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SITXHRM003 - Student Assessment Tool

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SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people



Student Assessment Tool

1st edition version: 1/2020
King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au

RTO Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M

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Assessment Summary Sheet

Unit SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Pre-Requisite Units NIL

Student Name

Student ID Number
Please attach assessment evidence to this form
S = Satisfactory
NS = Not Satisfactory
Final Assessment Result for this Unit
NA = Not Assessed
Date of assessment: Assessment 1 Short Answers S | NS | NA

Date of assessment: Assessment 2 Project S | NS | NA

Date of assessment: Assessment 3 Practical observation & Report S | NS | NA

Unit Outcome  Competent  Not Yet Competent  Not Assessed

Re-assessment Required  Yes  No
edition version: 1/2020
King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

This form is to be completed by the assessor and used a final record of student competency.
All student submissions including any associated assessment cover sheets (outlined below) are to be attached
to this cover sheet before placing on the students file.
Student results are not to be entered onto the Student Database unless all relevant paperwork is completed
and attached to this form.
Assessor Feedback:

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Student Declaration: Assessor Declaration:

I declare that the evidence I have submitted for this unit Assessor:
of competency is my own work and that: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and
• I have been assessed in this unit. flexible assessment of this assignment in accordance to the
• I have been provided with feedback. Principles of Assessment and the Rules of Evidence as
outlined in the Standards for RTOs 2015.
• I have been advised of my result.  I am aware
of my appeal rights. I have provided appropriate feedback. I also declare that I
have undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks:
• Check for plagiarism
• Check for Copying/Collusion/Authenticity (learner’s
own work)
Student name: ____________________ • Cheating or use of model answers
Assessor name: ___________________
Signature: _____________________ Signature: ____________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____

Date: ____/_____/_____

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edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

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Unit Summary
The purpose of assessment for this unit is to gather evidence of the student’s competence against
the elements, as well as skills and underpinning knowledge, required Lead and manage people.
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to lead and manage
people including in teams and support and encourage their commitment to the organisation. It
requires the ability to lead by example and manage performance through effective leadership.

The unit applies to individuals who operate independently and are responsible for leading and
motivating people and teams. This includes supervisors, operational and senior managers.

The unit applies to all tourism, travel, hospitality and event sectors.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the time
of publication.

Elements of the unit

1. Model high standards of performance and behaviour.

2. Develop team commitment and cooperation.

3. Manage team performance.

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edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Overview of Assessments
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people
There are three (3) assessment tasks in this unit, and you must complete all assessments
satisfactorily in order to be marked competent in this unit.

The assessment for SITXHRM003 consists of:

Assessment 1 – Short Answers

You are required to address all questions to achieve competence. Your trainer will provide you with instructions
for time frames and dates to complete this assessment.
Once completed, carefully read the responses you have provided and check for completeness. Your trainer
will provide you with feedback and the result you have achieved

Assessment 2 – Project
The assessment task for this project consists of 2 parts, Part A and Part B.

For Part A you are required to select a scenario provided in this assessment which most closely resembles
your sector in the TH&E industry.

Based on the chosen sector you are required to demonstrate your ability to:

1. Set and measure KPIs.

2. Use new or innovative approaches to meet the KPIs.
3. Define constraints to meeting KPIs.
4. Know what to do if KPIs are not met.
5. Use appropriate methods of communication.
For Part B you are required to establish a set of evaluation criteria to monitor and evaluate the performance
of staff. The following points need to be developed for Part B:

a. Set job responsibilities and tasks

b. Relate job responsibilities to specific performance indicators
c. Employee feedback collection
d. Professional development opportunities
e. Bonus and reward systems
f. Provide employees with feedback
g. Delegating tasks

You are required to address all questions to achieve competence. Your trainer will provide you with instructions
for time frames and dates to complete this assessment.

Once completed, carefully read the responses you have provided and check for completeness. Your trainer
will provide you with feedback and the result you have achieved.
edition version: 1/2020
King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

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The responses provided in this project will form a basis for a practical observation for Assessment

Assessment 3 – Practical observation & Report

1. You are required to wear a complete uniform applicable to your area of training or as instructed
2. Your personal presentation must reflect the standards typically expected and acceptable in the
tourism, hospitality and events industry.
3. The observation consists of 3 parts:
• Part A Planning monitoring
• Part B The monitoring process/Observation
• Part C Evaluating monitoring processes
4. Part A – Prior to the observation. Planning
Select 4 different activities relevant to your job role or workplace activities with your trainer from
the list below. You will need to develop a plan for the situation(s) where you undertake
monitoring as detailed in Part A of this assessment below.

decision making delegation of tasks

information provision provision of feedback
motivation through recognition and rewards
planning and organising

5. Part B – Observation – You will be observed completing the 4 different monitoring activities you
selected in Part A.
6. Part C – Post monitoring/observation. Evaluating the monitoring processes
Part C requires you to evaluate the workplace practices, the effectiveness of communication,
task allocation and delegation, and the feedback provisions that were employed during the
monitoring instances. As part of continuous improvement and critical self reflection, for each
deficiency identified, a realistic improvement needs to be provided which can be
implemented for future service instances.
The observation criteria in each Part of this assessment below provide a guideline for criteria relevant
for each task.

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edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Information for Students

Please read all the information given to you when you receive this assessment guide. If you do not
understand any part of this assessment guide please inform your assessor/trainer.

To achieve competency you must satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks within the date and
time allotted by your assessor/trainer. This will demonstrate that you have all the required skills,
knowledge for this unit. An overview of the skills and knowledge to be assessed in this unit is
provided in this Assessment Guide.

Students who present copied or plagiarised assessments are considered participants in the act of
academic misconduct which would lead to disqualification of their submitted work. (Read the section
on Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty below.)

The assessments are intended to be equitable, fair and flexible. All the information, skills and
knowledge being assessed by the assessments has been based on theory and skills delivered to you
during classes, and meet the requirements of the unit of competency.
Submitting Assessment Tasks
You must submit assessment tasks with the provided cover sheet.

ALL tasks must be completed in legible English. It is preferable that tasks submitted for assessment
are typed. Where this is not possible or where room is provided on a paper for short answers, you
must write clearly. Unreadable assessment tasks will be returned unmarked.

You must submit assessments on or before their due date. Extensions for individual assessment tasks
may be negotiated in specific circumstances according to KIMT’s Policy and Procedures. To arrange
an extension you must speak to your assessor prior to the due date. Extensions due to illness will
require a medical certificate. Extensions must be confirmed by trainers in writing.
Assessment Outcomes
There are two outcomes of assessments: S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory (requires more
training and experience).

You will be awarded C = Competent on completion of the unit when your assessor is satisfied that
you have completed all assessments and have provided the appropriate evidence required to meet
all criteria. If you fail to meet this requirement you will receive the result NYC = Not Yet Competent
and will be eligible to be re-assessed in accordance with the KIMT’s policies and procedures.
Students will be allowed to sit for up to two further attempts at a practical assessment item or test
question for which the outcome is Not Satisfactory within the timeframe of a course (unit of
competency). Students judged as NS in an assessment will be allowed to resubmit if they have
edition version: 1/2020
King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

attended all practical classes for the related unit.

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Student Access to Records

Students have the right to access current and accurate records of their participation and results at
any time. You may request to see your results or attendance sheets from Administration on request.
You will be required to show proof of identification.
You may seek clarification about any assessments at any time from your assessor. Your assessor will
only assist or intervene during an assessment if there is a risk of injury to yourself or one of your class
Adjustments for students with special needs
Students who have special needs may be allowed reasonable adjustment in line with the KIMT’s
Policies and Procedures. This means that there may be modifications to the way in which evidence of
your competence is gathered. However it will not change the standards or outcomes you must
achieve. It could include alternate methods of assessment the assist the student.

If you consider that you need any special considerations in relation to assessment of the unit, please
contact the Course Coordinator.
If you are not happy with your results:
1. Your assessment may be reassessed upon appeal
2. Your assessor/trainer may provide you with alternate options of assessment in order to gain
competency depending on initial results
3. If you are still unhappy about your assessment results after following the steps mentioned
above, you may submit a formal complaint in accordance with KIMT’s Complaints and Appeals
Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty
King’s Institute of management and Technology (KIMT) is committed to ensuring that all students
behave with integrity when undertaking an assessment. Therefore, it is essential that you understand
the principles underlying assessment integrity and behave in a manner according to these principles.

Please read the following information and please ensure you have access to and have read the
plagiarism and assessment dishonesty policy. This policy can be found on the KIMT’s website and is
also discussed in your induction prior to commencing the course.
What is Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty?
Plagiarism is copying, paraphrasing or summarising, without appropriate acknowledgement, the
words, ideas, scholarship and intellectual property of another person. This remains plagiarism

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

whether or not it is with the knowledge or consent of that other person. Plagiarism has also taken
place when direct use of others' words is not indicated, for example by inverted commas or
indentation, in addition to appropriate citation of the source.

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Each individual student is responsible for ensuring that they are fully informed about methods of
acknowledgement appropriate to any piece of assessable work that they submit.

Assessment dishonesty includes plagiarism, collusion, the fabrication or deliberate

misrepresentation of data, and failure to adhere to the rules regarding examinations in such a way as
to gain unfair assessment advantage.

Collusion is the involvement of more than one individual in an instance of assessment dishonesty. All
parties involved in such collusion are in breach of the principles of assessment honesty (unless there
is good evidence of innocent involvement). "Collusion" needs to be distinguished from
"collaboration", defined for the purposes of this document as work jointly undertaken and produced.

Incidence of Plagiarism or Assessment Dishonesty

If King’s Institute of Management and Technology believes any act of plagiarism and assessment
dishonesty has occurred, the student/s will be contacted and will be given an opportunity to explain
their case. Should this be repeated the student will be penalised. Penalties include re-submitting the
assessment task or unit and for repeated offences, re-sitting the unit at student’s own cost or
cancellation of enrolment.

How information will be handled: All information regarding an incident of plagiarism or assessment
dishonesty will be recorded as per KIMT’s Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty Policy. Only
relevant staff members will be given access to the information as required by state and federal
privacy laws.

I have read and understand the information provided above and also understand and accept that any
act of plagiarism and academic dishonesty may have penalties including cancellation or suspension
of my enrolment with King’s Institute of Management and Technology. I further declare that:
• All assessment work submitted for this unit competency is my own original work and plagiarism
and collusion has not occurred.
• Assessment work is not copied nor has not been submitted for any other unit/course.
• I have taken proper care and effort to ensure my work has not been copied by another person.
• I understand the consequences of engaging in plagiarism as described in KIMT’s Plagiarism and
Assessment Dishonesty Policy and I have obtained and read the Plagiarism and Assessment
Dishonesty Policy.

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Student Signature: ............................................................... Date: ....../....../.......

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Assessment Cover Sheet

ASSESSMENT 1: Short Answers
Student Name
Student ID Number
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people
Assessment Task Short Answers
Date of Assessment
Outcome  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Not Assessed
Comments /Feedback

Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals
were explained to me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I
have acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of
this assessment
I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I
can produce if the original is lost.

Student Signature: Date: / /2020

I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the
indicated assessment integrity checks.

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Assessor Signature: Date: / /2020

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edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

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Assessment Guidelines
Assessment Method
1. You are required to address all questions to achieve competence. Your trainer will provide you
with instructions for time frames and dates to complete this assessment.
2. Once completed, carefully read the responses you have provided and check for completeness.
Your trainer will provide you with feedback and the result you have achieved.
Submission instructions
The student is to submit the completed assessment with all answers to the trainer.
Ensure that the student includes the assessment cover sheet and signs the declaration section.
The assessment task is due on the date specified by the assessor.
Assessment conditions
This is an individual online assessment.
The student must complete this task independently.
The student must complete this task in the space provided in this assessment tool.
If the student needs more space, please provide additional sheets and ask the student to attach
those to this assessment tool.
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edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

What will be assessed

The purpose of this assessment is to assess your knowledge required to complete the tasks
outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit and relating to the following aspects :

roles of and functions performed by supervisors and managers:

o decision making o delegating tasks o
monitoring staff o planning and organising o
providing information:
 organisation performance
 changes in organisational policies
 marketing information and targets
 overall organisational objectives
 plans for new equipment
 rationale for management decisions
 technology updates
 training developments
expectations, roles and responsibilities of team members:
o adhering to policies and procedures o
cooperative and open communication o nature
and scope of work o relationships with others in
the workplace and interdependent areas of
activity o reporting requirements
considerations in the individual development of staff: o
change in job responsibilities o external training
and professional development o formal promotion
o internal training and professional
development o opportunity for greater
autonomy or responsibility
features of different leadership styles features
of open and supportive communication
characteristics of effective leadership principles
of teamwork and:
o characteristics of effective teams o roles
and attributes of team members o organisation
of teams o potential team problems o benefits
of effective teamwork
edition version: 1/2020
King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

role and theories of motivation as they apply to the management of individuals and teams the
role of group dynamics in successful team management
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forms of recognition and reward applicable to leading staff:

o acknowledging individual good performance to the whole team
o incentive initiatives o informal acknowledgement o presenting
awards o written reports to management
types of organisational plans and planning processes.

Resource Requirements
Pen, Paper or computer, colleagues to be coached,
Coaching Session Plan Templates 1-4

Assessment 1

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Your Task:

Answer the following questions below. All questions must be answered.

edition version: 1/2020
King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Question 1
List 5 roles and functions performed by supervisors and managers:

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

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Question 2
Match the leadership style on the left to the description on the right:

Authoritarian or autocratic 1. Gives guidance to the team, but also seek their input
leadership and opinions when making decisions.

2. Involves somebody speaking from a position of power

Participative or democratic and exercising tight control over their subordinates.

3. Involves giving people a job and a possible direction

Laissez-faire style and letting them do it themselves.

4. Involves modifying your style of leadership to suit the

Transactional leadership particular situation.

5. Involves setting out clear goals and objectives, along

Transformational leadership with the corresponding rewards and punishment.

6. The leader will offer some kind of personal

transformation to the follower.
Situational leadership

Question 3
List 4 important skills (or characteristics) of members of an effective team:

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people





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Question 4
List the 3 individual job roles of members in YOUR team and describe what each role does.

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Job Role 1: Job Function:

Job Role 2: Job Function:

Job Role 3: Job Function:

Question 5
List 4 common problems teams may encounter.



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edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Question 6
What does ‘Group Dynamics’ mean?

Question 7
List 6 advantages of working as a team, as opposed to working individually.




edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

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Question 8
As a leader, the most important part of being a leader is setting a good example. Why is this?

Question 9
List 3 ways you can act to send a positive message to your team as a leader:

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people



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Question 10
What is a manager’s role in achieving company goals?

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Question 11
Why must you show your staff that you support the business goals?

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Question 12
List 4 reasons why treating people with integrity, respect and empathy will help you manage your

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people





Question 13
If you don’t treat people with respect (for example use fear and threats) this can have a negative
effect on your team. List 4 examples of how lack of respect can negatively impact on a team:


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edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Question 14
Fill in the following gaps
There are 3 types of goals you need to set, they are;
term term

Question 15
List 3 methods you could use to help your team to monitor the progress of meeting goals:



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Question 16
Setting KPIs helps to keep the organisational goals, in line with the plans and objectives of your
List 3 good KPIs that might help your team achieve the organisational goals.

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people




Question 17
Why is setting a KPI of ‘increased sales’ a bad KPI for helping your team achieve business goals?

Question 18
What type of communication methods can you use to help a team become more independent
(and take responsibility for their own work)?

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

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Question 19
You must inform staff of what is expected in their individual role or activities they undertake. One
example is making sure you have told them expected outcomes – list 4 other aspects you must
clearly communicate to them:

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people





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Question 20
How can encouraging open communication and innovative thinking help your team meet goals?


edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people


Question 21
List 3 innovations in the hospitality industry, that you may discuss with your team:



Question 22
Why is encouraging and rewarding staff important?

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Question 23
List 3 ways to reward individual or team performance.
edition version: 1/2020
King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people




Question 24
List 3 benefits of communicating with your staff and involving them in making decisions.



Question 25
List 3 ways to show your employees that you support and value open communication within the
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edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
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Question 26
As a manager or team leader you need to communicate the important ideas, plans and objectives.
List 3 pieces of data or information the team may need full access to.



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281 st

Question 27
How does having your team fully informed about business objectives and goals help the business?

Question 28
When someone has a criticism of your team’s performance why does this reflect badly on you?

Question 29
What does using feedback provide team members with?

Question 30
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Finish this sentence. If the employee has done a good job, then the feedback should be......

291 st

Question 31
Finish this sentence. If you need to provide criticism to an employee, then the feedback should

Question 32
List 3 benefits of delegation



Question 33
List 3 reasons managers don’t delegate.

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301 st

Question 34
How does increasing an employee’s level of responsibility gradually help the employee overcome
some barriers to delegation?

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Question 35
Why is it important to make an effort to develop individuals within your team?

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Question 36
List 3 ways you can help individuals develop within a team



Question 37
You can use KPIs which can help you monitor team performance, to make sure your team is
progressing towards achieving goals. What does ‘KPI’ stand for?

321 st

Question 38
KPIs should conform to the SMART principle. What does S.M.A.R.T. stand for?

Question 39
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SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

How often should you provide coaching or mentoring to your team?

Question 40
List 2 aspects which can affect how much coaching or mentoring a person may need.


Question 41
When it comes to motivation – what is more important to most people than money?

331 st

Question 42
Why is recognising and rewarding good performance important?

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Question 43
List 3 methods to reward good performance of team members:



Question 44
What are motivational theories?
List 3 examples of motivational theories

341 st


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Assessment Cover Sheet

Student Name
Student ID Number
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people
Assessment Task Project
Date of Assessment
Outcome  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Not Assessed
Comments /Feedback

Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals
were explained to me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I
have acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of
this assessment
I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I
can produce if the original is lost.

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King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Student Signature: Date: / /2020

I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student,
and I have provided appropriate feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the indicated
assessment integrity checks.

Assessor Signature: Date: / /2020

371 st

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Assessment Guidelines
Assessment Method
The assessment task for this project consists of 2 parts, Part A and Part B.

For Part A you are required to select a scenario provided in this assessment which most closely
resembles your sector in the TH&E industry.

Based on the chosen sector you are required to demonstrate your ability to:

6. Set and measure KPIs.

7. Use new or innovative approaches to meet the KPIs.
8. Define constraints to meeting KPIs.
9. Know what to do if KPIs are not met.
10. Use appropriate methods of communication.
For Part B you are required to establish a set of evaluation criteria to monitor and evaluate the
performance of staff. The following points need to be developed for Part B:

h. Set job responsibilities and tasks

i. Relate job responsibilities to specific performance indicators
j. Employee feedback collection
k. Professional development opportunities
l. Bonus and reward systems
m. Provide employees with feedback
n. Delegating tasks

You are required to address all questions to achieve competence. Your trainer will provide you
with instructions for time frames and dates to complete this assessment.

Once completed, carefully read the responses you have provided and check for completeness.
Your trainer will provide you with feedback and the result you have achieved.
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ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

The responses provided in this project will form a basis for a practical observation for
Assessment 3.
Submission instructions
Ensure that the student completes the assessment cover sheet and signs the declaration section.
The assessment task is due on the date specified by the assessor.
Assessment conditions
Skills must be demonstrated in an operational tourism, travel, hospitality or events business
operation or activity for which a team is managed. This can be:
 an industry workplace
 A simulated industry environment.
Assessment must ensure access to:
 a team whose overall performance is the responsibility of the individual; this can be:
391 st

 those in an industry workplace who are assisted by the individual during the assessment
process; or
 Individuals who participate in role plays or simulated activities, set up for the purpose of
assessment, in a simulated industry environment operated within a training organisation.
Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations requirements for

401 st

What will be assessed

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The purpose of this assessment is to assess your underpinning knowledge to complete the tasks
outlined in the elements and performance criteria for this unit of competency and relating to
the following aspects:

roles of and functions performed by supervisors and managers:

o decision making o delegating tasks o monitoring
staff o planning and organising o providing
 organisation performance
 changes in organisational policies
 marketing information and targets
 overall organisational objectives
 plans for new equipment
 rationale for management decisions
 technology updates
 training developments
expectations, roles and responsibilities of team members:
o adhering to policies and procedures o
cooperative and open communication o nature and
scope of work
o relationships with others in the workplace and
interdependent areas of activity o reporting
considerations in the individual development of staff: o
change in job responsibilities
o external training and professional development o
formal promotion
o internal training and professional development o
opportunity for greater autonomy or responsibility
features of different leadership styles features
of open and supportive communication
characteristics of effective leadership principles
of teamwork and:
o characteristics of effective teams o roles and
attributes of team members o organisation of teams
o potential team problems o benefits of effective
role and theories of motivation as they apply to the management of individuals and teams
the role of group dynamics in successful team management forms of recognition and
reward applicable to leading staff:
o acknowledging individual good performance to
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King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

the whole team o incentive initiatives o informal

acknowledgement o presenting awards
o written reports to management o types of
organisational plans and planning processes.

421 st

Resource Requirements
Refer to assessment conditions

Pen, Paper or computer

431 st

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Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Assessment 2

Your Tasks:

Part A – Setting managing and communicating Key Performance Indicators

For this assessment you are required to consider a scenario from your industry and then set key
performance indicators (KPIs) based on this scenario. You will need to consider the business reasons
for the KPIs, look at what the current KPIs are and set target KPIs to be achieved.
You will then need to:
1. Set and measure KPIs.
2. Use new or innovative approaches to meet the KPIs.
3. Define constraints to meeting KPIs.
4. Know what to do if KPIs are not met.
5. Use appropriate methods of communication.
If more space is required for any answer you can attach a separate page containing name,
assessment date, unit title unit code and the assessment task number and attach this page with the
current assessment task before submission.

Please choose ONE of the following scenarios which most closely resembles your industry.
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

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King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au
RTO Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M

Hospitality Scenario:

You are the supervisor of the Food and Beverage Service Team and have just returned from your
monthly management meeting.

Mr. McElm, the new GM has reviewed the Sales and Customer service history from the past 12
months and accordingly developed and set new targets to improve the organisation’s customer
service provisions and sales targets.

The following aspects will need to be addressed in the F&B section:

Current Targeted
EXAMPLE ONLY: The average per head spend EXAMPLE ONLY: Increase average spend to
currently sits at $23.00. $26.50
The feedback received per 5000 customers Improve product and service provisions
shows 250 (5%) customers were dissatisfied proactively with a target of 98% within 9
with product and service provisions months.
There have been 37 errors or discrepancies Maximum discrepancies must not exceed
with customer accounts/wrong orders during $100.00 per month – F&B manager must be
the past 12 months which resulted in informed immediately
$3,950.00 of losses
There have been 16 complaints related to No complaints related to cleanliness of
cleanliness of glassware/crockery during the glassware/crockery are acceptable – procedures
past 5 months must be implemented to ensure this.

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King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
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451 st

Tourism Scenario:

As the team leader at Bulga Bulga adventure tours you are responsible for overseeing the promotion,
booking and tour guide teams of guided bus tours in outback Australia.

The managing director has set business targets he would like to see achieved over the next 12
months. They are:
Current Targeted
On average, only 50 of our 320 customers per Increase number of repeat customers to 70 per
month are repeat customers. month.
In customer feedback surveys only 45% of Increase percentage of positive customer
people say they are happy with the catering on surveys to 75%
the tours.
Commissions from bookings through our Increase partner agency commissions to $20,000
partner agencies made up $15,000 on average per month.
per month.

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Events Scenario:

You are the Team Leader of the Events Management team and have received an email from your
Managing Director. Part of the email reads:


Good Morning,

I need to draw your attention to some problems that have recently come to my attention.

On the eventmanagement.com website, our company has received 14 poor reviews out of 22. This
means only 37% of people are giving positive reviews. In my opinion anything less than 80% of
positive reviews is unacceptable. The 2 most common reasons given for the poor reviews are the
poor quality of catering, and that events did not run on time.

We know from our own customer feedback that our customers are generally very happy with our
service, so I believe getting more of our happy customers to post would be a great advantage and
boost our ranking on the site. As we have almost 50 customers per month I would like to see at least
half of these encouraged to post positive reviews online.

Also, our repeat customer figures show that only 5 of our 50 customers last month were from repeat
business. I would like to see this increase from 10% to the industry average of 20%.

As team leader, I am relying on you to make the team aware of the problems, set targets for
improvement, and see that they are achieved over the next 6 months.


Ed Ventura, MD.

From this email the goals are:

Current Targeted
37% of people are giving positive reviews on Increase percentage of positive reviews to 80%
Unknown Get 25 new reviews posted per month on
10% of customers come from repeat business. Increase percentage of repeat customers to

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King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
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1. Set and measure KPIs

NOTE: Please choose ONE of the previous scenarios which most closely resembles your industry to
set the following KPIs.
Based on the chosen scenario, create 3 KPIs to help you monitor and manage the department.

Model Hospitality KPIs KPI

KPI Name:

KPI Description:


KPI Target:

How you will

measure this
Over what time

KPI 2:
KPI Name:

KPI Description:


KPI Target:

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Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
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Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
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How you will

measure this
Over what time

481 st

KPI 3:
KPI Name:

KPI Description:


KPI Target:

How you will

measure this
KPI? Over what
time frame?

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Model Tourism KPIs KPI

KPI Name:

KPI Description:


KPI Target:

How you will

measure this
Over what time

KPI 2:
KPI Name:

KPI Description:


KPI Target:

How you will

measure this
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Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
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Over what time

501 st

KPI 3:
KPI Name:

KPI Description:


KPI Target:

How you will

measure this
Over what time

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Model Events KPIs KPI

KPI Name:

KPI Description:


KPI Target:

How you will

measure this
Over what time

KPI 2:
KPI Name:

KPI Description:


KPI Target:

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How you will

measure this
Over what time

521 st

KPI 3:
KPI Name:

KPI Description:


KPI Target:

How you will

measure this
Over what time

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531 st

2. New or innovative approaches to meet the KPIs

For each KPI, outline the steps that you think need to be taken to achieve the KPI. You might need to
employ innovative approaches (procedures, processes, systems, technology, etc) to make sure that
you and your team achieve each KPI.

KPI Target Steps involved to achieve this KPI.

Increase total Selling drinks is key to increasing sales per customer. Wait staff need be
sales per head proactive;
from $23 to Knowledge of specials and menus.
$26.50 per Employing suggestive selling methods.
KPI Target 1

KPI Target 2

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KPI Target 3

541 st

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3. Constraints to meeting KPIs.

What could prevent you (organisational constraints) from implementing these new techniques? What
needs to be considered?

4. What to do if KPIs are not met.

What will you do if you identify that staff members struggle or do not achieve the set targets? Think
about the technique you would use to find where the problem lies, who you would communicate
with and the steps involved in finding a solution.

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5. Methods of communication.

What methods of communication will you use to communicate the KPIs to your team?

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Part B – Performance Review

Performance reviews are used by managers and supervisors to give and receive feedback from staff.

In this part of the assessment you will create a set of evaluation criteria to monitor and evaluate your
staff. You will need to:

a. Set Job Responsibilities and Tasks

b. Relate job responsibilities to specific performance indicators
c. Employee Feedback
d. Professional Development
e. Bonus and Reward Systems
f. Provide employees with feedback
g. Delegating tasks

a. Set Job Responsibilities and Tasks

Choose one Job Role within your department and document the responsibilities for that job role. Use
the following example as a guide:

EXAMPLE: Roles and responsibilities

JOB TITLE Responsibilities
Head waiter • Provide table service to tables.
• Abide by responsible service of alcohol laws.
• Comply with all workplace health and safety guidelines.
• Train junior staff on customer service and upselling techniques.
• Act as a positive role model by offering excellent customer service.
• Supervise junior staff during table service.
• Monitor billing and payments of orders during service.
• Delegate job tasks to other waiting staff.

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JOB TITLE: Responsibilities

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b. Relate job responsibilities to specific performance indicators

Using the job responsibilities you listed in part A, create specific performance indicators.

You will need to:

• State what the indicator is

• Document how the indicator will be measured Example:
Performance Indicator: How this will be measured:
Delegate job tasks to other waiting staff. All waiting staff to know their own role and
tasks for each shift.

Performance Indicator: How this will be measured:

Performance Indicator: How this will be measured:

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Performance Indicator: How this will be measured:

601 st

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Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people c.

Employee Feedback

List 3 methods you can employ to encourage employees to give you open and honest feedback, and
give an example of each:

Method: Example:
Staff meetings During each staff meeting devote time to asking for
ideas or contributions from staff.
Acknowledge staff who have given feedback.

Method 1-3: Example:

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

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King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people d.

621 st

Professional Development

Training and development should help solve problems or skill shortages in the department and
improve both the staff member and the business.

List 3 techniques which you can use to identify problems or skills shortages in your department,
which will help you determine training needs.

Using customer feedback surveys. Customers making complaints might point you to a problem
with products or service, which may highlight gaps in an individual’s knowledge or skills.

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Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
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631 st

Bonus and Reward Systems

What is the purpose of a reward system?

List 3 different ways you can reward your employees. For each reward type list any positive or
negative aspects associated with the type of reward.

Reward Positive Negative

1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

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Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
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SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people f.

641 st

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ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

f. Provide employees with feedback

You should provide feedback to your staff on a regular basis. The method you use to provide
feedback might depend on the time the employee has worked for you, and the context of the
feedback you need to provide.

For each of the following, give an example of a method of feedback (continuous, public, private) you
could use to provide feedback to the employee.

Work Scenario Feedback Method

Training a new employee. Continuous positive feedback is needed as each task is

learned and completed.

New employees can feel anxious if they are not clearly

shown what to do, and given praise as they learn the

Work Scenario 1 Feedback Method

Indicating the progress of the team in

relation to meeting KPIs.

Work Scenario 2 Feedback Method

The worker needs to be spoken to after a

period of poor performance.

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King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Work Scenario 3 Feedback Method

Yearly review process.

g. Delegating tasks
List 3 tasks you must delegate as a manager/supervisor in your department. For each task,
define the benefits to delegating this task:

Task Benefits of delegation

Supervision of waiting stuff during table Saves my time during service.

Increases morale of head waiter.

Creates professional growth for head waiter.

Task 1 Benefits of delegation

Task 2 Benefits of delegation

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King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Task 3 Benefits of delegation

671 st

Assessment Cover Sheet ASSESSMENT 3: Practical

observation & Report
Student Name
Student ID Number
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Assessment Task Practical observation & Report

Date of Assessment
edition version: 1/2020
King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Outcome  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Not Assessed
Comments /Feedback

Statement of Authenticity

I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks

The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were
explained to me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have
acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this
I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can
produce if the original is lost.

Student Signature: Date: / /2020

I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student,
and I have provided appropriate feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the indicated
assessment integrity checks.

Assessor Signature: Date: / /2020

681 st

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

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Assessment Method

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

1. You are required to wear a complete uniform applicable to your area of training or as
2. Your personal presentation must reflect the standards typically expected and acceptable in
the tourism, hospitality and events industry.
3. The observation consists of 3 parts:
• Part A Planning monitoring
• Part B The monitoring process/Observation
• Part C Evaluating monitoring processes
4. Part A – Prior to the observation. Planning
Select 4 different activities relevant to your job role or workplace activities with your
trainer from the list below. You will need to develop a plan for the situation(s) where you
undertake monitoring as detailed in Part A of this assessment below.

decision making delegation of tasks

information provision provision of feedback
motivation through recognition and rewards
planning and organising

5. Part B – Observation – You will be observed completing the 4 different monitoring

activities you selected in Part A.
6. Part C – Post monitoring/observation. Evaluating the monitoring processes Part C
requires you to evaluate the workplace practices, the effectiveness of communication, task
allocation and delegation, and the feedback provisions that were employed during the
monitoring instances. As part of continuous improvement and critical self reflection, for
each deficiency identified, a realistic improvement needs to be provided which can be
implemented for future service instances.
The observation criteria in each Part of this assessment below provide a guideline for criteria
relevant for each task.

Submission instructions
Ensure that you complete the assessment cover sheet and sign the declaration section. The
assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor.

Assessment conditions
Skills must be demonstrated in an operational tourism, travel, hospitality or events business
operation or activity for which a team is managed. This can be:
 an industry workplace
 A simulated industry environment.
Assessment must ensure access to:
 a team whose overall performance is the responsibility of the individual; this can be:
 those in an industry workplace who are assisted by the individual during the assessment
701 st

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

process; or
 Individuals who participate in role plays or simulated activities, set up for the purpose of
assessment, in a simulated industry environment operated within a training organisation.
Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations requirements for
What will be assessed

The purpose of this assessment is to assess your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and
performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:

monitor individual or team performance demonstrating at least four of the following

leadership and management roles: o decision making o delegation of tasks o information
provision o provision of feedback o motivation through recognition and rewards o planning
and organising
seek and respond to feedback from team members during the above service periods, in line with
organisational goals and policies in the following areas:
o allocation or performance of work
o effectiveness of communication within team, between other teams or within organisation
o efficiency or deficiency in workplace practices

Resource Requirements

Refer to the Assessment conditions

711 st

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Assessment 3

Service Instances – Details

You will be observed monitoring individual or team performance demonstrating at least 4 of the
following leadership and management roles: (Select 4)

decision making delegation of tasks

information provision provision of feedback
motivation through recognition and rewards
planning and organising

The selected roles may be observed individually on several occasions or during e.g. preparation
and service for a function, organising or holding an event or similar where a complete operational
cycle can be observed.

Instance Date Duration from ... to... Leadership role observed

Instance 1:

Instance 2:

Instance 3:

Instance 4:

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

721 st

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Part A Planning monitoring

1. Once you have selected the activities with your trainer, you will need to develop a plan for the
situation(s) where you undertake monitoring including:

A. An overview of the activities typically undertaken by the team in the workplace or

simulated training environment

B. A description of the team

C. The job roles and duties undertaken by each team member

D. How the tasks to be completed during the instance(s) will be planned, organised and
allocated, and communicated to each team member or the team as a group

E. Provisions for decision making and delegation of tasks

F. The documentation you will use to assist you to inform staff (e.g. booking
information, menus, schedules etc.)

G. The provisions for monitoring

H. The provisions for de-briefing staff at the end of the service instance(s)

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

731 st

Part A – Planning monitoring S NYS

Provides an overview of the activities undertaken in the workplace/ department

Provides an overview of the team characteristics
The individual job roles for each team member are provided
The tasks typically performed in each job role are provided
A description of how tasks are planned for the monitoring instance is provided
A description of how task requirements are organised for the monitoring instance is provided
A description of how tasks are allocated and communicated to staff for the monitoring instance is
The planned task allocation is suitable to the individual job roles and task typically performed
The provisions for decision making processes are explained
The provisions for and principles of delegation processes are outlined
The documentation which will be used for briefing, information of staff to plan and undertake the
service instance is explained
The key steps for monitoring are outlined relevant for the type of tasks performed by the team
and the monitoring instance.
The de-brief provisions and details are outlined
 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Not Assessed

Assessor Signature: Date: / /201

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

741 st

Part B Observation

You will demonstrate your ability to carry out each of the 4 activities planned for in Part A. Using
your knowledge of leadership and management techniques, you will need to:
1. Plan and organise the activity (e.g. a meeting to provide workplace information)
2. Use appropriate decision making techniques
3. Delegate suitable tasks using the correct techniques
4. Collect and provide relevant feedback from and to staff
5. Use suitable motivation techniques
1.Instance 2.Instance 3.Instance 4.Instance
Planning and Organising
Establishes rapport with the team
Communicates the requirements for the service instance
The individual roles and tasks are explained
The individual and team roles are allocated
Acts pro-actively during service periods and attends to problems
as these arise
The operation remains effective during the instance observed
Disruption to service or production is minimal
The instance is managed without impacts on customer service or
Interacts with team members in a positive manner
Encourage and promotes open communication
Conducts in a professional manner reflective of a supervisor in a
leading role

Decision Making
Involves the team in decision making processes relevant to tasks
and procedures:
Decisions are made collectively and agreed on
Valid concerns are considered and evaluated

Delegation of Tasks
Tasks for delegation are discussed:
The individual capacity is considered for delegation of tasks
The potential barriers which may affect delegation or associated
tasks are identified
Tasks are explained clearly
Delegation is implemented and followed up
Shortfalls or problems are identified
The reasons for performance issues are identified:
edition version: 1/2020
King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Pro-active steps are taken to ensure the outcomes are achieved:

Mentoring and coaching is used to help staff to achieve tasks
where possible
Provisions of Feedback
Provides feedback and encouragement to staff where difficult or
new tasks are undertaken
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Provides fee back on individual performance

Provides feedback on team performance
Feedback to staff is provided in a constructive manner
Student seeks feedback from individuals in the workplace
Student seeks feedback from the team
The feedback received is used to suggest changes for the
Where feasible, suggested changes from feedback are
implemented into processes
Suggestions and improvements from the team are acknowledged
as “coming from the team”
Motivation through Recognition and Rewards
Motivates team members to achieve tasks through supportive
actions and constructive feedback
Recognises and uses praise for achievement of individuals and the
team overall
Uses rewards where applicable within realistic means and

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

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Part C Post monitoring/observation. Evaluating the monitoring processes

a. Provide an overview of the efficiency and/or deficiency of the workplace practices:

1. What worked well?
2. What did not work well and why?

b. How effective was the communication:

1. Between you and individual team members
2. Between you and team
3. Amongst the team

c. How effective was the allocation and delegation of tasks to individuals and the team
overall? What were the shortfalls or weaknesses you have identified, and which actions
will you take to overcome these?

d. What feedback have you provided? To whom?

e. What feedback have you received from individuals, and the team overall?

f. How have you used feedback received and in which instances? How will you use
feedback received for future services as part of continuous improvement?

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

771 st

Part C – Post monitoring/observation. S NYS

The efficiencies in the workplace during monitoring have been identified and discussed
The efficiencies in the workplace during monitoring have been identified and discussed
The effectiveness of communication between has been identified and evaluated:
1. Student and individual team members
2. Student and team
3. Amongst the team
The effectiveness of allocation of tasks has been evaluated
Suggested provisions to overcome identified shortfalls are realistic and can be applied
The effectiveness of delegation has been evaluated
Suggested provisions to overcome identified shortfalls from delegation are realistic and can be
Provides an overview of feedback provided to individuals during the monitoring instances
Provides an overview of feedback received from individuals during the monitoring instances
Provides an overview how feedback received was applied and used in service instances where
Provides suggestions for use of received feedback for future service instances
The suggestions for use/ application of feedback for future instances are realistic and provide for

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

781 st

edition version: 1/2020

King’s Institute of Management and Technology Pty Ltd
ABN 54130306295
Address 74 ANNERLEY RD, WOOLLOONGABBA, QLD Australia 4102
Telephone – 07 3392 2920 Email: admin @kimt.edu.au RTO
Provider Code – 31766 CRICOS Provider Code – 03105M

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