Week-1-7 CM MDL 3q Ent122
Week-1-7 CM MDL 3q Ent122
Week-1-7 CM MDL 3q Ent122
Lesson 1: Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneur …….…………....2-3 Lesson 1: What is Business Plan? ………………….……………………………………. ….…….24
Lesson 2: Entrepreneurship in the Philippines ……….……. ….3 Lesson 2: Why write a Business Plan and Who reads it? ........……....……24-25
Lesson 3: Relevance of Entrepreneurship to Senior Lesson 3: How to present a Business Plan? ………………………………………….….26
High School students ….…………………………………………........................3-4 Activities and Assessment.….………………………………….………………………………….……27-28
Activities and Assessment ………….………………………….…………….……6-7
MODULE 2 Lesson 1: What is marketing Plan? ………,,,,,,,,,,,,,……………………….…......….……29-30
Lesson 1: Entrepreneurial Process ….……….…………………...….……8-9 Lesson 2: What are the steps in preparing a Marketing Plan? ….…....30
Lesson 2: Characteristics of an Entrepreneur ….…….…....…9-10 Lesson 3: What must consider in Developing Marketing Strategy
Lesson 3: Characteristics of a Filipino Entrepreneur ….….10 and Action plan? …………………………………………………………………………………………………….30-31
Lesson 4: Entrepreneurial Decision Making.………………......…10-11 Activities and Assessment …………………………………………….………………………….….…32-33
Activities and Assessment …………………….……………….……….…..…12-13
MODULE 3 Lesson 1: What is Operational Plan? .….………………………………………………......….34-36
Lesson 1: Sources of Ideas for Entrepreneurial Activities and Assessment …………………………………………………………….………….……37-38
Ventures.………………………………………………………………………………….………14 3rd Quarter Project …………………………………………………...……………………….………….….…39
Lesson 2: Methods for generating or testing
New ideas.….…………………………………………………………………………………...14-15
Lesson 3: Creativity: A new way of looking at things ….…15-16
Activities and Assessment …………….………….……………….……...…
Lesson 1: Opportunity recognition process ……………………….19-20
Lesson 2: Opportunity Assessment ……….….……………………….20-21
Activities and Assessment ………….………………………………………….22-23
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
What is Entrepreneurship?
Some people make a big deal out of the fact that there are many successful Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneur
businesses founded by entrepreneurs who do not have a college degree. Often Entrepreneurship is...
cited are Apple Founder Steve Jobs, Microsoft founder Bill gates, Facebook co- • The act of creating a business or businesses while building and scaling it to
founder Mark Zuckerberg, and Uber co-founder Travis Kalanick. In the Philippines, generate a profit.
we have Philippine Airlines and Asia brewery owner Lucio Tan, National Bookstore • An important driver of economic growth and innovation.
owner Socorro Ramos, Zest-O corporation President Alfredo Yao, and Mang Inasal • What people do to take their career and dreams into their hands and lead it
founder Edgar Sia II. Some of these individuals went to college but decided to drop in the direction of their own choice.
out after spotting a business opportunity. The others came from poor families, and • About building a life on your own terms. No bosses. No restricting schedules.
could not afford college education, but succeeded in growing their businesses, And no one holds you back.
However, we must not lose sight of the fact that other equally successful An entrepreneur is...
businesses were founded by individuals who earned their college degrees.
• A person who sets up a business with the aim to make a profit and creates a
Examples are Jollibee founder Tony Tan Caktiong, Lamoiyan Corporation founder
new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards.
Cecilio Pedro, and ECHOstore co-founder Pacita Juan. Clearly, educational
• The Term “entrepreneur” comes from the French word entreprendre which
background, while important, is not the defining element for entrepreneurial
means “to undertake”
success. There are other factors that come into play.
• An innovator, a source of new ideas, goods, services, and business/or
In this module, we identify the different types of entrepreneurs. We also
describe the various stages that entrepreneurs undergo in implementing their
• Playing a key role in any economy, using the skills and initiative necessary to
business plans, which usually start as mental constructs or intentions. In this light,
anticipate needs and bring good new ideas to market.
we identify the factors that influence entrepreneurial intentions. After this, we
discuss how entrepreneurs formulate their decisions based on three types of
Type of Entrepreneur by Joseph Schumpeter
mental processes. Finally, we examine the role of cognitive adaptability in
1. Megaentrepreneurs – Individuals who are willing to absorb huge risks of
managing risks brought about by an uncertain and dynamic business environment.
using enormous amounts of capital in their business ventures.
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
2. Microentrepreneurs – Individuals who are engaged in micro or small 4. Entrepreneurship improves productivity
businesses as an alternative as an alternative formal employment. 5. Entrepreneurs create jobs.
6. Entrepreneurs innovate.
Understanding what an entrepreneur is can help more people recognize the 7. Entrepreneurs create innovation and social change
value they contribute to the world. Entrepreneurs take the idea and execute it 8. Entrepreneurs give to society
while entrepreneurship is about execution of ideas.
Relevance of Entrepreneurship to SHS Students
Entrepreneurship in the Philippines 1. To prepare students for livelihood even before college.
The notion of the entrepreneur as simply one who forms and manages 2. Entrepreneurship education aids students from all socioeconomic
business is apparent in government programs that attempt to develop small-scale backgrounds to think outside the box and nurture unconventional talents
industries. In the Philippines, many entrepreneurial development-training and skills.
programs rest on such assumptions. But even without the presence of government 3. Entrepreneurship develops their initiative and helps them to be more
support, the statistics for the past fifty years or so on the number of business creative and self-confident in whatever they undertake and to act in a
establishments formed every year would generally show an increasing trend. They socially responsible way.
were mostly in food processing, property development, and trade (including 4. It exposes students to numerous opportunities to learn how to think
shopping malls). critically and analyze the pieces on the board.
In 2005, the top 50 Philippine corporations in terms of sales could be 5. Being aware of all the important factors and seeing how they affect each
broken down into 22 private domestic firms, 23 foreign firms, and 5 government- other is the foundation of a smart decision-making process.
owned and/or controlled corporations (BizNews Asia 2007as cited by Batalla, V., 6. Students must be exposed to real-world examples and learn from their
2011). The 22 companies could be identified with 11 families and individuals, own experience.
mostly Filipinos of Chinese ethnic background. The 11 families and individuals were 7. Entrepreneurship education requires students to be innovative, creative,
The Zobel family (Ayala), The Lopez clan (ABS-CBN), Lucio Tan (Asia Brewery), and collaborative with others.
Henry Sy (SM), John Gokongwei (Cebu Pacific), Alfonso Yuchengco (Mapúa 8. Entrepreneurship education provides budding entrepreneurs with the
Institute of Technology), Eduardo Cojuangco Jr. (San Miguel Corporation), Jose Yao skills and knowledge to come up with business ideas and develop their own
Campos (Unilab Group of Companies), George Ty (Metrobank), Mariano Que ventures.
(Mercury Drug), and Tony Tan-Caktiong (Jollibee).
Job Opportunities for Entrepreneurship as a Career
Relevance of Entrepreneurship to SHS students If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, there are different career paths you
can take to turn your dream into a reality. Which path you choose will depend on
Importance of Entrepreneurship
your experience, skills, finances, and flexibility, as well as your goals for the future
1. Entrepreneurship generates new wealth in an economy.
(Doyle, A., 2020). Career opportunities you might pursue according to Michalowicz
2. Entrepreneurship decreases poverty.
(2011) as cited by Edralin, D. M., 2016):
3. It creates opportunities, ensures social justice, instills confidence and
1. stimulates the economy.
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
Reference links:
• Health club manager
• Strength, wellness, or conditioning Above Image retrieved from:
coach https://thefinancialexpress.com.bd/education/understanding-entrepreneurship-
• Fitness program or event planning 1541654371
• Professional or amateur team (www.reference.com)
manager (www.europeanentrepreneurship.com)
• Sports facility manager
• Corporate fitness director Batalla, V. (2011). Entrepreneurship and Philippine Development. Retrieved from:
• Rehabilitation center director https//www.academia.edu/26552052/Entrepreneurship_and Philippine_ Development
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
MODULE 1: Assessment C. In 2005, the top 50 Philippine corporations in terms of sales could be
broken down into 25 private domestic firms, 20 foreign firms, and 5
Test I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your chosen answer on the space government-owned and/or controlled corporations.
provided. D. The 22 companies could be identified with 11 families and individuals,
mostly Filipinos of Chinese ethnic background.
______1. Who acts as a coordinating agent in a capitalist economy?
A. Manager C. Entrepreneur ______5. Which of the following words is not associated with entrepreneur?
B. Finance Officer D. Broker A. innovative C. collaborative
B. impulsive D. Creative
______2. Which of the following is not a definition of Entrepreneurship?
A. It creates opportunities, ensures social justice, instills confidence, and Test II. Enumeration. Give what is asked based on the list below.
stimulates the economy. ✓ Give at least 3 business resources
B. It is an important part of the economic growth strategies of many local ✓ Give at least 3 importance of Entrepreneurship to the economy
and national governments around the world. ✓ Give at least 3 relevance of Entrepreneurship to you as a student
C. Refers to a person who sets up a business with the aim to make a profit. ✓ Give at least 3 known families who owned Big Corporations here in the
D. The act of creating a business or businesses while building and scaling it Philippines
to generate a profit. ✓ Give at least 3 characteristics of Entrepreneur
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
What is Entrepreneurship?
This question has been long debated with little agreement. However, as 2. Interpersonal competencies – These are your ability to lead, influence,
cited by Longenecker, J.G., et.al. (2016), Stephen Spinelli and Robert Adams communicate, supervise, negotiate, and control people at all levels. It is
described entrepreneurs as having and exhibiting “desirable and acquirable the ability to get along with people and motivate people to perform jobs.
attitudes and behaviors” such as commitment and determination, leadership, Entrepreneurs must effectively manage people.
opportunity obsession, risk-takers, motivation to excel, creativity, self-reliance, and Ex. communication, engagement, delegation
adaptability. According to (www. Ideas for leaders.com), competencies such as risk
seeking, assertiveness ad vision are considered typical of a successful 3. Business competencies – These are set of abilities and knowledge that sets
entrepreneur. But these as yardstick, it is wrongly concluded that only certain types a company apart from its competitors It also refers to the key
of people make good entrepreneurs or are capable pf worthwhile innovations. characteristics that successful entrepreneurs should have to be successful
Ex. business vision, financial management, networking
Is there such a thing as a ‘natural-born entrepreneur’?
Accordingly, there is not. Specific techniques and habits must be practiced
and developed by all would-be entrepreneurs. Aside from business competencies, Entrepreneurial Process
entrepreneurs need interpersonal and self-leadership skills too; however, these It is important to formulate a strategy, which should include an articulation
are often overlooked. Entrepreneurial behavior‟ can be learned and developed of a plan and how this is going to be implemented. This entrepreneurial discipline
The question is not who entrepreneurs are, but what they do, and more is often referred to as the entrepreneurial process, which involves several stages
important than business skills can be other competencies that provide a foundation from the awareness of an opportunity to the realization of a business idea. The
for those business skills. steps include the following:
Furthermore, according to www.ideasforleaders.com, there are three
levels of competencies, which all entrepreneurs need: Discovery – refers to the recognition of a business idea or the detection of
1. Personal competencies – These are your abilities to ground yourself so that opportunities that could make money for the entrepreneur.
you are secure and self-assured in whatever situation you may find yourself
Ex. creativity, determination, integrity, self-criticism. Development of concept – gives more details on how the general business idea can
be realized
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Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
Reference Links:
Above image retrieved from: https://images.app.goo.gl/RKDqbtfjGv77UAeJ6
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
Discovery Weaknesses
Development of Concept
Organizing Resources
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
MODULE 2: Assessment
Test I. Essay. In 3-7 sentences, Answer the questions below. Your output will be
graded based on this rubric:
5 – Excellent 4 – Good 3 – Adequate 2 – Marginal 1 – No credit /
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Quality of writing (Informative, well organized
Grammar usage and Mechanics (spelling,
punctuations, grammatical errors)
Following the instructions.
1. Would you rather be an entrepreneur or a manager in a big corporation?
Explain your answer.
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
A plan to pursue a business usually come from a novel idea. This business Generating Business Ideas through Logical Thinking
idea, in turn, is a product of various thinking processes, including critical thinking Logical thinking – refers to the systematic and rational way of providing an
and creative thinking. In this module, we explore various activities and examples of answer to a question. It is systematic since it follows steps in responding to an
how the use of logic ad systematic analysis- what we refer to as critical thinking – inquiry. It is rational because it adheres to the rules of logic in connecting the
can be means of generating idea for entrepreneurial ventures. Similarly, relationships of variables and making conclusions.
nonsystematic, discontinuous, and lateral thinking – collectively known as creative Statistical analysis – refers to a systematic analysis of data generated from
thinking – can also inspire individuals to introduce new products and services to a survey of individuals.
the market. Aside from generating ideas, creativity can also be used in creative • Market analysis – knowing the various factors that affect the
problem solving. demand for a particular product or services.
• SWOT analysis
Sources of Ideas for Entrepreneurial Ventures • Delphi Technique – systematic way of generating ideas from
selecting group of individuals using various rounds of consultation
Several practicing entrepreneurs and business coaches have identified a
or session.
host of sources, from which we can find business ideas. These can be categorized
into four major sources.
Generating Ideas through Creative Thinking
a. From the existing product or services
Brainstorming – refers to an unstructured discussion of a group to elicit
b. From the process
ideas. Since this process is unstructured, the facilitator and participants should
c. From the person and from prior employment
entertain all ideas coming from the participants, even those that are illogical and
d. From relations
“out of this world.” After a fixed period of discussion, the various ideas are
processed and synthesized to come out with an answer to the question posed at
Methods for generating or testing new Ideas the start of the brainstorming session.
There are several methods of generating business ideas. We will classify Problem inventory analysis – is like brainstorming. It uses the group
them into logical thinking and creative thinking. discussion method to elicit ideas from participants. It is different from the usual
brainstorming because it is directed to identifying all possible problems
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
encountered with a specific product or service. After identifying all the possible everything. Look at ways on how to something can be improved or altered. Connect
problems and issues with the product or service, the participants are tasked to give your ideas with other observations you have made before.
alternative solutions to the problems.
Free association method – is another technique used in discovering Factors that influence creativity
business ideas. It is a method that has been used in psychology to elicit the A. Problem Solving Factors – an individual who is not satisfied with existing
unconscious thoughts of individuals by expressing their thoughts associated with products and services may think of creative ideas to improve them or
words and ideas given by the therapist. It has several applications in different fields, simply differentiate these products and services
including business, since it can draw from participants ideas that are associated or
linked with a given idea or word. From the process of association, the group can B. Motivational Factors – a highly motivated individuals are willing to do
come out with an idea or set of ideas that can be the basis for business ventures. something to address the dissatisfaction, they plan and more importantly
• Checklist method – listing all possibilities that ideas can be connected is willing to take the risks.
to, reprocessed, and associated with. For example, Alex Osborn’s
SCAMPER (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Magnify, put to other use, C. Situational Factors – A creative person is an action person since they know
Eliminate, and Rearrange) how to implement their plan. Creativity surfaces when the eagerness to
implement a plan is tempered by ability of an individual to convince others
Generating Ideas through Trends in Business Environment to cooperate with them in implementing the plan.
✓ Bargaining powers of Competitors and Suppliers
✓ Major shifts in government involvement in business D. Organizational Factors – Includes among others, management support, risk
✓ Sociodemographic changes taking incentives, flexible rules, degrees of freedom and positive
✓ Technological developments evaluation. An organization with foresight and that is forward looking can
attract creative individuals since it has an appetite for risks than a company
Creativity: A new way of looking at things that emphasizes short-term profits.
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
Reference Links:
Above image retrieved from: https://images.app.goo.gl/K6zaemQFQeMTk6L79
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
Important Reminders
• Tear this activity sheet and submit on the scheduled date along
with the other activity (ies) the instructor may have asked the students to
do on a separate paper.
• If you are sending something you’ve done online such as MS
presentation (s), pictures, pdfs and alike as an attachment, then you may send
them to my email at ____________________________________________
send a digital copy from your flash drive together with this activity sheet.
In this activity you must come up with new ideas while trying to develop or
improve a product or service using the SCAMPER technique. Your output will be
graded based on this rubric:
5 – Excellent 4 – Good 3 – Adequate 2 – Marginal 1 – No credit /
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Organization (Different relationships are identified and
Information (Accuracy of given information)
Following the instruction of the activity.
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
MODULE 3: Assessment
Test I. Essay. In 3-7 sentences, Answer the questions below. Your output will be
graded based on this rubric:
5 – Excellent 4 – Good 3 – Adequate 2 – Marginal 1 – No credit /
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Quality of writing (Informative, well organized
Grammar usage and Mechanics (spelling,
punctuations, grammatical errors)
Following the instructions.
According to the confluence approach, one of the factors that influence creativity
is an environment that supports creative ideas. Do you think your school provides
an atmosphere conductive for creative thinking among its students? Why or why
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
Factors in opportunity recognition ➢ Profitability – Primary motivation of venturing into a business is to earn
A framework on recognizing opportunities crafted by Hisrich, Peters, and profit. Thus, a non-profitable business enterprise, however creative the
Shepherd (2010). busines idea is, is not worth pursuing. It is Based on how the market will
receive your product and cost of producing it.
➢ Market Awareness – refers to personal exposure to market and its
components including customers and suppliers. ➢ Resource Requirements – There are two types of inputs used in production
➢ Entrepreneurial Readiness (entrepreneurial alertness) – refers to the (a) Intermediate inputs, also called raw materials that need further
variety of features of an individual to start a business venture. It covers all processing and (b) factor inputs, also called the processing inputs which
types of resources that the individual possesses including financial, include labor, capital, and technology.
physical, and human resources.
➢ Connections (networks) – Business opportunity recognition is heightened ➢ Risks – These are uncertain situations that can increase the probability of
when the individual has a diversity of networks. loss or failure of a busines venture. Risk can be from within (Internal Risks),
which emanate from the management of resources and from the outside
Opportunity Assessment (External Risks), which arise from various environments affecting business.
Once an idea has been generated and an opportunity has been recognized ➢ Entrepreneurial Commitment – Commitment of the individual to pursue
from it, there is need to assess whether this opportunity is feasible to implement. the realization of its business idea. This may include the motivations of the
Opportunity assessment refers to the process of evaluating the likelihood that the individual, skills, experience, resources, and the amount of time he can
opportunity can be realized. devote in the operation of the business.
➢ Product or Service – What is the unique feature of the product or service? Opportunity Pathways
Why will the consumer purchase this commodity? What need or want is Once the opportunity is already identified, the individual can subject it to
the product or service trying to fill? What is the competitive edge of this an assessment as described above, proceed with its implementation, or put the
commodity compared with existing products or services? business idea on hold. If the decision is to proceed, the individual has two options
to follow or pathways in transforming opportunity into a business venture.
➢ Market Opportunity – Is it easy to enter the market? If there are barriers These two are called:
to entry, can they be overcome/ How strong is the bargaining power of 1. Rational approach – also called traditional approach. It uses systematic
existing players in the market? How different is the product or service that procedures in proceeding with the implementation of a business
you want to introduce compared to the existing products and services in opportunity.
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
Pre-commercialization phase
➢ Idea stage – refers to the formation of business ideas
➢ Concept stage – refinement of ideas and visualization of an idea that can
serve as business opportunity
➢ Product development stage – production of prototype
➢ Test marketing stage – evaluation and feedback from potential customers
Commercialization phase
➢ Introduction – The product is formally introduced in the market.
➢ Growth – The is recognized by the market
➢ Maturity – The product is widely accepted with the emergence of brand
loyalty and patronage from its target market.
➢ Decline – The product has may start to lose its market power.
Reference Links:
Above image retrieved from: https://images.app.goo.gl/Wypw4SpgtKD65m4a6
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
ACTIVITY 1: Maturity
Product planning and development process
Imagine yourself having a business of your own. Identify your business’
product planning and development process
1.1 Pre-commercialization phase
Idea Stage
Concept Stage
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
MODULE 4: Assessment
Test I. Matching Type. Column A contains list of products and column B contains
the list of services. Match as to which service in Column B is related to the product
in Column A. Write the letter of your answer in the space provided.
Answer Column A Column B
1. Car A. Usability and Durability
2. Xerox Machine B. Repairs and Maintenance
3. Smart Phone C. Leasing or pay per copy
4. Credit Car D. Entertainment
5. Organic products E. Consistent Quality
6. Television F. Bills payment
7. Accessories G. Healthy Lifestyle
8. Books H. Boost Immune System
9. Vitamins I. Accuracy of information
10. Basic goods J. Fashionable Design
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
After recognizing and assessing opportunities, the entrepreneur must
formalize his/her attempt to exploit these opportunities in the form of a business business
plan. In this module, we emphasize the importance of a business plan for a variety ✓ It serves as a tool in helping get financing for the business
of users. We then proceed to describe the major sections of the busines plan after
identifying the information needed for each section. We ed by providing guidelines The business plan may be read by different people, including employees, suppliers,
on how to preset a business plan to relevant stakeholders. customers, bankers, and potential investors. Therefore, the business plan must be
written to meet the information needs of these different stakeholders.
What is a Business Plan? User of Business Plan Why the business plan is important to
Prepared by the entrepreneur, a business plan is a document that this user
describes the various external and internal elements involved in starting a business Entrepreneur • Serves as a road map for managing
or in expanding an existing venture, amidst a dynamic business environment. the business
During the first few years of business operations, the business plan serves as a • Identifies the resources needed to
guide for short-term and medium-term decision-making and managerial action. operate and grow the business
Like a road map, it directs the entrepreneur to his desired destination. It answers • Allows the entrepreneur to
the following questions: Where am I now? Where am I going? How will I get there? anticipate potential business risks
Lender • Allows the lender to assess whether
Why write a Business Plan and who read it? the entrepreneur will be able to
meet debt and interest and
Business plans are important because of the following reasons payments
✓ It helps determine whether proposed or existing business venture is viable • Provides information about
given its target market collateral or tangible assets that can
✓ It guides the entrepreneur in mobilizing the resources needed by the be secured for the loan
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Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
_______________7. Ensures that the main body of the business plan is concise
Important Reminders enough to include only the most essential information, several items could instead
• Tear this activity sheet and submit on the scheduled date along be appended to the document.
with the other activity (ies) the instructor may have asked the students to
do on a separate paper.
_______________8. This section describes the target market for the new product
• If you are sending something you’ve done online such as MS
or services.
presentation (s), pictures, pdfs and alike as an attachment, then you may send
them to my email at ____________________________________________
following this format: (SECTION_LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_ACTIVITYNAME), or _______________9. It describes the complete manufacturing process.
send a digital copy from your flash drive together with this activity sheet.
_______________10. Section that discusses the risk that might prevent the
ACTIVITY 1: business from achieving its objectives.
_______________3. Prepared after the total plan has been written, must stimulate
the interest of its reader, especially if he or she is a potential investor.
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
MODULE 5: Assessment
Test I. Essay. In 3-7 sentences, Answer the questions below. Your output will be
graded based on this rubric:
5 – Excellent 4 – Good 3 – Adequate 2 – Marginal 1 – No credit /
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Quality of writing (Informative, well organized
Grammar usage and Mechanics (spelling,
punctuations, grammatical errors)
Following the instructions.
1. Given the uncertainty and dynamic nature of the business environment, is
a business plan necessary? Cite the reasons for your answer.
2. Why is it important for start-up businesses to come up with monthly cash
flow projections, especially during the first year?
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
Overview: A. Pricing strategies – must consider the purchasing power of the customers
In this module, we look more closely at the marketing plan and spell out as well as the price levels of similar products available in the market.
the steps that must be taken in preparing it. We also examine the components of B. Distribution strategies – must consider transportation costs or the costs of
the marketing mix and discuss what must be considered in developing a marketing operating a retail outlet.
strategy and its accompanying action plan. a) 4P’s of marketing – Product, Price, Place (distribution), and
promotion (also known as the marketing mix)
What is a Marketing Plan? C. Competitor’s Strategies – an important component of the industry analysis
is a documentation of the current strategies of competitors. The
A marketing plan is a document containing the marketing objectives,
entrepreneur can get hold of the company catalogs, flyers, and brochure,
marketing strategies, and the activities that will be undertaken to execute these
reading newspaper and magazines articles, and interviewing customers,
strategies. The plan must consider the overall goals of enterprise, which must take
suppliers, and distributors.
precedence over the specific marketing objectives.
It must also be based on valid assumptions about the financial resources,
Comparison of the Marketing Strategies of Major Competitors
physical resources, and human resources that will be available to the business
venture. Thus, planning for an aggressive advertising campaign at the early stages Company Company Company Your
of the venture might not necessarily serve the interest of the business that has A B C Company
scarce resources. Target Market
Just like any plan, the marketing plan must have specific and measurable
objectives that will allow the entrepreneur to monitor performance ad control Product/ Service strategies
business activities. It must also be able to anticipate certain scenarios that will Pricing strategies
allow the entrepreneur to adjust his strategies accordingly.
Distribution strategies
Competitor Analysis Promotion strategies
The marketing strategies that the entrepreneur will execute must be based
on an intelligent assessment of the business environment.
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
Once the strategies have been summarized, the entrepreneur can now proceed to ✓ Setting the marketing goals and objectives
identify his competitors’ strengths (or benchmarks that must be met or surpassed) Marketing objectives must be S – Specific, M – Measurable,
and weaknesses (or gaps in the execution of the strategy). A – Attainable, R – Realistic, and T – Time-bound
The MADI questions of Dr. Ned Roberto provides a useful way of identifying unmet
or unsatisfied customer needs and expectations. This will require the entrepreneur ✓ Developing marketing strategy and action programs
to interview customers or to conduct a focus group discussion (FGD) to determine
the following about products or services that now exist in the market:
➢ M – What is Missing?
➢ A – What is Annoying?
➢ D – What is Disappointing?
➢ I – What is Irritating?
➢ Product – must include a description of the product or service that
Strengths and Weaknesses of Major Competitors will be offered by the business.
Company A Company B Company C ➢ Pricing
o Cost-based pricing – calculating both variable cost (direct
Strengths labor, raw material, commission given to a salesperson, or
(Benchmarks) the cost of packaging) and fixed cost (cost of things such
as facilities and equipment that do not change with the
number of units that are produced.
Weaknesses o Competition-based pricing – considering the existing
(Execution products or services in the market is a must.
gaps) o Value-based pricing – awareness of the value attached by
customers to products or services.
➢ Place
What are The Steps in Preparing a Market Plan? o Channel directness -
Preparing a market plan involves the following steps: o Customer’s convenience
✓ Assessing the business situation o Cost effectiveness
✓ Defining the target market ➢ Promotion – It is essential for the entrepreneur to make his
Step 1: decide what a general market or industry you wish to enter product known to his potential consumers. He can do this by
Step 2: Divide the market into smaller groups based on customer utilizing traditional media such as print, radio, and television, or by
characteristics tapping new media such as the internet.
a. Demographics ✓ Preparing the budget for the action plan
b. Psychographic
c. geographic
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
Extended Marketing Mix ✓ Physical: the elements of the physical environment the customer
The marketing mix is the combination of elements used by a business to experiences
enable it to meet the needs and expectations of customers.
It is called a marketing mix because each element of the marketing mix is
related to the others. The challenge for marketing is to ensure that the elements
of the mix work together to achieve the marketing objectives. Traditionally the
marketing mix has been taken to comprise four elements: (product, price,
promotion, and place).
However, in recent years it has become more common to add three new
elements to the traditional marketing mix, making a combined 7p’s. This is the so-
called extended marketing mix.
The 7p's extended marketing mix therefore comprises the following elements:
Reference Links:
✓ Product: the good or service that the customer buys
✓ Price: how much the customer pays for the product 7ps#:~:text=The%20extended%20marketing%20mix%20(7P's,%3B%20people%3B%20proc
✓ Place: how the product is distributed to the customer
✓ Promotion: how the customer is found & persuaded to buy https://blog.hurree.co/blog/marketing-mix-7ps
✓ People: the people who contact customers in delivering the product
Habaradas, R. B., Tullao Jr., T. S. (2017) Pathways to Entrepreneurship. Quezon City,
✓ Process: the systems and processes that deliver a product to a customer Phoenix Publishing house Inc
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
Important Reminders
• Tear this activity sheet and submit on the scheduled date along
with the other activity (ies) the instructor may have asked the students to
do on a separate paper.
• If you are sending something you’ve done online such as MS
presentation (s), pictures, pdfs and alike as an attachment, then you may send
them to my email at ____________________________________________
send a digital copy from your flash drive together with this activity sheet.
Preparing Marketing Plan
Prepare a sample marketing plan for a product idea. Your output will be graded
based on this rubric:
10 – Excellent 8 – Good 5 – Adequate 2 – Marginal 1 – No credit /
Criteria 10 8 5 2 1
Content Quality (Informative, well organized
Grammar usage and Mechanics (spelling,
punctuations, grammatical errors)
Accuracy of facts
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
MODULE 6: Assessment
Test I. Essay. In 3-7 sentences, Answer the questions below. Your output will be
graded based on this rubric:
5 – Excellent 4 – Good 3 – Adequate 2 – Marginal 1 – No credit /
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Quality of writing (Informative, well organized
Grammar usage and Mechanics (spelling,
punctuations, grammatical errors)
Following the instructions.
1. Why is it important to define the target market when preparing a
marketing plan?
2. What is the difference between cost-based pricing and value-
based pricing? Which pricing scheme is more advantageous for the
entrepreneur? Explain your answer.
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
After the entrepreneur identifies the needs of his target market and spells Legal forms of Business Ownership
out his strategy and action plan, he can now proceed to the legal and organizational Things to Sole proprietorship Partnership Corporation
aspects of setting up the business. In this module, we discuss the advantages and consider
disadvantages of the different forms of ownership. We also emphasize the need to Ownership One person No limit on number of No limit on number
highlight the qualifications, skills, and business experience of the proposed partners of stockholders
business’s principal owners and its management team. We also touch on the
important role played by business advisers, who could fill in some competency gaps Cost and ease Low; easy Low; relatively easy High; more difficult
of starting the
of a new business.
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
Continuity of Owner’s death Death or retirement of Death or withdrawal The Management Team
business dissolves the the general partner of owner(s) does not If the enterprise has a management team that is largely distinct from the
business dissolve the affect he business’s business owners, it is best to highlight their qualification, skills and managerial
partnership legal existence experience, especially in relation to the position, for which they will be handling.
Business Owners
One section of the organization plan could be a listing of the business
owners and their qualification. Their previous entrepreneurial experience, if any,
and the extent of their investment in the business could also signal who among
them would have a strong influence in determining the general directions the
business will take.
Showing detail about the business owner
Name of major Qualifications Previous Capital
owners (partners Entrepreneurial Contribution
or shareholders) Experience
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
Business Advisers
It is rare for a new (or proposed) venture to have all the expertise it needs
to grow the business at the onset. It is best to be candid about this. The business
owners, however, reinforce their management team by having a board of advisers
or consultant – a group of individuals that the company invites to provide their
inputs and insights on how to run the business.
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
Important Reminders
• Tear this activity sheet and submit on the scheduled date along
with the other activity (ies) the instructor may have asked the students to
do on a separate paper.
• If you are sending something you’ve done online such as MS
presentation (s), pictures, pdfs and alike as an attachment, then you may send
them to my email at ____________________________________________
send a digital copy from your flash drive together with this activity sheet.
Creating Organizational Plan
Prepare a sample of your Business’ Organizational plan. Your output will be graded
based on this rubric:
10 – Excellent 8 – Good 5 – Adequate 2 – Marginal 1 – No credit /
Criteria 10 8 5 2 1
Content Quality (Informative, well organized
Grammar usage and Mechanics (spelling,
punctuations, grammatical errors)
Accuracy of facts
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
MODULE 7: Assessment
Test I. Essay. In 3-7 sentences, Answer the questions below. Your output will be
graded based on this rubric:
5 – Excellent 4 – Good 3 – Adequate 2 – Marginal 1 – No credit /
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Quality of writing (Informative, well organized
Grammar usage and Mechanics (spelling,
punctuations, grammatical errors)
Following the instructions.
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each form of business
2. How can a young entrepreneur compete with older, more
experienced entrepreneurs? Is it enough to have a novel business
idea? Explain your answer.
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)
3r Quarter Project
In 1-6 members, create a product and introduce it to the market through Online
Selling. While doing this activity, gather the necessary information needed in
making a Business plan.
Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS)