Review of Related Literature and Studies: On School Choice
Review of Related Literature and Studies: On School Choice
Review of Related Literature and Studies: On School Choice
This chapter presents and discusses the related literature and studies, synthesis of
the reviewed literature and studies and the definition of terms. A number of literatures
and studies have been perused in the topics on school choice and levels of interest in
order to provide the researchers some concepts that would guide them in the conduct of
the study.
On School Choice
Molly Pennington, PhD (2015) defined school choice as, school choice purports
to give all children the chance to thrive in a school best suited to their individual needs.
Advocates of school choice believe that students and parents are better served by having
a variety of education options available, and that school choice allocates resources to
According to McFadden, M. (2015), there are five factors that influences college
choice for today’s students. (1) Geography – Location is significant in many students’
minds, either because they want to live in a certain part of the country or because of
financial constraints. (2) Financial – Overall cost is considered as well. More than half of
first-generation students indicated that the cost of attending was a “very important”
factor. (3) Academic Excellence and Reputation – Key faculty can be really influential in
a student’s choice of college and their major once they get there. Of course, it’s pretty
common that on most college visits students have the opportunity to meet key faculty. (4)
Parents & Peers – As much as kids don’t like to admit that their parents affect their
decisions, parental input does matter. (5) Marketing – Marketing still matters of course,
but it’s changing. Changing a college website is a little like turning a cruise ship, it’s not
going to be quick. If that’s the case, it may be worthwhile to explore a microsite aimed
According to Padolsky, D. of The U.S. News (2014) discusses about the several
non-ivy universities and colleges that came up with a new marketing strategy and
approach to students that will motivate them to enroll in their institution. The universities
and colleges market themselves to potential students by advertising the perks of the
school and amenities ranging from laptops and tablets to gourmet dining plans and over-
the-top housing and recreational opportunities. The U.S News argued that the strategies
explained are not really strategies as it was just a way for the institution to respond to the
kind of services and opportunities that students are demanding. The institution had also
discussed that the academic profile of the school is a primary factor on attracting students
parents choose Independent schools based on the desire to support a well-rounded school
experience for their children. The research report, Factors Influencing School Choice,
reveals how a diverse and evolving range of factors are influencing Australian families in
the schools they are choosing. Top reasons parents chose an Independent school include
good teachers, overall educational excellence, good facilities, and a supportive and caring
experienced by the parent's choice of school for their children when deciding on the right
school for their children. The factors that influences their school choice are the status
material possessions. This research indicates that there is social class ‘creaming’ or
conglomeration, as parents with wider social networks and more access to information
are more likely to actively participate in the selection process. Income level becomes an
important factor which affects the parents’ choice in their children’s education, due to the
Similarly, Prichard, T.G, Swezey, J.A (2016) identifies the factors that affect the
decision for school choice by Christian parents. These factors are the following: (a)
academics/extracurricular activities, and (e) religion. Likewise it was said that the core
satisficing. Satisficing is characterized by the search for a school by parents only to the
(2007) stated that there is a 6 common basic phases in in the Career Decision-Making
Process namely: (1) becoming concerned about career decision-making (awareness), (2)
generating possible career alternatives based on one’s own interests, skills, and values
through self- and environmental exploration, (3) reducing the career alternatives to a
manageable number for more in-depth exploration, (4) deciding among few alternatives,
(5) confirming one’s choice and building a commitment to it, and (6) being firmly
On Levels of Interest
entirely taken up with’’ an activity, object, or topic. More contemporary interest theorists
have divided interest into two components: individual interest and situational interest.
Individual interest is more enduring, and trait-like, and endures over time. In contrast,
situational interest is more momentary and situationally bound; in other words, it can be a
Donald L. Coan, PhD (2007) described that interest is related to learning. Hidi
(1990) argues that “interest is central in determining how we select and persist in
individuals are more likely to attend to and learn from interesting materials as opposed to
uninteresting materials.
implementation of the Senior High School Program in the Philippines. According to the
article, there is a need to add two more years in High School as 10 years of basic
education makes the students competitively weak. Students who would like to study or
work abroad are being turned down as they have not acquired the number of years of the
basic education meaning to say, despite completing Junior High School or the 10 years of
basic education, one is still not considered to be a high school graduate. To be considered
a high school graduate they are asked to take the General Educational Development
(GED) to attain the diploma saying that one have passed the required knowledge and
skills needed but even with this, they will still experience trouble studying or working
abroad. With this, the implementation of Senior High School Program or the two more
years in High School is needed in order to make the Filipino youth globally competitive
and attain higher knowledge and skills needed before going to college.
High School Students’ Choice of University in Thailand which aims to know the factors
affecting high school students’ choice of university in Thailand. Results from the study
showed that there was a higher rate of students who chose to study in a public school. It
was the atmosphere and environment of the college that made a big impact on how they
would choose their college, the atmosphere whether if the school has a good studying
environment. Another influencing factor is that they look into the reputation of the school
in terms of having good quality facilities and infrastructures and the approach of teachers
towards students when teaching. This only means that the services offered in the
university is one of the top influencing factors that students look into. The students prefer
to have their choice of university in a convenient location, making this another top
priority in choosing a university or college. According to the study most of the students
would favor the school if the institution offers financial aids and scholarship program.
The decision made by the students are not solely their own choice but have consulted
with their parents and peers which makes these people one of the external factors that
influence them to choose the university that they will enroll in.
The study conducted by Hartsell (2011) entitled Factors Affecting Private School
Choice shows how parents have an impact on the school choice of students. Parents look
into the satisfactory on how the teachers approach the students, the teaching strategy.
Data was collected from parents with students currently enrolled in one of two different
private schools with input from 253 parents. The main finding in the research revealed
that there should be a positive learning throughout the school year of the institution to
make parents decide for their children to continue their studies in the same school.
Education Market, a study conducted by McEvoy (2013) aims to know the factors that
make parents decide on what school to let them be enrolled in. It was revealed in the
findings that parents base their financial status in which school to enroll their students.
The approach of personnel and teachers towards the students played a big role whether
factors influencing the university choice among pre-university students in the provinces
of Gilan and Mazandaran in the North of Iran. Survey was used for collecting data, and
data were quantitative. The study shows that there are four factors that influence student
university choice and the top most factor is the economical factor which includes the job
opportunities in the institution chosen, second is the university related factors or the
academic quality and teaching approach, third factor are the personal factors that include
parents’ choice and personal interest, and last is the social factor which include the school
A study conducted by Owais Shafique (2012) aims to identify the reasons why
students choose a particular university. The research aid in helping the researchers
selecting a university for higher education stated that all sources; word of mouth, role of
MarComs and other factors of choice have impact on student's decision-making process.
But the most influential is word of mouth which has great significance for all are also
other factors such as environment and social conditions that are the basis of positive word
of mouth. The least important in accordance to the research seems to be the role of
The study conducted by Aguado et. al (2015) aims to know the factors affecting
the choice of school of the students in Maritime program. Findings showed that it was the
personal choice of the students that influenced them to enroll in Maritime school. Along
with this is the support coming from the parents of the students knowing that the school
would best help them in their chosen field as the school is known for top-notchers and in
teaching Maritime.
the demographic profile of the respondents and the significant relationship of the
demographic profile of students and the factors affecting the decision of the student in
choosing Lyceum as their chosen school. Findings of the study revealed that financial
stability of the family is one factor when in selecting a school especially if they are able
to afford to study in the institution. It is important for the parents to know how the
Tan (2010) conducted a study entitled College Choice in The Philippines. The
purpose of the study was to describe the relative importance of major college choice
factors to high school seniors in the Philippines, who were in the search and choice
phases of their college selection process. As well as to determine whether there were
college choice factors (i.e. academic quality, college marketing, cost and financial aid,
Statistical findings from the study showed the descending order of what was most
important for the students when choosing a college. A 1 to 5 scale was used (1= not
important to 5= most important) after tallying the scores, it showed that job opportunities
(4.79) is what students look most into when choosing a college, whether the school has a
good background in having high employment rate after students graduate, second is the
security, scoring 4.73, this only shows that the students value the security when choosing
a college to enroll in. The third in line is the academic quality with the score 4.43. The
students favor the school that can offer them good academic quality.
The study conducted by Engr. Ramirez and Engr. Dizon (2014) entitled
their Enrolled Degree Program aims to discover the interest level of the Engineering
Freshmen towards the engineering program. The researches of the study made use of a
descriptive type of research and results from the study showed that engineering is
dominated by male students and they chose engineering as their personal choice; in
addition, the students have high interest level in engineering program especially in terms
of affective and cognitive learning. Students who personally chose to take up engineering
The different literature and studies used and revived helped the researchers in
enriching their study. School choice is a nationwide movement that empowers both
parents and children to make the best possible choice upon the school that the child or
person will be entering. It is the ability of a student or an individual to decide which type
Molly Pennington, PhD (2015) and the International School Council Australia
(ISCA) focus on providing well-rounded experience for the children of each parent that
will meet their individual needs. The literature comprises of discussion about how quality
education immensely affect the decision of parents and students when it comes to
The literature of McFadden, M. (2015), U.S News (2014), Caloundra City Private
School and Prichard et. al (2016) are all similar as it discusses about the factors
influencing the school choice of students. According to the literature, most of the top
priorities that students look into are academic quality, status income of the family
whether or not they are able to pay the tuition fee of the school and the proximity or the
The studies conducted by Aguado et. al (2015), Kitsawad (2013), Malubay et. al
(2015), Tan (2010), Jafari P. and Aliesmaili A. (20130, and Owais Shafique (2012) are
all similar as they focus on the external and internal factors affecting the choice of school
of students. Most of these factors include the academic quality, proximity of the school,
and job opportunities after graduating from the chosen institution. The stated studies are
similar to the present study conducted by the researchers as they tackle about the factors
influencing the school choice of students. Despite the similarities identified, they differ in
terms of the respondents. The respondents of the listed researchers focus on current
college students and part of their study is to find out about the factors that made them
choose to enroll in the University/ college that they are in now. The respondents of the
present study are the grade 9 and grade 10 students of Mother of Divine Providence
School as the researchers would like to find out the influences affecting the choice of
The studies of Hartsell (2011) and McEvoy (2003) are similar as they focus on
parents’ choice of school for their children. Both studies stated that the approach of
teachers and personnel towards the students is a top priority when choosing a school. The
students are related to the present study as the researchers are not just considering the
internal factors but also the external influences such as the parents whether they have an
impact on the choice of school of students. The studies differ in terms of the respondents
as they focus on knowing the factors influencing choice of school of parents while the
present study focuses on the Grade 9 and Grade 10 students of Mother of Divine
Providence School to determine the influences affecting the choice of school of students.
The study conducted by Engr. Ramirez and Engr. Dizon (2014) is similar to the
present study of the researchers as both studies would like to discuss about the interest
level. The study differs in terms of the topic they would like to focus on as their study
while the present study would like to find out the interest level of Grade nine and Grade
ten students on the Senior High School Program in Mother of Divine Providence School