Classroom Management Plan 1
Classroom Management Plan 1
Classroom Management Plan 1
-Start of Class: At the beginning of every class, I will post instructions on the board for my
students. This will either be a bellwork question to write about, a freewriting prompt, or a review
question of sorts. Students will have something small to do as soon as they enter the classroom. I
will also have a timer on the board that shows them how long they have to complete it before we
come together.
-End of Class: I will utilize the concept of exit tickets. This could be anything from a short
written summary of what they learned that day, a completed assignment, or even a few pieces of
trash picked up from the ground and thrown away. It will depend on the lesson, but I will use the
term “exit ticket” every day so that students know they have a task to finish before they leave.
During the last 10 minutes of class I will also post expectations for the next class (what supplies
-Collecting homework: When homework is due, it will be collected at the beginning of class.
Grades will be noted on the back of homework assignments, so that when they are being handed
back there is less chance anyone will see their peers' scores without asking.
-Participation: Students will have the opportunity to earn 5 participation points per class.
Students who are on time, on task, and contributing to class discussions will earn the full 5 points
for the day. Students who are late, unprepared, off task, or distracting will not earn the full 5
points. Points can be taken away and given back for the entirety of the class period. For instance,
if a student is late to class they would lose 2 points. However, if that student shows exceptional
behavior and focus during the rest of class, they may earn those 2 points back.
-Absences: It is the student’s responsibility to ask the teacher what they missed when they were
absent, and to make up all written work for that day. For excused absences, students will be
excused from any participation work for that day. If an absence is unexcused, students will have
an alternative assignment to make up their participation points for that day. I will inform students
of test and project days a week in advance, so they can try to avoid being absent those days.
-Late Work: Late work will be accepted for partial credit as follows:
-Class Rules: Specific classroom rules (i.e. bathroom passes, out of seat policy, etc.) will be
My approach to classroom management is to have a strong set of procedures, and rules that
oblige students to be responsible for following those procedures. Routines like bellwork and exit
tickets will help to maintain consistency in the classroom. This is important, because the more
consistent our routine is, the easier it will be for students to catch on and know what is expected
of them (this is not to say that every day’s bellwork format will be the same, but that the
expectation for behavior at the beginning and end of class is consistent). Furthermore, my
participation system incentivises good behavior and punishes poor behavior in ways that actually
matter to students and do not distract from learning. Sending students out of class or to detention
is counter-productive, as it only sets them back in their coursework. The only way to earn back
lost participation points is to actually participate in class, which can only benefit a student’s
students the opportunity to have a say in the creation of class rules, I believe I am setting up my