Assignment / Tugasan NBHS2612 Pain Management May Semester 2021 - Specific Instruction / Arahan Khusus
Assignment / Tugasan NBHS2612 Pain Management May Semester 2021 - Specific Instruction / Arahan Khusus
Assignment / Tugasan NBHS2612 Pain Management May Semester 2021 - Specific Instruction / Arahan Khusus
6. This assignment accounts for 50% of the total marks for the course.
Tugasan ini menyumbang sebanyak 50% daripada jumlah markah untuk kursus ini.
This assignment is to evaluate learners’ analytical skills in exploring issues related to pain
During your shift duty, ambulance was activated to response a road traffic accident. At the site of
incident, you had been informed that the scenario was involving Mr. Azman, a 40-year-old man
who had a fall while riding a motorcycle and his right leg was injured. He was unable to walk
because of severe pain.
Discuss the pathophysiology of pain and the pain management for Mr. Azman in Pre-Hospital
Tugasan ini adalah untuk menilai kemahiran analisa pelajar dalam meneroka isu-isu yang
berkaitan dengan pengurusan kesakitan
Semasa bertugas, ambulans diaktifkan untuk menguruskan satu kemalangan jalan raya. Ketika
di lokasi kejadian, anda dimaklumkan mengenai senario yang melibatkan Encik Azman, seorang
lelaki berusia 40 tahun yang jatuh ketika menunggang motosikal. Beliau mengalami
kecederaan di kaki kanannya. Dia tidak dapat berjalan kerana kesakitan yang teruk.
Bincangkan patofisiologi kesakitan dan pengurusan kesakitan Encik Azman dalam rawatan Pra-
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2. Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates vague Does not discuss on
Discuss the pathophysiology of pain thorough and considerable and in- reasonable and and superficial the pathophysiology
insightful discussion depth exploration on slightly in-depth exploration and of pain from a
and emphasis on the the discussion on the exploration and discussion on the scientific viewpoint .
pathophysiology of pathophysiology of discussion on the pathophysiology of
pain from a scientific pain from a scientific pathophysiology of pain from a scientific
viewpoint with large viewpoint with pain from a scientific viewpoint
extent of critical moderate extent of viewpoint with some
thinking skills. critical thinking skills. extent of analytical
Systematically use Supports with skills.
related facts as relevant examples.
supportive evidence.
6. All citations are Most citations are Some citations for Citations for There is no
References and citations included in the included in the statements included statements included reference or
discussion and discussion and most in the discussion or in the discussion are citation, or
references match the references match references which are not present or references are
citations according to with the citations included are not references which are outdated or wrong
the APA format. according to the APA found in the text. included are not format.
format. found in the text.
Rujukan dan Petikan Semua petikan untuk Sebahagian besar Terdapat hanya Tiada petikan untuk Tiada rujukan atau
1 1 1 4
pernyataan petikan untuk beberapa petikan pernyataan yang petikan; atau
dimasukkan di dalam pernyataan untuk pernyataan digunakan dalam rujukan yang
perbincangan dan dimasukkan di dalam yang digunakan perbincangan atau ketinggalan zaman
semua rujukan perbincangan dan dalam perbincangan rujukan yang atau salah format.
sepadan dengan sebahagian besar atau rujukan yang tersenarai tidak
petikan mengikut rujukan sepadan tersenarai tidak terdapat dalam teks.
format APA. dengan petikan terdapat dalam teks.
mengikut format
Total 12.5 50