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Advance Design of Dual Axis Solar Tracking System Using Fuzzy Logic

Journal of Engineering and Technology

ISSN 2180-3811 eISSN 2289-814X https://jet.utem.edu.my/jet/index


Eng. M. H. A. Babiker*1 and M. M. Abdulwahab2
1 Department
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Sudan Technological
University, Mihareeba Technical College, Sudan.
2 Department of Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and

Technology, University of Gezira, Sudan.

*corresponding: marwahussien228@gmail.com

Article history: Abstract— The demand for solar-

Received Date: generated power has surged in recent years
15 January 2023 due to the adverse environmental effects
Revised Date: associated with fossil fuel usage, which
16 July 2023 have led to the proliferation of dangerous
Accepted Date: diseases. The efficiency of solar systems in
9 August 2023 generating power is heavily dependent on
solar radiation intensity. Consequently, the
Keywords: Solar primary challenge in improving solar
Solar systems lies in achieving high efficiency
during daylight hours. This paper introduces
a novel dual-axis solar tracker mechanism
System, Dual-
designed to optimize the capture of solar
axis Solar radiation by solar panels, regardless of
Tracker, Fuzzy weather conditions. The proposed solar
Logic Control, tracking system employs fuzzy logic control
This is an open-access journal that the content is freely available without charge to the user or
corresponding institution licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

ISSN: 2180-3811 Vol. XX No. X

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Journal of Engineering and Technology
Journal of Engineering and Technology

Energy to track the sun's position at any given time.

Generation, By calculating the sun's relative position
Efficiency using Earth's angles, the system provides
Improvement the necessary instructions to adjust the
stepper motor, accordingly, thereby tracking
the movement of the sun and maximizing
light radiation. MATLAB Simulink was
employed to simulate the proposed
approach, and the results demonstrate
superior energy production compared to a
fixed system. The proposed solar tracking
system achieves a power output of
10141.220 kW/m² with an accuracy of
approximately 6%, surpassing the fixed
system's output of 9920.346 kW/m².
Experimental tests were conducted using a
solar panel and the dual-axis solar tracker to
evaluate the system's performance. The
solar tracker was programmed to accurately
follow the sun's path throughout the day,
and measurements were taken at various
times. The experimental results indicate that
the proposed solar tracking system
outperforms a fixed system even under
cloudy conditions, offering enhanced energy
generation and improved overall efficiency
for solar systems. Thus, the dual-axis solar
tracker presented in this study represents an
effective mechanism for enhancing the
efficiency of solar systems.

I. Introduction energy, and geothermal have

Renewable energy sources been rapidly used in electric
such as solar energy, wind power generation. Solar energy
ISSN: 2180-3811 Vol. XX No. X
30 ISSN: 2180-3811 Vol. 14 No. 2 July - December 2023
Advance Design of Dual Axis Solar Tracking System Using Fuzzy Logic
Journal of Engineering and Technology

is the most popular and reliable an intelligent system such as a

type of renewable source fuzzy controller or a
because it directly converts the conventional system such as a
received energy into electric PID controller [6]. The fuzzy
power [1]. The conversion controller provides ease of use
process from light intensity to and does not require a complex
current is often accomplished by mathematical model.
using solar cells, electronic The proposed paper's
devices invented in 1957 [2]. A advanced mechanism
group of solar cells connected contributes to reducing the need
forms a Photovoltaic module for fuels in generating electric
(PV). The optimized method for power by improving the
improving the performance of efficiency of solar systems.
solar cells is by developing new There are many published
methods to increase the received papers in the field of designing
light intensity [3]. A Solar solar trackers but most of these
tracker is an electronic system systems were based on tracking
used to keep solar panels in the the sun’s position by sensing the
sun's position, representing the light intensity. In this paper,
best solution for improving the fuzzy logic was used to optimize
output power of the solar system the performance of a dual-axis
[4]. The purpose of solar solar tracking system based on
trackers is to maintain the the sun-earth geometrical
operating solar panel at the knee relationship, thus it does not
point of the power-volt affect by external weather
characteristics, providing the factors such as clouds and rain.
maximum output power [5]. The paper proposes a control
Solar trackers can be classified strategy that combines the
into two types based on their inputs from a variety of sensors,
free axes: single-axis solar including altitude angle, hour
trackers and dual-axis solar angle, and declination angle to
trackers. The performance of determine the optimal angle for
solar trackers depends on the the solar panels. By using fuzzy
type of controller, which can be logic to process these inputs, the
ISSN: 2180-3811 Vol. XX No. X
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Journal of Engineering and Technology
Journal of Engineering and Technology

system can make more accurate solar tracker system based on

and timely adjustments to Light Dependent Resistors
maximize the energy output of (LDR) sensor, the system
the solar panels. The contains two motors, but it did
contributions of this paper are not include an intelligent control
significant in several ways. method such as fuzzy logic.
Firstly, the use of fuzzy logic Mousavi et al [8] also presented
allows for more precise and calculations for a solar tracker
efficient control of the solar based on a sun-earth geometrical
tracking system, which can relationship without showing
increase the energy output of the hardware or using an intelligent
solar panels. Secondly, the control method such as fuzzy.
proposed system is designed to Akbar et al [9] illustrated a dual
be cost-effective and easy to axes tracking system based on
implement, which makes it an LDR sensor and used by an
suitable for use in both AVR microcontroller; the
residential and commercial system provides higher
settings. Lastly, this research efficiency compared with a fixed
provides a valuable contribution axes system. Sinha [10] showed
to the field of renewable energy a simulation design of dual axes
by demonstrating the potential sun tracker which used a PID
of fuzzy logic as a tool for controller to control the motor
optimizing the performance of speed; the detecting element was
solar tracking systems. an LDR sensor, and the structure
was composed of four LDRs.
II. Literature Review Similarly, Zakariah et al [11]
Most of the related studies in presented dual axes sun tracking
this field were common in design using four LDR sensors
designing solar tracking systems, based on the fuzzy logic method.
but they were some differences Pradeep et al [12] illustrate the
in terms of control strategy or real-time design of a sun
the sensing tools of the sun tracking system simulated by
position for instance Mustafa [7] using Lab View and the main
explained a simple design of a control element was Arduino
ISSN: 2180-3811 Vol. XX No. X
32 ISSN: 2180-3811 Vol. 14 No. 2 July - December 2023
Advance Design of Dual Axis Solar Tracking System Using Fuzzy Logic
Journal of Engineering and Technology

Uno; as most of the previously maximize the utilization of solar

published structures, it used four energy under various weather
LDRs sensors to track the sun conditions, the author developed
position at any time. A design an automatic solar tracker
based on the programmable controlled by a microcontroller.
logic controller (PLC) of the This design incorporates
sun’s tracking system was mathematical models and
introduced in Mahmood [13]; sensors to accurately determine
the system used sun angles the position of the sun. The solar
equations for tracking the sun's tracker system includes light-
positions, but it did not have any dependent resistors (LDRs), an
support from any intelligent Arduino microcontroller with
control method. Merve [17] Wi-Fi connectivity, a servo
conducted an evaluation in motor, a current sensor, and a
Trabzon, one of the provinces in solar panel supported by a
Turkey known for its cloudy metallic servo bracket. This
weather. The research aimed to electromechanical system is
determine the optimal motor equipped with a driver and a
steps for a two-axis solar servo motor for rotation,
tracking system. This system resulting in enhanced collection
was designed to ensure that solar efficiency compared to a
rays would reach a stationary device. Nurzhigit [19]
perpendicular angle (90°) to the The objective of the study was to
system, utilizing an open-loop create an efficient single-axis
control system. The solar solar tracker capable of
tracking system was developed accurately following the sun's
based on the sun's angle of trajectory in different weather
incidence, controlled by a conditions. To accomplish this,
microcontroller. The results the researchers suggested
showed that the designed solar implementing a schedule and
tracking system is light-dependent resistor (LDR)
approximately 24.7% more photosensors in the single-axis
efficient compared to the fixed solar tracker. Through
system. Fatima [18] In order to simulations and experiments, the
ISSN: 2180-3811 Vol. XX No. X
ISSN: 2180-3811 Vol. 14 No. 2 July - December 2023 33
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Journal of Engineering and Technology

performance of the proposed where:

solar tracker was evaluated. A ω= Hour angle in degrees
comparison was made between Ts= Local solar time
its energy output and that of a - The declination angle
fixed-tilt solar panel system and measured the declination in
a traditional single-axis solar degrees of the sphere on the
tracker. The findings indicated equatorial plane. It
improved results, particularly in calculated by equation (2):
cloudy and rainy weather
conditions, making it suitable 𝛿𝛿 = 23.45 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 [360 (
)] (2)
for the development of solar
trackers in regions with diverse where:
climates. δ=Declination angle in degrees
n= The days number for month
III. Solar Angles Equations - Zenith angle defines the
The basic structure of the angle between the sun's
proposed system is based on the position and the vertical line
calculations of the sun-earth on the surface of the earth,
angles which were used as this angle is given by
input–output data to Fuzzy equation (3):
Logic. Four important angles
govern the position of the sun 𝜃𝜃𝜃𝜃 = 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 𝛿𝛿 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 𝜑𝜑 +
and the solar panel: 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 𝛿𝛿 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 𝜑𝜑 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 𝜔𝜔 (3)
- The Latitude angle 𝜑𝜑 which
determined the location of where:
either the south or north δ= Declination angle in degrees
equator plane. θz= Zenith angle
- Hour angle: this angle
relates the rotation of the IV. Methodology
earth at any time and the The flow chart shown in
solar noon, this angle is Figure 1 describes the operating
given by equation (1): steps in each interval, starting
with the inputs to the fuzzy set-
𝜔𝜔 = 15(𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 − 12)) (1)
based classifier, namely latitude,
ISSN: 2180-3811 Vol. XX No. X
34 ISSN: 2180-3811 Vol. 14 No. 2 July - December 2023
Advance Design of Dual Axis Solar Tracking System Using Fuzzy Logic
Journal of Engineering and Technology

hour angle, and zenith angle, system, so utmost care should be

which are given to the fuzzy taken in preparing them. Once
inference system through the the rules are prepared for the
fuzzification block. The fuzzy desired hour, the output obtained
inference block is the heart of is compared with the actual
the system as it processes the zenith angle, and the error in
input data and gives the zenith zenith angle load forecasting is
angle as the output. The used to improve the rule base for
inference system accomplishes future forecasts, as shown in
the task of forecasting by using Figure 1.
the fuzzy rule base prepared by
the forecaster. The accuracy of
the forecast depends on the
experience of the forecaster, the
rules prepared by the forecaster,
and the number of rules prepared.
After the inference system gives
the output, the defuzzification
block converts the fuzzified
output into a crisp output, which
can be further displayed on a
graph known as the load curve.
Firstly, the historical data is
examined, and the maximum
and minimum ranges of different
parameters are obtained. These
ranges are used in the process of
fuzzifying different parameters,
such as latitude angle and hour
angle. After the fuzzification is
done, forecasting rules are Figure 1: Flow chart
prepared based on the different
parameters of the angle. These
rules are the heart of the fuzzy
ISSN: 2180-3811 Vol. XX No. X
ISSN: 2180-3811 Vol. 14 No. 2 July - December 2023 35
Journal of Engineering and Technology
Journal of Engineering and Technology

V. Modeling of Fuzzy Logic 2 shows the whole structure of

Controller the fuzzy logic system including
Mamdani’s approach was used input, reasoning rules, and also
to implement FLC for the sun the proposed output. The
tracker. FLC contains three inference rules relate the input to
basic parts: Fuzzification, Base the output and every rule
rule, and Defuzzification. Figure represents a fuzzy relation.

Figure 2: Fuzzy model

The knowledge of defining the rules evaluated by an inference

fuzzy rules for the desired mechanism. In this study, the 84
relationship between input fuzzy rules provided defines the
variables (hour_angle_range mapping between the input
and declination_angle_range) variables (hour_angle_range
and output variables and declalion_angle_range) and
"zenith_angle." Each rule the output variable
consists of an "if" part (zenith_angle) based on the
(antecedent) and a "then" part given membership functions.
(consequent). in terms of the The rules cover various
membership functions combinations of input
illustrated in the control rules as conditions and assign
shown in Figure 3 the fuzzy

ISSN: 2180-3811 Vol. XX No. X
36 ISSN: 2180-3811 Vol. 14 No. 2 July - December 2023
Advance Design of Dual Axis Solar Tracking System Using Fuzzy Logic
Journal of Engineering and Technology

corresponding output values as

a set of the following formula:
1. If (hour_angle_range is 6)
and (declalion_angle_range
is Dec) then (zenith_angle is
2. If (hour_angle_range is 8)
and declination_angle_range Figure 3: The fuzzy rules
is Dec) then (zenith_angle is
Table 1: Fuzzy range of hour angle
3. If (hour_angle_range is 10) Variable Crisp input range

and declination_angle_range 6 -9 -75

-75 -45
is Dec) then (zenith_angle is 8
z2) 10 -45 -15
4. If (hour_angle_range is 12) -15 15
and declination_angle_range 14 15 45
is Dec) then (zenith_angle is 16 45 75
z2) 18 75 90
5. If (hour_angle_range is 14)
and declination_angle_range Table 2: Fuzzy range of hour angle
is Dec) then (zenith_angle is Variable Crisp input range
6. If (hour_angle_range is 16) Jan 17 -23
Feb 17 -8
and declination_angle_range
March -8 -4
is Dec) then (zenith_angle is
Apr 4 15
z3) May 15 22
7. If (hour_angle_range is 18) Jun 22 23
and declination_angle_range July 23 18
is Jule) then (zenith_angle is Aug 18 8
z4) Sep 8 -4
Oct -4 -15
The input hour angle of the
Nov -15 -22
proposed fuzzy model is divided Dec -22 -23
into a set of ranges as specified
in Table 1.
ISSN: 2180-3811 Vol. XX No. X
ISSN: 2180-3811 Vol. 14 No. 2 July - December 2023 37
Journal of Engineering and Technology
Journal of Engineering and Technology

Similarly, the input fuzzy logic month, latitude angle, and hour
of the declination angle was angle) were applied to the model
specified into different ranges as to control the stepper motor
shown in Table 2. directly to the correct sun
position. The stepper provides a
VI. Simulink Model motor good choice in
Figure 4 illustrates the controlling the rotation of the
Simulink block diagram for the angle due to its excellent
Fuzzy controller for the sun response and the proportional
tracker system. As shown in relation between the rotation
Figure 4, four inputs (day, angle and the input control pulse.

Figure 4: Simulink Model

VII. Results and Discussions calculating the range value for all
The experimental data of the months. The hour angle via fuzzy
zenith angle were calculated as logic controller has negative
shown in Table 4 the obtained values in the morning and positive
results were distributed for values in the afternoon time, the
different months in wad Medani higher value during the morning
city in Sudan by calculating the was + 90 degrees and the lowest
hour angle and declination angle during the afternoon was - 90
for the same in each hour and degrees.
ISSN: 2180-3811 Vol. XX No. X
38 ISSN: 2180-3811 Vol. 14 No. 2 July - December 2023
Advance Design of Dual Axis Solar Tracking System Using Fuzzy Logic
Journal of Engineering and Technology

Table 4: Zenith angle

Month Hour Angle Declination Output Zenith Angle
(Degrees) Angle (Degrees) (Degrees)
Jan 90 -90 -17 -23 30.5 93
Feb 90 -90 -17 -8 30 90
March 90 -90 -8 -4 11.2 90.8
Apr 90 -90 4 15 7 88
May 90 -90 15 22 7 90
Jun 90 -90 22 23 7 90
July 90 -90 23 18 7 90
Aug 90 -90 18 8 7 86
Sep 90 -90 8 -4 7 90
Oct 90 -90 -4 -15 20.2 90.9
Nov 90 -90 -15 -22 30.5 95
Dec 90 -90 -22 -23 30.5 93

The results of the zenith angle The higher zenith angle for the
were calculated based on the proposed sun tracking system
fuzzy controller. Then it was calculation by the fuzzy logic
compared with the conventional controller was 93 degrees whereas
calculation method of the zenith the actual zenith angle for the
angle for other months during the calculation was 95 degrees.
year. The maximum fuzzy Similarly, the minimum fuzzy
forecast zenith angle results forecast zenith angle results
compared with the actual compared with the actual
calculated results as shown in minimum calculated zenith angle
Figure 5. results were shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Minimum zenith angle

Figure 5: Maximum zenith angle

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ISSN: 2180-3811 Vol. 14 No. 2 July - December 2023 39
Journal of Engineering and Technology
Journal of Engineering and Technology

The results of the proposed error ratio of 0.01% and a large

system based on a fuzzy error ratio of 6%. Similarly, the
controller were close to the actual obtained results for the day 21st of
maximum zenith angle and December 2019 were plotted in
minimum zenith angle. The error the curve shown in Figure 8.
ratio of the zenith angle obtained As shown from the curve; it was
by Fuzzy is calculated for the day observed that the fuzzy zenith
of 21st March 2019 using angle curve was almost
equation (4). compatible with the actual. The
smallest error ratio was 0.8% and
%𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸= the largest ratio was 6%.
𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧ℎ 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 −𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧ℎ 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎
𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧ℎ 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎

100 (4)

The obtained results for the day

21st March 2019 were plotted in
the curve shown in Figure 7. From
the curve it was observed that the
fuzzy zenith angle curve was Figure 8: Zenith angle curve of 21st
almost compatible with the actual. December 2019

VIII. Output power

The output energy (W/m2) of
dual axis solar photovoltaic panel
for 21st March 2019. Calculate
from the equations sequentially,

POUT=H×𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠(𝛼𝛼 + 𝛽𝛽) (5)

Figure 7: Zenith angle curve of 21 st

March 2019 where:

H = direct beam
The error ratio of the zenith 𝛽𝛽 = angle between the module
angle which was calculated on the and the horizon
day 21st March 2019 shows a less α = Elevation angle
ISSN: 2180-3811 Vol. XX No. X
40 ISSN: 2180-3811 Vol. 14 No. 2 July - December 2023
Advance Design of Dual Axis Solar Tracking System Using Fuzzy Logic
Journal of Engineering and Technology

By calculating the total energy panels using altitude angle, hour

for the proposed system based on angle, and declination angle as
fuzzy controller, it was found that inputs and by formulating rules
the total output energy was based on fuzzy logic using
10141.220 kW/m2 where the available data. One of the
actual total output energy was advantages of using fuzzy logic in
9920.346 kW/m2 for 12 hours this system is that it allows for
(from 6:00 am to 18:00 pm) with accurate prediction of the zenith
the enhancement of 520.874 angle, which is used to determine
kW/m2. By comparing the results the position of the sun. The study
of the proposed paper with some found that the fuzzy logic
related papers, it showed that the approach was able to predict the
obtained power in Dola [10] is zenith angle with a high degree of
0.9926 kW/m2 and Hao [16] accuracy, with an error rate of
11.59455 kW/m2, while the approximately 6%. This suggests
obtained power in the proposed that the use of fuzzy logic could
system is given power bout lead to increased efficiency in
10141.22 kW/m2. solar panel systems, resulting in
higher power output and
IX. Conclusion increased cost-effectiveness.
In this study, a sun tracking Additionally, the use of
system was developed to increase geometrical angles of the sun in
the amount of power generated by the sun tracking system makes it
the solar panel as the sun travels more resistant to environmental
across the sky. Fuzzy logic is used factors such as cloud cover and
to control the movement of the shading, which can often interfere
solar panel based on geometrical with the accuracy of traditional
angles of the sun. The obtained systems that use LDRs. This
power output of 10141.220 means that the developed system
kW/m2 further validates the could be more reliable and
effectiveness of the system. This effective in a wider range of
study shows that it is possible to environmental conditions. The
significantly increase the amount findings of this study are
of power generated by solar significant for the renewable
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