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Solar Pannel

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Project Title: Solar Tracking System.

Solar tracking systems which can track the Sun movement can increase the power
generation rate by maximizing the surface area of the solar panels that are exposed to the
sunlight. By utilizing a solar tracker, the number of solar panels needed to generate the
same amount of electrical energy will be significantly lower. In general, solar tracking
systems are classified as single-axis solar tracking systems and dual-axis solar tracking
systems. Several researchers had conducted both simulation and experimental work to
compare and evaluate the performance of solar tracking systems against static solar panels
systems, as well as between different solar tracking system mechanisms. General
agreements among the researchers are that the performance of solar tracking systems is
always exceeding that of static solar panels. Some researchers also conducted studies on
how the weather conditions affect the performance of solar panels, and they concluded that
the systems with tracking mechanisms are more resilient toward a variation of weather

In general, the solar tracking systems could be classified into 2 major groups, depending on
their degree of freedom to tilt and rotate. Namely, the classification is a single-axis solar
tracking system and dual- axis solar tracking system.
The single Axis Solar Tracking System is used to track the angle of tilt of the sun along a
single axis, commonly used in the tropical region [2] since the position of the Sun
throughout the year does not differ much. This system consists of 1 linear actuator, with a
motor to rotate the panel according to the movement of the Sun [3]. Typically, a set of 2
light-dependent resistors (LDRs) is used, and it is placed on the opposite sides of a solar
panel. Its function is to measure the intensity of light by calculating the voltage drop across
them. The panel will keep rotating and stop when the voltage drop is equal. Therefore, the
solar panel will always face perpendicularly to the sun irradiation.
Figure 1
Single Axis Solar Tracking system

Dual Axis Solar Tracking System has 2 axes of rotation that allow it to always track the
movement of sunlight, and it is mainly designed to be used outside the tropical region,
beyond the latitudes of 10°N and 10°S from the Equator [3][4]. This system consists of 2
actuators, with a motor to rotate the panel by receiving the voltage control signal from 4
LDRs that are placed on all corners of the solar panel. The mechanism of a dual-axis solar

tracking system is relatively more complex, and its overall cost is comparatively higher than
a single-axis solar tracking system. When the solar panel experiences maximum irradiation,
the voltage drops across the 4 LDR will be equal, thus the motion of the panel will stop.
This system enables the solar panel to face perpendicularly to the sun irradiation most of the

Figure 2 Dual Axis Solar Tracking


Expected result:
This project" Solar Tracking System" previous work on the simulation and experimental
analysis of solar tracking systems
for both single-axis solar tracking systems and dual-axis solar tracking systems. These
compared and evaluated the performance of solar tracking systems against static solar
panels system, as
well as between different solar tracking system mechanisms, and they agreed that the
performance of
solar tracking systems is significantly better than that of static solar panels. Similarly,
researchers who
conducted studies on the effects of weather conditions on the performance of solar panels
also concluded
that the systems with tracking mechanisms are performing relatively better and they are
more resilient
toward a variation of weather conditions.
The project has several advantages and some of are discussed below:

° Solar panels on tracking system generate more electricity since they follow the position of

° More electricity production is especially helpful if you're on a variable electricity rate plan
(like time-of-use)More power generation means you need fewer panels, so you don’t need
as much space for your solar setup

The biggest benefit of a solar tracking system is that it offers a boost in electricity
The "Solar Tracking System" project has many applications. The project can be made more
effective by adding features to its in the future. The project has applications in wide of areas
such as:

°Home Security

°Rescue Mission


°Medical Area
All information are collected from the internet.

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