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478.8 2.11x10 1b 5m V P (0.99.8) (624) 1.09x10 Ft/s

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1.58 A gas at 40°C under a pressure of 21.868bar abs has a unit weight of 362 N/m. What is the value of R forthis
gas?What gas might this be?
| y =p/RT 362: (21.868 x 10)/[(R)(40 + 273)] R = 19.3m/K
This gas might be carbon dioxide. since its gas constant is 19.3 m/K (from Table A-6).

1.59 If water vapor (R = 85.7 ft/°R) in the atmosphere has a partial pressure of 0.60 psi: and the temperature is
80°F, what is its specificweight?
I y = p/RT = (0.60)(144)/[(85.7)(80 + 460)] = 0.00187Ib/n

Refer to Prob. 1.59. If the barometer reads 14.60 psia. ealculate the partial pressure of the air, its specific
weight, and the specific weight of the atmosphere (air plus water vapor).
I p.. = 14.60 0.60 = 14.00psia y =-p/RT
y", = ( l4.00)(144)/[(53.3)(80 + 460)] = 0.070011>/ft3 Y... = Yu:+ Traun»

7590») = 0.00187lb/ft (from Prob. 1.59) y,... = 0.0700 + 0.00187= 0.0719 lb/ft

1.61 (a) Calculate the density, specific weight, and specihc volume of oxygen at 20 °C and 40 kPa abs. (b) If the
oxygen is enclosed in a tigid container, what will be the pressure it the temperature is redumd to 1(Xl °C?
I (u) = (40)(1wO)/[(260)(20 + 273)] = 0.525 kg/m
p = leT
y = pg = (05100.31) = 5.15 N/m v, = 1/p = 1/0525 = 1.90 mlkg
(b) p- 1/V= p/RT. SinoeV and R are constants, V,/R= T/p= constant, (20 + 273)/40= ( 100 + 273)/p2
- 23.6 kPa.

1.62 Helium at 149 kPa abs and 10 °C is isentropieally compressed to one fourth of its original volume. What is in
final pressure?

I p, v: =sz§ 149v:-°° - ((K/.,)...» p, -1488 kPa abs

(0) If 9 ft of an ideal gasat 75 °F and 22 psiais compressed

isothermallyto 2 11. what is the resultingpressure?
(b) What would the pressure and temperature have been if the process had been isenu'opic?

(.) P1V1-szz (200) - (P:)(Z) P2' 99Psi!

(b) in V1=sz; (22)(9)° = (p,)(2)'-=° p2= 155psia
" """"
7le. = (am)" Tz/(75+ 460) = (é)""° 1;= 840°R or 380°F

(a) 11 12 mJ of nitrogen at 30 °C and 125 kPa abs is permitted to expand isothermally to 30 In, what is the
resulting pressure?(b) What would the pressureand temperature have been if the process had been isentropic?
l (a) p. V.=P1Vz (125)(12)= (sz30) p2- 50-008 abs
(b) F. V. =PzVi (125)(12)""'= (P:)(30)"° P: = 34.705 858
13/1. = (,/p.) M 7,100 + 273) = (34.7/125)o " ° 7; = 210 K or 63 °C

If the viscosityof water at 68°F is 0.01008 poise. compute its absolute viscosity (/4) in pound-secondsper square
foot. lt the specihcgravity at 68 °F is 0.998. compute its kinematic viscosity(v) in square feel per second.

, The poiseis measuredin dyne secondsper squarecentimeter.Since1 lb = 444 300dynesand 1 ft - 30.48cm,

1|b-s/ft= 444000 dyne s/(30.48cm)= 478.8 poises

2.11x10 s1b_5m: z
=1.09x10 . ft/s
_ _M_
___ __._____
v=p vls=r (0.99.8)(624)
Convcn 15.14 poises to kinematic viscosityin square feet per second if the liquid has a spedhc gravity of 0.964.
I 11b--=s/ftz478.8 poise: (from Prob.1.65)
p - lS.14/478.8- 0.031621!)- 3/11z v - my - (0.03162)(32.2)/[(0.964)(62.4)]= 0.0169ftz/s

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