ECE Lesson Plan Template Assignment
ECE Lesson Plan Template Assignment
ECE Lesson Plan Template Assignment
For a more detailed explanation, including examples, of each section within the
Lesson Plan Template, please view the Lesson Plan Handbook.
Materials The materials section lists all items needed throughout a lesson.
Introduction The introduction is how you will introduce the activity so your students are
interested, engaged, and have the opportunity to think about any background
knowledge/experience that they may have.
Lesson Development: The lesson development section includes the steps that you will take to teach
the lesson including any modeling, direct instruction, centers, etc. that will be
utilized. Sometimes this is also referred to as the “procedures” section of the
lesson plan.
Differentiation Often times you will have students that you will need to include modifications
for when you are developing a lesson. In this section you will need to explain
how you could modify your lesson to meet the needs of the different children
you are working with. These modifications may apply to the lesson
development section, the practice/check for understanding section, or both.
Assessment Students are given the opportunity to apply what they have learned in a formal
(Practice/ Checking for or informal way. You will need to describe what you will do to assess student
Understanding) learning. It can be through guided practice and/or independent practice.
Guided practice allows students to demonstrate their understanding of the
material while the teacher is present and can provide needed assistance.
Independent practice might be group work, projects, or homework.
Closing Here the ECE teacher/provider reviews the highlights of the lesson and brings
closure to the activity.
Developed by Kristina Bodamer and Jennifer Zaur, Full-Time Faculty, College of Education, ECE/CD Department Updated 3-31-2021
Lesson Plan Template
Standards Included
Lesson Development
(Practice/ Checking for
Developed by Kristina Bodamer and Jennifer Zaur, Full-Time Faculty, College of Education, ECE/CD Department Updated 3-31-2021
Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2009). Milestone checklist. Retrieved from
Common Core State Standards Initiative. (n.d). Standards by State. Retrieved from
Head Start. (2015). Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework. Retrieved from:
Developed by Kristina Bodamer and Jennifer Zaur, Full-Time Faculty, College of Education, ECE/CD Department Updated 3-31-2021