Elevator Ropes: Drahtseilerei Gustav Kocks GMBH & Co
Elevator Ropes: Drahtseilerei Gustav Kocks GMBH & Co
Elevator Ropes: Drahtseilerei Gustav Kocks GMBH & Co
PHONE: ++49 208- 4 29 01-0
FAX: ++49 208- 4 29 01-43
E-MAIL: info@drako.de
UmschAufzugENG.qxd 16.11.2004 14:31 Uhr Seite 2 Volker Peters Raid_1:K:Kocks:KOCK#0410-2808 Aufzugseil:
Delivery Programme
Shaft Sinking
– rotation resistant and non-rotating stage ropes
– flat hoist ropes
– clamshell ropes
– guide ropes
– direction survey ropes
Oilfield Industry
– rotary drilling lines according to API Spec. 9A
– swab and bailing lines
– winch lines
– percussion drilling lines
– air winch lines
– logging lines and wires
– slings
UmbrAufzugENG.qxd 16.11.2004 14:39 Uhr Seite 3 Volker Peters Raid_1:K:Kocks:KOCK#0410-2808 Aufzugseil:
Rope Selection
Guidance for the Selection of a suitable Rope Construction 8 – 12
Traction Drive Elevators 8 – 11
Ropes with fibre core (FC) 8
Ropes with steel core (IWRC) 9
Compensating Ropes 11
Governor Ropes 11
Roped Hydraulic Elevators 12
Ropes with fibre core (FC) 12
Ropes with steel core (IWRC) 12
Technical Data
Ropes for Traction Drive Elevators 13 – 18
DRAKO 6 19 – FC 13
DRAKO 8 19 – FC 14
DRAKO 300 T 9-strand steel core rope 15
DRAKO 300 TX 9-strand steel core rope 16
DRAKO 250 T 8-strand steel core rope 17
DRAKO 310 T 10-strand steel core rope 17
Special compensating ropes DRAKO 180 B
and DRAKO 200 B 18
Governor Ropes 19 – 20
Ropes for Roped Hydraulic Elevators 21 – 22
DRAKO 6 19 – FC 21
DRAKO 250 H 8-strand steel core rope 22
DRAKO 300 H 9-strand steel core rope 22
Maintenance of Ropes
Maintenance-Lubrication for Elevator Ropes 23
Wire Rope Tensioning Device 23
Discard Criteria 24
Sheave Material and Groove Geometry 25
Warnings 25
Rope Terminations
Ferrule secured Thimble with Eye Bolt 26
Swaged Fitting with Thread 27
Symm. Wedge Socket (DIN 15315) with Eye Bolt (DIN 444) 28
Asymm. Wedge Socket (DIN 43148) 29
Eye Bolts, Wire Rope Grips 30
Springs for Rope Terminations 31
Elastomer Spring Buffers for Rope Terminations 31
Ways of Dispatch 32
General Services 33
Notes 34
Order Form 35
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The new European Rope Standards EN 12385-2 (with the above title), Another new item is the term Rope Grade.
EN 12385-5 (Stranded Ropes for Lifts) and EN 12385-1 (General For ropes acc. to EN 12385-5 the rope grade adresses the nominal
Requirements) show some new requirements, we have to learn to tensile strength grades of the outer and inner wires of the rope. Addi-
come along with. tionaly, the rope grade defines the minimum breaking force of this
rope. Rope grade 1570 (without the unit N/mm2) means, that all wires
General Note: of this rope are of the nominal tensile strength grade 1570 N/mm2.
The standards mentioned in this catalogue are those valid at the time Rope grade 1370/1770 means, that this is a dual tensile rope (term of
of printing (10/2004) with the exception of the European Standards of ISO 4344) and that the outer wires of the outer strands are of 1370
the EN 12385-Series. N/mm2 and the inner wires of the rope are of 1770 N/mm2 nominal
tensile strength grade.
F.i. in the certificate, which has to accompany the rope delivery, it is
Symbols for wire finish
required, to comply for the rope designation with the symbols, laid
U = bright (from uncoated)
down in EN 12385-2. These symbols – derived from English words –
B = galvanized acc. class B
are the same for all European deliveries.
Symbols for type of lay
Symbols for rope cores: sZ = right hand ordinary (or regular) lay
FC = fibre core zS = left hand ordinary (or regular) lay
NFC = natural fibre core zZ = right hand lang lay
SFC = synthetic fibre core sS = left hand lang lay
IWRC = steel core (from independant wire rope core)
These symbols have to be used for the standardized rope designation
PWRC = parallel laid fullsteel rope
in the rope certificate:
Symbols for strand construction Example:
13 8 x 19 S – NFC 1370/1770 U sZ
S = strand construction Seale
nominal rope Ø
W = strand construction Warrington 13 mm
F = strand construction Filler or Filler Wire 8 strands
WS = strand construction Warrington-Seale
19 wires per strand
M = strand construction Crosslay
strand construction Seale
You can order as accustomed. Especially our Special Ropes are to be
natural fibre core
ordered as in the past by their name, f.i. DRAKO 300 T.
rope grade
here: dual tensile
outer wires: 1370 N/mm2
inner wires: 1770 N/mm2
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Type of Lay
Most of the lift companies are only using ordinary lay ropes. Ropes
with this type of lay are easier to mount: the tendency to untwist,
when hanging free in the shaft, is relatively small.
Direction of Lay
Only in very special cases – f. i. unguided or only wire guided coun- mal elevators with guide rails is extremely small. It should be much
terweight – it should be considered to take right and left hand lay more important to have a set of ropes out of one production length
ropes. The influence of the rope torque on the guiding forces of nor- (left hand and right hand can’t be out of one production run).
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About Wire Ropes
As we are specialized on the production of elevator ropes, we are This is one of the reasons for the high and equal level of DRAKO ele-
accustomed to produce these ropes in big production lengths on one vator rope quality.
purpose production lines with a very experienced staff of workers.
All elevator ropes run through a testing procedure, which was develo- material and closing. By this it is ensured that every production length
ped especially for DRAKO elevator ropes. Here they are checked in corresponds to the special requirements of the DRAKO quality stan-
whole length continuously in respect of diameter, of irregularities in dard.
Application Core Type DRAKO-Special Rope Minimum unloaded new Maximum unloaded new
Compensating ropes fibre core 0 +4
This shows, that the diameter tolerances of DRAKO elevator ropes 1. the better rope diameter and sheave radius conform with each other,
are equal to or smaller than those of the new European Standard 2. the fewer the rope diameter decreases during operation,
EN 12385-5. 3. the more uniform the rope diameter remains over the whole rope
The observation of an exact rope diameter has a considerable length of an elevator.
influence on the service life of an elevator rope. The points 1–3 are valid for U-grooves, point 2 and 3 also for
For traction elevators the following facts are valid: V-grooves.
The service life of the rope becomes the greater, A set of ropes is taken from the same production length.
UmbrAufzugENG.qxd 16.11.2004 14:39 Uhr Seite 7 Volker Peters Raid_1:K:Kocks:KOCK#0410-2808 Aufzugseil:
Strand Constructions
Here are information why certain strand and rope constructions are For rope users, who don’t want to be involved so deeply in rope tech-
better qualified for specific applications in elevators. nology, and only want to find simply the best rope for their purpose,
there is a special printed matter as selection-guidance available.
Please ask for it or look at www.drako.de.
The most common strand construction for elevator ropes worldwide is Seale (1-9-9). This has at least the follo-
wing reason:
Elevator ropes are known to get abrasion in usage and the big outer wires of Seale have a big metallic area to
be abrased before the wires will break.
Whenever a comparison of fatique bending life of ropes on sheaves with round groove is made, ropes of War-
rington strands are beating Seale ropes with 20 to 40% more lifetime. This is due to more and smaller wires
per strand. It must be taken into account that in elevators here is not only abrasion but also a lot of fatique
bending. Especially in elevators with double wrap drives or in roped hydraulic elevators the latter is more
important. So in UK and Germany we find both: Seale and Warrington as constructions for strand elevator
hoist ropes.
Ropes of Warrington-Seale construction are normally not suitable for suspension and governor ropes. But
compensating ropes up from 24 mm and suspension ropes up from 22 mm are not flexible enough with the
accustomed strand constructions. This is reason enough for DRAKO to recommend beyond these limits
Warrington-Seale constructions with more than just 25 wires.
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On the following pages you will find a guide line for the selection
of the suitable rope construction for Traction Drive Ropes,
for compensating ropes (balance ropes) on page 11
(see also our special catalogue “Compensation”)
for governor ropes on page 11
for ropes for roped hydraulic elevators on page 12
As the elevator industry is using ropes for very different purposes, these ropes consequently differ in their construction, their lubrication and
their rope grades.
Rope Selection
– for low duty elevators
Please note:
– These ropes are generally not suitable for grooves with big under-
The rope construction 8 x 19 Seale – NFC, see drawing, is without
doubt the worldwide most common traction drive suspension rope.
But also the rope construction 8 x 19 Warrington – NFC has its mar-
Example: DRAKO 8 x 19 Seale – NFC
ket share in Germany and UK due to better fatique bending properties.
Anyway, 8-strand ropes with natural fibre core are the best solution
for the normal traction drive elevator.
Please note:
The rope quality of this rope construction depends on the quality of
the fibres and the resulting fibre core. This is the reason, why DRAKO
is only using DRAKO-made fibre cores.
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Ideal for the medium duty elevator, requiring only minimum mainten-
Rope Selection
Please note:
Rope terminations must be secured against rotation. For greater shaft
heights: ropes should be prevented from untwisting whilst installati-
on. At rope replacement, the grooves of the drive sheave should be
checked (gauge).
DRAKO 300 T, the 9-strand heavy duty rope This rope has been probably the first elevator rope in the world with a
see page 15 steel core (IWRC). It has been designed in 1955 by DRAKO. After this
rope beeing nationally and internationally successful in demanding
building projects, ropes with steel core are now also implemented in
the relevant European and ISO-standards.
– very round cross-section, i. e. small pressure in the groove,
– many wires, i. e. flexible, very good fatigue bending life. One of the
reasons is, that due to the special configuration of the wires in the
strands and of the strands in the rope, wire crossings are avoided.
Therefore the possibility of inner nonvisible wire breaks is reduced.
– small permanent and elastic elongation. Result: the car is better
connected to the machine (important in high shafts) and it is easier
to approach the floors correctly.
DRAKO 300 T is the most efficient solution as suspension rope for
high and very high elevators and for all traction drive elevators with
many deflection sheaves.
Please note:
Rope terminations must be secured against rotation. For big shaft
heights: ropes should be prevented from untwisting whilst installati-
on. The single blue marking line along the rope enables to control and
to rectify this.
At rope replacement, the grooves of the drive sheave should be con-
trolled (gauge).
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of DRAKO 300 T.
The features of this rope are beyond the standard. The product is
designed for those elevators, where conventional ropes cannot be
used, due to their unit weight.
Please note:
When planning installation with this rope type, please contact us in
advance. Also this rope comes with a marking line along the rope for
easy installation.
Please note:
Such rope designs are referred to as double parallel laid ropes and
are, with a few exceptions, very sensitive as regards improper instal-
lation (untwisting) and fleet angles. It is therefore recommended to
contact DRAKO prior to the planning of a project with this special
rope. Blue line along the rope for easy installation.
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Compensating Ropes
DRAKO 180 B The purpose and the operating conditions to which compensating
see page 18 (balance) ropes are exposed, differ considerably from those of the
suspension ropes used in the same elevator. DRAKO therefore recom-
mends the use of specially designed compensating ropes. More lubri-
cant and a different fibre core as well and additional selection of big-
ger rope diameters (for less ropes) and flexible rope constructions,
adjusted to the rope diameter result in a longer fatique life, smooth
running and improved length stability.
But in future it will still be possible to get from DRAKO suspension
and compensating ropes from the same type.
Rope Selection
Overspeed Controller
Governor Ropes
DRAKO 6 x 19 W – FC These ropes are important functional components of the overspeed
see page 19 controller and the safety gear. The force is thereby transmitted mainly
by friction. So it is essential, that the lubrication of governor ropes is
carefully dosed.
Since the introduction of safety gears for both directions, governor
ropes with higher breaking forces are required, which can be achieved
by bigger rope diameters, by the use of higher rope grades or by full
steel ropes. DRAKO offers all these possibilities.
see page 20
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Highly suitable for elevators of average usage, whereby rope grade
1770 is recommended.
Example: DRAKO 6 x 19 Warrington – FC
Please note:
This rope is not suitable for traction drive elevators.
DRAKO 300 H, the 9-strand full steel rope Due to the 9 strands, consisting of many thin wires, this rope type is
see page 22 very flexible and has extraordinary high fatigue bending life. The big
metallic area and rope grade 1770 lead to a high minimum breaking
force with carefully dosed ample lubrication and low elongation this
rope requires only small maintenance.
Ideal for fast running drives with high usage and heavy loads.
Please note:
Rope terminations must be secured against rotation.
This rope is not suitable for traction drive elevators.
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Characteristics: preformed, prestretched (medium), bright, right hand, ordinary lay. Lang lay on request
Rope grades available: 1370/1770 and 1570
Rope diameter tolerance: see page 6
Technical Data
DRAKO 6 x 19 W – FC 5 13,7 9,2 9,9
6 19,8 13,2 14,3
6,5* 23,2 15,5 16,8
8* 35,1 23,6 25,4
9,5 49,5 33,2 35,9
10* 54,9 36,8 39,7
11* 66,4 44,5 48,1
12,7 88,5 59,4 64,1
13* 92,8 62,2 67,2
14 108 72,1 77,9
16* 141 94,2 102
*Preferred diameters, see rope standard EN 12385 - 5, stranded ropes for lifts and ISO/DIS 4344.
Elevator ropes will be supplied with servings on both ends, if not specified otherwise.
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Characteristics: preformed, prestretched (medium), bright, right hand, ordinary lay. Lang lay on request
Rope grades available: 1370/1770 and 1570
Rope diameter tolerance: see page 6
*Preferred diameters, see rope standard EN 12385 - 5, stranded ropes for lifts and ISO/DIS 4344.
To make correct rope installation easier, especially on high rise installations, DRAKO 8x19 S are produced with a double yellow marking
line, DRAKO 8x19 W are produced with a single yellow marking line.
Elevator ropes will be supplied with servings on both ends, if not specified otherwise.
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DRAKO 300 T 9-strand steel core rope for traction drive elevators
The strand construction of DRAKO 300 T is dependent on the rope diameter to optimize fatique bending
performance and wear resistance
Characteristics: preformed, prestretched (medium), bright (galvanized on request, in some diameters ex stock)
right hand (left hand on request), ordinary lay,
Rope grades: 1570
Rope diameter tolerance: see page 6
Technical Data
9 x 21F – IWRC 10* 66,0 42,8 49,7
11* 79,9 51,8 60,1
12 95,1 61,6 71,6
13* 111,6 72,3 84,0
*Preferred diameters, see rope standard EN 12385 - 5, stranded ropes for lifts and ISO/DIS 4344.
To make correct rope installation easier, especially on highrise installations, DRAKO 300 T ropes are produced with a single blue line
along the rope. If the ropes have untwisted whilst beeing installed, the blue line enables, to correct it.
Elevator ropes will be supplied with servings on both ends, if not specified otherwise.
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DRAKO 300 TX 9-strand steel core rope for super high rise traction drive elevators
The strand construction of DRAKO 300 TX is dependant on the rope diameter to optimize fatique bending performance and wear resistance.
*Preferred diameters, see rope standard EN 12385 - 5, stranded ropes for lifts and ISO/DIS 4344.
To make correct rope installation easier, especially on highrise installations, DRAKO 300 TX ropes are produced with a marking line along
the rope. If the ropes have untwisted whilst beeing installed, the blue line enables, to correct it.
Elevator ropes will be supplied with servings on both ends, if not specified otherwise.
UmbrAufzugENG.qxd 16.11.2004 14:39 Uhr Seite 17 Volker Peters Raid_1:K:Kocks:KOCK#0410-2808 Aufzugseil:
DRAKO 250 T 8-strand steel core rope for traction drive elevators
Technical Data
16* 173 108 126
To make correct rope installation easier, especially on highrise installations, DRAKO 250 T are produced with a double blue marking line.
*Preferred diameters, see rope standard EN 12385 - 5, stranded ropes for lifts and ISO 4344.
To make correct rope installation easier, especially on highrise installations, DRAKO 310 T ropes are produced with a blue line along the
rope. If the ropes have untwisted whilst beeing installed, the blue line enables, to correct it.
Elevator ropes will be supplied with servings on both ends, if not specified otherwise.
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Compensating Ropes
Special compensating ropes (balance ropes), to be used in tensioned application only. The rope construction varies with the nominal
diameter to optimize the performance.
Characteristics: preformed, bright, right hand ordinary lay
Core: DRAKO 180 B and DRAKO 200 B are made with a fibre core (SFC)
Rope grades available: 1370/1770 or 1570
Rope diameter tolerance: see page 6
22 240 174
Elevator ropes will be supplied with servings on both ends, if not specified otherwise.
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Overspeed Controllers
Characteristics: preformed, prestretched, (medium), bright or galvanized, right hand, ordinary lay
Rope grades available: 1370/1770, 1570, 1770, 1960
Rope diameter tolerance: see page 6
Technical Data
DRAKO 6 x 19 W – FC 6 18,1 – 22,3 23,7 13,2 14,3
6,5 23,2 23,2 26,2 27,8 15,5 16,8
Elevator ropes will be supplied with servings on both ends, if not specified otherwise.
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Characteristics: preformed, prestretched, (medium), bright or galvanized, right hand, ordinary lay
Rope grades available: 1370/1770, 1570, 1770, 1960
Rope diameter tolerance: see page 6
Elevator ropes will be supplied with servings on both ends, if not specified otherwise.
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Technical Data
DRAKO 6 x 19 W – FC 7 30,3 18,0 19,5
8* 39,6 23,6 25,4
10* 61,9 36,8 39,7
11* 74,9 44,5 48,1
12 89,1 53,0 57,2
13* 104,6 62,2 67,2
16* 158,5 94,2 102
*Preferred diameters, see rope standard EN 12385 - 5, stranded ropes for lifts and ISO/DIS 4344.
Elevator ropes will be supplied with servings on both ends, if not specified otherwise.
UmbrAufzugENG.qxd 16.11.2004 14:39 Uhr Seite 22 Volker Peters Raid_1:K:Kocks:KOCK#0410-2808 Aufzugseil:
DRAKO 250 H 8-strand rope with steel core for roped hydraulic elevators
This rope is not suitable for traction drive elevators!
DRAKO 300 H 9-strand steel core rope for roped hydraulic elevators
This rope is not suitable for traction drive elevators!
*Preferred diameters, see rope standard EN 12385 - 5, stranded ropes for lifts and ISO/DIS 4344.
Elevator ropes will be supplied with servings on both ends, if not specified otherwise.
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Maintenance of Ropes
DRAKO-LUBE liquid indoor and outdoor 1,0 kg-can Yes Brush, paint roller
2,5 kg-can Yes
5,0 kg-can Yes
DRAKO-SOL liquid indoor spray can 500 ml Yes spray
(12 cans = 1 delivery box) Yes
DRAKO-FLUID SF liquid indoor and outdoor 1,0 kg-can No automatic lubrication
2,5 kg-can
5,0 kg-can
{ equipment, brush,
paint roller, squirt gun
DRAKO-OUTDOOR liquid/pasty outdoor 10 kg-can Yes Brush, paint roller
DRAKO- Rope degreasing indoor and outdoor 25 kg-bag - Gloves
FLORIDEAL powder 5 kg-plastic bucket -
Hook 1
– Equal rope tension adds to the life of the elevator ropes and the Steel Tube
– light-weight design, easy to handle,
– comparable measured values for a set of ropes Spring-Balance
– preferable for elevators of more than 50 m shaft height.
– The attached manual contains all relevant instructions on the use of Hook 2
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Discard Criteria
The following table indicates whether a rope is to be replaced, based – the ropes are single layer regular lay ropes
on the number of broken wires in the rope section with the highest (the steel core is not considered a strand layer)
number of such fractions. The reference length is 6 x or 30 x the rope – the friction sheave is of cast iron or steel
diameter. The table complies with the specification of ISO 4309. (for traction drive elevators)
The values apply only under the following conditions: – the broken wires are distributed evenly across the majority of the
Rope construction Number of wires in Number of broken wires within Number of broken wires within
outer strands a length of 6 x Ø a length of 30 x Ø
DRAKO 6 x 19 W – FC
DRAKO 6 x 25 F – FC = 114 wires 10 19
DRAKO 180 B (in 6 x 25 F – FC)
DRAKO 8 x 19 S – FC
DRAKO 250 H, 8 mm = 152 wires 10 19
DRAKO 8 x 19 W – FC
DRAKO 8 x 25 F – FC
DRAKO 250 T = 152 wires 13 26
Maintenance of Ropes
DRAKO 310 T = 180 – 200 wires 16 32
Please note:
– If wire fractures don’t occur in a regular pattern across the majority If the elevator system contains plastic sheaves, refer to German safety
of the strands but are concentrated in one or two strands, the above instructions for elevators “SR Kunststoffrollen“, as ropes in such
table is not applicable. systems tend to show internal rather then external wire fractures. The
– Such ropes must be replaced, if there are 5 or more broken wires above table is to be seen only as a guideline for rope inspection and
adjacent to each other within one strand. the decision for rope discard. Please note that the above figures are
– Ropes with excessive crown wear tend to show rapidly increasing never to be considered the only criteria for rope discard. Any detected
numbers of broken wires. changes in the rope must be taken into account when assessing a
Under certain circumstances and depending on the operating conditi- rope. The final decision to remove a rope must be made on the basis
ons, the machine design and the loads, etc., ropes might have to be of the experience of the assessing person.
replaced, even if there are no visible broken wires at the outer For DRAKO ropes installed in systems outside Germany, the relevant
strands: ropes with a diameter reduction of more than 6 % (from statutory regulations for rope replacement apply, please look also to
nominal diameter) even in only a short section must be immediately pr EN 12385-3 Annex C.
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Friction sheaves are generally made of GG 25 to GG 30 cast iron with It is therefore advisable to replace all unhardened friction sheaves
alloying additions, or, less commonly, in GGG 50–60 nodular cast iron. together with the ropes. Upon replacement of the rope, always inspect
They should have a hardness between 210 and 230 HB. This hardness the groove radiusi at friction and deflection sheaves and re-cut, if
is required in order to ensure a sufficient service life and good dimen- necessary. Considerable damage can also be caused by irregular
sional stability of the rope grooves in heavy-duty friction sheaves. groove wear. Especially in double wrap drives, ropes are often expo-
Deflection pulleys should also have a hardness of at least 210 HB. sed to high tensions in the ropes, which can considerably reduce their
The groove radius and the rope diameter should be adjusted to each service life.
other. If the grooves in the friction sheave are too large, the rope
might slip and the grooves are quickly damaged. If the grooves are Please note:
too narrow, the rope is exposed to extremely high lateral pressure. In If plastic sheaves are used, the standard discard criteria (wire fractu-
both cases, the service life of the friction sheave and the rope are res in outer strands) don’t apply; see chapter “Rope Replacement“.
considerably reduced.
Maintenance of Ropes
Ropes must only be used in accordance with the applicable safety General instructions:
regulations and the relevant standards (e.G. ISO 4309, EN 12 385 The standards referred to in this catalogue are the standards as
and EN 81). If the installation is outside Germany, the relevant statu- amended and valid.
tory regulations and national standards apply. Before usage inspect
the rope and the rope terminations and comply with the recommenda- No part of this catalogue (with the exception of the included fax form)
tions of the manufacturer and the applicable standards. may be reproduced and distributed by electronic or any other means
without the prior written consent of DRAKO.
The breaking forces in the catalogue apply exclusively to new ropes. This catalogue replaces all previous catalogues. Any technical data
Whether the rope is performing as expected in the long run depends printed in previous catalogues cease to be valid.
• the design of your elevator system,
• the selected rope diameter,
• the chosen rope construction,
• the chosen rope grade and the
• correct installation and maintenance of the elevator in which the
rope is used, and
• the correct storage, handling, maintenance and inspection of the
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Eye Bolts
Eye bolts will come with washer (DIN 125), 2 nuts and 1 split-pin.
Designations Contents
Rope Terminations
Please note: The elevator rope constructions shown in this catalogue FP 2 2 elastomer springs, 1 washer,
have very different minimum breaking forces. When specifying rope 2 nuts, 1 split pin
terminations and springs or spring buffers, their respective maximum
FP 3 3 elastomer springs, 1 washer,
applyable force is to be considered.
Rope terminations are to be secured against rotation. 2 nuts, 1 split pin
Anti-Twist Rope Sets (4 mm rope with 2 wire rope grips) are available ex stock.
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Please note:
The elevator rope constructions, shown in this catalogue have very
different minimum breaking forces. When specifying springs or spring
buffers, their respective maximum applyable force is to be consided.
Nom. thread thread length L3 shaft length L2 swaged diameter B total length L1 securing hole
Rope Terminations
rope diameter d diameter A approx. approx. approx. approx. diameter C
8* M 14 160 163 14 240 6
8** M 14 200 300 14 380 6
10* M 16 160 163 16 260 8
10** M 16 200 300 16 400 8
11* M 16 160 163 18 270 8
11** M 16 200 300 18 410 8
12* M 16 160 163 20 280 8
12** M 16 200 300 20 420 8
13* M 20 160 163 22 280 8
13** M 20 200 300 22 420 8
16* M 24 160 163 26 310 8
16* M 24 200 250 26 400 8
16** M 24 250 350 26 500 8
* special size: when used with springs, then only with Elastomer spring buffers All dimensions in mm
** normal size
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Symmetric Wedge Socket DIN 15 315 (EN 13 411-7) with Eye Bolt DIN 444
Termination acc. DIN 15 315 in combination with our eye bolts fulfil the minimum breaking force even when used together with the full-
the requirement of EN 81-1, clause 9.2.3, to withstand at least 80% of steel ropes DRAKO 250 H and 300 H.
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Asymmetric Wedge Socket EN 13 411-6 (DIN 43 148) with Eye Bolt similar to DIN 444
Terminations acc. DIN 43 148 only in some combinations of rope least 80% of the rope’s minimum breaking force). Please contact us
constructions, rope diameters and eye bolts are according to the in case of any questions.
requirement of EN 81-1, clause 9.2.3. (Requirement: withstanding at
Rope-Ø Nominal Normal size Type KUM Type KD Type KFP Type KFP 2 Type KFP 3
d Size a L** L*2 L3 appr. kg d1 L4 appr. kg d2 L5 appr. kg L6 appr. kg L7 appr. kg
6-7 353 M12 1) 430 300 150 0,95 44 167 1,60 50 51 1,05 79 1,08 107 1,11
8 352 M121) 430 300 150 0,92 44 167 1,57 50 51 1,02 79 1,05 107 1,08
9 - 12 351 M12 1) 430 300 150 0,89 44 167 1,54 50 51 1,00 79 1,02 107 1,05
10 - 12 402 M16 440 300 150 1,28 44 173 2,07 57 59 1,45 87 1,48 115 1,51
12 - 14 401 M16 440 300 150 1,25 44 173 2,04 57 59 1,43 87 1,45 115 1,48
12 - 15 450 M201) 590 400 150 3,33 50 202 4,84 68 65 3,62 93 3,67 121 3,71
16 - 20 500 M271) 715 500 150 7,74 65 254 10,76
Rope Terminations
* normal size. Eye bolts with other dimensions L2 on request. All dimensions in millimeter.
** total length for the normal size combination The socket body is galvanized.
Eye of bolt not acc. to DIN 444.
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Eye Bolts
Eye Bolts (DIN 444) in combination with symm. wedge sockets DIN 15 315
thread M 10 M 12 M 16 M 20 M 24 M 27 M 30**
Fmin in kN 24,4 42,2 78,5 122,0 176,0 230,0 230,0
d2 10,5 12,2 16 18 22 25 42
s 9 14 17 22 25 27 30
Eye Bolts (similar DIN 444) in combination with asymm. wedge sockets DIN 43 148
thread “a“ M 12 M 161) M 20 M 27
Fmin in kN 42,2 78,5 122,0 230,0
d2 13,5 16 19,5 25,5
s 14 17 20 22
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Ways of Dispatch
Furthermore we offer the opportunity to let you have your commissions systemized. In this
case, elevator ropes and loose rope termination material as well as other accessories and
governor ropes, for example, can be packed in stable cardboard boxes with handles. Then
the boxes will be dispatched stacked and ringed on EURO-pallets. This packing is a solution
for a weight up to approx. 80 kg gross per box.
For heavy commissions we provide a systemized delivery on pallets.
Based on a delivery of one packing unit per commission, each rope component package can
easily be identified to the corresponding elevator. Sorting risks as well as loss of parts (for
example accessories, during forwarding, in your warehouse, or on site) can be minimized
by this logistic service. As an option bar code labels or labels according to your request
can be added.
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• We are prepared to assist you in finding the best solution for ropes, If we are not in the position to answer your letter or fax the same day
accessories and ways of dispatch. we will inform you the next day at the latest
• who is our person in charge,
• when you will receive the requested answer.
Simplified Order Form / Online Ordering
It is our aim to make choice and ordering of ropes and rope termi- Seminars for your Installation and Service Staff
nations as easy as possible. Details are shown in the Fax-order form
printed on the next page. Please take copies for use. Ropes have to be handled competently. Even small mistakes can
result in high costs.
We offer seminars for your staff; on request also at your office.
Stock Keeping For further information please ask for our up-to-date seminar
Continuously we keep on stock more than 80 different rope construc-
tions and diameters for elevators. Our ready made stock includes
approx. 1600 km of rope. From this stock we are in the position to Homepage
deliver requested ropes in most cases.
All technical data about ropes and accessories you will find as well
online at our homepage www.drako.de.
Systemized Deliveries
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Ordererd by
Gustav Kocks GmbH & Co
D-45404 Muelheim an der Ruhr
Deliveries according to the Terms of Delivery and Payment of Drahtseilerei Gustav Kocks GmbH & Co.
UmschAufzugENG.qxd 16.11.2004 14:31 Uhr Seite 4 Volker Peters Raid_1:K:Kocks:KOCK#0410-2808 Aufzugseil:
PHONE: ++49 208 - 4 29 01-0
FAX: ++49 208 - 4 29 01-43
E-MAIL: info@drako.de
INTERNET: www.drako.de
Great Britain USA / Canada
PFEIFER DRAKO Ltd. AFD Industries, Inc.
Marshfield Bank 5399 Lauby Road
Woolstanwood North Canton, OH 44720
Crewe CW2 8UY Phone: +1 330 49 42 800
Phone: +44 1270 58 77 28 Fax: +1 330 49 42 440
Fax: +44 1270 58 79 13 E-Mail: info@afdindustries.com
E-Mail: sales@pfeiferdrako.co.uk
Czech Republic
Belgium and The Netherlands PFEIFER Metall Holding s.r.o.
Handels- en Ingenieursbureau Karlovaska 15 China
Bakker & Co. B.V. 27303 Stochov-Slovanka Steel Wire Rope (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Postbus 1235 Phone: +420 312 65 14 57 #709, Ling Shi Lu, Zha Bei District
3330 CE Zwijndrecht Fax: +420 312 65 14 57 Shanghai, People Republic of China
Phone: +31 78 610 16 66 E-Mail: kontakt@pfeifer-metall.cz Phone: +86-21-62837401
Fax: +31 78 610 04 62 Fax: +86-21-62837306
E-Mail: staal@bakker-co.nl Saudi Arabia E-mail: info@pfeifer.com.cn
Oversea Trading Est.
General Trading Far East
P.O.Box No. 4567 Ropes Technology Corp. Far East
PFEIFER Seil- und Hebetechnik KG
Dammam 31412 Pte Ltd.
Caracallastr. 16
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 27, Tuas Ave 8, Jurong
4470 Enns
Phone: +966 3 846 86 71 Singapore 639242
Phone: +43 7223 81 449 0
Fax: +966 3 846 86 73 Phone: +65 6861 60 66
Fax: +43 7223 81 449 13
Fax: +65 6861 30 88
E-Mail: psh-enns@pfeifer.de
Spain E-Mail: ropetech@pacific.net.sg
PFEIFER Cables y Equipos
Hungary de Elevación, S.L. Australia
LIFTIMPEX Kft Avda. de los Pirineos, 25, Bullivants Lifting & Safety
Liget u. 1 nave 20, Specialists
5000 Szolnok San Sebastian de los Reyes 10 Marigold Place
Phone: +36 56 372 524 28700 Madrid Revesby, NSW 2212
Fax: +36 56 410 586 Phone: +34 91 659 3185 Phone: +61 2 97 71 3000
E-Mail: lift21@axelero.hu Fax: +34 91 659 3139 Fax: +61 2 97 72 2173
E-Mail: p-es@pfeifer.de E-Mail: sales@bullivants.com
Printed in Germany
Middle East
KCPC Hongkong / Southern China Iran
The Kuwait Company for Process Cobelco Industrial Supplies Ltd. Tamkin Foulad Co.
Plant Construction & Contracting Unit B6, 18F, Block B No. 11. 21 st. Ave.
K.S.C. Kailey Industrial Centre Argentine Square
P.O.Box 3404 12 Fung Yip Street Teheran-Iran. P.O. Box 14155-5577
13035 Safat/Kuwait Chaiwan, Hongkong Phone: +9821 871 34 52
Phone: +965 2 466 650 Phone: +852 2889 00 80 Fax: +9821 872 70 29