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Lesson 9

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Lesson 9


 Read aloud this conversation:

Daisy: Why don’t you take up a hobby instead of just sitting

around the house all the time?
Tim: When I was a kid I used to have a new “hobby” every week.
It drove my parents’ nuts. If I wasn’t out collecting junk, I
was trying to become a juggler or a guitar player or
Daisy: Why did you stop?
Tim: I work hard all day, all week. So when I’m not working I like
to just relax.
Daisy: But I don’t think it’s good for your health. You should
exercise more, or at least do something mentally active.
Otherwise, I’m afraid you’ll become a real bore.

E-SPACE VIETNAM | Success is within your reach 1

 New words:

take up (v) teɪk ʌp : chọn
drive someone’s nuts draɪv…nʌts : làm cho ai nổi cáu
junk (n) dʒʌŋk : đồ phế liệu
juggler (n) ˈdʒʌɡlər : nghệ sĩ xiếc tung hứng
mentally (adv) ˈmentəli : thuộc về tinh thần
bore (n) bɔːr : người tẻ nhạt

 Note: Useful expressions of certainty:

I strongly believe… Without a doubt,…

I’m almost positive… Undoubtedly…
I’m convinced…

 Read aloud this passage:

One of the main reasons people have hobbies is to kill time.

Many of the great developments in science and technology have
given us all a lot of time beyond that which we fill with necessary
activity. But few of us use that extra time creatively, so we get
bored. So we need a hobby to make the time pass enjoyably: we
collect stamps or learn how to cook or just listen to our CDs.

One of the problems, though, is with having expensive

hobbies. Usually they are intended to show off our wealth or our
being up-to-date with some supposed trend, rather than
supporting any genuine interest. Too often, we can’t really afford

E-SPACE VIETNAM | Success is within your reach 2

it; but even if we can, we just feed our general discontent because
we are spending a lot of money but not relieving our boredom.

 New words:

intend (v) ɪnˈtend : có ý định
show off (v) ʃoʊ ɔːf : khoe khoang
wealth (n) welθ : của cải
up-to-date (adj) ˌʌp tə ˈdeɪt : tân thời
trend (n) trend : trào lưu
afford (v) əˈfɔːrd : đủ khả năng
feed (v) fiːd : nuôi dưỡng
discontent (n) ˌdɪskənˈtent : sự bất mãn
boredom (n) ˈbɔːrdəm : sự buồn chán

  Discussion:
1. What are your hobbies?
2. How much money do your hobbies cost you?
3. With whom do you enjoy your hobbies?
4. How often do you enjoy your hobbies?
5. What are the best things about your hobbies?
6. Why are hobbies necessary in the modern world?
7. Are there any hobbies you have given up? Why?
8. Are there any hobbies you would like to try soon?

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