Latha 2017
Latha 2017
Latha 2017
Abstract:-Energy crisis and increasing demand for as evinced by frequent power cuts and rising fuel
energy is the most important issue in today's world as prices, is a major concern in the world. To provide a
demand for electrical energy increasing over the years. sustainable power production and safer world to the
Conventional energy sources like fossil fuels are not future generation, Continuation of the use of fossil
only limited but also hazardous to environment. the fuels faces multiple challenges including depletion of
production of electrical energy using clean, renewable fossil fuels reserves, global warming, continuing fuel
sources, such as solar energy, wind energy, etc. Owing price rise, military conflicts etc. Fossil fuels are
to the usage of solar energy, it has become necessary to causing vast blow on the environment. Climatic
develop some methods for the better use of solar energy. changes driven by human activities results in
This paper deals with the comparative analysis of production of green house gas emission and thereby
various tracking technologies and also gives the directly impacts the human environment. Renewable
performance analysis standalone systems with the
energy resources like solar, wind, biomass, tidal,
hybrid renewable systems for the greater power
wave are abundant inexhaustible and environmental
generation from the non-conventional sources. The
solar tracing can be achieved by a Arduino controller
based method of solar tracking with Light dependent 1.1. Solar photovoltaic Technology:
resistors are used as sensors to determine the start and
stop point of tracker. The tracking systems may consist Photovoltaic materials convert sunlight directly in to
of dual axis tracking by using sensors and PIC. The electrical energy. A photovoltaic system employs
LDR Based stepper motor control performance with solar panels composed of a number of solar cells to
PLC control. The MPPT algorithm provides the hybrid supply usable solar power. The process is both
systems performance, the aforementioned equations physical and chemical in nature, as the step involves
were coded with MATLAB V13.2, compared to the photo electric effect from which a second electro
experimental data. The model is intended to be used as chemical process take place involving crystallized
an optimization and design tool. An Adaptive Neuro atoms being ionized in a series, generating an electric
Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) based controller has effect. Typically, the angle of the solar array is set
been designed and the system is analyzed in terms of the within a range of between site-latitude-plus 15
power generation and consumption. The results degrees and site-latitude-minus 15 degrees,
obtained are encouraging in terms of their stability. depending on whether a slight winter or summer bias
Keywords: Renewable sources, Tracking, Arduino is desirable in the system (SMACCNA, 1978).
controller, PLC control, LDR, MPPT algorithm,
MATLAB V13.2, Neuro Fuzzy Inference System
Presently, the chief sources of energy available for The wind energy system is used to convert the kinetic
our world are fossil fuels. Considering the rate at energy of wind into electrical energy. The power and
which fossil fuels are consumed today, Energy crisis, torque generated by a wind . Modern wind turbines
are also classified as high rotation speed ones and 1.4. Renewable energy Hybridge Systems:
low rotation speed ones, depending on a non
dimensional value known as the tip speed ratio (λ); Intermittent energy resources and energy resources
this is defined as the ratio of the speed of the unbalance are the most important reason to install a
extremities of a windmill rotor to the speed of the hybrid energy supply system. The Solar PV wind
free wind, and is illustrated below. A useful measure hybrid system suits to conditions where sunlight and
is provided by this ratio, based on which the different wind has seasonal shifts.[2] As the wind does not
characteristics of the wind turbines can be compared. blow throughout the day and the sun does not shine
for the entire day, using a single source will not be a
λ= ω XR/V suitable choice. A hybrid arrangement of combining
the power harnessed from both the wind and the sun
In order to capture the maximal wind energy, it is and stored in a battery can be a much more reliable
necessary to install the power electronic devices and realistic power source. The load can still be
between the wind turbine generator (WTG) and the powered using the stored energy in the batteries even
grid where the electrical power delivered by the when there is no sun or wind. Hybrid systems are
generator to the load can be dynamically controlled usually built for design of systems with lowest
and the frequency is constant. The instantaneous possible cost and also with maximum reliability. The
difference between mechanical power and electrical high cost of solar PV cells makes it less competent
power changes the rotor speed following the equation for larger capacity designs. This is where the wind
(1) d P P m e J dt Z Z Where J is the polar turbine comes into the picture, the main feature being
moment of the inertia of the rotor (neglecting friction its cheap cost as compared to the PV cells. Battery
coefficient B), ω is the angular speed of the rotor, Pm system is needed to store solar and wind energy
is the mechanical power produced by the turbine, and produced during the day time. During night time, the
Pe is the electrical power delivered to the load. The presence of wind is an added advantage, which
input of a wind turbine is the wind and the output is increases the reliability of the system. In the monsoon
the mechanical power turning the generator rotor [4]. seasons, the effect of sun is less at the site and thus it
For a variable speed wind turbine, the output is apt to use a hybrid wind solar system.
mechanical power available from a wind turbine
could be expressed as 2.Solar Tracking Technologies:
1.3. Solar Tracking Systems: Development of solar panel tracking system has been
ongoing for several years. As the sun moves across
A solar tracker is an electro mechanical device for the sky during the day, it is advantageous to have the
orienting a solar photovoltaic panel toward the sun solar panels that track the location of sun, such that
trackers, especially in solar cell applications require a panels are always perpendicular with the position of
high degree of accuracy to ensure that the sun.
concentrated sunlight is directed precisely to the
powered deice. The direct beam of sunlight carries Solar trackers can be classified into two main
about 90% of solar energy, whereas the diffused categories (Gevorkian, 2011). They are Passive
sunlight carries the remainder. It is necessary to thermally operated models and Active electrically
present the maximum surface area of the photovoltaic operated models. Active trackers use photoelectric
module to the direct beam of sun, in order to produce sensors to determine the angle of the sun and are
the largest amount of power. This can be more accurate and powered by electricity and not the
accomplished using solar tracking system which sun’s heat and could be used in cold and winter
keeps on moving solar panel with the movement of climates. Active trackers are classified into
sun. Tracking technology for solar PV panels follow microprocessor and electro-optical sensor type, PC
the course of sun and increase the electricity controlled date and time based, auxiliary bifacial
production by 40% compared with modules at fixed solar cell based and a combination of these three
angles. In any solar application, the conversion systems (Camacho, et al, 2012).
efficiency is improved when the modules are
continuously adjusted to the optimal angle as the sun 2.1 Solal Tracking using Arduino Uno R3
traverses the sky. A tracker produces more power The major components that are used in the
over a long time than a stationary array with same prototype are given below:-
number of modules. The additional output can be
defined as a percentage of output of the stationary x Photovoltaic panel x Light dependent resistors x
array. This output or gain varies with latitude, climate Arduino Uno R3 x Motor driver IC-L298 x Stepper
and the type of the tracker motor x Bearings
Fig.2. Graphical Representation of a Arduino Uno R3
Fig. 1 : Block Diagram of proposed system-1
2.2 Solar Tracking by Peripheral Interphase
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