Factors Affecting Career Track and Strand Choices
Factors Affecting Career Track and Strand Choices
Factors Affecting Career Track and Strand Choices
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2016 51
ISSN 2250-3153
Factors Affecting Career Track and Strand Choices of Grade 9 Students in the Division of
Antipolo and Rizal, Philippines
Juan O. Abarro
The main purpose of the study was to craft a Senior High School program offerings of University
of Rizal System. It made use of the Descriptive Survey Method. Findings showed that most of
the Grade 9 students selected Career Tracks and Strands are Accountancy, Business and
Management (ABM), and Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) track. Moreover, there is a
significant association between the career track choices and profile of the students in terms of
sex, average family income, occupation of the head of the family, school preference and average
scholastic rating in Grade 8 and no significant association between the career track choices and
the highest educational attainment of the head of the family and person influential in the choice
of career track.
Index Terms
- career tracks choices, factors affecting career track choices, grade 9 students I.
ne significant reform in Philippine Educational System is the implementation of K to 12
program. Its goal is for the “development of a holistically developed Filipino with the 21
century skills who are ready for employment, entrepreneurship, middle level skills development
and higher education upon graduation from Grade 12” (The K to 12 Basic Education Program,
2012). The structure of K to 12 implementation which provides addition of two (2) years level
from the old system which are Grades 11 and 12 which the students will take core courses and
career pathways. This will result to no enrollment in first year and second year college which
will be a big challenge to colleges and universities during the School Year 2017-2018 and 2018-
2019. The offering of Career Tracks in Grades 11 and 12 could be an avenue for colleges and
universities to collaborate with the Department of Education (DepEd). In this way, resources of
colleges and universities who have no enrollees can utilize their resources to the maximum level.
In view of the need to help colleges and universities in the province of Rizal address this
challenging situation and come up with the necessary initiatives, this study on Factors Affecting
Career Tracks Choices of Grade 9 students was conducted. II.
OBJECTIVES The main purpose of the study was to craft a program for Senior High School
program in the University of Rizal System. Specifically, it sought determine the following: 1.
The career tracks and strands selected by the Grade 9 students in public high school in the
Division of Antipolo City and Rizal. 2.
Variables associated with the career racks and strands selected by the students. III.
LITERATURE The literature sought develop a Senior High School program of the University of
Rizal System through the determination of career track choices and its relationships to the
profile of grade 9 students
Career Choice Tracks of Grade 9 Students
The choice of Career Tracks of the students play a great role in the preparations of the schedule
for the Senior High School. These career tracks are associated with career preferences which
were the bases in the conduct of the present study. Career preferences as defined by Martinez
and Fuller (1999) pertains to the identification of one’s work schedules and activities in relation
to individual’s abilities, skills, competencies and with the assistance of management in order that
he can take greater job and personal responsibility for his future. In other words, this is a
preferred career choice of an individual that should be decided ahead of time. In an article on
“What is Most Important to Students by Duffy and Sedlacek from 1995 to 2004 revealed that
male preferred to select careers which will generate money and female would like to select
career which will concentrate on working with people and those which can contribute to society.
Association of the Career Track Choices and Profile of the Respondents
Witko, Bernes, Magnusson and Bardick (2006) studies on senior high school students'
occupational aspirations found out that interests, skill, personal meaning, challenges and parental
support are variables contributory to the occupational aspirations of senior high school students.
In like manner with the study of La (2009) on factors influencing the educational and career
choices of senior high school students revealed that parent’ supports, school structure, gender
and grade point average have considerable influence on the Vietnamese Senior high school
students’ educational and career choice. In same year, Leonard (2009) study on high school
students' course selection decisions in south Carolina found out that parents and teachers are
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2016 52
ISSN 2250-3153
influential in the course selection decision. In addition, Heilbronner (2011) claimed that the
greater number of the students manifested to proceed to STEM courses in college. This is
brought about with the quality, adequacy of preparations and scholastic experiences of the
students. Eremie, (2014) study on comparative analysis of factors influencing career choices
among senior secondary school students in Rivers State, Nigeria. The result showed that there
were significant differences in the career preferences when grouped according to their sex,
parity, and parental influence. In addition, socio-economic background were influential in
participants' decisions to pursue a postsecondary degree. Cultural factors, especially English
fluency, were also relevant. Local communities and institutional factors had generally a negative
impacts on career choice of the students. IV.
METHODOLOGY The study made use of the descriptive method of research utilizing a the
survey checklist developed to attain the objectives of the study. The subjects of the study were
the 761 students in public high schools in the Division of Antipolo and Rizal. The students were
distributed to 383 and 378 randomly selected from public high schools in the Division of
Antipolo and Rizal respectively. The data were treated using frequency and percentage
distribution and Chi-Square test. V.
Career tracks choices of the Grade 9 students enrolled in public high schools in the Division of
Antipolo and Rizal Table I. Distribution of Career Track Choices of Grade 9 Students of the
Division of Antipolo and Rizal Career Tracks Strands Frequency Percent Rank
Academic Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) 79 10.38 6 Humanities
and Social Sciences (HumSS) 92 12.09 3 Accountancy, Business and Management 164 21.55 1
General Academic Strand (GAS) 40 5.26 7 Technical-Vocational Livelihood Home Economics
(HE) 152 19.97 2 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) 91 11.96 4 Agri-Fishery
(AF) 27 3.55 8 Industrial Arts (IA) 83 10.91 5 Arts 13 1.71 10 Sports 20 2.63 9
Total 761 100 Table II. Chi-Square Value on the Association of the Profile and Career Track
Choices of Grade 9 Students Variables Df Critical
Value Computed
Value Verbal Interpretation
Sex 9 16.92 83.85 Significant Highest Educational Attainment of the Head of the Family 72
90.53 4.0 Not Significant Persons Influential in the Choice of Career Track 45 55.76 53.51 Not
Significant Average Monthly Family Income 36 55.76 498.30 Significant School Preference 18
28.87 46.54 Significant Occupation of the Head of the Family 45 55.76 97.11 Significant
Average Scholastic Rating in Grade 8 54 67.50 584.77 Significant VI.
DISCUSSIONS As presented in Table 1, Academic track with a strand Accountancy, Business
and Management (ABM) has the highest frequency of 164 or 21.55% which is the first rank
followed by Technical-Vocational Livelihood (TVL) track with a strand of Home Economics
with frequency of 152 or 19.97% which is second in rank. On the other hand, Arts track has the
lowest frequency of 13 or 1.71% which is tenth rank. The result indicates that majority of the
Grade 9 students prefer to take
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2016 53
ISSN 2250-3153
Accountancy, Business and Management; and Technical-Vocational Livelihood track with strand
of Home Economics in the Senior High School. As shown in Table 2, the computed Chi-Square
value on the association between the career track and strand choices and the profile of the
students in terms of sex, average family income, occupation of the head of the family and
average scholastic rating in Grade 8 have greater computed Chi-Square values than the critical
values considered to be significant. The data implies that the profile of the students in terms of
sex, average family income, occupation of the head of the family and average scholastic rating in
Grade 8 are associated to the career track choices of the students who will enroll in the Senior
High School. On the other hand, the Chi-square Computed value on the career track choices and
profile of grade 9 students in terms of highest educational attainment of the head of the family
and person influential in the choice of career track have the lowest computed Chi-Square values
compared to Critical values. The result emphasizes that there is no significant association
between the career choice and the profile of the students in terms of the highest educational
attainment of the head of the family and person influential in the choice of career track. VII.
CONCLUSIONS Most number of Grade 9 students are inclined to take Accountancy, Business
and Accountancy (ABM) courses in Senior High School and in the college level. The result
implies that sex, average monthly family income, school preference, occupation of the head of
the family and average scholastic ratings in the preceding years are factors associated to the
career track choices of the students, while highest educational attainment of the head of the
family and persons influential in the choice of career track are not associated with the Career
Track Choices. R
Duffy, R. and Sedlacek, W. (2007). What is most important to student’s long-term career
choices. Analyzing 10-year trends and group differences. Journal of Career Development, 34,
149–163. [2]
Eremie, M. D. (2014). Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Oman
Chapter),4(4), 20-25. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1623233680?
accountid=173015 [3]
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from ProQuest Central; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (916377010). Retrieved from
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Heilbronner, N. N. (2011). Stepping onto the STEM pathway: Factors affecting talented
students’ declaration of STEM majors in college. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 34,
876–899 [5]
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students: A case study in vietnam(Order No. 3378315). Available from ProQuest Dissertations &
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Leonard, R. A. (2009). High school students' course selection decisions in south carolina: The
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(751895135). Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/751895135?accountid=173015
Martirez, C. R. and Galileo S. Fuller. Management in Human Behavior in Organization (2nd
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Witko, K. D., Bernes, K. B., Magnusson, K. C., & Bardick, A. D. (2006). Senior high students’
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Department of Education. (2012). The K to 12 Basic Education Program.
First Author
– Dr. Juan Ogana Abarro; Associate Professor III and designated as Director, Center for General
Education and K to 12, University of Rizal System, Rizal, Philippines;
Correspondence Author
– Dr. Juan O. Abarro, abarrojohnny@yahoo.com,
This study is aimed at identifying the factors affecting career choice among senior
secondary schools students in Esan North East Local Government Area of Edo State.
The instrument used for collection of data or information in this research is mainly the
respondents selected.
To test the validity of the stated research questions from their respondents it was
discovered that many of the option career choice education should be introduced in
senior secondary schools in Esan North East local government area. Some findings
were also made in this research, which will be of great benefit to the students in the
In conclusion, the presence of guidance and counselling facilities centres in
secondary schools will help to solve career choice problems facing the students.
Career selection is one of the main important choice in students plans. This
choice of decision will have impact on them throughout their lives. The essence of who
the students are, will revolve around what the students wants to do with his or her
greatest blessings. Everyone is always eager to have honest occupation. The way the
students perceive their environment for example, students who have hired on an island
may choose a career dealing with water or they may choose to leave the island behind
and never to have any thing to do with water again.
Tuche (2002) is right in suggesting that the students should think of their career
in senior secondary schools in so doing they need career guidance. Ipaye (1983) refers
to the need for one to discuss with one peers, school counsellors, parents and teachers
on the need to choose a life span work as “career convention or career conferences”.
However, career convention according to him is an instrument of career information.
This occur for a number of reasons, which include the following:
c. To create a situation in which parents can on one hand meet the employers
and discuss the opportunities they offer and on other hand meet the career
teachers or career officers with whom they can exchange views.
iii. Cultural factors which include schools, peer group and age groups.
1. What are the possible causes or factors affecting the choice of career among
secondary school students in Esan North East local government area of Edo
2. How significant has this contribution been over the years?
3. To what extent has private sectors investment actually affected the choice of
career among secondary school students.
4. What is actually the contribution of both private and public secondary schools
on the choice of career of secondary school students?
1. Is there any need for learning career choice in senior secondary school?
2. If there is reasons for reading career choice in schools, is it of benefit to the
3. How does career choice affect the academic performance of students?
5. What are the factors responsible for a student’s wrong choice of career?
The main purpose of the study is an attempt to examine the factors affecting the
choice of career among secondary school students in Esan North East local
government area of Edo State. It will also examine what extent the factors affecting the
choice of career will aid the students positive or at times negatively.
The importance of this research work is to find to what extent the factors affecting
choice will influence the students choice of career and the attendance performance of
students on the subject’s that would lead them successfully towards this occupation as
a life time endeavour.
a. It will enable the researcher give recommendations to the students on their
choice of career.
e. The findings will enable the researcher to make recommendations to further
researchers on the issue of career prospects.
The research work limit itself to factors affecting the choice of career among
secondary schools students in Esan North East Local Government Area of Edo State.
This research will cover five randomly selected secondary schools in Esan North
East Local Government Area of Edo State. Four of which are public and one is private.
The schools randomly selected include the followings.
CAREER - A chosen pursuit or course of business activity or enterprise, especially
one's professional life or employment that offers advancement and honour.
SCHOOL: The school is a place where children need to be educated. The process of
learning in a school; the time during your life when you go to school.
university/college policies
You are allowed to use the original model papers you will receive in
3. For PROPER paraphrasing (see your university definition of
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MABAMA” prepared and submitted by DAMIAN II A. ABAYON in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Education, is hereby accepted.
Date Signed Date Signed
Date Signed Date Signed
Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Arts
in Education
Date Signed
Career choice is one of the many important decisions the student will make in determining plans.
This decision will affect them throughout their lives. The essence of who the student is will
revolve around what the student needs to do with their lifelong work.
Career choices are free opportunity to select a desired career. It is also a decision – making in a
confusing situation, which occurs during the senior year of high school level. When one is
confused in choosing a career, they rely on their friends and relatives on what to decide. They
were confused in a sense that they cannot make their own decision and not yet ready to get into
college. Such as when a student is disorient in their chosen course will result in decreasing
eagerness on that particular field. They decide to transfer into another school or to shift another
course that really fits their own interest.
In the Philippines, upon graduation from high school, students faced with the challenge of
selecting and potentially preparing for a career. Making a well – informed career choice is almost
equally challenging and important. By considering the factors that impact’s the career choices of
an individual graduating from high school. The components of the student support system
includes parents, relatives, siblings, peers and school guidance counselor are very significantly
affect the career choice of a student. A child can be influence by their parent occupation, values,
interest and specialization in making their career choice.
Every parent has a tendency to force their choice on their child. Choosing a career can make
great differences in your life. Parent educational attainment affects children decision in choosing
a career in future, some of them use these factors as their basis in choosing their own career.
Parent’s educational attainment and family size of income are related, indirectly to children
achievement through the parent’s educational expectations.
Childhood can also have an effect on career choice. There are children aspire what they want to
become when they grow and they tend to follow that childhood aspiration so that they can
accomplish their childhood career aspiration. Size of income of the family provides also an
answer in choosing a career. A career might be intellectually rewarding as well as personally
fulfilling if the family has an exact financial support in achieving a career.
An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to the
Faculty of Asian Computer College-Mayapa
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Fourth Year Students
Presented By:
Aizel Hernandez
Benpar Lo Reyes
Jhose Mariz De Roca
January 2012
In partial fulfillment of the requirements in Technical Writing, this thesis entitled “ Factors
Affecting Career Preferences of Senior High School Student” has been prepared by Aizel
Hernandez, Benpar Lo Reyes, and Jhose Mariz De Roca who are hereby recommended for oral
defense. ___________________________________________
Accepted By:
Date Mrs. Myra Caritos- Ricalde
The Problem and Its Background
Our country suffers from multifarious crisis such as socioeconomic crisis, political crisis, and as
well as financial crisis which is greatly affected by global economic crisis. Despite of all these
crises, Filipinos are imaginative, creative, and courageous to surpass these obstacles in everyday
life. Even though there are some companies affected by these crises which they are force to
decrease their employees called as “recession”, some of them have job openings that offer new
career opportunities to graduated college students. These job openings also offers a new
challenge into their life – a great responsibility lies to his hand that someday will help his family
strive to achieve wealthiest, use his acquired knowledge and skills when he engage into a job,
and acted as one of the reinforcements in industry that would further improved the depleting
economy of the country. All of these come first from wishes and aspirations that arises during
childhood years that someday he or she will become a doctor, an architect, a teacher, a police, or
an attorney to help those seek needs and help their family to ascend into poverty. According to
Ginzberg and his associates, during the fantasy period play gradually becomes work-oriented and
reflects initial preferences for certain kind of activities. This stage is the preparation for a child’s
highly organized social life they will be required to adjust when they enter the first grade.
Career preferences are free opportunity to select a desired career. It is also a decision-making in
a confusing situation which occurs during the senior year of high school level. When one is
confused in choosing a career, he relies on his friends and relatives. He was confused in a sense
that he cannot make his own decision and not yet ready to get into college. According to
Tiedemann, career development unfolds within the general process of cognitive development as
one resolves ego-relevant crises. He further noted out those decision-making is a continuous
process in which individuals will change their courses of career action, generally by leaving a
setting or environment. Such as when a student is disoriented in his course he has been taken that
will result in decreasing eagerness on that particular field. He decides to transfer in another
school or to shift another course that really fits his own interest and. When one is unstable in
making decision, these disoriented strategy may be repeated until achieve different bachelor’s
degree which can be a major distraction of one’s future job. Super also considered indecisiveness
as a period of developmental process when interest was not fully crystallized. Therefore, this
study intends to determine the factors affecting career preferences among senior high school
students. This factors that serve as...
My thesis proposal