NHFT A3 MH Pathway Poster v6
NHFT A3 MH Pathway Poster v6
NHFT A3 MH Pathway Poster v6
need it additional support
into the mental health PLANNED CARE AND
Mental health care RECOVERY
Assessment and treatment Urgent in-depth mental health community
for women experiencing or assessments that identify
HOSPITAL CARE at an increased chance of services who may be able to MENTAL HEALTH Countywide service providing
SERVICES therapy programmes
experiencing a severe support the individual. UCAT at 1:1’s and group sessions
mental health condition offer home treatment for EATING DISORDERS
Countywide, psychology to support individuals
when planning / during individuals that require ST MARY’S
pregnancy and up to one intensive mental health led, community/
outpatient service. Offers BERRYWOOD
year after birth support
assessment and
interventions to adults
N-STEP with a diagnosed eating
An early intervention disorder
HOW CAN I MAKE community service
for people with
CONTACT? psychosis CRISIS Helping service users where
traditional forms of treatment
If you need support with a PATHWAY with mental health problems,
mental health problem, we are such as depression, have failed.
here to help you. There are Treatments may include rTMS,
many different ways you can Ketamine infusion, ECT INPATIENTS
get the treatment you need. Inpatient facilities for
You can register yourself to EXIT those who require 24
ENTRANCE hour care
local groups or talk to your GP,
community nursing team or GENERAL HOSPITALS
social services about the
also have teams based at A&E CRISIS CAFE THE WARREN
who are there to help. Support and safety to ACUTE LIAISON
A safe environment in a
Because your health anyone in need by offering
coping mechanisms and Working with staff at the non-hospital setting for
those suffering crisis
matters. management techniques to general hospitals in
situations which impacts on
You may be in contact with
help reduce the risk of crisis Northamptonshire to identify more than one of our
patients with mental health their mental health
services. Our teams will
needs and ensure they receive
work with you to ensure this
the correct treatment
is co-ordinated.
v-1118-v1 © 2018 Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust All Rights Reserved
ADULT MENTAL HEALTH PATHWAY Northamptonshire Healthcare
We care for the mental health of people of all ages. Our aim is to help people manage their health and live successful, independent lives. Mental health problems affect people of all ages and walks NHS Foundation Trust
of life and can relate to physical, social, environmental and/or genetic factors. Some people are more at risk of experiencing mental health problems than others. Our role is to help you get the right
and appropriate care for your needs. Our mental health pathway is designed to allow you to move easily between services depending on your needs at any given time. Depending on the kind of
treatment you require, you can receive care through your GP surgery, at home, as an inpatient or in your local community. Please note the services below are just a few of the mental health services
we provide. For a full list of our services, including further information on NSTEP, Older Adults CMHT, Crisis Cafes and IAPT please visit our website: www.nhft.nhs.uk/mental-health’.
We’re dedicated to helping you get on the road to recovery, because your health matters to us.
Mental Health Improving Access to Primary Care Memory Planned Care and Urgent Care and The Crisis and Tele- Crisis pathway Inpatient services Specialist Perinatal
Wellbeing Psychological Thera- Liaison Workers Assessment, Older Recovery Teams Assessment Teams phone Mental Health
Navigation team py (IAPT) (PCLWs) Adults CMHT and (PCART) (UCAT) Support Service Service
Young Persons (CATSS)
Dementia services
The team are part of IAPT provide more PCLWs are the first Investigates Providing care in Providing urgent CATSS offer The crisis pathway Providing Provide assessment
the Mental Health structured support to point of contact and diagnoses the community in-depth mental telephone support is made up of many inpatient care and treatment
Collaborative and those with mental to assess your cognitive problems for those with health assessments to service users different teams who for people with for women
provide support health problems. This needs. They will and cares for those severe or long that identify services and carers who feel provide easy to both functional experiencing or at
in the community might be via peer either offer you with long term term mental health who may be able they need it. You access mental health and organic an increased chance
to help people support, telehealth a short course of mental health problems to support you. can ring for support support for those mental health of experiencing
improve their consultations or treatment or refer problems and their and their families. Home treatment when feeling who are in a crisis. conditions, as well a severe mental
What do they do?
general wellbeing. talking therapies. you on to the most families. is available for overwhelmed They offer support as rehabilitation health condition
appropriate Young Persons individuals who or experiencing and advice to help services for the when planning or
service. Demnetia team require intensive mental distress. prevent hospital prison service during pregnancy
supports those mental health CATSS operates 24 admission. and for those and up to one year
suspected of support. hours a day, 7 days with learning after birth.
having dementia. a week. disabilities.
Those experiencing People aged 17 and People with People 65 plus with People who are People who are in Anyone in Available for people Patients who need Women with a
difficulties with a half and over who common mental memory problems 18 or older with mental health Northamptonshire 18 years or over more specialist range of mental
their emotional experience health problems and people with enduring mental distress and are can ring CATSS. who are finding inpatient care. health conditions.
Who can they help?
wellbeing, common mental who may benefit enduring mental health needs in already receiving themselves in a crisis More information
living conditions health problems. I.e. from a brief course health needs. their local treatment or who or need support with can be found here
and physical depression, anxiety, of psychological Under 65’s who community. have been referred their mental health. www.nhft.nhs.uk/
health. phobia, Obsessive therapy to improve do not have a by their GP. perinatal
Compulsive Disorder their coping formal diagnosis of
or Post Traumatic mechanisms. dementia.
Stress Disorder.
Local community Treatment will usually Treatment will In a clinic setting or In your home or The initial CATSS is a telephone Based at the general NHFT inpatient Children centres,
groups. take place at a GP usually take place your own home. within secondary assessment can only service. You can hospitals, as well units located at family friendly
surgery. at a GP surgery. care. take place in a GP contact us from as responding to Berrywood venues and
receive care?
Where can I
surgery, hospital or anywhere you want you in your local Hospital and St home visits.
in your home. to. communities and Mary’s Hospital in
working with third Northamptonshire.
sector organisations.
Six sessions. Four to six sessions. Three sessions. Dependent on Dependent on Short term. The contact lasts for Dependent on the As long as needed. During pregnancy
patient’s needs. patient’s needs. the telephone call. patient’s needs. and up to 12 Because your
treatment last?
How long does
A wellbeing From the care of the You may be After the If you need more You may be You can contact You may be referred You may be You will be
navigator will help IAPT team you may referred to the assessment specialist care referred by UCAT CATSS when you to another mental discharged supported to
you develop an be discharged or if Mental Health the person and that PCART can’t to your GP, Primary need support. health service in into the care of access the most
action plan to necessary, referred Wellbeing their family will provide, you may Care Liaison Northamptonshire a PCART, with appropriate
What happens next?
make the changes to a PCLW for further Navigation Team, be signposted to be admitted into Worker or other or back to your GP. support from service to meet
you want. They treatment. IAPT, UCAT or services to address hospital via UCAT. mental health If you require more CATSS. Equally, your needs, this
will also put you in PCART. Once any ongoing needs. Equally, if you are services that meet specialist care you if you are well may include
touch with local your treatment is I.e. dementia well enough, you your needs. may be referred enough, you may your GP or other
support agencies. complete you will advisors, social may be discharged to UCAT or other be discharged secondary care
be referred back to services, voluntary back into the care specialist services. back into the care services.
your GP. sector, GP or of your GP. of your GP.
memory clinic.
*You can self-refer to Adult Social Services by calling Customer Service Centre on 0300 126
1000 and selecting option 2.