Electrical/Electronics Equipment Servicing Level - Iv: Based On October, 2021 (V-I) Occupational Standard (OS)
Electrical/Electronics Equipment Servicing Level - Iv: Based On October, 2021 (V-I) Occupational Standard (OS)
Electrical/Electronics Equipment Servicing Level - Iv: Based On October, 2021 (V-I) Occupational Standard (OS)
Based on October, 2021 (V- I) Occupational
standard (OS)
March, 2022
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The reformed TVET-System is an outcome-based system. It utilizes the needs of the labor
market and occupational requirements from the world of work as the benchmark and standard
for TVET delivery. The requirements from the world of work are analyzed and documented –
taking into account international benchmarking – as occupational standards (OS).
In the reformed TVET-System, curricula and curriculum development play an important role
with regard to quality driven comparable TVET-Delivery. The Curricula help to facilitate the
training process in a way, that trainees acquire the set of occupational competences (skills,
knowledge and attitude) required at the working place and defined in the occupational
standards (OS).
This curriculum has been developed by a group of professional experts from different
Regional TVET Bureaus, colleges, Industries, Institutes and universities based on the
occupational standard for Electrical/Electronic Equipment Servicing Level IV.
The curriculum development process has been actively supported and facilitated by Ministry
of Labor and Skills.
The trainee can exit after successfully completing the modules in one level and will be awarded the
equivalent institutional certificate on the level completed. However, only institutional certificate of
training accomplishment will be awarded.
1.5. Target Groups
Any citizen with or without disability who meets the entry requirements under items 1.7 and
capable of participating in the training activities is entitled to take part in the Program.
1.7 Entry Requirements
The prospective participants of this program are required to possess the requirements or directive of
the Ministry of Labor and Skills.
The co-operative approach will be supported with school-based lecture-discussion, simulation and
actual practice. These modalities will be utilized before the trainees are exposed to the industry
Hence based on the nature of the occupation, location of the TVET institutions, and interest of the
industry alternative mode of cooperative training such as apprenticeships, internship and traineeship
will be employed. In addition, in the areas where industry is not sufficiently available the
established production and service centers/learning factories in TVET institutions will be used as
cooperative training places. The Training-Institution and identified companies have forged an
agreement to co-operate with regard to the implementation of this program.
Summative Evaluation the other form of evaluation is given when all the modules in the
program have been accomplished. It determines the extent to which competence have been
achieved. And, the result of this assessment decision shall be expressed in the term of
institutional Assessment implementation guidelines.
Techniques or tools for obtaining information about trainees’ achievement include oral or written
test, demonstration and on-site observation.
1.11 TVET Teachers Profile
The teachers conducting this particular TVET Program are (A) Level and above who have
satisfactory practical experiences or equivalent qualifications.
3. 1 Following WHS/OHS
3. 2 Checking and isolating circuits/machines/plant
3. 3 Positioning CCTV &Security surveillance devices
3. 4 Terminating cables and conductors
3. 5 Referring Unplanned events
3. 6 Carrying out security installation
LO4: Complete and document security systems installation
4.1 Following WHS/OHS
4.2 Cleaning and making Worksite and equipment
4.3 Testing and cleaning the final reassembling units
4.4 Documenting Security system installation
Interview Use sign language interpreter Speak loudly Use written response as an option for
Ensure or conform whether the proper Using sign language interpreter the trainees having speech challenges
communication was conducted with the if necessary
trainee through the service of the sign
language interpreter
Use short and clear questioning
Time extension
Written test Prepare the exam using short sentences, Prepare the exam using short Use oral response as an option to give
multiple choices, True or False, matching sentences, multiple choices, answer for trainees having severe upper
and short answers True or False, matching and limb impairment
Avoid essay writing short answers if necessary Time extension for trainees having
Time extension severe upper limb impairment
Demonstration Use sign language interpreter Provide activity based Provide activity based assessment
/Observation Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment Conduct close follow up
Provide activity-based/ practical assessment Brief on the instruction of the Time extension
method exam
Time extension Use loud voice
Time extension
6. CCTV BNC Connector BNC Male Balun Connector for Coax Cat5 Pcs 5:25
7. BNC Connector for CCTV Camera Angled Jack for PCB with Bracket Pcs 5:25
10. TL-22 CCTV Cable Stripper Strips COAX Cables, Flat Cables, RG- 5Pcs 1:5
59 RG-6. ...
11. TL-70 CCTV Cable Crimping Tool for RG58, RG59, RG6, RG-62 5Pcs 1:5
Coax Cable
12. RJ45 Crimper Ethernet Crimp Tool, RJ11, Cable 5Pcs 1:5
Cutter Stripper
13. TL-33 Connect Tight 5Pcs 1:5
BNC, RCA, F Connectors
Compression Tool for
Fixed BOX Box 2 MP Outdoor Box Cameras with 5Pcs 1:5
Computer hardware with Dell 5.2GHz core due CPU, 1GB 5Pcs 1:5
peripherals &appropriate software RAM,160GB Hard disk DVD-RW
drive, LCD monitor with accessories
Software installed
23. Computer laptop Any type 5Pcs 1:5
24. Multimedia projector Sony 5Pcs 1:5
25. Display screen standard 5Pcs 1:5
Hp laser jet 4250/2015 series 5Pcs 1:5
128MB RAM or higher
26. Printer
3600DPI10/100bas NIC All necessary
power bidirectional printer cable
1.4. Including logic instructions for registers, stacks operations, interfacing input and output devices
1.5. Preparing assembly language
1.6. Implementing basic software techniques
1.6.1. Detail command based on the logic instructions.
1.6.2. Including STO, HALT, and FLAG to set or reset for given data
1.7 Compiling detailed commands in to one pack software.
LO3. Assemble and enter operating instructions
3.1. Checking and isolating circuits/machines/plant.
3.2. Identifying microprocessors equipped devices
3.3. Checking entered data.
3.4. Responding unplanned situations
LO4. Test device operation and report
4.1 Testing device operation using tools, materials and test instruments
4.2 Identifying and correcting operating anomalies.
4.3 Following WHS/OHS work completion risk control
4.4 Cleaning and making safe worksite.
4.5 Documenting work completion
4.6 Disposing waste materials based on environmental requirements.
Lecture- Provide large print text Assign sign language Organize the class Organize the class room
discussion interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
Prepare the lecture in Audio/video arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
Arrange the class room accessible to users.
Organize the class room seating seating to be conducive for trainees
arrangement to be accessible to eye to eye contact Facilitate and support the
trainees Speak loudly trainees who have severe
Make sure the luminosity of impairments on their upper
Write short notes on the black/white the light of class room is kept Ensure the limbs to take note
board using large text attention of the
Introduce new and relevant trainees Provide Orientation on the
Make sure the luminosity of the light vocabularies physical feature of the work
of class room is kept Present the lecture shop
Use short and clear sentences in video format
Use normal tone of voice
Give emphasis on visual Ensure the
Encourage trainees to record the lecture and ensure the attention of the
lecture in audio format attention of the trainees trainees
Provide Orientation on the physical Avoid movement during
feature of the work shop lecture time
Summarize main points Present the lecture in video
Summarize main points
prepare the assignment questions in Use sign language interpreter Provide briefing
Individual large text /orientation on the
assignment Provide briefing /orientation assignment
Encourage the trainees to prepare and on the assignment
submit the assignment in large texts Provide visual
Provide visual recorded recorded material
Make available recorded assignment material
Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard
Writte Prepare the exam in large texts Prepare the exam using short Prepare the exam Use oral response as an
n test Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, True using short option to give answer for
necessary or False, matching and short sentences, multiple trainees having severe
Prepare the exam in audio format answers choices, true or upper limb impairment
Assign human reader false, matching
(if necessary) Avoid essay writing and short answers Time extension for
Time extension if necessary. trainees having severe
Time extension upper limb impairment
Demonstr Brief the instruction or provide Use sign language interpreter Provide activity Provide activity based
ation/Obs them in large text based assessment assessment
ervation Brief on the instruction of the
Time extension exam Brief on the Conduct close follow up
instruction of the
Provide activity-based/ practical exam Time extension
assessment method
Use loud voice
Time extension
Time extension
WHS/OHS risk control measures and workplace procedures for carrying out the work are
Basic flow chart is prepared for the intended assembly language
Machine language is prepared in assembly language using unconditional and conditional
Jump instructions
Logic instructions for registers, stacks operations, interfacing input and output devices are
Assembly language for each component and periphery of an embedded microprocessor
system is prepared
Basic software techniques, detail command based on the logic instructions, and the
including STO, HALT, and FLAG to set or reset for given data conditions are
Detailed commands in to one pack software are compiled
LO.3 Assemble and enter operating instructions
Circuits/machines/plant are checked and isolated in accordance with WHS/OHS
requirements and workplace procedures
Required status of each function of the Microprocessors equipped devices is entered and
their parameters set in accordance with manufacturer instructions
Lecture- Provide large print text Assign sign language Organize the class Organize the class room
discussion Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
Organize the class room seating Arrange the class room arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to seating to be conducive for accessible to users.
trainees eye to eye contact trainees Facilitate and support the
Write short notes on the black/white Make sure the luminosity of Speak loudly trainees who have severe
board using large text the light of class room is kept Ensure the impairments on their upper
Make sure the luminosity of the light Introduce new and relevant attention of the limbs to take note
of class room is kept vocabularies trainees Provide Orientation on the
Use normal tone of voice Use short and clear sentences Present the lecture physical feature of the work
Encourage trainees to record the Give emphasis on visual in video format shop
lecture in audio format lecture and ensure the Ensure the
Provide Orientation on the physical attention of the trainees attention of the
feature of the work shop Avoid movement during trainees
Summarize main points lecture time
Present the lecture in video
Summarize main points
Demonstrat Conduct close follow up use Sign language interpreter Illustrate in clear Facilitate and support the
ion Use verbal description Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe upper
Provide special attention in the Ensure attention of the Use Video limbs impairment to operate
process of guidance trainees recorded material equipments/ machines
facilitate the support of peer trainees Provide structured training Ensure the Assign peer trainees to assist
Prepare & use simulation Show clear and short method attention of the Conduct close follow up
Use gesture trainees Provide tutorial support
Provide tutorial support Provide tutorial (if necessary
(if necessary) support
Group Facilitate the integration of trainees Use sign language interpreters Facilitate the Introduce the trainees with
discussion with group members Facilitate the integration of integration of their peers
Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
Introduce the trainees with other group Conduct close follow up group members
member Introduce the trainees with Conduct close
Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member follow up
Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise Conduct close follow up and guidance Conduct close follow up and Conduct close Assign peer trainees
Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance follow up and Use additional nominal hours
provide special attention in the Provide tutorial support if guidance if necessary
process necessary Provide tutorial
provide special attention in support if
the process/practical training necessary
Introduce new and relevant provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
Interview U S
se sign language interpreter peak loudly se written response as an
E option for the
U trainees
nsure or conform whether the sing sign language having speech challenges
proper communication was interpreter if
conducted with the trainee necessary
through the service of the sign
language interpreter
se short and clear questioning
ime extension
Writte Prepare the exam in large texts Prepare the exam using short Prepare the exam Use oral response as an
n test Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, True using short option to give answer
necessary or False, matching and short sentences, multiple for trainees having
Prepare the exam in audio format answers choices, true or severe upper limb
Assign human reader false, matching and impairment
(if necessary) Avoid essay writing short answers if
Time extension necessary. Time extension for
Time extension trainees having severe
upper limb impairment
Demonstr Brief the instruction or provide Use sign language interpreter Provide activity Provide activity based
ation/Obs them in large text based assessment assessment
ervation Brief on the instruction of the
Time extension exam Brief on the Conduct close follow
instruction of the up
Provide activity-based/ practical exam
assessment method Time extension
Use loud voice
Time extension
Time extension
Face/dust mask Antistatic or plastic 25Pcs 1:1
Goggles Transparent 25Pcs 1:1
32 Extension cord Insulated 4x4mm2 x 100m 5roll 1:5
Lecture Provide large print text Assign sign language Organize the class room Organize the class room
discussion Prepare the lecture in interpreter seating arrangement to be seating arrangement to be
Audio/video & in Brail Arrange the class room accessible to trainees accessible for
format seating to be conducive for Speak loudly wheelchairs users.
Organize the class room eye to eye contact Ensure the attention of the Facilitate and support the
seating arrangement to be Make sure the luminosity of trainees trainees who have severe
accessible to trainees the light of class room is Present the lecture in impairments on their
Write short notes on the kept video format upper limbs to take note
black/white board using Introduce new and relevant Ensure the attention of the Provide Orientation on
large text vocabularies trainees the physical feature of
Make sure the luminosity of Use short and clear the work shop
the light of class room is sentences
kept Give emphasis on visual
Use normal tone of voice lecture and ensure the
Encourage trainees to record attention of the trainees
the lecture in audio format Avoid movement during
Provide Orientation on the lecture time
physical feature of the work Present the lecture in video
shop format
Summarize main points Summarize main points
Group Facilitate the integration of Use sign language Facilitate the integration of Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group interpreters trainees with group with their peers
members Facilitate the integration of members
Conduct close follow up trainees with group Conduct close follow up
Introduce the trainees with members Introduce the trainees with
other group member Conduct close follow up other group member
Brief the thematic issues of Introduce the trainees with Inform the group members
the work other group member to speak loudly
p U P
Individual repare the assignment se sign language interpreter rovide briefing /orientation
assignment questions in large text/Brail on the assignment
Encourage the trainees to rovide briefing /orientation P
prepare and submit the on the assignment rovide visual recorded
assignment in large material P
texts/Brail rovide visual recorded
Make available recorded material
assignment questions
Facilitate the trainees to
prepare and submit the
assignment in soft or hard
The Ministry of Labor and Skills wishes to thank and appreciation for the trainers who donated
their effort and time to develop this outcome based curriculum for the TVET program
Electrical/Electronic Equipment Servicing Level IV. We also thank all regional TVET
College trainers and A.A town administration TVET College for active facilitation of their
trainers for the development of this curriculum.
Group coordinator
No Name Qualification Educational background Region College Mobile E-mail
1 Teferi Muleta B Soil &water Engineering BG/Assosa TVET 0913311083 Teferimuleta2013@gmail.com
Mg,t Agency