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1 - Lesson 2

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Кешймоди 2

21 Read the article. Match each statement (A-G) with the corresponding paragraph
(1-6). There is one statement you won’t need to use.

A A remedy for fatigue

В Rewarding hobby
C My leisure activity helps me stay in shape.
D Time to relax
E A chance to connect with the history
F My pastime broadens my environment.
G I’ll never give up my favourite pastime.

I am Never Bored
Are you looking for something new to do with your spare time? Has the thought of
jjang on a new hobby crossed your mind? Would you like to create things you can make use
:: . or just find something to occupy your time? Read on to find out more about what people
-- oy doing in their spare time.
Jacky: I can’t say that I’m fat but I am really concerned about my weight because
n^betes runs on both sides of my family. That’s why I have to exercise in my free time so
disease doesn’t set in. I ride a bicycle 7 miles a day around the town I live in, up and
i?wn hills, mostly in fifth gear. I like it because it makes me feel energetic, helps keep my
eight down, strengthens my legs and keeps my heart in good condition.
Sam: To my mind, fishing can be enjoyed at any age, individually or in groups. Within
ш hour from most homes, there is usually a place to fish. Perhaps the greatest appeal in
fshing is the opportunity to get outdoors and have a rest. It’s an enjoyable pastime that can be
. . : as a way to clear your head and forget about everyday problems. If you do it in groups, it
z :> a great opportunity to create friendly bonds with people who share your interests and
Sheryl: I am keen on gardening, which for centuries has been an extremely popular
me across the British Isles. Gardening offers both a relaxing and practical pastime that
- help achieve some very picturesque or beneficial results. Gardening provides an
ir rortunity to be out in the fresh air and sunshine. Caring for your own garden will bring
: >ment and save you money at the grocery store.
Helen: Painting is one of the most relaxing pastimes. Most people take up painting in
m or watercolours, others start with acrylics or pastels, but whatever your choice, it is the
• .gm ing of a voyage of discovery. When I look at things that are familiar to me, I see them
n _ different light. Learning something new almost every day encourages you to keep going.
Vtoreo\ er, it is also a good way to get rid of tiredness and take your mind off things. Painting
ic r> restore my balance whenever I am over-worked or stressed.
David: Writing has been my hobby for a few years already, but I go on to explore it
. - - er by blogging. Through blogs, I can express my opinions on various current topics,
Лаге my knowledge and thoughts, and also learn from others. In fact, blogs give me the

opportunity to connect with the entire world and even build great online friendships with
people I have something in common with. It helps me keep in touch with my friends and
family, if either they or I am away.
6 Nina: Have you ever explored time through your hobby? Have you ever tried to get in
touch with the past of your family? I have. Genealogy is one of the world’s most popular
pastimes, and millions of people around the planet are discovering their origins as I write this.
Once you set out on the research road, the work can become absolutely fascinating. There are
many reasons for that. As you explore this route to the past, you’ll develop new skills, which
you can use in many ways. You’ll also enjoy the excitement of the detective process. The
voyage of discovery into your family’s past often leads to a greater understanding of history.
It’s also a social pastime, and will bring you into contact with many new and like-minded

22 Ask six questions (general, special or alternative) about th e h o b b ie s , spoken

about in the above text.

Paragraph 1: Why have you chosen a bicycle as yo u r pastim e? Or H ow many miles

do you ride a day? etc
Paragraph 1 ...................................................................................................................

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4

Paragraph 5

Paragraph 6

23 Answer the question “Why do the p eople pursue those particular h o b b ies” that the
text “/ am N ever Bored ” tells us about”. Write down an argument for each paragraph.

Paragraph 1: Ja ck enjoys riding a bicycle as it makes him fe e l energetic a n d stay in

Paragraph 1 ...................................................................................................................

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4

Paragraph 5

Paragraph 6

V ocabulary Practice/ 2

24 Useful Word combinations

acquaint som ebody with som ething - (о)знакомить к о г о -л и б о с ч е м -л и б о

b«/ get/ become acquainted with sb - (по)знакомитъся с к е м -л и б о
be keen on sth/on doing/ to do sth - быть увлеченны м чем-л, стремиться к ч-л
have little/ much in common with sb- иметь (много/мало) общего с кем-л
ноге sb with sth - надоедать, докучать кому-л чем-л; be/get bored (with sth) - скучать,
чирать от скуки; be bored to tears/to death/out of one’s mind
take care of sb/sth - забот ит ься о ком-л, чем -л/ смотреть за кем-л
1n short - короче говоря, вкратце
_et on sb’s nerves - действовать кому-л на нервы, сердить к-л
make use of sth - использовать, воспользоваться ч-л/ применять, упот реблят ь
_et rid of sb/sth - избавляться от ч-л, отделываться от к-л ,ч-л
express one’s opinion on sth - выраж ать м нение о ч-л, по поводу ч-л
_et/ keep/ stay in touch with sb - поддерж ивать связь с к-л, быть в конт акт е с к-л
be/get upset about/by sth, with sb - расст раиват ься, огорчаться no поводу ч-л, быть
расстроенным ч-л
be proud of sb, sth/ take pride in sth/ pride oneself on sth - гордит ься к-л, ч-л/
: спытывать чувство удовлет ворения
Ind sth/it easy/enjoyable/(un)attractive/interesting (to do sth) - считать ч-л легким,
риятным, (не)привлекательным
make/take a decision (to do) - принимать, выносить реш ение/реш ит ь(ся) сделать ч-л
meet sb’s needs, requirements - удовлет ворят ь ч-л потребности, требования
cultivate self-confidence - воспитывать уверенност ь в себе
occupy sb’s time/mind/thoughts/attention/a position/post - занимать ч-л вр ем я/м ы сли/
- нимание/ долж ность | occupy sb with sth/ doing sth - занимат ь ч-л время чем-либо
solve a problem/ puzzle/ mystery -р е ш и т ь проблем у/разгадат ь загадку, тайну
solution to a problem - реш ение проблемы
develop a skill - развиват ь навык, приобретать ум ение
create friendly bonds — завязыват ь друж еские отношения, заводить новые
з накомства, новых друзей
stay with sb in ups and downs - быть с к-л и в радости, и в печали
rake one’s mind off things - перестать думать о ч-л, отвлечься от забот ____________

25 Fill in the correct preposition.

1. I can’t see any solutions.....this environmental problem. 2. When did you get acquainted
... him? 3. The company is justly proud.....its achievements. 4. While I’m staying ... Mike’s
we can keep ... touch ... you by phone. 5. As you’ve got rid ... your car you can make use ...
mine until you get a new one. 6. What are you upset ...? - My sister, she’s always getting ...
my nerves. - Oh, I see. You are upset ....... her, not me. That’s good. 7. We have little ...
common ... my brother except that we both are keen ... tennis. Sometimes he bores m e .......
.......my mind when he expresses his opinion ... various topics. 9. He is a faithful friend - he
will always stay ... you ... ups and downs. 10. Archer prides him self........his knowledge of

Italian art. 11. I need to take care ... the seating plan. 12. He takes pride ... his son’s progress
at school and gets never bored........his son’s stories about his classmates. 13. Tell me what
happened there ... short. 14. Are you going to acquaint the police .... the facts? 15. The
children are old enough to take care .... themselves. But I still can’t take my mind ... things.

26 Translate the sentences.

1. В школе дети развиваю т навык, необходимый для жизни и дальнейшего (further)
обучения. 2. Ты, наконец, принял реш ение ? - Да, я поеду учиться за границу (abroad). 3.
Условия проживания (living conditions) в нашем общежитии от вечают нуж дам любого
студента. 4. У нас в клубе очень доброжелательная атмосфера, наши клиенты легко
знакомятся и заводят друж еские связи. 5. Детям нравится (они находят очень
увлекат ельны м ) посещать различные кружки (hobby societies). 6. Хочешь ненадолго
отвлечься от забот ? Тогда воспользоваться нашим приглашением поехать за город. 7
Его хобби занимает все его свободное время. Ему никогда не скучно. 8. Вот ты всегда
разгады ваеш ь загадки быстрее меня! 9. Хорошие результаты в учебе (школе) помогают
воспитывать уверенност ь в себе. 10. У нас с ним мало общего, он вечно действует
мне на нервы и докучает м не своими скучными рассказами. 11. Он увлекает ся
садоводством и поддерж ивает отношения со многими садоводами. 12. Я бы очень
хотел избавиться от неприятной привычки расст раиват ься по каждому пустяку
(trifles). 13. Я горжусь своими друзьями, всю мою жизнь они всегда со м ной - и в горе,
и в радост и. 14. Он всегда забот ит ся о моей собаке, когда я уезжаю. 15. Он впервые
выразил свое мнение кратко. 16. Я уже ознакомил полицию с новыми фактами.

Word Formation 2 : Suffixes of Nouns

27 Look at Appendix 3 and form nouns from the given parts of speech using the
following suffixes.

-m ent -sio n /-ssio n /-tio n /-a tio n

to employ - employment to transform - transformation
to enjoy - enjoyment to recognize - recognition
-a n ce /e n c e/-a n cy /en cy -n ess
to differ - difference busy - business
important - importance great - greatness
1. What was y o u .....................(motivate) for becoming a doctor?
2. T h e........................(govern) is planning further cuts in public spending.
3. Carlos led a ....................(move) to stop..................... (destruct) of the rain forest.
4. In a big city one cannot escape the need to travel long................... (distant).
5. We must tak e....................(measure) of th e .................... (perform) of the car.
6. During..........................(adolescent) boys are sometimes shy.
7. The writer’s use o f ...........................(repeat) is a stylistic device.
8. The teacher expressed h is ...................(disappoint) at o u r.................. (translate).
9. H is...................(rude) exhausted o u t.................. (patient).
10. Excuse m y ...................(interfere) but you’ve chosen the w rong.............. (direct).
11. She admits h e r...................(depend) on him for financial.................. (assist).
12. A ll...................... (apply) are to be submitted before the end of November.

13. There’s plenty of space for all the domestic ................... (apply) and electric
...............(equip) in the kitchen.
14. A ll....................(consult) are b y ......................... (appoint) only.
15. Over 2,000 people were i n .............(attend) at yesterday’s ................ (demonstrate).
16...............(Assertive) training is aimed at helping people to overcome.............. (shy).
17. He questioned th e ...............(competent) of th e ......................(govern).
18. O n ................(complete) of the building, they make a final................. (inspect).
19. We appreciate your delegation’s ............... (frank) and the spirit of .............
(cooperate). O u r.................(congratulate) on the success of o u r.................. (agree).
20. At th e .................(receive) there were a lot of owners o f ................. (busy).
21. There is always room fo r...................(improve) in your personal............. (develop).
22. The article mentioned th e ...................(frequent) of serious road accidents.
23. That college is a first-class training.......................(establish).

(^гсшипаг PrcuXtces 2

18 Put the verbs in the correct tense form: Present Continuous, Present Perfect or
: esent Perfect Continuous.

I ...............(lose) my driving license...................... (you/see) it anywhere?

Why is she so red? - S h e........................(lie) in the sun for too long.
Someone ....................... (take) my books. I ............................. (look) for them for
ages, but I .......................(not find) them yet.
We ........................ (listen) to you for the past half an hour, but I’m afraid we
..............................(not understand) a single word.
K ate....................(try) to lose weight for ages. S he..................... (lose) 3 kilos so far.
Their band...........................(tour) in Europe for 2 months already.
Someone...................(eat) the chocolates! They’re nearly all gone!
Ann is away on holiday. - W here.....................(she/go) this time?
How long .....................(you/know) your best friend? - We ............ (be) acquainted
for 10 years and sh e ............(always/stay) with me in ups and downs.
Nick is a chain smoker. H e ................(smoke) since his teen years.
Brazil........................(win) the World Cup three times.
He should stop. H e ............ (drive) for six hours and that’s too long.
I ......................(do) the washing up, so we can watch TV now.
Sonya and her brother George.........................(look) after the house for a week while
their parents are away.............(they/ ever/ quarrel) since their parents’ departure?
Do you know the news? B o b .........................(start) driving lessons.
16. Your room is in a terrible mess. What on earth....................(you/ do)?
So far w e ...............(not/ notice) anything unusual, though w e .......... (pay) very close
attention. - How long...............(you/ watch) him? - Since last week.
Don’t forget that y o u .............(not/see) a new client. H e ............. (wait) since 10.30.
How long................(you/ have) driving lessons?................ ( you/ take) your test yet?
W ho....................(wear) my scarf? It isn’t in its place! ............. (you/take) it again?
My cup is nearly empty! Someone.............(drink) my coffee. It’s outrageous!
The food prices ......... (fall) now. That is not because people ........... (eat) less, or
because farmers ............... (increase) their productivity considerably, but because the

13. There’s plenty of space for all the domestic ................... (apply) and electric
...............(equip) in the kitchen.
14. A ll....................(consult) are b y ......................... (appoint) only.
15. Over 2,000 people were i n .............(attend) at yesterday’s ................ (demonstrate).
16...............(Assertive) training is aimed at helping people to overcome.............. (shy).
17. He questioned th e ...............(competent) of th e ..................... (govern).
18. O n ................(complete) of the building, they make a final................. (inspect).
19. We appreciate your delegation’s ............... (frank) and the spirit of .............
(cooperate). O u r.................(congratulate) on the success of o u r.................. (agree).
20. At th e .................(receive) there were a lot of owners o f ................. (busy).
21. There is always room fo r...................(improve) in your personal............. (develop).
22. The article mentioned th e ...................(frequent) of serious road accidents.
23. That college is a first-class training.......................(establish).

G rcw im a r p r a c tic e / 2

Put the verbs in the correct tense form: Present Continuous, Present Perfect or
*■ 'tnt Perfect Continuous.

I ...............(lose) my driving license...................... (you/see) it anywhere?

Why is she so red? - S he........................(lie) in the sun for too long.
Someone ....................... (take) my books. I ............................. (look) for them for
ages, but I .......................(not find) them yet.
We ........................ (listen) to you for the past half an hour, but I’m afraid we
..............................(not understand) a single word.
Kate....................(try) to lose weight for ages. S he..................... (lose) 3 kilos so far.
Their band...........................(tour) in Europe for 2 months already.
Someone...................(eat) the chocolates! They’re nearly all gone!
Ann is away on holiday. - W here.....................(she/go) this time?
How long .....................(you/know) your best friend? - We ............ (be) acquainted
for 10 years and sh e ............(always/stay) with me in ups and downs.
Nick is a chain smoker. H e ................(smoke) since his teen years.
Brazil........................(win) the World Cup three times.
He should stop. H e ............ (drive) for six hours and that’s too long.
I ......................(do) the washing up, so we can watch TV now.
Sonya and her brother George.........................(look) after the house for a week while
iheir parents are away............. (they/ ever/ quarrel) since their parents’ departure?
Do you know the news? B ob .........................(start) driving lessons.
v chit room is in a terrible mess. What on earth....................(you/ do)?
So far w e ...............(not/ notice) anything unusual, though w e ...........(pay) very close
mention. - How long...............(you/ watch) him? - Since last week.
Don’t forget that y o u .............(not/see) a new client. H e ............. (wait) since 10.30.
H: л long................(you/ have) driving lessons?................ ( you/ take) your test yet?
W ho....................(wear) my scarf? It isn’t in its place!............. (you/take) it again?
V!> cup is nearly empty! Someone.............(drink) my coffee. It’s outrageous!
“be food prices ......... (fall) now. That is not because people ........... (eat) less, or
-. _ause farmers ............... (increase) their productivity considerably, but because the

successful government policy................(influence) them.
23.1 ................(look) through the ads for a flat and my mother and I .......... (go) to see an
apartment in Tverskaya street tomorrow.
24.............................(the letter/ come) at last? - Yes. Look, Laura................... (read) it.

Grammar Pattern 1
f ir s t , second, te n th , la s t, f i n a l etc + Present Perfect
It is the first time the little boy has ridden a bike.
Малыш впервые едет на велосипеде.
It is the third cup of tea I have had today.
Я пью уже третью чашку чая за сегодняшний день.

Grammar Pattern 2
It is the worst/ best film 1 have ever seen.
Many people think Kennedy to be the greatest President the USA has had.

29 Translate the sentences into English, using the above Grammar Patterns.
1. Фиона очень взволнована. Она сегодня первый раз выступала перед такой
большой аудиторией. 2. Я сегодня первый раз еду на машине в городе, а движение
(traffic) очень сильное (heavy). 3. Я только что прочитала новый роман этого
автора. Мне кажется, это лучшее, что он написал. 4. Ты уже третий раз меня об
этом спрашиваешь! Это так раздражает! 5. Уже второй раз за эту неделю моя
машина ломается. 6. Что ты о нем думаешь? - Он самый веселый человек из всех,
кого я встречал. 7. Это уже пятая собака, заботу о которой он взял на себя.

30 Put the verbs in the correct Present tense form.

1. Why ......... (you/look) through the toy catalogue? - My little sister ........... (come)
over this Friday. I ...........(not/ choose) any present for her. - That’s why y o u ...........
(look) serious. Let’s buy the biggest doll sh e ............(ever/ see).
2 . Can you answer the phone, please? I .................(have) a bath. - This is the fifth time
y o u ...........(ask) me to answer it and it is the third bath y o u ............ (take).
We are here on the Isle of Skye. W e .................(stay) on a campsite in the middle of
nowhere. W e ........................(be) here for five days but i t ..................... (feel) longer.
4. I’m nervous because I ............. (wait) for days to hear about my exam results. I’m
sure, I .........(not do) very well. They will be the worst results I ............ (ever/ have).
5. T his...........(be) the second time sh e ................... (forget) to give me a message.
6 . This tooth..........(kill) me lately. So I .......... (make) an appointment with the dentist.
7. I .......(read) the book for a week. - W ell,.................... (you/finish) with it yet?
8. It is the third decision different from the previous two y o u ........ (take) for the last two
days. I t ........really (get) on my nerves. I .......... (think) y o u .......... (be) unreasonable.
9. Look! Someone.......................(write) with my pen. There is no ink in it.
10. You look really great! ................................... (you/work out) at the gym?
11. This is the first time w e .............(be) to Scotland, so it’s all new to us.
12. Pauline Jones ........... (be) a travel agent since 2000. She is the most experienced
agent I ...........(ever/know). It’s the fourth trip I ............. (buy) at her agency.

13..................... (something/ happen) to the lines? I ................ (try) to get through to
Rostov for the past hour. Yes, it’s the second breakage w e ............(have) today.
14. Scientists........(analyse) the data for several days now but th ey .......... (find) nothing
unusual so far. It is the final opinion which w e ...........(ask) to express on our work.
15. W e .........(just/ speak) about plans for the weekend. It’s lucky that y o u ........ (come).

I -o
r Grammar Pattern 3
Have gone to/ Have been to/ Have been in
He has gone to the Far East. {He hasn 7 come back yet. H e is still there.)
He has been to the Far East. {He isn 7 there now. H e has come back.)
He has been in the Far East. {He lives in the Far East now.)

' 1 Fill in “has/have been to/in”, has/ have gone to”.

1. Marta isn’t here. S he...............the sport club.

2. I .............. the Crimea, but I only spent a week there.
3. Harry is alone because his parents.....................the seaside for the weekend.
4. How long................y o u ..............Moscow? - For nearly three years.
5. A nna.......................Kamchatka twice this year.
6. Mr Ivanov .......................Vladivostok for nearly two weeks.
7. Peter isn’t in his office..........................h e ................a meeting?
8. How many tim es.................your sister................. London this year?
9. How long...............this room ................. a terrible mess?
10. Sorry, Maria isn’t in the office. S he............the party in a chauffeur-driven limousine.

-2 Write the questions in the dialogue, using the answers to help you:

Linda: (1)............................(you/be) to South America?

Dan: No, never. Why? (2)............................(you/like) travelling?
.inda: Yes! Don’t you? (3).................................(you/always/go) on holiday in this country?
Dan: Yes, I do. It’s easier. You can speak your own language. ( 4 ).......................(you/leam)
L:nda: Yes. I’m learning as much Spanish as I can before I go.
Dan: And (5 )..............................(you/read) books about South America?
Linda: Yes. Well, I’m reading one book. (6 ).........................(you/read) travel books?
Dan: No. But I like adventure books, like Scott’s Diaries. (7) .............................(you/read)
' . ?tt's Diaries?
L nda: No. But I want to read them.

Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: Present Simple,
: "esent Continuous, Present Perfect.
Liam Gordon (1) ........... (be) a wildlife cameraman for the last ten years. He (2) ...........
film) lots of documentary programmes about wild animals for TV. All these years he (3)
............ (explore) almost all world’s jungles and rain forests. Snakes (4) ............... (bite)
-on more times than he can remember and alligators (5) ................(attack) him, too. These
6 ) ............(be) the most thrilling experiences he (7) .................. (ever/had). At the moment

he (8 )....................(prepare) to go back to the Amazon. He just (9 )................ (love) filming.
His girlfriend, Maria, (10) ................... (always/share) his passion for wildlife. Liam and
Maria (11) ............... (work) together from time to time. They (12) ............... (be) to
Venezuela a couple of times. There they lived with the Matis Indians. “The Matis (13)
............... (be) the friendliest people 1 (14)............. (get) acquainted with,” says Liam “I
really (15) .........(care) about them and their well-being, as the Matis (1 6 )..............(have) a
hard time at the moment. It (17) ............ (be) the third epidemic of flu they (18) ...........
(experience). That’s why we now (19) ......... (keep) in touch with the Red Cross, the
organization which (20) ........... (take) care of those who (21) ........... (be) in need. A lot of
volunteers (2 2 )...........(arrive) to give a helping hand with the epidemic.”


34 You will hear 6 people talking about friendship. Look at the statements (l-7)and
say which of the speakers (A-E) each statement refers to. There is one extra statement
which you do not need to use.
1. A perfect friend never gossips.
2. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
3. A perfect friend is not always ideal.
4. True friends always share everything with us.
5. A true friend will never abandon you.
6. A perfect friend is always honest.
7. A true friend is the greatest of all blessings.

Speaker A В C D E F

Л Letter to a frie n d : A sking a n d answering questions

S tr a te g y P o in t

While answering or asking questions try starting with a “bridge” or

introduction sentence. You can mention or develop the topic of the
Letter: ... O oh! I sp en t a ll Sun d a y buying clothes. It is so tiring,
though necessary. M y clo th in g m ust be in fa sh io n , y o u know. W hy do
y o u th in k clothes p la y a sig n ifica n t role in o u r life? .....

“bridge” to the Your answer: I know shopping can be really boring, but sometimes
questions we have to go shopping. Clothes are important in our lives, as people
pay a lot of attention to what we wear and judge us by them.

ning. 35 Answer the questions in the format of a personal letter. Think of the “bridge” to
l and the answers.
e) to
(13) .. M y m um tells m e that I sh o u ld be m ore careful about m y clothes as p e o p le usually ju d g e a
im “I person by the clothing they wear. H o w im portant are clothes to y o u ? D o y o u like to keep up
ive) a :ith the fa sh io n ? On w hich occasions are the clothes y o u w ea r especially im portant? Why?

s. the
lot of

. . I ' m g o in g to do a p r o je c t on unusual hobbies p e o p le choose to go in fo r . A n d I ’m d o in g a

■ind o f survey am o n g m y frie n d s. W hat unusual hobbies do y o u r acquaintances have? Why
rave they chosen that type o f activity? W hat is y o u r fa v o r ite p a stim e? Is it unusual too?


S p e a k in g ' 2
A ik in g ' qiAetttOYiy

54 Study Speaking Strategy Points.

F S tr a te g y P o in t
1. Ask only a) g e n e ra l or b) s p e c ia l questions
General questions:
Auxiliary verb - Subject - Main verb:
D o y o u ...., Is/A re th e re ............... . H a ve y o u g o t ............ A r e /Is ...............
D o /D o e s ............. Can I/C an o n e .............. Is it p o ssib le to d o .......

D o you accept credit cards? - A ctiv e Voice
A re credit cards accepted/? - P a ssive Voice
A r e th e re any discounts for students?
I s th e re an online form to fill in?

\ Special questions:
Ouestion word - Auxiliary verb - Subject - Main verb
W hat/ w h e re / w h o / w h e n / how m u c h / how m a n y / how
How c a n I g e t to the studio? - A ctiv e Voice
What courses a re offeraf? - P assive Voice
How many courses a re th e re at your school?
Who is th e re to contact in the event of a problem?

At the exam you will see each of the 5 items in succession and you
__________________ will have 20 seconds to ask each question.
37 Study the sample advertisement and suggested questions.

You are considering starting breakdance

lessons as a hobby and you’d like to get
more information. In 1.5 minutes you are
to ask five direct questions to find out
КОГДА И ГДЕ about the following:

a) tuition fees
Е конце ш естидесятых
b) course location
c) duration of the course
d) special clothes
e) evening classes
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

Suggested answers:
a) W hat are the tuition fe e s ?
b) W here is this course located?
c) H o w long does the course last?
d) D o 1 have to w ea r any sp ecia l clothes?
e) A re there evening classes?

38 Practice Task. Match the questions (a-w) to the points you want to clarify (1-9).

1) Availability a) What are the working/opening hours?

b) When does it open/ close?
c) What is the time of arrival/ departure?
2) Accommodation d) How long does it (trip, programme) last?
e) How long is the course/ class etc?
3) Job f) Do you have a vacancy o f ...?
g) How much do you pay?
4) Price/cost/fee(s) h) Are any special skills necessary?
i) How much does/do ... cost?
5) Location j) What’s the price o f ...?
k) What is the monthly payment/rent?
6) Possibility 1) What’s the fee for ...?
m) Where is ... situated/located?
7) Number/ n) Where is it going to take place?
Amount of something o) Can I/one ...? How can I/one ...?
P) Is it/will it be possible to/for me to ....?
8) Necessity/need q) Do I need to/have to ...?
r) Is there a need to ...?
9) Time s) What is the type of accommodation offered?
t) How many rooms does the flat have?
U) How many (students) ... are there?
V) How much (experience) ... is required?
w) W hat... is/are available?

Г '

39 Study the advertisement and ask 5 questions.

You are considering staying a night at

the hotel and you'd like to get more
information. In 1.5 minutes you are to
ask five direct questions to find out the

a) special offers
b) local sights
c) number of available rooms
d) list of services they provide
e) if they have a website
You have 20 seconds to ask each

Home Assignment 2

40 Put the verbs in the correct Present tense form.

Amy: Since when (1) ............. (you/wander) all over the world? Which is the most unusual
place (2) ................. (you/see)? (3) ............... (your wife/mind) your absence, especially if
you (4 ).................(stay) away for many weeks?
Ben: So many questions! It’s great you (5) ........... (be) curious, right at the moment I (6)
........... (get) ready for my next journey. I (7) ............... (enjoy) going to different places
since childhood. It (8 )...............(be) my hobby for the past ten years. My wife (9 ).................
(always/grumble) when I tell her 1 (10) ................. (go) away. But she (11) ...............
mever/want) to share my journeys. As for unusual places, Timbuktu is the most unusual place
my son and 1(12).............(be) to.
\my: Which time (13) ............ (it/be) your son (14) ............... (join) Уои f°r the journey
abroad? What countries (15) .............. (you/visit)? I see you are sun-tanned, (1 6 )..................
you/sunbathe)? Where (17).................(there/be) nice places to lie in the sun?
Ben: Oh, I see your curiosity (18)...............(gradually/grow). Italy, Greece, Russia and India
1 19)................(be) on my list of priorities recently. So far my son (2 0 )................ (share) my

Tip to Mali. The country (21)................(always/be) famous for sandy beaches to sunbathe.
\mv: You are lucky. I (2 2 ).........................(always/want) to travel all over the world, but I
•23).......................(never/have) the opportunity. But I (24).................. (still/hope) I will.

41 Translate the sentences into English. Make use of the Vocabulary of the Unit.
1. Я никогда не у п у с к а ю в о з м о ж н о с т и поговорить с ним. Он много
путешествовал, побывал в разных странах и знает много интересного.
2. Мы живем в отеле Карлтон. Мы уже третий раз останавливаемся в этом отеле.
Это самый дорогой отель из всех, где я когда-либо жила.
3. Дети сделали уроки и теперь веселят ся в саду. Уже два часа, как гуляют.
4. Наши друзья только что вернулись из Парижа. Сегодня вечером они придут к
н а м и поделят ся св о и м и впечат лениям и. - Они уже второй раз были в Париже?
5. Я знаю Ивана много лет. У нас всегда бы ли от личны е от нош ения.

6. Тед не очень хорошо знает правила, так как играет в теннис первый раз в жизни.
7. Мне очень нравится садоводство. Многие столетия оно является чрезвычайно
(extremely) популярным времяпрепровож дением на всех Британских островах.
8. Ну и беспорядок! - Я искала свой паспорт. - Почему ты никогда не кладешь
вещи на свое м ест о! - Ты вечно действуеш ь м не на нервы.
9. Ты выглядишь усталым. Чем ты занимался? - Я с утра пишу упражнения по
русскому языку и написал уже девять. - А, ну это другое дело.
10. Как давно вы живете за городом? - С начала лета. Мы уже познакомились со
всеми соседями. - Вам нравится дачная жизнь (вы находите ее приятной)? - Да.
и мне никогда не скучно возиться в саду (gardening).
11. Не пей так много кофе! За сегодняшний день это уже пятая чашка!
12. Обычно у каждого ученика свой комплект учебников (a set of), но в этом
учебном году некоторые школьники делят один учебник на двоих.
13. Вы уже бывали на подобных мероприятиях (events)? - Нет, это первая
возмож ность, которая нам представилась.
14. Новый директор (principal) работает в школе всего два месяца, но уже уст ановил
хорош ие отношения со всеми учителями.
15. Ты опять пользовалась моими вещами? Я много раз просила тебя не делать

42 W& ** Letter Writing. You have received a letter from your English-speaking
- pen friend Mark who writes:
... A t school we are doing projects on teenagers in different countries. You w ill help
me a lot i f yo u tell me about Russian teenagers. What do yo u think a typical Russian teenager
is? What do they enjoy? What are their m ost po p u la r leisure activities?
Anyway, I ’m going to enroll on scuba-diving classes.

Write back to Mark.

In your letter
1. answer his questions about Russian teenagers
2. ask 3 questions about his new hobby

43 Study the advertisement and ask 5 questions.

You are considering visiting the tattoo

shop and you'd like to get more
information. In 1.5 minutes you are to
ask five direct questions to find out the
a) working hours
b) if they have a website
c) if it hurts during the process
d) number of temporary tattoos
e) average price

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.


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