Roles of Family Members in Students Strand Choice
Roles of Family Members in Students Strand Choice
Roles of Family Members in Students Strand Choice
March 8, 2019
CHAPTER 1: The Problem and children could not have a healthy living.
Literature Review Same with high school students. Without the
parents’ help, students wouldn’t know what
strand they would choose. The problem is
Background of the Study
that parents abuse their power and they would
control their children on their career even
The researchers came out this study to
though the students are not interested in their
find out about the outcome of letting family
parents’ chosen strand.
members in choosing their children’s strand.
The respondents would be the Grade 11
students of Pateros Catholic School. The In the early 1990’s, before Senior
researchers will be using qualitative data to High School was introduced to the
have a deeper explanation about parents’ Philippines, students would go straight to
involving in students’ strand choice. This college after graduating 4th year high school.
research aims to know the reasons why You may notice that young people graduate
parents choose the strand students will enter earlier than today’s generation. When Senior
instead of letting students choose their own High School was introduced to Filipinos by
strand. This also aims to find out if this Americans, they added 2 more years to have
improves the of the students in their Senior an advance glimpse of the students’ college
High School years. years and their future professions. This was
also approved by the Philippines’ former
president, Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III.
Michael J. Fox once said that,
“Family is not an important thing. It’s
everything.” The family has a big role in the Counselors and educators need to
society, especially parents. Parents are help students develop skills for their job
responsible for monitoring their children in search in careers that are congruent with their
their everyday living; the food they eat, their individualized career plan (Teng, Morgan, &
shelter, their expenses, etc. Without parents, Anderson, 2001). Choosing students’ Senior
The Roles of Family Members in Students’
Strand Choice
Cagampang, C.; Felongco, L.; Laboton, A.;
Sanchez, Y.; Rigos, K.
Page 1
High School strand is, somehow, a big deal To the future researchers: The proponents
because, this will mirro (Harris & Meltzer, will be able to conclude on this study, future
2013)r what will be the students’ future researchers can gather some information
from the researcher’s study and reconstruct
occupation. In this way, students will gain
another one.
knowledge on what will happen on the
student’s sooner days and the student will
have higher expectations on their college Literature Review
days. Choosing their strand is mostly based
on their interests. But if the students let their The literature is separated according
parents choose their strand, would the to perspectives of the authors in terms of their
students be satisfied on their parents’ chosen expertise in students and family. According
strand? to Henriksen, education tackles about
the student’s choice how it affects them, what
are they considering in making these choices
Significance of the Study that goes beyond the roots (Henriksen,
Ryder, & Dillon, 2015). It is important to see
This study sought information and the value on how home affects the school for
make conclusions for this never-ending a student. The educational role of the family
phenomenon. Some persons, particularly to talks about the well-being of a family, their
those who were listed below, can benefit to roles and their responsibility, to how are they
this study. They can even provide their own significant enough that their decision gives a
conclusions on this study or use this as a greater impact to the student. It is important
source for future thesis. to see the value on how school affects the
home for a student.
To the students: As the respondents for this Science Technology engineering and
research, they will be able to understand why mathematics as a factor, curriculum and
their family made the decision themselves. interest for a student. Apprehending the
To the parents: Parents can now have a choice of students in choosing stem as a
conclusion and will be able to understand strand. Family as a predicament that students
their sons and daughters. consider in taking stem as their career path in
the future.
To the teachers: The faculty will be able to
know what the things that are affecting the How students have seen themselves
student’s in their academic performance, in a role in which personality is a determining
factor may influence a chosen strand. Some
To the researchers: The researchers, as course demand that you have the personality
well, can benefit to this study, because they
to match the qualities of the occupationand
can relate themselves to the respondents and
can analyze the study by themselves also. also that is related to STEM. Through with
IMRAD : IMRAD or IMRaD is a common With this design, the researchers will
organizational structure. IMRaD is the most state the situation of the students when their
prominent norm for the structure of a parents chose their strand. The researchers
scientific journal article of the original will be looking forward on the advantages
research type. and disadvantages of making this happen. It
will also state if this choice improved the
Purposive Sampling : A purposive sample is
academic performance of the students.
a non-probability sample that is selected
based on characteristics of a population and
Sampling Technique and Participants
the objective of the study. Purposive
sampling is also known as judgmental,
The researchers will use Non-
selective, or subjective sampling. Probability sampling because it does not rely
on randomization but to the ability of the
researchers to select elements for the sample.
------------------------------------------------------ Specifically, Purposive Sampling which
CHAPTER 2: Research Methodology based on the intention and purpose of the
Research Design study.
Research Design is a blueprint or plan
specifically created to answer the research The researchers are going to have an
question and to control variance (Dulock, individual interview on five students from
1993). In this study, the descriptive research 11th grade STEM students of Pateros Catholic
design is used. According to Dulock, School Senior High School. The researchers
descriptive research provide an accurate will be asking five questions on each
portrayal or account of characteristics of a participant, and they will have their own
particular individual, situation or group;
individual answers.
these studies are a means of discovering new
meaning, describing what exists, determining
the frequency with which something occurs
and/or categorizing information. From here, Instruments
researchers would be able to provide a collect
detailed and factual information that Instruments are defined as the device
describes an existing phenomenon using and instrumentation is the course of action
- The parents persuaded their children 5. Did your parents considered what would
in the form of saying that this strand is better you like to become in choosing your strand?
and kept on saying that if they chose this - The guardian/parents asked their
strand they, the students will have many children what is their preferred strand where
choices of profession that the parents believe in the end they still propose the strand that
suites their children. they think is better and would be more
2. Why did your parents make you choose beneficial to their sons/daughters which some
this strand? of the respondents understood and some
disappointed by saying this “The parents
- The reason why the respondent’s should let their child make important choices
family persuaded them to choose stem is such as this because someday they would
because they would have many benefits of have to choose their own choices and if what
high-paying jobs because of choosing stem they chose had a negative outcome they
which would benefit them in the long term or would have no one the blame but themselves
other words in their future choices. learn inevitable learn from their mistakes.”