Portofoliu Iriminescu Liviu Gabriel Limba Si Literature Engleza Liceul Teoretic Ion Barbu
Portofoliu Iriminescu Liviu Gabriel Limba Si Literature Engleza Liceul Teoretic Ion Barbu
Portofoliu Iriminescu Liviu Gabriel Limba Si Literature Engleza Liceul Teoretic Ion Barbu
When Future Tense When the fog lifts we will be able to see where we
↓ are.
By the time By the time she was eight, she could read Greek
and Latin.
Present tense(V1) →Past Tence(V2) I like cats. The teacher said that she like cats.
Present Perfect(S+have/has+V3) I have visited She said that she had visited London.
↓ London.
Past Perfect(S+had+V3)
Past Tense(V2) I saw Tom She said that she had seen tell Tom
↓ yesterday. the day before.
Past Perfect(S+had+V3)
Future Tense(S+shall/will+V1) I will tell you a She said that she would tell me a
↓ secret. secret.
Future in the past(S+shall)
Now •then
•at that time
Today •yesterday
•that day
•the 27th of June
Yesterday •the day before
•the 5th of December
•the day before yesterday
Last night •thursday night
•the night before
Last week •the week before
•the previos week
Tomorrow •today
•the next day
•the following day
Tonight •that night
Tomorrow •the next week
Next week •the next week
Now •then
Here •there
This •that
These •those
Two days ago •the days before
Last week •the week before
Last year •the year before
Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle Translate
Abide Abode Abode A se tine de/a suporta
Arise Arose Arisen A se ridica
Awake Awoke Awoken A se trezi
Be Was/were Been A fi
Bear Bore Borne/born A purta
Beat Beat Beaten A bate
Become Became Become A devein
Beget Begot Begotten A procrea
Begin Began Begun A incepe
Bend Bent Bent A se indoi
Bet Bet Bet A paria
Bid Bid/bate Bid/bidden A porunci
Bite Bit Bitten A musca
Bleed Bled Bled A sangera
Blow Blew Blown A sufla
Break Broke Broken A sparge
Bring Brought Brought A adduce
Build Bluit Built A construe
Burst Burst Burst A crapa/a izbucni
Buy Bought Bought A cumpara
Cast Cast Cast A arunca
Catch Caught Caught A prinde
Chide Chid Chide/Chidden A certa
Choose Chose Chosen A allege
Cling Clung Clung A se agata
Come Came Come A veni
Cost Cost Cost A costa
Creep Crept Crept A se furisa
Cut Cut Cut A taia
Deal Dealt Dealt A trata/a se ocupa de
Dig Dug Dug A sapa
Do Did Done A face
Draw Drew Drawn A trage
Drink Drank Drunk A bea
Drive Drove Driven A sofa/a mana
Dwell Dwelt Dwelt A locui
Eat Ate Eaten A manca
Fall Fell Fallen A cadea
Feed Fed Fed A hrani
Feel Felt Felt A se simti
Fight Fought Fought A se lupta
Find Found Found A gasi
Flee Fled Fled A se refugia
Fling Flung Flung A arunca
Fly Flew Flown A zbura
Forbit Forbade Forbitten A interzice
Forget Forgot Forgotten A uita
Forgive Forgave Forgiven A ierta
Forsake Forsook Forsaken A parasi
Freeze Froze Frozen A ingheta
Get Got Got/gotten A primi/a obtine
Give Gave Given A da
Go Went Gone A merge
Grind Ground Ground A macina
Grow Grew Grown A creste
Hang Hung Hung A atarna
Have Had Had A avea
Hear Heard Heard A auzi
Hide Hid Hidden A se ascunde
Hit Hit Hit A lovi
Hold Held Held A tine
Hurt Hurt Hurt A lovi/a rani
Keep Kept Kept A tine/a pastra
Kneel Knelt Knelt A ingenunchia
Know Knew Known A sti/a cunoaste
Lay Laid Laid A pune/A aseza
Lead Led Led A conduce
Leave Left Left A pleca/a lasa
Lend Lent Lent A conduce
Let Let Let A lasa/a permite
Lie Lay Lain A lasa/a permite
Lose Lost Lost A pierde
Make Made Made A face
Mean Meant Meant A insemna
Meet Met Met A se intalni
Overcome Overcame Overcome A covarsi
Pay Paid Paid A plati
Put Put Put A pune
Read Read Read A citi
Rend Rent Rent A sfasia/a smulge
Rid Rid Rid A calari
Ring Rang Rung A suna
Rise Rose Risen A rasari/a se ridica
Run Ran Run A fugi
Saw Sawed Sawn A taia cu fierastraul
Say Said Said A spune
See Saw Seen A vedea
Seek Sought Sought A cauta
Sell Sold Sold A vinde
Send Sent Sent A trimite
Set Set Set A pune
Shake Shook Shaken A scutura/a tremura
Shed Shed Shed A varsa(lacrimi/sange)
Shine Shone Shone A straluci
Shoe Shod Shod A potcovi
Shoot Shot Shod A impusca
Show Showed Shown A arata
Shut Shut Shut A inchide
Sing Sang Sung A canta
Sink Sank Sunk A se scufunda
Sit Sat Sat A se aseza
Slay Slew Slain A macelari
Sleep Slept Slept A dormi
Slide Slid Slid A aluneca
Slit Slit Slit A se crapa
Speak Spoke Spoken A vorbi
Spend Spent Spent A cheltui/a petrece
Spin Span Spat A toarce
Spit Spat Spat A scuipa
Split Split Split A descuia
Spread Spread Spread A raspandi/a imprastia
Spring Sprang Sprung A izvori/a sari
Stand Stood Stood A sta in picioare
Steal Stole Stolen A fura/a se furisa
Stick Stuck Stuck A lipi
Sting Stung Stung A intepa
Strike Struck Struck A lovi
Strive Strode Striven A se stradui
Swear Swore Sworm A jura/a injura
Sweat Sweat Sweat A transpira
Sweep Swept Swept A matura
Swim Swam Swum A inota
Swing Swung Swung A legana
Take Took Taken A lua
Teach Taught Taught A invata/a preda
Tear Tore Torn A rupe/a sfasia
Tell Told Told A spune/a povesti
Think Thought Thought A se gandi
Throw Threw Trown A arunca
Thrust Thrust Thrust A impinge
Undergo Underwent Undergone A trece prin
Understand Understood Understood A intelege
Wear Wore Worn A purta
Weep Wept Wept A plange
Wet Wet Wet A uda
Win Won Won A castiga
Wind Wound Wound A rasuci
Withdraw Withdrew Withstood A retrage
Wring Wrung Wrung A rasuci
Write Wrote Written A scrie
My favourite book
My favoourite food-Pizza
Pissa is a Latin term that appeared in the ninth century, meaning "flat
bread". From the 14th century onwards, it became known as "flat bread
covered with cheese" in Italian. A man who is good at making pizza is called a
"pizzaiolo," and a restaurant that serves pizza is called a "pizzeria." Many
pizzerias can also be ordered at home, by phone or online. Pizza is also found
in supermarkets in frozen form.
Termenul de „pizza” a fost menționat pentru prima oară într-un text
latin datat din 997, descoperit într-un orăsel italian din sud, lângă Napoli.
Conform acestuia, un lucrător de fermă trebuia să îi dea episcopului orașului
'duodecim pizze' (douăzeci de pizze) cu ocazia Crăciunului și Paștelui.
Termenul propriu-zis poate proveni dintr-o multitudine de cuvinte:
My favourite subject-English
English is the third most spoken language that if you know it you can
handle almost anywhere.
This is one of the many reasons why I like and continue to develop my
English. I also meet English very often, in games, series, etc. . I like to watch
movies in English, to improve my pronunciation, or to listen to songs in
English, trying as much as possible to translate them. Another advantage of
this subject is that the computer settings are made in English, and knowing
the language helps me deal with the settings much easier, no longer needing
a translator. I also admire the culture of England and America, and it makes
me a pleasure to know their language.
In conclusion, English is a very beautiful language that we should all
know at least at an average level.
England is the largest and most populous of the four administrative
and historical divisions of the United Kingdom. This division dates back to the
5th century. The territory of England has been continuously united since the
tenth century. This article covers this territory. However, before the tenth
century and after the enthronement of King James VI of Scotland on the
throne of England in 1603, respectively, it is quite difficult to distinguish
between the history of Scotland, Wales and England. political union of these
two countries with the last.
The Act of Union of 1800 established the official annexation of Ireland
to Great Britain, creating a new state, the "United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Ireland" beginning on January 1, 1801 and uniting England, Wales,
Ireland and Scotland.
Since then, England, as an independent political entity, has ceased to
exist, but as a region it has remained the dominant element in the United
Kingdom. Much of the political and economic leadership in the United
Kingdom remains from England. London remained the economic center of
Great Britain and one of the great cities of the world.