The Significance of Soliloquy ... .
The Significance of Soliloquy ... .
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1.3 Examples
Shakespeare gives soliloquies to complex character in order to
bring out the secret feelings and plans which the character cannot
share with other characters . In the tragedy of Othello, the
antagonist Iago is given soliloquies .Since he is a scheming villain,
his deceptions, treachery, conspiracies and pretensions can best be
revealed through soliloquies. It helps to show that side of the
character’s personality which is hidden from the other characters
who are the victims of Iago’s villainy, (Bradley, 1957: 43)
In the tragedy of Hamlet, the majority of soliloquies are given
to the protagonist, who often thereby revealing his doubts,
dilemmas, fears, anger and musings on questions of morality.
Hamlet is not the acting type so the reflective or contemplative side
of his personality is best brought out through his soliloquies' The
central character of a tragedy may himself choose a course of
action in blindness or ignoraness '' (Margeson, 1967 :4)
2. The Tragic Action and Revenge
Hamlet is a revenge tragedy. It is a tragedy of reflection and
moral sensitivity . The protagonist is very reflective and too
sensitive so he is unfit for taking revenge through action . Hamlet’s
father has been murdered by his uncle and his mother marries the
criminal after her husband’s death. As suggested by the ghost,
Hamlet has to take revenge his father’s murderer. As he is a person
with a high degree of moral sensitivity and a philosophic bent of
mind, he thinks about whether evil can undo evil and not remain
evil. Hamlet wants to find out whether the ghost has told the truth
or not. He thinks too much and cannot go into action without which
revenge cannot be taken. His philosophical soliloquies make it a
poetic play rather than a realistic one,(Ford,1961: 82)
Hamlet is a play whose main theme is to bring to light what is
hidden . It is not perhaps so clear why Shakespear sacrifices the
effect of making the ghost's meeting with Hamlet coincide with his
first appearance .There is more of Shakespeare himself in this play
than in any of his others . This play is the only revenge tragedy of
The Significance of Soliloquy ………………………...………….………………( 50)
its period .It's the only play in which a real tragic conflict arises
directly out of the imposition of the task of revenge upon its hero
.In other plays dealing with the subject of revenge , the ethics of
revenge are raised directly as an issue bearing on the hero's conduct
and he/she makes his/her decision either for or against revenge .
(Harrison, 1987 :220)
3. Hamlet's Soliloquies
Shakespeare's writings in the tragedy of Hamlet reveal
seven in depth soliloquies spoken by Hamlet. In these soliloquies,
Shakespeare shows the portions of Hamlet's personality. The
analysis of the soliloquies help readers better understand the exact
mind of Hamlet. At the conclusion of the play, the readers feel as if
they know Hamlet and his soliloquies contribute too much of that
understanding. Hamlet is one of the most complex characters ever
created. His intricacy can be seen in the amount of soliloquies he
speaks throughout the play. His soliloquy ‘to be or not to be that is
the question’(Act 111,scene i) is one of the most remarkable
soliloquies that serves to highlight the state of indecision in which
he finds himself. Hamlet's soliloquies show a progress in his power
to convert the personal into general , (Spenser,1942:108)
Each one of Hamlet’s soliloquies reveals his innermost thoughts
and gives the reader or the audience an insight of his feeling at that
time. Hamlet’s quartet of soliloquies illustrates how he is initially
indecisive, but eventually makes a decision to take revenge against
his uncle. The critic John Holloway said:
'' Hamlet's soliloquies are foremost in bringing the idea of the
delay to our notice . But the stress on delay in the soliloquies
also shows how Hamlet is preoccupied with his role , a role
undertaken by him with what might almost be termed
preordained course and end'' , (1987: 122
3.1 Grief and Anger
Hamlet’s first soliloquy shows that he is angry with his mother
and upset over his father’s death. It also expresses Hamlet's deepest
thoughts. He can not stand the world that he lives in. He wants to
The Significance of Soliloquy ………………………...………….………………( 51)
King Hamlet was a spirit , but the spirit of a majestical king and a
great soldier'', (Willson,1935 :58)
Hamlet deplores the fact that his mother has remarried barely
two months after his father's death , and she has married a man
much inferior to the husband she lost . He considers this marriage
as incestuous affairs .
This soliloquy shows the meditative nature of Hamlet and
prepares the readers for the prolonged delay in his executing the
command of the ghost for revenge .Also, it sheds light on the
character of Hamlet's dead father who was an excellent king and a
loving husband . '' It is in the soliloquies that we find practically all
the evidence for the view of Hamlet as one who delays to act ''
,(Ford, 1961: 203)
3.2 Appearance of the Ghost
O all you host of heaven! O earth! what else?
And shall I couple hell? O, fie! Hold, hold, my heart;
Yea, from the table of my memory
I’ll wipe away all trivial fond records,
All saws of books, all forms, all pressures past,
That youth and observation copied there;
And thy commandment all alone shall live
Within the book and volume of my brain,
Unmix’d with baser matter: yes, by heaven!
O most pernicious woman!
O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain!
My tables,—meet it is I set it down,
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain;
At least I’m sure it may be so in Denmark:(Act i. v)
In this soliloquy, Hamlet speaks to his father's ghost, and his
father bids him farewell and asks Hamlet to remember him. Hamlet
states "Yea, from the table of my memory/ I'll wipe away all trivial
fond records''. (Act 1, v)
Hamlet says that he will forget everything he has learned ever
since he was a child so he may remember his father's ghost. He
The Significance of Soliloquy ………………………...………….………………( 53)
makes revenge as his main purpose in life . Bloom said '' Hamlet is
more aware than we are that he has been assigned a task wholly
inappropriate for him ''. (1999: 388)
Hamlet has been stunned by the revelation and echoes of the
ghost's words . He resolves to wipe out everything else from his
memory and to preserve in it the ghost's ''commandment'' only . The
way Hamlet speaks of never permitting himself to forget the
ghost's words , makes us think that Hamlet will soon plunge into
action and carry out the behest of the ghost . Now, he refers to his
mother as a '' most pernicious woman'' and to his uncle as a
''villain'' a ''smiling damned villain'' . (Act i. v)
3.3 Hamlet's hesitation
Now I am alone.
O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I!
Is it not monstrous that this player here
What’s Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba,
That he should weep for her? What would he do,
Had he the motive and the cue for passion
O, vengeance!
Why, what an ass am I! This is most brave,
That I, the son of a dear father murder’d,
Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell,
Must, like a whore, unpack my heart with words,
And fall a-cursing, like a very drab,
With this slave’s offal: bloody, bawdy villain!
Remorseless, treacherous, lecherous, kindless villain!(Act 11, ii)
In this soliloquy, Hamlet bitterly scolds himself for his
continuing failure to execute his revenge . The player is shedding
tears while reciting a speech descriptive of Hocuba's grief over the
death of her husband stings Hamlet to make him scold himself for
inaction . Freud writes: is able to do anything – except take
vengeance on the man Hamlet
who did away with his father and took that father's place with
his mother , the man who shows him the repressed wishes of his
The Significance of Soliloquy ………………………...………….………………( 54)
own childhood realize. Thus the loathing which should drive him
on to revenge is replaced in him by self-reproaches, by scruples of
conscience ,which remind him that he hemself is literally no better
than the sinner whom he wishes to punish .(1913: 33)
Hamlet regards himself dull and muddy-metalled rascal
who has so far done nothing to avenge the murder of his father .He
feels ashamed of being a coward who can only ''unpack'' his heart
with words and ''fall acursing like a very drab'' (Act 11, ii). He
vents his anger upon his uncle by referring to him as ''a bloody ,
bawdy villain ; remorseless , treacherous, lecherous , kindless
villain'' (Act 11, ii). It is hard to believe that Hamlet could not have
found an opportunity to kill the king . If it were for a lack of
opportunity that he has not acted so far , he would have mentioned
the fact in this soliloquy .The soliloquy, for all its felicity of
phrasing is redundant . It shows nothing and the readers do not
know already except that the prince has become unrealistic .A
prisoner under guard and on his way to England , he clearly does
not have the means he speaks of . For the audience eager to learn
whether he will find those means and thus avoid the ignominious
fate Claudius has planned for him The soliloquy is anticlimactic
and disappointing,(Jillal, 1987: 117)
This soliloquy depicts Hamlet's arrival at a state of vengeful
behaviour through an internal process. Hamlet moves through states
of depression and procrastination as he is caught up in the aftermath
of the murder of his father and the marriage of his mother to his
The soliloquy serves to effectively illustrate the inner nature of
Hamlet's character and develop the theme of revenge . Cohen said ;
''revenge is an individual response to an intolerable wrong or a
public insult ''. It is clear that what prevented him is the natural
deficiency . It is the natural deficiency that makes him ask ; ''Am I a
coward ?'' Hamlet condemns himself in round terms for his inaction
and for merely indulging in words and curses ''like a whore'' . This
The Significance of Soliloquy ………………………...………….………………( 55)
in carrying out his purpose and to show at the same time the mental
torture that he has been undergoing because of his faillure to have
carried out that purpose ,(ibid)
Tis now the very witching time of night,
When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out
Contagion to this world: now could I drink hot blood,
And do such bitter business as the day
Would quake to look on. Soft! now to my mother.
O heart, lose not thy nature; let not ever
The soul of Nero enter this firm bosom:
Let me be cruel, not unnatural:
I will speak daggers to her, but use none;
My tongue and soul in this be hypocrites;
How in my words soever she be shent,
To give them seals never, my soul, consent!(Act 111, iii)
Hamlet is at this moment in a mood in which he could ''drink hot
blood, and do such bitter business as the day would qauke to look
on '' . (Act 111, iii) . In this mood, he could even kill his mother .
There is nothing remarkable in Hamlet's decision .He is incapable
of killing the murderer of his father and he would not kill his
mother because she has done nothing to deserve death . In fact, it is
strange that such a thought (of killing his mother) should arise in
his mind . He has a sufficient reason to hate and detest her, but
he has no reason to kill her .(Hibbard, 1987: 65)
3.5 Vengeance
Now might I do it pat, now he is praying;
And now I’ll do’t. And so he goes to heaven;
And so am I revenged. That would be scann’d:
When he is drunk asleep, or in his rage,
Or in the incestuous pleasure of his bed;
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