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Electrical/Electronics Equipment Servicing Level - Iv: Based On October, 2021 (V-I) Occupational Standard (OS)

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Based on October, 2021 (V- I) Occupational
standard (OS)

March, 2022
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The reformed TVET-System is an outcome-based system. It utilizes the needs of the labor
market and occupational requirements from the world of work as the benchmark and standard
for TVET delivery. The requirements from the world of work are analyzed and documented –
taking into account international benchmarking – as occupational standards (OS).

In the reformed TVET-System, curricula and curriculum development play an important role
with regard to quality driven comparable TVET-Delivery. The Curricula help to facilitate the
training process in a way, that trainees acquire the set of occupational competences (skills,
knowledge and attitude) required at the working place and defined in the occupational
standards (OS).
This curriculum has been developed by a group of professional experts from different
Regional TVET Bureaus, colleges, Industries, Institutes and universities based on the
occupational standard for Electrical/Electronic Equipment Servicing Level IV.

The curriculum development process has been actively supported and facilitated by Ministry
of Labor and Skills.

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Ministry of Labor and Skills Electrical/Electronic Equipment
March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
TVET-Program Design
TVET-Program Title: Electrical/Electronic Equipment Servicing Level - IV
1.1. TVET-Program Description
The Program is designed to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude of the trainees to
the standard required by the occupation. The contents of this program are in line with the
occupational standard. The Trainees who successfully completed the Program will be qualified to
work as a Electrical Worker with competencies elaborated in the respective OS. Graduates of the
program will have the required qualification to work in the Electro - Technology sector in the field
of electrical/electronic equipment servicing.
The prime objective of this training program is to equip the Trainees with the identified
competences specified in the OS. Graduates are therefore expected to Design and Develop
Advanced Electrical/Electronic Systems, Develop Basic Integrated Security Systems, Assemble,
enter and verify operating instructions in microprocessor equipped, Provide solutions and report on
electro-technological problems, Commission Electrical /Electronic System, Manage Servicing
Operations for Electronics Equipment/System, Plan and Organize Work Activities in accordance
with the performance criteria and evidence guide described in the OS.

1.2. TVET-Program Training Outcomes

The expected outputs of this program are the acquisition and implementation of the following units
of competences:
EISEEES4 01 0322 Design and Develop Advanced Electrical/Electronic Systems
EISEEES4 02 0322 Develop Basic Integrated Security Systems
EISEEES4 03 0322 Assemble, enter and verify operating instructions in microprocessor equipped
EISEEES4 04 0322 Provide solutions and report on electro-technological problems
EIS EEES4 05 0322 Commission Electrical /Electronic System
EIS EEES4 06 0322 Manage Servicing Operations for Electronics Equipment/System
EIS EEES4 07 0322 Plan and Organize Work Activities
1.3. Duration of the TVET-Program
The Program will have duration of 580 hours including the on school/ Institution training and on-
the-job practice or cooperative training time. Such cooperative training based on realities of the
industry, nature of the occupation, location of the TVET institution, and other factors will be
considered in the training delivery to ensure that trainees acquire practical and workplace

TVET Institution Cooperati Total Remarks

training ve hours
Theory Practical training
Unit competency
1. Design and Develop Advanced Electrical/Electronic Systems 45 60 45 150

2. Develop Basic Integrated Security Systems 30 40 30 100

3. Assemble, enter and verify operating instructions in microprocessor 36 48 36 120

4. Provide solutions and report on electro-technological problems 15 20 15 50
5. Commission Electrical /Electronic System 9 12 9 30
6. Manage Servicing Operations for Electronics Equipment/System 15 20 15 50
7. Plan and Organize Work Activities 24 32 24 80
Total Duration of hours = 174hrs 232hrs 174hrs 580hrs

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
1.4. Qualification Level and Certification
Based on the descriptors elaborated on the Ethiopian National TVET Qualification Framework
(NTQF) the qualification of this specific TVET Program is Level IV.

The trainee can exit after successfully completing the modules in one level and will be awarded the
equivalent institutional certificate on the level completed. However, only institutional certificate of
training accomplishment will be awarded.
1.5. Target Groups
Any citizen with or without disability who meets the entry requirements under items 1.7 and
capable of participating in the training activities is entitled to take part in the Program.
1.7 Entry Requirements
The prospective participants of this program are required to possess the requirements or directive of
the Ministry of Labor and Skills.

1.8 Mode of Delivery

This TVET-Program is characterized as a formal Program on middle level technical skills. The
mode of delivery is co-operative training. The time spent by the trainees in the real work place/
industry will give them enough exposure to the actual world of work and enable them to get hands-
on experience.

The co-operative approach will be supported with school-based lecture-discussion, simulation and
actual practice. These modalities will be utilized before the trainees are exposed to the industry

Hence based on the nature of the occupation, location of the TVET institutions, and interest of the
industry alternative mode of cooperative training such as apprenticeships, internship and traineeship
will be employed. In addition, in the areas where industry is not sufficiently available the
established production and service centers/learning factories in TVET institutions will be used as
cooperative training places. The Training-Institution and identified companies have forged an
agreement to co-operate with regard to the implementation of this program.

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
1.9. TVET-Program Structure
Unit of Competence Module Code & Title Training Outcomes
(In Hours)
EIS EEES4 01 0322 Design and Develop EIS EEES4 Designing and Developing  Design and develop Advanced 150
Advanced M01 0322 Advanced Electrical/Electronic Electrical/Electronic systems
Electrical/Electronic Systems  Design and develop advanced
Systems digital systems.
 Obtain approval for the design
EIS EEES4 02 0322 Develop Basic EIS EEES4 Developing Basic Integrated  Prepare to develop integrated 100
Integrated Security M02 0322 Security Systems security systems
Systems  Develop and approve integrated
security system plan
 Assemble wired and wireless
security system
 Complete and document security
systems installation
EIS EEES4 03 0322 Assemble, Enter and EIS EEES4 Assembling, Entering and  Prepare to assemble and enter 120
verify operating verifying operating instructions operating instructions
M03 0322
instructions in in microprocessor equipped  Write assembly language
microprocessor instructions
equipped  Assemble and enter operating
 Test device operation and report.
EIS EEES4 04 0322 Provide solutions and EIS EEES4 Providing solutions and report  Apply Occupational Health and 50
report on electro- M04 0322 on electro-technological Safety principles
technological problems  Provide solutions to electro
problems technological problems

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Servicing Level- IV
 Test operation of electro
technological problems
 Complete work and document
EIS EEES4 05 0322 Commission EIS EEES4 Commissioning Electrical  Prepare to commission electronics 30
Electrical /Electronic M05 0322 /Electronic System and communication systems
System  Commission electronics and
communication systems
 Complete and report
commissioning activities
EIS EEES4 06 0322 Manage Servicing EIS EEES4 Managing Servicing  Plan and prepare management 50
Operations for 06 0322 Operations for Electronics of servicing operations
Electronics  Manage and monitor servicing
Equipment/System operation
 Evaluate and document servicing
EIS EEES4 07 0322 Plan and Organize EIS EEES4 Planning and Organizing  Set objectives 80
Work Activities M07 0322 Work Activities  Plan and schedule work activities
 Implement work plans
 Monitor work activities
 Review and evaluate work plans and
*The time duration (Hours) indicated for the module should include all activities in and out of the TVET institution.

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
1.10 Institutional Assessment
Two types of evaluation will be used in determining the extent to which training outcomes are
achieved. The specific training outcomes are stated in the modules. In assessing them, verifiable
and observable indicators and standards shall be used.
The formative assessment is incorporated in the training modules and form part of the training
process. Formative evaluation provides the trainee with feedback regarding success or failure in
attaining training outcomes. It identifies the specific training errors that need to be corrected,
and provides reinforcement for successful performance as well. For the teacher, formative
evaluation provides information for making instruction and remedial work more effective.

Summative Evaluation the other form of evaluation is given when all the modules in the
program have been accomplished. It determines the extent to which competence have been
achieved. And, the result of this assessment decision shall be expressed in the term of
institutional Assessment implementation guidelines.
Techniques or tools for obtaining information about trainees’ achievement include oral or written
test, demonstration and on-site observation.
1.11 TVET Teachers Profile
The teachers conducting this particular TVET Program are (A) Level and above who have
satisfactory practical experiences or equivalent qualifications.

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Electrical/Electronic Equipment Servicing Level IV

MODULE TITLE: Designing and Developing Advanced Electrical/Electronic
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
design and development of advanced Electrical/electronic systems. It encompasses working
safely, following design brief, applying knowledge of Electrical/electronic components/devices,
interpreting device/component specifications, constructing prototype devices, applying
programming techniques to programmable devices, testing developed system prototype
operation, verifying compliance of the design against the final brief, and documenting design and
development work.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1: Design and develop Advanced Electrical/Electronic systems
LO2: Design and develop advanced digital systems.
LO3: Obtain approval for the design.
LO1: Design and develop Advanced Electrical/Electronic systems
1.1 Introducing the basic concepts of advanced electrical/electronic systems.
1.2 Identifying and obtaining OHS police and procedures
1.3 Following established OHS risk control measures and procedures.
1.4 Determining the extent of the proposed advanced electrical/electronic system.
1.5 Planning for design and development works
1.6 Selecting materials and devices/components required for the work.
1.7 Preparing, obtaining and checking tools and equipment, testing devices.

LO2. Design and develop advanced digital systems

2.1 Following OHS risk control work measures and procedures
2.2 Applying knowledge of advance electrical/electronic devices and systems

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
2.1.1. Sequential circuits
2.1.2. Combinational functions
2.1.3. Electronic switching and control circuit.
2.1.4. System and Processes
2.3 Considering alternative arrangements for the design.
2.4 Incorporating safety, functional and budget considerations in the design.
2.5 Constructing and testing prototype devices and circuits
2.6 Rectifying and retesting prototype malfunctions.
2.7 Documenting electrical/electronic system design for submission.
2.8 Providing consistent solutions to unplanned situation.
LO3. Obtain approval for the design
3.1 Presenting and explaining the design to client representative.
3.2 Negotiating the requests for modifications of the design.
3.3 Documentation and approving of final design
3.4 Monitoring quality of work for the design.

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
impaired trainees Physical
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the  Organize the
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter class room seating class room seating
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room arrangement to be arrangement to be
arrangement to be accessible to trainees seating to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to trainees accessible for
 Write short notes on the black/white contact  Speak loudly wheelchairs users.
board using large text  Make sure the luminosity of  Ensure the  Facilitate and
 Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept attention of the trainees support the trainees
class room is kept  Introduce new and relevant  Present the who have severe
 Use normal tone of voice vocabularies lecture in video format impairments on their
 Encourage trainees to record the lecture  Use short and clear sentences  Ensure the upper limbs to take
in audio format  Give emphasis on visual attention of the trainees note
 Provide Orientation on the physical lecture and ensure the attention of the  Provide
feature of the work shop trainees Orientation on the
 Summarize main points  Avoid movement during physical feature of the
lecture time work shop
 Present the lecture in video
 Summarize main points

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in  Facilitate and
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material clear & short method support the trainees
 Provide special attention in the process of  Ensure attention of the  Use Video having severe upper
guidance trainees recorded material limbs impairment to
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Provide structured training  Ensure the operate equipment’s/
 Prepare & use simulation  Show clear and short method attention of the trainees machines
 Use video  Use gesture   Assign peer P
 rovide tutorial
P support trainees to assist
rovide tutorial support (if necessary)  Conduct
(if necessary) close follow up

rovide tutorial support
(if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees with  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the
discussion group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of trainees trainees with their
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members with group members peers
 Introduce the trainees with other group  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close
member  Introduce the trainees with follow up
 Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member  Introduce the
trainees with other group
 Inform the
group members to speak

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance follow up and guidance trainees
 provide special attention in the process  Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial  Use
necessary support if necessary additional nominal
 provide special attention in  provide special hours if necessary
the process/practical training attention in the process/
 Introduce new and relevant practical training
 prepare the assignment questions in large  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual text  Provide briefing /orientation /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare and on the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
 Make available recorded assignment material recorded material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard copy

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
Written test  Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral
 Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, sentences, multiple choices, true response as an
necessary True or False, matching and or false, matching and short option to give
 Prepare the exam in audio short answers answers if necessary. answer for
format  Avoid essay writing trainees having
 Assign human reader  Time extension severe upper
 (if necessary) limb
 Time extension impairment
 Time extension
for trainees
having severe
upper limb
Demonstration  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based  Provide
/Observation provide them in large text  Brief on the instruction of the assessment activity based
 Time extension exam  Brief on the instruction of the assessment
 Provide activity-based/ exam  Conduct close
practical assessment method  Use loud voice follow up
 Time extension  Time extension  Time extension

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
LO.1: Design and develop Advanced Electrical/Electronic systems
 OHS police and procedures for a given work area are identified, obtained and understood,
and personal protective equipment are prepared in line with job requirements
 Established OHS risk control measures and procedures are followed in preparation for
the work.
 The extent of the proposed advanced Electrical/Electronic system development is
determined from the design brief or in consultations with appropriate person(s).
 Design and development work is planned to meet scheduled timelines in consultation
with others involved on the work site.
 Materials and devices/components required for the work are selected on compatibility of
their specifications with digital system requirements, project budget constraints and
Sources of Information
 Tools and equipment, testing devices needed to carry out the work are obtained and
checked for correct operation and safety
.LO.2: Design and develop advanced digital systems
 OHS risk control work measures and procedures are followed.
 Knowledge of Advance Electrical/Electronic devices and systems and compliance
standards are applied to the design
 Alternative arrangements for the design are considered based on the requirements outlined
in the design brief.
 Safety, functional and budget considerations are incorporated in the design.
 Prototype devices and circuits are constructed and tested for compliance with the design
brief and regulatory requirements.
 Prototype malfunctions are rectified and retested to ensure effective operation of design.
 Electrical/Electronic system design is documented for submission to appropriate person(s)
for approval.
 Solutions to unplanned situation are provided consistent with organization policy

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Servicing Level- IV
LO.3: Obtain approval for the design
 The design is presented and explained to client representative and/or other relevant
 Requests for modifications to the design are negotiated with relevant person(s) within the
constraints of organization policy.
 Final design is documented and approval obtained from appropriate person(s).
 Quality of work is monitored against personal performance agreement and/or established
organizational or professional standards.

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
Annex: Resource Requirements

EISE EEES4 M01 0322 : Designing and Developing Advanced Electrical/Electronic

Ite Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Recommen
m ded Ratio
No. (Item:
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM by the trainer 25pcs 1:1

Author Luciano Lavagno,2 Volume Set

Electronic Design Automation
2. for Integrated Circuits Handbook 25pcs 1:1

3 Digital Design Nicholas Louis Pappas Ph.D. 25pcs 1:1

B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Library 10 x 12 meter 1 : 25
2. Lecture Room 6 x 7 meter 1 : 25

3. Work shop 10x 8 meter 1 : 25

D. Tools and Equipments

Screw drivers With flat tip and insulated, split proof 25 1:1
handle blade in set of blade size
Screw drivers With flat tip and fully insulated, handled 25 1 : 25
2 with test lamp up to 380v.blade size
Screw drivers Off set with Philips tip inset of four pieces 25 1 : 25
with tip no. 1,2,3,4
Screw drivers With Philips tip and insulated, split proof 25 1 : 25
4 handle blade in set of blade size and
length of 100,125,200mm
220V,50Hrz,25,40,60 W 25 1 : 25
soldering iron/gun
7 220v,50Hrz,100W
de-soldering tools
DC voltage range 0.2,20,200,1000v 25 1 : 25
AC voltage range 7.5,25,75,230,750v
9 multi-testers (analog/digital
DC current range 0.2,5,10,30Am
AC current range 2,20,200Am

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
Ohmmeter 200Ohm,2K ohm,200K
ohm,20M ohm
10 electric blower Standard 5 1:5
11 Logic analyzer Standard 1 1 : 25
13 logic clip, Standard 1 1 : 25
logic probe, TTL: > 2.3V ±0.02V, CMOS: > 70% Vcc 1 :5
14 ± 10% ,TTL: < 0.08V ±0.02V 5

15 logic current tracer, Single phase ,220v AC 5 1:5

16 logic pulsar, Standard 5 1:5
17 IC remover, Sponge 5 1:5
18 high voltage probe Single phase ,220v AC 5 1:5
Hand drilling machine Makita 220 volt 1:5
19 5
20 oscilloscope 220v/small/5mf-12v 5 1:5
Programmable Logic 12 digital inputs and 8 relay outputs. 1:5
Controller – 12 In/8 Out- DL
21 5

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Ministry of Labor and Skills Electrical/Electronic Equipment
March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Electrical/Electronic Equipment Servicing Level IV
MODULE TITLE: Develop Basic Integrated Security System
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes of
integrating security components to form a complete security system with up to 100 connected
intrusion and access devices and based on common security scenarios. It encompasses applying
knowledge of common security scenarios and security network standards and protocols, selecting
network topology and physical media, disaster recovery planning, performance management and
documentation of work activities.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Prepare to develop integrated security systems
LO2 Develop and approve integrated security system plan
LO3. Assemble wired and wireless security system
LO4. Complete and document security systems installation
LO1 Prepare unit, tools and workstation.
1.1 Introducing the basic concepts of integrated security systems
1.1.1 Common parts of integrated security systems
1.1.2 Classification of integrated security systems
1.2 Identifying, obtaining and understanding OHS.
1.3 Establishing and following WHS risk control measures and procedures.
1.4 Determining the extent of the proposed integrated security system.
1.5 Planning work developments to meet scheduled timelines.
1.6 Determining and obtaining CCTV & security surveillance materials/products.
1.7 Obtaining and checking tools, equipment and testing devices.

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
LO2. Develop and approve integrated security system plan
2.1 Considering system arrangements
2.2 Incorporating safety, functional and budget
2.3 Checking System draft plan
2.4 Documenting appropriate persons and system requirements System plan
2.5 Making decisions appropriate persons and system requirements
2.6 Documenting and obtaining final system plan
2.7 Monitoring quality of work

LO3. Assemble wired and wireless security system

3. 1 Following WHS/OHS
3. 2 Checking and isolating circuits/machines/plant
3. 3 Positioning CCTV &Security surveillance devices
3. 4 Terminating cables and conductors
3. 5 Referring Unplanned events
3. 6 Carrying out security installation
LO4: Complete and document security systems installation
4.1 Following WHS/OHS
4.2 Cleaning and making Worksite and equipment
4.3 Testing and cleaning the final reassembling units
4.4 Documenting Security system installation

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class room  Organize the class room seating
discussion  Arrange the class room seating to be seating arrangement to be arrangement to be accessible for
conducive for eye to eye contact accessible to trainees wheelchairs users.
 Make sure the luminosity of the light of  Speak loudly  Facilitate and support the trainees who
class room is kept  Ensure the attention of the have severe impairments on their upper
 Introduce new and relevant vocabularies trainees limbs to take note
 Use short and clear sentences  Present the lecture in video  Provide Orientation on the physical
 Give emphasis on visual lecture and ensure format feature of the work shop
the attention of the trainees  Ensure the attention of the
 Avoid movement during lecture time trainees
 Present the lecture in video format
 Summarize main points
Demonstration  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear & short  Facilitate and support the trainees having
 Use video recorded material method severe upper limbs impairment to operate
 Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded material equipments/ machines
 Provide structured training  Ensure the attention of the  Assign peer trainees to assist

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Servicing Level- IV
 Show clear and short method trainees  Conduct close follow up
 Use gesture  provide tutorial support  Provide tutorial support
 provide tutorial support (if necessary) (if necessary
(if necessary)
Group  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the integration of  Introduce the trainees with their peers
discussion  Facilitate the integration of trainees with trainees with group members
group members  Conduct close follow up
 Conduct close follow up  Introduce the trainees with other
 Introduce the trainees with other group group member
member  Inform the group members to
speak loudly
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Assign peer trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance  Use additional nominal hours if
 provide special attention in the  Provide tutorial support if necessary
process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant vocabularies  provide special attention in the
process/ practical training
 use sign language interpreter Provide briefing /orientation on the
Individual  provide briefing /orientation on the assignment
assignment assignment Provide visual recorded material

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Servicing Level- IV
 provide visual recorded material

Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response as an option for
 Ensure or conform whether the proper  Using sign language interpreter the trainees having speech challenges
communication was conducted with the if necessary
trainee through the service of the sign
language interpreter
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam using short sentences,  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as an option to give
multiple choices, True or False, matching sentences, multiple choices, answer for trainees having severe upper
and short answers True or False, matching and limb impairment
 Avoid essay writing short answers if necessary  Time extension for trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb impairment
Demonstration  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based  Provide activity based assessment
/Observation  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment  Conduct close follow up
 Provide activity-based/ practical assessment  Brief on the instruction of the  Time extension
method exam
 Time extension  Use loud voice
 Time extension

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written
 Ensure or conform whether  Using sign language interpreter response as an
the proper communication if necessary option for the
was conducted with the trainees having
trainee through the service of speech
the sign language interpreter challenges
 Use short and clear
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral
 Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, sentences, multiple choices, response as an
necessary True or False, matching and true or false, matching and option to give
 Prepare the exam in audio short answers short answers if necessary. answer for
format  Avoid essay writing trainees having
 Assign human reader  Time extension severe upper
 (if necessary) limb impairment
 Time extension  Time extension
for trainees
having severe
upper limb
Demonstration/  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based  Provide activity
Observation provide them in large text  Brief on the instruction of the assessment based
 Time extension exam  Brief on the instruction of the assessment
 Provide activity-based/ exam  Conduct close
practical assessment method  Use loud voice follow up
 Time extension  Time extension  Time extension

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
LO1. Prepare to develop integrated security systems
 OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) procedures for a given work area are identified,
obtained and understood.
 WHS risk control measures and procedures are established followed in preparation for the
 The extents of the proposed integrated security system are determined from the System
requirements or in consultations with appropriate person(s).
 Work developments are planned to meet scheduled timelines in consultation with
appropriate persons involved on the work site.
 Nature, location and security system required is obtained from supervisor or other relevant
person/s and/or workplace documentation to determine the scope and details of work to be
 Advice is sought from work supervisor or other relevant person/s to ensure work is
coordinated effectively with others.
 CCTV & Security Surveillance materials/products with accessories required for work are
determined and obtained in accordance with workplace procedures
 Tools, equipment and testing devices needed to carry out the work are obtained and checked
for correct operation and safety
LO2. Develop and approve integrated security system plan
 System arrangements are considered based on the requirement.
 Safety, functional and budget considerations are incorporated in the system equipment.
 System draft plan is checked for compliance with the job specifications and regulatory
 System plan is documented for submission to appropriate person(s) for approval
 Decisions for dealing with unexpected situations are made from discussions with
appropriate persons and system requirements.
 Final system plan is documented and approval obtained from appropriate person(s).
 Quality of work is monitored against personal performance agreement

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LO3: Assemble wired and wireless security system
 WHS/OHS risk control measures and workplace procedures for carrying out work are
 Circuits/machines/plant are checked and isolated in accordance with WHS/OHS workplace
requirements and procedures
 CCTV &Security surveillance devices are positioned for optimum performance in
accordance with workplace procedures and within limitations imposed by customers and
 Cables and conductors are terminated at security system components in accordance with
manufacturer specifications and regulatory requirements
 Unplanned events are referred to supervisor for directions in accordance with WHS
 Security installation are carried out without waste of materials or damage to apparatus,
circuits or the surrounding environment using sustainable energy practices
LO4. Complete and document security systems installation
 WHS/OHS risk control measures and workplace procedures for work completion are
 Worksite and equipment are cleaned and made safe in accordance with WHS/OHS
requirements and workplace procedures
 Security system installation is documented in accordance with regulatory requirements and
workplace procedures.

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Servicing Level- IV
Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS EEES4 M02 0322 Develop Basic Integrated Security System

Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1 TTLM By trainers 25 1:1
3 Visual training Media LCD, Laptops 25 1:1
4 Introduction to Networking Barry Nance 25 1:1
5 The Encyclopedia of Electronic Rudolf F. Graf 25 1:1
6 ECG Master Replacement Guide 25 1:1
B. Learning Facilities and Infrastructure
1 Work Shop 10 x 8 meter square pcs 1 : 25
2 Library 10 X12 meter pcs 1 : 25
3 Class 6 x 7 meter square Pcs 1 : 25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 1dasta 1:25
2. Printer ink/toner Dot Pcs 1:25
3. Extension cord 50m Pcs 5:25
4. BNC Connector for CCTV Triaxial Plug Jack Jack Type Pcs 5:25
5. BNC Connector For CCTV Male Type With Plastic Pcs 5:25

6. CCTV BNC Connector BNC Male Balun Connector for Coax Cat5 Pcs 5:25
7. BNC Connector for CCTV Camera Angled Jack for PCB with Bracket Pcs 5:25

8. VGA 15 Pin To 8 BNC CCTV Cable 2 Rows Pcs 5:25

Female Jack Video VGA CCTV cable
cat6 cable Roll 2 : 25
9. Cables 12 core Single Mode Fiber 40 Mtrs 100 : 25
12 core Multi Mode Fiber Mtrs 100 : 25

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Servicing Level- IV
Armored 6 Sqmm*4 Core Cable 100 Mtrs 100 : 25
Flexiable 2.5 Sqmm*3 Core Mtrs 100 : 25
MM LC-LC duplex Fiber Patch chord Mtrs 100 : 25
SM LC-LC duplex Fiber Patch Chord , Mtrs 10 : 25
SM LC-SC duplex Fiber Patch Chord Mtrs 10 : 25
UTP CAT 6 Patch Chord (Black Color), Mtrs 10 : 25
1C*25 Sqmm Earthing cable Mtrs 100 : 25
D. Tools and Equipment

10. TL-22 CCTV Cable Stripper Strips COAX Cables, Flat Cables, RG- 5Pcs 1:5
59 RG-6. ...
11. TL-70 CCTV Cable Crimping Tool for RG58, RG59, RG6, RG-62 5Pcs 1:5
Coax Cable
12. RJ45 Crimper Ethernet Crimp Tool, RJ11, Cable 5Pcs 1:5
Cutter Stripper
13. TL-33 Connect Tight 5Pcs 1:5
BNC, RCA, F Connectors
Compression Tool for
Fixed BOX Box 2 MP Outdoor Box Cameras with 5Pcs 1:5

14. NEMA 4X / IP-66 rated Housing, 5Pcs 1:5

lens, 5Pcs 1:5
Mounting bracket 5Pcs 1:5
PTZ Camera 2 MP Outdoor PTZ Cameras with 5Pcs 1:5
NEMA 4X / IP-66 rated Housing
24v ac POWER SUPPLY 2 5Pcs 1:5
Mounting bracket 5Pcs 1:5
IR Dome Camera 1 MP IR Dome Cameras with ABS/IP 5Pcs 1:5
16. rated Housing with mounting bracket
12v 5A SMPS 5Pcs 1:5
Outdoor IR Bullet Camera 2 MP Outdoor IR Bullet Cameras 5Pcs 1:5
17. with NEMA 4X / IP-66 rated Housing
with mounting bracket
IR Illuminator 40m IR Illuminators- with NEMA 5Pcs 1:5
18. 4X / IP-66 rated Housing
with mounting bracket

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Servicing Level- IV
Network Video Recorder 8/16 Ch Network Video Recorder 5Pcs 1:5

12 V DC ADPATER 5Pcs 1:5


IR REMOTE 5Pcs 1:5

1 TB HDD 5Pcs 1:5

Network Storage 5Pcs 1:5

Network Storage With 6 Tb Hard disk
20. 6TB (3 x 2TB SATA) HDD 5Pcs 1:5

12V 7A POWER SUPPLY 5Pcs 1:5

Network Switch Switch should provide minimum 8 port 5Pcs 1:5

Layer 3 switch should provide 5Pcs 1:5
minimum 24 port
Router 5Pcs 1:5
21. 12V 5.5A POWER SUPPLY 5Pcs 1:5
Firewall 5Pcs 1:5
12V 2A ADAPTER 5Pcs 1:5
Wireless router 5Pcs 1:5

12V 1.5A ADAPTER 5Pcs 1:5

Computer hardware with Dell 5.2GHz core due CPU, 1GB 5Pcs 1:5
peripherals &appropriate software RAM,160GB Hard disk DVD-RW
drive, LCD monitor with accessories
Software installed
23. Computer laptop Any type 5Pcs 1:5
24. Multimedia projector Sony 5Pcs 1:5
25. Display screen standard 5Pcs 1:5
Hp laser jet 4250/2015 series 5Pcs 1:5
128MB RAM or higher
26. Printer
3600DPI10/100bas NIC All necessary
power bidirectional printer cable

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Servicing Level- IV
Scan jet 5400 5Pcs 1:5
1600dpi optical resolution
27. Scanner
1600X2600hard wave resolution36bit
28. Blower 1hp,220V/50Hz 5Pcs 1:5
29. Electrical tool &equipment set 5Pcs 1:5
30. logic probe Standard 5Pcs 1:5
31. soldering Iron 25W 5Pcs 1:5
32. Solder 40/60 5Pcs 1:5
33. Logic analyzer & logic clip standard 5Pcs 1:5
34. logic pulsar, IC extraction clip Standard 5Pcs 1:5
35. Bread board Standard 5Pcs 1:5
36. Electronic components Standard 5Pcs 1:5

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Electrical/Electronic Equipment Servicing IV
MODULE TITLE: Assemble, enter and verify operating instructions in microprocessor
equipped devices
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
assemble, enter and verify operating instructions in microprocessor equipped device (embedded
system) with simple built-in programming functions and verify/ensure the device operates as
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:

LO1. Prepare to assemble and enter operating instructions

LO2. Write assembly language instructions

LO3. Assemble and enter operating instructions
LO4. Test device operation and report
LO1. Prepare to assemble and enter operating instructions
1.1Introducing basic concept of microprocessor.
2.1Identifying and applying work health and safety (WHS)/ and safety (OHS).
3.1 Obtaining and identifying tools, equipment and testing instruments
4.1Consulting supervisor/customers.
5.1Obtaining and checking tools, equipment and testing devices.
6.1 Checking device installation for compliance.
LO2. Write assembly language instructions
1.1 Introducing machine languages.
1.2 Preparing basic flow chart for the intended assembly language.
1.3 Preparing machine language in assembly language

1.3.1. 8086 Microprocessor Assembly Language

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1.3.2. Arduino microprocessor assembly Language
1.3.3. Unconditional and conditional Jump instructions

1.4. Including logic instructions for registers, stacks operations, interfacing input and output devices
1.5. Preparing assembly language
1.6. Implementing basic software techniques
1.6.1. Detail command based on the logic instructions.
1.6.2. Including STO, HALT, and FLAG to set or reset for given data
1.7 Compiling detailed commands in to one pack software.
LO3. Assemble and enter operating instructions
3.1. Checking and isolating circuits/machines/plant.
3.2. Identifying microprocessors equipped devices
3.3. Checking entered data.
3.4. Responding unplanned situations
LO4. Test device operation and report
4.1 Testing device operation using tools, materials and test instruments
4.2 Identifying and correcting operating anomalies.
4.3 Following WHS/OHS work completion risk control
4.4 Cleaning and making safe worksite.
4.5 Documenting work completion
4.6 Disposing waste materials based on environmental requirements.

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Servicing Level- IV
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
trainees Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
 Prepare the lecture in Audio/video arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
 Arrange the class room accessible to users.
 Organize the class room seating seating to be conducive for trainees
arrangement to be accessible to eye to eye contact  Facilitate and support the
trainees  Speak loudly trainees who have severe
 Make sure the luminosity of impairments on their upper
 Write short notes on the black/white the light of class room is kept  Ensure the limbs to take note
board using large text attention of the
 Introduce new and relevant trainees  Provide Orientation on the
 Make sure the luminosity of the light vocabularies physical feature of the work
of class room is kept  Present the lecture shop
 Use short and clear sentences in video format
 Use normal tone of voice
 Give emphasis on visual  Ensure the
 Encourage trainees to record the lecture and ensure the attention of the
lecture in audio format attention of the trainees trainees
 Provide Orientation on the physical  Avoid movement during
feature of the work shop lecture time
 Summarize main points  Present the lecture in video
 Summarize main points

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Servicing Level- IV
Demonstrat  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
ion & short method trainees having severe upper
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material limbs impairment to operate
 Use Video equipments/ machines
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the recorded material
process of guidance trainees  Assign peer trainees to assist
 Ensure the
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Provide structured training attention of the  Conduct close follow up
 Prepare & use simulation  Show clear and short method 
 P
rovide tutorial support
 Use gesture
rovide tutorial
(if necessary
 support P
rovide tutorial support
(if necessary)
(if necessary)
Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees with
discussion with group members integration of their peers
 Facilitate the integration of trainees with
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members group members
 Introduce the trainees with other group  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close
member follow up
 Introduce the trainees with
 Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

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Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance follow up and
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance  Use additional nominal hours
 Provide tutorial support if if necessary
 provide special attention in the necessary  Provide tutorial
process support if
 provide special attention in necessary
the process/practical training
 provide special
 Introduce new and relevant attention in the
vocabularies process/ practical

 prepare the assignment questions in  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual large text /orientation on the
assignment  Provide briefing /orientation assignment
 Encourage the trainees to prepare and on the assignment
submit the assignment in large texts  Provide visual
 Provide visual recorded recorded material
 Make available recorded assignment material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard

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Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response as
an option for the trainees
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign having speech challenges
proper communication was language
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

Writte  Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as an
n test  Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, True using short option to give answer for
necessary or False, matching and short sentences, multiple trainees having severe
 Prepare the exam in audio format answers choices, true or upper limb impairment
 Assign human reader false, matching
 (if necessary)  Avoid essay writing and short answers  Time extension for
 Time extension if necessary. trainees having severe
 Time extension upper limb impairment

Demonstr  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ation/Obs them in large text based assessment assessment
ervation  Brief on the instruction of the
 Time extension exam  Brief on the  Conduct close follow up
instruction of the
 Provide activity-based/ practical exam  Time extension
assessment method
 Use loud voice
 Time extension
 Time extension

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LO.1 Prepare to assemble and enter operating instructions

 Work health and safety (WHS)/occupational health and safety (OHS) requirements and
workplace procedures for a given work area are identified and applied
 Hazards are identified, risks assessed and control measures implemented
 Safety hazards not previously identified are reported on job safety assessment and advice on
risk control measures is sought from supervisor
 Supervisor/customers are consulted to determine which functions of the device are used and
the parameter of each
 Tools, equipment and testing devices needed to carry out the work are obtained and checked
for correct operation and safety in accordance with workplace procedures
 Device installation is checked for compliance with job specification and regulations
where required
LO.2 Write assembly language instructions

 WHS/OHS risk control measures and workplace procedures for carrying out the work are
 Basic flow chart is prepared for the intended assembly language
 Machine language is prepared in assembly language using unconditional and conditional
Jump instructions
 Logic instructions for registers, stacks operations, interfacing input and output devices are
 Assembly language for each component and periphery of an embedded microprocessor
system is prepared
 Basic software techniques, detail command based on the logic instructions, and the
including STO, HALT, and FLAG to set or reset for given data conditions are
 Detailed commands in to one pack software are compiled
LO.3 Assemble and enter operating instructions
 Circuits/machines/plant are checked and isolated in accordance with WHS/OHS
requirements and workplace procedures

 Required status of each function of the Microprocessors equipped devices is entered and
their parameters set in accordance with manufacturer instructions

 Entered data is checked in accordance with specifications stated by work


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 Unplanned situations are responded to in accordance with workplace procedures and
approval of supervisor/s
LO.4 Test device operation and report
 Device operation is tested using tools, materials and test Instruments in accordance with
workplace procedures
 Operating anomalies are identified and corrected in accordance with workplace
 WHS/OHS work completion risk control measures and workplace procedures are
 Worksite is cleaned and made safe in accordance with workplace procedures
 Work completion is documented and appropriate person/s notified in accordance with
workplace procedures
 Waste materials are disposed based on Environmental Requirements

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Annex: Resource Requirements
EIS EEES4 M03 0322 and Assemble, enter and verify operating instructions in microprocessor
equipped devices
Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended Ratio
No. Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
prepared by the
2. Reference Books
Computer System Architecture M. Morris Mano 5 5:25
Prentice Hall of
3.1 India
Computer System
Computer Organization & William Stallings 5 5:25
3.2 Architecture Designing for Prentice Hall of
Performance India seventh

B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

1. Lecture /Class room 6 x 7 meter 1 1:25
2. work shop room 10x8 meter 1 1:25
3. Library 10x12 meter 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Cables/connectors Male /female 5pcs 1:5
2 Cleaning brush Small 5pcs 1:5
5 Soldering lead 0.8mm^2/1mm^2 5roll 1:5
6 Wires 1.5mm^2/2.5mm 5roll 1:5
8 Contact cleaner Standard 5pcs 1:5
D. Tools and Equipments
1. Software Tools:

2 Compiler 25 pcs 1:1

3 Libraries 25 pcs 1:1

4 Simulator 25 pcs 1:1

Integrated development 25 pcs 1:1

environment IDE

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Servicing Level- IV
6 Hardware tools

7 Logic Analyzer 5pcs 1:5

8 Microprocessor 16-bit 8086 and Arduino 5pcs 1:5
9 Computer HD-1tera 5pcs 1:5
10 RAM-4G 5pcs 5pcs 1:5
11 Variable power supply 1-50vDC 5pcs 1:5
12 Soldering iron/gun 220V 5pcs 1:5
13 De sordering tools 220V,Hot air gun 5pcs 1:5
14 Screwdriver T1,T2,T3,T4,T5and T6 5pcs 1:5
15 Multi meter-testers Digital 5pcs 1:5
16 Utility knife/stripper Standard 5pcs 1:5
17 Pliers (assorted) Assorted 5pcs 1:5
18 Insulation tester w/stand Standard
19 5pcs 1:5
20 Programmable relays 100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 5pcs 1:5
Hz, 12 to 24 VDC
21 Timers 12 to 24 VDC 5pcs 1:5
Temperature controllers 2K to 1500K, 5 digits or 5pcs 1:5
more, autorange, K, °C
(V, mV, Ω based on the
sensor output)., 0.01° over
complete range upto
999 K, 0.1°
23 Transducer 5pcs 1:5
24 Contactors 24V,DC 5pcs 1:5
25 Microprocessor 16-bit 8086 and Arduino 5pcs 1:5

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Servicing Level- IV
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Electrical/Electronic Equipment Servicing IV
MODULE TITLE: Providing solutions and reporting on electro-technological problems
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skill and attitude to identify
electro technology problems encountered in workplace or community, implement required
parameters, apply relevant problem-solving techniques and deal with system malfunctions..
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Apply Occupational Health and Safety principles
LO2. Provide solutions to electro technological problems
LO3. Test operation of electro technological problems
LO4. Complete work and document solutions

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LO1. Apply Occupational Health and Safety principles
1.1 Obtaining and understanding OHS procedures
1.2 Identifying hazards, assessing risk and implementing control measures and procedures
1.3 Reporting safety hazards not previously identified.
LO2. Provide solutions to electro technological problems
2.1 Obtaining the nature of the problems from documentation or work supervisor.
2.2 Stating problems clearly in writing and/or diagrammatic form.
2.3 Obtaining known constants and variable related to the problem.
2.4 Considering and discussing alternative methods for resolving the problem.
2.5 Solving problems using an appropriate mathematical processes and techniques.
LO3. Test operation of electro technological problems
3.1 Testing tools, materials and instruments.
3.2 Identifying and correcting operating anomalies.
3.3 Following WHS/OHS.
3.4 Cleaning and making safe workplace.

LO4. Complete work and document solutions

4.1 4.1 Documenting justification for solutions used to solve the problem.
5.1 4.2 Documenting and notifying work completion.

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Servicing Level- IV
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
trainees Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to seating to be conducive for accessible to users.
trainees eye to eye contact trainees  Facilitate and support the
 Write short notes on the black/white  Make sure the luminosity of  Speak loudly trainees who have severe
board using large text the light of class room is kept  Ensure the impairments on their upper
 Make sure the luminosity of the light  Introduce new and relevant attention of the limbs to take note
of class room is kept vocabularies trainees  Provide Orientation on the
 Use normal tone of voice  Use short and clear sentences  Present the lecture physical feature of the work
 Encourage trainees to record the  Give emphasis on visual in video format shop
lecture in audio format lecture and ensure the  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the physical attention of the trainees attention of the
feature of the work shop  Avoid movement during trainees
 Summarize main points lecture time
 Present the lecture in video
 Summarize main points
Demonstrat  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
ion  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe upper
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the  Use Video limbs impairment to operate
process of guidance trainees recorded material equipments/ machines
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Provide structured training  Ensure the  Assign peer trainees to assist
 Prepare & use simulation  Show clear and short method attention of the  Conduct close follow up
 Use gesture trainees  Provide tutorial support
 Provide tutorial support  Provide tutorial (if necessary
(if necessary) support

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(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees with
discussion with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other group  Conduct close follow up group members
member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member follow up
 Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal hours
 provide special attention in the  Provide tutorial support if guidance if necessary
process necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in support if
the process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical

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Servicing Level- IV
 prepare the assignment questions in  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual large text  Provide briefing /orientation /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare and on the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
 Make available recorded assignment material recorded material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard

Interview  U  S
se sign language interpreter peak loudly se written response as an
 E option for the
U trainees
nsure or conform whether the sing sign language having speech challenges
proper communication was interpreter if
conducted with the trainee necessary
through the service of the sign
language interpreter
 U
se short and clear questioning
 T
ime extension

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Servicing Level- IV
Written  r P  P
test epare the exam in large texts repare the exam using short repare the exam se oral response as an
 U sentences, multiple choices, True using short option to give answer for
se interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple trainees having severe
necessary answers choices, true or upper limb impairment
 P Afalse, matching 
repare the exam in audio format void essay writing and short answers ime extension for
 A T if necessary. trainees having severe
ssign human reader ime extension upper limb impairment

(if necessary)

Time extension
Demonstrat  B U  P
ion/Observ rief the instruction or provide them se sign language interpreter rovide activity rovide activity based
ation in large text  B based assessment assessment
 T rief on the instruction of the   B
ime extension exam rief on the onduct close follow up
 P instruction of the 
rovide activity-based/ practical exam ime extension
assessment method  U
 T se loud voice
ime extension  T
ime extension

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Servicing Level- IV
LO.1 Apply Occupational Health and Safety principles
 OHS procedures for a given work area are obtained and understood
 Hazards are identified, risks assessed and control measures implemented
 Safety hazards not previously identified are reported on job safety assessment and advice
on risk control measures is sought from supervisor
LO.2 Provide solutions to electro technological problems
 The nature of the problems is obtained from documentation or from work supervisor to
establish the scope of work to be undertaken
 Problems are clearly stated in writing and/or diagrammatic form to ensure they are
understood and appropriate methods used to resolve them.
 Known constants and variable related to the problem are obtained from measured values
or problem documentation.
 Alternative methods for resolving the problem are considered and where necessary
discussed with appropriate person(s).
 Problems are solved using appropriate mathematical processes and techniques and within
the realistic accuracy.

LO.3 Test operation of electro technological problems

 Operation is tested using tools, materials and test Instruments in accordance with
workplace procedures
 Operating anomalies are identified and corrected in accordance with workplace
 WHS/OHS work completion risk control measures and workplace procedures are
 Worksite is cleaned and made safe in accordance with workplace procedures
LO.4 Complete work and document solutions
 Justification for solutions used to solve the problem is documented for inclusion in
work/project development records in accordance with professional standards.
 Work completion is documented and appropriate person(s) notified

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
EIS EEES4 M04 0322 and Providing solutions and reporting on electro-technological problems
Ite Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quanti Recommended Ratio
m ty (Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM By trainers 25 1:1

2. Visual training Media LCD, Laptops 25 1:1

B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

1. Work Shop 10 x 8 meter pcs 1 : 25
2. Library 10 X12 meter pcs 1 : 25
3. Class 6 x 7 meter Pcs 1 : 25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 1dasta 1:25
2 Printer ink/toner Dot Pcs 1:25
D. Tools and Equipments
1. Variable power supply
2 Soldering iron/gun 220V,50Hrz,25,40,60 W
Disordering tools 220v,50Hrz,100W
220v,50Hrz,200W 1:1
Screwdriver (assorted) With flat tip and insulated, pcs 1:1
split proof handle blade in
4 set of blade size
5 Wrenches (assorted)
6 Allen wrench/key
Multi-testers (analog/digital) DC voltage range pcs 1:5
AC voltage range
DC current range
AC current range
Ohmmeter 200Ohm,2K
ohm,200K ohm,20M ohmP
8 Utility knife/stripper Standard 25Pcs 1:1
9 Pliers (assorted)
10 Test jig

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Servicing Level- IV
ESD (Electrostatic 0A 50 to ˂ 125 voltage 25 Pcs 1:1
12 RCA Cables/connectors Male/female 25Pcs 1:1
13 Electric blower 1hp,220V/50Hz Pcs 2:25
High-grade magnifying glass 10x,50x,100x 25Pcs 1:1
with lamp
15 Flashlight Standard 25Pcs 1:1
16 Cleaning brush Standard 25Pcs 1:1
17 High voltage probe Single phase ,220v AC Pc 1:1
18 Ball peen hammer
19 Soldering lead 0.8mm^2 25Pcs 1:1
20 Wires 0.8mm^2 , 1.5mm^2 25Pcs 1:1
Assorted electronic Different type 25Pcs 1:1
22 Contact Cleaner Standard 25Pcs 1:1
23 Tweezers Standard 25Pcs 1:1
24 Silicon Grease Standard 25Pcs 1:1

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Electrical/Electronic Equipment Servicing Level IV
MODULE TITLE: Commissioning Electrical/Electronic Equipment Systems
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module covers the competence required to undertake
commissioning procedures of electronics and communications systems to comply with
predetermined parameters and delivery to client. It encompasses safe working practices, system
parameter testing, analysis and adjusting to assure optimum performance, following procedures,
and documenting final operating parameters and settings.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Prepare to commission electronics and communication systems.
LO2. Commission electronics and communication systems.
LO3. Complete and report commissioning activities.
LO1. Prepare to commission electronics and communication systems.
1.1. Obtaining OHS procedures.
1.2. Following established OHS risk control measures and procedures.
1.3. Identifying safety hazards that have not previously been.
1.4. Coordinating appropriate personnel are consulted.
1.5. Identifying system operating parameters.
1.5.1 Reviewing system specifications and
1.5.2 Component technical data.
1.6. Obtaining tools, equipment, applications, and testing devices.
1.7. Checking preparatory work to ensure no unnecessary damage.
1.8. Checking circuits as being isolated.
LO2. Commission electronics and communication systems
2.1. Following OHS risk control measures and procedures.
2.2. Connecting and set up testing/measuring devices.
2.3. Making measurements and adjustments.

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Servicing Level- IV
2.4. Making decisions for dealing with unexpected situations.
2.5. Performing systems’ commissioning procedures.
2.6. Carrying out commissioning.
LO3. Complete and report commissioning activities.
3.1. Following OHS risk control work completion measures and procedures.
3.2. Documenting adjustment settings.
3.3. Cleaning and making safe work site.
3.4. Notifying commissioning results and work completion.

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Servicing Level- IV
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class room seating  Organize the class room seating
discussion  Arrange the class room seating to be arrangement to be accessible to arrangement to be accessible for
conducive for eye to eye contact trainees wheelchairs users.
 Make sure the luminosity of the light of class  Speak loudly  Facilitate and support the trainees
room is kept  Ensure the attention of the who have severe impairments on
 Introduce new and relevant vocabularies trainees their upper limbs to take note
 Use short and clear sentences  Present the lecture in video  Provide Orientation on the
 Give emphasis on visual lecture and ensure format physical feature of the work shop
the attention of the trainees  Ensure the attention of the
 Avoid movement during lecture time trainees
 Present the lecture in video format
 Summarize main points
Demonstratio  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear & short  Facilitate and support the trainees
n  Use video recorded material method having severe upper limbs
 Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded material impairment to operate equipments/
 Provide structured training  Ensure the attention of the machines
 Show clear and short method trainees  Assign peer trainees to assist

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Servicing Level- IV
 Use gesture  provide tutorial support  Conduct close follow up
 provide tutorial support (if necessary)  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the integration of  Introduce the trainees with their
discussion  Facilitate the integration of trainees with trainees with group members peers
group members  Conduct close follow up
 Conduct close follow up  Introduce the trainees with other
 Introduce the trainees with other group group member
member  Inform the group members to
speak loudly
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Assign peer trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance  Use additional nominal hours if
 provide special attention in the  Provide tutorial support if necessary
process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant vocabularies  provide special attention in the
process/ practical training
 use sign language interpreter Provide briefing /orientation on the
Individual  provide briefing /orientation on the assignment
assignment assignment Provide visual recorded material
 provide visual recorded material

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Servicing Level- IV
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response as an option
 Ensure or conform whether the proper  Using sign language interpreter for the trainees having speech
communication was conducted with the trainee if necessary challenges
through the service of the sign language
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam using short sentences,  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as an option to
multiple choices, True or False, matching and sentences, multiple choices, True give answer for trainees having
short answers or False, matching and short severe upper limb impairment
 Avoid essay writing answers if necessary  Time extension for trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb impairment
Demonstratio  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based  Provide activity based assessment
n/Observatio  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment  Conduct close follow up
n  Provide activity-based/ practical assessment  Brief on the instruction of the  Time extension
method exam
 Time extension  Use loud voice
 Time extension

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Servicing Level- IV
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response as
an option for the
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign language trainees having speech
proper communication was interpreter if challenges
conducted with the trainee necessary
through the service of the sign
language interpreter
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

Writte  Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as an
n test  Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, True using short option to give answer
necessary or False, matching and short sentences, multiple for trainees having
 Prepare the exam in audio format answers choices, true or severe upper limb
 Assign human reader false, matching and impairment
 (if necessary)  Avoid essay writing short answers if
 Time extension necessary.  Time extension for
 Time extension trainees having severe
upper limb impairment

Demonstr  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ation/Obs them in large text based assessment assessment
ervation  Brief on the instruction of the
 Time extension exam  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
instruction of the up
 Provide activity-based/ practical exam
assessment method  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension
 Time extension

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Servicing Level- IV
LO.1 Prepare to commission electronics and communication systems.
 OHS procedures for a given work area are obtained and understood.
 Established OHS risk control measures and procedures in preparation for the work are
 Safety hazards that have not previously been identified are noted and established risk
control measures are implemented.
 Appropriate personnel are consulted to ensure the work is coordinated effectively
with others involved on the work site.
 System operating parameters are identified by reviewing system specifications and
component technical data.
 Tools, equipment, applications, and testing devices needed for the work are obtained
in accordance with established procedures and checked for correct operation and
 Preparatory work is checked to ensure no unnecessary damage has occurred and
complies with requirements.
 Circuits are checked as being isolated, where necessary, in strict accordance OHS
requirements and procedures.
LO.2. Commission electronics and communication systems
 OHS risk control measures and procedures for carrying out the work are followed.
 Testing/measuring devices are connected and set up in accordance with requirements
for a particular system.
 Measurements and adjustments are made to electronics and communications
equipment to provide optimum system performance in accordance with system
specifications and/or regulatory requirements.
 Decisions for dealing with unexpected situations are made from discussions with
appropriate person and job specifications and requirements.
 Methods for dealing with unexpected situations are selected on the basis of safety and
specified work outcomes.

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Servicing Level- IV
 Systems’ commissioning procedures are performed in accordance with requirements.
 Commissioning is carried out efficiently without unnecessary waste of materials or
damage to apparatus, the surrounding environment or services and using sustainable
energy principles.
LO.3 Complete and report commissioning activities
 OHS risk control work completion measures and procedures are followed.
 Adjustment settings are documented in accordance with established procedures.
 Work site is cleaned and made safe in accordance with established procedures.
 Commissioning results and work completion are notified to appropriate person or
persons in accordance with established procedures Cleaning of unit is performed in
accordance with standard procedures

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Servicing Level- IV
Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS EEES4 M05 0322: Commissioning electrical/electronic equipment systems

Item Description/ Qua Ratio
No. Specifications ntity (Item:
A. Learning Materials
TTLM Text Books. By trainer 5Pcs 1:5
Reference Books Electrical and Electronics. 5Pcs 1:5
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
10mx10m 1roo
1. Library 1:25
Class room with ramp 6mx8m 1roo 1:25
Work shop with ramp 6mx8m 1roo 1:25
Lift If stair cases 1roo 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
White plane paper with size of 25Pcs
1. Drawing Papers A4,A3,A1&A2 1:1

Wooden pencil and mechanical 25Pcs

2 Pencils 1:1
3 Sharper Any type 25Pcs 1:1
4 Jumper Wire Insulated 1Roll 1:5
5 Eraser Gum type eraser 25Pcs 1:1
6 Thinner or PCB Cleaner IPA or Isopropyl alcohol 1Lit 1:5
7 Paste flux Rosin 1Pcs 1:5
8 Liquid flux Alpha Cookson product 1Pcs 1:5
Tin/ Lead in the ratio 60:40 or 1roll 1:5
63:37 Tin / Silver / Copper in
9 Solder Wire or lead
the Ratio 96.5% / 3.0% / 0.5
and 0.5mm diameter.
Tools and Equipments
Soldering iron Goot or Weller, withstand and 5Pcs 1:5
50 watt
Magnifying Lamp Head Magnifier with LED 5Pcs 1:5
Light and different

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Servicing Level- IV
magnification such as 3x, 4x,
5x, 10x, 50x etc
Signal generator AF/RF 5Pcs 1:5
4 Oscilloscope 220v/small/5mf-12v 5Pcs 1:5
Frequency counter Sinewave15mV RMS from 5Pcs 1:5
30Hz to 100MHz
6 Video signal generator HDMI 1.4Ver with 4K x 2K 5Pcs 1:5
7 Blower Standard 5Pcs 1:5
8 Computer Core i5,core i7 5Pcs 1:5
9 Microphone 5Pcs 1:5
10 Speaker 25ohm,100W 5Pcs 1:5
11 Signal generator 5Pcs 1:5
12 DC power supply Variable 0 to 220V 5Pcs 1:5
13 Impedance matching transformer 5Pcs 1:5
14 Insulation remover 5Pcs 1:5
Multi-testers (analog/digital) DC voltage range 5Pcs 1:5
AC voltage range
15 DC current range
AC current range 2,20,200Am
Ohmmeter 200Ohm,2K
ohm,200K ohm,20M ohm
Clamp meter Digital or analoge,220v,15A 5Pcs 1:5
Utility knife Standard 5Pcs 1:5
Wire stripper Standard 5Pcs 1:5
Screw drivers With flat tip and insulated, 5Pcs 1:5
split proof handle blade in set
19 of blade size
Screw drivers With flat tip and fully 5Pcs 1:5
insulated, handled with test
lamp up to 380v.blade size

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Servicing Level- IV
Screw drivers Off set with Philips tip inset of 5Pcs 1:5
21 four pieces with tip no. 1,2,3,4
Screw drivers With Philips tip and insulated, 5Pcs 1:5
split proof handle blade in set
of blade size and length of
Pliers Assorted 5Pcs 1:5
Work bench Wood type,50mmx200mm 5Pcs 1:5
Electronic components Assorted and different types 5Pcs 1:5
Camera Digital 5Pcs 1:5
Wrist strap Antistatic or plastic 25Pcs 1:1
Working clothes/apron Antistatic tetron6000 25Pcs 1:1

Face/dust mask Antistatic or plastic 25Pcs 1:1
Goggles Transparent 25Pcs 1:1
32 Extension cord Insulated 4x4mm2 x 100m 5roll 1:5

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Electrical/Electronic Equipment Servicing Level IV
MODULE TITLE: Manage Servicing Operations for Electronics Equipment and System
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
manage servicing operations for electronics products and systems.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1: Plan and prepare management of servicing operations.
LO2: Manage and monitor servicing operation.
L03: Evaluate and document servicing system.
LO1: Design and develop Advanced Electrical/Electronic systems
1.1. Planning and preparing management of servicing and maintenance
1.2 Consulting and directing the programs for servicing and maintenance.
1.3 Checking and managing programs for servicing and maintenance.
1.4 Identifying necessary materials, tools and test instruments.
1.5 Formulating procurement management plan for servicing and maintenance
LO2. Manage and monitor servicing operation
2.1 Associating normal function of consumer electronics products
2.2 Using mechanisms to measure, record and report progress of activities.
2.3 Managing and monitoring servicing and maintenance system
2.4 Detailing responses to unplanned events or conditions
2.5 Maintaining Records and documentation of servicing and maintenance activities.
2.6 Monitoring results of routine maintenance activities.
2.7 Acting upon Shortfalls in quality outcomes
LO3. Evaluate and document servicing system
3.1. Reporting quality management issues and responses.
3.2. Reporting servicing and maintenance.

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Servicing Level- IV
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Ministry of Labor and Skills Electrical/Electronic Equipment
March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
trainees Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing
Lecture-  Provid   A  O
discussion e large print text ssign sign language interpreter rganize the class rganize the class
 Prepare  room
A seating room seating
the lecture in Audio/video rrange the class room seating arrangement to be arrangement to
 Organi to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to be accessible for
ze the class room seating arrangement to be contact trainees wheelchairs
accessible to trainees   M users. S
 Write ake sure the luminosity of the peak loudly 
short notes on the black/white board using light of class room is kept  acilitate and E
large text  nsure
I the attention support the
 Make ntroduce new and relevant of the trainees trainees who
sure the luminosity of the light of class room vocabularies  have severe P
is kept  resent
U the lecture in impairments on
 Use se short and clear sentences video format their upper limbs
normal tone of voice   G to take note E
 Encour ive emphasis on visual lecture nsure the attention 
age trainees to record the lecture in audio and ensure the attention of the of the trainees rovide
format trainees Orientation on
 Provid  A the physical
e Orientation on the physical feature of the void movement during lecture feature of the
work shop time work shop
 Summa  P
rize main points resent the lecture in video
 S
ummarize main points

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Servicing Level- IV
Demonstration  Condu   u  I
ct close follow up se Sign language interpreter llustrate in clear & acilitate and
 Use  short
U method support the
verbal description se video recorded material  trainees having
 Provid  seEVideo recorded severe upper
e special attention in the process of guidance nsure attention of the trainees material limbs
 facilitat   P impairment to E
e the support of peer trainees rovide structured training nsure the attention operate
 Prepare  ofS the trainees equipments/
& use simulation how clear and short method  machines P
 Use  rovide
U tutorial 
video se gesture support ssign peer
 (ifPnecessary) trainees to assist
rovide tutorial support 
(if necessary) onduct close
follow up

rovide tutorial
(if necessary
Group  Facilita   U  F
discussion te the integration of trainees with group se sign language interpreters acilitate the ntroduce the
members  integration
F of trainees with
 Condu acilitate the integration of trainees with group their peers
ct close follow up trainees with group members members
 Introdu   C C
ce the trainees with other group member onduct close follow up onduct close follow
 Brief  upI
the thematic issues of the work ntroduce the trainees with other  I
group member ntroduce the trainees
with other group

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Servicing Level- IV
 I
nform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Condu   C  C
ct close follow up and guidance onduct close follow up and onduct close follow ssign peer
 Provid guidance up and guidance trainees
e tutorial support if necessary   P  P
 provide rovide tutorial support if rovide tutorial se additional
special attention in the process necessary support if necessary nominal hours if
  p necessary p
rovide special attention in the rovide special
process/practical training attention in the
 process/
I practical
ntroduce new and relevant training
 prepare   U P
Individual the assignment questions in large text se sign language interpreter rovide briefing
assignment  Encour  /orientation
P on the
age the trainees to prepare and submit the rovide briefing /orientation on assignment
assignment in large texts the assignment  P
 Make  rovide
P visual
available recorded assignment questions rovide visual recorded material recorded material
 Facilita
te the trainees to prepare and submit the
assignment in soft or hard copy

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Servicing Level- IV
Written test   P  P  P
repare the exam in large texts repare the exam using short repare the exam using short se oral
 sentences,
U multiple choices, sentences, multiple choices, true response as an
se interview as an option if True or False, matching and or false, matching and short option to give
necessary short answers answers if necessary. answer for
  P A trainees having
repare the exam in audio void essay writing severe upper
format  T limb
 ime
A extension impairment
ssign human reader 
 ime extension
(if necessary) for trainees
 having severe
Time extension upper limb
Demonstration/   B  U  P
Observation rief the instruction or provide se sign language interpreter rovide activity based assessment rovide activity
them in large text   B B
 rief
T on the instruction of the rief on the instruction of the assessment
ime extension exam exam 
  P U
onduct close
rovide activity-based/ se loud voice follow up
practical assessment method   T
 imeTextension ime extension
ime extension

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
LO1: Plan and prepare management of servicing operations.
 Management of servicing and maintenance of OHS policies and procedures is planned and
prepared to ensure that the work sequence is in accordance with requirements
 Appropriate personnel are consulted and directed to ensure the programs for servicing and
maintenance are coordinated effectively with others involved on the work site
 Programs to be managed for servicing and maintenance are checked against job requirements
 Materials necessary to complete the work are identified and detailed in accordance with
established procedures and checked against job requirements.
 Tools, equipment and testing devices needed to carry out the work are identified and detailed in
accordance with established procedures
 Procurement management plan is formulated for servicing and maintenance in accordance with
established procedures and checked against requirements
LO2: Manage and monitor servicing operation.
 Normal function of consumer electronics products and associated circuits are ascertained and
detailed in accordance with requirements
 Mechanisms are used to measure, record and report progress of activities in relation to the agreed
servicing and maintenance schedules and plans
 Servicing and maintenance system is managed and monitored in accordance with established
procedures and requirements to achieve designated objectives
 Response to unplanned events or conditions in accordance with established procedures are
 Records and documentation of servicing and maintenance activities are maintained in accordance
with established procedures to facilitate quality management and to provide an audit trail.
 Results of routine maintenance activities are monitored in accordance with established procedures
to determine compliance with agreed quality standards
 Shortfalls in quality outcomes are acted upon in accordance with established procedures to enable
appropriate action to be initiated
L03: Evaluate and document servicing system
 Quality management issues and responses are reported in accordance with established procedures
 Completion of servicing and maintenance is reported in accordance with established procedures

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Servicing Level- IV
Annex: Resource Requirements
EISE EEES4 M06 0322 : Manage Servicing Operations for Electronics Equipment and System
Ite Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quanti Recomme
m ty nded Ratio
No. (Item:
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM prepared by the trainer 25psc 1:1
Basic Electronics Devices , Santiram KA 25psc 1:1
Circuits and it Fundamentals
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Work Shop 10 x 8 meter 1 : 25
2. Library 10 X12 meter 1room 1 : 25
3. Class 6 x 7 meter 1 : 25
D. Tools and Equipments
Screw drivers With flat tip and insulated, split proof 5pcs
handle blade in set of blade size
1. 1:5
Screw drivers With flat tip and fully insulated, handled 5pcs 1:5
2 with test lamp up to 380v.blade size
Screw drivers Off set with Philips tip inset of four pieces 5pcs 1:5
with tip no. 1,2,3,4
Screw drivers With Philips tip and insulated, split proof 5pcs 1:5
4 handle blade in set of blade size and
length of 100,125,200mm
220V,50Hrz,25,40,60 W 5pcs 1:5
Soldering iron/gun
7 220v,50Hrz,100W
DC voltage range 0.2,20,200,500v 5pcs 1:5
AC voltage range 7.5,25,75,230,750v
DC current range 0.2,5,10,30Am
9 Multi testers (analog/digital
AC current range 2,20,200Am
Ohmmeter 200Ohm,2K ohm,200K
ohm,20M ohm
10 Electric blower Standard 5pcs 1:5
11 Logic analyzer Standard 5pcs 1:5
13 Logic clip, Standard 5pcs 1:5
Logic probe TTL: > 2.3V ±0.02V, CMOS: > 70% Vcc 5pcs 1:5
± 10% ,TTL: < 0.08V ±0.02V

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Servicing Level- IV
15 Logic current tracer Single phase ,220v AC 5pcs 1:5
16 Logic pulsar Standard 5pcs 1:5
17 IC remover Sponge 5pcs 1:5
18 High voltage probe Single phase ,220v AC 5pcs 1:5

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Servicing Level- IV
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Electrical/Electronic Equipment Servicing Level IV
MODULE TITLE: Planning and Organizing Work
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required in
planning and organizing work activities in a production application. It may be applied to a small
independent operation or to a section of a large organization.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1.Set objectives
LO2.Plan and schedule work activities
LO3.Implement work plans
LO4. Monitor work activities
LO5. Review and evaluate work plans and activities
LO1.Set objectives
1.1 . Planning objectives and linking to work activities.
1.2 . Stating objectives as SMART.
1.3 . Reflecting support and commitment of team members.
1.4 . Identifying realistic and attainable objectives
LO2.Plan and schedule work activities
2.1 . Identifying and prioritizing tasks/work activities
2.2 . Breaking down tasks/work activities
2.3 . Assigning task/work activities to appropriate team/person
2.4 . Allocating resources
2.5 . Coordinating schedule of work activities
LO3.Implement work plans
3.1 Identifying team work and consultation strategies

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Servicing Level- IV
3.2 Implementing work plan.
LO4. Monitor work activities
4.1 . . Monitoring and comparing work activities with set objectives
4.2 . Monitoring work performance
4.3 . Reporting deviations from work activities
4.4 . Complying reporting requirements.
4.5 . Establishing and maintaining files.
LO5. Review and evaluate work plans and activities
5.1 . Reviewing work plans, strategies and implementation
5.2 . Providing results of review to concerned parties
5.3 Forming results of review as basis for adjustments/simplifications
5.4 . Conducting performance appraisal
5.5 . Preparing and documenting performance appraisal report regularly
5.6 . Preparing and presenting recommendations
5.7 .Implementing feedback mechanisms

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Servicing Level- IV
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class room  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in interpreter seating arrangement to be seating arrangement to be
Audio/video & in Brail  Arrange the class room accessible to trainees accessible for
format seating to be conducive for  Speak loudly wheelchairs users.
 Organize the class room eye to eye contact  Ensure the attention of the  Facilitate and support the
seating arrangement to be  Make sure the luminosity of trainees trainees who have severe
accessible to trainees the light of class room is  Present the lecture in impairments on their
 Write short notes on the kept video format upper limbs to take note
black/white board using  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the attention of the  Provide Orientation on
large text vocabularies trainees the physical feature of
 Make sure the luminosity of  Use short and clear the work shop
the light of class room is sentences
kept  Give emphasis on visual
 Use normal tone of voice lecture and ensure the
 Encourage trainees to record attention of the trainees
the lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during
 Provide Orientation on the lecture time
physical feature of the work  Present the lecture in video
shop format
 Summarize main points  Summarize main points

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Servicing Level- IV
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language  Illustrate in clear & short  Facilitate and support the
 Use verbal description interpreter method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in  Use video recorded material  Use Video recorded upper limbs impairment to
the process of guidance  Ensure attention of the material operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Ensure the attention of the machines
trainees  Provide structured training trainees  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Show clear and short  assist P
method rovide tutorial support  Conduct close follow up
 Use gesture (if necessary) 
 P rovide tutorial support
rovide tutorial support (if necessary
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language  Facilitate the integration of  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group interpreters trainees with group with their peers
members  Facilitate the integration of members
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group  Conduct close follow up
 Introduce the trainees with members  Introduce the trainees with
other group member  Conduct close follow up other group member
 Brief the thematic issues of  Introduce the trainees with  Inform the group members
the work other group member to speak loudly

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Servicing Level- IV
Exercise  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close follow up  Assign peer trainees
and guidance and guidance and guidance  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if hours if necessary
necessary necessary necessary
 provide special attention in  provide special attention in  provide special attention
the process the process/practical in the process/ practical
training training
 Introduce new and relevant

  p  U P
Individual repare the assignment se sign language interpreter rovide briefing /orientation
assignment questions in large text/Brail  on the assignment
 Encourage the trainees to rovide briefing /orientation  P
prepare and submit the on the assignment rovide visual recorded
assignment in large  material P
texts/Brail rovide visual recorded
 Make available recorded material
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to
prepare and submit the
assignment in soft or hard

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Servicing Level- IV
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response as
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign language an option for the trainees
proper communication was interpreter if having speech challenges
conducted with the trainee necessary
through the service of the sign
language interpreter
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as an
texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short sentences, option to give answer for
 Use interview as an or False, matching and short multiple choices, trainees having severe
option if necessary answers True or False, upper limb impairment
 Prepare the exam in  Avoid essay writing matching and short  Time extension for
audio format  Time extension answers if necessary. trainees having severe
 Assign human reader upper limb impairment
(if necessary)
 Time extension
Demonstration/  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
Observation provide them in large  Brief on the instruction of the based assessment assessment
text/Brail exam  Brief on the  Conduct close follow up
 Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical instruction of the  Time extension
assessment method exam
 Time extension  Use loud voice
 Time extension

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Servicing Level- IV
Assessment criteria
LO1. Set objectives
 Objectives are planned consistent with and linked to work activities in accordance with
organizational aims.
 Objectives are stated as measurable targets with clear time frames.
 Support and commitment of team members are reflected in the objectives.
 Realistic and attainable objectives are identified.
LO2. Plan and schedule work activities
 Tasks/work activities to be completed are identified and prioritized as directed.
 Tasks/work activities are broken down into steps in accordance with set time frames and
achievable components.
 Task/work activities are assigned to appropriate team or individuals in accordance with
agreed functions.
 Resources are allocated as per requirements of the activity.
 Schedule of work activities is coordinated with personnel concerned.
LO3. Implement work plans
 Work methods and practices are identified in consultation with personnel concerned.
 Work plans are implemented in accordance with set time frames, resources and standards
LO4. Monitor work activities
 Work activities are monitored and compared with set objectives.
 Work performance is monitored.
 Deviations from work activities are reported and recommendations are coordinated with
appropriate personnel and in accordance with set standards.
 Reporting requirements are complied with in accordance with recommended format.
 Timeliness of report is observed.
 Files are established and maintained in accordance with standard operating procedures.
LO5. Review and evaluate work plans and activities
 Work plans, strategies and implementation are reviewed based on accurate, relevant and
current information.
 Review is done based on comprehensive consultation with appropriate personnel on
Page 74 of 81of work plans and reliable feedback.
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Ministry of Labor and Skills Electrical/Electronic Equipment
March, 2022
 Results of review are provided to concerned Servicing Level-
parties andIV formed as the basis for
adjustments/simplifications to be made to policies, processes and activities.
Annex: Resource Requirements

EISE EES4 M07 0322: Planning and Organize Work

Item Description/ Quantity Recommended Ratio
No. Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1 TTLM. By trainers 25pcs 1:1

2 Revolutionaries Innovations Aerssen B.v., 2009 25pcs 1:1

3 Visual training Media LCD, Laptops 5pcs 1:5
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1 Work Shop 10 x 8 meter 1room 1 : 25
2 Library 10 X12 meter 1room 1 : 25
3 Class 6 x 7 meter 1room 1 : 25
C. Consumable Materials
1 Paper A4 1dasta 1:25
2 Printer ink/toner Dot 5Pcs 1:5

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Servicing Level- IV
Electrical/Electronic Equipment
Level V
Servicing OS

Level IV Electrical/Electronic Equipment Servicing OS

Level III Electrical/Electronic Equipment Servicing OS

Level II Electrical/Electronic Equipment Servicing OS

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Servicing Level- IV

The Ministry of Labor and Skills wishes to thank and appreciation for the trainers who donated
their effort and time to develop this outcome based curriculum for the TVET program
Electrical/Electronic Equipment Servicing Level IV. We also thank all regional TVET
College trainers and A.A town administration TVET College for active facilitation of their
trainers for the development of this curriculum.

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV
The trainers who developed the curriculum
No Name Qualification Educational Region College Mobile E-mail
background number
1. Mesfin Cheru Abebe BED. In Electrical/Electronics.Techo A.A World together 091141933 mesfin.cheru@worldtogether.0r.kr.
2. Tesfahun Ayalew BSc -Applied Electrical/Electronic BGRS Assosa poly 0912132308 tesfugps44@gmial.com
Denidine Technology TVET
MSc -Electronics and comm Eng.
3. Ayano Assefa Mekebo BSc - Applied SNNP Arbaminch sat. 0920062670 assefahule@gmial.com
Electrical/Electronic.techno instu.
MSc Electrical power Eng.
4. Wubishut temesgen BSc Applied Electrical/Electronic Sidama Hawassa poly 0910040962 Wubepg2@gaimale.com
Jaleta Technology. TVET
MSc - Electrical &comm.T
5. Yohannis fetene BSc - Applied Electrical/Electronic ANRS Kombolcha Poly 0991642905 Yohannesfetene1@gmail.com
Dassalgn Technology. TVET
MSc- Electronic & communication
6. Yidnekachew Regassa BSc - Applied Electrical/Electronic Harari Harari poly 0910343909 yidne888@gmial.com
Hirpa Technology TEVET
M.Sc. - Electronic & communication

Group coordinator
No Name Qualification Educational background Region College Mobile E-mail
1 Teferi Muleta B Soil &water Engineering BG/Assosa TVET 0913311083 Teferimuleta2013@gmail.com
Mg,t Agency

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March, 2022
Servicing Level- IV

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