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Reconfigurable Circular Ring Patch Antenna For UWB and Cognitive Radio Applications

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The 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014)

Reconfigurable Circular Ring Patch Antenna

for UWB and Cognitive Radio Applications
Eduardo J. B. Rodrigues1, 2, Hertz W. C. Lins3, Adaildo G. D’Assunção3
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN, PPgEEC, Natal, RN, Brazil.
National Agency of Telecommunications, Anatel, Joao Pessoa, PB, Brazil. rodriguesejb@hotmail.com
Department of Communications Engineering, DCO, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN, Natal, RN, Brazil.
hertzw@gmail.com, adaildo@ymail.com

Abstract— In this work, a new ultra wide band circular ring [4], [6]-[9]. In this paper, a reconfigurable circular ring-shaped
patch antenna is proposed for spectral sensing application as patch antenna for CRS is presented. The reconfiguration of the
well as the transmission and reception of radiofrequency in structure is obtained by enabling or disabling six switches
cognitive radio systems. The proposed structure has simple arranged around the antenna feed line above the partial ground
design and easy construction, making it reconfigurable by
enabling or disabling the parasitic elements coplanar to the plane. The insertion of six coplanar parasitic elements into the
antenna. Simulation and measurements results confirm good antenna allows the proposed structure to operate in several RF
agreement and adequate antenna response in the frequency bands from 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz spectrum. Simulations are
range from 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz, in terms of the reflection performed with Ansoft HFSS and the results are compared
coefficient and radiation pattern, validating the applicability of with laboratory measurements, confirming the good agreement
the proposed structure for cognitive radio systems front-end. and applicability of proposed antenna for CRS front-end.
Index Terms— Circular ring antenna, cognitive radio, patch The work is divided as follows. Section II presents the
antenna, reconfigurable antenna, wideband antenna, UWB. characteristics of UWB planar antennas and the advantages of
the circular ring format, as well as the possibilities of using the
I. INTRODUCTION proposed device in CRS. Section III shows characteristics and
The Ultra Wide Band (UWB) communication systems structural parameters for simulations and construction of the
have been in the focus of several studies relating to mobile proposed antenna. Section IV presents the simulations and
communications in the last decade. They use license exempt measurements results, as well as a discussion about these
RF spectrum in the range form 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz, results. Last, the conclusions of the paper are presented in
according to FCC regulations [1]. Furthermore, the increased Section V.
interest in these systems is due to their advantages such as high
precision, low power spectral density, high data rates support, II. PATCH ANTENNAS FOR CRS APLICATIONS
high bandwidth, ease of antennas construction and low Various geometries have been proposed for UWB antennas
operating costs [2]. The antennas are important parts in the over the years. However, most versatile antennas with smaller
performance of UWB systems. The typical UWB applications physical dimensions, low weight and satisfactory performance
are military and mobile communications, robotics, etc. More have been required. Although more traditional formats like
recently UWB antennas have been used in the spectral sensing square and rectangle are the most considered, the circular ring
of cognitive radio systems (CRS) [3]-[4]. The CRS are antennas format has received special attention. The analysis
complex systems with cognitive ability, i.e., devices with skills and design of these antennas relate three key parameters in the
to monitor and supervise the propagation environment around miniaturization of the final structure such as type of substrate,
itself, monitor the changes in this environment, learn about it dimensions and geometry of the patch. Several authors have
and make decisions, collaborating to an efficient usage of RF investigated the reconfigurable planar antennas for CRS [3],
spectrum [5]. Basically, the CRS RF structures are composed [4], [6]-[9]. Usually, were shown structures that require at least
by a sensor antenna which is responsible for monitoring the RF two antennas for CRS and UWB, i.e., the RF spectrum sensing
spectrum and continuously detect unused frequencies, and and reconfiguration for signal transmission and reception is
another antenna that can be adaptively adjustable to the target performed by different and separated antennas, resulting in
frequencies of the system [4]. Several studies have focused on increased size of the final structure. Other disadvantages which
reconfigurable planar antennas for CRS with shapes such as may be detached from the structures proposed in literature are
square, elliptical, rectangular, circular and triangular. Among the large physical size, complexity and low versatility, since
all the possible techniques used to implement the frequency most of the antennas do not have the capacity of performing
reconfiguration, the active switches like piezoelectric the rejection of frequency bands (reconfiguring) and RF
transducers, photoconductors, microelectromechanical systems sensing on the same structure. Some of them require the
(MEMS), PIN diodes, as well as tuners and parasitic elements inclusion of electromechanical devices for adjustments that
activated by electromagnetic GaAs FET can be highlighted [3], increases the size and weight of the final structure [4]. The

978-88-907018-4-9/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 2744

The 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014)

proposed antenna is able to perform RF sensing as well as

reconfigurable transmission and reception of RF with its single
structure. In this paper, circular ring format was chosen due to
the fact that it is unprecedented in CRS applications and
because these structures when operating in the TM11
fundamental mode can be constructed in smaller dimensions
than those required by circular or rectangular patches at certain
frequencies. It allows improvements in the miniaturization and
design flexibility of portable terminals such as mobile phones
and GPS. When operating in the TM12 mode or when
compared to the circular patch antennas, circular ring antennas
have higher bandwidth and quality factor [10]-[12]. Fig. 1. Proposed Antenna: Top (left), side (centre) and back (right) views.


The proposed reconfigurable patch antenna is presented in
Figure 1. The dimensions used in the antenna design are shown
in Table I. The switches SW1 to SW6 have 6.84 mm² of area.
Even in the presence of the parasitic elements, if no switch is
activated, the antenna has typical UWB response, i.e., the
device can be used for UWB RF sensing in CRS. The
reconfiguration of the structure can be obtained by connecting
the parasitic elements arranged coplanar to the feed line of the
patch antenna. Theses connections can be made by various
techniques, e.g., active switches like PIN diodes or MEMS. To
expand the bandwidth and improve matching condition, it was
inserted a slit in the ground plane as proposed in [13] and [14].
The antenna feed line has a width W4 and length L1. Each one
of the possible states and various combinations for the Fig. 2. Fabricated antenna at configuration I: Top view (left) and back view
switches enable reconfigurable operation over different target (right).
frequencies such as 5.8 GHz and 7.5 GHz. The states of the
switches used here are shown in Table II. Figure 2 illustrates
the fabricated antenna prototype for configuration I.
The chosen substrate was FR4 epoxy, whose relative
permittivity is 4.4. For measurements, six small pieces of
copper tape (6.84 mm²) were inserted in place of the switches
SW1 to SW6, to validate the proposed model and the antenna
prototype. Furthermore, it was used the Agilent Technologies
Vector Network Analyzer, Model N5230A. All computational
simulations were made with Ansoft HFSS, used for analyzing
the electromagnetic behavior of structures based on the finite
element method.
This section presents the results obtained from simulations
and measurements. Circular ring patch antenna illustrated in
Figure 2 shows typical UWB frequency response, even
existing coplanar parasitic elements. The obtained return loss
was less than minus 10 dB for all UWB band, as shown in
Figure 3. The Ansoft HFSS simulation results are represented Fig. 3. Return Loss (dB) as a function of frequency (GHz) for the proposed
antenna (configuration I). Simulated and measued results.
by the solid lines and the measurement result are represented
by the dotted lines. By enabling or disabling the switches SW1
to SW6, the structure will operate outside the UWB response
and starts the reconfiguration wanted in this investigation. W W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 L L1
With all the six switches activated (configuration II), the 40.0 20.0 30.0 22.75 2.36 19.0 40.0 20.07
antenna covers the bands from 6.55 GHz to 6.64 GHz L2 L3 L4 D1 D2 D3 h
(simulated) and from 6.39 GHz to 6.84 GHz (measured). 2.0 2.9 19.46 19.0 11.0 8.0 1.6

The 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014)

Although the simulated band was relatively narrow, the V. CONCLUSION

measurement result showed a significant increase in the A reconfigurable circular ring-shaped patch antenna for
antenna bandwidth and a return loss 5.3 dB lower. Figure 4 CRS was presented. The proposed structure is composed of an
shows the superposition and comparison of the return loss (dB) UWB antenna associated with coplanar parasitic elements
as a function of RF band (GHz) for all configurations of the above a partial ground plane with slit. To evaluate the
proposed antenna. Measured and simulated results are proposed antenna performance, simulation and design were
presented. The obtained results for each configuration are carried out with Ansoft HFSS computational tool and
summarized and presented in Table III. The proposed antenna prototypes were built and measured.
prototype showed capability to cover the entire UWB RF band.
In configuration II the antenna response showed narrow band TABLE II. SWITCHES CONFIGURATIONS - I TO VI.
between 6.4 GHz and 6.8 GHz. In configuration III the device
covered the RF band from 8.34 GHz to 9.29 GHz and, Switches
SW1 / SW2 / SW3 /
residually, meets the range from 3.5 GHz to 4.3 GHz. In this Configuration
SW4 / SW5 / SW6
case, the simulated frequency response was satisfactory, but I All OFF
the measured results were not perfectly adequate. In the II All ON
configuration IV the RF band from 5.38 GHz to 6.22 GHz was III –A SW1 and SW2 ON /
covered, obtaining a simulated return loss near minus 27 dB, III – B All others OFF
which means good matching condition, input impedance very SW3 and SW4 ON /
All others OFF
close to 50 ȍ and good power transference to the antenna. In SW5 and SW6 ON /
the configurations V and VI, signal transmission and V
All others OFF
receptions were obtained from 7.43 GHz to 7.80 GHz and SW2, SW4 and SW6 ON /
9.32 GHz to 12 GHz bands, respectively. In these two All others OFF
situations the measured return loss obtained was lower than
minus 22 dB. In Table III the measured bandwidth value for
the proposed antenna in configuration III – A is zero. It should
be mentioned that this result was obtained taking into account
the return loss is less or equal to minus 10 dB. For values
higher than this, for example minus 7 dB, the bandwidth would
be nonzero. Figures 5 and 6 present the HFSS simulated 2D
radiation patterns obtained for the proposed antenna in
configurations I, II and III as well as configurations IV, V and
VI, respectively. For configuration I, the results were obtained
at 5.8 GHz, one of the frequencies used for IEEE 802.11
WLAN standard. The radiation patterns for other antenna
configurations were obtained at frequencies of lower return
loss or the centre frequency of each narrow band. Presented
diagrams shows the vertical (elevation, varying ș and ij = 0°)
and horizontal (azimuth, varying ij and ș = 90°) planes. The
solid lines are the azimuth diagrams and the dotted lines the
elevation diagrams. It was observed that at lower frequencies Fig.4. Comparison of return loss (dB) as a function of frequency (GHz).
Simulated (solid lines). Measured (dotted lines). Configurations II to VI.
the radiation patterns are virtually bidirectional and the antenna
has a main lobe in the broadside direction (e.g., configuration TABLE III. SIMULATED AND MEASURED RESULTS.
III; Frequency = 3.8 GHz). For frequency equals to 5.8 GHz,
(configurations I and IV) the radiation patterns resemble those Simulated Results Measured Results
for a dipole antenna, probably due to the small size of partial
Frequency BW RL Frequency BW RL
ground plane used in this study. When the frequency is Conf.
(GHz) (GHz) (dB) (GHz) (GHz) (dB)
increased to values above 5.8 GHz, higher order modes are I 3.1 to 10.6 7.5 < -10 2 to 12 10 < -10
propagated and radiation patterns become more directional II 6.55 to 6.64 0.09 -11 6.39 to 6.84 0.45 -16.3
(configuration VI; Frequency = 10.4 GHz) with deformations III-A 3.5 to 4.3 0.8 -22.15 3.6 0 -9.89
that result in slopes of the main beam away from the broadside III-B 8.34 to 8.87 0.53 -24.65 8.48 to 9.29 0.81 -17.82
direction (configuration II; Frequency = 6.5 GHz; and IV 5.44 to 6.18 0.64 -17.42 5.38 to 6.22 0.84 -27.16
configuration V; Frequency = 7.5 GHz). Beyond that, the V 7.43 to 7.63 0.2 -19.09 7.45 to 7.80 0.35 -22.68
radiation levels found are relatively lower when compared to VI 10.15 to 10.65 0.5 -22.48 9.32 to 12 2.68 -27.1
other lower frequencies.

The 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014)

Frequency = 5.8 GHz Frequency = 5.8 GHz

Frequency = 6.5 GHz Frequency = 7.5 GHz

Frequency = 3.8 GHz Frequency = 10.4 GHz

Fig.5. Simulated radiation patterns for proposed antenna. Fig.6. Simulated radiation patterns for proposed antenna.
Configurations I to III. Solid lines: azimuth diagrams. Dotted lines: Configurations IV to VI. Solid lines: azimuth diagrams. Dotted lines:
elevation diagrams. elevation diagrams.

The 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014)

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