Thermal Conductivity of Polyurethane Foams From Room Temperature To 20 K
Thermal Conductivity of Polyurethane Foams From Room Temperature To 20 K
Thermal Conductivity of Polyurethane Foams From Room Temperature To 20 K
The thermal conductivity of the polyurethane (PU) foam in the temperature range
between 300 and 20 K is investigated theoretically and experimentally for the develop-
ment of liquid hydrogen storage tanks. An experimental set-up based on the JIS stan-
dard A1412 is built to measure the thermal conductivity of the foams under various
temperature and pressure conditions. An analytical model, including the contributions
from radiative heat transfer, is used to predict the thermal conductivity of the PU
foams. The model is found to be able to accurately predict the thermal conductivity
of the PU foams under normal and reduced pressures. The thermal conductivity of
the PU foam can be reduced by as much as 70% by evacuating the gases in the foam
cells. Radiative heat transfer is found to account for about IO-20% at room tempera-
ture. The thermal conductivity data below 90 K are available for the first time. 0 1997
Elsevier Science Ltd.
conductivity data of PU foams are available only for tem- For optically thick media, radiation can be considered as
peratures above 95 K’. This work will provide the thermal a diffuse process with an effective radiative conductivity
conductivity data for temperatures down to 20 K. Heat given by?
transfer mechanisms in PU foams are studied to help better
understand the thermal performance of PU foams. k = 16nQT3
r (2)
Heat transfer mechanisms where n is the refractive index of the insulation, g is the
Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.6696 x lo- ’ W m-2 K- 4).
The PU foam used in this study has a closed-cell porous and T is the mean temperature of the insulation. For such
structure and a density of 32 kg mp3. The average diameter (optically thick) systems, radiation and conduction contri-
of the cells is approximately 400 pm (see Figure 1). butions can be effectively separated6.
Heat is transferred through the PU foam via four mech-
anisms: (1) gas conduction qg, (2) solid conduction qS, (3)
radiation qr, and (4) convection qc. The total heat flow qt Solid conduction
is a result of the interactions between the four modes:
Solid conduction is due primarily to two mechanisms: lat-
tice vibrations, and translation of free conduction electrons.
The free-electron contribution dominates in the energy
transport in metals and the lattice vibration contribution is
Natural convection within the pores is negligible since predominant in dielectric solids. The disordered dielectrics
the pore size is so small ( < 0.5 mm) that the Rayleigh with no free electrons and considerable lattice imperfection
number is much less than the critical value ( - 1000) for are the poorest solid conductors of heat, and consequently
the onset of convection. most porous insulations are made of materials such as glass
or polymeric plastics.
Solid conduction in PU foams takes place through the
Radiative heat transfer cell walls and membranes of the foam. Since PU resins
Radiative heat transfer refers to the transport of energy by are made up of disordered materials, there is little lattice
electromagnetic waves and attenuation of radiation takes conduction at low temperatures. The only currently avail-
place in the forms of reflection, absorption, and scattering. able thermal conductivity data of pure PU is cited by
Resins used for making PU foams are partially transparent Kikuike7 as 0.17-0.23 mW m-’ K-’ at room temperature.
in the 2 to 30 pm range of wavelength?. Sections associa- Figure 2 shows the thermal conductivity of three polymers,
ted with thermal insulations, however, are normally Teflon, nylon, and polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which are
optically thick (optical thickness>>photon mean free path). available for cryogenic temperatures8*9.The curve for PVC
The optical thickness is defined as PH, where p is the is obtained by a polynomial fitting of available data
extinction coefficient ( = scattering coefficient + absorption (denoted by the ‘ + ’ symbols) and the zero point. Because
coefficient) and H the insulation thickness. Tien and Cun- all three curves have similar temperature dependence trend,
nington3 stated that the extinction coefficient of a 35 kg me3 and the thermal conductivity of PVC at 300 K is closest to
PU foam is about 3000 m-‘. More recently, Stem4 used an the value cited in reference 7, it will be used in this work
infra-red spectrometer to measure the transmission, and as the pure solid thermal conductivity.
then deduced the extinction coefficient of PU foams. His
results ranged from 2040 m-’ for 28 kg mm3 samples to
Gas conduction
4250 m-l for 43 kg m-3 samples. In this work, the extinc-
tion coefficient is taken as 3000 m-’ for the 32 kg me3 sam- The remaining mode of heat transfer is gas conduction in
ple used. the foam cells. The PU foams used in the present study are
expanded by CO, and HCFC 141b (R141b)‘O. Figure 37
shows the partial pressures of the major gas components
for a PU foam expanded by Rll and CO,. Initially only
CO, and Rl 1 are present in the cells. While CO, soon dif-
fuses out of the cells due to its high diffusivity, Rll
remains almost unchanged because of its very low diffusiv-
ity. Air has a diffusivity approximately 20 times larger than
that of Rl 1. It diffuses into the cells continuously and
reaches about 50 kPa after 35 days. Eventually, the air par-
tial pressure will reach 1 atm. No similar data is available
for the CO, and R141b system of the sample used”, how-
ever. Because the sample used in this work had been stored
for more than a year at the time of measurement, the air
pressure is assumed to be 100 kPa at 300 K in the analytical
model. The partial pressure of R141b at 300 K is not known
for the experimental sample. Although it is thought to be
lower than the partial pressure of Rl 1 (50 kPa) due to the
lower vapour pressure and diffusivity of R141b, no data is
Figure 1 Microscopic view of the pore structure of a 32 kg m3 available. Several values were used in this study to best fit
polyurethane foam the measurement results.
Temperature (K)
60 - Total
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Figure3 Cell gas pressure variation with time for a 25 mm thick PU foam sample blown by CO2 and RI1
The thermal conductivity of the major gases found in where the Xi are mole fractions of the species, and the ki
the insulating foams is shown in Figure 4. The thermal are the thermal conductivities of the corresponding species.
conductivity data of R141b is obtained from a recent work Equation (3) usually overestimates the mixture thermal
by Tanaka et al. ’ ‘. The conductivities of Rl 1, NZ, and O2 conductivity, especially for non-polar-polar and polar-
are obtained from Touloukian et cd.*. It can be seen from polar gas mixtures, such as the air-R14lb system in the
the figure that while the thermal conductivity of R141b is present case. For such cases Reid et al. I2 recommend the
slightly higher than that of R 11, both are much lower than use of the modification of Wassiljewa equation of Mason
that of N, and Oz. The values of the thermal conductivities and Saxena.
shown in Figure 4 are used in the numerical calculation in The Wassiljewa equation takes the form
this study.
When a mixture of gases is present, the gas conductivity kp = i X&i
kg can be estimated by ___, Aji= 1 (4)
‘=’ -&A,
k, = ~ Xiki (3)
i=l where A, is a function to be specified.
G- 25
Temperature (K)
kT krr = k
l=---- (6)
Jp2?r P
where 4 is the porosity of the foam.
where k is Boltzmann’s constant (1.38 x 10 - 23 J K-l), & is No data of 4 of the PU foams used in the experiment is
the molecule diameter, and P is the pressure of the gas. available. The manufacturer (Nichiasu Co. Ltd) suggests
Due to its extremely complicated nature, gas conduction in using the density of the PU foam and that of pure PU resins
PU foam insulations defies any rigorous quantitative ( - 1100 kg mm3) to estimate the porosity’“. Therefore, for
description and semi-empirical representation becomes the 32 kg me3 foams, 4 is approximately 0.97.
necessary. A convenient semi-empirical technique is based The above equations do not take into account radiation.
on the use of an effective mean free patb3, which takes into As mentioned previously, conduction and radiation can be
account both the molecule-to-molecule and molecule-to- treated independently for this optically thick medium.
wall collisions: Therefore the radiation contribution can be accounted for
by using the radiative thermal conductivity k, as defined in GE varnish. It is joule heated by a d.c. power supply. The
Equation (3). film heater is made of Nichrome foil, 0.1 mm thick and
The final form of the equation for calculating k,, can be 300 mm long. High conductive alumina powder is used to
expressed as: fill the space inside the heater, so that a uniform tempera-
ture can be realized on the heater surface. At both ends of
k =k _ 4J’+Al-4’) 16n2aT3 the test sample, fibre glass insulator and the same PUF are
eff (10) used to reduce heat loss. Copper-made cooling plates are
“+Q+Al-$J’+9)+ 3p
used to enclose the outer surface of the sample which is
connected to a constant power GM refrigerator. The tem-
perature of the cooling plates is controlled by adjusting the
temperature of the refrigerator with a heater embedded in
Thermal conductivity measurement the cold head.
The inner and outer surface temperatures are measured
This section describes the experimental set-up and pro- by using Celnox sensors (Lake Shore Cryotronics Inc.).
cedure used to measure the thermal conductivity of PU These sensors are of resistant thermometer type and have
foams from room temperature down to liquid hydrogen a wide operating temperature range (about l-325 K) with
temperature (20 K) under atmospheric pressure and evacu- an accuracy of 0.02 K at 20 K and 0.14 K at 300 K. Four
ated condition. sensors are placed on each surface. A radiation shield is
also placed in the vacuum chamber and is connected to the
first stage of the GM refrigerator, thus reducing radiative
Experimental set-up heating from outside the test section.
An experimental apparatus has been built to measure the
k,, of the PU foams. The steady cylindrical method is Experimental procedure
employed. It is based on the JIS standard A1412. As shown In this work, a 32 kg rnM3sample was used in the measure-
in Figure 5, the system consists of a test section which is ment. Two sets of measurements were performed. In the
placed in a vacuum chamber, a vacuum pump, a two-stage first set, the test section (inner chamber) was cooled from
GM refrigerator, a digital recorder, a temperature control- 300 K at atmospheric pressure down to 20 K gradually, and
ler, and a computer. The test section is a sealed vessel then back up to 300 K again. In the second set, the inner
placed horizontally. The initial pressure in the test chamber chamber was connected to the outer chamber by drilling
can be set at various values. several holes on the inner chamber, so that the inner
Details of the test section are shown in Figure 6. The chamber could be evacuated. The same sample was evacu-
test samples are hollow cylinders, 400 mm long, with inner ated for three weeks at 300 K before being cooled down.
and outer diameters of 30 and 70 mm, respectively. A film There were no observable difference (cracks, fallen pieces,
heater is stuck to the inner surface of the test sample with etc.) of the sample before and after the experiment.
Data Recorder
Temperature sensor leads
-I A’- Turbo
Molecular pump 56 C/s
GM Ref
Experimental setup
Figure 5 The experimental set-up for the thermal conductivity measurement
8 6 1 2 3 4 5 7
Test section
Figure 6 Details of the test section
Pair =lOOkPa
r, measurement
I R141b 10 kPa
Temperature W)
Figure 7 Comparison of theoretical predictions of thermal conductivity with measurement results. Atmospheric pressure case
decreases from about 270 K due to the condensation of the for N2 and O2 are 600 and 2600 pm, respectively. There-
lower conductivity gas, R141b (which, in turn, increases fore, they are limited by the pore size of 400 pm. The ther-
the mole fraction of the higher conductivity gas, air). The mal conductivities of N2 and O2 are thus further reduced.
R141b completely condenses at about 230 K, and the ther- On the other hand, the mean free path at 250 K for R141 b
mal conductivity decreases as temperature decreases is about 6 pm, much smaller than the pore size. Hence the
further. At around 50 K, air starts to condense, and solid thermal conductivity of R141b is almost unaffected by the
conduction becomes the only mode of heat transfer pore size limitation. So R141b is the dominant gas in the
below 40 K. foam cells in this temperature region. The R141b starts to
As for the theoretical model, results for three different condense at about 200 K. However, it still dominates in this
initial R141b partial pressures are shown in the figure for region, so the thermal conductivity of the foam continues
comparison. The accommodation coefficients are assumed to decrease. At about 170 K, the R141b condenses to such
to be constant with values of 1.0 and 0.6 for R141b and an extent that it no longer dominates, and hence the reversal
air, respectively. As mentioned previously, air pressure at occurs again. The R141b completely condenses at about
300 K is assumed to be 100 kPa for all three cases. All 150 K, and the thermal conductivity decreases with tem-
three cases converge below 230 K when R141b completely perature again. The theoretical model slightly overpredicts
condenses. Between 220 and 250 K, all three cases under- the thermal conductivity from 50 to 130 K.
estimate the thermal conductivity. Above 260 K, the The contribution of radiation is indicated in the figure
30 kPa-R14lb case fits the measurement data quite well by the dashed line. It is negligibly small below 150 K, but
while the 10 kPa-R14lb case overestimates and the 50 kPa- accounts for about 20% of the effective thermal conduc-
R141b case underestimates. This is because R141b has a tivity at 300 K.
lower thermal conductivity than air. The fact that the Due to the various processing conditions, methods, and
30 kPa-R14lb case fits the measurement results best is in blowing agents used in expanding PU foams, the thermal
accordance with the estimation that the R141b initial partial conductivity data in the high temperature region (above
pressure is lower than 50 kPa, as discussed previously. 200 K) may not be applicable to other samples. However,
Figure 8 shows the thermal conductivity results for the the data in the low temperature region should be applicable
evacuated case. Clearly, most cell gases were evacuated as to most 32 kg m-3 closed-cell PU foams because conduc-
the thermal conductivity was reduced sharply when com- tion by air and solid dominates in this region. These data
pared with the previous case. However, a small amount of are very useful for cryogenic applications.
residual gas remains in the foam cells. This can be seen
from the higher measured values than the completely
evacuated values predicted by the model (shown by the
dashed line). The thermal conductivity decreases monoton- The heat transfer mechanisms in a PU foam are reviewed
ically from about 14 mW m-r K-’ at 300 K to about and discussed. An experiment has been set up to measure
6 mW m-’ K-’ at 150 K, and about 1 mW m-r K-’ at 20 K. the thermal conductivity of PU foams for temperatures
The reversal in the 230-280 K region of the previous case down to 20 K. An analytical model is proposed to estimate
shifts to the 150-180 K region in this case because of the the thermal conductivity of the PU foam. The results are
much lower pressure in the cells (and hence the conden- compared with the measured values. Heat loss in the experi-
sation temperatures). ment is analysed numerically. Based on the results, the fol-
For this low pressure case, the mean free paths at 250 K lowing conclusions can be drawn.
25 - 0 measurement
15 -
10 -
Temperature (K)
Figure 8 Comparison of theoretical predictions of thermal conductivity with measurement results. Evacuated case
1. The theoretical model proposed in the study predicts the help and support of the Engineering Advancement
the thermal conductivity quite well. The discrepancy Association of Japan (ENAA) and Ishikawajima-Harima
in the high temperature region can be ascribed to either Heavy Industries Co. Ltd (IHI).
the uncertainty of the gas composition inside the cells,
the pure solid conductivity, or the radiative properties References
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