Understanding The Self Midterm
Understanding The Self Midterm
Understanding The Self Midterm
Lesson 4
II. Objectives:
There are a lot of sources in which we can analyze the perspective of each culture and
country about the concept of “self”. You can see it in their literature like how one culture
depicts a hero or a Villain in their stories. You can see it in their social organization like how
they see their loss in their subordinate. Artworks chances, even clothing every show you
The lessons will look at religious beliefs and political Philosophers that greater
influenced the mind set of each nation or culture. The concept of Western thoughts about
the self is that it does not discount the role of environment and society in its formation but
the focus is always looking towards the self. They look at the world in dualities where in you
are distinct from other persons, the creation is separate from the object he created in which
the self is distinguished and acknowledge while the eastern concept is that they see the
person as part of yourself as well as the things you may create. In Asian thoughts, people
talk about their social role in the social situation that involved certain that treats claim
positive for their self. They would rather keep a low profile as promoting the self can be
seen as boastfulness that disrupt social relationship. The group social relation is given
Confucianism – who focus on harmonious social life, Taosism – who believes that self in a
part of the universe – ideal self is selflessness – living a balance life, Buddhism – claimed that
self is seen as an illusion, born out of ignorance, of trying to hold and control things on
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Activity 1
1. Write the top 5 differences between Western and Eastern society, culture, and
They have variety of junk food. The people believed in healthy food.
There dress code is modern. The dress code us simple or spiritual.
People are friendly. People are very attached to their culture.
People are not spiritual. People love their tradition or follow their
They are not much attached to their People have good relation with other
culture. people, they have strong unity.
Activity 2
-As a Filipino citizen, I really value my country's culture and beliefs as an Asian, and I
have given a lot of thought to how my community and country will develop in the
future. Being proud to be a Filipino, I value my own language and beliefs and want the
Chapter II.
Lesson 1
In Psychology Physical Self refer the body, their marvelous container and complex, finely
tuned, machine with which we interface with our environment and fellow beings. The
Physical Self is the concrete dimension, the tangible aspect of the person that can be
The developmental aspect of the Reproductive System begins when the gonads (sex
reproductive structure of male and female are alike and said to be in the different stage.
When primary reproductive structures are formed, development of the accessory structures
are external genetalia’ begins. The formation of male and female structures depends on the
presence of testosterone. Once formed, the embryonic testes release testosterone and the
formation of the duct system and external genetalia follows. In female embryo that from
ovaries, will cause the development of the female ducts and external genetalia since
The Erogenous Zones refers to the part of the body that are primary receptive and
increase sexual arousal when touched in a sexual manner. They are the mouth, breasts,
infected person through sexual contact. A member of them are: chlamydia, Gonorrhea,
introduction into the human body. Such as abstinence, calendar method, basal body
temperature and the like while artificial method includes chemical and foreigner body such
as, contraceptive, vaginal ring, hormonal injections, IUD and the like.
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Activity 1
2. A beautiful person is someone who stays true to themselves and their spirit; someone
human rights have already been established as a law so how different is a transgender
or homosexual to a human? This shows that human is capable of thinking, deciding, and
Chapter II.
Lesson 2
II. Objectives:
We live in a world of Sole and Slopping spree. We are given a wide array of products to
purchase, from a simple set of spoon and fork to owning a restaurant. Almost everywhere,
including the digital space, we can find promotions of product purchase. Product
advertisement are suggestions of making us feel better or look good. Part of us wants to
have that product. What makes us want to have those products are connected with who we
Bell (1988) - stated that we regard our possessions as part of our self. We are what we
have and what we possess. This is a direct link between self-identity with what we have.
William James – a Harvard Psychologists presents his components of self: The Constituents,
the feelings and emotions they arouse. The actions to which they prompt. The constituents
are composed of the material self, social self, spiritual self, and pure ego. The material self is
The body is the innermost part of our material self. We invest in it; we are attached to
this commodity that are cannot live without. We strive hard to make sure that the body
functions well and good. Clothes are the essential part of the material self. The fabric and
style of the clothes we wear buying sensitive to the body and directly affects on attitudes
and behavior are choose and wear clothes that respects our self.
Immediate family, parents and siblings hold great important part of our self. What they do
media platform.
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A very wealthy person gave you a debit card and told you to use it as much as you want to
make yourself happy. What are you going to do with your debit card? Make a list of what
1. Which among the items in your list you like most? Why?