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Cornejo 1

ABC Community School

Alexus Cornejo

August 1, 2021
Cornejo 2

Position Paper

Technology will constantly be evolving and is inevitable to avoid this day in age. It only

seems right that children should learn from a young age how to use it. School is meant to prepare

students for the future, so it is crucial they learn from a young age how to use technology. Some

ways in which technology is essential to have a successful classroom is it’s a needed skill that makes

learning easier for student and benefits children with disabilities.

With the use of teaching and learning with technology it allows for students to learn

easier and gives them the skill to use technology. With technology students have the ability to

research any questions they have to further grasp the concepts. It also allows for the teacher to have

more creativity with lesson plans to keep students engaged to help the student digest and retain the

information easier. Technology helps to make the classroom more effective and efficient. In the 21 st

century technology can be seen everywhere. Its important that students are prepared to use it. The

best place for a student to be taught these skills is in schools. Therefore, it is crucial schools gets

funding to keep technology in the classroom.

Through the use of technology to teach and learn students with disabilities benefit

tremendously. With the improvements of technology such as the echo pen, text to speech, and many

other great technological resources it makes a world of different to help students with disabilities. As

mentioned on College of Education “Assistive technology can be defined as an item, piece of

equipment or product system that can be used to maintain, increase or improve functional capabilities

for any person with a special need. Thus, the incorporation of educational technology can also

provide benefits to students with disabilities who may be in a better position to interact with the

lesson through technology.” (Waddell, 2015). With the proper resources for students, it can be used

to adequately teach and improve the quality of learning and teaching for students with disabilities.
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Waddell, J. (2015, March 27). The Role of Technology in the Educational Process. College of
Education. https://education.msu.edu/green-and-write/2015/the-role-of-technology-in-the-
Cornejo 4

Identification of Standards

After reviewing both the documents I was able to find many similarities. Both documents mainly

want the same results. In both documents is discusses using creative thinking and develop innovative

products for Nevada 1 and ISTE 3 standard. There were also similarities between the ISTE 2 and Nevada

6 in using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals. The biggest

similarity I saw was ISTE 5 and Nevada 7 Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues

related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Most of the standards were the same just

with different words. The two different set of standards have the same goals of wanting students to use

technology to improve their work and to have a focus on the different things technology can be use for in

the classroom.

I also found a couple differences between the documents. One of the major differences being the

ISTE have one more category than the Nevada computer and technology standards. The standards were

scattered in different sections on both documents. I also noticed that the Nevada computer and technology

standards goes into a lot more detail of each category. In the ISTE there is only four standards listed

under every category where there Nevada computer and technology standards had twenty listed under

every category. It makes sense that Nevada would be more specific and I’m sure every other states

computer and technology standards are longer than ISTE. ISTE is just a brief description where Nevada

computer and technology standards goes into detail of exactly what they want from their districts.

For the ISTE standard I choose #7a. use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of

backgrounds and cultures, engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual understanding and learning.

For my assignment students will be using technology to explore the world to get a better understanding of

it. They will get to see and learn a little bit of the language of the place they choose.

For the Nevada computer and technology standards I picked Standard 3: B. Locate, organize,

analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. I will be

having my students locate different information using different medias and organize them on a

PowerPoint. They will evaluate the image they select and research the location.
Cornejo 5

Lesson Plan

Name of lesson: Learning about the World 

Grade Level Appropriateness: Third Grade

Technology Content Standard Addressed: ISTE Standard #7 7a. use digital tools to connect with

learners from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual

understanding and learning.

CompTechStandardsNEVADA Standard #3 3b: B. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize,

and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.

Other Content Standard Addressed: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.3.10

By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies,

science, and technical texts, at the high end of the grades 2-3 text complexity band independently and


Objective: The student will learn how to use PowerPoint drawing tools to use different features, then

the student will use google to further understand and research a place in the world.

Materials needed to facilitate the lesson: Access to a computer or tablet (optional a tablet pencil),

Microsoft PowerPoint, Wi-Fi, and Google.

Suggested group size: Individual

Procedures: To begin tell the students to grab their Chromebook or tablets. Next you will have the

student’s login to canvas and under modules they will find an assignment labeled Learning about the

world. Have them click on this assignment. It will open the students up to a premade PowerPoint. For

this assignment students will use google earth and look around for about 5 minutes. On the slide I

have already included a link to google earth so have the student either start the slideshow and click it

or have them view it outside and tell them to hit control and click it with the mouse. Then have the

students hit the dice icon on the left side of the page  
Cornejo 6

. The students will get a location of a place in the world. After they find a place have them take

a screenshot of this place. I provided a page for them if they are unsure how to take a screenshot.

Also have them copy the URL of the place they pick. The students will then draw them and their

family they live with into the drawing and label each member. After this on the next slide there will

be a couple questions, they need to research about the place I provided a link to google for them to do

their research. Lastly the students will go to the 5 th slide and answer a few more this time the students

will be given a link to go to google translate. After this have the students go to canvas and submit the


Assessment: I will use ipsative assessments. Once the assignment is submitted, I will be able to

review the students work. This assignment relates to the real world and incorporates technological

use. The assignment will reflect the student’s knowledge on computer usage. I will grade the

assignment based on correct answers and PowerPoint usage.

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