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OS Electromechanical L2-3

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Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia



Ministry of Education
March 2017

Ethiopia has embarked on a process of reforming its Technical and Vocational

Education and Training (TVET) System. Within the policies and strategies of the
Ethiopian Government, technology transformation by using current international
standards and international best practices as the basis, and, adopting, adapting and
verifying them in the Ethiopian context – is a pivotal element. TVET is given an
important role with regard to technology transfer. The new paradigm in the outcome-
based TVET system is the orientation at the current and anticipated future demand of
the economy and the labor market.

The Ethiopian Occupational Standard (EOS) is the core element of the Ethiopian
National TVET Strategy and an important factor within the context of the National
TVET Qualification Framework (NTQF). They are national Ethiopian standards, which
define the current and future occupational requirements and expected outcome related
to a specific occupation using distinct Unit of Competences without taking TVET
delivery into account.

The whole Package EOS document for an occupation is an integrated set of nationally
endorsed core generic Unit of Competences organized in to different qualification
levels built one upon the other below or side wise to make full occupational profile.

This document details the mandatory format, sequencing, wording and layout for the
Ethiopia Occupational Standard which comprised of Units of Competence.

A Unit of Competence describes a distinct work activity. It is documented in a standard

format that comprises:
 Occupational title and NTQF level
 Unit title
 Unit code
 Unit descriptor
 Elements and Performance criteria
 Range and Variables
 Evidence guide

Together all the parts of a Unit of Competence guide the assessor/curriculum

developer in determining the candidate training and assessment.

The ensuing sections of this EOS document comprise a description of the occupation
with all the key components of a Unit of Competence:
 Chart with an overview of all Units of Competence with their Unit Codes and Titles
 Detail contents of each Unit of Competence
 Occupational map providing the TVET providers with information and important
requirements to consider when designing training programs using this standards
and show a career path

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2. Modification History

2.1 Occupational Title:

This occupational Standard is set for Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance ranging from Level 2&3:

2.3 Description of the Occupation

2.3.1 Level Description

Breadth, depth and complexity of knowledge and skills embodied in the units qualify a
person to perform in a range of varied activities or knowledge application where there
is a clearly defined range of contexts in which the choice of actions required is usually
clear and there is limited complexity in the range of operations to be applied.
Performance of a prescribed range of functions involves known routines and
procedures and some accountability for the quality of outcomes.

Applications may include some complex or non-routine activities involving individual

responsibility or autonomy and/or collaboration with others as part of a group or team.


Breadth, depth and complexity of competences would cover selecting, adapting and
transferring skills and knowledge to new environments and providing technical advice
and some leadership in resolution of specified problems. This would be applied across
a range of roles in a variety of contexts with some complexity in the extent and choice
of options available.

Performance of a defined range of skilled operations, usually within a range of broader

related activities involving known routines, methods and procedures, where some
discretion and judgement is required in the selection of equipment, services or
contingency measures and within known time constraints.

Applications may involve some responsibility for others. Participation in teams including
group or team co-ordination may be involved.

2.3.2 Occupation Description

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The following description contains a summary of the employability competences as
identified by the water sector for this qualification. Competent technician at this level is
expected to:
 Operate and Monitor electromechanical equipment and machine.
 Identify and manage performance required to meet electromechanical equipment
maintenance in own work and team work
 Help others in maintaining and assembling of electromechanical equipment
efficiently and safely.
 Develop Installation and Calibrate procedures in electromechanical equipment and
 Carry out Machines and Equipment Programmed Safety and Maintenance.
3. Unit Code:
There are agreed conventions for the unit codes used for unit of competences
organized for any specific occupational standard. Codes are given by considering
international and national benchmarks.
Occupational Title: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and Maintenance
Unit Code: EIS EME2 01/02/... 0317
Unit Coding is Described Here Under:
Character What it stands for:

EIS First three characters signify the priority/major

industry/sector acronym. E.g. Economic Infrastructure

EME2 Four characters in the second group signify the acronym

of the occupational title expressed as a work function
and qualification level written in numerical form shows
the unit belongs. E.g. Electro-Mechanical Equipment
Operation and Maintenance Level II...

01 Third group with two numbers signify the numerical order

of the specific unit

0317 Fourth group of four characters signify the month and

year of development. E.g. March 2017

4. Version Change

The version number is either changed or not, depending on the extent of the change. This
Occupational standard is organized in two levels with the same title “Electro-Mechanical
Equipment Operation and Maintenance." Those who are responsible to undertake
competence assessment and provide training should check for the version review of the
document to confirm the latest version number before developing assessment tools and

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commence training respectively. Users are also advised to contact the agency for any
doubts they have on the document or may refer to the website.

The development date is the time the document is prepared and validated by
relevant industry experts and approved by relevant sector leading the industry. It
indicates the effective date to use the document for training and assessment
purposes and termination of use of the previous version for any purposes.

The endorsed occupational standards and their components may remain current up
to five years from the date of development.

Users of this occupational standard are advised strictly to read and understand the table
below for the changes made on the occupational standard during revision process.

Occupational Title: Electro-Mechanical Equipment and Machinery Maintenance

Previous Occupational Level: 1-4

Version: I

Date of Development: November 2009

Modified Occupational level Name/Title: Electro-Mechanical Equipment

Operation and Maintenance

New Occupational Level: 1-4

Version: II

Date of Development/Review: March 2017

Occupational Changes on the units Justification/Remark

Retained and Re-Approved Units: none

Merged Units: Use Maps, Plans, Drawings

 Prepare Technical Drawings and Specifications
 Prepare Technical Drawings and
Replaced Units: Replaced by:
 Perform Equipment/Machines  Operate and Monitor
Operational Maintenance Electrical Generator
 Perform Machining Operations  Operate and Monitor
Pump Stations
II Removed Units:
 Perform Tool and Cutter Grinding

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Occupational Changes on the units Justification/Remark
 Perform Installation Works
New Units Added: From benchmark and
 Operate application software other related occupation
 Weld Using Shielded Metal Arc
and Oxyacetylene Gas
 Solder Electrical Components,
Wiring and Circuits
 Apply Knowledge of Construction
and Operation Engine
 Install Pipe Work and Assemblies
 Carry out Machines and
Equipment Programmed Safety
and Maintenance
 Inspect and Service Engines
Retained and Re-Approved Units: With some concept
 Perform Electrical Motors and changes from the title to
Transformer Rewinding the detail
Rewind Electrical Motors
III and Transformers
Merged Units: None
Replaced Units: None

Removed Units:
 Carry Out Heat Treatment
 Train Service Technicians

New Units Added:

 Calibrate Instrumentation and From bench mark and
Control Devices other related occupation
 Install Electromechanical Machine
and Drives
 Operate and Install Programmable
Logic Controller System
 Install and Maintain Solar Energy
System for Water Pump
 Assemble Control Panel
 Install and Maintain Mechanical
Pumps, Compressors and Blowers
 Maintain Induction Motor
 Maintain Electrical
 Overhaul Engines
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Occupational Changes on the units Justification/Remark
 Implement and Monitor
Environmental Procedures

 Monitor Implementation of Moved to appropriate

Maintenance Plan Level IV
5. Occupational Map
The following occupational map is the current occupational structure in this sector. It
also shows titles of occupations, vertical pathways and the level of



Electro Mechanical Equipment

Level IV Maintenance Supervision

Electro Mechanical Equipment Operation

Level III
and Maintenance

Electro Mechanical Equipment Operation and

Level II Maintenance

Level I Electro- Mechanical Works

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Occupational Standard: Electro Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Occupational Code: EIS EME2
EIS EME2 01 0317 EIS EME2 02 0317 EIS EME2 03 0317
Use Maps, Plans, Operate application Weld Using Shielded
Drawings and software packages Metal Arc and
Specifications Oxyacetylene Gas

EIS EME2 04 0317 EIS EME2 05 0317 EIS EME2 06 0317

Solder Electrical Apply Knowledge of Install Pipe Work and
Components, Wiring Construction and Assemblies
and Circuits Operation Engine

EIS EME2 07 0317 EIS EME2 08 0317 EIS EME2 09 0317

Operate and Monitor Operate and Monitor Carry out Machines and
Pump Stations Electrical Generator Equipment Programmed
Safety and Maintenance

EIS EME2 10 0317 EIS EME2 11 0317 EIS EME2 12 0317

Inspect and Service Participate in Workplace Work in Team
Engines Communication Environment

EIS EME2 13 0317 EIS EME2 14 0317

Develop Business Standardize and Sustain
Practice 3S

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EIS EME3 01 0317 EIS EME3 02 0317 EIS EME3 03 0317
Calibrate Install Electromechanical Rewind Electrical
Instrumentation and Machine and Drives Motors and
Control Devices Transformers

EIS EME3 04 0317 EIS EME3 05 0317 EIS EME3 06 0317

Operate and Install Install and Maintain Solar Assemble Control Panel
Programmable Logic Energy System for Water Equipment
Controller System Pump

EIS EME3 07 0317 EIS EME3 08 0317 EIS EME3 09 0317

Install and Maintain Maintain Induction Motor Maintain Electrical
Mechanical Pumps, Functions Generator/Alternator
Compressors and

EIS EME3 10 0317 EIS EME3 11 0317 EIS EME3 12 0317

Overhaul Engines Implement and Monitor Monitor Implementation
Environmental of Work Plan/Activities

EIS EME3 13 0317 EIS EME3 14 0317 EIS EME3 15 0317

Apply Quality Control Lead Workplace Lead Small Teams

EIS EME3 16 0317 EIS EME3 17 0317

Improve Business Prevent and Eliminate
Practice MUDA

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and Maintenance
Level II
Unit Title Use Maps, Plans, Drawings And Specifications
Unit Code EIS EME2 01 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit of competence covers knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to read and interpret maps, plans, technical drawings and
specifications; and identify the drawing requirements, prepare a
simple map or plan, making changes to engineering drawings,
preparing an engineering parts list and issuing the drawings
applying to any of the full range engineering and applied sciences
disciplines. It includes the identification of types of plans and
drawings and their functions, the recognition of commonly used
symbols and abbreviations, the identification of key features and
specifications on a site plan, the comprehension of written job
specifications and the recognition of document status and
amendment detail.
The unit applies to the field and operational staff involved in
mechanical, electrical/ electronic, fabrication, construction, and
fluid power construction and maintenance or repair of assets work
environment, such as plants, waterworks, infrastructure and an
automotive environment.

Elements Performance Criteria

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1 Interpret maps, 1.1 Find out what types of maps, plans and drawings and
plans and specifications are used to support work tasks.
drawings 1.2 Parts of work systems and their interrelationship on a range of
drawing types are identified.
1.3 key features of maps and site plans and commonly used
symbols and abbreviations are checked and interpreted.
1.4 Function of the legend is identified and explained.
1.5 Natural and man-made features on maps, plans and drawings
are checked and explained.
1.6 Environmental requirements and controls are identified from
job plans, specifications and environmental plan.
2. Read and 2.1 Symbols, codes, legends and diagrammatic representations in
interpret the drawing are identified correctly with relevant personnel
engineering 2.2 Job specifications are identified from drawings, notes and
drawings and descriptions.
specifications. 2.3 Standards of work, finishes and tolerances are identified from
the project specifications.
2.4 Material specifications/finish and dimensions/ tolerances are
identified as appropriate to field of employment.
2.5 Components, assemblies or objects are identified as required.
2.6 Specifications are related to particular maps and plans and
identify quality standards.
2.7 Types of details from works specifications are identified and
2.8 Product/system/component/item represented by the drawing
correctly is identified with relevant personnel
3 Draw a map or 3.1 Requirements and purpose of drawing are ddetermined from
plan customer and/or work specification and associated documents.
3.2 All data necessary to produce the drawing are identified and
3.3 Drawing requirements are confirmed with relevant personnel
and timeframes for completion is established
3.4 Product/system/component/item to be manufactured/ modified
is identified
3.5 . A simple map or plan, including selecting tools and
equipment and a workable scale, key and abbreviations is
3.6 Real world measurements are taken and features on a
drawing are recorded.
3.7 Field notes and measures are used to draw a local area map.
3.8 Legend is located on project drawings, and symbols and
abbreviations are correctly interpreted.

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4. Prepare 4.1 Drafting equipment appropriate to the drawing method
engineering chosen is selected.
drawing and parts 4.2 Drafting principles to produce a drawing that is consistent
list with standard operating procedures within the enterprise is
4.3 All work safely measures are undertaken to prescribed
4.4 Approval of completed drawing is received in accordance with
standard operating procedures.
4.5 Components parts and organized by component type are
identified in accordance with organization/customer
4.6 Drawings and/ or parts lists records are completed in
accordance with standard operating procedures.
4.7 Approved drawings and/or parts lists are copied and issued to
relevant personnel in accordance with standard operating
4.8 Approved drawings and/ or parts lists are stored and
catalogued in accordance with standard operating procedures.

5. Prepare for work 5.1 Work instructions are identified, follow and used to determine
job requirements
5.2 Job specifications are read and interpreted
5.3 Engineering drawings relevant to information required are
5.4 The latest version of map, plan or drawing is checked and
validated against job requirements or equipment..
5.5 Title panel of project documentation is checked to verify
latest amendments to drawing.
5.6 Amendments to specifications are checked to ensure
currency of information and conveyed to others where
5.7 Correct equipment for safe use is identified and checked
6 Use maps and 6.1 Organization's system for managing maps and plans is
site plans to applied.
support work 6.2 Relevant technologies used to gather, record and monitor,
activities. map and plan data are applied.
6.3 Function and key features of maps and site plans in the
planning of work are identified.
6.4 Key features of the site is identified and the orientation of
sites is explained.
6.5 A map or plan is followed to find identified features in the real
6.6 Access to site is gained and services, main features, contours

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and datum are identified
6.7 Access from roadways to work site is identified and isolated.
6.8 Materials and distances are determined from plans and
6.9 Real world distances are calculated using maps and plans with
a range of scales.
7. Clean up work 7.1 Equipment and work area are cleaned and inspected for
area and maintain serviceable condition in accordance with workplace
equipment procedures
7.2 Unserviceable equipment is tagged and faults are identified in
accordance with workplace procedures
7.3 Operator maintenance is completed in accordance with
manufacturer/component supplier specifications and site

Variable Range
Types of maps, May include but not limited to:
plans and drawings  urban and rural topographical maps
 site plans and elevations
 process flow sheets
 survey plans
 sectional plans and elevations
 channel drainage plans
 pipe system plans
 location of assets plans
 details and specifications providing illustrations and
Specifications May include but not limited to:
 design information,
 customer requirements,
 sketches and preliminary layouts.
Key features of May include but not limited to:
maps and site plans  shape and orientation of site
 roads
 railways
 easements
 existing buildings and structures
 services, including:
 drainage
 sewerage
 water
 electricity
 telecommunications
 dimensions

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 grades of pipelines and channels
 tree preservation orders
 geographical features
 power and transmission lines
 heritage and cultural features
 types of structures, including:
 buildings
 bridges
 fabricated towers
 fences
 pipelines
 regulators
 poles
 environmental barriers
 environmental features, including:
 fauna and flora habitats
 cultural features
 heritage features
 water catchments
 shape of structure and building
 service requirements
 location of plant and equipment
 vertical and horizontal measurements
 clearance distance
 geological features
 service layouts
 bore and casing details
Relevant personnel May include but not limited to:
 Technical personnel, supervisors, manufacturers, suppliers,
contractors, customers
Drafting equipment May include but not limited to:
 Drafting and drawing equipment includes the use of Computer
Aided Drafting systems
Drafting principles May include but not limited to:
 Drawings are prepared in accordance with Ethiopian Standard
1100.101, or equivalent, as required
Records May include but not limited to:
 Drawing records may include cataloguing, issuing security
classifications, filing, preparing distribution lists
Issued May include but not limited to:
 hard copy, photographic, slide or transparency form including
presentation as a single drawing and/or with other drawings,
support documentation as a package
Information/docume May include but not limited to:
nts  schedules/plans/specifications, memos, material safety data

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sheets, diagrams or sketches
 regulatory/legislative requirements pertaining to the
automotive industry, including Design Rules
 organisation work specifications and requirements
 instructions issued by authorised enterprise or external
 Ethiopian Standards
System for May include but not limited to:
managing maps and  geographic information systems
plans  electronic plans management systems
 manual systems
 hard copy systems
Technologies May include but not limited to:
 used to gather, record and monitor map and plan data may:
 vary across organisations
 include use of global positioning system (GPS) technology
and require the use of portable navigation devices by
Orientation of sites May include but not limited to:
 relationship to north
 currency of plan
 relationship between plan and site
Methods of May include but not limited to:
identification  symbols, codes, legends and diagrammatic representations
Interpretation May include but not limited to:
 Interpretation of manufacture/modification specifications
Resources May include but not limited to:
 manual and electronic viewing aids
Communications May include but not limited to:
 verbal and visual instructions and may include site specific
instructions, written instructions, plans or instructions related
to job/task, telephones and pagers
Interpret technical May include but not limited to:
drawing  would usually be in line with standard operating procedures;
interpretation may require guidance particularly in respect to
any geometric tolerance

Evidence Guide
Critical aspects of Must confirm appropriate knowledge and skills competence in:
Competence  preparing a simple map or plan that represents a real world
local environment.
 reading and interpreting a range of engineering maps, plans,
drawings and specifications including:
 locating correct maps, plans, drawings and specifications
for work tasks
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 interpreting correctly all relevant information in maps,
plans, drawings and specifications to enable the work to
be performed correctly, effectively and according to
organisational quality standards
 observing safety procedures and requirements
 communicating effectively with others involved in or affected
by the work
 selecting methods and techniques appropriate to the
 completing preparatory activity in a systematic manner
 applying the competence in new and different situations and
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  OH&S and environmental regulations/requirements,
Attitudes equipment, material and personal safety requirements
 ISO standards and/or Ethiopian Design Rules and equipment
safety requirements
 design theory and its application to the workplace
 engineering drawing procedures and interpretive techniques
 the range of maps, plans and drawings to different
assignment situations
 relationship between the views contained in the drawing
 objects represented in the drawing
 units of measurement used in the preparation of the
 dimensions of the key features of the objects depicted in
the drawing
 understanding of the instructions contained in the drawing
 the actions to be undertaken in response to those
 the materials from which the object(s) are made
 any symbols used in the drawing as described in range
 features of maps, plans drawings and specifications such as:
 contours
 datum points
 planes
 gradients
 sections
 orthographic projections
 symbols
 codes,
 legends and diagrammatic representations
 dimensions
 Common terminology
 measurements and calculations
 site reporting procedures
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 work organisation and planning processes
 enterprise quality processes
 requirements and purpose of the drawing to be produced
 requirements and purpose of the engineering parts list
 sources of relevant data/ information
 timeframe for completion of the drawing(s)
 person(s) who can confirm drawing requirements
 method of drawing preparation
 the reasons for selecting the chosen drawing method
 procedures for producing an initial drawing and changing an
existing drawing
 drafting principles to be applied to the production/changing of
a drawing
 standards to which the drawing is to be produced
 procedures for checking drawings
 the persons responsible for checking and approving drawings
 consequences of inappropriate/incomplete components parts
 procedures and reasons for recording completed drawings
and or parts lists.
 procedures for copying approved drawings and or parts lists.
 procedures for issuing approved drawings and or parts lists.
 the personnel to whom copies of approved drawings and or
parts lists can be issued
 procedures for filing approved drawings and or parts lists
 procedures for safe handling and storage of drawings and or
parts lists
 consequences of inappropriate handling and storage of
approved drawings and or parts lists
 safe work practices and procedures
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills to:
 collect, organise and understand information related to work
orders, plans and safety procedures for viewing engineering
 read and interpret plans, drawings and specifications
 use workplace technology related to the reading and
interpretation of engineering drawings, including the use of
specialist tooling, measuring equipment, computerised
technology and communication devices
 read, interpret information on the drawing, written job
instructions, specifications, standard operating
procedures, charts, lists and other applicable reference
 use information provided in maps, plans and drawings to
complete a job in different work situations
 measure accurately
 undertake numerical operations, geometry and
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calculations/formulae within the scope of this unit
 use mathematical ideas and techniques to correctly
interpret drawing specifications
 communicate effectively (use literacy skills for verbal and
written communication) in the workplace
 communicate ideas and information to enable confirmation
of work requirements and specifications, with site
supervisor, other workers and customers, and the
reporting of work outcomes and problems
 check the drawing against job requirements/ related
equipment in accordance with standard operating
 confirm the drawing version as being current in
accordance with standard operating procedures
 check and clarify task related information
 Prepare maps, plans and engineering parts list
 obtain all relevant job requirements, data/ information and
specifications necessary to produce the drawing in
accordance with workplace procedures
 using drafting equipment appropriate to the drawing
method chosen
 produce/change the drawing to conform with the relevant
 check the completed drawing in accordance with standard
operating procedures
 produce the component parts list with part name,
description of part, material specification or part number,
quantities and all other details specified by the customer
and/or organisational procedures
 record, handle and store completed drawings, approved
drawings and or parts lists in accordance with standard
operating procedures
 where appropriate, copying and issuing approved
drawings and or parts lists in accordance with standard
operating procedures
 plan and sequence operations
 report/ document of results
Resources Access is required to:
Implication  documentation that should normally be available in a
water industry organisation
 relevant codes, standards and government regulations
 workplace location or simulated workplace
 material relevant to the reading and interpretation of
engineering drawings
Assessment Competency may be assessed through:
Methods  Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning
 Observation / Demonstration

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Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting

Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and Maintenance

Level II
Unit Title Operate application software packages
Unit Code EIS EME2 02 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify,
select and operate three commercial software packages basic
operations, including a word-processing application (creating
and formatting documents, creating tables and printing labels);
spreadsheet applications( creating and formatting spreadsheet
data, incorporating charts and objects, and customizing and
printing spreadsheets); and database applications and create
and develop simple relational databases using pre-existing data
It applies to individuals who utilise different software
applications (word-processing, spreadsheets and database) in a
range of routine tasks in the workplace within a small to large
office environment to produce diverse documents under direct
supervision or with limited responsibility within a wide range of
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industry occupations.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Use appropriate 1.1 Select word-processing software appropriate to perform
word-processing activity
software 1.2 Open word-processing application, create document and add
data according to information requirements
1.3 Identify document purpose, audience and presentation
requirements, and clarify with personnel as required
1.4 Identify organisational requirements for text-based business
documents, and design document structure and layout to
ensure consistency of style and image
1.5 Match document requirements with software functions to
provide efficient production of documents
2. Customise basic 2.1 Adjust page layout to meet information requirements or
settings and format special needs
documents to meet 2.2 Open and view different toolbars
page layout 2.3 Change font format /font settings to suit document purpose
conventions of the word document/spreadsheets/ database entries
2.4 Change alignment and line spacing, and modify margins of
the document (word / spreadsheet/ database/ according to
document information requirements and formatting features
2.5 Align information in a selected cell as required
2.6 Open and switch between several word documents /
spreadsheets/ database/
2.7 Use formatting features and styles to customise basic
settings and format cell or documents, create table and add
images as required
2.8 Use technical functions, other data and formatting tools,
document templates as required to finalise documents/or within
the spreadsheet
2.9 Highlight and copy text from another area in the document or
from another active document; or selected formatting features
from another cell in the spreadsheet or from another active
2.10 Insert headers and footers to incorporate necessary data
using formatting features
2.11 Save document in another file format or spreadsheet as
another file type and close document and spreadsheet to a
storage device
3. Create tables and 3.1 Insert standard table into document
add images to word 3.2 Change cells (insert and delete columns and rows) to meet

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document information requirements
3.3 Insert appropriate images into document and customise as
3.4 Position and resize images to meet document formatting needs
3.5 Ensure the naming and storing/ saving of documents in
appropriate directories or folders and the printing of
documents to the required specifications
4. Use appropriate 4.1 Select spreadsheet software appropriate to perform activity
spreadsheet software 4.2 Identify document purpose, audience and presentation
requirements, and clarify with personnel as required
4.3 Open the spreadsheet application, create spreadsheet files
and enter numbers, text and symbols into cells according to
information requirements
4.4 Enter simple formulas and functions using cell referencing
where required and correct formulas when error messages
4.5 Use a range of common tools during spreadsheet
4.6 Edit columns and rows within the spreadsheet
4.7 Use the auto-fill function to increment data where required
4.8 Ensure the naming and storing of documents in appropriate
directories or folders and the printing of documents to the
required specifications
5. Incorporate object 5.1 Import an object into an active spreadsheet
and chart in 5.2 Manipulate imported object by using formatting features
spreadsheet 5.3 Create a chart using selected data in the spreadsheet
5.4 Display selected data in a different chart
5.5 Modify chart using formatting features
6. Create database 6.1 Open a database application and design a two-table, simple
relational database incorporating basic design principles
6.2 Develop a table with fields and attributes according to
database usage, as well as user requirements
6.3 Create a primary key and establish an index for each table
6.4 Modify table layout and field attributes as required
6.5 Create a relationship between the two tables
6.6 Add and modify data in a table according to information
6.7 Add and delete records as required
6.8 1.8 Save and close down database to storage area

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7. Create reports and 7.1 Design reports to present data in a logical sequence
forms 7.2 Modify reports to include or exclude additional requirements
7.3 Distribute reports to appropriate person in a suitable format
7.4 Use a wizard to create a simple form
7.5 Open existing database and modify records through a simple
7.6 Rearrange objects within the form to accommodate
information requirements
8. Retrieve 8.1 Access existing database and locate required records
information 8.2 Create simple query and retrieve required information
8.3 Develop query with multiple criteria and retrieve required
8.4 Select data and display appropriately
9. Print documents 9.1 Preview document/ spreadsheet in print preview mode
9.2 Select basic print settings/ options
9.3 Print document/spreadsheet or part of document/ spreadsheet
from printer
9.4 Submit the spreadsheet to appropriate person for approval or

Variable Range
Word-processing  may include:
software  Apple iWork
 Microsoft Word
 Open Office.
Information  may include:
requirements  agendas
 letters
 memos
 minutes
 other business documents required by the organisation.
Document  may include:
 captions
 different odd and even pages
 document protection
 drawing
 hyperlinks
 linked and embedded objects
 mail-merge data documents
 master documents
 MS WordArt

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 templates.
Organisational  may include:
requirements  company colour scheme
 company logo
 consistent corporate image
 content restrictions
 established guidelines and procedures for document
 house styles
 observing copyright legislation
 organisation name, time, date, document title and filename in
header or footer
 templates.
Document structure  may include:
and layout  annotated references
 borders
 boxes
 bullet or number lists
 captions
 colour
 columns
 consistency with other business documents
 cropping
 drawing
 footnotes
 endnotes
 graphics
 headings
 indentations
 layout
 page numbers
 position related to other text
 size
 spacings
 typeface styles and point size.
Page layout  may include:
 landscape
 portrait.
Toolbars  may contain:
 buttons
 menus
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 a combination of both.
Font format  may include:
 combination of typeface and other attributes:
spacing character
Font settings  may include:
 colour
 size
 type.
Alignment  may refer to:
 centred
 justified
 left
 right.
Formatting features  may include:
 bold
 hyphenation
 italics
 underline.
Format  may refer to:
 saving the spreadsheet as another type of document:
comma separated values or text
Technical functions,  may include:
other data and  alignment
formatting  clip art
 comments
 data from other software applications
 digital photographs
 digital signatures
 display features
 embedding
 exporting
 fields
 fills or shading
 formulas
 graphics
 importing
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 lines and borders
 linking
 merge cells
 page and section breaks
 permissions
 reviewing
 sharing
 sort criteria
 sorting contents
 split cell
 table of contents
 templates
 text direction
 versioning.
Technical functions  may include:
 animations
 arranging slides
 charts
 customising masters
 illustrations
 linking content
 sharing
 SmartArt
 tables.
Formatting tools  may include:
 menu commands within the application:
copy, cut and paste
find and replace
spell check
File format  may include:
 CSV files
 doc files
 HTML pages
 PDF files
 SXW (star office) files
 RTF files
 text files.
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Storage device/  may include:
area  disks
 CD
 external hard drive, including universal serial bus (USB) flash
 internal hard drive
 web storage space.
Images  may include:
 clip art
 graphics
 pictures.
Naming and storing  may include:
documents  authorised access
 filenames according to organisational procedure
 filenames that are easily identifiable related to the content
 file or directory names which identify the operator, author,
section and date
 filing locations
 organisational policy for backing up files and filing hard copies
of documents
 security
 storage in folders and sub-folders
 storage on:
 hard disk drives
 tape backup.
Printing  may include:
 comments
 drawing objects
 field codes
 hidden text
 print merge
 print to file
 to fit a specific number of pages.
Spreadsheet  may include:
software  Apple iWorks, such as Numbers
 Gnumeric
 Microsoft Excel
 Open Office.
Spreadsheet  may include:
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settings  cell alignment
 charts
 font settings
 formatting tools
 graphics
 objects
 page layout
 print
 share
 simple formulas and functions
 sort
 toolbars
 views
 worksheets.
 Simple formulas  may include:
and functions  addition
 conditional logic
 conditional summation
 division
 lookup
 multiplication
 subtraction
 summation
 application of the above to a series of cells.
Tools  may include:
 help
 search and replace
 simple formatting tools
 spell check
 undo.
Edit  may relate to:
 adding
 copying
 deleting
 moving
 pasting
 selecting.
Object  may include:
 items that can be inserted into the spreadsheet, such as:
other documents
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Data  may include:
 symbols added to the document
 text added to the document.
Design principles  may include:
 data layout
 formatting
 naming conventions.
Attributes  may include:
 data type
 name
 size.
Layout  may include:
 display modes
 orientation
 size.
Relationship  may be:
 one-to-one
 one-to-many
 many-to-many.
Objects  may include:
 buttons
 checkboxes
 drop down lists
 option buttons
 text boxes.
Print settings  may include:
 layout
 number of copies
 orientation
 paper size
 sides.
Appropriate person  may include:
authorised business representative
Software application  may include:
package  database
 email
 graphics
 spreadsheet

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 word processing.

Evidence Guide
Critical aspects of Must confirm appropriate knowledge and skills to:
Competence  identify application software packages used by the
organisation and list the purpose of each
 produce workplace documents using a minimum of three
different software application packages
 create, open and retrieve documents using customised basic
 format documents by creating tables and adding text, objects
and images
 Interpret specific information to determine and complete work
 Prepare simple correspondence that incorporates key
information in a format and style relevant to requirements
 open, amend and save files and documents
 explain basic technical terminology related to reading help
files and responding to system help prompts
 list features and functions of commercial computing packages
 describe import and export software functions
 describe the process of linking documents
 explain the purpose of input and output devices.
 Interprets and comprehends symbolic, textual and numerical
information and data
 create spreadsheets, customise basic settings, format
spreadsheets and
 create basic formulas
 insert objects and charts in spreadsheets, save and print
 explain the effect of formatting and appearance on the
readability and usability of spreadsheets
 outline log-in procedures relating to accessing a personal
computer (PC)
 describe the purpose, use and function of spreadsheet
 outline basic database design principles
 discuss the purposes of forms, reports and queries for
retrieving and displaying information
 outline the reasons for relationships between tables
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 describe the purpose, use and function of database software.
 design and develop a simple database using a standard
database package
 add data
 create and use a query with multiple criteria
 create and modify reports and forms.
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  formatting styles and their effect on formatting, readability and
Attitudes appearance of documents
 organisational requirements for ergonomics, such as work
periods and breaks
 organisational style guide
 purpose, use and function of word-processing software.
 Vocabulary, basic technical terminology and naming
conventions related to reading help files and responding to
system help prompts
 basic knowledge of system usage
 current business practices related to using software to
prepare reports
 features and functions of commercial computing packages
 import and export software functions
 linking documents
 OHS principles and responsibilities for ergonomics, such as
work periods and breaks
 purpose, use and functions of applications
 use of input and output devices.
 personal responsibility for adherence to legal and regulatory
 vocabulary, syntax, terminology, labelling and naming
conventions suitable for the program
 purposes, specific functions and key features of common
digital systems and tools, and operates them effectively to
complete routine tasks, adapting some functions to improve
personal efficiency
 formatting styles and their effect on formatting, readability and
appearance of spreadsheets
 log-in procedures relating to accessing a PC
 purpose, use and function of spreadsheet application.
 the purpose and specific functions of common digital tools
used in work contexts
 Identifying and comprehending the specific numeric data

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needed to create charts
 responsibility for routine low-impact decisions within familiar
 basic database design
 forms, reports and queries for retrieving and displaying
 relationships between tables (cardinality)
 purpose, use and function of database software.
 the purpose and specific functions of common digital tools
used in work contexts
 database related terminology and protocols when designing
tables, queries, reports and forms
 Identifying and comprehending the specific numeric data
needed, and uses logical functions, mathematical symbols
and applies the order of operations in calculations when
developing queries
 responsibility for routine, low-impact decisions within familiar
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills to:
 communication skills to:
 communicate with peers and supervisors
 seek assistance and expert advice
 literacy skills to:
 interpret user manuals and help functions
 read and write basic workplace documents
 numeracy skills to:
 enter simple formulas into spreadsheet
 create simple queries
 problem-solving skills to:
 manage applications and use help functions
 address common operational problems when using word-
processing applications, spreadsheet applications
 address inconsistencies in data and issues in database
 technical skills to:
 operate a personal computer (PC) and printer
 operate a keyboard to enter text and numerical data
technical skills to create a simple database.
 use application software packages.
 Recognise and interpret textual information to determine
organisational standards and job requirements
 Interpret and comprehend symbols, icons and text associated
with applications software
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 Enter both written and verbally received information and data
into a format suitable for the software application
 Apply the order of operations in calculations
 Follows routine procedures for using digital technology to
enter, store and retrieve information directly relevant to role
 Plan routine tasks with familiar goals and outcomes, taking
some limited responsibility for decisions regarding
 apply workplace health and safety (WHS) principles and
responsibilities for ergonomics, such as work periods and
 use help manuals and online help.
 Recognises and responds to common operational problems
when using word-processing applications
 Identify data specifically needed for the spreadsheet from
information received
 Enter both written and verbally received information and data
into a format suitable for spreadsheet analysis
 Add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers and
decimals, identifying and selecting the correct formulas and
functions to use
 Apply the order of operations in calculations
 Identify and analyse a wide range of hard copy and on-line
forms, reports and other end-user documentation to identify
end-user needs and data
 Select the appropriate form, channel and mode of
communication for a specific purpose relevant to own role
 identify and implement standard solutions for a number of
routine problems
 Follows routine procedures for using digital technology to
enter, store and retrieve information directly relevant to role
Resources Access is required to:
Implications  a personal computer and printer
 word-processing software, spreadsheet, database software
currently used in industry
 documents detailing organisational style guide or policy and
work health and safety (WHS) requirements
 data suitable for use with word-processing packages.
 verbal or written questioning to assess knowledge of word
processing, spreadsheet and database operations
 direct observation of candidate creating and formatting word
document and spreadsheets
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 review of spreadsheets, including formatting, formulas,
objects and images
 documents or information containing data suitable for creating
a database
Assessment Competency may be assessed through:
Methods  Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning
 Observation / Demonstration
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level II
Unit Title Weld Using Shielded Metal Arc and Oxyacetylene Gas
Unit Code EIS EME2 03 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills
required in preparing materials, selecting and setting up
the welding equipment, carrying out shielded metal arc and
oxyacetylene welding and inspecting and correcting
defects in fabrication and assembly of metals.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Prepare welding 1.1. Weld requirements are identified from specifications
equipment, materials and/or drawings/work order.
and consumables
1.2. Welding tools &equipment, including welding
machine, cables, cylinders, regulators, hoses, torches
and tips are assembled and adjusted correctly and
safely in accordance with standard operating
1.3. Correct size, type and quantity of
materials/components are determined, obtained and
inspected for compliance with the job specifications
1.4. Materials are correctly prepared in accordance with
job specifications.
1.5. Materials are assembled /aligned to specification,
where required.
2. Set-up welding 2.1. Welding machine and oxyacetylene cylinder settings,
machine and accessories and consumables are identified and
oxyacetylene / selected.
accessories and 2.2. Welding machine are connected to an independent
fixtures power supply and wired up or set to the polarity and
oxyacetylene flame is adjusted as indicated in the
welding procedures /specifications or as
recommended by the manufacturer.
2.3. Current and voltage fine-tuned and oxygen &
acetylene adjusted consistent with job requirements to
produce acceptable weld.
2.4. Welding machine and oxyacetylene accessories and
consumables are set up in accordance with job
requirements, welding procedures and specifications
and/or manufacturer’s instructions
2.5. Braces, stiffeners, rails and other jigs are provided and
in conformity with job requirements.
2.6. Work items/materials are protected from strong winds,
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drafts and rainfall
2.7. Appropriate distortion prevention measures are
selected for weld and material type.
2.8. Task is completed without causing damage to the
tools, equipment and materials and injury to self and
3. Set-up pre heating 3.1. Pre-heating equipment appropriate to the job
tools/ equipment requirement and specifications
3.2. Equipment operated in conformance with the
manufacturer’s instructions
4. Perform tack welding 4.1. Tack welding performed in accordance with the
requirements of WPS (Welding Procedure
Specification) and client’s specifications.
4.2. Tack weld is inspected visually and dimensionally
4.3. Root is tacked on for pipe or as required.
4.4. Backing plate, stiffener and running plate are installed
as required.
4.5. Joints are made free from rust, paints, grease and
other foreign materials prior to fit up or tacking.
5. Check gap and 5.1. Root gap is performed in accordance with the
alignment requirements of WPS.
5.2. Alignment is done within the range of acceptability of
code and standard.
5.3. Fitted materials are inspected visually free from
6. Weld to job 6.1. Root pass is performed in accordance with
specification specifications and enterprise/industry requirements
and safety procedures
6.2. Root pass is cleaned in accordance with procedures
6.3. Subsequent filling passes are performed in
accordance with procedures
6.4. Capping is performed in accordance with
specifications and procedures
6.5. Weld deposit is ensured to be within specifications.
6.6. Materials are welded using SMAW and Oxyacetylene
process in accordance with specifications
6.7. Joints are cleaned and freed from discontinuities.
6.8. Welds are cleaned using appropriate tools and
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6.9. Welded parts are made free from weld defects or
7. Ensure weld 7.1. Defects are removed with minimum loss of sound
conformance metal using techniques and tools appropriate to the
defect, material and process.
7.2. Weld joints are visually inspected for conformance to
7.3. Weld records and completion details are completed
and maintained correctly as required.
7.4. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures
are observed throughout this unit

Variables Range
Drawings May include, but not limited to:
 Plans, sketch or schematic
Tools and equipment May include, but not limited to:
 Hand tools,
 measuring equipment,
 oxyacetylene with accessories
 cylinders, regulators, hoses, torches, tips, range of filler
rods and fluxes
Materials May include, but not limited to:
 Stiffeners
 Backing plate
 Strong back
Tack welding May include, but not limited to:
 Bridge tacking
 Permanent tacking
 Temporary tacking
WPS May include, but not limited to:
 Welding positions:
 1F, 2F, 3F,4F
 1G, 2G, 3G
 Material thickness: 1.6mm – unlimited (plate)
 Carbon or mild steel
 Type and size of mild steel electrode
 Travel speed
 Current setting (polarity, amperage, voltage)
 flame adjustment
 Preheating/post weld heating treatment (PWHT)
 Joint preparation
Inspecting visually May include, but not limited to:
 Fully fused to the base metal
 Free from defects and discontinuities
 Evenly distributed
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Root gap May include, but not limited to:
 WPS requirements
 Client requirements
Alignment May include, but not limited to:
 Codes and specifications
 Client requirements
Weld Defects May include, but not  Crater cracks
limited to:  Cracks
 Porosity  Lack of Fusion
 Undercut  Pinholes/Blowholes
 Arc Strike  Under Fill
 Spatters  Overlap
 Slag inclusion  Misalignment
 Concavity/convexity  Distortion
 Degree of
 Burn Through
OHS procedures May include, but not limited to:
 Protective clothing and equipment includes that
prescribed under legislation, regulation and workplace
policies and practices
 Use of tools and equipment and handling of materials
 Workplace environment and safety and hazard control
 Use of fire fighting and first aid equipment

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence  Welded carbon steel plates in 1G and 2G position to
acceptable standards and approved WPS
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
knowledge and  Welding codes and standards
Attitudes  Materials and consumables
 Basic measurements
 Plan/drawing interpretation
 Electrode and flame classification
 Welding and heating techniques
 Welding jigs
 Weld testing techniques
 Material preparation
 Joint preparation
 Filler materials and consumables
 Identification of weld
 The relationships between amperage, electrode and
 The relation between flame and working material
 Types of electrodes, current settings, high frequency
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 Types of flam
 Welding symbols
 Communication principles
 Safe welding practices and measures
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills of:
 Selecting correct welding machine, electrodes and
 Material and joint preparation
 Identifying and rectifying weld defects
 Applying techniques for distortion prevention and
 Cleaning welds
 Handling welding tools and equipment
 Handling materials and consumables
 Reading and interpreting information on written job
instructions, specifications, standard operating
procedures and drawings
 Utilize jigs and templates
 Recording routine information into proforma and
standard workplace forms
 Maintain welding and heating equipment
 Application of safe welding practices
Resource Implications Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and

Maintenance Level II
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Unit Title Solder Electrical Components, Wiring and Circuits
Unit Code EIS EME2 04 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes required to
solder electrical components, electrical circuits and
system wiring. It involves preparing for the task, preparing
components, circuits and wiring for soldering, carrying out
soldering, and completing workplace processes and

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Prepare to solder 1.1. Job requirements are determined according to
electrical wiring and workplace instructions
1.2. Technical procedures and information are accessed
and interpreted
1.3. Hazards associated with the work are identified and
risks are managed
1.4. Tools and equipment are selected and checked for
2. Prepare components, 2.1. Materials and components to be joined are selected
circuits and wiring for and prepared according to workplace procedures and
soldering safety and environmental requirements
2.2. Solder and flux type are identified and prepared
2.3. Soldering equipment are cleaned and prepared ready
for use
3. Carry out soldering of 3.1. Soldering is carried out according to workplace quality
components, circuits expectations, and without causing damage to vehicle,
and wiring components, electrical circuits and system wiring
3.2. Soldered connection is inspected visually and
checked to ensure effectiveness
4. Complete work 4.1. Final inspection is made to ensure work is to
processes workplace expectations and vehicle, vessel or
machinery is presented ready for use
4.2. Work area is cleaned, waste and non-recyclable
materials are disposed of, and recyclable material is
4.3. Tools and equipment are checked and stored and any
faulty electrical equipment is identified, tagged and
isolated according to workplace procedures
4.4. Workplace documentation is processed according to
workplace procedures

Variable Range

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Tools and equipment May include, but not limited to:
 Soldering iron
 Solder
 Flux
 Pliers/cutter
 Solder sucker
Safety and May include, but not limited to:
environmental  Work Health and Safety (WHS) and Occupational
requirements Health and Safety (OHS) requirements, including
procedures for:
 using Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
 Selecting and using Personal Protective Equipment
 Safely handling materials during solder process
 Safely operating soldering equipment
 Identifying and using firefighting and first aid
 Environmental requirements, including procedures for
trapping, storing and disposing of material released
during soldering process.

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires that the candidate:
Competence  Selecting and using Personal Protective Equipment
 Safely handling materials during solder process
 Safely operating soldering equipment
 Solder the wiring of different electrical components, in
which the work must involve:
 Different sized gauge wires
 Electrical terminals
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge And  Work Health and Safety (WHS) and Occupational
Attitudes Health and Safety (OHS) requirements relating to
soldering electrical wiring and circuits, including
procedures for:
 Using Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
 Selecting and using Personal Protective Equipment
 Safely handling materials during solder process
 Safely operating soldering and de-soldering equipment
 Identifying and using fire fighting and first aid
 Environmental requirements, including procedures for
trapping, storing and disposing of material released
during soldering process
 Location and content of workplace preparation and
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soldering procedures, SDS and manufacturer
 Procedures for preparing to solder electrical wiring and
circuits, including:
 Preparing and cleaning components to be
soldered, including selecting appropriate cleaning
 Methods of holding components to be soldered
 Soldering fluxes and their application
 Resin core solder types, diameter and application
 Types and applications of soldering irons
 Procedures for soldering and de-soldering electrical
wiring and circuits, including:
 Applying heat and solder to the parts to be joined
 Allowing cooling without movement
 Work completion procedures for soldering electrical
wiring and circuits, including procedures for final visual
inspection of soldered connections, including:
 Manufacturer and workplace specifications for
acceptable soldering standard
 Post-soldering insulation, including heat shrink
sleeving and application of electrical tape.
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 Solder the wiring of different electrical components, in
which the work must involve:
 Different sized gauge wires
 Electrical terminals
 Resin core solder
 Heat shrink sleeving.
Resource Implications Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and

Maintenance Level II

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Apply Knowledge of Construction and Operation
Unit Title
Unit Code EIS EME2 05 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes required to
apply knowledge of the construction and operation of
engines and their components for engine repair or
reconditioning activities. It involves identifying engine
components and describing their function.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Identify relevant 1.1. Components of engine are identified to repair or
information of reconditioning activities
engine construction
and operation 1.2. Functions of engine components are identified to repair
or reconditioning activities
1.3. Relationships between engine components, including
effects on other components’ tolerances and
clearances, are identified to repair or reconditioning
1.4. Engine configurations are identified to repair or
reconditioning activities
2. Apply relevant 2.1. Knowledge of engine construction and operation is
information of used to repair or engine reconditioning activities to
engine construction carry out work according to manufacturer specifications
and operation to and workplace procedures
work activities
2.2. Knowledge of engine diagnosis is used to repair or
reconditioning activities to identify causes of engine
component wear or failure
3. Evaluate knowledge 3.1. Knowledge of engine science is regularly checked with
of engine science colleagues and supervisor to ensure currency and
3.2. Knowledge of engine science is updated as required to
complement own work role

Variable Range
Components of engine May include, but not limited to cylinder head, cylinder block,
piston, piston ring, piston road, camshaft, crank shaft
Engine construction May include, but not limited to:
 Direct and indirect injection

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires that the candidate:
Competence  Identification and function of major engine components
and systems
 Engine diagnosis
 Procedures for measuring engines and engine
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 Apply knowledge of engine science to multi-cylinder
engines when diagnosing and repairing engine faults or
reconditioning engine components
 Construction and operation of engines
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge And  Classifications of engines, including:
Attitudes  Internal and external combustion
 Reciprocating engines
 Spark ignition and compression ignition engines
 Engine cylinder arrangements
 Identification and function of major engine components,
 Cylinder block and head
 Piston and connecting rod
 Crankshaft
 Valve train
 Manifolds
 Ports and reed valve
 Identification and function of engine systems, including:
 Lubrication
 Cooling system
 Fuel system
 Air system
 Basic operation of spark ignition engines and
compression ignition engines, including:
 Two-stroke spark ignition engines
 Four-stroke spark ignition engines
 Four-stroke compression ignition engines
 Types and applications of engine oils and filters
 Engine cylinder arrangement, including:
 Inline engines, V type engines, slant cylinder
engines and opposed cylinder engines
 Camshaft and valve locations, including:
 Overhead cam (OHC)
 Overhead valve (OHV)
 Engine operating principles, including:
Combustion, including:
 Air to fuel ratios and flame propagation
 Direct and indirect fuel injection
 Detonation and pre-ignition
 Two-stroke and four-stroke cycles
 Procedures for measuring engines and engine
performance, including:
 Bore and stroke, including:
 Over square, square and under square engines
 Crank throw
 Swept volume and engine volume
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 Compression ratio
 Engine efficiency, including volumetric efficiency,
thermal efficiency and mechanical efficiency
 Torque and horsepower, including brake
 Construction and operation of engines, including:
 Basic metallurgy relating to engines
 Identification of metric and imperial threads
 Engine components, including cylinder blocks,
cylinders, pistons, cylinder heads, combustion
chambers, inlet and exhaust manifolds, connecting
rods, crankshafts, piston rings, gudgeon pins,
camshafts, cams and flywheels
 Combustion chambers, including:
 L head, bathtub, wedge, trapezoidal, hemispherical
and heron-type shapes
 Multiple valve designs
 Construction and operation of engines, including:
 Direct and indirect injection
 Swirl chambers
 Pre-combustion chambers
 Engine diagnosis, including:
 Wet and dry compression tests
 Cylinder leakage tests
 Cylinder power balance tests
 Vacuum tests
 Oil pressure tests
 Sources of fluid leaks
 Exhaust smoke diagnosis
 Engine noise diagnosis, including procedures for
 Common engine noises
 Common abnormal combustion noises
 Procedures for expanding knowledge, including location
and content of:
 Technical literature relating to engine science
 Technical information relating to new and emerging
engine technologies.
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 Apply knowledge of engine science to multi-cylinder
engines when diagnosing and repairing engine faults or
reconditioning engine components
 Evaluate and expand knowledge of engine science,
including demonstrating knowledge of one of the
 Repair or reconditioning procedure
 Engine technology
Resource Implications Access is required to real or appropriately simulated

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situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Maintenance Level II
Unit Title Install Pipe Work and Assemblies
Unit Code EIS EME2 06 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit covers knowledge, skills and attitude in planning,
preparing and installing pipe work and assemblies.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Plan the installation 1.1. Quantity and type of pipe work and pipe work
of pipe work and assemblies are selected according to specifications.
pipe work
assemblies 1.2. The appropriate sequence for the installation of pipe
work and pipe work assemblies is determined
according to the installation type and specifications
and other applicable factors.
1.3. The work area is prepared for installation of pipe work
and pipe work assemblies.
2. Prepare pipe work 2.1. Appropriate tools are prepared according to
and pipe work installation types and specification.
assemblies for
assembly 2.2. Appropriate thread are made for pipe work assemblies
2.3. Pipe work and assemblies are cleaned or purged to
standard operating procedures.
2.4. Pipe work and assemblies are capped/sealed.
3. Install pipe work and 3.1. Enclosures/Hangers/Support systems are installed
assemblies without damage or distortion to the surrounding
environment or other services.
3.2. Pipe work and assemblies are installed without
damage or distortion to pipe work, assemblies or
surrounding environment or other services.
3.3. Pipe work is leak tested to standard operating
3.4. All ancillary devices and materials are installed to
specification according to standard operating

Variable Range
Pipe work and pipe May include, but not limited to:
work assemblies  Ferrous, non-ferrous, plastic, etc.
 Variety of sizes and or wall thickness
 Variety of joining systems such as collars, unions,
flanges, etc.
Tools May include, but not limited to:
 Pipe wrenches
 Pipe threaded
 Tree for
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 Bench vice
 Hacksaw
 Meter
 Tube bender
Enclosures May include, but not limited to:
 Metal and PVC
 HDPE (High Density Polyethylene )
Hangers and support May include, but not limited to:
systems  Pipe/tube bundle support, ties, unistrut, trays, ladder
racks, ducts, fitting etc.
Testing leak May include, but not limited to:
 water immersion, compressed air
Ancillary devices and May include, but not limited to:
materials  pipe Insulation materials, valve control systems, etc.
Legislation and May include, but not limited to:
regulations  Building regulations, gas/fluid pipeline regulations

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires that the candidate:
Competence  Plan the installation of pipe work and pipe work
 Prepare pipe work and pipe work assemblies for
 Install pipe work and assemblies
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge And  Installation techniques
Attitudes  Site and safety requirements
 Cleaning procedures and the applications and
precautions for using solvents/cleaning material
 Purging techniques, applications and precautions
 Capping/sealing pipe work and assembly methods
 Identification of location/layout of pipe work and
assemblies and application and characteristics of
enclosure/hanging/supporting systems
 Pipe work, ancillary installation and joining procedures
 Leak testing applications and uses
 Regulations and legislative requirements
 Hazards and control measures
 Use and application of personal protective equipment
 Safe work practices and procedures
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills in:
 Interpreting and following information on specifications,
standard operating procedures and other applicable
reference documents
 Planning and sequencing installation
 Preparing the site
 Preparing joining surfaces and threads
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 Purging pipe work and assembly
 Capping and sealing pipe work and assembly
 Installing enclosure/hanging /supporting assemblies
 Assembling and installing pipe work and ancillaries
 Testing installed pipe work and rectifying leaks
Resource Implications Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level II
Unit Title Operate and Monitor Pump Stations
Unit Code EIS EME2 07 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the skills required to operate and
monitor the performance of pump stations in water
systems and undertake minor maintenance of pump
stations. This may include minor maintenance tasks,
including gland adjustment, packing replacement and the
replacement of some fittings.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Plan and prepare 1.1. Pump station work requirements are determined from
work standard operating and maintenance procedures.
1.2. Site check is performed to prevent damage to other
utilities and the environment.
1.3. Equipment are selected and checked to meet safety
requirements of task and site.
1.4. Personal protective equipment are selected, fitted and
2. Operate pump 2.1. Pump station components are identified and set or
stations adjusted.
2.2. Routine security inspections and cleaning duties are
carried out.
2.3. Pump station is operated.
3. Maintain pump 3.1. Pump station components are inspected and
stations maintenance needs identified.
3.2. Minor maintenance tasks are scheduled, appropriate
materials ordered and maintenance tasks conducted.
3.3. Pump station faults are identified and reported and
minor repairs carried out.
4. Monitor and adjust 4.1. Pump station performance targets are applied.
pump station
performance 4.2. Monitoring points and timing are identified and
4.3. Pump station is monitored and adjusted, where
necessary, to maintain operational parameters.
5. Check outsourced 5.1. Completed maintenance and repairs are checked to
maintenance work meet specifications.
5.2. Return of pumping station to service is checked.
6. Finalise work 6.1. Equipment, tools and materials are checked,
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maintained and stored.
6.2. Work site is restored.
6.3. Workplace records are maintained as required.

Variable Range
Pump station May include but not limited
components  Pipe
 Pump
 Generator
 Control board
 Accessories and fittings
Minor maintenance May include but not limited
 Gland adjustment
 Packing replacement
 Replacement of some fittings.
Adjust May include but not limited
 Pressure
 Current
 Alignment
Tools and materials May include but not limited
 Wrenches
 Screw drivers
 Spanners
 Hammer
 Radio communication

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires that the candidate:
Competence  Operating and maintaining pumps and pumping
 Identifying system faults, operational problems and
 Implementing minor remedial action
 Operating service
 Responding to operational problems
 Types of pump and their operational function
 Pump and pump station operation and maintenance
procedures and standards
 Pump station monitoring points and timing of
monitoring activities
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge And  System hydraulics basics, including suction and lift
Attitudes  System layout
 Principles and purpose of pump operation
 WHS (Work Health and Safety) requirements
 Types of pump and their operational function
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 Pump and pump station operation and minor
maintenance procedures and standards
 Principles affecting selection of pump station
monitoring points and timing of monitoring activities
 Environmental aspects of operation
 Lock-out procedures for mechanical and electrical
 Relevant utilities and service bodies
 Communication systems
 Hazardous materials handling
 Equipment operation, capacity and limitations
 Effects of weather and conditions on system
 Control systems
 Pump station components
 High and low voltage requirements
 Effect of lightning strikes
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills in:
 Operating and maintaining pumps and pumping
 Identifying system faults, operational problems and
 Implementing minor remedial action
 Operating service
 Responding to operational problems
 Collecting data
 Producing reports and logs
 Using safety and personal protective equipment
 Following plans and instructions
 Performing work-related calculations
 Using communication systems
 Planning and preparing for work, including selecting
and using tools & equipment
 Conducting a security inspection
 Monitoring and adjusting pump station performance
 Checking quality of outsourced maintenance work
 Finalising work, including completing documentation
Resource Implications Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Maintenance Level II
Unit Title Operate and Monitor Electrical Generator
Unit Code EIS EME2 08 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit deals with the skills, knowledge and attitudes
required to operate, and monitor an Electrical Generator.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Plan and prepare 1.1. Safety issues are identified to comply with
work enterprise/site requirements
1.2. Work, and type of start requirements are identified
from relevant personnel and documentation
1.3. The engine running-up and loading schedule are
ascertained from relevant documentation and in
accordance with enterprise/site requirements
1.4. Localised inspection, pre operational tests and field
preparation for service are carried out in accordance
with manufacturer and enterprise/site procedures
1.5. Operational prerequisites are established in
accordance with manufacturer and enterprise/site
2. Operate Generator 2.1. Output is adjusted to achieve required generator
operating requirements and demand, observing
operational requirements
2.2. Generator is operated within limits of its design,
regulators requirements, enterprise or site
2.3. generator operation is observed to detect deviations
from required operating conditions
2.4. Abnormalities are corrected in accordance with
manufacturer and enterprise/site procedures
3. Inspect and monitor 3.1. Generator to be monitored/inspected is physically
generator operation identified
3.2. Tests are performed using tools in accordance with
defined procedures applicable to the operational test
3.3. System is observed for correct operational response
3.4. Correct action is taken using the appropriate tools and
consumables when response is not in accordance
with documentation, expected electrical output or
personnel safety requirements
3.5. generator is returned to required operational status
upon completion of test and correction

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4. Analyse generator 4.1. Cause of abnormal generator operating conditions are
faults identified by analysing the technical and operational
information in a logical and sequential manner
4.2. Actions necessary to rectify fault are correctly
4.3. Generator failure and personnel safety are maintained
through consultation with appropriate personnel, and
reference to technical and operational documentation
5. Complete 5.1. Documentation is updated and generator problems,
documentation movements, abnormalities and status are reported and
logged in accordance with enterprise/site procedures

Variable Range
Tools May Include, but not limited to:
 Pliers
 Cutters
 Screw drivers
 Testing devices:
 Multi-meter
 Megger/Insulation Resistance tester
Abnormalities May include, but not limited to:
 Abnormal readings on the V,I, frequency gauges
 Circuit breaker failure
Consumable May Include, but not limited to:
 Brush
 Cleaning close
 Cable
 Electronic components

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of OHS, statutory legislation, organizational procedures,
Competence  Operation of generator unit ,
 Operational testing,
 Analysis small generator fault
 Monitoring generator operation
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge And  Safety legislation
Attitudes  Organizational procedures
 Drawing and manufacture's manuals
 Generator excitation systems types and characteristics
 Generator theory of operation/operating, operating
principles d/f types and charactersics
 Identify purpose and types of generator components
 Automatic voltage regulators
 Alternator (dynamo) drawings and manufacturers
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 Starter motor
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills of:
 Prepare generator for operation
 Organize resources
 Apply operational diagnostic and testing techniques
identify and respond to abnormal generator operating
 Use relevant hand tools
 Communicate effectively
 Use relevant hand tools
Resource Implications Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Maintenance Level II
Carry out Machines and Equipment Programmed
Unit Title
Safety and Maintenance
Unit Code EIS EME2 09 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit covers knowledge, skills and attitudes in carrying
out programmed safety and maintenance and checking
machines and equipment.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Prepare for 1.1. Tools and supplies required to carry out programmed
scheduled maintenance tasks are identified, selected and
maintenance provided on site according to supervisor's instructions.
1.2. Pre-operational checks of machinery and equipment
are carried out and adjustments made according to
manufacturers specifications and/or enterprise
1.3. Faulty or unsafe machinery and equipment are
identified and segregated for repair or replacement
according to enterprise requirements.
1.4. OHS hazards in the workplace are identified and
reported to the supervisor
2. Carry out 2.1. Suitable personal protective equipment are used
maintenance and maintained according to OHS requirements.
2.2. Servicing of machinery and equipment are carried out
according to operator’s manual/manufacturers
specifications and supervisor's instructions.
2.3. Removal/Replacement of consumable components
is undertaken to prescribed procedure and instructions
2.4. Fluids and lubricants are replaced and/or topped up to
prescribed schedule
2.5. Work is conducted according to OHS requirements
and completed to supervisor's satisfaction
3. Complete 3.1. Tools are cleaned, returned to operating order and
maintenance work stored according to manufacturers’ specifications and
enterprise requirements.
3.2. Environmental procedures are followed and waste
from maintenance activities is collected, treated and
disposed or recycled according to enterprise
3.3. Work area is cleaned and maintained according to
OHS and enterprise requirements.
3.4. Malfunctions, faults, wear or damage to tools are
reported to the supervisor and in accordance with
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enterprise procedures

Variable Range
Tool and supplies May include, but not limited to:
 Tools include but not limited to measuring tools,
 Supplies/materials include but not limited to
kerosene, lubricants, rags and cloths, calculators, tables,
manufacturer’s manual
 Machines include but not limited to generators ,
pumps etc
Personal protective May include, but not limited to:
equipment  Safety gadgets include but not limited to goggles,
gloves, aprons, overcoats, safety shoes
Consumable May include, but not limited to:
components  Spares, and all fast moving parts
 Fuel , kerosene, lubricants, rags and cloths

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires that the candidate:
Competence  Prepare for scheduled maintenance
 Carry out maintenance
 Complete maintenance work
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge And  Programmed maintenance and safety check
Attitudes procedures for the specified machine/equipment
 Recording/reporting requirements
 Hazards and control measures associated with
operational maintenance of machines/equipment
 Drawings , machining tolerances, basic metallurgy,
basic machine drawing, basic hydraulic systems, bench
work, power hack saw operations, machine elements
and arc welding technology
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 Interpreting programmed maintenance and safety
check procedures for the specified machine/equipment
 Apply recording/reporting requirements
 Following safe work practices and procedures
 Apply basic hydraulic system maintenance
procedures, work shop operations and basic electricity
and electronics
Resource Implications Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
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Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level II
Unit Title Inspect and Service Engines
Unit Code EIS EME2 10 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes required to
inspect and service engines. It involves preparing for the
task, inspecting the engine, reporting the inspection
findings, servicing and adjusting the engine, and
completing workplace processes and documentation.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Prepare to inspect 1.1. Job requirements are determined from workplace
and service engine instructions
1.2. Servicing information is sourced and interpreted
1.3. Hazards associated with the work are identified and
risks are managed
1.4. Tools, equipment and materials are selected and
checked for serviceability
2. Inspect engine 2.1. Inspection is carried out according to manufacturer
specifications, workplace procedures and safety
2.2. Inspection results are compared with manufacturer
2.3. Inspection findings are reported according to
workplace procedures, including recommendations for
necessary repairs or adjustments
3. Engine service 3.1. Service and adjustments are carried out according to
manufacturer specifications, workplace procedures,
and safety and environmental requirements, and
without causing damage to components or systems
3.2. Post-service testing is carried out according to
workplace procedures
4. Complete work 4.1. Final inspection is made to ensure work according to
processes workplace expectations and machinery is presented
ready for use
4.2. Work area is cleaned, waste and non-recyclable
materials are disposed of, and recyclable material is
4.3. Tools and equipment are checked and stored
according to workplace procedures
4.4. Workplace documentation are processed according to
workplace procedures
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Variable Range
Inspection May include, but not limited to:
 Pre- and post-service inspections for fluid leaks
 Analysing abnormal engine noises
 Inspecting ancillary components.
Safety requirements May include, but not limited to:
 Using personal protective equipment
 Work Health and Safety (WHS) and Occupational
Health and Safety (OHS) requirements, including
procedures for working with:
 Rotating and hot components
 Engine oils
 High energy ignition and charging systems.
Service May include, but not limited to:
 Replacing oil, oil filter and fuel filter
 Belt adjustment
Environmental May include, but not limited to:
requirements  Procedures for trapping, storing and disposing of fluids
released from engines.
Post-service testing May include, but not limited to:
 Starting up and running engine to operating
 Post-service inspections & checking for fluid leaks and
abnormal noises.
 Analysing abnormal engine noises
 Inspecting ancillary components.

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence  Service and adjustment procedures for engines
 Inspect engine systems
 Service engine
Underpinning knowledge Must demonstrate knowledge of:
and attitudes  Work Health and Safety (WHS) and Occupational
Health and Safety (OHS) requirements relating to
inspecting and servicing engines, including procedures
for working with:
 Rotating and hot components
 Engine oils
 High energy ignition and charging systems
 Environmental requirements, including procedures
for trapping, storing and disposing of fluids released
from engines
 Inspection procedures for engines, including:
 Oil and fluid leaks
 Ancillary components, including:
 Mountings
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 Belts, pulleys and hoses
 Service and adjustment procedures for engines,
 adjusting or replacing engine components
 replacing oil
 replacing filter
 post-service testing procedures for engines.
Underpinning skills Must demonstrate skills of:
 inspect and service the engines, including replacing the
engine oil and filters.
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level II
Unit Title Participate in Workplace Communication
Unit Code EIS EME2 11 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to gather, interpret and convey information in
response to workplace requirements.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Obtain and convey 1.1. Specific and relevant information is accessed from
workplace appropriate sources.
1.2. Effective questioning, active listening and speaking
skills are used to gather and convey information.
1.3. Appropriate medium is used to transfer information
and ideas.
1.4. Appropriate non- verbal communication is used.
1.5. Appropriate lines of communication with supervisors
and colleagues are identified and followed.
1.6. Defined workplace procedures for the location and
storage of information are used.
1.7. Personal interaction is carried out clearly and
2. Participate in 2.1. Team meetings are attended on time.
workplace meetings
and discussions 2.2. Own opinions are clearly expressed and those of
others are listened to without interruption.
2.3. Meeting inputs are made consistent with the meeting
purpose and protocols established.
2.4. Workplace interactions are conducted in a courteous
2.5. Questions about simple routine workplace
procedures and matters concerning working
conditions of employment are asked and
2.6. Meetings outcomes are interpreted and implemented.
3. Complete relevant 3.1. Range of forms relating to conditions of employment
work related is completed accurately and legibly.
3.2. Workplace data is recorded on standard workplace
forms and documents.
3.3. Basic mathematical processes are used for routine
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3.4. Errors in recording information on forms/documents
are identified and properly acted upon.
3.5. Reporting requirements to supervisor are completed
according to organizational guidelines.

Variable Range
Appropriate sources May include, but not limited to:
 Team members
 Suppliers
 Trade personnel
 Local government and Industry bodies
Medium May include, but not limited to:
 Memorandum
 Circular
 Notice
 Information discussion
 Follow-up or verbal instructions & Face to face
Storage May include manual filing and computer-based filing
Protocols May include, but not limited to:
 Observing meeting
 Compliance with meeting decisions
 Obeying meeting instructions
Workplace interactions May include, but not limited to:
 Face to face
 Telephone
 Electronic and two way radio
 Written including electronic, memos, instruction and
forms, non-verbal including gestures, signals, signs
and diagrams
Forms May include but not limited to personnel forms, telephone
message forms, safety reports

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge to:
Competence  Prepare written communication following standard
format of the organization
 Access information using communication equipment
 Make use of relevant terms as an aid to transfer
information effectively
 Convey information effectively adopting the formal or
informal communication
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and Attitudes  Effective communication
 Different modes of communication

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 Written communication
 Organizational policies
 Communication procedures and systems
 Technology relevant to the enterprise and the
individual’s work responsibilities
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills to:
 Follow simple spoken language
 Perform routine workplace duties following simple
written notices
 Participate in workplace meetings and discussions
 Complete work related documents
 Estimate, calculate and record routine workplace
 Do basic mathematical processes of addition,
subtraction, division and multiplication
 relate to people of social range in the workplace
 Gather and provide information in response to
workplace Requirements
Resource Implications Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level II
Unit Title Work in Team Environment
Unit Code EIS EME2 12 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to
identify role and responsibility as a member of a team.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Describe team role 1.1. The role and objective of the team are identified
and scope from available sources of information.
1.2. Team parameters, reporting relationships and
responsibilities are identified from team discussions
and appropriate external sources.
2. Identify own role 2.1. Individual role and responsibilities within the team
and responsibility environment are identified.
within team
2.2. Roles and responsibility of other team members are
identified and recognized.
2.3. Reporting relationships within team and external to
team are identified.
3. Work as a team 3.1. Effective and appropriate forms of communications
member are used and interactions undertaken with team
members who contribute to known team activities and
3.2. Effective and appropriate contributions are made to
complement team activities and objectives, based on
individual skills and competencies and workplace
3.3. Protocols are observed in reporting using standard
operating procedures.
3.4. Contribution is made to the development of team
work plans based on an understanding of team’s role
and objectives and individual competencies of the

Variable Range
Role and objective of May include, but not limited to:
team  Work activities in a team environment with
enterprise or specific sector
 Limited discretion, initiative and judgment maybe
demonstrated on the job, either individually or in a team
Sources of information May include, but not limited to:
 Standard operating and/or other workplace
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 Job procedures
 Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications
and instructions
 Organizational or external personnel
 Client/supplier instructions
 Quality standards
 OHS and environmental standards
Workplace context May include, but not limited to:
 Work procedures and practices
 Conditions of work environments
 Legislation and industrial agreements
 Standard work practice including the storage, safe
handling and disposal of chemicals
 Safety, environmental, housekeeping and quality

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge to:
Competence  Operate in a team to complete workplace activity
 Work effectively with others
 Convey information in written or oral form
 Select and use appropriate workplace language
 Follow designated work plan for the job
 Report outcomes
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and Attitude  Communication process
 Team structure
 Team roles
 Group planning and decision making
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills to:
 Communicate appropriately, consistent with the
culture of the workplace
Resource Implications Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level II
Unit Title Develop Business Practice
Unit Code EIS EME2 13 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit covers knowledge, skills and attitude required to
establish a business operation from a planned concept. It
includes researching the feasibility of establishing a
business operation, planning the setting up of the
business, implementing the plan and reviewing operations
once commenced, customer handling, developing and
maintaining business relationships.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Identify business 1.1. The concept of paradigm shift and means of divergent
opportunities and thinking are elaborated and strategies to look beyond
business skills the boundaries are discussed.
1.2. Unusual business opportunities are identified.
1.3. Feasibility on business skills and personal attributes
is assessed and matched against those perceived as
necessary for a particular business opportunity.
1.4. New behavior on how problems can be the pivotal
source of business opportunity is elaborated and
experience taken.
1.5. Assistance sought with feasibility study of specialist
and relevant parties is discussed, as required.
1.6. Impact of emerging or changing technology, including
e-commerce, on business operations is evaluated.
1.7. Practicability of business opportunity is assessed in line
with perceived business risks, returns sought,
personal preferences and resources available.
1.8. Business plan is revised in accordance with the
identified opportunities.
2. Plan for the 2.1. Organizational structure and operations are
establishment of determined and documented.
business operation
2.2. Procedures are developed and documented to
guide operations.
2.3. Financial backing is secured for business
2.4. Business legal and regulatory requirements are
identified and compiled.
2.5. Human and physical resources required to
commence business operation are determined.
2.6. Recruitment and procurement strategies are
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3. Implement business 3.1. Physical and human resources are obtained to
development plan implement business operation.
3.2. Operational unit is established to support and
coordinate business operation.
3.3. Simulations on the development plan are well
discussed and understood.
3.4. Implementation manual is discussed and
3.5. Marketing the business operation is undertaken.
3.6. Monitoring process is developed and implemented
for managing operation.
3.7. Legal documents are carefully maintained and
relevant records kept and updated to ensure validity
and accessibility.
3.8. Contractual procurement rights for goods and
services including contracts with relevant people are
negotiated and secured as required in accordance with
the business plan.
3.9. Options for leasing/ownership of business premises
are identified and contractual arrangements completed
in accordance with the business plan.
4. Review 4.1. Review process is developed and implemented for
implementation implementation of business operation.
process and take
corrective measures 4.2. Improvements in business operation and
associated management process are identified.
4.3. Identified improvements are implemented and
monitored for effectiveness.
5. Establish contact 5.1. Persuasion strategies are developed and
with customers and discussed.
clarify needs of
customer 5.2. Welcoming customer environment is maintained
and Customer is greeted warmly according to
enterprise policies and procedures.
5.3. Information is provided to satisfy customer needs.
5.4. Information on customers and service history is
gathered for analysis.
5.5. Customer data is maintained to ensure database
relevance and currency.
5.6. Customer needs are accurately assessed against
the products/services of the enterprise.
5.7. Customer details are documented clearly and
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accurately in required format.
5.8. Negotiations are conducted in a business-like and
professional manner.
5.9. Benefits for all parties are maximized in the
negotiation through use of established
techniques and in the context of establishing long
term relationships.
5.10. The results of negotiations are communicated to
appropriate colleagues and stakeholders within
appropriate timeframes.
5.11. Opportunities to maintain regular contact with
customers are identified and taken-up.
6. Develop and 6.1. Features and benefits of products/services
Maintain Business provided by the enterprise are described/
Relationship recommended to meet customer needs.
6.2. Alternative sources of information/advice are
discussed with the customer.
6.3. Information needed is pro-actively sought, reviewed
and acted upon to maintain sound business
6.4. Agreements are honored within the scope of
individual responsibility.
6.5. Adjustments to agreements are made in
consultation with the customer and information shared
with appropriate colleagues.
6.6. Relationships are nurtured through regular contact
and use of effective interpersonal and communication

Variable Range
Unusual Business May include, but not limited to:
opportunities  Public holidays
 Ceremonies
 Natural disaster
 Campaigns
Business opportunities May include, but not limited to:
 Expected financial viability
 Skills of operator
 Amount and types of finance available
 Returns expected or required by owners
 Likely return on investment
 finance required
 Lifestyle issues
Business skills and May include, but not limited to:
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personal attributes  Technical and/ or specialist skills
 Managerial skills
 Entrepreneurial skills
 Taking calculated risk skills
 Willingness to take calculated risks
 Willingness to work under pressure
Specialist and relevant May include, but not limited to:
parties  Chamber of commerce
 Financial planners and financial institution
representatives, business planning specialists and
marketing specialists
 Accountants
 Lawyers and providers of legal advice
 Government agencies
 Industry/trade associations
 Online gateways
 Business brokers/business consultants
Business risks May include, but not limited to:
 Occupational health and safety
 Environmental risks
 Relevant legislative requirements
 Security of investment
 Market competition
 Security of premises/location
 Supply and demand
 Resources available
Human and physical May include, but not limited to:
resources  Software and hardware
 Office premises and equipment
 Communications equipment
 Specialist services through outsourcing, contracting
and consultancy
 Staff
 Vehicles
Operational unit May include, but not limited to different departments,
sections, teams, divisions, etc. staffed with required
personnel and equipped to service and support business
Legal documents May include, but not limited to:
 Partnership agreements, constitution documents,
statutory books for companies (register of members,
register of directors and minute books), certificate of
Incorporation, franchise agreements and financial
documentation, appropriate software for financial
 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
 Recordkeeping including personnel, financial, taxation,
and environmental
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Contracts with relevant May include, but not limited to:
people  business owners, suppliers, employees, agents, land
owners, distributors, customers or any person with
whom the business has, or seeks to have, a
performance-based relationship
Negotiation techniques May include, but not limited to:
 Identification of goals, limits
 Clarification of needs of all parties
 Listening and questioning
 Non-verbal communication techniques
 Appropriate language and situation
 Bargaining
 Developing options
 Appropriate cultural behavior
 Confirming agreements
Opportunities to to maintain regular contact with customers May include,
maintain but not limited to:
regular contact  Informal social occasions
 Ceremonies
 Exhibitions
 Industry functions
 Association membership
 Co-operative promotions
 Program of regular telephone contact

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates knowledge and skills in:
Competence  That a business operation has been planned and
implemented from initial research of feasibility of the
business and completion of the plan, through
implementing the plan and commencing operations
 The ability to evaluate the results of research and
assess the likely viability and practicability of a
business opportunity, taking into account the current
business/market climate and resources available
 Treating customers in a courteous and professional
 Building and maintaining relationships to achieve
successful business outcomes
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  Paradigm shift
Attitudes  Unusual business opportunities
 Feasibility study
 Business structure
 Federal and regional government legislative
requirements affecting business operations, especially
in regard to OHS, EEO, industrial relations and anti-
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 Procurement and recruitment strategy
 Operational unit
 Monitoring process
 Business systems and operations
 Relevant marketing, management, sales and financial
 Options for financing
 Business premises and ownership
 Lease
 Methods for researching business opportunities
 Methods of identifying relevant specialist services to
complement the business
 Advertising and promotion
 Distribution and logistics
 Terms and conditions in contractual agreement
 Record keeping duties
 Operational factors relating to the business (provision
of professional services, products)
 Customer need assessment
 Source of information
 Operational knowledge of enterprise policies and
procedures in regard to:
 customer service
 dealing with difficult customers
 maintenance of customer databases
 allocated duties/responsibilities
 General knowledge of the range of enterprise
merchandise and services, location of telephone
extensions and departments/sections
 Basic operational knowledge of industry/workplace
codes of practice in relation to customer service
 negotiation and communication techniques appropriate
to negotiations that may be of significant commercial
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills of:
 Hunting and exploiting unusual business opportunities
 Interpreting legal requirements, company policies and
procedures and immediate, day-to-day demands
 Conducting feasibility study
 Developing new behavior
 Using technology
 Marketing skills
 Business planning skills
 Entrepreneurial skills
 Time management skills
 Customer handling skills
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 Communication skills including questioning, clarifying,
reporting, and giving and receiving constructive
 Technical and analytical skills to interpret business
documents, reports and financial statements and
 Ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural
and ethnic backgrounds and physical and mental
 Problem solving skills to develop contingency plans
 Using computers and software packages to record and
manage data and to produce reports
 Interpreting business information, numeracy skills for
data analysis to aid research
 Negotiation to conduct business activities
 Research to identify a business opportunity and to
conduct a feasibility study
 Analytical skills to assess personal attributes and to
identify business risks
 Observation skills for identifying appropriate people,
resources and to monitor work
 Persuasion and networking skills
 Welcoming customers
 Information seeking skills to collect, organize and
understand information related to collating and
analyzing customer information to identify needs
 Establish diagnostic processes which identify and
recommend improvements to customer service
Resource Implications Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level II
Unit Title Standardize and Sustain 3S
Unit Code EIS EME2 14 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit of competence covers the knowledge, skills and
attitudes required by worker to standardize and sustain 3S
to his/her workplace. It covers responsibility for the day- to-
day operations of the workplace and ensuring that
continuous improvements of Kaizen elements are initiated
and institutionalized.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Prepare for work. 1.1. Work instructions are used to determine job
requirements, including method, material and
1.2. Job specifications are read and interpreted following
working manual.
1.3. OHS requirements, including dust and fume
collection, breathing apparatus and eye and ear
personal protection needs are observed throughout
the work.
1.4. Safety equipment and tools are identified and
checked for safe and effective operation.
1.5. Tools and equipment are prepared and used to
implement 3S.
2. Standardize 3S. 2.1. Plan is prepared and used to standardize 3S activities.
2.2. Tools and techniques to standardize 3S are
prepared and implemented based on relevant
2.3. Checklists are followed for standardize activities and
reported to relevant personnel.
2.4. The workplace is kept to the specified standard.
2.5. Problems are avoided by standardizing activities.
3. Sustain 3S. 3.1. Plan is prepared and followed to standardize 3S
3.2. Tools and techniques to sustain 3S are discussed,
prepared and implemented based on relevant
3.3. Workplace is inspected regularly for compliance to
specified standard and sustainability of 3S techniques.
3.4. Workplace is cleaned up after completion of job and
before commencing next job or end of shift.
3.5. Situations are identified where compliance to
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standards is unlikely and actions specified in
procedures are taken.
3.6. Improvements are recommended to lift the level of
compliance in the workplace.
3.7. Checklists are followed to sustain activities and report
to relevant personnel.
3.8. Problems are avoided by sustaining activities.

Variable Range
OHS requirements May include, but not limited to:
 Are to be in accordance with legislation/
regulations/codes of practice and enterprise safety
policies and procedures. This may include protective
clothing and equipment, use of tooling and equipment,
workplace environment and safety, handling of
material, use of firefighting equipment, enterprise first
aid, hazard control and hazardous materials and
 Personal protective equipment is to include that
prescribed under legislation/regulations/codes of
practice and workplace policies and practices.
 Safe operating procedures are to include, but are not
limited to the conduct of operational risk assessment
and treatments associated with workplace organization.
 Emergency procedures related to this unit are to
include but may not be limited to emergency shutdown
and stopping of equipment, extinguishing fires,
enterprise first aid requirements and site evacuation.
Safety equipment and May include, but not limited to:
tools  Dust masks/goggles
 Glove
 Working cloth
 First aid and safety shoes
Tools and equipment May include, but not limited to:
 Paint
 Hook
 Sticker
 Signboard
 Nails
 Shelves
 Chip wood
 Sponge
 Broom
 Pencil
 Shadow board/Tools board
Tools and techniques May include, but not limited to:
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 5S Job Cycle Charts
 Visual 5S
 The Five Minute 5S
 Standardization level checklist
 5S checklist
 The five Whys and one How approach(5W1H)
 Suspension
 Incorporation and Use Elimination
Relevant procedures May include, but not limited to:
 Assign 3S responsibilities
 Integrate 3S duties into regular work duties
 Check on 3S maintenance level
 OHS measures such as signage, symbols / coding and
labeling of workplace and equipment
 Creating conditions to sustain your plans
 Roles in implementation
Reporting May include, but not limited to:
 Verbal responses
 Data entry into enterprise database
 Brief written reports using enterprise report formats
Relevant personnel May include, but not limited to:
 Supervisors, managers and quality managers
 Administrative, laboratory and production personnel
 Internal/external contractors, customers and suppliers
Tools and techniques May include, but not limited to:
 5S slogans
 5S posters
 5S photo exhibits and storyboards
 5S newsletter
 5S maps
 5S pocket manuals
 5S department/benchmarking tours
 5S months
 5S audit
 Awarding system
 Big cleaning day
 Patrolling system May include, but not limited to:
 Top management Patrol
 5S Committee members and Promotion office Patrol
 Mutual patrol
 Self-patrol
 Checklist and Camera patrols

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge to:
Competence  Discuss the relationship between Kaizen elements.
 Standardize and sustain 3S activities by applying
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appropriate tools and techniques.
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  Elements of Kaizen
Attitudes  Ways to improve Kaizen elements
 Benefits of improving kaizen elements
 Relationship between Kaizen elements
 The fourth pillar of 5S
 Benefits of standardizing and sustaining 3S
 Procedures for standardizing and sustaining 3S
 Tools and techniques to sustain 3S
 Relevant Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and
environment requirements
 Plan and report
 Method of communication
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills of:
 Improving Kaizen elements by applying 5S
 Standardizing and sustaining procedures and
techniques to avoid problems
 Technical drawing
 Procedures to standardizing 3S activities
 Analyzing and preparing shop layout of the workplace
 Standardizing and sustaining checklists
 Preparing and implementing tools and techniques to
sustain 3S
 Working with others
 Reading and interpreting documents
 Observing situations
 Solving problems by applying 5S
 Communication skills
 Preparing labels, slogans, etc.
 Gathering evidence by using different means
 Using kaizen board properly in accordance the
 Reporting activities and results using report formats
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level III
Unit Title Calibrate Instrumentation and Control Devices
Unit Code EIS EME3 01 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed
to calibrate instrumentation and control devices.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Plan and prepare for 1.1. Instrumentation and control devices to be calibrated
calibration are identified based on job/service order or instructions
1.2. Calibration is planned and prepared in line with job
1.3. Materials necessary to complete the work are
obtained in accordance with established procedures
and checked against job requirements
1.4. Instrumentation and control devices for calibration
are checked against specifications and requirements.
1.5. OH S policies and procedures are followed in line
with job requirements.
1.6. Instruction and calibration standards are followed in
line with the job requirements.
1.7. Tools, equipment and testing devices needed for
calibration are obtained and checked for correct
operation and safety
2. Calibrate 2.1. Appropriate personal protective equipment are used
instrumentation and based on OH S policies and procedures.
control devices
2.2. Normal functions of devices are checked in
accordance with manufacturer’s instructions &
standard procedures.
2.3. Instrumentation and control devices to be calibrated
are conditioned according to plan or standards
2.4. Fault/s or problem/s in the device is/are diagnosed in
line with the standard operating procedures.
2.5. Instrumentation and control devices are calibrated and
/ or adjusted in line with the standard operating
2.6. Unplanned events or conditions are responded to in
accordance with established procedures
3. Inspect and test 3.1. Final inspections are undertaken to ensure that the
calibrate instruments calibration done on the device conforms with the
and control devices manufacturer’s instruction/manual
3.2. Instrumentation and control devices are checked and
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tested based on safety procedures.
3.3. Report is prepared/completed according to enterprise

Variable Range
Materials May include, but not limited to:
 Standard connecting cables with plugs, connectors
 Sealing materials
 Pipes/tubes and fittings
Instruments and control May include, but not limited to:
devices  Sensors/Transmitters/Transducers
 Indicators both analogue and digital
 Controllers including PLC controlled devices
 Control valves
 Actuators
 Recorders
 Annunciator associated with the installed devices
 Process switches
OHS policies and May include, but not limited to:
procedures  OH S guidelines
 Ethiopian environmental proclamations and
Tools May include, but not limited to:
 Pliers (assorted)
 Screw drivers (assorted)
 Soldering iron/gun
 Wrenches(assorted)
 Water level
 tri-square
 Measuring tape
 Calipers
 Gauges
Equipment and testing May include, but not limited to:
devices  Calibration bench
 Air condition Equipped room
 Air supply equipment or instrument
 Power supply equipment
 Multi-meter
 Calibrator or programmer, instrument transducer
 Signal generator
 Oscilloscope
 Standard gauges
Personal protective May include, but not limited to:
equipment  Ear muffs/plugs
 Goggles/glasses/face shield
 Safety hat, mask and gloves
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 Safety apparel/suit
 Safety belt/harness
 Safety shoes
Fault/s or problem/s May include, but not limited to:
 Mechanical
 Electronics
 Electrical
 Computer-based
Instrumentation and May include, but not limited to:
control standards  ISA (Instrumentation, Systems and Automation)
Society (formerly Instrument Society of Ethiopia)
 ANSI (Ethiopian National Standards Institute)
 ASME (Ethiopian Society of Mechanical Engineers)
 NEC (National Electric Code)
 IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)
 Instrumentation and control standards
May include, but not limited to:
 ISA (Instrumentation, Systems and Automation)
Society (formerly Instrument Society of Ethiopia)
 ANSI (Ethiopian National Standards Institute)
 ASME (Ethiopian Society of Mechanical Engineers)
 NEC (National Electric Code)
 IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)
 Instrumentation and control standards

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate :
Competence  Interpreted work instructions according to job
 Conditioned appropriately instrument or device to be
 Calibrated and/ or adjusted identified devices
diagnosed faults or problems on the devices
 Checked calibrated devices to ensure safety
 Documented the tasks undertaken
 Performed operational(calbrational) standard
Underpinning Demonstrate Knowledge:
Knowledge  Occupational health and safety
 Instrumentation & Control standards
 Use of tools and test equipment and calibrators
 Mathematical calculations
 Electrical and electronics theories
 Wiring techniques
 Drawing interpretation
 Soldering techniques
 Principles of Instrumentation
 Process variable measurements (pressure, level,
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flow, temperature, analysis, etc.)
 Process control theory
 Process Control System (single-loop & multi-loop
controllers, DCS, DAS, SCADA, etc)
 Sensors, transmitters, transducers & converters
 Programmable logic controllers
 Control valves and final control elements
 Computer operations
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate Skills
 Interpret work instructions
 Interpret and define work procedures
 Selection & use of proper tools & equipment
 Calibration/configuration skills
 Problem solving in unplanned events
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level III
Unit Title Install Electromechanical Machine and Drives
Unit code EIS EME3 02 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
necessary to install the electrical machines and drives.

Elements Performance criteria

1. Plan and prepare 1.1. Work instructions are read and interpreted to
for installation determine job requirements.
1.2. Tools and testing devices needed to carry out the
installation work are selected in accordance with
established procedures and checked for correct
operation and safety.
1.3. Materials necessary to complete the work are
obtained in accordance with job requirements.
2. Install electrical
2.1. Appropriate personal protective equipment is worn
machines and in line with standard operating procedures.
2.2. OHS policies and procedures for installation are
followed in line with the job requirements.
2.3. Electrical machines and drives devices are installed
in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions,
requirements, and without damage to the surrounding
place or environment
2.4. Unplanned events or conditions are responded to in
accordance with established procedures
3. Test installed 3.1. Electrical machines and drives are tested in
electrical machines accordance with manufacturer’s instruction
and drives
3.2. Final inspections are undertaken to ensure that the
installed electrical machines and drives conform to
manufacturer’s instruction.
3.3. Report on installation and testing of equipment is
prepared according to company’s procedures/policies.
3 Clean-up 3.1. Work site is cleaned and cleared of all debris and left
safe in accordance with the company requirement

Variable Range
Tools May include, but not limited to:
Section I.1 Pliers; assorted
 Screwdrivers; assorted
 Wrenches; assorted
Testing devices May include, but not limited to:
 Electrical hand tools (pliers, screwdrivers,
wrenches, wires, splicer, knife, wire stripper)
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 Multi-testers, mega-ohmmeter, clamp ammeter
 Tachometer
 Pressure gauge
 Industrial thermometer
 Frequency meter
 Flow meters
 Multi-tester
Materials May include, but not limited to:
 Wires
 Terminal lugs
 Terminal blocks
 Terminal wire marker
 Tubing
 Tube fittings
 Teflon sealant
Personal protective May include, but not limited to:
equipment  Safety hat
 Safety shoes
 Ear muffs
 Goggles
 Safety belt/Harness
 Gloves
 Mask
OHS policies and May include, but not limited to:
procedures  OHS guidelines
 Ethiopian environmental standards
Electrical machines and May include, but not limited to:
drives devices  Generator
 Pump
 Motor
 Actuators, Servo & Stepper Motors, Frequency
drives, Transducers, Transmitters, Buzzers, Limit
switches, Magnetic contactors, sensors, relays,

Evidence guide
Critical Aspect of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence  Correctly interpreted work instructions
 Selected appropriate tools, testing instruments and
materials for electrical wiring installation
 Selected and used correct personal protective
 Followed criteria for installation and wiring of
electrical devices, auxiliary and protection system
 Followed safety procedures
 Undertaken checks of quality of the work in
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accordance with instructions and job requirements
 Demonstrated good working attitudes
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge of:
knowledge  Materials use and specification
 Understand economic use of material
 Safe working procedures (including works in
hazardous locations)
 Correct procedures in installing electrical wiring
 Kinds of lighting fixtures and its application
 Basic Electronics
 Motor Controllers
 Motors, pumps and Generators
 Power Calculation
 Time Management
 Measurement
 Pneumatics/Electro-pneumatics
 Basic Computer operations
Underpinning skills Demonstrate skills of:
 Interpreting plan and details
 Planning and coordinating work scheduling
 Able in determining and classifying work
 Preparing materials
 Proper using of hand tools
 Splicing conductors
 Dressing/harnessing of wires and Terminating wires
 Crimping/ Soldering wires and connectors
 Storing excess materials properly
 Cleaning worksite, tools and equipment
 Installing electrical wiring materials, equipment and
 Operating computer
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level III
Unit Title Rewind Electrical Motors and Transformers
Unit Code EIS EME3 03 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed
in performing electrical motors and transformers rewinding.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Gather data 1.1. Internal and external data and other important
information about motor/transformer are taken and
recorded in accordance to the original design
1.2. Terminal connections of the motors are recorded based
on the original data
1.3. Coil-layout/block diagram/schematic diagram and the
phase and pole arrangements of motor/transformer are
1.4. Collected records and data of the motor/transformer are
securely and properly kept
2. Prepare materials, 2.1. Appropriate equipment, measuring instruments and
tools and tools are prepared and checked for proper operation and
equipment safety
2.2. Quantity, usage and specifications of materials and
supplies are verified according to the taken data of the
2.3. Alternative materials, supplies, equipment and
measuring instruments are provided without
compromising the cost and quality of work.
3. Perform rewinding 3.1. Proper procedures are implemented in removing the old
winding and ensuring no damage in the slot and the slot
3.2. Slots are insulated in accordance to the size and
dimension of the removed insulation
3.3. Windings are coiled in accordance to the original design
of the motor/transformer.
3.4. Safety practices are followed in the insertion of the coils
into the core/stator.
3.5. Newly inserted winding is connected and labeled based
on the original design or previous circuit connections.
3.6. Proper way of lacing the coils is followed to keep the
coils in good shape and to fit inside the stator/casing
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3.7. Baking and varnishing of the motor/transformer coils
must be applied in accordance to the manufacturer’s
3.8. Checks and tests are conducted in line to the
requirements of the standards rewinding testing
4. Report completion 4.1. Immediate in-charge is notified upon completion of work
of work
4.2. Tools, equipment and any excess resources and
materials are cleaned, checked and returned to storage
area in accordance with enterprise procedures
4.3. Work area is cleaned up and made safe in accordance
with OHS requirements

Variable Range
Internal and external May include, but not limited to:
data  Nameplate data/external data:
 Voltage rating
 No. of phase, Frequency
 Current rating
 Power rating, Serial no
 Service factor
 Weight and Temperature
 Connection
 Terminal markings
 Internal data:
 No. of slots
 No. strands
 Wire size
 Winding form
 Insulation
 Coil pitch
 Connection
 Wire type
 No. of group
Motors May include, but not limited to:
 AC & DC motor:
 Three-phase & Single phase motors
Coil layout May include, but not limited to:
 Layout position of coil inside the slot/core/stator
 Layout connection of terminals inside the stator
Materials, tools and May include, but not limited to:
equipment  Motor/transformer automatic rewinding machine
 Bench-Vice
 Manual rewinder
 Coil’s cutting machine
 Hand Insulation cutter/scissor
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 Coil form
 Motor holder
 Drying oven
 Wire holder coil’s removing machine
 Measuring instrument:
 Tachometer
 Clamp-on ammeter
 Torque measuring instrument
 Insulation resistance tester/megger
Checks and tests May include, but not limited to:
 Continuity test:
 Completely filled-up continuity test report
 Instrument calibrated and certified annually Used of
appropriate test instrument (e.g. analog/digital, multi-
meter or ohmmeter)
 Electrical insulation test:
 Megger test data sheet filled-up completely
 Accuracy of test result obtained within tolerable limit
 Ground test:
 Instrument calibrated and certified annually
 Test report completely filled-up
 Test reading accuracy is obtained with tolerance limit
(5 ohm) 3 point method
 Polarity test:
 Appropriate instrument is used in the testing
 Connection of north & south pole
 Phase sequence test:
 Appropriate instrument is used in the testing
 Tagging power line in accordance of phase sequence
results from the main distribution panel down to the
 Completely filled-up report in accordance with the test
 Load test:
 Appropriate instrument is used in the testing
 Load test reading accuracy within tolerance limit
 Voltage test:
 Appropriate instrument is used in the testing
 Accuracy of test result is obtained within tolerable limit
 Winding resistance test:
 Appropriate instrument is used in the testing
 Instrument calibrated and certified annually
 Winding Resistance Test Data Sheet completely
 Revolution per minute test
 Free running test:
 Appropriate instrument is used in the testing
 Test reading accuracy is obtained within tolerable limit
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 Test report complete filled-up
 Open/short circuit test:
 Appropriate instrument is used in the testing
 Instrument calibrated and certified annually
 Test reading accuracy is obtained with tolerable limit
 Test report completely filled-up
 Dielectric strength test:
 Appropriate instrument is used in the testing
 Test procedure for dielectric strength of oil followed
 Reading accuracy of test result is obtained
 Test Data Sheet completely filled-up
 Voltage excitation test:
 Appropriate instrument is used in the testing
 Reading accuracy of test result is obtained within
tolerable limit equal or below nameplate rating
 Test Data Sheet completely filled-up

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspect of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence  Identified common faults and troubles on motors
and transformers
 Identified cause of motor/transformer troubles
 Followed maintenance and troubleshooting
 Analyzed and interpreted electrical machine circuit
 Performed correct motor/transformer rewinding
 Demonstrated understanding on safety regulations
applicable to worksite operations
 Demonstrated understanding on the use of
electrical testing equipment
 Demonstrated understanding on final inspection
 Accomplished service report forms
 Coordinated effectively with others to ensure safe
and effective work operations
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  Handling of equipment, tools, materials and
Attitudes consumables
 Principles of transformer and electric motors
 Motor/transformer rewinding
 How to operate and use the test instruments
 Interpretation on motor/transformer schematic
 Motor and transformer preventive maintenance
 Measurement and calculation of parameters
 Computer operations
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 Occupational health & safety procedures
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 Interpret schematic diagram and coil’s
 Trace and draw motor coil’s layout
 Perform electrical test
 Use test instruments
 Troubleshoot skills
 Practice safe working habits
 Operate computers
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level III
Operate and Install Programmable Logic Controller
Unit Title
Unit Code EIS EME3 04 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit covers knowledge, skills and attitude to operate
and install basic programmable logic control using a hand
program loader.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Plan and prepare for 1.1. OH S policies and procedures are observed in line
installation with job requirements.
1.2. Work instructions are read and interpreted to
determine job requirements.
1.3. Tools and testing devices needed to carry out the
installation work are selected in accordance with
established procedures and checked for correct
operation and safety.
1.4. Materials and components necessary to complete
the work are obtained in accordance with job
2. Write and test basic 2.1. Programs are written in accordance with programming
programs using a rules
hand program loader
2.2. Appropriate language is used according to
2.3. Programs are loaded into a PLC.
2.4. The operation of programs is tested with assistance
from a supervisor.
2.5. Test processes are reviewed to ensure defect-free
PLC program
2.6. Programs are verified by the supervisor
2.7. External documentation and back-up programs
required for users are created/prepared according to
company standards
3. Edit and monitor 3.1. The monitoring function is used to verify circuit
basic programs conditions and check the current values of timers and
using a hand counters.
program loader
3.2. Editing features are used to make minor program

Variable Range
Tools and testing May Include, but not limited to:
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devices  Pliers (assorted)
 Screwdrivers (assorted)
 Wrenches (assorted)
 Multi-tester (VOM)
 Ammeter
 Signal generator
 Calibrators
 Flow meters
 Pressure meter
 Thermometer
 Low voltage power supply (DC)
 Computers (PC/lap)/Programming console
Materials and May Include, but not limited to:
components  Wires
 Terminal lugs
 Terminal blocks
 Terminal wire marker
 Limit switches
 Relay
 Sensors:
 Heat/temperature Pressure
 Flow
 Motion
 proximity
Language May Include, but not limited to:
 Standard Programming language:
 Ladder
 Mnemonics
 STL (Statement List)
 Function chart
 Procedure language
Programs Includes series elements, parallel elements, combination
series -parallel elements, basic timers and counters

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence  Interpreted work instructions according to job
 installed and check PLC systems to ensure safety
 Tested installed field and control devices
 Gathered and documented information needed for
the modification of the basic PLC program
 Selected appropriate basic PLC programming
 Tested basic PLC program
 Prepared a user-friendly documentation of the
basic PLC program
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Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge:
knowledge  Hazards and control measures associated with
preparing basic programs for PLC, including
housekeeping, safe work practices and procedures
 General knowledge of programmable controllers
 Basic PLC operation: definitions, terminology and
block diagrams; scan cycle
 Basic programming rules; addressing for I/O; halt;
 Programming (using a hand programmer):
flowcharts/steps to use when programming; clearing
of memory; ladder format
 Boolean/mnemonic/statement list format; series
circuits; parallel circuits; latching circuits; stack
register operation; combination series/parallel
circuits; inversion elements; timers
 Counters; monitoring of discrete I/O and
timer/counter values; edit (insert and delete
 Connection of discrete input and output devices to a
Underpinning skills Must demonstrate skills:
 Reading skills required to interpret diagrams and
work instructions
 Communication skills needed to interpret and
define work procedures
 Reading and interpreting engineering
specifications, standard operating procedures and other
applicable reference documents
 Organising information
 Using numeral operations, geometry and
calculations/formulae within the scope of this unit
checking for conformance to specifications
 Planning and sequencing operations
 Checking and clarifying task-related information
Resource Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level III
Install and Maintain Solar Energy System for Water
Unit Title
Unit Code EIS EME3 05 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in
installation, maintenance and services of solar energy
system for water pump.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. plan and prepare for 1.1. Principle of solar energy is applied in accordance with
Installation work plan
1.2. Pumping system is designed using solar energy data
of the area
1.3. Load calculations are performed
1.4. The solar system components are identified and
selected according to the load calculation prepared
1.5. Appropriate location is selected for solar panel
1.6. Tools and testing devices needed to carry out the
installation work are selected in accordance with
established procedures and checked for correct
operation and safety.
2. Installation of solar 2.1. Series and/or parallel connections solar modules are
energy equipment used in accordance with system/load requirement
2.2. Solar system components and accessories for water
are installed
2.3. Pump is installed as per manufacturer standard and
2.4. Grounding and lightning protection are installed
2.5. The system is inspected
3. Maintenance and 3.1. Appropriate materials are used for system
services maintenance
3.2. Checking connections are maintained in accordance
with work procedures
3.3. Troubleshooting guide is used
3.4. Periodic/preventive maintenance are done

Variable Range
Solar energy data May Includes but is not limited to:

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 Solar radiation
 Average daily sun hours
Load calculation May include, but not limited to:
 Calculate power requirement or determine the size of
load to be connected and the rating of solar system
Components May include, but not limited to:
 Solar panel with accessories
 Charge controller
 Inverter
 Support structure
 Cable
 Solar pump
 Mounting rack
 Solar panel
 Cables and safety rope
 Mounting charge controller
Tools and testing May include, but not limited to:
devices  Multi meter
 Screw driver
 Wrenches
 Compass
 Water level
Periodic/preventive May include, but not limited to:
maintenance  Cleaning
 Check for shading of solar panel
 Electrical connection
Worksite May include, but not limited to:
 Workshop
 Demonstration
 On site

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence  Design overall system of solar energy
 Load calculations
 Install solar energy for pumping system
 Maintain and service solar energy driven pumping
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
knowledge and  Understand the principle of solar energy
attitudes  Identify types and purpose of solar system components
 working principles of pumping system in using solar
 Prepare load calculation & Specifications for solar
energy system.
Underpinning skills Must demonstrate skill of:
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 Installations of solar powered pumping system
 Use of test equipment and/ or instruments to sort out
the cause of the problem
 Maintain and service solar energy system
Resource Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level III
Unit Title Assemble Control Panel Equipment
Unit Code EIS EME3 06 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit covers mounting control devices, wiring support
in control panel enclosures and installing the
interconnecting wiring. It encompasses working safely,
following layout and circuit diagrams, mounting equipment,
installing and terminating wiring, functional testing and
completing necessary documentation

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Plan and Prepare 1.1. Wiring diagrams and layout/shop drawings are
to assembly obtained according to job requirements
control panel
1.2. Drawings are read and interpreted in accordance with
job requirements
1.3. Estimated work schedule is verified with immediate
1.4. Correct rating, quantity, sizes and type of control
components and wiring devices and other materials
are identified in line with job requirements
1.5. Correct size and degree of protection of enclosures
are verified in line with job requirements
1.6. Tools and testing instruments are properly selected
in line with job requirements
1.7. Correct PPE are identified and selected in line with
safety requirements
1.8. Complete data on inspection report is submitted based
on job requirements to immediate superior
2. Request materials, 2.1. Quantity, usage and specifications of materials, tools
tools and and equipment are verified according to job
equipment requirements
2.2. Requisition form is properly filled-up according to list of
materials, tools and equipment prepared
2.3. Requisition forms are approved by immediate superior
3. Inspect electrical 3.1. Delivered materials are checked/inspected/tested
materials and tools according to quantity, usage and specifications
3.2. Defective/Sub-standard electrical materials are
identified according to physical damaged and quality
are reported to immediate superior
3.3. Defective/sub-standard/wrong specification electrical
materials are returned to warehouseman/stockman for
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3.4. Inspection reports on deliveries of electrical materials
and tools are submitted to immediate superior.
4. Assemble electrical 4.1. Safety procedures are followed according to
control panel enterprise, government and manufacturers
4.2. Electrical components and wiring devices are laid-out,
mounted or installed according to drawings, plans,
specifications and standards
4.3. Electrical control components are wired correctly in
accordance with wiring diagrams and standards
4.4. Work schedule is followed to ensure job is completed
on time in accordance to a quality standard and
minimum wastage.
4.5. Further instructions are sought from the immediate
superior in case of unplanned events or conditions
4.6. Ongoing checks of quality of the work are undertaken
with strict compliance in accordance with instructions
and requirements.
4.7. Preliminary checks/tests are conducted in line with
job requirements.
5. Check quality of 5.1. Quality of assembled component is checked against
assembled enterprise/industry standards
5.2. Prescribed solutions are used where corrective actions
to assembled components are necessary
6. Notify completion 6.1. Immediate superior is notified upon completion of
of work work.
6.2. Performance tests are made to ensure that work
conforms to instructions and job requirements.
7. Clean-Up 7.1. Work area is cleared and materials disposed of,
reused or recycled in accordance with
legislation/regulations/codes of practice and job
7.2. Plant, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked,
maintained and stored in accordance with
manufacturers’ recommendations and standard work
7.3. Surplus materials are returned to warehouse

Variable Range
Circuit diagrams May include, but not limited to:
 Power circuit
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 Control circuit
Control components May include, but not limited to:
and wiring devices  Circuit breakers/Fuses
 Magnetic Contactors
 transformers
 Relays
 Power Cabinet
 Timers
 Terminal Blocks/Lugs
 Pilot lamps
 Push buttons
 Selector Switches.
 Cable duct
 Din rail
 Wire strap
 Wire markers
 Cable tie
 Cable gland
 Conductors
 Insulators
Degree of Protection May include, but not limited to:
 NEMA Standards
 ESA Standards
Tools and testing May include, but not limited to:
Instruments  Tools:
 Pliers
 Screw drivers
 Wrenches
 Wire strippers
 Electrician knives
 Electric Hand drill
 Hand or electric taping/threading
 Hack saw
 Manual/Hydraulic puncher
 Measuring tools (e.g. Push-pull meter)
 Crimping tools
 Soldering tools
 Testing Instruments:
 Multi-meter
 Clamp ammeter
 Insulation resistance tester(Megger)
 Ground resistance tester
 Earth leakage tester
 Tachometer
 Phase Sequence Tester
PPE May include, but not limited to:
 Proper working clothes

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 Working gloves
 Safety shoes
 Gas/Dust mask
 Hard hat
 Safety goggles
Specifications  Brand/Make:
 Classification/Type
 Rating:
 Voltage
 Current
 Power
 Frequency
 Temperature Rise
 Service factor
 Utilization category
 Phase
 Needed accessories
Checking/Inspecting May include, but not limited to:
 Mechanical:
 Board/Panel properly leveled
 Tightness of bolts and nuts
 Type of protection
 Cleanliness
 Cable trays
 Electrical:
 Conductor size or Cross-section
 Conductor Color Coding
 Cables laid to avoid risk of short circuit
 Grounded circuit
 Short circuit
 Open circuit
 Insulation Test
 Continuity Test/Contact Resistance Test
 Correct use of wire markers & terminals
Performance May include, but not limited to:
checks/tests  Simulation Test/No Load Test
 Phase sequence
 Actual Operation
 Temperature rise

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence  Demonstrated understanding/interpretation on diagrams,
symbols and work instructions
 Demonstrated understanding of proper use of materials,
tools and testing instruments for assembly of electrical
control system
 Selected and used correct personal protective
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 Demonstrated correct procedures for installation and
wiring of electrical control components
 Demonstrated understanding on proper testing
 Followed work schedule
 Demonstrated good work attitude
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge  Materials use and specification
 Economic use of materials
 Safe working habits/Safety procedures
 ESA /NEMA requirements
 Electrical control components and devices
 Correct procedures in assembling electrical control
 Measurement
 Cleaning of worksite, tools and equipment
Underpinning Skills Must demonstrate skills of:
 Verifying materials, tools and testing instruments
 Following wiring diagrams
 Following safety procedures
 Proper handling of materials
 Proper using of hand-tools
 Splicing of conductors
 Dressing/harnessing of wires
 Terminating and insulating of wires
 Storing excess materials
 Checking quality of work
 Communicating skills (both written and oral)
 Measuring techniques/skills
 Estimating quantity/bill of materials
 Preparing request forms for supplies/materials/tools and
Resource Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level III
Install and Maintain Mechanical Pumps, Compressors
Unit Title
and Blowers
Unit Code EIS EME3 07 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit deals with the skills, knowledge and attitude
required undertaking the installation and maintenance of
mechanical pumps, compressors and blowers and the
installation of which requires no more than basic

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Plan and prepare for 1.1. Work requirements are identified from request/work
the work orders or equivalent and clarified/confirmed with
appropriate parties or by site inspection
1.2. Occupational Health and Safety standards, statutory
requirements, relevant Ethiopian standards, codes of
practice, manufacturer specifications, environmental
requirements and enterprise procedures are identified,
applied and monitored throughout the work procedure.
1.3. Resources required to satisfy the work plan are
identified, obtained and inspected for compliance with
the job specifications
1.4. Relevant plans, drawings and texts are selected and
interpreted in accordance with the work plan
1.5. Correct size, type and quantity of
materials/components are determined, obtained and
inspected for compliance with the job specifications
1.6. Work is planned in detail including sequencing and
prioritising and considerations made, where
appropriate, for the maintenance of plant security and
capacity in accordance with system/site requirements
1.7. Coordination requirements, including requests for
isolations where appropriate, are resolved with others
involved, affected or required by the work
1.8. Potential hazards are identified and prevention and/or
control measures are selected in accordance with the
work plan and site procedures
1.9. Work area is prepared in accordance with work
requirements and site procedures
1.10. Where appropriate, the teams and individuals roles
and responsibilities within the team are identified and,
where required, assist in the provision of on-the-job

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2. Remove pumps for 2.1. Required isolations are confirmed where appropriate in
maintenance accordance with site requirements
2.2. Pumps are disconnected in accordance with the work
2.3. Pump is removed in a manner which will assist in
replacement in accordance with the work plan
2.4. Pump is inspected for abnormalities in accordance
with the work plan
2. Maintain pumps 3.1. Maintenance is performed in accordance with
manufacturer specifications and site procedures
3.2. Pump is dismantled for maintenance in accordance
with manufacturer specifications and site procedures
3.3. Sketches are made, data noted and components
marked for identification and/or re-assembly in
accordance with job requirements and site procedures
3.4. New components are obtained and inspected for
compliance with manufacturer specifications
3.5. Dimensional inspection is performed with precision
measuring devices to ensure compliance with
specifications and results recorded in accordance with
job requirements and site procedures
3.6. Modifications/alterations/replacement are undertaken
in accordance with site requirements
3.7. Pump is reassembled applying appropriate principles
and techniques in accordance with manufacturer
specifications and site requirements
3. Replace/install 4.1. Site is prepared for pump replacement in accordance
pumps with the work plan
4.2. Pump is replaced in accordance with the work plan
and manufacturer specifications
4.3. Pump is levelled, aligned, coupled and connected in
accordance with the work plan
4.4. All fastenings are torqued in accordance with
manufacturer specifications and site requirements
4.5. Machinery/plant and pump are test run, monitored and
adjusted as required in accordance with manufacturer
specifications and site requirements
4. Complete the work 5.1. Work is completed and appropriate personnel
notified in accordance with site/enterprise
5.2. Work area is cleared of waste, cleaned, restored and
secured in accordance with site/enterprise procedures

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5.3. Plant, tools and equipment are maintained and stored
in accordance with site/enterprise procedures
5.4. Work completion details are finalised in accordance
with site/enterprise procedures

Variable Range
Materials May include, but not limited to:
 Liquid nitrogen.
Pumps May include but not limited to :
 Single stage & multi stage centrifugal, screw and gear,
vane, diaphragm, roots and pistons.
Work completion May include, but not limited to:
 Plant and maintenance records, job cards, check
sheets, on device labelling updates and reporting and/or
documenting equipment defects.
Tools May include but not limited to :
 Micrometres, vernier calliper, dial indicators, slip
gauges, spanners, digital height gauges, grinders, jigs
and fixtures, thermal blankets, induction heaters,
thermal crayons, digital thermometers, oxyacetylene and
appropriate lifting devices.
Pump drives May include but not limited to :
 Electrical, internal combustion, hydraulic, pneumatic or
Plant and equipment May include, but not limited to:
 Jigs for dismantling and oxyacetylene heating
Work site environment May include, but not limited to:
 Nearby plant or processes e.g. chemical, heat, dust,
noise and oil.

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence  Implement Occupational Health and Safety workplace
procedures and practices including the use of risk
control measures as specified in the Performance
Criteria and Range Statement
 Preparation and planning of work
 Removal techniques
 Maintenance techniques and procedures
 Replacement techniques and procedures
 Completion of work procedures
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge :
knowledge and  Relevant Environmental, Occupational Health and
attitudes Safety legislation and regulations
 Pumps types and characteristics
 Technical drawings and manufacturers manuals
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 Precision measuring equipment
 Seals and gaskets
 Bearings
 Specialised tools and jigs
 Coupling levelling and alignment
 Rigging and lifting equipment
 Materials and components of pumps
 Fluid dynamics
 Hand and portable power tools
 Protective coatings
 Heating techniques
 Balancing techniques
 Isolation procedures
Underpinning skills Must demonstrate skills:
 Identify and use precision measuring equipment
 Apply coupling levelling and alignment techniques
 Select and replace seals and gaskets
 Install bearings
 Use specialised tools and jigs
 Interpret Technical drawings and manufacturers
 Identify and select materials and components
 Apply data analysis techniques and tools
 Use hand and portable power tools
 Use heat application equipment
 Apply dismantling and reassembling techniques
 Work to defined tolerances
 Recognise worn/damaged components
 Apply effective maintenance procedures
 Communicate effectively.
Resource Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level III
Unit Title Maintain Induction Motor Functions
Unit Code EIS EME3 08 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit covers knowledge, skills and attitude in types of
induction motor starting, circuit diagrams, mounting
equipment, a functional testing.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Identify types of 1.1. Line methods , applications and components are
starting directed- on
1.2. Methods, applications and components are forwarded
and reversed
1.3. Star- Delta methods , applications and components
are identified
1.4. Auto Transformer methods, applications and
components are identified
1.5. Soft starter methods, applications and components
are identified
2. Prepare circuit 2.1. Diagram and trace circuit diagram are prepared
2.2. Bench is prepared to connect the circuit and wiring
2.3. The circuit is used to make connections
2.4. Correct rating, quantity, sizes and type of control
components & wiring devices and other materials are
2.5. Circuit diagram is applied and connected
3. Mounting equipment 3.1. Tools and testing instruments are properly selected
and testing devices in line with job requirements
3.2. Defective/Sub-standard electrical materials are
identified according to physical damaged
3.3. Work area is cleared and materials are disposed of,
reused put into prepared to dispose according to
regulations/codes of practice

Variable Range
Components May include, but not limited to:
 Circuit breakers/Fuses
 Magnetic Contactors
 transformers
 Relays
 Power Cabinet

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 Timers
 Terminal Blocks/Lugs
 Pilot lamps
 Push buttons
 Selector Switches.
 Cable duct
 Din rail
 Wire strap
 Wire markers
 Cable tie
 Cable gland
 Conductors
 Insulators
Circuit diagram May include, but not limited to:
 Power circuit
 Control circuit
Tools and testing May include, but not limited to:
instruments  Tools:
 Pliers
 Screw drivers
 Wrenches
 Wire strippers
 Electrician knives
 Electric hand drill
 Hand or electric taping/threading
 Hack saw
 Manual/Hydraulic puncher
 Measuring tools (e.g. Push-pull meter)
 Crimping and Soldering tools
 Testing Instruments:
 Multi-meter
 Clamp ammeter
 Insulation resistance tester(Megger)
 Ground resistance tester
 Earth leakage tester
 Tachometer
 Phase sequence tester

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence  Understanding/interpretation on diagrams, symbols and
work instructions
 Understanding of proper use of materials, tools and
testing instruments for assembly of electrical control
Underpinning Demonstrated knowledge of:
knowledge and  Correct procedures in assembling electrical control
attitudes system
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 Electrical control components and devices
 Cleaning of worksite, tools and equipment
Underpinning skills Demonstrated skills of:
 Demonstrated understanding on proper testing
 Followed work schedule
 Demonstrated good work attitude
Resource Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level III
Unit Title Maintain Electric Electrical Generator/Alternator
Unit Code EIS EME3 09 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit deals with the skills, knowledge and attitude
required to undertake the maintenance of electrical

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Plan and prepare for 1.1. Work requirements are identified from request/work
the work orders or equivalent and clarified/confirmed with
appropriate parties or by site inspection
1.2. Occupational Health and Safety standards, statutory
requirements, relevant Ethiopian standards, codes of
practice, manufacturers’ specifications, environmental
requirements and enterprise procedures are identified,
applied and monitored throughout the work procedure
1.3. Resources required to satisfy the work plan are
identified, obtained and inspected for compliance with
the job specifications
1.4. Relevant plans, drawings and texts are selected and
interpreted in accordance with the work plan
1.5. Correct size, type and quantity of
materials/components are determined, obtained and
inspected for compliance with the job specifications
1.6. Coordination requirements, including requests for
isolations where appropriate, are resolved with others
involved, affected or required by the work
1.7. Work area is prepared in accordance with work
requirements and site procedures
2. Carry out 2.1. Required isolations are confirmed where appropriate in
maintenance accordance with site requirements
2.2. Equipment is maintained using appropriate plans,
drawings and texts in accordance with the work plan
2.3. Equipment is maintained in conjunction with others
involved in, or affected by, the work in accordance with
the work plan
2.4. Reset and/or adjustments required are carried out to
ensure equipment operates within requirements in
accordance with the work plan
2.5. Maintenance and resets/adjustments are carried out,
mindful of effects on, or unnecessary loss of, other
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2.6. Final job inspection is carried out and permits
relinquished in accordance with the work plan
3. Complete the work 3.1. Work is completed and appropriate personnel notified
in accordance with site/enterprise requirements
Defective/Sub-standard alternator materials are
identified according to physical damaged
3.2. Work area is cleaned, restored and secured in
accordance with site/enterprise procedures
3.3. Plant, tools and equipment are maintained and stored
in accordance with site/enterprise procedures
3.4. Work completion details are finalised in accordance
with site/enterprise procedures

Variable Range
Components May include but not limited
 Fuses/circuit breakers, battery, alternator, automatic
voltage regulator, coils, relays, resistors, starter motor,
overloads, winding, cable, fans, thermostats, seals,
motor bearings.
Equipment May include but not limited
 Alternators/Generators
Work completion May include but not limited
details  Plant and maintenance records, job cards, check
sheets and on device labelling updates.
Test and measurement May include but not limited
instruments  Tong testers, insulation resistance/continuity tester,
Multimeter, inductor tester, overload injection tester and

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence  Preparation and planning of work
 Maintenance techniques and procedures
 Dealing with an unplanned event by drawing on
essential knowledge and skills to provide appropriate
solutions incorporated in the holistic assessment with
the above listed items.
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge of:
knowledge and  Relevant Environmental, Occupational Health and
attitudes Safety legislation and regulations
 Relevant plant and equipment, its location
 Technical drawings and manufacturers manuals
 Equipment and material required to perform the work
 Isolation procedures
 Maintenance techniques for the equipment
 Test and measurement instruments
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Underpinning skills Demonstrate skills of:
 Interpret Technical drawings and manufacturers
 Use tools and equipment
 Use test and measurement instruments
 Use maintenance procedures
 Identify and select materials
 Carry out maintenance work completion details
 Apply electrical principles
Resource Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level III
Unit Title Overhaul Engines
Unit Code EIS EME3 10 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes required to
prepare for the task, dismantling and evaluating the
engine, carrying out the overhaul procedures,
reassembling and testing the engine, and completing
workplace processes and documentation.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Prepare to 1.1. Job requirements are determined from workplace
dismantle engine instructions
1.2. Dismantling information is sourced and interpreted
1.3. Dismantling options are analysed and those most
appropriate to the circumstances are selected
1.4. Hazards associated with the work are identified and
risks are managed
1.5. Dismantling tools and equipment are selected and
checked for serviceability
2. Dismantle and 2.1. Engine and relevant components are dismantled in a
evaluate engine and logical sequence according to manufacturer and
components workplace procedures, and safety and environmental
requirements, and without causing unnecessary
damage to components or systems
2.2. Components are cleaned for evaluation according to
workplace procedures and safety and environmental
2.3. Components are measured and compared with
manufacturer specifications and serviceability is
2.4. Component repair method is determined
2.5. Unserviceable parts are identified and replacement
parts sourced
3. Carry out overhaul 3.1. Overhaul information is sourced and interpreted

3.2. Overhaul options are analysed and those most

appropriate to the circumstances are selected
3.3. Overhaul tools and equipment are selected and
checked for serviceability
3.4. Components are machined, repaired and replaced as
required, and adjustments are carried out according to
manufacturer specifications, workplace procedures,
and safety and environmental requirements, and
without causing damage to components or systems
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4. Assemble engine 4.1. Engine is assembled according to manufacturer
and components specifications, workplace procedures, and safety and
environmental requirements
4.2. Tolerances and clearances are measured against
manufacturer specifications and necessary adjustments
are made
4.3. Assembly of engine is completed within workplace
timeframes and without causing damage to other
components or systems
4.4. Post-assembly testing is carried out according to
workplace procedures and safety and environmental
requirements, and any problems detected as having
been introduced during the assembly process are
5. Complete work 5.1. Final inspection is made to ensure work is to workplace
processes expectations and engine is presented ready for use or
5.2. Work area is cleaned, waste and non-recyclable
materials are disposed of, and recyclable material is
5.3. Tools and equipment are checked and stored according
to workplace procedures
5.4. Workplace documentation is processed according to
workplace procedures

Variable Range
Safety and May include, but not limited to Work Health and Safety
environmental (WHS) and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
requirements requirements, including procedures for using:
 Specialized engine overhaul tools, equipment and
 Chemicals and toxic substances
 Manual and mechanical lifting equipment
 Environmental requirements, including procedures for
trapping, storing and disposing of fluids released from

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence  Types, characteristics and operating principles of
engines and associated engine components
 Engine overhaul procedures, including:
 Engine dismantling procedures
 Methods for cleaning and preparing engine for
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 Engine and engine component repair and
adjustment procedures
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
knowledge and  Work Health and Safety (WHS) and Occupational
attitudes Health and Safety (OHS) requirements relating to
overhauling engines and associated components,
including procedures for:
 Using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when
handling engines and using chemical cleaning agents
 Using slings, chains and other lifting equipment and
 Using specialized equipment, including heating torches,
ovens and presses
 Handling freezing substances, including liquid nitrogen
 Environmental requirements, including procedures for
trapping, storing and disposing of fluids released from
 Types, characteristics and operating principles of
engines and associated engine components
 Engine overhaul procedures, including:
 Methods for cleaning and preparing engine for overhaul
 Engine dismantling procedures
 Engine and engine component inspection, measuring
and evaluation procedures, including:
 Non-destructive testing procedures, including dye
penetrant testing and magnetic particle testing
 Methods for measuring and calculating tolerances
and clearances
 Engine and engine component repair and adjustment
 Engine component balancing
 Engine assembly procedures, including procedures for
tolerance measuring and calculating and adjusting
components, including:
 Component assembly procedures and processes,
Underpinning skills Demonstrates skills to:
 Overhaul two different multi-cylinder engines, including
one engine with cylinder sleeves.
 Post-overhaul testing procedures for engines
Resource Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.
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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level III
Unit Title Implement and Monitor Environmental Procedures
Unit Code EIS EME3 11 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit of competency describes the outcomes required
to identify and minimize the environmental impact of water
industry work activities and follow defined OHS
procedures, identify general environmental risks and
implement, monitor and coordinate environmental licensing

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Assess environmental 1.1. Site-specific environmental issues are identified and
requirements of investigated with reference to relevant environmental
specific project or site legislation and standards.
1.2. Environmental risks and impacts are assessed and
1.3. Relevant environmental procedures for each
environmental risk are identified.
2. Implement 2.1. Plan selected environment procedures are taken for
environmental site and relevant action.
2.2. Environmental incidents are reported and applied and
emergency procedures are coordinated.
2.3. Environmental incidents are recorded according to
legislative and organizational requirements
3. Report and review the 3.1. Effects of selected environmental controls are
application of monitored according to organizational requirements.
procedures 3.2. Environmental reporting procedures are completed for
specific project or site.
3.3. Environmental risks, potential impacts and incidents
are reported according to organizational requirements.
3.4. Regular reviews of environmental procedures are
3.5. Environmental procedures improvements are
4. Relate environmental 4.1. Organization’s environmental procedures are identified
procedures to specific and applied.
project or site
4.2. Relevant legislative, regulatory and licensing
requirements are identified and applied.
4.3. Environmental risks and impacts at particular job sites
identified and recorded according to organizational
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4.4. Work is planed, appropriate control measures
incorporated to overcome identified risks, and required
environmental outcomes is meet on specific project
or site.
5. Apply workplace OHS 5.1. Workplace OHS policies and procedures are
procedures recognized and understood.
5.2. OHS policies and procedures are applied in
designated workplace.
5.3. Personnel with OHS responsibilities are identified
and applied workplace procedures for managing OHS.
6. Follow workplace 6.1. Potential hazards relating to specific jobs and
procedures for hazard roles within the workplace are identified and control
identification and risk measures are considered and assessed.
6.2. Hazards in relation to specific work or work areas are
recognized and reported to designated personnel
according to workplace procedures.
6.3. Workplace procedures and work instructions are
followed for controlling risks.
6.4. Workplace procedures are followed for dealing with
incidents, accidents and emergencies and complete
appropriate reporting.

Variable Range
Environmental issues May include, but not limited to:
 Emissions to air
 Releases to and of water
 Releases to land
 Vibration and noise
 Disposal of waste
 Contamination of land
 Impact on communities
 Destruction of habitat
 Use of energy sources
 Waste generation processes and technologies
 Impact on culturally significant sites.
Environmental May include, but not limited to:
Legislation and  Federal, state or territory legislation
standards  Local government by-laws
 Relevant government and non-government policies and
 Regulations
 Community planning and development agreements,
 As land care agreements
 Organizational policies and standards.
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Environmental risks and May include, but not limited to:
impacts  Impact of mismanagement of chemicals
 Impact of mismanagement of biological agents
 Detrimental impact on limited water resources
 Spillage
 Waste disposal
 Detrimental impact on urban and non-urban water
 Catchment areas
 Detrimental impact on rivers, waterways and channels
 Unsatisfactory water and wastewater treatment
 Unsatisfactory trade waste treatment and disposal
 Processes
 Poor construction processes
Legislative, regulatory May include, but not limited to:
and licensing  Relevant federal legislation,
requirements  Relevant state or territory legislation and regulations
 Relating to OHS that may include, but not limited to:
 Personal protective clothing and equipment
 Use of tools and equipment
 Workplace environment and safety
 Handling of materials
 Use of firefighting equipment
 Use of first aid equipment
 Hazard control and hazardous materials and
 Relevant local government by-laws
 Relevant government and non-government policies
and   regulations
Specific project or site May include, but not limited to:
 Buildings
 Plants
 Construction and maintenance sites
 Workshops
 Laboratories
 Bulk water storage sites
 Surface or groundwater sites
 Catchments
 Flood plains
 Irrigation sites
 Wetlands
 Drainage sites and Waste disposal sites.
Workplace OHS May be:
policies  Informed by and address:
and procedures  Relevant federal and state or territory OHS
legislation and
 Regulations
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 Codes of practice, associated standards and
 Material
 Documented organizational policies, manuals and
induction programs.
Personnel with OHS May include, but not limited to:
responsibilities  Team leaders and workplace supervisors
 Nominated OHS representatives
 Members of OHS workplace committees.
Potential hazards May include, but not limited to:
relating to specific jobs  Those associated with working:
 In confined spaces
 At height
 With hazardous substances
 With electricity
 With plant and equipment
 Specific hazards relating to the water industry,
 Engulfment hazards
 Hygiene (wastewater treatment)
 Needles in public recreation areas (dams).
Workplace procedures May include, but not limited to:
 Hazard policies and procedures
 Emergency, fire and accident procedures
 Senior first aid
 Practical emergency response techniques
 Basic incident management
 Procedures for the use of personal protective clothing
 Hazard identification and issue resolution procedures
 Tag-out
 Lock-out
 Confined space entry permits
 job procedures and work instructions
 Job Evaluation Safety Analysis (JESA)
 Job Safety Analysis (JSA).
Materials May include, but not limited to:
 Environmental Legislation and standards
 Legislative, regulatory and licensing requirements
 Workplace OHS policies and procedures
Tools and equipment May include, but not limited to:
 Office equipments

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge and skills of Competence
Competence in:

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 Identify and investigate environmental issues
 Assess and report environmental risks
 Apply suitable environmental procedures as required
 Manage and report environmental incidents
 Monitor and review effectiveness of environmental
 Contribute to continuous improvement of
 Complete relevant workplace documentation
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitudes  Relevant legislative requirements and responsibilities
 Organizational procedures
 Standard operating procedures
 Environmental management procedures
 Control procedures for environmental risks and
 Water cycle
 Ecologically sustainable development
 Heritage conservation
 Primary agencies involved in drinking water quality
 Water quality performance indicators
 Overview of water supply system
 Water hazardous agents and preventative strategies
 Community and agency roles and responsibilities in
monitoring water quality
 Risk assessment procedures
 Environmental impact assessment
 Recording and reporting procedures.
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 Access, interpret and apply relevant legislative
 Communicate the application of environmental plans
and procedures within the workplace
 Monitor and coordinate environmental procedures
 Access, interpret and apply relevant standard
operating procedures
 Interpret and apply environmental policies, plans and
 Apply control procedures to environmental risks and
 Assess environmental risks at work site
 Use literacy skills in regard to verbal and written
communication in the workplace
 report and record environmental procedures
Resource Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
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situations, including work areas, materials and
equipment, and to information on workplace practices
and OHS practices.
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level III
Unit Title Monitor Implementation of Work Plan/Activities
Unit Code EIS EME3 12 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit covers competence required to oversee and
monitor the quality of work operations within an enterprise.
This unit may be carried out by team leaders or

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Monitor and improve 1.1. Efficiency and service levels are monitored on an
workplace ongoing basis.
1.2. Operations in the workplace have been supported
overall enterprise goals and quality assurance
1.3. Quality problems and issues are promptly identified
and adjustments made accordingly.
1.4. Procedures and systems are changed in consultation
with colleagues to improve efficiency and
1.5. Colleagues are consulted about ways to improve
efficiency and service levels.
2. Plan and organise 2.1.Current workload of colleagues is accurately
workflow assessed.
2.2.Work is scheduled in a manner which enhances
efficiency and customer service quality.
2.3.Work is delegated to appropriate people in accordance
with principles of delegation.
2.4.Workflow is assessed against agreed objectives and
timelines and colleagues are assisted in prioritisation
of workload.
2.5.Input regarding staffing needs is provided to
appropriate management.
3. Maintain workplace 3.1.Workplace records are accurately completed and
records submitted within required timeframes.
3.2.Where appropriate, completion of records is delegated
and monitored prior to submission.
4. Solve problems and 4.1.Workplace problems are promptly identified and
make decisions considered from an operational and customer service
4.2.Short term action is initiated to resolve the immediate
problem where appropriate.
4.3.Problems are analysed for any long term impact and
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potential solutions assessed and actioned in
consultation with relevant colleagues.
4.4.Where problem is raised by a team member, they are
encouraged to participate in solving the problem.
4.5.Follow up action is taken to monitor the effectiveness
of solutions in the workplace.

Variables Range
Problems May include, but not limited to:
 Difficult customer service situations
 Equipment breakdown/technical failure
 Delays and time difficulties
 Competence
Workplace records May include but is not limited to:
 Staff records and regular performance reports

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  Ability to effectively monitor and respond to a range of
common operational and service issues in the workplace
 The role of staff involved in workplace monitoring
 Quality assurance, principles of workflow planning,
delegation and problem solving
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and Attitude  Roles and responsibilities in monitoring work operations
 Overview of leadership and management responsibilities
 Principles of work planning and principles of delegation
 Typical work organization methods appropriate to the
 Quality assurance principles and time management
 Problem solving and decision making processes
 Industrial and/or legislative issues which affect short
term work organization as appropriate to industry sector
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills to:
 Monitor and improve workplace operations
 Plan and organize workflow
 Maintain workplace records
Resource Implications Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level III
Unit Title Apply Quality Control
Unit Code EIS EME3 13 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills
required in applying quality control in the workplace.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Implement quality 1.1. Agreed quality standard and procedures are acquired
standards and confirmed.
1.2. Standard procedures are introduced to organizational
1.3. Quality standard and procedures documents are
provided to employees in accordance with the
organization policy.
1.4. Standard procedures are revised / updated when
2. Assess quality of 2.1. Services delivered are quality checked against
service delivered organization quality standards and specifications.
2.2. Service delivered are evaluated using the appropriate
evaluation quality parameters and in accordance with
organization standards.
2.3. Causes of any identified faults are identified and
corrective actions taken in accordance with
organization policies and procedures.
3. Record information 3.1. Basic information on the quality performance is
recorded in accordance with organization procedures.
3.2. Records of work quality are maintained according to
the requirements of the organization.
4. Study causes of 4.1. Causes of deviations from final outputs or services are
quality deviations investigated and reported in accordance with
organization procedures.
4.2. Suitable preventive action is recommended based on
organization quality standards and identified causes of
deviation from specified quality standards of final
service or output.
5. Complete 5.1. Information on quality and other indicators of service
documentation performance is recorded.
5.2. All service processes and outcomes are recorded.

Variable Range
Quality check May include, but not limited to:
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 Check against design / specifications
 Visual and Physical inspection
Quality standards May include, but not limited to:
 Materials
 Components
 Process
 Procedures
Quality parameters May include, but not limited to:
 Standard Design / Specifications
 Material Specification

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge to:
Competence  Check completed work continuously against
organization standard
 Identify and isolate faulty or poor service
 Check service delivered against organization standards
 Identify and apply corrective actions on the causes of
identified faults or error
 Record basic information regarding quality performance
 Investigate causes of deviations of services against
 Recommend suitable preventive actions
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and Attitude  Relevant quality standards, policies and procedures
 Characteristics of services
 Safety environment aspects of service processes
 Evaluation techniques and quality checking procedures
 Workplace procedures and reporting procedures
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 Interpret work instructions, specifications and standards
appropriate to the required work or service
 Carry out relevant performance evaluation
 Maintain accurate work records
 Meet work specifications and requirements
 Communicate effectively within defined workplace
Resource Implications Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level III
Unit Title Lead Workplace Communication
Unit Code EIS EME3 14 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills needed
to lead in the dissemination and discussion of information
and issues in the workplace.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Communicate 1.1. Appropriate communication method is selected.
information about
workplace processes 1.2. Multiple operations involving several topics areas
are communicated accordingly.
1.3. Questions are used to gain extra information.
1.4. Correct sources of information are identified.
1.5. Information is selected and organized correctly.
1.6. Verbal and written reporting is undertaken when
1.7. Communication skills are maintained in all
2. Lead workplace 2.1. Response to workplace issues is sought.
2.2. Response to workplace issues are provided
2.3. Constructive contributions are made to workplace
discussions on such issues as production, quality and
2.4. Goals/objectives and action plan undertaken in the
workplace are communicated.
3. Identify and 3.1. Issues and problems are identified as they arise.
communicate issues
arising in the 3.2. Information regarding problems and issues are
workplace organized coherently to ensure clear and effective
3.3. Dialogue is initiated with appropriate staff/personnel.
3.4. Communication problems and issues are raised as
they arise.

Variable Range
Methods of May include, but not limited to:
communication  Non-verbal gestures
 Verbal
 Face to face
 Two-way radio
 Speaking to groups
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 Using telephone
 Written
 Using Internet
 Cell phone

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge to:
Competence  Deal with a range of communication/information at one
 Make constructive contributions in workplace issues
 Seek workplace issues effectively
 Respond to workplace issues promptly
 Present information clearly and effectively written form
 Use appropriate sources of information
 Ask appropriate questions
 Provide accurate information
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and Attitude  Organization requirements for written and electronic
communication methods
 Effective verbal communication methods
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 Organize information
 Understand and convey intended meaning
 Participate in variety of workplace discussions
 Comply with organization requirements for the use of
written and electronic communication methods
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level III
Unit Title Lead Small Teams
Unit Code EIS EME3 15 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes
required to determine individual and team development
needs and facilitate the development of the work group.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Provide team 1.1. Learning and development needs are systematically
leadership identified and implemented in line with organizational
1.2. Learning plan is collaboratively developed and
implemented to meet individual and group training and
developmental needs.
1.3. Individuals are encouraged to self-evaluate
performance and areas identified for improvement.
1.4. Feedback on performance of team members is
collected from relevant sources and compared with
established team learning process.
2. Foster individual and 2.1. Learning and development program goals and
organizational growth objectives are identified to match the specific
knowledge and skills requirements of competence
2.2. Learning delivery methods are made appropriate to
the learning goals, the learning style of participants
and availability of equipment and resources.
2.3. Workplace learning opportunities and coaching/
mentoring assistance are provided to facilitate
individual and team achievement of competencies.
2.4. Resources and timelines required for learning activities
are identified and approved in accordance with
organizational requirements.
3. Monitor and evaluate 3.1. Feedback from individuals or teams is used to identify
workplace learning and implement improvements in future learning
3.2. Outcomes and performance of individuals/teams are
assessed and recorded to determine the effectiveness
of development programs and the extent of additional
3.3. Modifications to learning plans are negotiated to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of learning.
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3.4. Records and reports of competence are maintained
within organizational requirement.
4. Develop team 4.1. Open communication processes are used by team to
commitment and obtain and share information.
cooperation 4.2. Decisions are reached by the team in accordance with
its agreed roles and responsibilities.
4.3. Mutual concern and camaraderie are developed in the
5. Facilitate 5.1. Team members are made actively participatory in
accomplishment of team activities and communication processes.
organizational goals 5.2. Individual and joint responsibility has been developed
teams members for their actions.
5.3. Collaborative efforts are sustained to attain
organizational goals.

Variable Range
Learning and May include, but not limited to:
development needs  Coaching, mentoring and/or supervision
 Formal/informal learning program
 Internal/external training provision
 Work experience/exchange/opportunities
 Personal study
 Career planning/development
 Performance appraisals
 Workplace skills assessment & Recognition of prior
Organizational May include, but not limited to:
requirements  Quality assurance and/or procedures manuals
 Goals, objectives, plans, systems and processes
 Legal and organizational policy/guidelines and
 Safety policies, procedures and programs
 Confidentiality and security requirements
 Business and performance plans
 Ethical standards
 Quality and continuous improvement processes and
Feedback on May include, but not limited to:
performance  Formal/informal performance appraisals
 Obtaining feedback from supervisors and colleagues
 Obtaining feedback from clients
 Personal and reflective behavior strategies
 Routine and organizational methods for monitoring
service delivery
Learning delivery May include, but not limited to:
methods  On the job coaching or mentoring
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 Problem solving
 Presentation/demonstration
 Formal course participation
 Work experience and Involvement in professional
 Conference/seminar attendance and induction

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge to:
Competence  Identify and implement learning opportunities for others
 Give and receive feedback constructively
 Facilitate participation of individuals in the work of the
 Negotiate learning plans to improve the effectiveness of
 Prepare learning plans to match skill needs
 Access and designate learning opportunities
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and Attitude  Coaching and mentoring principles
and Attitude  How to work effectively with team members who have
diverse work styles, aspirations, cultures and
 How to facilitate team development and improvement
 Methods and techniques for eliciting and interpreting
 Methods for identifying and prioritizing personal
development opportunities and options
 Career paths and competence standards in the industry
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 Read and understand a variety of texts, prepare general
information and documents according to target
audience; spell with accuracy; use grammar and
punctuation effective relationships and conflict
 Receive feedback and report, maintain effective
relationships and conflict management
 Organize required resources and equipment to meet
learning needs
 Provide support to colleagues
 Organize information; assess information for relevance
and accuracy; identify and elaborate on learning
 Facilitation skills to conduct small group training
 Relate to people from a range of social, cultural,
physical and mental backgrounds

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Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written exam
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the workplace or in a
simulated workplace setting

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Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level III
Unit Title Improve Business Practice
Unit Code EIS EME3 16 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required in promoting, improving and growing business

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Diagnose the 1.1. Sources data is identified; data required for
business diagnosis is determined and acquired based on the
business diagnosis toolkit.
1.2. Value chain analysis is conducted.
1.3. SWOT analysis of the data is undertaken.
1.4. Competitive advantage of the business is determined
from the data.
2. Benchmark the 2.1. Product or service to be benchmarked is identified and
business selected.
2.2. Sources of relevant benchmarking data are identified.
2.3. Key indicators are selected for benchmarking in
consultation with key stakeholders.
2.4. Key indicators of own practice are compared with
benchmark indicators.
2.5. Areas of improvements are identified.
3. Develop plans to 3.1. A consolidated list of required improvements is
improve business developed.
3.2. Cost-benefit analysis is determined for required
3.3. Work flow changes resulting from proposed
improvements are determined.
3.4. Proposed improvements are ranked according to
agreed criteria.
3.5. An action plan is developed and agreed to implement
the top ranked improvements.
3.6. Organizational structures are checked to ensure
they are suitable.
4. Develop marketing 4.1. The practice vision statement is reviewed.
4.2. Practice objectives are developed/ reviewed.
4.3. Market research is conducted and result is obtained.
4.4. Target markets are identified/ refined.
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4.5. Market position is developed/ reviewed.
4.6. Practice brand is developed.
4.7. Benefits of products or services are identified.
4.8. Promotion tools are selected and developed.
5. Develop business 5.1. Plans are developed to increase profitability
growth plans
5.2. Proposed plans are ranked according to agreed
5.3. An action plan is developed and agreed to implement
the top ranked plans.
5.4. Business work practices are reviewed to ensure they
support growth plans.
6. Implement and 6.1. Implementation plan is developed in consultation with
monitor plans all relevant stakeholders.
6.2. Success indicators of the plan are agreed.
6.3. Implementation is monitored against agreed indicators.
6.4. Implementation is adjusted as required.

Variable Range
Data sources May include primary data and secondary sources
Data required May include, but not limited to:
 Organization capability
 Appropriate business structure
 Level of client service which can be provided
 Internal policies, procedures and practices
 Staff levels, capabilities and structure
 Market and market definition
 Market changes/market segmentation
 Market consolidation/fragmentation
 Revenue
 Level of commercial activity
 Expected revenue levels, short and long term
 Revenue growth rate
 Break even data
 Pricing policy
 Revenue assumptions
 Business environment
 Economic conditions
 Social factors
 Demographic factors
 Technological impacts
 Political/legislative/regulative impacts
 Competitors, competitor pricing and response to pricing
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 Competitor marketing/branding
 Competitor products
SWOT analysis May include, but not limited to:
 Internal strengths such as staff capability, recognized
 Internal weaknesses such as poor morale, under-
capitalization, poor technology
 External opportunities such as changing market and
economic conditions
 External threats such as industry fee structures,
strategic alliances, competitor marketing
Competitive advantage May include, but not limited to:
 Quality
 Pricing
 Cost
 Location
 Technology
 Delivery
 Timeframe
 Promotion
 Niche marketing
 Support from government
Key indicators May include, but not limited to:
 Staffing
 Cost and expenses
 Personnel productivity (particularly of principals)
 Goodwill
 Profitability
 Price structure
 Customers base
 Productivity
 Quality
 System
Organizational May include, but not limited to:
structures  Lines of authority and reporting relationship
Objectives May include, but not limited to:
 Market share growth
 Revenue growth
 Profitability
 Productivity
 Innovation
Market position May include, but not limited to:
 The goods or service provided
 Product mix
 The core product - what is bought
 The tangible product - what is perceived

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The augmented product - total package of consumer
Product differentiation from competitive products
New/changed products
Price and pricing strategies (cost plus, supply/demand,
ability to pay, etc.)
 Pricing objectives (profit, market penetration, etc.)
 Cost components
 Market position
 Distribution strategies
 Marketing channels
 Promotion
 Target audience
 Communication
Practice brand May include, but not limited to:
 Practice image
 Practice logo/letterhead/signage
 Phone answering protocol
 Facility decor
 Slogans
 Templates for communication/invoicing
 Style guide
 Writing style
 AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action)
Benefits May include, but not limited to:
 Features as perceived by the client
 Benefits as perceived by the client
Promotion tools May include, but not limited to:
 Networking and referrals
 Seminars
 Sales promotion
 Advertising
 Personal selling
 Press releases
 Publicity and sponsorship
 Brochures
 Newsletters (print and/or electronic)
 Websites
 Direct mail
 Telemarketing/cold calling
Ranking May include, but not limited to:
 Importance
 Urgency
 Technology
 Resource availability
Relevant stockholders May include, but not limited to:
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Ethiopian Occupational Standard
 Micro and Small Enterprises development
 Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)
 Finance institutions
 Capital goods leasing enterprise

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge of:
Competence  Identifying the key indicators of business performance
 Identifying the key market data for the business
 A wide range of available information sources
 Acquiring information not readily available within a
 Analyzing data and determine areas of improvement
 Negotiating required improvements to ensure
 Evaluating systems against practice requirements
 Forming recommendations and/or make
 Assessing the accuracy and relevance of information
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and Attitude  Data gathering and analysis
 Value chain analysis
 SWOT analysis
 Competitive advantage
 Cost benefit analysis
 Target market
 Marketing principles
 Organizational structure
 Marketing mix
 Promotion mix
 Market position
 Branding
Profitability demonstrates knowledge of:
 Data gathering and analysis
 Value chain analysis
 SWOT analysis
 Competitive advantage
 Cost benefit analysis
 Target market
 Marketing principles
 Organizational structure
 Marketing mix
 Promotion mix
 Market position
 Branding
 Profitability

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Ethiopian Occupational Standard
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skill in:
 Benchmarking skills
 Communication skills
 Computers kills to manipulate data and present
 Negotiation skills
 Preparing action plan
 Conducting market research
 Identifying target market
 Identifying suitable marketing mix
 Preparing promotional tools
 Problem solving
 Planning skills
 Monitoring and evaluation
 Ability to acquire and interpret relevant data
 Use of market intelligence
 Development and implementation strategies of
promotion and growth plans
 Ability to acquire and interpret required data, current
practice systems and structures and sources of
relevant benchmarking data
 Applying methods of selecting relevant key
benchmarking indicators
 Communication skills
 Working and consulting with others when developing
plans for the business
 Negotiation skills
 Using computers to manipulate, present and distribute
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Ethiopian Occupational Standard
Occupational Standard: Electro-Mechanical Equipment Operation and
Maintenance Level III
Unit Title Prevent and Eliminate MUDA
Unit Code EIS EME3 17 0317
Unit Descriptor This unit of competence covers the knowledge, skills and
attitude required by a worker to prevent and eliminate
MUDA/wastes in his/her their workplace. It covers
responsibility for the day-to-day operation of the work and
ensures Kaizen elements are continuously improved and

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Prepare for work. 1.1. Work instructions are used to determine job
requirements, including method, material and
1.2. Job specifications are read and interpreted following
working manual.
1.3. OHS requirements, including dust and fume
collection, breathing apparatus and eye and ear
personal protection needs are observed throughout
the work.
1.4. Appropriate material is selected for work.
1.5. Safety equipment and tools are identified and
checked for safe and effective operation.
2. Identify MUDA. 2.1. Plan of MUDA identification is prepared and
2.2. Causes and effects of MUDA are discussed.
2.3. Tools and techniques are used to draw and analyze
current situation of the work place.
2.4. Wastes/MUDA are identified and measured based on
relevant procedures.
2.5. Identified and measured wastes are reported to
relevant personnel.
3. Eliminate 3. 1. Plan of MUDA elimination is prepared and
wastes/MUDA. implemented.
3. 2. Necessary attitude and the ten basic principles for
improvement are adopted to eliminate waste/MUDA.
3. 3. Tools and techniques are used to eliminate
wastes/MUDA based on the procedures and OHS.
3. 4. Wastes/MUDA are reduced and eliminated in
accordance with OHS and organizational

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Ethiopian Occupational Standard
3. 5. Improvements gained by elimination of waste/MUDA
are reported to relevant bodies.
4. Prevent occurrence 4.1. Plan of MUDA prevention is prepared and
of wastes/MUDA. implemented.
4.2. Standards required for machines, operations, defining
normal and abnormal conditions, clerical procedures
and procurement are discussed and prepared.
4.3. Occurrences of wastes/MUDA are prevented by using
visual and auditory control methods.
4.4. Waste-free workplace is created using 5W and
4.5. The completion of required operation is done in
accordance with standard procedures and practices.
4.6. The updating of standard procedures and practices is
4.7. The capability of the work team that aligns with the
requirements of the procedure is ensured.

Variable Range
OHS requirements May include, but not limited to:
 Are to be in accordance with legislation/
regulations/codes of practice and enterprise safety
policies and procedures. This may include protective
clothing and equipment, use of tooling and equipment,
workplace environment and safety, handling of
material, use of firefighting equipment, enterprise first
aid, hazard control and hazardous materials and
 Personal protective equipment is to include that
prescribed under legislation/regulations/codes of
practice and workplace policies and practices.
 Safe operating procedures are to include, but are not
limited to the conduct of operational risk assessment
and treatments associated with workplace organization.
 Emergency procedures related to this unit are to
include but may not be limited to emergency shutdown
and stopping of equipment, extinguishing fires,
enterprise first aid requirements and site evacuation.
Safety equipment and May include, but not limited to:
tools  Dust masks/goggles
 Glove
 Working cloth
 First aid and safety shoes
Tools and techniques May include, but not limited to:
 Plant Layout
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Ethiopian Occupational Standard
Process flow
Other Analysis tools
Do time study by work element
Measure Travel distance
Take a photo of workplace
Measure Total steps
Make list of items/products, who produces them and
who uses them & those in warehouses, storages etc.
 Focal points to Check and find out existing problems
 5S
 Layout improvement
 Brainstorming
 Andon
 U-line
 In-lining
 Unification
 Multi-process handling & Multi-skilled operators
 A.B. control (Two point control)
 Cell production line
 TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)
Relevant procedures May include, but not limited to:
 Make waste visible
 Be conscious of the waste
 Be accountable for the waste.
 Measure the waste.
The ten basic principles May include, but not limited to:
for improvement  Throw out all of your fixed ideas about how to do
 Think of how the new method will work- not how it won.
 Don’t accept excuses. Totally deny the status quo.
 Don’t seek perfection. A 5o percent implementation rate
is fine as long as it’s done on the spot.
 Correct mistakes the moment they are found.
 Don’t spend a lot of money on improvements.
 Problems give you a chance to use your brain.
 Ask “why?” At least five times until you find the ultimate
 Ten people’s ideas are better than one person’s.
 Improvement knows no limits.
Visual and auditory May include, but not limited to:
control methods  Red Tagging
 Sign boards
 Outlining
 Andons
 Kanban, etc.
5W and 1H May include, but not limited to:

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Ethiopian Occupational Standard
 Who
 What
 Where
 When
 Why and How

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge to:
Competence  Discuss why wastes occur in the workplace
 Discuss causes and effects of wastes/MUDA in the
 Analyze the current situation of the workplace by using
appropriate tools and techniques
 Identify, measure, eliminate and prevent occurrence of
wastes by using appropriate tools and techniques
 Use 5W and 1H sheet to prevent
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and Attitude  Targets of customers and manufacturer/service
 Traditional and kaizen thinking of price setting
 Kaizen thinking in relation to targets of
manufacturer/service provider and customer
 value
 The three categories of operations
 The 3“MU”
 Waste/MUDA
 Wastes occur in the workplace
 The 7 types of MUDA
 The Benefits of identifying and eliminating waste
 Causes and effects of 7 MUDA
 Procedures to identify MUDA
 Necessary attitude and the ten basic principles for
 Procedures to eliminate MUDA
 Prevention of wastes
 Methods of waste prevention
 Definition and purpose of standardization
 Standards required for machines, operations, defining
normal and abnormal conditions, clerical procedures
and procurement
 Methods of visual and auditory control
 TPM concept and its pillars.
 Relevant OHS and environment requirements
 Plan and report
 Method of communication
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 Draw & analyze current situation of the work place
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Ethiopian Occupational Standard
 Use measurement apparatus (stop watch, tape, etc.)
 Calculate volume and area
 Use and follow checklists to identify, measure and
eliminate wastes/MUDA
 Identify and measure wastes/MUDA in accordance with
OHS and procedures
 Use tools and techniques to eliminate wastes/MUDA in
accordance with OHS procedure
 Apply 5W and 1H sheet
 Update and use standard procedures for completion of
required operation
 Work with others
 Read and interpret documents
 Observe situations
 Solve problems
 Communicate
 Gather evidence by using different means
 Report activities and results using report formats
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Ethiopian Occupational Standard

We wish to extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of industry who donated their time and expertise to the
development of this occupational standard.

We would like also to express our appreciation to the Experts of Ethiopian Construction Works Design and Supervision
Corporation, Oromia Water Works Design and Supervision Enterprises, Oromia Water Works Construction Enterprises, Adama
Town Water Supply and Sewerage Services Enterprise, Bushoftu Town Water Supply and Sewerage Services Enterprise, Nile
Water Exploration and Drilling P.L.C., Ethiopian Water Technology Institute and Federal Technical and Vocational Education and
Training Agency (FTVET) who made the development of this occupational standard possible.

This occupational standard was developed on April 2017 at Adama, Dire International Hotel.

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