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Zion Desamero - Endterm Exam 2020-21

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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College

Alijis Campus | Binalbagan Campus | Fortune Towne Campus | Talisay Campus

Fortune Towne Campus, Bacolod City

2nd SEMESTER, A.Y. 2020-2021
End-Term Exam

Name: Zion R.Desamero Year & Section: BSMA 2C Score:_________

Instructor: Mrs. Marissa Panogaling Date: April 26, 2020_
Your understanding of your inner self holds the meaning of your life. Leo Tolstoy
1. Read the instructions in every item carefully.
2. Erasures mean wrong.
3. Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

I. INDENTIFICATION. Identify whose perspective or view of self is being described. Choose the letter of the
correct answer from the box and write it on the space provided before each number. (10 pts)
A. Plato G. Julian Steward
B. Edward Taylor H. David Hume
C. B.F. Skinner I. John B. Watson
D. Aristotle J. Karl Marx
E. William James K. Abraham Maslow
F. Emile Durkheim L. Socrates

L 1. For him, every man is composed of body and soul.

D 2. For him, when the body dies, the soul dies with it.
H 3. He believes that one can know only what comes from the senses and experiences.
F 4. He believes that individuals are products of complex social forces and cannot be considered outside of
the context of the society in which they live.
J 5. He suggested that all societies go through stages of economic development.
B 6. Culture is a complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, moral laws, custom, and any other
capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society
G 7. Ecological approach compares the social structure of different societies that have the same level of
hunting technology.
C 8. He coined the term "operant conditioning," which describes the strengthening or attenuation of a
voluntary response based on association with positive or negative
K 9. He is considered the founder of humanistic psychology and is noted for his conceptualization of the
hierarchy of human needs.
E 10. He refers self as the aspects of someone that come from that person's experiences.

II. COMPARE AND CONTRAST. Discuss the pairs below based on your understanding. (20pts)
1. Judaic and Christian Tradition vs Greek Tradition perspectives of self (4pts).
-Judaicand Christian tradition believe that humans are made the image and likeness
of God.In this tradition it is about yourself in terms of what makes us person.While The
controls our emotions and appetites.

2. Macrosociology vs Microsociology (3pts)

-Macrosociology involves the study of widespread social processes. Microsociology involves the study of
people at a more interpersonal level, as in face-to-face interactions.

3. Functional vs Dysfunctional (3pts)

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Alijis Campus | Binalbagan Campus | Fortune Towne Campus | Talisay Campus

-Society is functional if they contribute to social stability and dysfunctional if they disrupt social stability.

4. Physical vs Cultural Anthropology (3pts)

-Physical Anthropology branch of anthropology concerned with the origin, evolution and diversity of
people. Cultural Anthropology branch of anthropology dealing with the origins, history, and development of
human culture, and including in its scope the field of archaeology, ethnology, ethnography, and linguistics.

5. Material Culture vs Non-Material Culture (3pts)

-Material culture are the physical artifacts, tools, and spaces that people use to describe
their culture.Non-material culture arethenonphysicalideasaboutsociety,suchasideals,
values,laws,norms,morality,language,organisations,and institutions,are referred to as
nonmaterial culture.

6. Ideal self vs Real self (4pts)

- The ideal self is the person who who would like to be.The self that created base
from our aspirations and life experiences.The real self is the concept of self which show who
we really are.The True Identity And Appearance Of Ourselves.

IV. ESSAY. Explain your viewpoint in each question in 7-10 sentenced-paragraph. You will be rated as
Content - 4 Organization -3 Mechanics -3 Total = 10pts
1. Among the various philosophical view of self, which perspective do you adhere? Why do you consider
such perspective? (10pts)

-Among The Various Philosophical View Self,I adhere the perspective of the Judaic and

Christians tradition.Since I also believe that we humans are made in the image and likeness of

God.We have fleshy outward appearance but inside we share the divine nature. We are the

creation of God since we also have the ability to feel and show love.

2. Discuss various psychological influences, factors and forces that you believe helped you understand
yourself or your personality in general. (10pts).

-Understanding myself and developing my personality,the psychological perspective that

influence the evolutionary psychology.Human behavior adapt from nature and evolves as

time goes by.The behavior and psychological traits we have are based on the experiences we

have in our surroundings. And as we continue to grow and mature our perspective become

wides. And we discover a lot of experiences and meet a lot of people were our environment

become bigger and bigger and in this we evolve. Through this we develop ourselves and know

who we really are and what we want in life.

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