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English please 9 students book

Juan Diego Quiñones Vente
Grado 9-2
Páginas del libro a desarrollar en el 1° periodo (9°)

Pg: 11 Ex.# 6 y 7 ; Pg: 12 Ex.# 8 (audio # 4) ;Pg: 14 Ex.# 1 (audio # 6), 2 (audio #
7), 4 (audio #9), 5 (audio # 10) ; Pg: 15 Ex.# (audio # 11-12), 7 (audio # 13) ; Pg:
16 Ex.# 8 (Traducción) ; Pg: 17 Ex.# 11 y 12 ; Pg: 18 Ex.# 1, 2 (audio # 15),3
(audio # 16); Pg: 19 Ex.# 4, 5, 6 y 7 ; Pg: 20 Ex.# 8, 10 (audio # 18) (ver link caso
posesivo); Pg: 21 Ex.# 11, 12 y 13 ; Pg: 22 Ex.# 1,y 3 ; Pg: 23 Ex.# 4 (audio # 19),
5, 6 (audio # 20), 8 (audio # 22), 9 ; Pg: 24 Ex. 10; Pg: 26 Ex.# 1(audio # 23),2
( 24), 3 ; Pg: 27 Ex.# 4,5,6 ; 28 Ex.# 7; Pg: 31 Ex.# 5 (Traducción) ;Pg: 34 Ex.#
1,3, elabora tu propio horario de clases y acorde a este contesta las
preguntas del punto # 4 ; Pg: 35 Ex.# 6,7,8 ; Pg: 36 Ex.# 10, (audio # 33), ; Pg:
37 Ex.# 19 ; Pg: 38 Ex.# 1 (Traducción), y elabora Ex.# 2, 3 4 ; Pg: 40 Ex.#
11,12,13 ; Pg: 41 Ex.# 14 y 15 .

6. Match a–d with the responses in 1–4.

a. What’s your name?

b. Hello. How are you?

c. Pleased to meet you.

d. Hi. How’s a thing?

1. Hi. Great, thanks.

2. Nice to meet you too.

3. Hi. My name’s Teresa.

4. Hello. I’m very well, thank you.

7. Write the conversation in the correct order in your notebook.

D. Good morning. My name is Susan. What’s your name?

A. Hi, Susan. I am Pedro. Nice to meet you.

F. Pleased to meet you too, Pedro.

C. Susan, this is my friend Alberto.

E. Pleased to meet you Alberto.

B. Nice to meet you, too.

8. Listen and choose the correct response, A, B, or C.

1. A. Hello, Jack.

B. Goodbye, Jack.

C. I’m fine, thank you.

2. A. Hi, Tom. Nice to meet you.

B. See you later.

C. What’s your name?

3. A. Pleased to meet you, too.

B. I’m fine, thanks.

C. Get well soon.

4. A. I’m OK and you?

B. Pleased to meet you.

C. My name’s Marta.

5. A. Hi!

B. See you!

C. Sorry to hear that!

6. A. How are you?

B. Sorry to hear that.

C. How’s it going?

4. Listen and choose the name you hear.

1. A. Sara B. Sandra C. Sarah

2. A. John B. Jhon C. Johnny

3. A. Viviana B. Bibiana C. Biviana

4. A. Jan B. Yan C. Gan

5. Listen and write the names of students 1–3 in your notebook.

Name: Joshua

Surname: Adejokun

Name: Dean

Surname: Harrison

Name: Shirley

Surname: Perez

Name: Tina

Surname: Johnson
2. Listen and repeat.

The alphabet

A(ei) B(bi) C(ci)D(di) E(i) F(ef) G(yi) H(eich) I(ai) J(jei) K(kel) L(el) M(em) N(en)

O(ou) P(pi) Q(kiu) R(ar) S(es) T(ti) U(iu) V(uvi) W(dabliu) X(ex) Y(uai) Z(set)

4. Listen and choose the name you hear.

1. A. Sara B. Sandra C. Sarah

2. A. John B. Jhon C. Johnny

3. A. Viviana B. Bibiana C. Biviana

4. A. Jan B. Yan C. Gan

5. Listen and write the names of students 1–3 in your notebook.




7. Listen and complete the forms in your notebook.

Student 1

NAME: Sandra

SURNAME: Jeerer’s


PHONE NUMBER: 314 872 2992

EMAIL: sandrita00@gmail.com

Student 3

NAME: Johnny




EMAIL: jei@gmail.com

Student 2

NAME: Bibiana

SURNAME: Gonzales



EMAIL: bibigonza@hotmail.com

Student 4


SURNAME: Loper’s



EMAIL: Jan01520@hotmail.com
8. Read the text and the sentences a-e. Are the sentences true (T) or false

a. Angelica is Megan’s pen friend. V

b. Angelica and lily are 13 years old. F

c. Angelica and Lily are best friends. V

d. Patricio is Angelica’s brother. F

e. They are all at the same school. V

Querida Megan,

Me complace 'conocerte'. Me alegra que seas mi amigo de la pluma. Soy Angélica

Pérez y tengo 13 años. En la escuela estoy en la clase 9F. Aquí hay una foto,
somos mi amigo y yo. Su nombre es Liliana - o Lili a sus amigos. Tiene 14 años.
Estamos en el grupo de baile de la escuela. Lili es mi mejor amiga. Es muy
simpática. La otra foto es mi hermano. Se llama Jonás Pérez. Está con él. su
compañero de clase, Patricio. Es de Chile. Están en la escuela equipo de béisbol.
Ambos tienen 15 años. Todos estamos en la misma escuela. Es la Escuela
Columbus. Mi dirección de correo electrónico es angelip@me.com y mi móvil
número es 011 57 315 75364.

Por favor, escriba pronto.

Mucha suerte

11. Use am, is or are in the full form to complete the text.

I am Manuel and I is 15 years old. Today my friends and I are at school. We are all
in 10 T.

It is Monday, so it is baseball practice after school. My best friend is Tobias. He is

very nice. My other friends are Paula, Beatriz, and Elena. They are funny.

12. In your notebook, write a similar paragraph about you, your friends and
your school.

I am Juan Diego Quinone’s I am 16 years old today my family and I are at house
because of the coronavirus-19.

It is Tuesday so we have to go to school my best friend is Jorge he is very kind. My

other friends are Andrea, Luisa and Natalie. They are funny.

1. Look at the vocabulary box and say the colors in each flag. Then write the
name of the country for each flag.

1. Spain it is yellow and red

2. United kingdom it is blue and red

3. Switzerland it is red and white

4. Mexico it is green, white and red

5. United states it is white, red and blue

6. China it is red and yellow

7. France it is blue, white and red

8. Cameroon it is green, red and yellow

9. Australia it is red and white

2. Match the adjectives to the countries in exercise 1. Then listen and check
your answers.

1. Spain – Spanish

2. United Kingdom – British

3. Switzerland – Swiss

4. Mexico – Mexican

5. United States – American

6. China – Chinese

7. France – French

8. Cameroon – Cameroonian

9. Austria – Austrian

3. Listen and match the people to their nationalities

a. Connie 1. Brazilian

b. Jan 2. French

c. Luc 3. Colombian

d. Thomas 4. Swiss

e. Bernhard 5. Chinese

4. Look at the flags. Write sentences about the country and nationality of the

a. Juan is from Spain. He’s Spanish.

b. Philippe is from France he is French

c. Anna and Bruno are from Austria they are Austrian

d. Matt is from United Kingdom he is British

e. Gabriela and Juana them the Mexico they are Mexican

f. Linda is Chinese she is Asian

5. In your notebook, write a chart with the nationalities in groups according

to their ending.


Spanish Mexican Japanese

Irish Russian Nepalese

British Canadian Sudanese

6. Read the text and the sentences. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

a. Ricoh is Chinese. F

b. Bernard is a student. T

c. Jude is in the music group. F

d. Sara is in 10th grade. F

7. Read the text again and complete the table in your notebook.


Rico Japan Blue

Burnard Austria Orange

Jude Camaronean Red

Sara Mexican Green

8. Complete the sentences with the correct form of be affirmative (+) or
negative ().

a. My best friend is Colombian, She is not Spanish.

b. We are French, we are not English.

c. My friends are not at school today.

d. I am not Swiss, but my best friend he is from Switzerland.

e. You are not in Class 10B.

9. Listen and repeat the sentences.

a. I’m not Manuel. I’m Michael.

b. You aren’t a teacher. You are a student.

c. It isn’t a house. It’s a school.

d. He isn’t from Colombia. He’s from Venezuela.

e. She’s not Yvonne. She’s Susan.

f. We aren’t classmates. We’re friends.

g. They aren’t in the classroom. They’re in the cafeteria.

11. Complete the text with the correct form of is (affirmative or negative).

Hi! I am Pablo. I am from Colombia, but I are not from Bogotá, I are from Medellin.
My friends is Colombian, they are from different countries. Anna she is from
Venezuela, Lucia and Paula they are Spanish, and Lukas is English. We are not
just friends ... we are a team!
12. Look at the Useful language box. Then choose and our but for sentences

a. My friend is in 8th grade and / but my brother is in 8th grade too.

b. I am Colombian and / but my best friend is French.

c. Tracey is 15 years old and / but her sister is 15 years old too.

d. Sam is from The United States and / but he is American.

e. My name is Helen and / but her name is Sally.

13. In your notebook, complete the text with information about you. Then
write some sentences about your best friend. Use and but to join sentences.

Hi! My name’s Juan and I’m from

Colombia. I’m in 9 grades. My

Favorite color is Blue I am not a teacher, I am a student. My email

Address is jdquinonesv@iejega.edu.co my best friend...

1. Write the family members in your notebook.

1. Father 2. Grandmother 3.Soon 4.Mother 5. Grandfather 6. Daughter

3. Match the sentences a-d to the pictures 1-4.

a. She’s my aunt. Her name’s Anna.

b. We’re from Venezuela. Our family is very big.

c. They’re Juanita, Luis and Pedro. Their parents are Lucia and Paul.

d. I’m an only child. My family is very small.





4. Listen and repeat the sentences.

a. My family is small.

b. Your mother is from Austria.

c. Her name is Laura.

d. His name is Andrés.

e. The dog loves its ball.

f. our names are Lola and Lily.

g. Their names are Sophie and Chris.

5. Complete the text with the correct possessive adjective.

My -your –her- his -its –our- their

This is a photo of my family. This is my sister. (1) My name is Rose.

She’s two years old. I have two brothers. They are twins! (2) Your

Names are Pablo and Fabian. They’re six years old. (3) My favorite

Color is blue. (4) Their parents are George and Lisa. (5) Our father

Is 35 years old. (6) His favorite color is green. (7) My mother

Is 30 years old. (8) Your favorite color is white. (9) Their dog isn’t

In the picture. (10) Your name is Piky. What about your family?

6. Listen and match the numbers to the words in your notebook.

A hundred(100)- eighty(80)- fifty(50)- forty(40)- ninety(90)- seventy(70)- sixty(60)-

thirty(30)- twenty(20)

8. Listen and write the number you hear in your notebook.

a. 15 50 fifteen

b. 12 20 twenty

c. 17 70 seventy

d. 13 30 thirty

e. 19 90 ninety

f. 16 60 sixteen

g. 14 40 fourteen

h. 18 80 eighty

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