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TEST 10- with answers

Questions 147-148 refer to the following notice.

Fast Cargo Forwarder

Attempted Delivery Notice
Recipient: Dan Amman, Future Electronic Supply
Sender: Miko Tanaka, Tagaro Manufacturing Company
On Monday, March 18, we tried to deliver a parcel to your business address. However,
the delivery could not be completed for the reason below:
_________ Unable to access your building
____X____ Payment not made upon delivery
_________ Signature required

Remarks: An employee in your office didn’t have enough money for payment.
We will try to deliver your parcel again on Wednesday, March 20, or you can make
arrangements to pick it up in person by calling Mark Fields in the Customer Service
Department at 044-1100-0156.
Anthony Smith
Fast Cargo Forwarder

147. Who is this notice intended for? 148. According to the notice, what
happened on March18?
(A) Dan Amman
(A) The parcel was sent back to the
(B) Miko Tanaka
(C) Mark Fields
(B) An employee couldn’t pay for the
(D) Anthony Smith parcel.
(C) A second attempted delivery was
(D) The parcel was claimed at the office.
Questions 149-150 refer to the following letter.
To: Karl Middleton
From: First Virus Customer Service
Date: Tuesday, July 12
Subject: Your antivirus software subscription

First Virus would like to thank you for downloading our new antivirus software
To receive maximum protection, sign up to receive regular software updates.
These automatic updates ensure that your computer is fully protected against
new viruses and also assist you in recovering infected files. Please click on the
antivirus updates on our Web site www.frirus.com and enter your antivirus
program subscription number: 03592. As a registered subscriber, you will
receive daily updates.
Thank you for choosing First Virus. We are here to keep you protected. Our
customer service team can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 780-
492-3111 or at customers@fvirus.com.

149. Why is the company contacting Mr. 150. What is indicated about the
Middleton? software?
(A) To inform him that his subscription (A) It can be installed on more than one
is about to expire computer for an additional fee.
(B) To notify him of an incomplete order (B) The subscription for it must be
he placed renewed every six months.
(C) To alert him to the danger of a new (C) Customers receive a subscription
computer virus number for it.
(D) To ask him to register for regular (D) A new version of it is issued once a
software updates month.

Questions 151-152 refer to the following letter.
150 Ledge Rd.
Suite 503
Darien, CT 06820
December 10
Ms. Diane Roberts
Director, Personnel
Radio Shack Electronics
14 Danbury Rd.
Wilton, CT 06897

Dear Ms. Roberts:

It is with great pleasure that I accept your offer to join Radio Shack Electronics as a
sales director.

I appreciate you getting back to me soon after the interview process. As discussed at
the interview, I will be available to report to work on Monday, January 15. As I
explained at that time, I have already committed to conducting a sales staff training
seminar at my current position during the first two weeks in January.
I really appreciate your offer and am pleased to be able to accept it. I look forward to
working with the sales team at Radio Shack Electronics. If you would like to discuss
anything with me prior to January 15, please feel free to call me at Future Electronics
anytime at 203-546-3478.
Yours sincerely,
Donna Moore

151. Why did Ms. Moore write the letter 152. What is indicated about Ms.
to Ms. Roberts? Moore?
(A) To accept a job offer (A) She used to work with Ms. Roberts.
(B) To set up an interview (B) She will quit Radio Shack
Electronics in December.
(C) To place an order
(C) She currently works for Future
(D) To assign a task
(D) She plans to conduct a job interview

Questions 153-154 refer to the following text message chain.
Paul Silcock [4:05 P.M.]
Hi. I finished the safety briefs at the Ecclestone plant yesterday.
Catherine Cobham [4:06 P.M.]
Mr. Alliash, the director of HR, told me about that this morning. How did it go?
Paul Silcock [4:07 P.M.]
To be honest, I was very shocked by the attendees’ level of safety awareness. At the
beginning of the workshop, I asked everyone to complete a brief test on safety
processes. The average score was just 6 out of 10!
Catherine Cobham [4:08 P.M.]
That doesn’t sound too bad. Were the questions very difficult?
Paul Silcock [4:10 P.M.]
No. The test was supposed to be a refresher on the information that the employees
were given when they joined the organization.
Catherine Cobham [4:12 P.M.]
Okay. It sounds like we need to run a refresher course. 154I will speak to Mr. Alliash
and raise the issue with him. It would be great if you could send me a copy of the
questions so that I can share them with him.

153. At 4:07 P.M., what does Mr. (D) The employees did not perform as
Silcock mean when he writes, “I was well on the safety test as he had
very shocked by the attendees’ level of anticipated.
safety awareness”?
154. What will Ms. Cobham most likely
(A) The participants complained about do next?
the test.
(A) Send a copy of the questions
(B) The participants were not able to
(B) Enroll in the training course
follow basic instructions.
(C) Place an order for stationery
(C) Fewer employees attended the
training session than he had anticipated. (D) Contact the head of another

Questions 155-157 refer to the following article.

Tips on How to Motivate Your Team

By Johan Walker
Even though an increase in salary and competitive benefits may be the best means to
motivate your team members, managers do not always have the power to offer such
rewards. If that is the case, just expressing your gratitude for their dedication can be a
more effective yet less expensive way of boosting morale and inducing higher levels of
work performance. The following are some tips in order to accomplish this.
 Your company newsletter is a good way to recognize the hard work of your
employees. Use the company newsletter to announce awards that your staff
members have won or any achievements that they have made.
 Offer your staff members flexible hours by allowing them to schedule their own
work hours if circumstances allow for this.
 Celebrate each employee’s birthday by organizing a monthly luncheon where
everyone can bring food and share it.
 Provide information about training or education programs your company provide
in order to give employees more chances to grow professionally.
Johan Walker is chief consultant at Global Management Consulting Firm.

155. Who wrote the article?
(A) A newspaper reporter 157. According to the article, what is
NOT recommended to managers?
(B) Chief Executive Officer
(A) Increase employee salaries
(C) A corporate consultant
(D) A job seeker
(B) Post the achievements of staff
members in a newsletter
156. What is the purpose of the article? (C) Celebrate special events with
(A) To discuss the best ways to find a employees
job as a management consultant (D) Inform employees of opportunities
(B) To provide supervisors with ways to expand their learning
to raise staff morale
(C) To come up with the most
convenient schedules for staff members
(D) To give a list of things to be done in
order to promote a product

Questions 158-160 refer to the following article.
GRAND RAPIDS, MARCH 6 -— City next to an industrial park, but it is 30
officials just revealed plans for a new miles outside the city and has limited
airport outside Grand Rapids. The access to major roads.
proposed airfield will relieve congestion
Robert Addison, the head of the Delton
at nearby airports and simplify travel for
Chamber of Commerce, recently
business commuters. — [1] —. Ann
announced that his organization would
Arbor International Airport, currently
strongly support the project. “Not only
the only option for air travel in the area,
will an airport bring more jobs to Delton,
frequently suffers major flight delays as
but it will also boost the number of
it now operates at 96% capacity on peak
visitors to our city,” he remarked in an
travel dates.
interview last night.
There are two sites being considered for
The Delton Neighborhood Development
the project. — [2] —. 160The Flint site
Group will meet on Wednesday, March
is easily accessible via public
15, to discuss this opportunity. A final
transportation but is located near a
decision is not expected from the
residential area. — [3] —. Delton is
government until next year. — [4] —.

158. What is being reported? (C) It will help the local economy.
(A) A new pricing structure for public (D) It will provide faster rail service to
Grand Rapids.
(B) A proposed construction project
(C) The recent expansion of an airfield
160. In which of the positions marked
(D) Traffic congestion on the city’s [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following
highways sentence best belong?
“It is located about 10 miles from the
city center.”
159. According to the article, why does
(A) [1]
Mr. Addison support the plan?
(B) [2]
(A) It will promote international travel.
(C) [3]
(B) It will improve the public image of
Delton. (D) [4]

Questions 161-163 refer to the following notice.

Radisson Suites
Victoria Park
Phone: (859) 755-4000 Fax: (859) 755-2975
2775 Victoria Park Circle
Lexington, KY 40503
Fitness Center
Accessible with your keycard,
Located on the ground level.
Open daily from 6:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.
Swimming Pool
Outdoor swimming pool (seasonal)
Open daily from 6:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M.
Antonio’s Café
Casual atrium setting
Enjoy our Sunday brunch buffet
Sunday 10:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.
Breakfast Lunch
M-F: 6:30 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. M-F: 11:30 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.
SAT: 6:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. SAT: 12:00 P.M. – 2:00 P.M.
SUN: 6:30 A.M. – 10:30 A.M. SUN: 10:30 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.

Sunday Brunch Buffet

10:30 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.
Served Daily: 5:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M.

161. For whom is this notice most likely

(A) Hotel guests
(B) Restaurant staff members
(C) Fitness instructors
(D) Lifeguards

162. Which of the following is NOT 163. Which of the following is served at
open all year round? the same time every day?
(A) The fitness center (A) Breakfast
(B) The swimming pool (B) Brunch
(C) The restaurant (C) Lunch
(D) The hotel (D) Dinner

Questions 164-167 refer to the following form.

Thanks for buying a Magic Printer. If your model is DC 10, DC 15, or DC 20 and your
purchase was made between December 1 and December 31, you are qualified to get a
gift pack that contains 10 ink refill cartridges.
Please complete the required information below, detach this form, and send it together
with the original receipt to Magic Printer’s headquarters at 915 Harrison Street, Dallas,
Texas. Inquiries about a gift pack can be directed toMagic Printer Customer Service at
Yes, I qualify for a gift pack of 10 Magic Printer ink refill cartridges. Please send it to
the following address. *
Name: Jeff Kim
Address: 2260 Whitney Ave.
City, state, postal code: Hamden, CT O6518
Telephone: 203-288-3831
E-mail: jeffk@gomail.com
Printer model you purchased:
 DC10  DC15  DC20
 Please allow four weeks for your gift to be delivered. This promotion will end on
December 31. Purchases made online or outside the United States do not qualify for
this offer. In addition, employees of Magic Printer are not allowed to take advantage
of this sales promotion. By providing your e-mail address, you give permission for
Magic Printer to update you with the latest information on products.

164. What is indicated about Magic 166. What is suggested about Mr. Kim?
(A) He purchased his Magic printer from
(A) It will have a sale until December an online store.
(B) He has worked at the Magic Printer
(B) It will release a new model next Company.
(C) He doesn’t want any information
(C) It will phase out the sale of printers. from Magic Printer.
(D) Its head office is located in Dallas. (D) He bought his Magic printer in

165. For what reason did Mr. Kim

complete the form? 167. What is Mr. Kim asked to do?
(A) To register for a discount at Magic (A) Send back the refill ink cartridge he
stores received
(B) To write a customer review about a (B) Use the printer for four weeks
new product
(C) Send a proof of purchase by mail
(C) To ask for a company’s
(D) Send an e-mail to the company’s
promotional item
head office
(D) To request a full refund for a
defective item

Questions 168-171 refer to the following chat discussion.
Craig Coulton [3:04 P.M.]
Hi. I am going to be at the head office for the day. However, I just remembered that
we have a delivery of office furniture arriving at 4:00 P.M. today. I would appreciate it
if someone could arrange access for the delivery driver. Could one of you stay around
until he arrives?
Tim Shepherd [3:05 P.M]
I’m really sorry, Craig. I can’t work this afternoon. I have a lot of things I need to sort
out before my vacation next week.
Craig Coulton [3:06 P.M.]
Oh, that’s right. 168When are you flying?
Tim Shepherd [3:07 P.M.]
On Tuesday morning. But I have several errands to run before then. I also need to get
my hair cut.
Craig Coulton [3:08 P.M.]
No problem. Enjoy your vacation. Edna, can you wait around for the delivery?
Edna Carr [3:09 P.M.]
Well, I was intending to visit my mother, but I suppose I can go on the weekend
instead. Will it take a long time to upload the delivery?
Craig Coulton [3:09 P.M]
I don’t think so. There are only a few items. We need them for the conference next
week though.
Edna Carr [3:10 P.M.]
Okay. I will do it. 171I need the loading bay key.
Nigel Yalk [3:11 P.M.]
It is in my office in the top drawer.

168. At 3:06 P.M., what does Mr. 170. What is most likely true about the
Coulton mean when he writes, “Oh, company?
that’s right”?
(A) It is a shipping organization.
(A) He checked that the calculation is
(B) It has more than one location.
(C) It sells office furniture.
(B) He was told some information
previously. (D) It is located downtown.
(C) He agreed to an arrival time.
(D) He doesn’t think a shipment will be 171. What is Ms. Carr likely to do next?
delayed. (A) Pay her gas bill
(B) Sign out from work
169. What is suggested about Mr. (C) Get the delivery bay key
(D) Phone a manager
(A) He is Mr. Coulton’s immediate
(B) He usually finishes work after 4:00
(C) He recently visited a furniture store.
(D) He is about to go on vacation.

Questions 172-175 refer to the following letter.

Paul Golding
60 Walnut Leaf Drive
Springfield, CA 86711

Dear Mr. Golding,

Thank you for visiting the New York office of the International Council on
Environmental Progress again recently. As a result of your continued donations, we
have been able to make progress on three projects, one of which is overseas. — [1] —.
Since we set up our new purification foundation in South America, people in very poor
villages like San Ortega and Bogola have benefited from a clean water supply. — [2]
—. The Clean water Project has already been implemented in six villages, and we have
tailored it to meet the structural needs of each individual community. The project has
given us invaluable insight into the difficulties many villagers in South America face.
— [3] —. We now have 850 dedicated volunteer workers involved in the Clean water
Project, and they all deserve our gratitude and support. They are doing an amazing job.
As you are aware, we are primarily based in New York, but we opened a new branch
in San Francisco this year. Please take a look at the office layout and a map enclosed
with this letter. — [4] —. We would be delighted to show you around the new office
the next time you visit the area.
Yours Sincerely,
Mary Gandolfini
Head of Human Resources
International Council on Environmental Progress

172. What is suggested about ICEP? (B) Information on the branch office
(A) It is a charitable organization. (C) A roundtrip flight ticket
(B) It is mainly based in South America. (D) A survey result
(C) It only works in a single country. 175. In which of the positions marked
[1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following
(D) It works on one project at a time.
sentence best belong?
173. Where is the ICEP headquarters?
“Your financial support has enabled us
(A) In San Ortega to establish an overseas foundation for
(B) In San Francisco the first time.”

(C) In New York (A) [1]

(D) In California (B) [2]

174. What is enclosed with the letter? (C) [3]

(A) A volunteer application form (D) [4]

Questions 176-180 refer to the following letter and form.

Morell’s Computer Services

May 12
Dear Mr. Harold,
Thank you for selecting Morell’s Computer Services. We strongly believe that
excellent customer service is the key to our success today and in the future.
This is why we value feedback from our customers. Kindly let us know your
thoughts and fill out the attached questionnaire. Your feedback is greatly
In addition, please let us know if one of our customer service representatives
may contact you to follow up on the questionnaire.
- Robert James (computer and parts purchases)
- Edward Beale (repair services)
- Cindy Rendowns (post-sales customer care)
As a token of our appreciation, we will send you a $30 coupon for computer
accessories after you send back the questionnaire.
Respectfully yours,
John Earls
Morell’s Computer Services
(810) 355-2866

Customer Feedback Form

Name: James Harold

Home address: 4980 S. Highway 23, Brighton, MI 48Il4

Phone: 810-355-6890

Reason you came to Morell’s Computer Services: Purchased a new Dell


Please rate the quality of the service you received in the following areas:
Areas Excellent Good Fair Needs
Overall professionalism shown by staff 

Staff’s accuracy in dealing with 

customer requests
Promptness of service 
Staff’s ability to provide details about 
the item clearly and accurately
Overall satisfaction with the customer 

Would you like to add any comments?

Yes. I found that the staff member I talked to was very professional and friendly.
He was also able to explain things clearly to me. However, when I asked to be
given a new unit, it took him 25 minutes to get one. Other than that, the
customer service was very good.

May we contact you with additional questions?

Yes, that would be fine.

176. What is the purpose of the letter? (A) To give additional details about a
(B) To schedule a service appointment
(C) To replace a defective computer part
(D) To request customer feedback
179. How does Mr. Harold rate the
professionalism of the staff?
177. In the letter, the word “value” in
paragraph 1, line 4, is closest in meaning (A) Excellent
(B) Good
(A) miss
(C) Fair
(B) weigh
(D) Needs improvement
(C) provide
(D) appreciate
180. In what area does Mr. Harold
indicate that Morell’s Computer Services
should improve?
178. Which manager is most likely
going to contact (A) The store staff members should be
more professional.
Mr. Harold?
(B) The salespeople should be able to
(A) John Earls
speak more quickly.
(B) Cindy Rendowns
(C) Customer service should be faster.
(C) Edward Beale
(D) The quality of the items should be
(D) Robert James better.

Questions 181-185 refer to the following advertisement and e-mail.

Noku Department Store

879 Klopin Road
Vegan Cooking Demonstration
July 19, 9:30 A.M.

Homeware Department, Second Floor

We are delighted to announce that Chef Emma Ho will present a special cooking
demonstration in the home ware department this July. Chef Ho is a world-renowned
celebrity who has developed a name for producing unique and delicious vegan dishes.
Last January, her latest cookbook, Vegan Made Easy, became a New York Times’
bestseller. She also regularly appears on the This Morning lifestyle show.
Having attended a book signing event at Noku last February, Chef Ho will return this
July to deliver a live demonstration of her cooking skills. Attendees at the event will
have an opportunity to learn Chef Ho’s secrets to preparing delicious meat and dairy-
free pasta dishes, burgers, and pizzas.
We hope shoppers will make the most of this opportunity and stop by to say hello to
Chef Ho. You can learn more about the event by visiting
www.nokudepartmentstore.com/cooking_ho/ or e-mailing

To: <events@nokudepartmentstore.com>
From: <clindos@jmail.com>
Date: July 10
Subject: Chef Ho Event
I am very much looking forward to attending Chef Ho’s cooking demonstration on July
19. I am major fan of her recipe books and was delighted when I got a chance to meet
her in person at the book-signing event you held.

Since you are holding the event in the home ware department, I assume there will be no
need to purchase a ticket to attend. However, the advertisement doesn’t specify whether
attendees will have an opportunity to participate in the demonstration or if there will be
a question-and-answer session. I visited the URL provided in the advertisement but
could not find any further information.

I would appreciate it if you could e-mail me the answers to these questions as soon as

Thanks in advance,
Colin Lindos

181. What is being advertised? 183. Why did Mr. Lindos send the e-
(A) A public display by an expert
(A) To give feedback on a seminar
(B) The expansion of a product line
(B) To get details about an event
(C) The opening of a new branch office
(C) To place an order for a product
(D) The results of a consumer survey
(D) To check an upcoming schedule
184. When did Mr. Lindos first meet
182. According to the advertisement,
Chef Ho?
what is NOT true about Chef Ho?
(A) In January
(A) She has won awards in her field.
(B) In February
(B) She has earned widespread fame.
(C) In March
(C) She specializes in a certain type of
food. (D) In April
(D) She has appeared on a TV show.
185. In the e-mail, the word “further” in
paragraph 2, line 9, is closest in meaning
(A) more
(B) deep
(C) wide
(D) free
Questions 186-190 refer to the following comment form, e-mail and statement.

Green Air Customer Care
Name: Aigul Nazarbaev Flight Number: GA41386
E-mail: AigulNazarbaev@sprintmail.com Date of Flight: January 30


I am writing to complain about the service I recently received when traveling with Green
Air. I traveled from Islamabad to Bangkok on your airline for business purposes. In
advance of the flight, I checked in online and registered an additional piece of luggage.
Upon arrival at the airport, I paid the required departure fee. However, the check-in
clerk incorrectly charged me for two additional suitcases instead of one.
The check-in clerk was not sure how to refund the payment and tried to find someone
who could help but was unable to do so. I could not wait any longer because I did not
want to miss my flight; therefore, I had to get on the plane without receiving a refund.
I would appreciate it if you could remedy this matter.

To: Aigul Nazarbaev<aigulnazarbaev@sprintmail.com>

From: Green Air<customerassistance@greenair.com>
Date: February 8
Subject: Customer Complaint Response

Dear Ms. Nazarbaev,

Thank you for choosing to fly with Green Air on January 30. Firstly, please accept my
sincere apologies for the difficulties you encountered at check-in. I will be very happy
to address your concerns.
As you are no doubt aware, baggage allowances and excess baggage fees vary
depending on the date and time of travel, the route, and the airfare paid. With that in
mind, I will, of course, review the additional fees you paid to determine whether you
are eligible for a refund. We will credit the card used at check-in.

Furthermore, as a goodwill gesture, we would like to offer you 20% off the cost of your
base fare the next time you fly with Green Air.

Yours Sincerely,
Ian Trebek
Green Air Customer Service

BEX Credit Card Statement

Account Holder Account Number Statement Date
Algul Nazarbaev 6051-3098-115 March 5

New Balance Payment Due Date Minimum Payment Due

$763.64 March 20 $300.00

Statement Summary
Reference No. Sale Date Description of Transaction Amount

D689346NP January 30 Imperial Travel Insurance $25.45

KH47737F January 30 Stratford Bookshop $11.99
YN635467 January 30 Green Air $64.00
L768769890XE February 3 Fairmont Hotel $651.34
YN789666 February 25 Green Air Refund -$32.00
CV9347QH February 26 Shadowbox Boutique $15.86

For customer service, call 1-800-555-1578.

186. Why did Ms. Nazarbaev contact to Bangkok.
Green Air?
(B) She has to pay $300 by March 5.
(A) Her credit card statement had some
(C) She previously worked for Green
(B) Her suitcase was damaged.
(D) She purchased insurance on the
(C) She was overcharged for a service. day of her flight.
(D) She needed to send some paperwork. 189. In the e-mail, the word “address” in
paragraph 1, line 4 is closest in meaning
(A) stop by
187. What is suggested in the e-mail?
(B) deal with
(A) Ms. Nazarbaev paid a fee in cash.
(C) speak to
(B) Fees for excess baggage may
(D) put off
190. How much was Ms. Nazarbaev
(C) A review may take a few days.
(D) The flight was on January 27.
(A) $11.99
188. What can be inferred about Ms.
(B) $651.34
(C) $32.00
(A) She received a discount on her ticket
(D) $15.86

Questions 191-195 refer to the following e-mails and list.

To: lpickering@transcorp.com
From: <hhewitt@transcorp.com>
Date: September 24
Subject: Booking changes

Hi Louisa,

I would appreciate it if you would cancel the hotel booking you made for me last week
and place a new reservation. I should arrange an additional meeting with an important
customer in the Stalwart Community Center while I am at the Euxton Conference
Center in Venice. I would prefer a hotel that is positioned close to both locations.
It would be great if you could let me know what options are available by the end of the
day. Thanks in advance.
Henry Hewitt

To: <hhewitt@transcorp.com>
From: <lpickering@transcorp.com>
Date: September 24
Subject: Booking changes
Attachment: Hotel options
Hi Henry,

Please find a list of the hotels that are suitable for your requirements attached.
Let me know which hotel you are interested in booking, and I will make a reservation.
When putting this list together, I took the preferences you mentioned into consideration
when making the previous booking; for example, the nightly rate should be $150-200,
the room should have Internet access, there should be some form of exercise facility
available, and the hotel should have free parking and a swimming pool. The dates
remain the same: November 12 through November 14.
Note: Apparently, the water pumps at the Jem Central Hotel are not currently working.
I do not know if they will be fixed or not by your planned visit.

Best Regards,
Louisa Pickering



The Bayside Inn Location: Very close to Euxton Conference Center
and local bars and restaurants.
Rate: $180 per night
Amenities: Free parking, Wi-Fi access, satellite
television, and sauna
Jem Central Hotel Location: Opposite Stalwart Community Center and
within five minutes’ drive of Euxton Conference
Center. Close to a cinema complex
Rate: $150 per night
Amenities: Free parking, Wi-fi access, gym, satellite
television, swimming pool, and in-room safe
Jessops Hall Hotel Location: Minutes from Stalwart Community Center,
Euxton Conference Center and local library
Rate: $220 per night
Amenities: Free parking, Wi-fi access, satellite
television, swimming pool, sauna, and fitness room

The Original Country Location: Within walking distance of Stalwart

Manor Community Center, Euxton Conference Center, and
Ashurt University
Rate: $175 per night
Amenities: Free parking, Wi-fi access, gym, satellite
television, swimming pool and complimentary

191. Why did Mr. Hewitt contact Ms. (B) To find out her full contact
Pickering? information
(A) To thank her for dealing with some (C) To let her know that he has resigned
financial issues (D) To inform her that he would like
to change his hotel booking
192. What is suggested about Mr. 194. At which hotel is Mr. Hewitt likely
Hewitt? to stay while he is in Venice?
(A) He visits Venice on a weekly basis. (A) The Bayside Inn
(B) He likes to swim. (B) Jem Ceniral Hotel
(C) He works in the Sales Department. (C) Jessops Hall Hotel
(D) He travels on a regular basis. (D) The Original Country Manor

193. What is indicated about Ms. 195. What is NOT described as a local
Pickering? place in Venice?
(A) She stayed at the Jem Central Hotel (A) A cinema complex
in the past.
(B) A park
(B) She has a contact in Venice.
(C) A library
(C) She met the required deadline.
(D) A university
(D) She is using a new Internet provider.

Questions 196-200 refer to the following letter, e-mail and Web page.

June 18
Janet Driver
768 Moore Street
Tampa, FL 876254
Dear Ms. Driver:
Kim Rogers gave me your address yesterday and told me that she used to play squash with
you on a regular basis. She advised me to contact you with regard to a business
I currently manage a meat distribution organization that is based in Miami. We primarily
distribute products to restaurant owners, and we have a lot of customers in Tampa. We

currently deliver to Tampa-based restaurants around nine times a week. However, we do
not have a distribution hub in the Tampa area. To reduce our expenses, we are considering
establishing a small distribution hub in Tampa. This will reduce the number of trips we
need to make from Miami to Tampa. However, until we have put everything in place, we
are looking to rent some refrigeration space in the Tampa area.
Ms. Rogers told me that you once owned some refrigeration facilities. I wondered if you
still run this business. If so, I would welcome an opportunity to discuss the possibility of
renting some cold storage space from you.
I can be contacted by e-mail at hduke@handhmeats.com. 200I am planning to visit Tampa
on June 23 and would like to meet you while I am there to discuss our needs in detail.

Best regards,
Henry Duke
Owner, H&H Meats

To: Henry Duke

From: Janet Driver
Date: June 20
Subject: Cold Storage Rental
Dear Mr. Duke,
Thanks for getting in touch and considering my services. I haven’t seen Kim for a very
long time; please send my regards and pass on my contact details so that she can contact
me if she would like to.
I still have a warehousing operation near Tampa under the name KHT Storage. We
currently offer four cold storage areas, and space is available for rental in two of them.
You can find more detailed information about our facilities and leasing options on our
Web site at khttampa.net.
If you would like to meet face to face when you are in Tampa next week, please give
me a call at 876-9876 to arrange a place and a time. I will be available all afternoon.
Best Regards,
Janet Driver

If you operate a small business in the Tampa area and require additional storage for
your inventory or raw materials, KHT has exactly what you need.
Our cutting-edge warehouse facilities are available at affordable prices for both short-
and long-term leases. You can find a list of our current rates here.
All our warehouses are fully protected by professional security personnel, and any items
that are stored on our premises are covered by insurance.
We offer all our customers access to a forklift so that they can load items with ease. For
an additional fee, we also offer a delivery service by which we transport goods within
the local area on your behalf. Click here for further information.
All our facilities are located in the Hornby Business Park, which is located in the eastern
part of downtown Tampa close to all main transportation connections.

196. What is indicated by Mr. Duke in

the letter?
(A) He hopes Ms. Driver will be able to
provide him with a delivery address.
(B) He is responding to a request for
information about his company.
(C) He is seeking to rent some storage
space for his products. 198. What does Ms. Driver ask Mr.
(D) He needs to reschedule a business Duke to do?
meeting. (A) Write a letter for her
(B) Give her e-mail address to Ms.
197. According to the letter, what did Rogers
Ms. Rogers do recently? (C) Send her a list of his services
(A) Provided a business referral (D) Complete an application form
(B) Played squash
(C) Contacted Ms. Driver 199. What is indicated about Ms.
(D) Relocated to Tampa Driver’s storage business?
(A) It is going to close soon. 200. What is Mr. Duke likely to do?
(B) It has its own delivery trucks. (A) Meet with Ms. Driver when he is
in Tampa
(C) It has expanded for the past five
years. (B) Start his own cold storage facility
(D) It only stores food-based products. (C) Relocate operations to Tampa
(D) Stop distributing meat


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