Two Axis Solar Tracker Based On Solar Maps, Controlled by A Low-Power Microcontroller
Two Axis Solar Tracker Based On Solar Maps, Controlled by A Low-Power Microcontroller
Two Axis Solar Tracker Based On Solar Maps, Controlled by A Low-Power Microcontroller
Abstract. There are actually several solutions for two axis This defines the position and orientation of the
solar tracking systems using electromechanical devices, in photovoltaic panels supporting structure.
which a controller detects the Sun apparent position, and A two axes solar tracking system, according to several
controls the position of the structure supporting the panels studies [1-10], increases the energy production of
toward the sun by enabling the engines movement. This work approximately 40%. The systems available on market are
studies the solution of two axis solar tracking system based on based on sensors that detect the Sun position. A
solar maps, which can predict the exact apparent position of the controller adjusts the structure position (inclination and
Sun, by the latitude's location, thereby avoiding the need to use
sensors or guidance systems. To accomplish this, it is used a
direction) according to information gathered by sensors,
low-power microcontroller, suitably programmed, to control and thus controlling two electric motors. By using this
two electric motors to ensure that the panels supporting technique, these systems have good accuracy, but are
structure is always oriented towards the sun. expensive.
The aim of this work consists on the development of a
Key words two-axis electromechanical system for sun tracking
(detect Sun apparent position), based on solar maps data,
Two axis solar tracker, photovoltaic energy, with a low energy consumption and lower final cost than
electromechanical system, solar maps, low-power the systems available on market.
microcontroller From literature available related to studies on two axis
solar tracking systems [1-10], it is possible to know that
recently have been studied the solar tracking technique
by knowing the Sun apparent position, however the
1. Introduction control systems operates on a hour basis, without
recognizing the month and the consequent effect in the
The increasing interests in using renewable energies for Sun apparent position. The study developed by [1] shows
detached houses are coming from solar thermal energy an increase of 40% of the energy produced, only
systems for domestic hot water and solar photovoltaic changing the panels’ position four times a day, and
systems to the micro production of electricity. Most of without knowing the month (only by hour).
these applications don’t have any solar tracker system, A more deep knowledge was developed through solar
mainly because of its high cost. A two axis solar tracker maps study in order to evaluate the Sun apparent position
system can increase the energy conversion by 40%, being variation according to month and hour, to achieve a more
a suitable solution to increase the electrical energy precise control. The analysis of the work developed by
output. It seems that a major obstacle to its use is the references [11-12], allows verifying that solar maps let us
cost, basically due to the price of the sensors applied to know the sun's apparent position on each day of the year
detect the Sun apparent position, and to the control and each hour, according to location (latitude). Thus, a
system (mainly with PLCs). Studies concerning the Sun table can be created to gather all information concerning
apparent movement concluded that it is possible to with the Sun apparent position every hour, for each
predict with accuracy the relative position of the Earth month (as the position does not vary much throughout the
and the place, every day and every hour. This position is month).
described in solar maps, for each location (defined by the After identifying the Sun apparent position and relying
location's latitude). Microcontrollers can be used in order on two axis solar tracking systems available on the
to control the electric motors. Using the microcontrollers market [13], using two motors that move the mechanical
with programmed solar maps for each location (latitude), structure, further control is achieved controlling them
and defining the date and hour, it is possible to control using a low power microcontroller, MSP430 device from
the angular position of the electric motors drive shafts. Texas Instruments, instead of a traditional PLC.
Using this low-power microcontroller, together with two
electrical motors, properly designed, it is possible to
project a solar tracking system without sensors to detect
the Sun apparent position, with a very low cost control
system, ensuring the maximization of solar power
2. Solar Maps Study and Their Application It’s verified that the Sun apparent position relatively to
Earth, varies in both height and azimuth at each time.
for Solar Tracking When someone wants to install a solar system, must take
special care in selecting the inclination and orientation of
Based on astronomical data it is known that the solar the panels, which are the two factors that will have major
energy available on the Earth is very variable. This influence on system’s performance, since these depend
variation depends on geographic latitude, day and month on the incoming radiation level.
for a predetermined location. Summer days are longer
than winter days and the solar altitudes for the sun are
higher in summer months than in winter due to the
inclination of Earth's axis.
For different incidence angles of the sun throughout the
year, at certain latitude, there is a maximum amount of
radiation received, which can be obtained if the receptor
surface is inclined at an appropriate angle. The optimum
angle for winter months (less radiation) is higher than in
summer because of lower solar altitude.
Table I shows the common angles used in solar
The solar path varies the Sun coordinates throughout the Fig. 4 – Division by zones of the Sun position, according to the
day. This can be seen in Figure 2, where h is the solar month, day and time (latitude 40º North).
altitude and αs is the solar azimuth angle.
Thus, data from Figure 3 give the Sun position, avoiding
the need of sensors to detect it. This can be done by
programming a microcontroller with coordinates, and
changing hour, day and month, in order to control the
electrical motors regarding the inclination and orientation
of the panels’ base structure.
To facilitate the control program, the map of Figure 3
was divided in several areas, which are marked with one
letter and one number, as are shown in Figure 4.
For the mechanical design it was designed the panels’ To each motor shaft is attached a gear wheel with Z1
support structure, with two degrees of freedom in order to sprocket, being this connected to a second gear, with Z2
vary the inclination and orientation. Also, the conception sprocket, which is fixed to the part that runs on the worm
of the panels support as well as the system that allows screw. This second gear has a magnet fixed to it, which
this support to revolve around the two axes was will be used as a reference point for a magnetic sensor
developed. placed at a fixed point to count the wheel turns (hence
the worm screw turns).
The tracker consists on a fixed base directly to the
ground, having a mechanism that connects the base to the Each turn of the part on the worm screw, corresponds to a
supporting structure of the panels. This mechanism 1º rotation angle of the panel. The motor will be going
consists of two parts, which have a degree of freedom into operation in the way that causes a movement in the
from each other (linked by a shaft on X axis), changing desired direction. The number of turns, counted by the
the inclination of the structure (between 10 and sensor, corresponds to the desired difference of degrees.
75º).Additional links are mounted for motors and other
To perform the control of the solar tracker, the MSP430
components of the solar tracker control system. The
F449 STK2 development kit which uses a Texas
physical connection between this mechanism and the
Instruments microcontroller was used. Four sensors are
panels’ support structure has a degree of freedom, being
connected to indicate the panels limit positions of the
these parts connected by a shaft on Y axis.
minimum (10) and maximum (75) inclination, and the
The control of the panels’ support structure orientation is minimum (75E) and maximum (75O) direction.
done by an electrical motor driving a worm screw
The microcontroller will control two selected AC motors,
system. This system is linked to the structure through a
sending the digital signal "1" for an adapter that converts
motor shaft, a worm screw and a belt reduction system
into 220 [V] to supply the electrical motors in order to
with gearbox. The mechanical system allows that Z1
rotate in the desired direction and the necessary number
rotations of the electrical motor correspond to Z2 turns of
of turns. The wiring diagram is shown in Figure 6.
the worm screw, that corresponds to Xº variation. This
system is used between the binding mechanism of the
panels’ base support structure and the structure. A
damper is also applied to ensure the structure safety in
case of adverse weather conditions.
Table II – Inclination (I in degree) and Orientation (O in degree: East: e; West: o) of the panel, at each hour of the month.
Hour 7h 8h 9h 10h 11h 12h 13h 14h 15h 16h 17h 18h 19h
12 - I10 I15 I25 I30 I30 I30 I25 I20 I10 I10 - -
- O60e O45e O30e O15e O0 O15o O30o O45o O60o O60o - -
1/11 - I10 I15 I25 I30 I30 I30 I25 I20 I10 I10 - -
- O60e O45e O30e O15e O0 O15o O30o O45o O60o O60o - -
2/10 I10 I15 I25 I30 I40 I40 I35 I30 I25 I15 I10 - -
O75e O60e O45e O30e O15e O0 O15o O30o O45o O60o O75o - -
3/9 I15 I25 I35 I45 I50 I50 I45 I40 I35 I25 I15 I5 -
O75e O75e O60e O45e O15e O0 O15o O30o O45o O60o O75o O75o -
4/8 I20 I30 I40 I50 I60 I60 I60 I50 I40 I30 I20 I10 I5
O75e O75e O60e O45e O30e O0 O30o O45o O60o O75o O75o O75o O75o
5/7 I25 I40 I50 I60 I70 I70 I70 I60 I50 I40 I25 I15 I5
O75e O75e O75e O60e O45e O0 O45o O60o O75o O75o O75o O75o O75o
6 I25 I40 I50 I60 I70 I70 I70 I60 I50 I40 I25 I15 I5
O75e O75e O75e O60e O45e O0 O45o O60o O75o O75o O75o O75o O75o
5. Conclusion [8] F.R. Rubio et al., Application of new control strategy for
sun tracking, Energy Conversion and Management 48
(2007) 2174–2184.
The main contributions of this work are the development [9] H. Mousazadeh et al., A review of principle and sun-
of a two axis solar tracker that does not use any sensor to tracking methods for maximizing solar systems output,
predict the Sun apparent position. It makes use of a solar Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 13 (2009)
map with the Sun coordinates, depending on the hours 1800–1818.
and months. It uses a simplified and low power [10] N.A. Kelly, T.L. Gibson, Improved photovoltaic energy
microcontroller, and allows a simple user interface for output for cloudy conditions with a solar tracking system, Solar
the solar installation owner. Energy (2009).
[11] J. C. Costa, Instalações Solares Térmicas, INETI (2007).
[12] J. C. Costa, Energia Solar Térmica, INETI (2004).
The map data referred to the position 40º North latitude [13] Deger Traker Catalogue, Deger Energie (2006).
(average latitude of Portugal), and the program attached
is correct for this latitude.