases erosion corrosion rate. There usually
exists a critical velocity beyond which the rate of corrosion is suddenly increased.
- laminar flow moving at a velocity removes metal ions from metal surface
and break local equilibrium balance, encouraging further dissolution of metal
- low flow velocity helps avoid stagnant conditions, replenish oxygen and bring
inhibitors to metal surface, leading to a decrease in corrosion rate
- corrosion tests under static or slow motion conditions often do not represent
the real situation.
• Turbulence
Turbulence provides a greater agitation of the fluid and greater mechanical impact to the
surface of the metal. Instantaneous high pressure pulses associated with the
formation and explosion of microbubbles cause most damage to metal surfaces.
• Impingement
Impingement create a local environment of very high velocity, very strong turbulence,
and very high pressure pulses and thus is very destructive in causing erosion corrosion.
• Cavitation
Cavitation damage is a special form of erosion corrosion, commonly observed on
components moving at very high velocities through fluid. It is caused by the formation and
collapse of liquid vapour bubbles, which may create local pressure pulses as
high as 400 MPa, causing local plastic deformation and destruction of surface films to
the metal.
Typical cases of cavitation damage:
• Materials
Solid solution hardening is effective in improving resistance to erosion corrosion.
Solution hardening is more effective than other hardening methods in improving
corrosion resistance is due to the fact that other methods tend to produce
heterogeneous microstructure or cause mechanical instability to surfaces.
- High silicon iron is an improvement to cast irons and it is widely used in severe
erosion corrosion conditions, such as slurry carrying pipelines.
- Alloying with noble metals to be inherently more resistant to corrosion
80%Ni-20%Cr alloy
ferritic stainless steels (80%Fe-20%Cr)
- Alloying to form more stable and impermeable surface films
316 stainless steel to improve 304
aluminium brass to improve Cu-Zn brass
- Stainless steel is considered to have the greatest resistance towards cavitation
Shape memory alloys are excellent in resisting cavitation, due to their ability to
deform non-destructively during impact.
• Design
Erosion corrosion is closely related to the structure of a system and the flow pattern of the
liquid; thus, many erosion corrosion situations may be avoided or minimised by proper
Increasing tube diameter to reduce flow velocity and ensure laminar flow
- Increasing tube diameter to reduce flow velocity and ensure laminar flow
- Using streamline bends and expanded junction section to minimise impingement effect
- Lining with second metal at high risk locations (galvanic corrosion !!!)
- Easy to replace
- Protruding pipe ends at inlet and out let, delivering turbulence away from the vessel wall
into the middle of liquid.
- Very smooth surface to minimise the chance of vapour nucleation as against cavitation
• Environment
Settling and filtering to remove solids in suspension are helpful. Inhibitors may also be
added to the liquid. Decreasing temperature always reduces the rate of corrosion.
• Surfacing
Some surface coatings are effective to prevent other forms of corrosion, but may not have
satisfactory mechanical properties to stand against erosion corrosion, particularly when a
heavily suspended slurry solution is involved. Hard facings, welded overlays and
replaceable inserts are widely used.
Acceperated grain boundary Heat affected zones provide a Fusion cutting is another
corrosion due to Cr depletion condition for SS sensitisation case
caused by formation of Cr carbides
Selective leaching, also known as dealloying and parting, is the selective preferential
removal of one elemental spices in an alloy system.
• Stress:
residual stresses: welding, cold working, heat treatment and casting
applied stresses: gravitation, mechanical assembling stresses, temperature
variation, etc.
a critical stress seems to exist for SCC for each metal-environment combination
• Time
Materials fail by SCC in brittle fracture manners - corrosion is responsible for
nucleation of cracks and failure occurs by mechanical cracking.
short time SCC tests
decreasing stress and temperature increases failure time
• Metallurgical Factors
Generally speaking, pure metals have lower tendency towards stress corrosion
cracking than alloys. Single phase structure better than multiphase structures.
Segregation of precipitates raises the susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking.
However, a soft phase inclusion, such as ferrite domains in austenite stainless
steel matrix, may relax the stress concentration at crack tips and slow down their
• Environment
No general rules to what environments cause SCC
Specific metal - environment combinations
Refer to the list of established data for known
Conduct new tests for combinations
• Propagation
In the intermediate stages, stress corrosion cracking proceeds by the conjoint action of
stress (concentration) and corrosion at crack tips. Cracks have been observed to
propagate in discontinuous steps, emitting acoustic waves when jumping. The contribution of
corrosion to crack propagation is evident in experiments when acoustic waves are
stopped at the application of cathodic protection and resumed after the removal of the
cathodic protection.
preferential attack at crack tips:
local plastic deformation, increased defect density,
emerging slip steps, decreased resistance to chemical attack
• Cracking
The final failure caused by unstable propagation of cracks is basically a mechanical
process. However, the presence of corrosive chemicals and water molecules at the crack tips
lowers the critical stress for cracking.
• "Clean" steels:
rimmed steels: high % microvoids
killed steels: voids-free structure
• Coating & lining:
impervious to hydrogen penetration
electroplating, cladding with ASS or nickel
porous materials: brick lining
• Resistant alloys:
Ni-containing steels & Ni alloys
low diffusion rate of H in Ni
• Baking:
absorption of H in metals is reversible
baking at 100-150°C removes dissolved H in steels
• Process control:
pickling, plating & welding
Low-H or H-free welding techniques
• Decarburisation & Hydrogen Attack
• Environmental Effect
- Cold worked steels embrittle easily in high-T, high-P hydrogen
- Surface stresses accelerate H absorption and cause hydrogen attack
- HAZ in a weldment is more susceptible to hydrogen attack
- Quench and tempered steels are more resistant than normalised ones
- Spheroidising improves resistance to hydrogen attack
Reaction between a metal and O2 at the absence of water.
Pilling-Bedworth Ratio
It is suggested that oxidation resistance of a metal depends on the
properties of the metal oxide on the surface, as determined by the Pilling-
Bedworth Ratio:
PB ratio =
volume( metal )
PB ratio ~ 1 gives good oxidation resistance
Requirements on protective film:
- good adherence, coherent to base metal
- good mechanical properties: strength, ductility and toughness, no
rupture under applied or thermal stresses
- high melting temperature
- similar thermal expansion coefficient to metal
- low diffusion coefficient for oxygen and metal ions
Electrochemistry of Oxidation
Cu + O2 = CuO
- Parabolic: W2 = kt + C
metals having protective surface films
Fe, Co, Cu, Ni
- Logarithmic: W = klog(Ct + A)
empirical observation
thin oxide layers at low temperatures
Al, Cu, Fe
- Catastrophic:
oxidation with continuously increasing rate
ignition and self-sustained combustion of metals
Mg, Al (powder), Zn
Oxidation Resistance of Fe-Ni-Cr Alloys
Fe, Ni and Co exhibit only moderate oxidation resistance. Alloying with Cr,
Si and Al enhances their resistance. Fe-Ni-Cr alloys are the most commonly
used alloys for general purpose high temperature oxidation resistance
applications, largely due to their relatively low costs, moderate oxidation
resistance, and good mechanical properties