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Edu 214 - Final Project

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ABC Community School

July 26, 2020

Cielo Bella Chester

As I understand it, the School Board has decided they want all classrooms to discontinue
using technology in our classrooms. I am here to hopefully help you understand why that would
be a bad idea. Technology is such a large part of today’s society. No matter where you turn,
technology has had some hand in it. This is the world that our students are going into. Having a
good understanding of the technology around us and how to use it can be an amazing advantage
to have. Not only that but using technology in the classroom can make a huge difference as well.
Technology can be an amazing tool for teachers and students alike. They help with learning and
creating. This is the modern way of creativity and teaching. Using technology can make it easier
for students to connect and to connect to their teachers and is simply a different way of getting
the same answers and achieving the same things, sometimes better. For example, it can better
student achievement and promote higher-order thinking and problem solving (Person, 2007).
When students not only have the technology, but can also access it anywhere, it allows students
to do something called “24-7” learning, which allows the students to learn and asks questions
from wherever, and whenever they’d like (Herold, 2020). This can allow students to be involved
in their learning. With today’s society, it is also closer to the world they can expect when they
leave school. In practically any job nowadays, there will be the technology they will be required
to understand and use on a regular basis. What better way to prepare them for the future, then use
technology as they are growing, especially since it is so beneficial to the classroom. Students are
more interested and active in lessons, and it allows teachers to do more with their lessons. We
can teach the same subjects and have our students meet the same objectives, but in ways that are
not only easier but allow our students to learn it better. It can also make learning about other
cultures easier, especially since with technology, they are within our reach. For example, instead
of just teaching about something like the Day of the Dead, and showing simple pictures to go
with the facts, I can now show videos to my students on how it is celebrated and share the stories
of those who do. It brings along a greater understanding and allows both me and my students to
go further in-depth. Technology changes the way teachers can lead and guide our classrooms. It
allows instant and often feedback both from the students and teachers, allows connection to more
resources and experts, and can help increase active participation (Person, 2007). Technology has
allowed modern-day education to evolve and should be kept in every classroom.


Person. (2007, November 05). Why Do We Need Technology Integration? Retrieved July 27,
2020, from https://www.edutopia.org/technology-integration-guide-importance

Herold, B. (2020, June 30). Technology in Education: An Overview. Retrieved July 27, 2020,
from https://www.edweek.org/ew/issues/technology-in-education/index.html
The standards between CCSD and state level are very similar but are usually just worded
different or one goes into more detail. Many of the standards though, even the ones that are not
necessarily about technology can be done using modern day technology and software, and most
of the time done easy. As you go down the line from national to state to CCSD, the wording of
each standard gets more specific, and they break down more what they want students to know
from each standard. The higher the grade, the more complex the knowledge the student is
expected to show, or the more in-depth they are expected to go with their work and research. The
more technology that a teacher and classroom have access to, the more the teachers can do with
their lesson plans for these standards. Teachers can be more creative in how they teach and how
they have their students meet the standards. With technology standards, it is the same. Higher
grade level students are expected to know how to use more advance technology, and to be able to
do more with the technology they are given. I think the standards that need to be met leave a lot
of room for technology to be incorporated, both with how the students learn, and how they show
what they have learned. It also gives them a chance to branch out from the usual way of learning
where they flip though a book or read through a printed handout to learn things like facts about
countries. I wanted to delve into the standard: Students understand the physical and human
features and cultural characteristics of places and use this information to define and study regions
and their patterns of change. I could do this by simply getting books encyclopedias, or printed
articles about different countries and have them do a basic handout or projects off of that, but by
incorporated the technology standard: Use digital resources to learn about places, people,
celebrations, and maps, I was able to not only make it more interesting for my students, but I am
allowing them to go further, ask more questions, and learn more about ay country of their
choosing, not just the ones that I have or were easiest to find.
Name of Lesson: A Country and its Culture

Grade Level Appropriateness: 3rd Grade

Technology Content Standard Addressed: Nevada Computer and Technology

Standards 2.C.2.1 Use digital resources to learn about places, people, celebrations, and maps.

Other Content Standard Addressed: Nevada Grades K-12 Content Standards Social Studies
Grade Three Geography 2.0 Places and Regions — Students understand the physical and human
features and cultural characteristics of places and use this information to define and study regions
and their patterns of change.

Objective: The student will use digital resources to work as a group in order to learn about a
specific country and its people, culture and celebrations, study that information, and then use
slideshow/presentation software to create a five-minute presentation and slideshow based on the
information they find.

Materials needed to facilitate the lesson: Computer, paper, pencil, requirements/group

handout, projector/smartboard for presentation

Suggested group size: 3-5 students per group

Procedures: Break the classroom into groups of 3-5, depending on class size.
Explain that this assignment will be about learning about different countries’ cultures.
Pass out the requirements/group handout and then read it to the class, making sure they
understand what is needed in the assignment.
Allow them to get their computers, create a name for their group, and look up a country they are
interested in learning about. (repeat countries ok)
Fill out a copy of the handout for each group with the name, students’ names, and the country for
Remind them of the list of helpful websites in the Launchpad they have on their computers that
they can use. Over the course of about two weeks (change time if needed) allow the students to
break into groups and work on their project during social studies lesson time.
This project will be done in PowerPoint, which should be set up on their computer already.
Slides on the country can be done in this program and can be changed to the students tastes.
Encourage them to get creative, adding pictures and such to go along with their facts. These can
be just inserted into the slides of the presentation, along with charts, sounds, links, and other
things to help the presentation.
Make sure to observe and be ready for questions, and make sure students are staying on track.
Try to make sure every student seems active in the project.
Have the groups send a copy of the presentation every three or so days to check progress. One
slide should have been added per check.
As the presentations finish, allow the students to present as a group what they have learned, and
what they have created.
If one or two groups are far ahead and finish before the others, offer them an extra credit
assignment of including a slide on bonus or extra information, included at the bottom of the
When they are finished, make sure they send a copy of it in the drobox.

Assessment: While the project is being done, there will be grades on getting each slide done on
time, in order to encourage them to stay on track and not become distracted. It will be a basic
grade, based on if it is done, and how much. The end assessment will be on the complete
presentation. It will be a rubric that will include grades for if everything was included that
needed to be, how much information was included, how well it was put together and organized,
whether it was presented or not, and extra credit if they had time for any extra slides of
information they added.

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