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Reprogramming and Blank Programming Readme Version 3.7: Revision Date Modification

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Reprogramming and Blank Programming ReadMe Version 3.

Version Revision Date Modification

2.1 17-Mar-2008 Add No 4) J2534 TCM Reprogramming

2.2 18-Mar-2009 Add Revision Dates and modify instruction on No 5) CONSULT-III


2.3 01-Dec-2010 Removed Old version of J2534 ECM & J2534 TCM Reprogramming
instruction. Add J2534-1 NERS ECM and TCM Reprogramming

2.4 10-Dec-2010 J2534 NERS data file folder name change

2.5 20-Feb-2012 Added C-III plus file location

2.6 28-Mar-2012 Updated NERS description to refer to different data file types

2.7 14-Nov-2012 Added Blank ECU instructions

2.8 11-Jan-2013 Added vehicle condition information

2.9 17-Apr-2013 Added NERS Blank ECM & TCM Programming

3.0 17-July-2013 Updated NERS Win7 Information

3.1 21-April-2014 Added C-III plus IK Transmission Blank TCU programming

3.2 26-Aug-2014 Added note 2; "remove old *.csv files from folders

3.3 30-Oct-2014 Added screen shot of NERS and CONSULT III plus reprogramming and
programming file locations. Edited text in complete document.

3.4 02-Mar-2015 Updated NERS to include auto-unzip feature

3.5 24-Jun-2015 Added notes to create C:\ReproProgramming folder

3.6 15-Dec-2015 Added NERS blank IK RWD TCM programming

3.7 17-May-2016 Added NERS BLNK_IK_9 \107 folder

This document contains instructions for the following items:

1) Vehicle conditions when reprogramming and programming

2) J2534 NERS ECM and TCM Reprogramming

3) J2534 NERS Blank Service Part ECM and TCM Programming (non-IK TCM)

4) J2534 NERS blank IK (RWD 5 speed) TCM programming and configuration

5) CONSULT III plus Reprogramming

6) CONSULT III plus "Blank" ECU (ECM and non-IK TCM) Programming

7) CONSULT III plus "Blank" IK (5-speed, RWD auto trans) Programming

8) CONSULT-III Reprogramming

9) CONSULT-II ECM Reprogramming

10) CONSULT-II TCM Reprogramming

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1) Vehicle conditions when reprogramming and programming: When either reprogramming or programming an
ECU, please ensure the vehicle conditions below are met. If the conditions are not met, Error code
N_CAN_ECM_SC002-3_1-NRC=22 will be displayed.


Battery voltage = between 12.0 and 15.5 v.

Electricity load signal = Must be 0. (Defogger off, Wiper off, heater fan off, etc.)

Engine RPM = 0 rpm.

Radiator fan = OFF.

2) For J2534 NERS ECM and TCM Reprogramming


NERS Application Installation instructions:

2.1. Click nissan_ners.exe.

2.2. The installation starts according to the screen instruction.

Before using the NERS application, you need to ensure the reprogramming data (*.dat, *kwp, etc.) and
management csv file are in the Reprogramming Data folder. Without the reprogramming data and management
csv file in the Reprogramming Data folder, this application will be terminated with no error message. If you have
older version of the CSV file, delete them and keep only the latest version in the Reprogramming Data folder.

NERS downloads must be extracted/unzipped prior to use. Detailed instructions can be found on the ECU
Downloads page of the website (same location where you downloaded your file).

** For Windows XP systems: the “unpack.exe” will install the data file and CSV file in: C:\Program Files\Nissan
J2534 ECU reprogramming software\Application data\Reprogramming Data folder.

** For Windows 7 systems: the “unpack.exe” will install the data file and CSV file in: C:\Program Files
(x86)\Nissan J2534 ECU reprogramming software\Application data\Reprogramming Data folder.

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3) For J2534 NERS Blank Service Part ECM and TCM Programming (non-IK TCM)


NERS Application Installation instructions:

3.1. Click nissan_ners.exe.

3.2. The installation starts according to the screen instruction.

Before using this application, you need to ensure the reprogramming data (*.dat, *kwp, etc.) and management
csv file are in the Reprogramming Data folder. Without the reprogramming data and management csv file in the
Reprogramming Data folder, this application will be terminated with no error message. If you have older version
of the CSV file, delete them and keep only the latest version in the Reprogramming Data folder.

NERS downloads must be extracted/unzipped prior to use. Detailed instructions can be found on the ECU
Downloads page of the website (same location where you downloaded your file).

** Windows XP systems: the “unpack.exe” will install the data file and CSV file in: C:\Program Files\Nissan J2534
ECU reprogramming software\Application data\Reprogramming Data folder. (See screen capture above under
Item # 2)

** Windows 7 systems: the “unpack.exe” will install the data file and CSV file in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Nissan
J2534 ECU reprogramming software\Application data\Reprogramming Data folder. (See screen capture above
under Item # 2)

4) J2534 NERS blank IK (RWD 5 speed) TCM programming and configuration

Before using this application, you will need to:

4.1) put the "programming" data file (*.dat) and BLNK_9_IK_All.csv file you received with the download,
in the correct folder explained below:

· For Windows 7 64 bit OS_C:\Program Files (x86)\Nissan J2534 ECU Reprogramming

Software\Application data\Reprogramming Data folder
· For Windows XP and Win 7 32 bit OS_C:\Program Files\Nissan J2534 ECU Reprogramming
Software\Application data\Reprogramming Data folder

4.2) put the configuration data, AT_*****.csv and AT_*****.enc files in the correct folder explained

· For Windows 7 64 bit OS_C:\Program Files (x86)\Nissan J2534 ECU Reprogramming

Software\Nissan\DTool\PDX Package\ExternalFiles\Config\107
· For Windows XP and Win 7 32 bit OS_C:\Program Files\Nissan J2534 ECU Reprogramming
Software\Nissan\DTool\PDX Package\ExternalFiles\Config\107

NOTE 1: Without the programming data and the management csv files in the Reprogramming Data folder, the
NERS application will not identify or display the applicable programming.

NOTE 2: Without the configuration data (*.enc) and the *.csv file files in the “107” folder, the configuration
cannot be completed and may result in “unrecoverable” damage to the TCM.

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5) For CONSULT III plus Reprogramming


NOTE 1: Before using this application, you will need to put the reprogramming data file (*.dat,*.kwp, etc.) and
the management csv file you received with the download, in the C:\ReproProgramming folder. Without the
reprogramming data and management csv file in this folder, the C-III plus application will not identify or display
the applicable reprogramming. The C-III plus software will check the part number of the ECU on the vehicle and
display the reprogram to be installed.

NOTE 2: If this is the first time using C-III plus for reprogramming, you may need to make the
C:\ReproProgramming folder. C-III plus does not automatically create the folder

NOTE 3: If you have older version of the CSV file, delete them and keep the latest version in the
ReproProgramming folder.

6) For CONSULT III plus "Blank" ECU (ECM and non-IK TCM) Programming


Note 1: Before using this application, you will need to put the "programming" data file (*.dat) and the
management csv file you received with the download, in the C:\ReproProgramming folder (see screen capture
above under item # 5). Without the programming data and the management csv file in this folder, the C-III plus
application will not identify or display the applicable programming. The C-III plus software will check the part
number of the ECU on the vehicle and display the reprogram to be installed.

NOTE 2: If this is the first time using C-III plus for reprogramming, you may need to make the
C:\ReproProgramming folder. C-III plus does not automatically create the folder

NOTE 3: If you have older version of the CSV file, delete them and keep the latest version in the
ReproProgramming folder.

7) For CONSULT III plus "Blank" IK (5-speed, RWD auto trans.) Programming.


Before using this application, you will need to:

7.1) put the "programming" data file (*.dat) and BLNK_9_IK_All.csv file you received with the download,
in the C:\ReproProgramming folder.

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7.2) put the AT_*****.csv and AT_*****.enc files in the C:\CONSULT-
III_plus\System\Application\External\Authoring\ECUSpecific\Configuration\107 folder.

NOTE 1: Without the programming data and the management csv file in the ReproProgramming folder, the C-III
plus application will not identify or display the applicable programming. The C-III plus software will check the part
number of the ECU on the vehicle and display the reprogram to be installed.

NOTE 2: If this is the first time using C-III plus for reprogramming, you may need to make the
C:\ReproProgramming folder. C-III plus does not automatically create the folder

NOTE 3: If you have older version of the CSV file, delete them and keep the latest version in the
ReproProgramming folder.

8) For CONSULT-III Reprogramming

Before using this application, you will need to put the reprogramming data (.dat) and management csv files
(onc_ecm.csv) in C:\CONSULTIII\ApplicationData\Reprogramming\Files.

NOTE: Without reprogramming data and management csv files (onc_ecm.csv) in the proper folder, the CONSULT-
III will not find the reprogramming data.

9) For CONSULT-II ECM Reprogramming

Before using this application, you will need to put the reprogramming data (.dat) and management csv files
(Model.csv, ecm_repro.csv) in C:\Program Files\Nissan\C-II-Reprog\REPRO\ECM.

NOTE: Without reprogramming data and management csv files (MODEL.CSV, ECMREPRO.csv), this application will
not find the reprogramming data.

C-II Application Installation instructions:

1. Click Nissan-CONSULT-II-Reprog.exe

2. The installation starts according to the screen instruction.

10) For CONSULT-II TCM Reprogramming


Before using this application, you will need to put the reprogramming data (.dat) and management csv files
(MODEL.CSV, AT_REPRO.csv) in C:\Program Files\Nissan\C-II-Reprog\REPRO\AT.

NOTE: Without reprogramming data and management csv files (MODEL.CSV, AT_REPRO.csv), this application will
not find the reprogramming data.

C-II Application Installation instructions:

1. Click Nissan-CONSULT-II-Reprog.exe

2. The installation starts according to the screen instruction.

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