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Trusted above all.

Grooved Products
Produse canelate
Installation Instructions
Instructiuni de montaj
Grooved products
Instructiuni installation
de montaj instructions
produse canelate| Introduction
I Introducere

Introduction to grooved products installation

Viking is renowned for the development, manufacturing, sales and distribution of excellent fire protection technologies and has
been a dependable
Viking partner in firepentru
este recunoscut protection for many decades.
dezvoltarea, productia, vanzarea si distributia de tehnologii
pentru protectia la incendiu, fiind un partener de incredere pentru multe decenii.
The broad product portfolio encompasses innovative and proven system components for water, foam and gas extinguishing systems
as well as fire detection
Portofoliul sau larg systems
ce and is a reflection
include of Viking’s unwavering
componente inovativefocus on providing customers
recunoscute pentru with the finest
sisteme deproducts
cu apa, level of support.
spuma sau gaz, dar si pentru sistemele de detectie incendiu este o reflexie a dorintei
permanente a grupului Viking de a oferi partnereilor sai cele mai bune produse si unsuport la
cel maiViking’s
inalt dedicated
nivel. and knowledgeable customer service, installers of fixed fire protection systems have access to those
quality products and can place their trust in the professional and dedicated support services provided by Viking employees. From the
smallest project to the
Prin serviciul largest endeavour,
dedicat de suport Viking is theiralsingle-point
clienti partner with the
Viking, instalatorii degoal to providefixe
sisteme the right
de material whenever
protectie la
and wherever au acces la acele produse de calitate si isi pot pune increderea in serviciile
profesionale oferite de angajatii Viking. De la cel mai mic sistem la proiecte grandioase,
Viking is passionate
Viking about fire protection
este partenerul unic ceand arecommitted to the growth
ca obiectiv of the fixed
asigurarea fire protection necesare
materialelor industry. As Viking is completely
atunci cand si
focused unde
acolo and dedicated to this market, customers can have confidence that Viking has the expertise that they need to be successful.
este nevoie.
They can count on Viking’s resources and technical expertise to help them whenever they have a challenge to overcome. And they
Viking pune
can be sure to findpasiune in protectia
the right product laforincediu
or solution si este
their project dedicat
with the necessarycresterii
approval orindustriei protectie la
foc.Deoarece Viking este dedicat numai acestei piete, clientii pot avea incredere ca Viking are
This installation instruction
competenta necesara booklet provides
pentru a ledetailed
asiguraguidance on the useEi
succesul. of pot
Viking’s comprehensive
conta range of Viking
pe resursele grooved products.
si pe
Besides access to
experienta those products,
noastra tehnicacustomers benefit from
de feicare data a market
o noua support team across Europe
provocare.Si pot fiand the Middle
siguri ca vor
East, which
gasi also holds
produsul regular
sau technical
solutia training courses
potrivita pentruonproiectul
water, foam,lor,
gaseous and detection
impreuna systems, products
cu certificarile si and maintenance.
Learn more at www.viking-emea.com.

Acest scurt ghid de alegere ofera o imagine a gamei de produse canelate Viking. Pe langa
accesul la aceste produse, partenerii nostri beneficiaza de suportul tehnic al unei echipe
raspandite in Europa si Orientul Apropiat. Oferim de asemena scolarizari tehnice pentru
sistemele noastre de stingere cu apa, spuma, gaz si detectie, produse si mentenanta.
Afla mai multe pe www.viking-emea.com.

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Grooved products
Instructiuni installation
de montaj instructions
produse canelate| Contents
I Cuprins

1. Explanation of symbols 4
1.1 Hazard pictograms Pictograme de atentionare 4
1.2 Information pictogram Pictograme de informare 4
2. Installation information 5
2.1 Installation of piping products
Instalarea tevilor 5
2.2 Supporting piping 5
3. Installation preparation 6
3.1 Pipe preparation 6
3.2 Gasket 6
3.3 Lubrication 7
3.4 Nominal pipe end separation 7
3.5 Information on using impact wrenches 8
3.6 Notes for Sprinkler systems with dry pipework 9
4. Installation guidance 10
4.1 Rigid pipe couplings 10
4.1.1 Step by step installation 10
4.1.2 Recommended bolt torque 17
4.2 Flexible pipe couplings 18
4.2.1 Step by step installation 18
4.2.2 Recommended bolt torque 22
4.3 Reducing couplings 23
4.3.1 Step by step installation 23
4.3.2 Recommended bolt torque 23
4.4 Mechanical tees and sprinkler tees 23
4.4.1 Bore hole sizes 23
4.4.2 Step by step installation 24
4.4.3 Recommended bolt torque 26
4.5 Hinged Flange Adaptors 27
4.5.1 Step by step installation 27
4.5.2 Recommended bolt torque 29
5. Movement 30
5.1 Linear movement 30
5.2 Angular movement 31
5.3 Movement application 32
5.3.1 Thermal stress 32
6. Riser design 34
6.1 Risers without branch connections 34
6.2 Risers with branch connections 35
6.3 35
6.4 Curved layout 36
7. Movement capability of couplings-expansion and contraction joints 37
8. Anchoring and supports 38
9. Checking the installation 39
9.1 Incorrect installation 39
9.1.1 39
9.1.2 40
9.1.3 Installation on pipes with shallow grooves 40
9.1.4 Installations on pipes with grooves that are too deep 40
9.1.5 Installations on pipes with eccentric grooves 40
10. 42
10.1 Instructions to verify a proper roll groove 44
11. 45
11.1 Instructions to verify a proper cut groove 47

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Grooved products
Instructiuni installation
de montaj instructions
produse canelate| Explanation of symbols
I Explicarea simbolurilor

1. Explanation of symbols
Explicarea simbolurilor

1.1 Hazard Pictograms
Pictograme de atentionare

In aceasta documentatie, instructiunile de siguranta si explicatiile importante sunt marcate cu urmatoarele pictograme
In this documentation safety instructions and important explanations will be marked by the following pictographs.

Aceasta combinatie de simbol si semn de atentionare indica o situatie

This combination
symbol and signal wordsau
points towards
nu hazardous
DANGER periculoasa, provoca decesul raniri este evitata
situation, which can cause death or serious injuries if not avoided.

Aceasta combinatie de simbol si semn de atentionare indica o posibila situatie

This combination
symbol and signal wordsau
points towards
possible hazardous
WARNING periculoasa, provoca decesul raniri
situation, which can cause death or serious injuries if not avoided.
nu este evitata

This combination
Aceasta of symbol
combinatie and signal
de simbol word
si semn de points towards
atentionare a possible
indica hazardous
o posibila situatie
situation, which
periculoasa, canpoate
care causeprovoca
slight orraniri
if notnu
este evitata

This combination
Aceasta of symbol
combinatie and signal
de simbol si semnword
de points towards
atentionare a possible
indica hazardous
o posibila o
situation, which can cause
situatie periculoasa, caredamage to property
poate provoca dauneor the environment ifsau
echipamentului notmediului
daca nu este evitata

1.2 Pictograme
1.2 Information de informare

Acest simbolhighlights
This symbol indica sugestii utiletips
any useful si recomandari, ca si orice
and recommendations as informatie
well as any utila de
information to ensure

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Grooved products
Instructiuni installation
de montaj instructions
produse canelate| Installation information
I Informatii de instalare

2. Installation information
Informatii de instalare
2.1 Instalarea of
Installation produselor pentru conducte
piping products


• Before installing, extending or adjusting piping products the piping system should always be depressurized first
and emptied.
Inainte de instalarea, extinderea sau ajustarea componentelor de instalatie, instalatia va fi mereu golita si depresurizata.
• Protection goggles,
Se va purta helmet
echipamentul deand safetycasca,
protectie: shoesbocanci
should si
• Nu atasati suporti direct de cuplaje
Do not attach supports directly to couplings.
Atasati suporti numai de conductele si componentele adiacente.
Only attach supports to adjacent pipes and components.
Failure acestor
to observe thesecerinte poatecan
guidelines duce la o slabire
result bruscaloosening
in a sudden a conexiunii subconnection
of the presiune, ceunder
ar duce la
pressure, which can lead to
ranire, pagube materiale de proprietate si de produs.
serious personal injury, damage to property and damage to the product.
It is the
Este responsibility of
responsabilitatea the installer instalatiei
producatorului of the piping system and the
si a proiectantului planning
instalatiei deengineer
a selectatosi select and ensure that products
a se asigura
are suited to the
ca produsele suntintended use, andpropus,
potrivite scopului to ensurede that
a se the operating
asigura pressure
ca parametrii and maximum
instalatiei admissible pressure (e.g. in the
nu depasesc
case of pressure
limitele checks)
admise (de and other
ex. presiunea deperformance data aremaxim
operare si presiunea not exceeded
admisa) and
si cathat applicable
normele national
nationale or international
si internationale laws,
standards, directives and technical regulations will be observed and fulfilled.
standardele, directivele si alte regulamente tehnice sunt respectate si indeplinite

The followinginstructiuni
Urmatoarele basic instructions must beobservate
de baza trebuie observedpentru
to ensure correct
a asigura assembly
corecta of theapipe
asamblare connection.
• de instalatie
Check the suitability of the associated gasket for the intended use.
• Verificati
Check theconformitatea
compatibilitygarniturilor asociate
of the materials used cuinscopul propus.
couplings, gaskets and fittings with the environmental
Verificati compatibilitatea materialelor folosite in cuplaje, garnituri si fitinguri cu conditiile de mediusi cu solutiile
conditions and with the anticipated media / extinguishing solutions. Consult the latest version of the product
prevazute de stingere. Consultati ultimele versiuni ale fiselor tehnice saui
datasheets or contact your local Viking office for further information.
contactati biroul local Viking pentru informatii suplimentare
• Utilizati
Only use approved
numai lubricants
lubrifianti for the Minimax
agrementati corresponding
pentrusealing material
etansarea for assembly
ansamblelor of the gasket / coupling.
• Observati
Observe the operating and
instructiunile maintenance
de utilizare instructions
si mentenanta for uneltele
pentru the toolscetovor
be used.
fi folosite.
• Verificati
Check that thediametrul
daca outer diameter
exteriorand groove dimensions
si dimensiunile of theconductelor
canelurilor pipes or fittings are within
si fitingurilor theinapplicable groove
domeniul aplicabil al specificatiilor produsului
• Verificati
Check thatdacathegarnitura
gasket iseste
correctly placed
amplasata on the
corect in gasket
locasulseat of pipe oralfitting.
de garnitura conductei sau fitingului.
• Check that the coupling keys engage correctly in the pipe or fitting grooves.sau fitingului.
Verificati daca pragurile cuplajului angreneaza corect in canelurile conductei
• Strangeti piulitele
Tighten the cuplajului
coupling in modand
nuts evenly egalbysialternating
alternat pana cand
sides, marginile
until oblice ale reazemelor
the angle-design bolt pads meet metal to metal.
suruburilor de prindere se intalnesc metal pe metal; asigurati distantari egale la reazemele de bolt
Ensure equal offsets at bolt pads on both sides of the coupling.
pentru ambele parti ale cuplajului.
• DacaIf a tightening torque is specified for assembly of the coupling, the nuts must be tightened using this torque, to
este specificat un cuplu de strangere pentru asamblul cuplajului, piulitele trebuie stranse folosind acest cuplu,
pentru ensure correct
a asigura assembly. corecta.
o asamblare

2.2 Supporting

Piping that is
Conductele joined
care suntwith grooved
imbinate pipe couplings,
prin cuplaje likeca
cu caneluri, allsiother piping
celelalte systems,
instalatii also requires
de conducte, support
necesita to bear thesuporti
de asemenea weight
of the pipes, accessories and materials.
pentru a sustine greutatea conductelor, accesoriilor si materialelor.
Cu mijloacele de fixare aplicate, incarcarile pe conexiuni, conducte si alte componente trebuie mentinute la valori cat mai mici
With the support or hanging methods applied, the load on the connections, piping and other components must be kept
as low as possible.
underequired, thesistemul
este cazul, supportde
must allow
fixare for movement
trebuie of the piping
sa permita miscari and meetsiother
ale conductelor requirements
sa indeplineasca such
alte as
precum golirea sau
drainage or venting.purjarea.

The specific
Trebuie national
observate or international
si indeplinite laws,
cerintele standards,
legate directives
de distante and technical
de montare regulations
a suportilor must
cuprinse in be observed and fulfilled
in relationsitointernationale
nationale support spacing (e.g.
(de ex. VdS-CEA4001,
VdS-CEA 4001,NFPA,
FM, etc.)


Riscofdematerial damage
distrugere a materialelor
Nu atasati suporti direct pe cuplaje
• Do NOT attach supports directly to couplings.
Atasati suporti numai pe conductele si componentele adiacente
• Only attach supports to adjacent pipes and components.
Viking is
nunot responsible
isi asuma for the design
respunderea pentru of pipinginstalatiilor
proiectul systems and accepts
si nu no liability
isi asuma for systems
raspunderea pentruthat are not properly
instalatiile care nu sunt corect proiectate.

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Grooved products
Instructiuni installation
de montaj instructions
produse canelate| Installation preparation
I Pregatirea montajului

3. Installation preparation
Pregatirea montajului
3.1 Pregatirea
Pipe conductelor

Pipes musttrebuie
Conductele be prepared in in
pregatite accordance with
conformitate cu the current groove
specificatiile pentru specifications.
materiale roluite

See chapter
 capitolul
Vezi 10 “Roll42
10 pagina Groove Specifications for Steel pipe” on page 42
Vezi capitolul 11 pagina 45
 See chapter 11 “Cut Groove Specifications for Steel pipe” on page 45
Capetele conductei trebuie taiate rectangular;
• Abaterile
The endsadmise
of the pipes should be cut square.
de la rectangularitate a canelurilor vor respecta specificatiile Minimax;
• Capetele
Acceptable deviations
conductei from
trebuie sasquareness canpentru
fie fara bavuri be obtained from the groove
a evita deteriorarea specifications.
garniturilor in momentul montarii;
• NuTheeste
ends must be burr-free
utilizarea to avoid damage
conductelor cu capete totesite;
the gasket during assembly.
• SeUseaccepta
of pipescapete tesite pentru
with beveled endsconducta daca acestea respecta prevederile EN 10217-2
is not recommended.
Locasurile garniturii trebuie sa fie fara denivelari, defecte de roluire sau defecte de suprafata precum resturi de vopsea, murdarie,
• Beveled end pipe is acceptable only if pipe ends are in conformance with EN 10217-1
unsoare, rugina, zgura care ar putea afecta o etansare corespunzatoare a garniturii.
• The gasket seats must be free from any indentations, roll marks, scores, seams or other harmful surface defects, such
Canelurile trebuie sa fie libere de murdarie, rugina, zgura, etc ce ar putea afecta o etansare corespunzatoare a garniturii.
as loose paint, scale, dirt, chips, grease and rust, that may interfere with proper sealing of the gasket.
• The grooves must be free from loose dirt, chips, rust and scale that may interfere with proper coupling assembly.

3.2 Garnituri

• To ensure the best possible functioning of the gasket, the right gasket must always be selected for the
Pentru a se asigura
corresponding cea mai buna functionare a garniturii, pentru fiecare mediu de lucru trebuie selectata tipul corespunzator
• de garnitura.
Selecting the wrong gasket can lead to leaks and to property damage.
Selectarea garniturii incorecte poate conduce la scapari si pagube materiale
• Do not expose gaskets to temperatures outside the recommended temperature range, as excessive temperatures
Nu expuneti garniturile la temperaturi in afara domeniului recomandat de temperatura, deoarece temperaturile excesive pot
can affect the life and performance of the gasket.
afecta durata de viata si performanta garniturii.
The following listed services are general recommendations only and apply only to our gaskets. This recommendation
does servicii listate
not necessarily implysunt
the couplinggenerale
housing,care se aplica
related numai
fittings in cazul
or other garniturilor
parts are suitedViking.
to theAceasta recomandare nu
same service.
implica in mod obligatoriu ca segmentii metalici, fitingurile sau alte componente ale cuplajului sunt potrivite pentru acelasi serviciu.
Consult theultima
Consultati latestversiune
version aofspecificatiilor
the product tehnice
sau or contactbiroul
contactati your local Viking pentru
local Viking office for furthersuplimentare.
informatii information.

Table11:: Materiale
Tabel Gasket materials

Grad Compound
Compus Temperature
Interval range
de temperatura Color code
Culoare General service
Recomandari generalerecommendations
-40°C up to 110°C Dunga AFor
seuse within
utiliza theinstipulated
doar intervalultemperature ranges
de temepraturi
E EPDM Green stripe
(ambient temperature) verde indicat in water extinguishing systems.
Other gasket materials
Alte materiale pentruare available
garnituri for other
sunt applications
disponibile pentruonaplicatii
request, for furtherContactai
diferite. information contact
biroul your
local local Viking
Viking pentruoffice
informatii suplimentare


EPDM gaskets
Garniturile EPDMmust
nu never
trebuiebe brought
puse intoin
niciodata contact
contactwith lubricants
cu lubrifianti oruleiuri
sau oils containing
continandmineral oils, as well
uleiuri minerale, as other
precum si alte
materiale continand uleiuri minerale (de ex. combustibili sau agenti
materials containing mineral oils (e.g. fuels or cleaning agents). de curatare)


• Where gaskets
Proprietatile or couplings
fizice with pre-mounted
ale elastomerilor se pot modificagaskets areconditiilor
datorita stored fordeextended
depozitare periods of time,
pe termen lungtheale physical
garniturilor sau a
cuplajelor cu of garnituri
the elastomers can change
premontate. during
Garniturile the storage
pot deveni period.datorita
inutilizabile They can be rendered
rigidizarii, unusable
inmuierii, ruperii,due to sau a
hardening, softening, breaking, crack formations or other surface decomposition. These changes are the result
altor deteriorari ale suprafetei. Aceste modificari sunt rezultatul actiunii individuale sau combinate a factorilor of
de influenta
cum ar fi: deformari, oxigen, ozon, lumina, caldura, umezeala sau uleiuri si solventi.
special individual or combined influence factors like e.g. deformations, oxygen, ozone, light, heat, moisture or oils
and solvents.
Prin respectarea unor conditii simple viata si timpul de depozitare poate fi extins considerabil. Instructiuni de baza privind
• With some simple
depozitarea, precautions
curatarea the elementelor
si pastrarea life and storage time candin
de etansare beelastomeri
extended suntconsiderably.
descrise inBasic instructions
standarde on storage,
nationale si
cleaning and preservations of elastomer
internationale precum ISO 2230 sau DIN 7716. sealing elements are described in national and international standards such
as e.g.: ISO 2230 or DIN 7716.
Trebuie observate recomandarile acestor standarde privind conditiile si timpul de depozitare. Consultati ultimele versiuni
• The recommendations of these standards on storage conditions and storage time must be observed. Consult the
ale fiselor tehnice ale produselor sau contactati biroul local Viking pentru informatii suplimentare
latest version of the product datasheets or contact your local Viking office for further information.

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Grooved products
Instructiuni installation
de montaj instructions
produse canelate| Installation preparation
I Pregatirea montajului

3.3 Lubrication


Pentru a evita ciupirea garniturii, exteriorul garniturii si interiorul segmentilor cuplajului, precum si interiorul
• To avoid gasket pinching, the outside of the gasket and the inside of the coupling half-shells as well as the inside of the
buzelor de etansare si exteriorul capetelor conductelor trebuie sa fie usor lubrifiate.
sealing lips and the outside of the pipe ends must be lightly lubricated.
• Lubricating also eases
Lubrifierea usureaza deinstallation
asemenea of the gasket
instalarea onto thelapipe
garniturilor end. de conducta.
• DO NOT use too much lubricant!
NU utilizati prea mult lubrifiant
Utilizati use the lubricant
lubrifiantul for pipe
pentru cuplaje couplings
specificat designated
in fisele noastre in our product
tehnice sheets as lubricant
pentru garniturile for the
EPDM (grad E) EPDM gaskets
(grade “E”).
In anumite conditii alti lubrifianti ar putea fi necesari, ca de exemplu lubrifianti pe baza de uleiuri
Under certain
minerale conditions
fara silicon other lubricants
sau lubrifianti may
compatibili also in
EPDM beinstalatiile
apa as e.g. mineral oil-free silicone lubricant or EPDM-
Consultati ultima versiune a specificatiilor noastre tehnice sau contactati
compatible lubricant for use in drinking water areas. Consult the latest versionbiroul local
of Viking pentru datasheets
the product informatiisuplimentare.
or contact your
local Viking office for further information.


• InUnder
caz nu se vor pune
circumstances in contact
may garniturile
mineral-oil EPDMlubricants,
containing cu lubrifianti
uleiuri minerale sau alte
containing materiale
materials ce fuels)
contin uleiuri minerale (de ex. combustibili).
be brought into contact with the EPDM gaskets.
• However,
Totusi dacashould this occur,
acest lucru the affected
se intampla gasket must
atunci garnitura be changed
afectata immediately
trebuie schimbata and may
imediat, notreutilizabila.
nefiind be reused

3.4 Nominal pipe
Diametrul and separation
nominal al conductei si separarea

The nominalnominale
Diametrele pipe endale
separation dimensions
conductelor are suitable
si dimensiunile for system
de separare sunt
destinate doar dimensionarii
layout purposes only sistemelor

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Grooved products
Instructiuni installation
de montaj instructions
produse canelate| Installation preparation
I Pregatirea montajului

Tabel 2:
2 :Nominal pipenominale
Dimensiuni end separation X X
si distante

Nominal Pipe Nominal Pipe Pipe Outside Pipe End Separation X Pipe End Separation X
Size DN (mm) Size (inch) Diameter OD (mm) (mm) (inch)
25 1” 33.7
32 1¼” 42.4
40 1½” 48.3
50 2” 60.3
2.6 0.102
65 2½” 73.0
65 3 OD 76.1
80 3” 88.9
100 4¼ OD 108.0
100 4” 114.3
125 5¼ OD 133.0
125 5½ OD 139.7
5.3 0.209
150 6¼ OD 159.0
150 6½ OD 165.1
150 6” 168.3
200 8” 219.1
250 10” 273.0 5.9 0.232
300 12” 323.9


• These
distantepipe end
intre separation
capetelor dimensions
tevilor rezulta arise from the
din valorile nominal ale
nominale values of the groove
canelurilor specifications
si valorilor and theale
design dimensions of
cuplajelor conductelor the pipe couplings.
• They only
Aceste represent
valori the nominal
sunt doar values to pentru
valori nominale be observed for design
proiectare and installation purposes.
si instalare
• Nu reprezinta
They valori maxime
do not represent sau minime
the maximum ce ar putea
or minimum valuesderiva din tolerantele
which may admise latolerances
arise from allowable roluire sauof din
the groove
and de productie
manufacturing aleofcuplajelor
tolerances the pipe couplings.
• Observati
Please also de asemenea
observe prezentele
the current groovespecificatii

3.5 Information
3.5 Informatii privind utilizarea
on using impactcheilor cu impact

an impact wrench o
se utilizeaza is cheie
used todinamometrica
assemble the couplings, the torque cuplingurilor,
pentru asamblarea tightness shown on the impact
momentul wrench must
de strangere NEVER
indicat de
cheie NU theTREBUIE
recommended torque indicated
sa depaseasca in niciasun
maximum for the corresponding
caz momentul indicat ca maxim coupling.
pentru respectivul cupling
The trebuie
nuts must stranse
also egal sievenly
be tightened alternativ, pana
and by cand capul
alternating sidessurubului intalneste
with an impact metalul.
wrench, until In
thecazul cuplingurilor
bolt pads meet metal
cu capetele tesite, egalizarea trebuie sa apara pentru a asigura rigiditatea imbinarii
to metal. In the case of couplings with angle-design bolt pads, equal off- sets must occur at the bolt pads to ensure the
rigidity of the pipe connection.
In nici un caz nu trebuie continuatat strangerea cu cheia dinamometrica daca vedeti asamblarea corecta a
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you further tighten with the impact wrench if you can see that the coupling is
assembled correctly.


Failure to observe
Nerespectarea these regulations
acestor can
reguli poate result
duce la in the gasket
ciupirea becoming
si/sau pinched
deteriorarea and / orsau
garniturii, damaged or in the bolts being
in sectionarea
suruburilorandsi thus
decidamage to the
distrugerea coupling. Aceasta
cuplajului. This can lead
poateto duce
the connection
la slabireabecoming
imbinarii loose and tosiinjury
si la raniri pagubeand serious
materiale.to property
La utilizarea unei chei dinamometrice este necesar ca montajul sa fie realizat cu atentie pentru a asigura
When using egala
strangerea an impact wrench it may
si alternativa be necessary
a piulitelor, pana that
candthe assembly be
asamblarea carried
este out more slowly to ensure that the nuts
are tightened evenly and by alternating sides, until the assembly is completed correctly.

When using impact wrenches the assembler generally does not have a direct “wrench feel” or
“torque feel” to judge nut tightness.

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I Pregatirea montajului


Since some unele

Deoarece impactscule
wrenches are capable
cu impact of high output,
sunt capabile onemari,
de puteri should become familiar
montatorul trebuiewith thefamiliarizeze
sa se impact wrench
avoid damaging
cu scula or fracturing
de impact, pentru athe bolts
evita or the coupling
deteriorarea bolt pads
cuplajului during assembly.
in momentul asamblarii


• First complete
Completati maisome experimental
intai cateva asamblariassemblies with the
experimentale impact
cu scule de wrench
impact siand
cu achei
or better
si mai again with
bine cu a
o cheie
dinamometrica, pentru a se stabili puterea sculei de
torque wrench to determine the power of the impact wrench. impact.

• During assembly
Pe durata of the
asamblarii systemcuplaje
verificati regularly check
stranse otherpentru
similar couplings with the
a asigura same methods,
uniformitatea to ensure
strangerilor pe catthat assembly is
as uniform as possible.
• Always observe
Respectati mereutheinstructiunile
manufacturer de operating
operare aleinstructions to guarantee
producatorului safe and proper use of the impact wrench.
sculei cu impact
• Make sure that the correct box spanner inserts are always used for assembling the coupling.
Asigurativa ca folositi cheile tubulare potrivite ca marime pentru asamblarea cuplajului.

3.6 Notes for sprinkler
Note pentru systems
sistemele with dry pipework
de sprinklere uscate


• When
La using inincooling
utilizarea incinte or freezing
racite sau rooms
inghetateor areas
sau in which temperatures
zone unde go below
temperaturile scad freezing, preparation
sub valoarea of surfaces
de inghet,
on the pipe ends is particularly important.
pregatirea suprafetelor capetelor conductei capata particularitati importante.
• Latemperatures
At temperaturi sub zero
below zeropana spretemperature
to lower limita de temperatura scazuta
limits for the gasketale materialului
materials (EPDM:de garnitura
-40ºC), (EPDM:
the gasket -40°C),
garnitura va fi intodeauna mai grea. Prin urmare toate capetele de conducta trebuie sa fie fara denivelari,
will be harder. Thus all indentations, projections, loose paint, scale, dirt, chips, grease and rust on the pipe ends must
defecte de roluire
be removed sauadefecte
to ensure leak-freede suprafata precum resturi de vopsea, murdarie, unsoare, rugina, zgura care ar
putea afecta o etansare corespunzatoare .


• We recommends
Recomandam cagenerally
instalatiathat dry pipework
uscata underse
sub presiune pressure has tocuun
fie umpluta be filled
inertan inert
(de. Ex.gas (e.g. nitrogen).
• Consultati
Consult theutimele versiuni
latest version ale product
of the specificatiilor tehnice
datasheets ale produselor
or contact your localsau contacti
Viking officebiroul local information.
for further Viking pentru
informatii suplimentare

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I Indicatii de montaj

4. Installation
Indicatii de guidance

4.1 Rigid piperigide
Cuplaje couplings

4.1.1 Montajul
4.1.1 Step-by step
pas installation
cu pas

Check the pipecapetelor

Verificarea ends: conductelor
• The pipeconductei
Capetele ends musttrebuie
be burr-free to avoid
sa fie fara bavuridamage
pentru ato the
gasket during
deteriorarea assembly.
garniturii pe durata asamblarii.
• The outerexterioara
Suprafata surfaces ofa the pipes from
conductei de la the pipeconductei
capatul end to thespre
groove must
canelura besa
trebuie smooth
fie linaand freezimti,
si fara fromdefecte
any indentations,
de roluire, roll
marks, scores,
crestaturi, dungaseams or other
de sudura sauharmful surface
alte defecte defects, such
de suprafata as
resturi de vopsea, zgura, rugina, ulei, vaselina
loose paint, scale, dirt, chips, oil, grease and rust.si murdarie.
Canelurile trebuie sa fie fara murdarie, aschii, rugina si zgura.
• Grooves must be free from loose dirt, chips, rust and scale.
In plus, specificatiile canelurilor trebuie sa fie observate si
• In addition, groove specifications must be observed and
respectate indicatiile din
complied with, see
 Chapter 10 Groove
10 “Roll pagina 42
Specifications for Steel pipe” on
page 42

 Chapter 11 “Cut
Capitolul 11 Groove
45 for Steel pipe” on
page 45.

Check the gasket:

Verificarea garniturii

• Check the
Verificati color
codul decode of the
culoare gasket and
al garniturii ensure thatcathe
si asigurati-va gasket este
is suitedscopului
potrivita to the planned
propus. use.
• The standard
Garniturile gaskets
standard provided
livrate ex-works
impreuna with couplings
cu cuplajele sunt de tip “E” (EPDM)
siare grade “E”
marcate (EPDM)
cu o dunga and areInmarked
verde. plus pewith a green
o parte stripe.
a acestor In
garnituri exista
marcajul one side. of these gaskets bears the mark “EPDM” .
• Verificati
Check thatdaca
gasket iseste curata
clean and siundamaged.
• Garniturile
EPDM gaskets must never be brought intoincontact
EPDM nu trebuie puse niciodata contactwith
cu lubrifianti
continand uleiuri minerale, uleiuri sau alte materiale continand uleiuri
lubricants containing mineral oils, oils or other materials
minerale ( ex combustibili sau agenti de curatire)
containing mineral oils (e.g. fuels or cleaning agents).

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I Indicatii de montaj

Lubricate the gasket

Lubrifierea and coupling:
garniturii si a cuplajului
• To avoidagasket
Pentru pinching,garniturii,
evita ciupirea the outside of the gasket;
exteriorul acesteia si
• the inside of
interiorul the couplingaihalf-shells;
segmentelor cuplajului
• the buzelor
inside of de etansare
the sealing lips; and ai garniturii si
exteriorul capetelor conductei
• the outside of the pipe ends
trebuie usor lubrifiate.
must be lightly lubricated.
• Generally
In generaluse the lubricant
utilizati for pipe
lubrifiantul couplings
pentru cuplajedesignated
specificat in fisa de
in the product
produs datasheet
ca lubrifiant as lubricant
pentru forEPDM
garniturile the EPDM gaskets
(grade “E”).
(grad “E”)
• Acoperiti buzele lips
Cover the sealing de etansare si exteriorul
and the outside garniturii
of the gasket withcuaun
subtire de lubrifiant.
layer of lubricant.
Acoperiti interiorul ambelor segmente metalice ale cuplajului cu
• Cover thesubtire
un strat inside of
deboth half-shells of the coupling with a thin
layer of lubricant.


Failure to observe
Nerespectarea these guidelines
acestor can lead
indicatii poate to la
duce damage to the gasket
deteriorarea andsitolaleakage.
garniturii neetanseitati

Lubricate thegarniturii
Montarea gasket and coupling:
• Push or cu
Trageti pullatentie
the gasket carefully
garnitura over
peste the pipe pana
conducta end until the cut
ce capatul
edge of the
acesteia estepipe enddin
vizibil is visible
nou. again.
• Ensure that the
Asigurati-va ca gasket does
garnitura nunot protrude
trece (evenininparte)
(nici chiar part) over
de capatul
the end of the pipe.

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I Indicatii de montaj

• In cazul
In the case of large couplings
cuplajelor e.g. from de
mari, de exemplu DN80 up, it may
la DN80 be easier
in sus, este mai usor
intoarcerea garniturii cu fata interioara in sus si tragerea end.
to turn the gasket inside out and then slide it over the pipe apoi peste
Pipe End
Capatul tevii
• Ensure that the gasket does not protrude over the end of the
Asigurati-va ca garnitura nu trece de capatul conductei.

Shown enlarged
Prezentat exageratfor clarity
pentru claritate

Bring together
Imbinarea the pipe ends:
capetelor de conducta
Puneti cap la cap cele doua conducte. Asigurati-va ca sunt
• Bring thesitwo
aliniate pipe ends together edge to edge. Ensure
alignment is straight and concentric.
• If the gasket
Daca wasaturned
garnitura inside out
fost intoarsa cu for
fatalarger couplings,
interioara roll thein
in exterior
cazul into the correct
mari, position.
reintoarceti garnitura in pozitia corecta.
• Slide the gasket over both pipe ends, so that it is centered
Trageti garnitura peste ambele capete ale conductelor, astfel
between both grooves.
incat sa
fie centrata pe ambele caneluri.


Under no caz
In niciun circumstances may
nu va putea the gasket
garnitura sa project intointre
fie prinsa the groove areacapete
cele doua of either of the twode
ale,Buzele pipe ends. The
etansare nusealing
trebuielips of the
gasket must notconductelor
intre capetele be pinched between the pipes at the cut edges.

Mount the pipe

Montarea coupling half-shells
segmentilor – Model
cuplajului 900 (Angle
- Model 900Style, see below for T&G style):
• Bolts and si
Surubul nuts should
piulita nowparte
dintr-o be removed from one
a cuplajului sidescoase,
trebuie of the
coupling, if not
daca nu au already
fost done and
deja scoase, iarthe bolts and
surubul nuts on
si piulita dinthe other
side should
cealalta be loosened,
parte until the
trebuie slabite thread
pana of the bolt
ce capatul no longer
surubului nu
mai treceover thede
de loc nut.
capatul piulitei.
• The coupling prepared as indicated can now be opened and
Cuplajul astfel pregatit poate fi acum deschis si pivotat
swiveled to the side, so that it can be placed over the pipe and
intr-o parte, astfel incat sa fie amplasat peste garnitura
the gasket.
trasa peste capetele de contucte.

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I Indicatii de montaj

Mount the pipe

Montarea coupling half-shells
segmentilor – Model
cuplajului 900 (Angle
- Model 900Style):
• Slide thecuplajul
Trageti openeddeschis
over the pipe and
conducta over the
si peste gasket.
• Puneti unul
Place one of dintre segmente
the casing (de exemplu
halves (e.g. the lowercel inferior)
one) onto thepeste
gasket, soastfel incat
that the keyspragurile
engage insale
thesa se potriveasca
grooves of the pipein
ends. capetelor de conducte.
• Swivel the other half of the casing over the gasket.
Pivotati celalalt segment peste garnitura.

• Acum amplasati
Now place al doilea
the second half segment peste
of the casing ontogarnitura, in asa
the gasket, so fel
incat marginile sale sa se potriveasca in canelurile
that the keys engage in the grooves of the pipe ends. capetelor de
• Make sure that
Asigurati-va cathe keys ofsegmentilor
pragurile the casing halves engage correctly
se potrivesc pe canelurile
in the grooves of both
capetelor ambelor conducte.pipes.
• Ensure that on
Asigurati-va caboth sides ofparti
pe ambele the coupling there is
ale cuplajului an equal
este gap
o distanta
egala the
intre angle-design
muchiile oblicebolt
ale pads of the casing
reazemelor halves. si surub
de prindere


Make sure that

Asigurati-va cathe gasket does
garnitura not rasucita
nu este become rolled or pinched.
sau ciupita.
Failure to observe
Nerespectarea these guidelines
acestor can lead
cerinte poate ducetoladamage to thegarniturii
deteriorare gasket and to leakage.
si aparitia neetanseitatilor

Assemble the bolts

Asamblarea and nuts – Model
suruburilor 900 (Angle- Style):
si a piulitelor Model 900
• Insert the remaining
Introduceti surubul bolt
ramasintosithe bolt holes
strangeti andcu
piulita tighten
nut by hand.
• Strangeti
Likewise de asemenea
tighten si cealalta
up the other piulita
nut by hand cu mana,
again, so thatastfel
bolt threads protrude equal lengths out of the nuts. marginile
incat ambele suruburi sa depaseasca in mod egal
• Make sure theca
Asigurati-va oval necks of
gaturile the bolts
ovale seat properly
ale suruburilor se in the oval
bolt holes.
corespunzator in gaurile ovale de surub.

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Tighten the bolts – Model 900 (Angle Style):

• Tighten the coupling nuts evenly and by alternating sides,

until the angle-design bolt pads meet metal to metal.
• To achieve optimum sealing performance and stability,
the nuts must be tightened with the specified torque
corresponding to each of the thread sizes ( see Table 3 on
page 17).
• Always use the correct box spanner inserts when assembling
each coupling.
• Ensure that the keys of the casing halves are fully engaged in
the grooves.

Angle-design bolt pad • When tightening the bolts the angle-design bolt pads slide
metal-to-metal contact against each other over both sides of the coupling. This
ensures that the pipes are optimally secured.
• Make sure that there are equal offsets at both angle- design
bolt pads on both sides of the coupling and that the keys of
Offset the casing halves engage fully in the grooves.

offsets at
all bolt

(shown enlarged for clarity)


Failure to observe these guidelines can lead to a loose connection which can in turn result in injury and / or serious
damage to property.

• The nuts must be tightened evenly and by alternating sides,

otherwise the gasket can become pinched and damaged,
which can lead to immediate or subsequent leaks.

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Mount the pipe coupling half-shells – Model 1G (Tongue & Groove Style):

• Bolts and nuts should now be removed from one side of the
coupling, if not already done, and the bolts and nuts on the
other side should be loosened, until the thread of the bolt no
longer protrudes over the nut.
• The coupling prepared as indicated can now be opened and
swiveled to the side, so that it can be placed over the pipe and
the gasket.

Mount the pipe coupling half-shells – Model 1G (Tongue & Groove Style):

• Slide the opened coupling over the pipe and over the gasket.
• Place one of the casing halves (e.g. the lower one) onto the
gasket, so that the keys engage in the grooves of the pipe
• Swivel the other half of the casing over the gasket

• Now place the second half of the casing onto the gasket, so
that the keys engage in the grooves of the pipe ends.
• Make sure that the keys of the casing halves engage correctly
in the grooves of both pipes.
• Ensure that on both sides of the coupling there is an equal gap
between the bolt pads of the casing halves.


Make sure that the gasket does not become rolled or pinched.
Failure to observe these guidelines can lead to damage to the gasket and to leakage.

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Assemble the bolts and nuts – Model 1G (Tongue & Groove Style):

• Insert the remaining bolt into the bolt holes and tighten the
nut by hand.
• Likewise tighten up the other nut by hand again, so that both
bolt threads protrude equal lengths out of the nuts.
• Make sure the oval necks of the bolts seat properly in the oval
bolt holes.

Tighten the bolts – Model 1G (Tongue & Groove Style):

• Tighten the coupling nuts evenly and by alternating sides, until

the bolt pads meet metal to metal.
• To achieve optimum sealing performance and stability,
the nuts must be tightened with the specified torque
corresponding to each of the thread sizes ( see Table 3 on
page 17).
• Always use the correct box spanner inserts when assembling
each coupling.
• Ensure that the keys of the casing halves are fully engaged in
the grooves.

• With the T&G style coupling no metal-to-metal contact of the

bolt pads is required. You will normally see a 1.6 mm up to
3.2 mm (1/16” up to 1/8”) gap between the bold pads when


Failure to observe these guidelines can lead to a loose connection which can in turn result in injury and / or serious
damage to property.

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4.1.2 Recommended bolt torque

Table 3: Thread sizes and tightening torques for rigid couplings

Nominal Pipe Size Pipe Outside Thread Recommended bolt torque
Nominal Pipe Size
DN Diameter OD Size metric Model 900 Model 1G
(mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (Nm) (Nm)
25 1” 33.7
32 1¼” 42.4 40-60
40 1½” 48.3
50 2” 60.3
65 2½” 73.0 M10 40-60
65 3 OD 76.1
80 3” 88.9
100 4¼ OD 108.0
100 4” 114.3
M12 120-160 110-135
125-150 5¼ OD - 6” 133.0-168.3
M16 220-300 135-175
200 8” 219.1 M20 320-380 175-245
250 10” 273.0
M22 450-600 245-325
300 12” 323.9

To achieve optimum sealing performance and stability, always aim for the average-value of the recommended torque.
A proficient assembler can generally sense when a bolt reaches a certain torque, which helps to ensure these specified
torques having a relatively large tolerance, even in the absence of a torque wrench.


• In case of doubt or if you are inexperienced or if you have no feeling for the torque tightness yet, first complete
some experimental assemblies with a torque wrench, where appropriate in direct comparison with a box spanner.
• During assembly of the system regularly check other couplings with the same methods, to ensure that assembly is
as uniform as possible.


• Using a torque, which exceeds the specified value, does not improve the sealing performance.
• On the contrary, this can cause damage to the coupling which can result in failure or breaking of the pipe
connection even long after assembly.
• A secure pipe connection and sealing cannot be guaranteed either if the tightening torque used is too low.

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4.2 Flexible pipe couplings

4.2.1 Step-by step installation

Check the pipe ends:

• The pipe ends must be burr-free to avoid damage to the

gasket during assembly.
• The outer surfaces of the pipes from the pipe end to the
groove must be smooth and free from any indentations, roll
marks, scores, seams or other harmful surface defects, such as
loose paint, scale, dirt, chips, oil, grease and rust.
• Grooves must be free from loose dirt, chips, rust and scale.
• In addition, groove specifications must be observed and
complied with, see

 Chapter 10 “Roll Groove Specifications for Steel pipe” on

page 42


 Chapter 11 “Cut Groove Specifications for Steel pipe” on

page 45.

Check the gasket:

• Check the color code of the gasket and ensure that the gasket
is suited to the planned use.
• The standard gaskets provided ex-works with couplings
are grade “E” (EPDM) and are marked with a green stripe. In
addition, one side of these gaskets bears the mark “EPDM”.
• Check that the gasket is clean and undamaged.
• EPDM gaskets must never be brought into contact with
lubricants containing mineral oils, oils or other materials
containing mineral oils (e.g. fuels or cleaning agents).

Lubricate the gasket and coupling:

• To avoid gasket pinching, the outside of the gasket;

• the inside of the coupling half-shells;
• the inside of the sealing lips; and
• the outside of the pipe ends
must be lightly lubricated.
• Generally use the lubricant for pipe couplings designated
in the product datasheet as lubricant for the EPDM gaskets
(grade “E”).
• Cover the sealing lips and the outside of the gasket with a thin
layer of lubricant.
• Cover the inside of both half-shells of the coupling with a thin
layer of lubricant.

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Failure to observe these guidelines can lead to damage to the gasket and to leakage.

Lubricate the gasket and coupling:

• Push or pull the gasket carefully over the pipe end until the
cut edge of the pipe end is visible again.
• Ensure that the gasket does not protrude (even in part) over
the end of the pipe.

• In the case of large couplings e.g. from DN80 up, it may be

easier to turn the gasket inside out and then slide it over the
Pipe End pipe end.
• Ensure that the gasket does not protrude over the end of the

(shown enlarged for clarity)


Under no circumstances may the gasket project into the groove area of either of the two pipe ends. The sealing lips of
the gasket must not be pinched between the pipes at the cut edges.

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Mount the pipe coupling half-shells – Model 1G (Tongue & Groove Style):

• Bolts and nuts should now be removed from one side of the
coupling, if not already done, and the bolts and nuts on the
other side should be loosened, until the thread of the bolt no
longer protrudes over the nut.
• The coupling prepared as indicated can now be opened and
swiveled to the side, so that it can be placed over the pipe and
the gasket.

Mount the pipe coupling half-shells – Model 1G (Tongue & Groove Style):

• Slide the opened coupling over the pipe and over the gasket.
• Place one of the casing halves (e.g. the lower one) onto the
gasket, so that the keys engage in the grooves of the pipe
• Swivel the other half of the casing over the gasket

• Now place the second half of the casing onto the gasket, so
that the keys engage in the grooves of the pipe ends.
• Make sure that the keys of the casing halves engage correctly
in the grooves of both pipes.
• Ensure that on both sides of the coupling there is an equal gap
between the bolt pads of the casing halves.


Make sure that the gasket does not become rolled or pinched.
Failure to observe these guidelines can lead to damage to the gasket and to leakage.

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Assemble the bolts and nuts – Model 1G (Tongue & Groove Style):

• Insert the remaining bolt into the bolt holes and tighten the
nut by hand.
• Likewise tighten up the other nut by hand again, so that both
bolt threads protrude equal lengths out of the nuts.
• Make sure the oval necks of the bolts seat properly in the oval
bolt holes.

Tighten the bolts – Model 1G (Tongue & Groove Style):

• Tighten the coupling nuts evenly and by alternating sides, until

the bolt pads meet metal to metal.
• To achieve optimum sealing performance and stability,
the nuts must be tightened with the specified torque
corresponding to each of the thread sizes ( see Table 3 on
page 17).
• Always use the correct box spanner inserts when assembling
each coupling.
• Ensure that the keys of the casing halves are fully engaged in
the grooves.

• With the T&G style coupling no metal-to-metal contact of the

bolt pads is required. You will normally see a 1.6 mm up to
3.2 mm (1/16” up to 1/8”) gap between the bold pads when


The nuts must be tightened evenly and by alternating sides, otherwise the gasket can become pinched and damaged,
which can lead to immediate or subsequent leaks.

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4.2.2 Recommended bolt torque

Table 4: Thread sizes and tightening torques for flex couplings

Nominal Pipe Size Pipe Outside Thread Recommended bolt torque
Nominal Pipe Size
DN Diameter OD Size metric Model 900 Model 1G
(mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (Nm) (Nm)
25 1” 33.7
32 1¼” 42.4 40-60
40 1½” 48.3
50 2” 60.3
65 2½” 73.0 M10 40-60
65 3 OD 76.1
80 3” 88.9
100 4¼ OD 108.0
100 4” 114.3
M12 120-160 110-135
125-150 5¼ OD - 6” 133.0-168.3
M16 220-300 135-175
200 8” 219.1 M20 320-380 175-245
250 10” 273.0
M22 450-600 245-325
300 12” 323.9

To achieve optimum sealing performance and stability, always aim for the average-value of the recommended torque.
A proficient assembler can generally sense when a bolt reaches a certain torque, which helps to ensure these specified
torques having a relatively large tolerance, even in the absence of a torque wrench.


• In case of doubt or if you are inexperienced or if you have no feeling for the torque tightness yet, first complete
some experimental assemblies with a torque wrench, where appropriate in direct comparison with a box spanner.
• During assembly of the system regularly check other couplings with the same methods, to ensure that assembly is
as uniform as possible.


• Using a torque, which exceeds the specified value, does not improve the sealing performance.
• On the contrary, this can cause damage to the coupling which can result in failure or breaking of the pipe
connection even long after assembly.
• A secure pipe connection and sealing cannot be guaranteed either if the tightening torque used is too low.

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4.3 Reducing couplings

4.3.1 Step-by step installation

Follow the steps given in section 4.2.1 for flexible couplings.

4.3.2 Recommended bolt torque

Follow the steps given in section 4.2.2 for flexible couplings.

4.4 Mechanical tees and sprinkler tees

4.4.1 Bore hole sizes

Table 5: Bore hole sizes for mechanical and sprinkler tees

Minimum hole diameter
Nominal Outlet Size Mechanical Tees Sprinkler Tees
Tolerance: +3.2 mm/+0.126 inch Tolerance: +1.6 mm/+0.063 inch
All 21.3 mm / 1/2-inch Outlets 38 mm / 1.5 inch 30 mm / 1.18 inch
All 26.9 mm / 3/4-inch Outlets 38 mm / 1.5 inch 30 mm / 1.18 inch
All 33.7 mm / 1-inch Outlets 38 mm / 1.5 inch 30 mm / 1.18 inch
All 42.4 mm / 1.1/4-inch Outlets 51 mm / 2 inch (1) -
All 48.3 mm / 1.1/2-inch Outlets 51 mm / 2 inch (1) -
All 60.3 mm / 2-inch Outlets 64 mm / 2.5 inch -
All 73.0 mm / 2.1/2-inch Outlets 70 mm / 2.75 inch -
All 76.1 mm Outlets 70 mm / 2.75 inch -
All 88.9 mm / 3-inch Outlets 89 mm / 3.5 inch -
All 114.3 mm / 4-inch Outlets 114 mm / 4.5 inch -
(1) Mechanical Tee 60.3 x 48.3 mm and 60.3 x 42.4 mm require a 45 mm / 1.75 inch hole.


Don’t drill the hole on weld line.

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Grooved products installation instructions | Installation guidance

4.4.2 Step-by step installation

Remove burrs:
• Remove any burrs

Prepare the pipe:

• Clean the gasket sealing surface within 16mm of the hole

and visually inspect the sealing surface for defects that may
prevent proper sealing of the gasket.
• Check the color code of the gasket and ensure that the gasket
is suited to the planned use.
• The standard gaskets provided ex-works with couplings
are grade “E” (EPDM) and are marked with a green stripe. In
addition, one side of these gaskets bears the mark “EPDM”.
• Check that the gasket is clean and undamaged.
• EPDM gaskets must never be brought into contact with
lubricants containing mineral oils, oils or other materials
containing mineral oils (e.g. fuels or cleaning agents).
• Apply the lubricant to the gasket surfaces with a thin layer of

• Insert the gasket into outlet housing making sure the tab in
the gasket line up with the tab recesses in the housing.
• Align outlet housing over the pipe hole making sure that the
locating collar is in the pipe hole.

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Grooved products installation instructions | Installation guidance

Align the tee:

Mechanical tee
• Align the strap around the pipe, insert the bolts and tighten
the nuts finger tight.

Sprinkler tee
• Attach the U-bolt from the other side and tighten the nuts
finger tight.

Tighten nuts:

• Alternatively and evenly tighten the nuts to the specified bolt

torque given below

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Grooved products installation instructions | Installation guidance

4.4.3 Recommended bolt torque

There should be even gaps on two sides between upper and lower housings.

Metric Bolts
Bolt Size Wrench Size
Bolt Torque
metric Nm mm
M10 40-60 16
M12 110-135 22
M16 135-175 24
M20 175-245 30


Proper torqueing of bolts / nuts is required to obtain specified performance.

• Over torqueing the bolts / nuts may result in damage to the bolts / nuts and / or casting which could result in pipe
joint separation.
• Under torqueing the bolts / nuts may result in lower pressure retention capabilities, lower bend load capabilities,
joint leakage and pipe joint separation.
Pipe joint separation may result in significant property damage and serious injury.

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Grooved products installation instructions | Installation guidance

4.5 Hinged flange adaptors

4.5.1 Step by step installation

Check the pipe ends:

• The pipe ends must be burr-free to avoid damage to the

gasket during assembly.
• The outer surfaces of the pipes from the pipe end to the
groove must be smooth and free from any indentations, roll
marks, scores, seams or other harmful surface defects, such as
loose paint, scale, dirt, chips, oil, grease and rust.
• Grooves must be free from loose dirt, chips, rust and scale.
• In addition, groove specifications must be observed and
complied with, see

 Chapter 10 “Roll Groove Specifications for Steel pipe” on

page 42


 Chapter 11 “Cut Groove Specifications for Steel pipe” on

page 45.

Check the gasket:

• Check the color code of the gasket and ensure that the gasket
is suited to the planned use.
• The standard gaskets provided ex-works with couplings
are grade “E” (EPDM) and are marked with a green stripe. In
addition, one side of these gaskets bears the mark “EPDM” .
• Check that the gasket is clean and undamaged.
• EPDM gaskets must never be brought into contact with
lubricants containing mineral oils, oils or other materials
containing mineral oils (e.g. fuels or cleaning agents).

Lubricate the gasket and coupling:

• Cover the sealing lips and the outside of the gasket with a thin
layer of lubricant.

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Grooved products installation instructions | Installation guidance

Install the gasket:

Mechanical tee
• Slip the gasket over the pipe end, with the gasket opening side
towards “A”. Make sure the gasket sealing lip is flush with the
pipe end.

Install the housing:

Sprinkler tee
• Remove bolts and nuts, place two housings over the gasket,
making sure the housing keys fit into the pipe grooves.
Reinsert the bolts and hand tighten the nuts.

Tighten nuts:

• Securely tighten nuts alternatively and equally to the specified

bolt torque by using spanner.
Specified torque rates ( see “Specified Bolt Torque on page 29)

Connect mating flange:

• Align flange bolt holes with mating flange (or valve) bolt holes.
Insert a standard flange bolt through bolt hole and hand
tighten a nut. Insert another bolt opposite the first and hand
tighten a nut. Continue this until all bolt holes are fitted.
Tighten nuts evenly to specified bolt torque, so flange faces
remain parallel. Assembly completed.

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Grooved products installation instructions | Installation guidance

4.4.3 Recommended bolt torque

Table 7: Recommended bolt toque for hinged flange adaptors

ANSI Bolts
Bolt Size Specified Bolt Torque
inch metric Lbs-Ft. N.m
3/8 M10 30-45 40-60
1/2 M12 80-100 110-135


Torque rates for standard flange bolts / nuts are not specified here


Proper torqueing of bolts / nuts is required to obtain specified performance.

• Over torqueing the bolts / nuts may result in damage to the bolts / nuts and / or casting which could result in pipe
joint separation.
• Under torqueing the bolts / nuts may result in lower pressure retention capabilities, lower bend load capabilities,
joint leakage and pipe joint separation.
Pipe joint separation may result in significant property damage and serious injury.

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Grooved products installation instructions | Movement

5. Movement
Each flexible coupling can provide for pipe system movement up to the design maximum for the specific size and type
coupling being utilized. Movement is possible in the coupling due to two factors:

• designed-in clearance between the key of the coupling and the groove diameter and groove width; and
• the gap between pipe ends joined by the coupling.

5.1 Linear movement

Linear movement is accommodated within the coupling by allowing the pipe ends to move together or apart in
response to pressure thrusts and temperature changes. The available linear movement provided by couplings is shown

Table 8: Available linear movement

Size Movement
DN25 up to DN32 (1” up to 1 1/4”) 0 up to 4.0 mm
DN40 up to DN300 (1 1/2” up to 12”) 0 up to 6.4 mm

Table 9: Linear movement

Size Linear movement
Inch mm Cut Groove (mm) Roll Groove (mm)
1 33.7 2 1
1 1/4 42.4 2 1
1 1/2 48.3 3.2 1.6
2 60.3 3.2 1.6
2 1/2 73 3.2 1.6
2 1/2 76.1 3.2 1.6
3 88.9 3.2 1.6
4 108 3.2 1.6
4 114.3 3.2 1.6
5 133 3.2 1.6
5 139.7 3.2 1.6
5 141.3 3.2 1.6
6 159 3.2 1.6
6 165.1 3.2 1.6
6 168.3 3.2 1.6
8 219.1 3.2 1.6
10 273 3.2 1.6
12 323.9 3.2 1.6

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Grooved products installation instructions | Movement

5.2 Angular movement

Designed-in clearances allow limited deflection of the pipe joint within the coupling, without introducing eccentric
loads into the coupling joint. The maximum available angular movement of coupling joints is shown in the performance
data for each coupling type:

Table 10: Linear and angular movement

Angular Movement
Size Model 1N Model 901
Roll Groove Cut groove Roll/Cut groove
Inch mm Degrees
1 33.7 2.75 1.37 -
1 1/4 42.4 2.17 1.08 1.50
1 1/2 48.3 1.90 0.95 1.30
2 60.3 1.52 0.75 2.00
2 1/2 73 1.45 0.72 -
2 1/2 76.1 1.20 0.60 2.50
3 88.9 1.03 0.52 1.10
4 108 1.85 0.92 -
4 114.3 1.6 0.80 1.00
5 133 1.68 0.83 -
5 139.7 1.32 0.62 0.50
5 141.3 1.05 0.50 -
6 159.0 1.03 0.65 -
6 165.1 1.08 0.58 0.50
6 168.3 1.08 0.53 0.50
8 219.1 0.83 0.42 0.50
10 273.0 0.67 0.33 -
12 323.9 0.57 0.30 -


• These values for deflection from centerline are the maximum nominal range of movement available at one joint of
standard grooved pipes.
• These values are maximums. For design and installation purposes, these values should be reduced if possible.
• Basically a reduction
• of 50% for sizes DN32 (1¼”) up to DN80 (3”)
• and a reduction of 25% for sizes DN100 (4”) up to DN200 (8”) is recommended.
• Joints which are fully deflected to the maximum can no longer provide linear movement. Partially deflected joints,
however, will provide some portion of linear movement.


• Pressure thrusts will tend to straighten deflected pipe.

• Ensure proper supporting and fixture of the deflected pipeline.
• Failure to do so can lead to damage to the coupling which can result in failure or breaking of the pipe connection
and / or lead to breaking of the support

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Grooved products installation instructions | Movement

5.3 Movement application

5.3.1 Thermal stress

Thermal stress is caused by changes in temperature, resulting in either expansion or contraction. When designing a
system you must allow for this thermal movement. To determine the appropriate number of flexible couplings to allow
for this thermal movement please refer to the following:

• 4” straight steel pipe, 30 m long.
• Anchored on both ends.
• Minimum temperature (during installation) = 5 °C
• Maximum working temperature = 55 °C
We want to know the number of couplings that are required to address this thermal movement problem.
From the thermal expansion values given in table 11 below, we know the overall pipeline length will increase by 18 mm

Thermal Expansion Formula 1

α = λ xLxT

λ : Thermal Expansion

α : Linear Expansion coefficient for steel

L : Pipe Length

T : Temperature Difference

You can also use Formula 1 or Table 11 below to find the amount of thermal expansion.

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Grooved products installation instructions | Movement

The allowed movement of a 4” flexible coupling is:

Movement range x Adjustment = Allowed movement

4.3mm x 75% = 3.2mm

The appropriate number of couplings is:

Thermal expansion / Allowed movement = Number of couplings

18 mm / 3.2 mm = 5.6


The appropriate number of couplings is 6.

Thermal expansion

Table 11:Thermal expansion

Pipe length (m)
Temp. difference
1 5 10 20 30 40
Thermal expansion (mm)
1 0.012 0.06 0.12 0.24 0.36 0.48
5 0.06 0.3 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4
10 0.12 0.6 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8
20 0.24 1.2 2.4 4.8 7.2 9.6
30 0.36 1.8 3.6 7.2 11 15
40 0.48 2.4 4.8 9.6 14 20
50 0.6 3 6 12 18 24
60 0.72 3.6 7.2 14 22 29
70 0.84 4.2 8.4 17 25 34
80 0.96 4.8 9.6 19 29 39

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Grooved products installation instructions | Riser design

6. Riser design
Risers assembled with Flexible couplings are generally installed in either of two ways. In the most common method, the
pipe ends are butted together within the coupling joint. Note that when installing risers, the gasket is first placed onto
the lower pipe and rolled back away from the pipe end prior to positioning the upper pipe. Anchoring of the riser may
be done prior to pressurization with the pipe ends butted or while pressurized, when, due to pressure thrust, the pipe
ends will be fully separated.

An alternative method or riser installation is to place a metal spacer of a predetermined thickness between the pipe ends
when an additional length of pipe is added to the riser stack. The upper pipe length is anchored, the spacer removed and
the coupling is then installed. This method creates a predetermined gap at each pipe joint which can be utilized in pipe
systems where thermal movement is anticipated and in systems with rigid (threaded, welded, flanged) branch connec-
tions where shear forces due to pressure thrust could damage the rigid connections.

The following examples illustrate methods of installing commonly encountered riser designs.

6.1 Risers without branch connections

Linear movement is accommodated within the coupling by allowing the pipe ends to move together or apart in
response to pressure thrusts and temperature changes. The available linear movement provided by couplings is shown

Install the riser with the pipe ends butted.

Locate an anchor at the base of the riser (A) to support the total
weight of the pipe, couplings and fluid. Provide pipe guides
on every other pipe length, as a minimum, to prevent possible
deflection of the pipe line at the coupling joints as the riser
expands due to pressure thrust or thermal growth. Note that no
intermediate anchors are required.

When the system is pressurized the pipe stack will “grow” due to
pressure thrust which causes maximum separation of pipe ends
within the couplings. The maximum amount of stack growth can
be predetermined ( see Chapter 5.1 “Linear movement” on page
30). In this example the pipe length “L” at the top of the riser must
be long enough to permit sufficient deflection ( see Chapter
5.2 “Angular movement” on page 31) to accommodate the total
movement “M” from both pressure thrust and thermal gradients.

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Grooved products installation instructions | Riser design

6.2 Risers with branch connections

Install the riser with the predetermined gap method. Anchor the
pipe at or near the base with a pressure thrust anchor “A” capable
of sup- porting the full pressure thrust, weight of pipe and the fluid
column. Anchor at “B” with an anchor capable of withstanding full
pressure thrust at the top of the riser plus weight of pipe column.
Place inter- mediate anchors “C” as shown, between anchors “A”
and “B”. Also place intermediate clamps at every other pipe length
as a minimum.

When this system is pressurized, the pipe movement due to

pressure thrust will be strained and there will be no shear forces
acting at the branch connections.

6.2 Misalignment & deflections

The angular movement capability of the flexible coupling permits the assembly of pipe joints where the piping is not
properly aligned. At least two couplings are required to provide for lateral pipe misalignment. Deflection (longitudinal
misalignment) may be accommodated within a single coupling as long as the angle of deflection does not exceed the
value shown in the coupling performance data for the particular size and coupling type.

A pipe joint that utilizes the angular deflection capability of the coupling will react to pressure and thermal forces
dependent upon the manner in which it is restrained. An unrestrained joint will react to these forces by straightening,
thus reducing, if not eliminating, the deflection at the joint. If joint deflection has been designed into the pipe layout
and must be maintained, then sufficient anchors must be provided to resist the lateral forces and hold the joint in the
deflected condition.

The amount of deflection from pipe run centerline can be calculated utilizing the following equations:

M = L Sinθ
θ = Sin-1 (G÷D)
M = (G÷D) ×L


M = Misalignment (inches)

G = Maximum Allowable Pipe End Movement (Inches) as shown under “Performance Data” (Value to be reduced by
Design Factor)

θ = Maximum Deflection (Degrees) from centerline as shown under “Performance Data” (Value to be reduced by Design
D = Pipe Outside Diameter (Inches) L = Pipe Length (Inches)

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Grooved products installation instructions | Riser design

6.1 Curved layout

Utilizing the angular deflection at each coupling joint curves may

be laid out using straight pipe lengths and Couplings.

This example shows how to calculate the curve radius, required
pipe lengths, and number of required couplings.

R = L / (2 x Sin(θ/2))
L = 2 x R x Sin(θ/2)


N = Number of Couplings R = Radius of Curve (feet) L = Pipe

Length (feet)
θ= Deflection from centerline (Degrees) of each Coupling (See
coupling performance data, value to be reduced by Design Factor)

T = Total Angular Deflection of all Couplings.

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Grooved products installation instructions | Movement capability

7. Movement capability of couplings expansion &

contraction joints

Table 12: Movement capability of couplings-expansion and contraction joints

Maximum allowable Number of Operating pressure
Nominal size Pipe O.D. (mm) L min. (mm) L max. (mm)
movement (mm) couplings (bar)
1” 33.7
1 1/4” 42.4
1 1/2” 48.3
2” 60.3 45 617 662 10
2 1/2” 73.0
76.1 76.1
3” 88.9
4” 114.3 21
139.7 139.7 47
503 550
5” 141.3
165.1 165.1
6” 168.3
8” 219.1 52
591 643
10” 273.0
12” 323.9

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Grooved products installation instructions | Anchoring & supports

8. Anchoring & supports

When designing the hangers, supports and anchors for a grooved end pipe system, the piping designer must consider
certain unique characteristics of the grooved type coupling in additional to many universal pipe hanger and support
design factors. As with any pipe system, the hanger or support system must provide for

• the weight of the pipe, couplings, fluid and pipe system components;
• reduce stresses at pipe joints; and
• permit required pipe system movement to relieve stress.

The following chart shows the maximum span between pipe hangers, supports and anchors.

Table 13: Anchoring span distances

Nominal size (mm) 15 20 25 32 40 50 70 80 100 125 150 200 250 300
Insulating pipe 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 3 3 4 4 4.5 6 7 7 8 8.5
Max. span between
supports (mm) 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 6 6 6.5 7 8 9.5 11 12

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Grooved products installation instructions | Checking the installation

9. Checking the installation

It is imperative that the pipes are prepared correctly and the couplings assembled correctly to ensure optimum
performance of the connection.

Use of pipes / fittings that are undersized or oversized is not admissible, as well as shallow grooves or eccentric grooves
or gaps between bolt pads.

To ensure correct installation all connections must be checked.

Any defects must be removed before starting-up the system and applying pressure.


Failure to observe these guidelines can lead to the connection becoming loose and to injury and serious damage to

Generally the piping system is subjected to a pressure test after assembly, to check the leak-tightness of the connections
and the pipe system. The national and international laws, guide- lines, standards and relevant technical regulations
applicable in each country of use must be observed and fulfilled


• Check connections before and after the pressure test to determine any possible weak points.
• Check if there are gaps between the bolt pads and / or check if the keys slide up to the shoulders.
• Should any problems arise here, the system must be depressurized immediately and all connections that are not
sound must be renewed.


Viking does not accept any liability for leakages or for loose pipe connections that are attributable to non-observance of these
installation instructions.

As in the case of all pipe connection methods a successful assembly depends on all details being fully observed. For optimum
operating safety of the system all the guidelines in these installation instructions must be carefully observed.

9.1 Incorrect installation

9.1.1 Installations with pipes / fittings that are undersized

• Where the outer diameter of the pipe or fitting is below the admissible tolerance, the casing keys engage
considerably less. This leads to reduced pressure resistance and bending strength of the connection.
• In addition, the gasket is pressed together / pre-stressed only slightly or not at all. The greater distance between the
pipe and the casing can also lead to the gasket to be pushed out of the coupling.


These factors can lead to reduced life of the gasket, to leakages and to a loose connection, which can in turn lead to
injury and serious property damage.

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Grooved products installation instructions | Checking the installation

9.1.2 Installations with pipes / fittings that are oversized

• Where the outer diameter of the pipe or the fitting exceeds the admissible tolerance, the casing keys can be so
strongly engaged that the casing shoulders rest on the pipe.
• This can result in the angle-design bolt pads not meeting metal to metal, so that the gasket can be pushed through,
whereby pressure resistance and bending strength of the connection and the life of the gasket can be reduced. This
can result in leakages and damage.

9.1.3 Installation on pipes with shallow grooves

• In a groove that is not deep enough, the casing keys engage considerably less. This leads to reduced pressure
resistance and bending strength of the connection.
• In addition, the gasket is pressed together / pre-stressed only slightly or not at all. The greater distance between the
pipe and the casing can also lead to the gasket to be pushed out of the coupling.
• This can result in the angle-design bolt pads not meeting metal to metal, so that the gasket can also be pushed
through here.


These factors can lead to reduced life of the gasket, to leakages and to a loose connection, which can in turn lead to
injury and serious property damage.

9.1.4 Installations on pipes with grooves that are too deep

• In a groove that is not deep enough, the casing keys engage considerably less. This leads to reduced pressure
resistance and bending strength of the connection.
• In addition, the gasket is pressed together / pre-stressed only slightly or not at all. The greater distance between the
pipe and the casing can also lead to the gasket to be pushed out of the coupling.
• This can result in the angle-design bolt pads not meeting metal to metal, so that the gasket can also be pushed
through here.


• These factors can lead to reduced life of the gasket, to leakages and to a loose connection, which can in turn lead to
injury and serious property damage.
• Additionally, roll grooving pipe to an undersized dimension may overstress and weaken the pipe wall. Cut grooving
pipe to an undersized dimension will result in insufficient wall thick- ness under the groove.

9.1.5 Installations on pipes with eccentric grooves

• Eccentric grooves generally occur where an out-of-round pipe is grooved with a stationary tool (like a lathe for
example). It can also occur when roll grooving pipes with large wall thick- ness variations. An eccentric groove
means that the groove is too shallow on one side and too deep on the other


An eccentric groove can lead to a combination of problems, which are described in the sections on “Installations with
pipes / fittings that are undersized” and “Installations on pipes with shallow grooves

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Grooved products installation instructions | Checking the installation

If bolt pads do not meet metal to metal

• Ensure that the keys of the casing are fully engaged in the grooves. The coupling keys must not rest on the outside
surface of the pipe.
• Make sure that the nuts are tightened correctly and to the specified torque rate.
• Make sure that the gasket is not pinched. If the gasket is pinched, change immediately.
• Make sure that the pipe and / or fitting are not oversized.
• Make sure that the groove meets the groove specifications ( see Chapter 10 “Roll Groove Specifications for Steel
pipe” on page 42 and Chapter 11 “Cut Groove Specifications for Steel pipe” on page 45).
• If the groove is too shallow, under certain circumstances, the pipe may be grooved again in accordance with groove
• If the groove is too deep, do not reuse this pipe section but roll groove a new pipe section in accordance with
groove specifications.

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Grooved products installation instructions | Roll groove specifications for steel pipe

10. Roll groove specifications for steel pipe

Table 14: Roll Groove Specifications for Steel pipe

Gasket Seat Groove Width Groove Dia. Groove Depth Max Flare - Min. Wall
Nominal Pipe OD
-A -B -C -D F Thickness -T
Tolerance ±0.76mm/ ±0.76mm/ Note Note Note Note Note Note
Size Size Size Tolerance
Max Min ±0.03inch ±0.03inch 1 2 1 2 1 2
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch
20 26.9 +0.25 -0.250 15.88 7.14 23.83 -0.38 - 1.53 - 29.2 - 1.65
3/4 1.05 +0.01 -0.010 0.625 0.281 0.94 -0.02 - 0.06 - 1.15 - 0.07
25 33.7 +0.41 -0.680 15.88 7.14 30.23 -0.38 1.60 1.73 34.5 36.3 1.8 1.65
1 1.327 +0.02 -0.026 0.625 0.281 1.19 -0.02 0.06 0.07 1.36 1.43 0.07 0.07
32 42.4 +0.50 -0.600 15.88 7.14 38.99 -0.38 1.60 1.70 43.3 45.0 1.8 1.65
1¼ 1.669 +0.02 -0.023 0.625 0.281 1.54 -0.02 0.06 0.07 1.71 1.77 0.07 0.07
40 48.3 +0.44 -0.520 15.88 7.14 45.09 -0.38 1.60 1.60 49.4 51.1 1.8 1.65
1½ 1.9 +0.02 -0.020 0.625 0.281 1.78 -0.02 0.06 0.06 1.95 2.01 0.07 0.07
50 60.3 +0.61 -0.610 15.88 8.74 57.15 -0.38 1.60 1.57 62.2 63.0 1.8 1.65
2 2.375 +0.02 -0.024 0.625 0.344 2.25 -0.02 0.06 0.06 2.45 2.48 0.07 0.07
65 73.0 +0.74 -0.740 15.88 8.74 69.09 -0.46 1.98 1.95 75.2 75.7 2.3 2.11
2½ 2.875 +0.03 -0.029 0.625 0.344 2.72 -0.02 0.08 0.08 2.96 2.98 0.09 0.08
65 76.1 +0.76 -0.760 15.88 8.74 72.26 -0.46 1.99 1.92 77.7 78.7 2.3 2.11
2½ 3 +0.03 -0.030 0.625 0.344 2.85 -0.02 0.08 0.08 3.06 3.10 0.09 0.08
80 88.9 +0.89 -0.790 15.88 8.74 84.94 -0.46 1.98 1.98 90.6 91.4 2.3 2.11
3 3.5 +0.04 -0.031 0.625 0.344 3.34 -0.02 0.08 0.08 3.57 3.60 0.09 0.08
100 108 +1.07 -0.790 15.88 8.74 103.73 -0.51 2.11 2.13 109.7 110.5 2.3 2.11
4 4.25 +0.04 -0.031 0.625 0.344 4.08 -0.02 0.08 0.08 4.32 4.35 0.09 0.08
100 114.3 +1.14 -0.790 15.88 8.74 110.08 -0.51 2.11 2.11 116.2 116.8 2.3 2.11
4 4.5 +0.05 -0.031 0.625 0.344 4.33 -0.02 0.08 0.08 4.58 4.60 0.09 0.08
125 133 +1.32 -0.790 15.88 8.74 129.13 -0.51 2.11 1.93 134.9 135.9 2.9 2.77
5 5.25 +0.05 -0.031 0.625 0.344 5.08 -0.02 0.08 0.08 5.31 5.35 0.11 0.11
125 139.7 +1.40 -0.790 15.88 8.74 135.48 -0.51 2.11 2.11 141.7 142.2 2.9 2.77
5 5.5 +0.06 -0.031 0.625 0.344 5.33 -0.02 0.08 0.08 5.58 5.60 0.11 0.11
125 141.3 +1.42 -0.790 15.88 8.74 137.03 -0.56 2.13 2.13 143.5 143.8 2.9 2.77
5 5.563 +0.06 -0.031 0.625 0.344 5.40 -0.02 0.08 0.08 5.65 5.66 0.11 0.11
150 159 +1.60 -0.790 15.88 8.74 154.5 -0.56 2.16 2.25 161.0 161.3 2.9 2.77
6 6.25 +0.06 -0.031 0.625 0.344 6.08 -0.02 0.09 0.09 6.34 6.35 0.11 0.11
150 165.1 +1.60 -0.790 15.88 8.74 160.8 -0.56 2.16 2.16 167.1 167.6 2.9 2.77
6 6.5 +0.06 -0.031 0.625 0.344 6.33 -0.02 0.09 0.09 6.58 6.60 0.11 0.11
150 168.3 +1.60 -0.790 15.88 8.74 163.96 -0.56 2.16 2.17 170.7 170.9 2.9 2.77
6 6.625 +0.06 -0.031 0.625 0.344 6.46 -0.02 0.09 0.09 6.72 6.73 0.11 0.11
200 219.1 +1.60 -0.790 19.05 11.91 214.4 -0.64 2.34 2.35 221.5 223.5 2.9 2.77
8 8.625 +0.06 -0.031 0.75 0.469 8.44 -0.03 0.09 0.09 8.72 8.80 0.11 0.11
250 273 +1.60 -0.790 19.05 11.91 268.28 -0.69 2.39 2.36 275.4 277.4 3.6 3.4
10 10.75 +0.06 -0.031 0.75 0.469 10.56 -0.03 0.09 0.09 10.84 10.92 0.14 0.13
300 323.9 +1.60 -0.790 19.05 11.91 318.29 -0.76 2.77 2.80 326.2 328.2 4 3.96
12 12.75 +0.06 -0.031 0.75 0.469 12.53 -0.03 0.11 0.11 12.84 12.92 0.16 0.16
Note 1: For models 1G, 1N, Reducing Couplings and Hinged Flange Adaptors
Note 2: For models 900 and 901

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Grooved products installation instructions | Roll groove specifications for steel pipe

Notes for table 14

Column 1 – Nominal Pipe Size:

• Nominal pipe size.
Column 2 – Pipe Outside Diameter OD and Tolerance and Pipe Outside Circumference respectively:
• Weld seams must be ground flush with the pipe outside diameter OD and inner diameter ID prior to roll grooving.
Failure to do so may result in unacceptable roll grooves and may cause damage to the roll grooving machine.
• Difference between maximum OD and minimum OD measured at 0° and at 90° on the circumference (roundness)
must not exceed total OD tolerance listed.
• Maximum allowable tolerance from square cut ends is:
• 0.76 mm (0.03”) for sizes up to DN90 / 101.6 mm (3½”),
• 1.14 mm (0.045”) for DN100 / 108.0 mm (4¼ OD) through DN150 / 488.3 mm (6”)
• and 1.52 mm (0.06”) for DN200 / 219.1 mm (8”) and above, measured from a true square line.
Roll grooving of beveled end pipe is not recommended as it may cause unacceptable reduction of the gasket seat
A and unacceptable pipe end flare. Beveled end pipe is acceptable only if pipe ends are in conformance with EN
10217-2. Pipe outside circumference is for alternative measurement with a measuring tape (observe general notes
Column 3 – Gasket Seat A:
• The gasket seat must be free from any indentations, roll marks, scores, seams or other harmful surface defects such
as loose paint, scale, dirt, chips, grease and rust, that may interfere with proper sealing of the gasket.
• The gasket seat A is to be measured from the pipe end to the endmost vertical flank of the groove side wall.
Column 4 – Groove Width B:
• The groove width B is to be measured between vertical flanks of the groove side walls. The bottom of groove must
be free of loose dirt, chips, rust and scale that may interfere with proper coupling assembly.
Column 5 – Groove Bottom Diameter C and Groove Bottom Circumference respectively:
• The basic value of groove bottom diameter is the maximum allowable value. The groove must be maintained
within the tolerance listed and must be uniform depth around the entire pipe circumference. The Groove bottom
circumference is for alternative measurement with a measuring tape ( observe general notes below).
Column 6 – Groove Depth D:
• The groove depth is for reference only. The groove bottom diameter C, alternatively the groove bottom
circumference must be maintained ( see column 5).
Column 7 – Groove Corner E:
• The dimension E starts at the reduction of pipe outside diameter and ends at the bottom of the groove ( see
illustration on page 42).
Column 8 – Minimum Wall Thickness T:
• This is the minimum wall thickness which may be roll grooved.
Column 9 – Maximum Allowable Flare Diameter F and Flare Circumference respectively:
• The pipe end that may flare when the groove is rolled must be within this limit when measured at the extreme end
of the pipe. The Flare circumference is for alternative measurement with a measuring tape ( observe general notes
• If any mentioned circumference is measured with a pipe tape with linear scale, the deviation between measured
circumference and actual circumference caused by the thickness of the measuring tape must be considered: Actual
Circumference = Reading – 2 x p x Thickness of Tape.
• The coating thickness applied to the gasket seating surface and within the groove on the pipe exterior must not
exceed 0.25 mm (0.010”). Coatings applied to the interior surfaces, including bolt pad mating surfaces, of our
grooved couplings and grooved fittings must not exceed 0.25 mm (0.010”).

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Grooved products installation instructions | Roll groove specifications for steel pipe

10.1 Instructions to verify a proper roll groove

Step 1: (Before roll grooving):

• Check the pipe outside diameter OD using a diameter tape, a circumference tape or a Vernier caliper measuring at 0°
and at 90° on the circumference. Check the wall thickness T using a Vernier caliper measuring at 0° and at 90° on the
circumference. Pipe outside diameter and wall thickness must be within the tolerances specified in column 2 and
column 8 of table 5.

Step 2:

• Roll groove the pipe end with suitable tool. Follow machine instructions and ensure safety precautions

Step 3:
• Measure the groove bottom using a diameter tape, a
circumference tape or a Vernier caliper measuring at
• 0° and at 90° on the circumference to ensure that the groove
bottom diameter C or the groove bottom circumference is
within the tolerances specified in column 5 of table 5.

Step 4:

• Measure the gasket seat length A and the groove width B

using a ruler, a scale or a tape with linear scale to ensure the
dimensions are within the tolerances specified in column 3 and
column 4 of table 5.

Step 5:

• Check the groove corner E using a ruler, a scale or a tape with

linear scale placed against the leading edge of the groove
closest to the gasket seat A dimension.
• The groove corner E must not exceed the dimension given in
column 7 of table 5.

Groove - Groove

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Grooved products installation instructions | Cut groove specifications for steel pipe

11. Cut groove specifications for steel pipe

Table 15: Cut Groove Specifications for Steel pipe

Pipe OD Gasket Seat - A Groove Width - B Groove Dia. - C
Tolerance ±0.76mm/ ±0.76mm/ Groove Depth - D Cut Groove
Pipe Size Size Size Tolerance
Max Min ±0.03inch ±0.03inch
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch
20 26.9 +0.25 -0.250 15.88 7.95 23.83 -0.38 1.53 2.87
3/4 1.05 +0.33 -0.01 0.625 0.31 0.94 -0.02 1.73 0.11
25 33.7 +0.41 -0.33 15.88 7.95 30.23 -0.38 1.73 3.38
1 1.327 +0.02 -0.01 0.625 0.31 1.19 -0.02 0.07 0.13
32 42.4 +0.48 -0.41 15.88 7.95 38.99 -0.38 1.70 3.56
1¼ 1.669 +0.02 -0.02 0.625 0.31 1.54 -0.02 0.07 0.14
40 48.3 +0.61 -0.48 15.88 7.95 45.09 -0.38 1.60 3.68
1½ 1.9 +0.02 -0.02 0.625 0.31 1.78 -0.02 0.06 0.14
50 60.3 +0.61 -0.61 15.88 7.95 57.15 -0.38 1.57 3.91
2 2.375 +0.02 -0.02 0.625 0.31 2.25 -0.02 0.06 0.15
65 73.0 +0.74 -0.74 15.88 7.95 69.09 -0.46 1.95 4.78
2½ 2.875 +0.03 -0.03 0.625 0.31 2.72 -0.02 0.08 0.19
65 76.1 +0.76 -0.76 15.88 7.95 72.26 -0.46 1.92 4.78
2½ 3 +0.03 -0.03 0.625 0.31 2.85 -0.02 0.08 0.19
80 88.9 +0.89 -0.79 15.88 7.95 84.94 -0.46 1.98 4.78
3 3.5 +0.04 -0.03 0.625 0.31 3.34 -0.02 0.08 0.19
100 108 +1.09 -0.79 15.88 9.53 103.73 -0.51 2.13 5.16
4 4.25 +0.04 -0.03 0.625 0.38 4.08 -0.02 0.08 0.20
100 114.3 +1.14 -0.79 15.88 9.53 110.08 -0.51 2.11 5.16
4 4.5 +0.04 -0.03 0.625 0.38 4.33 -0.02 0.08 0.20
125 133 +1.35 -0.79 15.88 9.53 129.13 -0.51 1.93 5.16
5 5.25 +0.05 -0.03 0.625 0.38 5.08 -0.02 0.08 0.20
125 139.7 +1.42 -0.79 15.88 9.53 135.48 -0.51 2.11 5.16
5 5.5 +0.06 -0.03 0.625 0.38 5.33 -0.02 0.08 0.20
125 141.3 +1.42 -0.79 15.88 9.53 137.03 -0.56 2.13 5.16
5 5.563 +0.06 -0.03 0.625 0.38 5.40 -0.02 0.08 0.20
150 159 +1.6 -0.79 15.88 9.53 154.5 -0.56 2.25 5.56
6 6.25 +0.06 -0.03 0.625 0.38 6.08 -0.02 0.09 0.22
150 165.1 +1.6 -0.79 15.88 9.53 160.8 -0.56 2.16 5.56
6 6.5 +0.06 -0.03 0.625 0.38 6.33 -0.02 0.09 0.22
150 168.3 +1.6 -0.79 15.88 9.53 163.96 -0.56 2.17 5.56
6 6.625 +0.06 -0.03 0.625 0.38 6.46 -0.02 0.09 0.22
200 219.1 +1.6 -0.79 19.05 11.13 214.4 -0.64 2.35 6.05
8 8.625 +0.06 -0.03 0.75 0.44 8.44 -0.03 0.09 0.24
250 273 +1.6 -0.79 19.05 12.70 268.28 -0.69 2.36 6.35
10 10.75 +0.06 -0.03 0.75 0.50 10.56 -0.03 0.09 0.25
300 323.9 +1.6 -0.79 19.05 12.70 318.29 -0.76 2.80 7.09
12 12.75 +0.06 -0.03 0.75 0.50 12.53 -0.03 0.11 0.28

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Grooved products installation instructions | Cut groove specifications for steel pipe

Notes for table 15

Column 1 – Nominal Pipe Size:

• Nominal pipe size
Column 2 – Pipe Outside Diameter OD and Tolerance and Pipe Outside Circumference respectively:
• Difference between maximum OD and minimum OD measured at 0° and at 90° on the circumference (roundness)
must not exceed total OD tolerance listed.
• Maximum allowable tolerance from square cut ends is:
• 0.76 mm (0.03”) for sizes up to DN90 / 101.6 mm (3½”),
• 1.14 mm (0.045”) for DN100 / 108.0 mm (4¼ OD) through DN150 / 488.3 mm (6”),
• and 1.52 mm (0.06”) for DN200 / 219.1 mm (8”) and above, measured from a true square line.
Cut grooving of beveled end pipe is not recommended as it may cause unacceptable reduction of the gasket seat A.
Beveled end pipe is acceptable only if pipe ends are in conformance with EN 10217-2. Pipe outside circumference is
for alternative measurement with a measuring tape ( observe general notes below).
Column 3 – Gasket Seat A:
• The gasket seat must be free from any indentations, roll marks, scores, seams or other harmful surface defects such
as loose paint, scale, dirt, chips, grease and rust, that may interfere with proper sealing of the gasket.
• The gasket seat A is to be measured from the pipe end to the endmost vertical flank of the groove side wall.
Column 4 – Groove Width B:
• The groove width B is to be measured between vertical flanks of the groove side walls. The bottom of groove must
be free of loose dirt, chips, rust and scale that may interfere with proper coupling assembly.
Column 5 – Groove Bottom Diameter C and Groove Bottom Circumference respectively:
• The basic value is the maximum allowable value. The groove must be maintained within the tolerance listed and
must be uniform depth around the entire pipe circumference.
• The radii of the corners at bottom of groove shall be maximum 0.8 mm (0.032”) each. The Groove bottom
circumference is for alternative measurement with a measuring tape ( observe general notes below).
Column 6 – Groove Depth D:
• The groove depth is for reference only. The groove bottom diameter C, alternatively the groove bottom
circumference must be maintained ( see column 5 of table 6).
Column 7 – Minimum Wall Thickness T:
• This is the minimum wall thickness which may be cut grooved.
• If any mentioned circumference is measured with a pipe tape with linear scale, the deviation between measured
circumference and actual circumference caused by the thickness of the measuring tape must be considered: Actual
Circumference = Reading – 2 x p x Thickness of Tape.
• The coating thickness applied to the gasket seating surface and within the groove on the pipe exterior must not
exceed 0.25 mm (0.010”).
• Coatings applied to the interior surfaces, including bolt pad mating surfaces, of our grooved couplings and grooved
fittings must not exceed 0.25 mm (0.010”).

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Grooved products installation instructions | Cut groove specifications for steel pipe

11.1 Instructions to verify a proper cut groove

Step 1: (Before cut grooving):

• Check the pipe outside diameter OD using a diameter tape, a circumference tape or a Vernier caliper measuring at 0°
and at 90° on the circumference. Check the wall thickness T using a Vernier caliper measuring at 0° and at 90° on the
circumference. Pipe outside diameter and wall thickness must be within the tolerances specified in column 2 and
column 7 of table 6.

Step 2:

• Cut groove the pipe end with suitable tool. Follow machine instructions and ensure safety precautions

Step 3:
• Measure the groove bottom using a diameter tape, a
circumference tape or a Vernier caliper measuring at
• 0° and at 90° on the circumference to ensure that the groove
bottom diameter C or the groove bottom circumference is
within the tolerances specified in column 5 of table 6.

Step 4:

• Measure the gasket seat length A and the groove width B

using a ruler, a scale or a tape with linear scale to ensure the
dimensions are within the tolerances specified in column 3 and
column 4 of table 6.

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Cover: MX-T

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