Alemayehu Woldie Second Proposa
Alemayehu Woldie Second Proposa
Alemayehu Woldie Second Proposa
Burie Campus
Department of Economics
A Research Proposal on: The Impact OF Taxation on the development of Small Business
Enterprise (in case of Burie Town)
Prepared By
Name ID NO:
Burie, Ethiopia
April, 2021
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................1
2.7.1Direct tax........................................................................................................................10
2.10 Taxation in Ethiopia...........................................................................................................12
3. Research methodology...............................................................................................................17
4 Work plan...................................................................................................................................20
1. Introduction
The relationship between taxation and the level of growth of small business enterprise has been a
debatable issue over the year. The perceived relationship can be either positive or negative
depend on the types of tax policy adopted by the government. However , it is generally agreed
that high tax rate can lead to decrease the activities of small business enterprise while lower tax
rate, on the other hand, tend to increase the growth of small business enterprise as profit are
increase which lead to further expansions of small business enterprise.(Palacio and
The tax payers were composed of two groups. The first group is that those tax payers whose
annual turnover for a single year is 500.000 or of Ethiopia irrespective of their annual turnover.
The rational for incorporating companies irrespective of their annual turnover seems to dwell
(taking) upon the idea that give the present local & international business environment by the
time companies are established they must have at least 500.000 as a starting capita ,l(Burie town
Administration Enterprise Office,2021)
Tax on business profit has complex matter. The profit goes partly to meet the interest liability
and the rest is retained by the employer as a surplus. When a tax is imposed on profit the
employer tries to shift its incidence. If the capital invested is in agriculture he/she would reduce
If none of those two avenues is a viable to the producer, he/she would reduce the interest to be
paid to the supplier of capital funds. In the same way if a direct tax is imposed up in interest like
a tax on land rent it sticks where it is levied and cannot be shifted one possible effect of a tax on
interest. However, is that it is not easy to administer it. It is not a very suitable subject for
taxation since it might cause capital out flow from the taming country. In general the rent, which
is to be paid to the land owner & the incidence, will lie upon land rent. But if the capital
employed is in trade, the employer would raise the price to compensate himself for the fax
liability of the incidence will fall up on the consumer.
There are no universally agreed definitions of small business enterprise. This is because the
criteria and way of categorizing enterprises as small business differ from country to country
depending on the countries level of development (Admasu, 2012). A small business is generally
defined as sole traders, employing few people; it is family businesses employing one up to six
persons, managed by the owner (Engelschalk, 2013)
Most small business owners are primarily interested in earning a living to support themselves
and their families. They only grow the business when something in their lives changes and they
need to generate a larger income (Tiruneh, 2011).
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The significance of small business enterprise in their contribution to job creation and out put
generation now a day is being widely accepted in the world. Small businesses are found in the
advanced economy of as well as developing countries. The contribution of those enterprises to
income and employment are very much considerable particularly in the economy of many
developing countries. Because the success of an economy especially for developing countries
start from the indigenous knowledge and resources base of a countries since small business play
great role in mobilizing these resources. The tax assessment on the small business organization
or enterprises in Burie town as common throughout the country, are assess through estimation
technique. This method of assessment may result in person as well as business, which is
expected to be creating the problem of under or over estimation of their capital accumulation;
more over this estimation is based on the past performance of those small business enterprises,
rather than to refract the prevailing performance of the assessment. Now a day complaining for
unfair payment of taxation in Burie town is reveling tax payer’s awareness to tax evasion
With this background the study will made use of data from the taxable small business enterprise
in Burie town and also tries to find remedies for the biasness of estimation technique. As it is
explained before, the study focus on the taxation and its impact on the growth of small business,
such as service, manufacture, construction, urban agriculture, and trade. There may be academic
researchers that exeunt a number of works to identify the impact of taxation on the small
business. In some studies taxations was tested as the duty for the owner of small business
enterprise and revenue for the government itself those are mostly focus on the mere of data
collection and interpretations, rather than give solution for the drawbacks of taxation system. But
in this study, the researcher will tries to give essential solution for the drawbacks of tax levying
system. The research was done before is not clarifies the data analysis part and it has not clear
sample size determination .Then our research tries to solve this problem. Therefore this is our
research gap from other research.
Generally the study will try to provide better knowledge for the owners of small business about
the benefits of taxation on their business operations and it could give information to the
government about the drawbacks of the tax levying system.
2. How taxation affects small business and eventually leads them to shut down
2. To identify the impact of taxation on the development of small business in Burie town.
3. To recommend feasible solution for the improvement of small business, tax estimation on
small business.
It provides information for small business owners about the impact of taxation on their business
It informs concerned government body about the drawback of the system on their policy of
expansion of small business to reduce unemployment and poverties. Therefore, the researcher
would obligate or encourage to conduct this research and to search effectively through the impact
of taxation on small business development. The main significance of this research is to get BA
degree in Economics and also serve as a review for future researchers.
2. Theoretical Review of Literature
Tax is a compulsory contribution imposed on the individuals by the state to meet the expenses
which are incurred for a common use. In context of SMEs, basically Tax can be classified into
two major categories basing on the incidence of tax as well as ‘tax to income’ ratio. According to
the final resting (incidence) of tax there is direct tax and indirect tax. The direct taxes include
corporate income tax, property tax and tariffs whereas the indirect tax comprises of sales tax and
Value Added Tax (VAT) (Tax Types, 2017).
When we come to the case of Ethiopia under the Federal Urban Job Creation and Food
Security Agency Establishment Council of Ministers Regulation No.374/2014 small enterprises
are defined as an enterprise having a total capital of up to 500,000 in the case of service sector
up to 1,500.000 in the case of urban agriculture, artisanal mining and construction sector
engages from 5 to30 workers including the owner, his family members and other employees
(Federal Urban Job Creation and Food Security Agency Establishment Council of Ministers
Regulation , 2016, Federal Negarit Gazeta, Reg. No. 374, 22nd year, No. 41, Article 2 (3) and
(4). [Here in after Regulation No. 374/2016).
This proclamation employed size criterion and economic criterion of number of employees and
annual turnover respectively. Coming to the Ethiopian income tax Journal of Public
Administration, Finance and Law Issue 17/2020 331 proclamation (Federal Income Tax
Proclamation, 2016, Federal Negarit Gazeta, Pro. No.979, 22nd Year, No.104. [Here in after
Proclamation Number 979/2016), there is no any single provision which directly define as to
what is small business and small business tax payers. Rather the law divided business tax payers
in to categories as category “A”, “B” and “C.” Category “C” taxpayer is contextualized as small
business tax payers. Accordingly, as per the recent income tax proclamation (Ibidem) of
Ethiopia, sole proprietor whose annual turnover is below five hundred thousand (Ibid, Article 3)
and small and micro enterprise whose annual turnover is below five hundred thousand birr are
regarded as small business tax payer (Ibid. Article 48). In fact, small business is very important
economic sector in every nation ranging from developing to developed countries and common
only they are considered as the sociology-economic indicators of a given country.
Hence the modern time, option was withdrawn and tax becomes a compulsory contribution by
every citizen to the government to enable the government to fulfill its commitments towards the
society in Sumerian civilization (in to days Iraq). Around 6000 years ago the inliabitants used to
Pay tax to finance war. In Palestine.Egyptian and Babylonian civilization to individual to work
for them. Poll tax were a major sources of revenues in Egyptian in the period 323 BC to 30 B C.
more than 100 years later, emperor Augusta’s introduced and inheritance taxes. (Ramaswamm’
a voluntary contribution towards the expenses of governments as appears from the medieval
Latin term “donum” and the English “be nonviolence”. This conception of relation between the
subject and government was gradually transformed; payment becoming more and more
Obligatory until finally coercive taxation resulted. At the present time payment of taxes are
obligatory in all civilized nations; where the rate is at all dependent up on the tax pays, the tax
takes the form of a fee or payment for contractual services. Resources in Ethiopia were allocated
among the various sectors of the economy differently in the imperial, revolutionary and in the
current period. Under the emperor the government dedicated about 36% of the annual budget to
national defense and maintenance of internal order.
To words the end of the imperia imperial period the budgets of various ministries increased
steady while tax yields stagnated. With a majority of population living at subsistence level. There
was limited opportunity to increase taxes on personal or agricultural income.
The revolutionary government changed the tax structure in 1976 replacing taxes on agriculture.
Income and rural land with a rural land. Use fee and a new tax on income from agricultural
activity. The government partially alleviated the tax collection problem that existed during the
imperial period by delegating the responsibility for collecting the fee and tax on agriculture to
peasants association which received a small percentage of revenues as payment. Whereas total
revenue increased significantly to about 24% GDP in 1988189. (Yohannesmesfin and
sisayBogale, 2009)
Transitional government of Ethiopia amended the previous personal income tax and the first birr
105 monthly personal income was exempted from the payment of income tax for monthly
income tax of birr 106 and above, the marginal tax rated ranged from (0% to 50% for monthly
income of over birr 2005) with income tax brackets proclamation No 30 192. (IBID: 2006)
2.4.1Taxes during the Federal Democratic republic of Ethiopia (Current).
According to the new constitution of Ethiopia, adopted in November 1994, the federal
Democratic republic of Ethiopia could comprise a federal state and member states in which both
organs shall have their respective legislative, executive and judicial power. The federal and
regional government all taxes. The sharing of revenue between the central government and
national or regional government was set with proclamation No 33/1992. (Gebrie, 2006).
Currently the tax system is among the most factor that discourage the development and growth
of small business. Because small business have not deals with complete taxation issues since
they haven’t generate enough profit especially at their in font stage. So that the amount of tax
imposition has need an auditing to identify the abilities of small business to pay (Gorham
2.7.1Direct tax
According to Dalton ,direct tax as those with are paid entirely by those people on whom they are
imposed. Direct taxes are those taxes which cannot be shifted to others. Thus it is intended to pay
by person on whom it is imposed. It is direct tax on immediately on the property and income of
person are called direct tax. It includes tax on income from employment, business profit tax, tax
on income from rental of building, tax on interest income on deposit. Tax on dividend income
and tax on income from royalties.
Value added tax (VAT) is a sales tax based on the increased involve or price of production at
each stage in its manufacture and distribution. The cost of the tax is added to the final price and
is eventually paid by the consumer. The rate at which tax or VAT taxed is 15% of the value for
every taxable transaction by a registered person. All imported good other them an exempt import
and an import of service. (
Excise tax is imposed and payable on selected goods such as luxury goods and basic goods
which are demand in elastic. In addition it is believed that imposing the tax on goods that are
hazardous to health and which are cause to social problems will reduce the consumption there of
proclamation No 307/2002. (
Turn over tax is an equalization tax imposed on persons not registered for value added tax to
fulfill their obligation and also to enhance fairness in commercial relations and to comp let the
coverage of tax system. Administrative feasibility consideration limit the registration of person;
under the value added tax to those with annual transaction to the total value exceeding 500,000
birr rate of turnover tax is 2% on goods sold locally and 10% on others under proclamation No
308/2002. (Federal Negarit Gazeta )
Proportional taxes charge the same percentage of income as taxes from all tax payers, regardless
of their income. It applies the same tax rate across low, middle and high – income tax payers. It
stays a fixed percentage of one’s income irrespective of how high or low the income is for
example a 10% proportional tax would mean that one making 100 birr pays 10% or 10 birr in
taxes, while some one making 500,000 birr pays 50,000 birr in taxes
B Progressive tax: - It is a tax in which the tax rate increases as the tax base increase. A
progressive tax takes a larger percentage of income taxes from the high- income group than in
does from the low – income group. It reduces the incidence of taxes on people with lower
income. Thus people with lower ability to pay actually payless. Under progressive taxes, the
lowest in come group including ones below the poverty level would pay little to nothing in taxes.
(https// tax.)
C, Regressive tax “Regressive” means going from higher to low. It is a tax imposed in such a
manner that the tax rate decrease as the amount of taxable income increase. The high-income
group pays less in taxes than the lower income group people with low income and low ability to
pay will pay higher taxes. (
Total tax
Progressive tax
Proportional tax
Regressive tax
Canon of equity:- the principal aim at providing economic justice and social justice to the
society. According to this every person should pay depending on the ability to pay.
Canon of certainty:- according to Adam Smith the tax, which an individual has to pay should be
certain, not arbitrary. The tax payer should know in advance how much at what time and in what
form the tax to be paid to the government will be collected by ways of tax. (H.L Bhatia, 2006)
Canons of convenience: - the mode and timing of tax payment should be as far as possible,
convenient to the tax payers. For example and revenue is convenient tax located at time of
harvest income tax is deduced at source. This system will encourage people to pay tax and will
increase tax revenue. ( H.L Bhatia, 2006)
Category “A” tax payer are required to submit to tax authority at the and of the year a balance
sheet as well as profit and loss statements with details of gross profit, general and administrative
expense and provision and reserves. This category of tax payers include any company
Incorporated under the lows of Ethiopia in foreign country having annual turnover of birr
500.000 Or more.
Unless already classified in category “A” any business having an annual turnover of over birr
100,000 would be classified under authority “B” tax payer and they submit to the tax authority
profit and loss statement at the end of the year (article (2) of income tax proclamation no
This category mainly includes income from rents of house and other within the following tax
rates table 2.2
C Category “C” tax payers
Those businesses whose annual turnover is estimated up to birr 100.000 are classified under this
category of tax payers. However, the ministry of finance and economic development office may
be directive increase (Article 187income tax regulation no 78/2002).
Tax rate for this is taxable business income of bodies is taxable at the rate of 30% & taxable
business income o other tax payers shall be taxed in accordance with the following schedule.
Table 2.3
Category “D” tax payers are includes the following income sources such as royalties, income
paid for services rendered outside of Ethiopia. Income from games of chance, dividends, income
from casual rental of property interest of royalties shall be liable to tax at a flat rate of five (5%)
Fauziati(2016) conducted the survey on the impact of tax knowledge of tax compliance in
Indonesia. The following discussion reviews these past empirical studies earch used 300 samples
from tax payers found in Padang by applying purposive sampling. Since the author used
purposive sampling method, the research cannot address all the problems faced the micro
businesses. The author identified the main challenges of small business taxation like: The
perception of tax payers about the tax fairness, tax knowledge of tax payers and frequent changes
of tax law. The main findings of the research show that tax knowledge is not the challenges of
small business.
Pope & Hijattalah (2014) Small business Enterprises and Tax compliance Burden in Malaysia:
the study used survey method .The main objective of this paper is to discuss the issues, estimates
and challenges of tax compliance and administrative burden in the context of Malaysian small
enterprises. The major challenges of small business taxation in Malaysia are high tax compliance
cost, the presence of the tax system complexity, lack of good administrative arrangements and
complex policies are the major once. This research concluded that the policy area should be
addressed to recognized fully the compliance burden of small businesses at a national level and
comprehensive simplifications of the income tax system is strongly supported.
Evans and Vaillancourt ( 2014) studied survey of small business and tax compliance costs: a-
cross-country studied of managerial benefits and tax concessions in Australia, Canada, South
Africa and united kingdom as shown: The main objective of this study is to identify ,measure
and compare the compliance burden for the small business sector in the four countries .The
sample used from firms that had no more than 50 employees and the survey instruments used to
meet respective turnover thresholds relevant to small business with each country by including all
sectors in the study. The method of administration chosen for this study was an electronic survey
where potential respondents were contacted by email and referred to a survey web page. Since
the data administration is electronically considered as the strengthen of the research. The main
challenges of small business taxation in those four countries is tax compliance cost remains
In Ethiopia all business with annual turnover of less than USD 50.000 are grouped into SMEs.
Moreover this researcher state that the position of registered SMEs in the tax system covers 92%
and only 8% was covered by the large business.
Furthermore a sound tax system should be, so devised that it should fulfill certain basic
requirements or objectives of economy. Since 1930’s special attention has been giving to the
problems of controlling economic fluctuation, maintaining full employment, preventing
tendencies towards secular stagnation and controlling inflation during war periods or defense
emergencies. While full employment and the economic stability are important objective of public
policy in an advanced economy, economic growth is significant in a backward and under
developed economy. (World bank survey;2013)
While a country wishes to become. Developed, it needs to collect in taxes an amount of closes to
25-30% of GDP than the 10-15% that found in many developing countries. In poorer countries,
however this threat of disintermediation may be a key fact to both limiting the government
ability to collect tax reargue and shaping governments policy more generally.
The growth however the broadening of the tax base, the increase of the tax rate, and the choice
of exemption will have disentail effects on the income/ expenditures of different groups of the
Most of Ethiopians has poor (lack) of understanding of the rational of taxes and knowledge of
different taxes imposed on them.. As a result, the tax compliance in Ethiopia is still very low.
Beside that various surveys conducted on small scale businesses in Ethiopia suggest that most of
them keep no records all, while some of also keep partial records making it difficult to assess
taxes many traders have expressed ignorance about taxes imposed on their business.
They say that this is highly attributed to the poor work being done by the tax authorities; leaving
traders ignorant about issues like the way taxes are assessed, advantages of paying taxes and the
use to which it is put. Therefore, need to sensitize the public especially business owners (World
Bank survey; 2015)
Generally this chapter is analyzed using cross setting of literature dealing with taxation and the
growth or performance of small scale business enterprise (ssbs) however most of the literature
review does not give details about how taxation affects the growth of small scale business. There
was need to carry out a primary research to close the gap between research variable with taxation
and its impact on the growth of small business.
3. Research methodology
distance North Bahirdar city. it bordered by South of Kirum woreda,SouthWestAmhara ,by
North South East Zone, by south, Southeast of has an altitude of 2091
meter(masl) and with maximum and minimum temperature 14° 22° as well as rainfall of 845mm
Both primary and secondary data will be used in data collection. Primary data will collect
through personal interview and observations in various sections. Reason for using primary data
is to get data that cannot be available to any other source. The secondary data will be extract
through reviewing various document e.g. text books ,journal , and other peblished information
that are expect to be available.
n=NI/1+NI (e) 2 where,
n=sample size
e=level of precaution
1. n=262/2.6768=98
From that different sector, the sample has been selected proportionally stratified sampling by
personal judgment decision. This is for purpose of comparison between different sectors.
Each disproportional stratified samples in different sector can be determined the following strata.
Based on the above data98- respondents are selected.
1. Manufacture=14×98÷262=5
2. Construction =7×98÷262=3
3. Service=172×98÷262=64
5. Trade=68×98÷262=25
From total population that the small business employees, the sample that would be selected for
this study will 98 peoples. This sample size will be sufficient and representation of the total
population and stratified probability sampling technique would be used by the researcher to
select the expect sample size. This method will select by the researcher since the population
under consideration is not homogeneous in various aspects. To make them more homogeneous,
they have to be sub divided into their respective groups and they become homogeneous that the
total population and then random sampling method will be applies to each sub groups to obtain
the representatives from each group. Therefore, this method employee would enable the research
or to generalize about those participants of small business in Burie town..
Stratified random Sampling will be used. This technique will choose because the sampling frame
could be categorized into relatively homogeneous groups (strata) in their business type. The
stratum designed based on their type of sectors includes; such Manufacture, Construction,
Service, Urban Agriculture, and Trade.
After stratification, random sampling technique from the probability methods will used to draw
the final sampling units which are made to be proportional to the total number of enterprises in
each stratum.
Total 262 72
Source, field Survey(2017)
3.4 Method of data analyzing and Presentation
The data collected from the subject to processing for easy interpretation and understanding .Data
collect will check for completness,catagorized,coded,andentered into computer where would be
summarized into frequency table edited and tabulation by the uses of percentage.Quantitatve
data would be represented in form of descriptive statistics using frequency table. Qualitative
data would be stored and grouped into themes. The research evaluated and analyzes the
aduguabcy of information in answering the research guest ion through coding of data, and
identifies catagories.Qualitative data was presented using narrative text.
Having complete process of data, collections from both sources the research will be plan to use
mixed type of data analyze to draw conclusion and inferences. This data analysis embodies
frequencies, percentages and the likes. The researcher would be used percentages to facilitate
comparison and inferences more easily and finding would be computed manually using pocket
calculate or and also tabulation would be used in order to facilitate easy
4 Work plan
Proposal writing
Data collection
Conclusion and S
Final reports
Typing final report
This cost budget helps the researcher to know on the necessary research materials inputs and to
There in the appropriate time. It also helps to control the cost of the materials because it is
already specified on the paper each material prices.
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