by 1024px (RGB color mode) at a resolution of 300 pixels/inch. Use the Paint Bucket Tool (G)
to fill with black color the new background layer.
Create the next new layer which must be filled with #872D2A color using the Paint Bucket
Tool (G).
Insert the mask on the layer by choosing Add layer mask on the bottom part of the Layers
panel and press CTRL+I to Inverse the color in the mask. Select Soft Round brush of white
color from Brush Tool (B).
Using this brush add some brushstrokes on the central part of the canvas as shown.
Select the Rectangle tool (U) and draw the next rectangle on the bottom part of the canvas. The
Foreground color it’s black.
Set Fill to 40% for this layer.
Next we’ll try to make a snowflake. Firstly we’ll represent the basic rays. Use the Rounded
Rectangle tool (U) (set Radius to 10px in Options bar) to draw a vertical ray of white color.
Make two copies of the last made layer and choose the Free Transform (Ctrl+T) command to
place the copies as in the picture below.
Next we’ll combine in a group all the three rays (press CTRL button to select the corresponding
layers and then hold on the left mouse’s button while dragging the selected layers on Create a
new group icon from bottom part of the Layers panel). Make a copy of the last made group and
select the Free Transform (Ctrl+T) command to make the copy smaller and place it exactly as
in the picture below.
Make two more copies of the rays’ group and make smaller each group. Using the Free
Transform (Ctrl+T) command and placing them as it is indicated below:
Select the Custom Shape Tool (U) in the Tools bar, in the Options bar click the Shape to open
the selection menu. Find 5 Point Star at the bottom of the menu, and then double-click a shape
thumbnail to select it.