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Design Analysis of Cooling Fins For Two Wheeler Using ANSYS: Chinnu - Samy80@yahoo - Co.in

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Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering

Design Analysis of Cooling Fins for Two

Wheeler using ANSYS
T R Chinnusamy1*, E Balaji2, V Vignesh3, T Karthikeyan4, M Krishnan5
Department of Mechanical Engineering, AKT Memorial College of Engineering and Technology, Tamil Nadu, India
Professor & Dean, MIET, Tirchy, Tamil Nadu, India
Assistant Engineer, Water Supply Drainage Board, Maintenance Sub Division -1, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India
chinnu_samy80@yahoo.co.in1, drtkarthikeyan@gmail.com4, mkrishnanksrct@gmail.com5

Abstract- Engine life and effectiveness can be 2. LITERATURE REVIEW

progressed with powerful cooling. The cooling
Ajay Paul, et al [1] mounted annular blades on a
mechanism of the air cooled engine is in most cases chamber. Led investigations and all information were
depending on the fin design of the cylinder head given to the product. Found that specific thickness of
and block. Insufficient removal of heat from blades gives better proficiency. Substantial number of
engine will cause high thermal stresses and lower blades with less thickness can be favored in fast
engine performance. The cooling fins permit the vehicles than thick balances with less number. Future
wind and air to transport the heat away from the degree is given by them heat exchange from outside
engine. Low rate of heat transfer via cooling fins is part was discovered less we can attempt to build it by
the primary trouble in this kind of cooling. The giving openings and gaps.
major intention of the task is to analyze the
Sanders [2] found out basic heat transfer coefficient
thermal houses and to boom the air flow
from the barrel he performed test to of cooling tests
performance of wheeler engines by varying
on two cylinders, one with unique metal fins and one
geometry of the fins. Two different models are to with 1-inch spiral copper fins brazed on the barrel.
be creating by varying the fin thickness, pitch of The copper fins improved the overall heat transfer
the fins in Pro/Engineer. The analysis is to be done coefficient from the barrel to the air a hundred and
by using ANSYS FLUENT 14.0. To analyze, fifteen percent. They also concluded that inside the
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for both range of realistic fins dimensions, copper fins having
conventional and optimized models are to be done the same weight because the original metallic fins will
under thermal loading conditions. The result of deliver as minimum 1.8 instances the overall heat
velocity distribution, temperature distribution, transfer of the unique metallic fins.
total heat flux and directional heat flux values are
Kumbhar [3] studied heat transfer augmentation
taken from FLUENT 14.0 finite element methods.
from a horizontal rectangular fin by triangular
Then the desired models are determined for the perforations whose bases parallel and towards the fin
cooling fins. base under natural convection using ANSYS. They
Keywords: FLUENT 14.0; Computational fluid have concluded that the heat transfer rate increases
dynamics (CFD); Fin thickness; Pitch with perforation as compared to fins of similar
dimensions without perforation. The perforation of
1. INTRODUCTION the fin enhances the heat dissipation rates at the same
In engine when fuel is burned warmth is produced. time decreases the expenditure for fin materials also.
Additional warmness is likewise generated by using Kumbhar [3] studied heat transfer augmentation
friction between the shifting parts. Only from a horizontal square fin with the aid of triangular
approximately 30% of the power launched is perforations whose bases parallel and in the direction
transformed into useful paintings. The last (70%) of the fin base under natural convection the usage of
ought to be eliminated from the engine to prevent the ANSYS. They have concluded that the heat transfer
elements from melting. For this reason Engine have price will increase with perforation as compared to
cooling mechanism in engine to dispose of this fins of similar dimensions without perforation. The
warmness from the engine a few heavy vehicles uses perforation of the fin complements the heat
water-cooling machine and almost all two wheelers dissipation rates on the same time decreases the
makes use of Air cooled engines, due to the fact Air- expenditure for fin substances also.
cooled engines are most effective choice because of
some benefits like lighter weight and lesser space Nagarani and Mayilsamy [4] carried out the
requirement. The warmness generated throughout experimental heat transfer evaluation on annular
combustion in IC engine must be maintained at higher round and elliptical fins. This different had analyzed
level to growth thermal performance, however to the heat transfer rate and performance for circular and
prevent the thermal damage a few heat must dispose elliptical annular fins for special environmental
of from the engine. In air-cooled engine, prolonged situations. Elliptical fin performance is more than
surfaces referred to as fins are furnished on the outer round fin. If area limit is there alongside one precise
edge of engine cylinder to increase heat transfer price. route at the same time as the perpendicular course is

Vol. 2(1) Jan – Jun 2019: ISSN (Online): 2581-7019 @ Guru Nanak Publications, India 17
Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering

fairly unrestricted elliptical fins will be an excellent

choice. Normally heat transfer co- efficient relies
upon the gap, time, flow situations and fluid
Patil and Dange [5] performed CFD and
experimental analysis of elliptical fins for heat
transfer parameters, heat transfer coefficient and tube
performance by way of compelled convection. The
experiment is carried for one of a kind air go with the
flow charge with various heat enter. The CFD
temperature distribution for all instances verifies
experimental consequences. At air waft rate of 3.7
m/s, the heat transfer rate decreases as heat input will
increase. Also h is higher at above atmospheric
temperature and decrease at below atm, temperature.
At air waft price of 3.7 m/s the performance, increases
as heat input increases.
Magarajan et al [6] studied “Numerical have a look
at on heat transfer IC Engine cooling by using
extended fins the usage of CFD”. In this observe, heat
launch of an IC engine cylinder cooling fins with six
numbers of fins having pitch of 10 mm and 20 mm
are calculated numerically using commercially
available CFD device ANSYS Fluent [7]. The IC
engine is to start with at 150 and the heat release from
the cylinder is analyzed at a wind velocity of zero
km/h. It is discovered from the CFD result that it
takes 174.08 seconds (pitch = 10 mm) and 163.17
seconds (pitch = 20 mm) for ethylene glycol area to Fig. 1 Conventional cooling fin model in 3D and 2D views
attain temperature of 423 K to 393 K for to begin
with. The experiment outcomes indicates that the
values of heat release by way of the ethylene glycol
thru cylinder fins pitch 10 mm and 20 mm are about
28.5 W and 33.90 W.
6061 is a precipitation hardening aluminium alloy,
containing magnesium and silicon as its principal
alloying elements [8]. Originally known as “Alloy
61S,” it became advanced in 1935. It has properly
mechanical properties and exhibits exact weldability.
It is one of the most common alloys of aluminium for
trendy reason use.
The alloy composition of 6061 is that:
 Silicon minimum is 0.4%, maximum of 0.8% by
 Iron no minimum, maximum is 0.7%
 Copper minimum is 0.15%, maximum is 0.40%
 Manganese no minimum, maximum is 0.15%
 Magnesium minimum is 0.8%, maximum is 1.2%
 Chromium minimum is 0.04%, maximum is
 Zinc no minimum, maximum is 0.25%
 Titanium no minimum, maximum is 0.15%
Fig. 2 Optimized cooling fin in 3D and 2D for modification
 Other elements are no more than 0.05% each, in shape only
0.15% total
 Remainder aluminum is 95.85%

Vol. 2(1) Jan – Jun 2019: ISSN (Online): 2581-7019 @ Guru Nanak Publications, India 18
Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering

structural analysis for thermal strain critiques. Many

heat transfer packages-warmness treatment issues,
nozzles, engine blocks, piping structures, strain
vessels, and so forth. Contain brief thermal analyses.
A transient thermal evaluation follows basically the
equal strategies as a steady- kingdom thermal
evaluation. The essential difference is that maximum
carried out masses in a temporary evaluation are
capabilities of time. To specify time dependent
hundreds, you first divide the load- versus time curve
into load steps. Each “corner” at the load time curve
may be one step is shown in Fig. 1, Fig. 2 and Fig. 3.
For each load step, you need to specify both load
values and time values, alongside different load step
alternatives along with stepped or ramped loads,
computerized time stepping, etc. Then you definitely
write every load step to a record and resolve all load
steps collectively.
Transient thermal analyses determine temperatures
and different thermal portions that very through the
years. The version of temperature distribution through
the years is of interest in many packages such as with
cooling of electronic applications or a quenching
evaluation for warmth remedy. Also of interest are the
temperature distribution consequences in thermal
stresses which could reason failure. In such cases the
temperatures from a brief thermal evaluation are used
as inputs to a structural analysis for thermal pressure
Fig. 3 Optimized cooling fin in 3D and 2D for modification reviews. Many warmth switch utility such as
in shape and fin warmness remedy troubles. Electronic package deal
layout, nozzles, engine, blocks, pressure vessels,
Applications of 6061 alloy generally utilized in fluid- shape integration problems, and so on involve
plane fittings, digicam lens mounts, couplings, transient thermal analyses.
marines, fittings and hardware, electrical fittings and
connectors, decorative or misc, hardware, hinge pins, 4.2 ANSYS Transient Thermal Analysis – Step
magneto pats, brakes pistons, hydraulic pistons, Procedure
equipment fittings, valves and valve components, and The following step procedure is ANYSIS transient
motorcycle frames [9]. thermal analysis,
4. FINITE ELEMENT METHOD  File- new – geometry – ok.
The finite element approach (FEM) is a reliable  File –import external geometry file – select the
numerical technique for analyzing engineering .igs file previously created by the pro-E software.
designs. FEM replaces a complex trouble with easy
troubles. It divides the model into many small pieces  Click generate icon in the toolbar area of the
of simple shapes called element. Elements percentage ANSYS window.
commonplace points known as nodes. The behavior of
 File-save as – fin – select the folder-ok.
those elements is well – recognized under all viable
support and cargo eventualities. The motion of each  File-new-mesh-select the file named as fin.
node is completely defined by way of translations
within the X, Y, and Z route [10]. These are referred  Create the mesh settings-physical preference-
to as stages of freedom (DOFs). Analysis the usage of mechanical-relevance center-fine.
FEM is referred to as finite Element Analysis (FEA).  Generate the mesh by right click the mesh in the
4.1 Transient Thermal Analysis side tree-select generate.
The ANSYS / Multiphase’s, ANSYS / Mech,  Save the mesh file to the previously selected
ANASYS / Thermal, and ANSYS / FLOTRAN folder by-file-save-as- select the directory.
merchandise help transient thermal evaluation.
 File-new –simulation-geometry-from file- select
Transient thermal evaluation determines temperatures
the mesh file-ok.
and other thermal portions that modify through the
years. Engineers generally use temperatures that a
transient thermal evaluation calculates as input to  New analysis –transient thermal.

Vol. 2(1) Jan – Jun 2019: ISSN (Online): 2581-7019 @ Guru Nanak Publications, India 19
Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering

 Provide the material properties by click the

geometry from the tree view –select the structural
steel- change to new material- rename the new
material to aluminum alloy.
 From the new material table provide the values of
young’s modulus, poison’s ratio, Density,
Thermal expansion and specific heat.
 Remove the unwanted material properties by
add/remove properties in the aluminum alloy.
 Select the transient thermal in the side tree- right Fig. 5 CFD result of conventional fin for velocity
click the transient thermal- select the Directional heat flux
temperature-select the all inner wall – provide the
temperature of 423 Kelvin in left side input 5.2 Result for Optimized Cooling Fin for
window. Modification in Shape only
 Select the transient thermal in the side tree- right Fig. 8 shows that maximum velocity at exit it was
click the transient thermal select the convection – 109.3 m/s. Fig. 9 shows that maximum temperature
select the all outer faces of the fin provide the concentrated at center portion of fins it was 14000C.
convection of 6 W/m2k in side input window. Fig. 10 and 11 shows that total heat flux and
 Change the analysis settings to-to step end time – directional heat flux also maximum in center portion
click ok. it found that 1.32 w/mm2 and 1.31 w/mm2.
 Click the solution and define the results we want
to get – select the temperature and total heat flux-
 Right click the solution in the tree view- solve.
 After solving the solution we get the result
already defined (step-16).
 Take the readings and images we want from the
 The analysis is next made changing the design to
triangular fin. Fig. 6 CFD result of conventional fin for total heat flux

 The simulation is made for two designs, and then

the results are collected for each.


5.1 Result for Conventional Cooling Fins
Fig. 4 shows that maximum velocity at exit it was
550.2 m/s. Fig. 5 Shows that maximum temperature
concentrated at center portion of fins it was 14000C.
Fig. 6 and 7 Shows that total heat flux and directional
heat flux also maximum in center portion it found that
1.451 w/mm2 and 1.42 w/mm2. Fig. 7 CFD result of conventional fin for velocity
Directional heat flux

Fig. 4 CFD result of conventional fin for total heat flux

Fig. 8 CFD result of optimized fin in shape, thickness and
pitch for velocity vector

Vol. 2(1) Jan – Jun 2019: ISSN (Online): 2581-7019 @ Guru Nanak Publications, India 20
Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering

Fig. 9 CFD result of optimized fin in Shape thickness and Fig. 14 CFD result of optimized fin in shape, thickness and
pitch for Temperature Distribution pitch for Total heat flux

Fig. 10 CFD result of optimized fin in shape, thickness and Fig. 15 CFD result of optimized fin in Shape thickness and
pitch for Total heat flux pitch for Directional heat flux
Fig. 12 shows that maximum velocity at exit it was
108.8 m/s. Fig. 13 shows that maximum temperature
concentrated at center portion of fins it was 14000C.
Fig. 14 and 15 shows that total heat flux and
directional heat flux also maximum in center portion
it found that 1.678 w/mm2 and 1.67 w/mm2.
5.3 Results for Conventional Cooling Fins
The following Table 1 shows that comparison
between maximum and minimum values of Velocity
Fig. 11 CFD result of optimized fin in Shape thickness and distribution (m/s), Temperature distribution (0c),
pitch for Directional heat flux Total heat flux (W/mm2), Directional heat flux
(W/mm2) for conventional cooling fin.
Table 1 Results for conventional cooling fins

CFD Fluent / Thermal Analysis Minimum Maximum

Velocity distribution (m/s) 0.000 550.2
Temperature distribution (0c) 556.01 1400
Total heat flux (W/mm2) 0.24470 1.4511
Directional heat flux (W/mm2) -1.4075 1.4217

Fig. 12 CFD result of optimized fin in shape, thickness and 5.4 Results for Conventional Cooling Fins
pitch for velocity vector
The following Table 2 shows that comparison
between maximum and minimum values of Velocity
distribution (m/s), Temperature distribution (0c),
Total heat flux (W/mm2), Directional heat flux
(W/mm2) for optimized fin in shape.
Table 2 Results for optimized cooling fins for modification
of shape
CFD Fluent / Thermal Analysis Minimum Maximum
Velocity distribution (m/s) 0.000 109.3

Fig. 13 CFD result of optimized fin in Shape thickness and Temperature distribution (0c) 558.5 1400
pitch for Temperature Distribution Total heat flux (W/mm ) 0.025637 1.3241
Directional heat flux (W/mm2) -1.324 1.3113

Vol. 2(1) Jan – Jun 2019: ISSN (Online): 2581-7019 @ Guru Nanak Publications, India 21
Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering

5.5 Results for Optimized Cooling Fin for International Conference on Advances in Mechanical
Modification of shape and Fin Pitch, Thickness Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 8, 2009.
[3] Chandrakant S S, "Numerical and Experimental
The following Table 3 shows that comparison Analysis of Heat Transfer through Various Types of
between maximum and minimum values of Velocity Fin Profiles by Forced Convection", International
distribution (m/s), Temperature distribution (0c), Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Vol.
Total heat flux (W/mm2), Directional heat flux 3, No. 6, pp. 516-522, 2013.
(W/mm2) for optimized fin in their shape, fin [4] Raju G, Bhramara Panitapu, RamanaMurty Naidu S C
thickness, pitch. V, “Optimal Design of an I C Engine Cylinder fin
Array using a Binary Coded Genetic Algorithm”,
Table 3 Results for optimized cooling fins for modification International Journal of Modern Engineering Research,
of shape pp. 4516-4520, Vol. 2, No. 6, 2012.
[5] Phani Raja Rao N, Vishnu Vardhan T, “Thermal
CFD Fluent / Thermal Analysis Minimum Maximum Analysis of Engine Cylinder Fins by Varying its
Velocity distribution (m/s) 0.000 108.8 Geometry and Material”, International Journal of
Temperature distribution ( c) 453.44 1400 Engineering Research and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 8,
pp. 84-91, 2013.
Total heat flux (W/mm2) 0.040358 1.6786
[6] Wange S, Metkar R, “Computational Analysis of
Directional heat flux (W/mm2) -1.6786 1.67 Inverted Notched Fin Arrays Dissipating Heat by
Natural Convection”, International Journal of
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6, pp. 451-460, 2013.
In this project, we have designed a concave [7] Pulkit Agarwal, Mayur Shrikhande, Srinivasan P,
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Aluminium alloy 6061. The shape of the fin is [8] Nagarani N, Mayilsamy K, “Experimental Heat
rectangular; we have changed the shape with Transfer Analysis on Annular Circular and Elliptical
rectangular concave shaped. The default thickness of Fins”, International Journal of Engineering Science and
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pitch is 7mm; we are reducing pitch is 5 mm. [9] Islam Md Didarul, Oyakawa Kenyu, Yaga Minoru,
Senaha Izuru, “Study on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow
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thermal loading conditions on the fin body. 131, No. 8, pp. 082501-082506, 2009.
By observing the results, the maximum velocity for
conventional model is 550.2 m/s, whereas for
optimized designs it was found that 109.3 m/s and
108.8 m/s.
The velocity of air leaves the system reduces so we
can be concluded that Contact time for the air flows
over the fin is also important factor in heat transfer
rate. If we can increase the turbulence of air by
changing the design and geometry of the fins it will
increase the rate of heat transfer and it is found that
Curved fin can be used for increasing the heat transfer
from the fins by creating turbulence of upcoming air.
[1] Ajay Paul J, Sagar Chavan Vijay, Magarajan R,
Thundil Karuppa Raj, “Experimental and Parametric
Study of Extended Fins in the Optimization of Internal
Combustion Engine Cooling using CFD”, International
Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical
Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-6, 2012.
[2] Kumbhar D G, “Finite Element Analysis and
Experimental Study of Convective Heat Transfer
Augmentation from Horizontal Rectangular Fin by
Triangular Perforations”, Proceeding of the

Vol. 2(1) Jan – Jun 2019: ISSN (Online): 2581-7019 @ Guru Nanak Publications, India 22

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