EXERCISE #1 - PM Lab - 1Q2021
EXERCISE #1 - PM Lab - 1Q2021
EXERCISE #1 - PM Lab - 1Q2021
A Project is a temporary endeavor, having a defined beginning and end (usually constrained by date, but can be
by funding or deliverable), undertaken to meet particular goals and objective, usually to bring about beneficial
change or added value. The temporary nature of projects stands in contrast to business or operations, which are
repetitive, permanent or semi-permanent functional work to produce products or services.
Some examples of projects are; (a) writing, producing, deploying books; manuals; films, (b) software
development and distribution, (c) research and development, (d) construction work etc. For engineering students
project can be a construction and development of a study such as feasibility, marketing and practicum or thesis.
The goal of every project is success, and a successful project is a product of well-planned and properly
implemented activities. Therefore, in every project we have what we call Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). The
Work Breakdown Structure is a tree structure, which shows a subdivision of effort required to achieve an
objective; for example a program, project, and contract. The WBS may be hardware, product, service, or service
oriented. In a project of contract, the WBS is developed by starting with:
§ The End Objective and
§ Successively subdividing it into manageable components in terms of size, duration, and responsibility
(e.g., systems, subsystems, components, tasks, subtasks, and work packages) which include all steps
necessary to achieve the objective.
After the construction of WBS, network diagram can be formed to determine the flow of the project and to see if
all the activities are accurately orchestrated.
A network consists of a set of nodes linked by arcs (by branches). The figure below is a simple of network.
1 3 5 6
7 8
2 4
Example 1.
Maurice Publishing Inc. has a contract with Joan who authored the manual “Basics of Project Management for
Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Students”. The simplified activities associated with the
production of the manual are given below. We are asked to develop the associated network for the project.
WBS Predecessor (s) Duration (Weeks)
Step 1. Open a Microsoft Excel worksheet and copy the data in the figure below;
Step 2. Create node and arc by clicking the clip art then select shapes click the circle icon for node and arrow for
Step 4. Do not forget to indicate the WBS letter code and duration by using text box (refer figure below)
1. What interpretation can we construct out of figure 5?
2. What are the advantages you have had while constructing the network representaion in Microsoft Excel?
Name:__________________________________________ Date:_________________________
Course/Section:__________________________________ Rating:________________________
Below are the activities for constructing a new house. Develop the associated preoject network. Do not forget to
save your work in laboratory files.
Activity Predecessors (s) Duration (days)
A. Clear Site ---------- 1
B. Bring utilities to site ---------- 2
C. Excavate A 1
D. Pour foundation C 2
E. Outside Plumbing B,C 6
F. Frame House D 10
G. Do electric wiring F 3
H. Lay floor G 1
I. Lay roof F 1
J. Inside plumbing E,H 5
K. Shingling I 2
L. Outside sheating F,J 1
M. Install windows and F 2
outside doors
N. Do brick work L,M 4
O. Insulate walls and G,J 2
P. Cover walls and O 2
Q. Insulate roof I,P 1
R. Finish interior P 7
S. Finish exterior I,N 7
T. Landscape S 3
Exercise 1b. Getting started with a Project: Project Activities and Network Representation
Name:__________________________________________ Date:_________________________
Course/Section:__________________________________ Rating:________________________
Instruction: Think of a project you have done or you will do. Then do the following;
(a) What is the project? ________________________________________________________
(b) Complete the given table below, extend the table if the space provided is not enough.
On a separate sheet construct the network diagram manually then create it in Microsoft Excel and do not forget
to save your work in your laboratory file.