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Teaching and Learning with Technology Proposal 1

ABC Community School

Cecilia S. Gonalez

College of Southern Nevada

July 4th, 2021

Teaching and Learning with Technology Proposal 2

The Future of Education

Schools do not look the same way they did in the 1800’s when the Common School

Movement began. As time has gone on and society has changed so have schools, students, and

teachers. Expecting students memorize, then regurgitate information for standardized tests only

to forget what they’ve “learned” as soon as they turn them in is not only unreasonable but should

also be considered unethical. Learning is about more than getting good grades on the ACT’s and

SAT’s, and nowadays a crucial part of learning is incorporating technology into the curriculum.

Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “The function of education is to teach one to think

intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.”

and I couldn’t have said it better myself. A good teacher encourages students to think for

themselves and learn about more than just the “subjects needed to pass standardized multiple

choice performance exams”. A good teacher shows students how to use technology to their


It would be ignorant and unfair to deny students the use of technology in their classrooms

when it is a part of their everyday life. Learning how to use technology as a tool to enhance their

education is incredibly beneficial to the whole student. An article published by American

University says, “Technology provides students with easy-to-access information, accelerated

learning, and fun opportunities to practice what they learn. It enables students to explore new

subjects and deepen their understanding of difficult concepts.” If we don’t find a way to integrate

technology in the classroom for every student in the district we are doing them an incredible

disservice. Students must be technologically literate if they want to thrive in today’s day and age

and it is our responsibility to teach them exactly how to do that.

Teaching and Learning with Technology Proposal 3


American University. (n.d.). How Important Is Technology in Education? Benefits, Challenges,

and Impact on Students. How Important Is Technology in Education? | American

University. https://soeonline.american.edu/blog/technology-in-education.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes. (n.d.). BrainyQuote.com. Retrieved July 4, 2021, from

BrainyQuote.com Web site:

Teaching and Learning with Technology Proposal 4

Identification of Standards

Their are currently technology standards at the state and national level that were put in

place to make sure that each student at each grade level is proficient in using technology as a tool

to enhance their education. Both sets of standards in similar in that they work to actively

implement the use of technology in the curriculum. This will benefit not only the students but the

teachers too to make sure they stay up to date in the technology that they will need to use in their


Of course the standards that are set for second graders won’t be the same as the ones for

12th graders but they have the same goal. For example, one theme in Nevada’s Computer and

Technolgoy standards is communication and collaboration. Under that theme, a national

indicator is “Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety

of digital environments and media.” For 7 year olds, that would mean work in groups to create a

project digitally, maybe making a short presentation about their favorite animal that they learned

about in class. For 17 year olds, that would mean making a more thourough digital project

collaboratively with their peers, possibly about the main lessons that came from the book they

read in class. Both of these are very similar but adjusted for the grade level the students are in.

The national standards are a bit more specific. For example, standard 7c under global

communicator is “ Students explore local and global issues and use collaborative technologies to

work with others to investigate solutions.”

The standard I am going to be focussing on is ISTE standard 6c, “Students create original

works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.” I will have

students get inspiration from a digital museum and make their own using digital tools.
Teaching and Learning with Technology Proposal 5

Lesson Plan

Title: Ready, Set, Switch! A collaborative art project

Grade Level: 9th - 12th grade

Technology Content Standard:

● ISTE Standard 6c: Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix

digital resources into new creations.

Nevada Visual Arts Standard:

● VA:Cr2.HS.1 I: Develop art making skills and techniques while making/designing works

of art comparing methods of spontaneous and deliberate design.

● VA:Cr1.HS.1 II: Individually or collaboratively formulate new creative problems based

on student’s existing artwork.


● Students will be able to compose a two-dimensional piece of art while working

collaboratively with their peers to create a cohesive design.

Materials needed to facilitate the lesson:

1. a desktop computer, laptop, phone, or iPad to access Artsonia and Google

2. pieces of paper or canvas and art supplies (colored pencils, crayons, paint, etc)

a. or alternatively, if students choose to make a digital piece of art they will need

access to software that will allow them to do that such as Procreate or Adobe


Suggested group size: 2-4 people per group

Teaching and Learning with Technology Proposal 6


1. Explain the collaborative project we will be doing to the class.

a. teacher script:

Over the course of the next few days you will be working collaboratively with

your peers to create pieces of art. You will split up into groups of 2-4, the more

people in your group might make this project a little more difficult but if you’re

up for the challenge go for it! First everyone in the group is going to do some

research together. You can look on Artsonia, a digital museum full of artwork

from students of all ages, or google for inspiration. Then, everyone in your group

has to agree on what you want to create and what medium you want to use (paint,

colored pencils, etc). Once you’re on the same page, each person in the group will

start off with a piece of paper or a canvas and start creating. I will set a timer for

5-10 minutes and once the timer is up you switch! You give your paper/canvas to

your partner or to the person to your right if you’re in a group of 3 or 4 and then

you start working on the piece that is in front of you. Each person is free to create

whatever they want on the new piece in front of them, but you cannot completely

destroy what the previous person did, you must add to it. We will be doing these

rotations multiple times over the course of the next few days so get ready!

** You may also choose to do this digitally but each student must have access to

the same program you all want to use and must be comfortable enough with the

program to create art.

Teaching and Learning with Technology Proposal 7

2. Give students time to browse Artsonia and Google to gather their ideas. Then once they

have decided what to create they need to agree on what medium to use. Each group or set

of partners has to run their idea by me. I want to see their inspiration and what hear their

plan about what they want to make. Once all groups have had their ideas approved and

are ready to start making art I will start the timer. Then, when the timer is up they will

switch, I will start another timer, and this will continue until their artwork is finished!

3. Depending on how much time I want the students to spend on this and how detailed I

want their artwork to be, this lesson could be 2 days or a whole week!


● Students will be assessed with their ability to research and find inspiration from digital

resources when they pitch their idea to me. Then they will also be assessed on how

creative their idea is about how they want to collaborate on their pieces.

● Students will be assessed on how well they collaborate with their peers and if they are

able to make their final works of art cohesive. I am fairly lenient on the level of

“technical skills” they have, I’m more focussed on the creativity and effort put into each

Teaching and Learning with Technology Proposal 8

Student Sample
These are some ideas I had while browsing artsonia, google, and pinterest

If I was in a group of three or four we could

create a neighborhood and each design their
If I was with a partner we could each create own house
half of a person and both could add to the

Or on the first rotation we could each sketch

Similar to the other neighborhood but more out a complete drawing that takes up the
challenging, we could create it in two point whole canvas, then split it up into sections
perspective and add more details. and each person works on their own section
the whole time.
Teaching and Learning with Technology Proposal 9

Collaborative Art Project:

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