Assessment-2: Manage Team and Workplace Operations SITXHRM003 Lead and Manage People &
Assessment-2: Manage Team and Workplace Operations SITXHRM003 Lead and Manage People &
Assessment-2: Manage Team and Workplace Operations SITXHRM003 Lead and Manage People &
Assessment Outcome
Assessor Name:
Initial attempt
2nd attempt/Re-
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If a student is not happy with his/ her results, that student may appeal against their grade via a written letter, clearly
stating the grounds of appeal to the Chief Executive Officer. This should be submitted after completion of the subject
and within fourteen days of commencement of the new term.
Re-assessment Process:
An appeal in writing is made to the Academic Manager providing reasons for re-assessment /appeal.
Academic Manager will delegate another member to review the assessment.
The student will be advised of the review result done by another assessor.
If the student is still not satisfied and further challenges the decision, then a review panel is formed comprising
the lecturer/trainer in charge and the Academic Manager or if need be an external assessor.
The Institute will advise the student within 14 days from the submission date of the appeal. The decision of
the panel will be deemed to be final.
If the student is still not satisfied with the result, he / she has the right to seek independent advice or follow
external mediation option with nominated mediation agency.
Any student who fails a compulsory subject or appeals unsuccessfully will be required to re-enrol in that
The cost of reassessment will be borne by the Institute. The external assessor will base his/her judgement based on
principles of assessment. These principles require assessment to be reliable, fair, practical and valid.
Academic Appeals:
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the re-evaluation process, you have a right to appeal through
academic appeals handling protocol.
To appeal a decision, the person is required to complete the WSC- Request for Appeal of a Decision form
with all other supporting documents, if any. This form is available via our website. The completed Request for
Appeal form is to be submitted to the Student Support Officer either in hard copy or electronically via the
following contact details:
Student Support Officer, Western Sydney College (WSC), 55 High St, Parramatta NSW 2150, Email:
The notice of appeal should be in writing addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and submitted within seven
days of notification of the outcome of the re-evaluation process.
If the appeal is not lodged in the specified time, the result will stand and you must re-enrol in the unit.
In emergency circumstances, such as in cases of serious illness or injury, you must forward a medical
certificate in support of a deferred appeal. The notice of appeal must be made within three working days of
the concluding date shown on the medical certificate.
The decision of Chief Executive Officer will be final.
Student would then have the right to pursue the claim through an independent external body as detailed in the
students’ complaint / grievance policy.
For this task, you are required to demonstrate technical skills and provide hospitality service to
customers while being observed by your assessor.
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During the observation, your assessor will be looking to see that you can:
1. Plan and organise kitchen workflows
Participate in handover or pre-start meeting to confirm work schedule and delegation of tasks,
share shift information and service requirements
Prepare work schedules, jobs checklists within organisational restraints
Ensure recipes and information about dish presentation are available
Share information, knowledge and experience with team members
Monitor and participate in preparation of work area for service requirements including mise-
2. Monitor workplace operations
Monitor efficiency and deal effectively with delays
Monitor and adjust workflows, job checklists and recipes as required
Monitor and adjust quality and presentation of dishes as required
Ensure safe use of equipment and technology
Monitor and minimise waste for sustainability
Identify and act on problems in workplace operations as they arise
3. Monitor staff performance
Monitor staff performance against agreed goals and objectives
Assist with prioritising workload
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Your assessor will also ask you some verbal questions at the end of the observation. The questions
will relate to the following topics:
Rostering procedures and relevant legislative requirements
Time management principles
Principles of delegation
Problem solving and decision making
Yes No
Instructions to the assessor: The assessor is required to observe the student in the workplace demonstrating technical,
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Yes No
organisational and people management skills and knowledge in a commercial kitchen, including planning and organising
workflows for team operations, monitoring individual and team performance, responding to team-based operational and
service issues, seeking and responding to feedback from their team and completing organisational records. All set up
instructions for the task are included in the Marking Guide. Further expansion of the items below has been included in the
Marking Guide for the assessor’s reference.
Did the student demonstrate they can plan and organise kitchen workflows?
Participate in handover or pre-start Prepare work schedules, jobs
meeting to confirm work schedule and checklists within organisational restraints
delegation of tasks, share shift information Share information, knowledge and
and service requirements experience with team members
Ensure recipes and information about
dish presentation are available
Did the student demonstrate they can monitor workplace operations?
Monitor efficiency and deal effectively Monitor and adjust quality and
with delays presentation of dishes as required
Monitor and adjust workflows, job Ensure safe use of equipment and
checklists and recipes as required technology
Monitor and minimise waste for Identify and act on problems in
sustainability workplace operations as they arise
Did the student demonstrate they can monitor staff performance?
Monitor staff performance against Identify and act on problems in staff
agreed goals and objectives performance and service as they arise
Assist with prioritising workload Work collaboratively with colleagues
Provide supportive feedback to identify and solve problems
Coach and mentor staff
Did the student demonstrate they can complete end of shift procedures and responsibilities?
Monitor cleaning and sanitising Monitor safe storage of food
procedures ingredients and leftovers
Seek feedback from the team about Actively participate in handover or
service efficiency, effectiveness of end-of-service meeting to debrief, share
communication and/or identified issues shift information and service requirements
Did the student demonstrate they can complete organisational records for end of shift including?
Performance reports Staff records
Ask the student the following verbal questions. Take note of their answers/responses in the ‘Comments’ column. You
may like to tick/circle/highlight items in the Answers/guidance/suggested responses column where the student has
indicated any of these items.
Questions Answers/guidance/suggested responses Comments
1. Discuss how the key ¨ Student must identify that they took into
elements of the Restaurant consideration the amount of hours their staff
Industry Award informed work, when they should take breaks and how
how you rostered staff and long those breaks should be, if staff are qualified
assigned duties.
and paid at a level to undertake certain tasks or
job without supervision, if staff are entitled to
overtime, penalty rates and allowances
2. Discuss how you use time ¨ Students should discuss such concepts as
management principles to batching tasks, preparation tasks, creating mise
ensure that operations run en place, using work flows and task lists to
smoothly in the kitchen. prioritise monitoring for and reducing
procrastination in staff, managing outside
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Yes No
3. Discuss how you made your ¨ Student should include ideas about levels of
decision about who to skill, knowledge and experience, position in the
delegate different tasks to organisation (according to job role),
during this observation. trustworthiness and reliability
4. Consider the following ¨ Student should discuss such strategies as:
scenario. You are at the ¨ Assessing the pros and cons of calling in
beginning of a service shift,
another member of staff. Does it make
tasks have been delegated
financial sense? Can other staff cover their
and the day’s goals have
been discussed and agreed tasks if delegated? Will service and quality
to. A member of staff begins suffer if nothing is done to replace them?
to feel unwell just before Will other staff be overburdened if tasks are
service is due to start and delegated or not delegated?
has to go home for the rest ¨ Finding another staff member who is not
of the shift. Discuss how rostered on to fill at short notice, ensuring
you will manage the their rights under the Award (regarding such
situation and the problem
things as hours of work, overtime, etc)
solving and decision-
making processes you ¨ The re-delegation of tasks to staff with
would go through. suitable experience, skills and knowledge
¨ Sharing the tasks so that one staff member
is not overburdened
Where further verbal questioning is required, please note the questions asked in the space provided below and the
responses provided by the student.
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