ChemCom Beta On SSZ31
ChemCom Beta On SSZ31
ChemCom Beta On SSZ31
Received (in Columbia, MO, USA) 31st December 1998, Accepted 31st March 1999
The synthesis and characterization of an epitaxial growth of decreased to 7.5, ITQ-39 was the crystallization product). All
zeolite b on SSZ-31 nanofibers is described, and a structural these suggested that the synthesized solid could actually be an
model of the interface between the two zeolites is pro- intergrowth of zeolites b and SSZ-31.
posed. To characterize the synthesized crystals, transmission elec-
tron microscopy was performed with a JEOL 3010 microscope
Zeolite crystals in the form of nanofibers have several potential operating at 300 kV. A low-resolution TEM image shows that a
catalytic applications, owing to the short diffusion lengths significant number of crystals are nanofibers of length 1–2 mm,
across these fibers and their low resistance to fluid flow (low with radial outgrowths ca. 20 nm in radius [Fig. 1(a)]. A few
pressure drop), as well as other advanced materials applications fibers of length up to 5 mm have also been observed. A high-
owing to the possibility of incorporating them in membrane, resolution TEM image [Fig. 1(b)] from the center of such a
sensor or electronic devices. A few zeolites with one- crystallite reveals that a nanofiber of zeolite SSZ-31 forms a
dimensional (1-D) pore systems are known to crystallize in a ‘backbone’ (running along the centerline of the nanofiber) for
needle-like morphology1–3 with the channels running along the epitaxial growth of zeolite-b. This is further corroborated by the
long axis of the particles. This raises the possibility of presence of SSZ-31 nanofibers free of zeolite-b outgrowths.
epitaxially growing other zeolitic structures on nanofibers of Complete channels of b (polymorph B) lie immediately above
such 1-D pore zeolites. We report here, the first such epitaxial the b/SSZ-31 interface. Two SSZ-31 channels are observed,
process, involving the growth of zeolite-b on nanofibers of the apparently running parallel to the second channel direction of
1-D zeolite SSZ-31, and we propose a structural model for the zeolite-b. These observations suggest that the b/SSZ-31
interface between the two zeolites. interface contains composite 12-membered channels con-
Zeolite-b is an industrially important large-pore material, structed from b and SSZ-31 ‘half-channels’. The SSZ-31
widely used in catalytic and adsorption processes.4,5 Previous ‘backbone’ is observed to be always three unit cells thick.
syntheses of zeolite-b resulted in equiaxed particles that contain
both the b polymorphs A and B. In this study, zeolite-b was
synthesized as pure silica polymorph using 1,3,3,6,6-pentame-
thyl-6-azoniumbicyclo[3.2.1]octane cation as the organic struc-
ture-directing agent (SDA). This cation was synthesized by
quaternization of the parent amine with an excess of MeI in
CCl3H, and was used in hydroxide form after anion exchange of
the iodide.
For the zeolite synthesis, tetraethylorthosilicate (21.89 g) was
hydrolysed in 35.02 g of an aqueous solution of the SDA in
hydroxide form (1.49 mmol g21). The mixture was stirred,
allowing evaporation of the ethanol produced in the hydrolysis.
Further stirring for 3 h at room temperature allowed the
evaporation of a total mass of 22.69 g (ethanol plus water).
Then, HF (2.18 g, 48% aqueous solution) was added and the
mixture was shaken till homogeneous. Hydrothermal crystal-
lization of this mixture (final composition SiO2 : 0.5
C12H24NOH : 0.5 HF : 9.9 H2O) in rotating (60 rpm) Teflon-
lined stainless steel autoclaves at 150 °C for 20 days produced
a crystalline solid with an XRD pattern similar to that of zeolite-
However, there were several facts suggesting that this
material was not identical to zeolite-b and that it could also be
related to zeolite SSZ-31. First, the XRD pattern shows some
differences with the pattern of zeolite-b and some similarities
with that of SSZ-313,8. For instance, the shape of the first broad
peak at low angle is more like that of the second peak in SSZ-31
rather than the first peak in zeolite-b. Also, the separation of the
two main peaks in the range 2q 20–22.5° of 1.20° is closer to
that in SSZ-31 (1.28°) than in b (1.08°). Furthermore, the
adsorption capacity of this material (0.13 cm3 g21) calculated
from the N2 adsorption isotherm using the t-plot method, is Fig. 1 (a) TEM image of synthesized crystals showing SSZ-31 nanofibers
intermediate between those of zeolites b (0.19 cm3 g21) and with epitaxial outgrowths of zeolite-b; (b) high-resolution TEM image of
SSZ-31 (0.08 cm3 g21). Interestingly, when the final water- the epitaxial growth of zeolite-b on zeolite SSZ-31; model of the
: silica ratio in the above synthesis mixture composition was intergrowth (inset, upper); and TEM simulation of this model (inset,
increased to 15, SSZ-31 was obtained (when the ratio was lower).