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Design and Development of A Pneumatic Car

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International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR)

ISSN: 2454-4116, Volume-5, Issue-4, April 2019 Pages 56-58

Design and Development of a Pneumatic Car

Siddharam S. Warad, Sonal R. Swami, Akash V. Reshame, Rahul A. Hadapad,
Virendra V. Mahajan, Sachin D. Bhosale

 (PM 10 & PM 2.5) in the air is a major contributing factor in

Abstract— In the present scenario of world, the engineers air pollution. Now days the demand of everybody is having
having the challenges to find the different ways drive efficient his/her own vehicle and the people relies to a great extent of
by using the alternative energy sources which are the different transportation system. Day by day there is increase
eco-friendly to environment. The compressed air is used as a in number of vehicle everyday which emits the toxic
source for various operations in the industry and also having emissions.
the ennivormental friendly. So, the engineers are focused on the
Today the automobile industry having several technologies to
compressed air as non-polluting fuel for the vehicles which is
termed as pneumatic cars. This paper describes the brief reduce pollution level by introducing new technologies that
introduction to latest development of pneumatic cars, the will burn the fuel and overall use of generated fuel. The
efficiency and properties of the compressed air with respect to technologies will improve bike efficiency but the pollution
enthalpy, internal energy, density of the compressed air. The level reduces considerably less. The technologies are
working of the pneumatic car, with the use of the pneumatic following variable valve timing actuation, use of fuel injector
actuators that creates useful work by expanding the compressed in two wheeler (having low cc engine), EGR(exhaust gas
air, electronic component with simple mechanism. Hence, the recirculation), hybridization of vehicle .In this work the focus
pneumatic cars are affordable, safe and future of the has been put on vehicle hybridization ways to make less use
automobile industry.
of petrol.
Index Terms- Fuel crisis, Compressed air, Pneumatic vehicle.
There are various vehicle hybridization can be done in
various ways. Such as H2 powered petrol, electric hybrid etc.
The idea of electric hybridization is having some importance
now days because it having advantages that regenerative
In the recent trends of automobile, every company is moving braking system can apply, to reduce fuel consumption. But
towards the making the environmental friendly vehicles, i.e. the main disadvantage with electric vehicle is that the
Electric vehicle, pneumatic cars etc. the trend is changing infrastructure of charging station and they require extra
because of limited storage of fossil fuels also there is reason propulsion system and large heavy batteries. This leads to
that , the pollution created by the petrol and diesel vehicle is extra manufacturing cost and price of vehicle be high it
very harmful to the environment. alternatives for vehicle directly affects on the sales of vehicle.
propulsion i.e. solar energy, electric vehicle, pneumatic On the other hand researches engineers are focuses more on
operated vehicle, H2 powered vehicle, etc This standard the pneumatic car‘s which will minimize the vehicle
fights against the pollutants like hydrocarbons (HC), nitrogen manufacturing cost with moderate efficiency. In the case of
oxides (NOx), and carbon monoxide (CO) emitted by the retardation of the vehicle, then engine is used as a compressor
vehicles on the Indian roads. It pares the emissions of carbon that converts kinetic energy contained in the vehicle into
monoxide by nearly 60 percent and, hydrocarbons and energy in the form of compressed air which will be stored in
nitrogen oxide by 50 percent by diesel vehicles. In case of receiver tank. The idle losses can be eliminated due to the
petrol vehicles, there was a reduction of 20 percent in CO system supports start/stop functionality [1].
levels and of 50 percent in Nox and HC levels. At present, the Number of research teams over worldwide has demonstrated
emissions of air pollutants from the vehicles in Delhi itself the potential pneumatic cars. Simulations made by Anderson
consist of carbon monoxide (59%), hydrocarbons (50%), and where a regenerative efficiency is high as 55% for dual
nitrogen oxides (18%). The presence of the particulate matter pressure tank system for heavy duty vehicles. The pneumatic
vehicles with simple mechanism have presenting the lower
Siddharam S. Warad, UG Student, Department of Mechanical pollution rate over the conventional vehicles.
Engineering, SVERI‘s College of Engineering Pandharpur, Maharashtra,
Sonal R. Swami , UG Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, II. OBJECTIVE
SVERI‘s College of Engineering Pandharpur, Maharashtra, India
Akash V. Reshame, UG Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The objective of this paper is to study the pneumatic vehicle
SVERI‘s College of Engineering Pandharpur, Maharashtra, India concepts with simple mechanism. To investigate the behavior
Rahul A. Hadapad, UG Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
of compressed air with different parameters like entropy,
SVERI‘s College of Engineering Pandharpur, Maharashtra, India
Virendra V. Mahajan, UG Student, Department of mechanical enthalpy, temp, specific volume. Demonstrate and determine
Engineering, SVERI‘s College of Engineering Pandharpur, Maharashtra, the performance of the pneumatic vehicle which uses the
India compressed air along with the battery (12v) which supplies to
Sachin D .Bhosale, Assistant Prof., Department of Mechanical Engineering,
the double acting pneumatic cylinders at the rear wheels. As
SVERI‘s College of Engineering Pandharpur, Maharashtra, India
it is working model, the screening mechanism can be given to
the front wheel, as like in rear engine rear wheel drive. The
compressed air pressure is around (7 bars).At the rear end
only direct mini compressor is placed which will generate the
compressed air and given to the double acting pneumatic

56 www.ijntr.org
Design and Development of a Pneumatic Car

cylinder. To obtain the C.G for providing initial thrust, Max Ampere = 14Amp
battery will kept in order such that the to get the stable pickup Max Pressure = 15psi
which is later switched to compressor to drive the vehicle. Displacement=35L/min


The literature review related to the design and fabrication of 3) BATTERY
pneumatic car is presented below: A lithium ion rechargeable 12v 24 amps of battery is
Singh [2] studied about alternative fuel for automobile used for vehicle these batteries are safe to charging and
engines with a special emphasis on compressed air driven environment friendly.
engine. In view of the enormous potential of air as working B. Design of vehicle:
fluid an engine is being designed to run on compressed air.
Pathak et al. [3] studied the effective application of
pneumatic power. Pneumatic vehicle will replace the battery
operated vehicles used in industries. Pneumatic powered
vehicle requires very less time for refueling as compared to
battery operated vehicle. On the whole, the technology is just
about modifying the engine of any regular IC engine vehicle
into an Air Powered Engine. Verma [4] briefly summarize
the principle of technology, latest developments, advantages
and problems in using compressed air as a source of energy to
run vehicles. Compressed air for vehicle propulsion has
already being explored and nowadays air powered vehicles
are mostly being developed as a more fuel-efficient means of
transportation. Ravi [5] analyzed the Climate change and
energy security requires a small reduction in travel demand, Fig.1 CATIA model Pneumatic car.
model shift and technological innovations in the transport
sector. Through a series of press releases and demonstrations, This is the design model which is made on CATIA v5 R21.
a car using energy stored in the form of compressed air The Fig.1 shows a base plate on which various components of
produced by its compressor has been marked as an the system are kept. From the front side the relays which is
environmental friendly vehicle of the future. Verma [6] used to supply the power through the batteries. Behind this on
introduce to the latest developments of a compressed air left side the battery is mounted and at right side the
vehicle along with an introduction to various problems compressors is placed. Behind this solenoid valve is used
associated with the technology and their solution. which is operated by electric current to control the flow of the
Compressed air as a source of energy in different uses in compressed air.
general and as a nonpolluting fuel in compressed air vehicles
has attracted scientists and engineers for centuries.
The present literature review show that up till now the
researchers studied on the alternative fuel as compressed air,
various designs, analysis. So there is scope for design and
analysis of pneumatic car. In this paper design and modeling
of pneumatic car by using design software.


The components and their material used for preparing the
pneumatic car model are discussed in this section.
The CATIA based 3D modeling of the pneumatic car is
depicted in Fig.1.

A. Components and materials :

1) DOUBLE ACTING PNEUMATIC CYLINDER:- Fig.2 AUTOCAD model of the Pneumatic car.
It is double acting stainless steel made DIN ISO 6432, piston
Dia. 16 to 25 mm. There are such two cylinders are used. The drafting of the CATIA model is represented in the Fig. 2.
Because of operating fluid is air the leakage from pneumatic
cylinder will not drip out and contaminate the surrounding, C. Application:
making pneumatics more desirable. Where cleanliness is
requirement. Depending on Different Parameters like level of 1) Institutions industries etc. where less movement of vehicle
loads, humidity, temperature and stroke lengths specified. that is for material handling.
2) Recently the TATA Motors with maximum started testing
of compressed vehicle so that it will run easily as like petrol
2) COMPRESSOR and diesel.
3) It can be used as personnel or commercial use, as it is
The voltage required for the compressor is DC 12v-13.5v. pollution free.

57 www.ijntr.org
International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR)
ISSN: 2454-4116, Volume-5, Issue-4, April 2019 Pages 56-58

D. Advantages
1) As it is light in weight it will give moderate efficiency
2) There is no effect to any human being if compressed air
3) It is simple mechanism.
4) the interesting facts is the pneumatic system when the
vehicle brakes, the kinetic energy from braking is used
to drive a pump that helps to restore the some of the lost
5) Overall Costing of Vehicle As the air is naturally
available, since we are using the compressed air as to
propel the vehicle there will be total reduction of cost of
the fossil fuels.
6) If mass production of pneumatic cars are obtained, then
the initial cost of pneumatic vehicle is lesser than
electric cars. The real model of pneumatic car will cost
around 6 lakh.

The design and development of a pneumatic car is presented
in this paper. The detailed design of parts, material selection
required for pneumatic car is briefed. The development of car
is carried out by using CATIA software. The advantages and
application of pneumatic car is presented in the last part of the

[1] D. Patel, N. Saraiya, S. Patel, and A. Patel, ―‗ Experimental Analysis &
Improvement of Compressed Air Powered Vehicle .‘‖
[2] B. R. Singh and O. Singh, ―Study of Compressed Air As an
Alternative To Fossil Fuel for Automobile Engines,‖ pp. 1–11.

[3] S. Pathak and K. Swetha, ―Compressed Air Vehicle: a Review,‖ Int. J.

Mech. Prod. Eng., no. 24, pp. 2320–2092, 2014.

[4] S. S. Verma, ―Air Powered Vehicles,‖ Open Fuels Energy Sci. J., vol.
1, no. 1, pp. 54–56, 2008.
[5] D.Ravi Fabrication of compressed air engine January 2014 Middle
East Journal of Scientific
Research 20(9):1075-1077DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mej
[6] S. S. Verma, ―Latest Developments of a Compressed Air,‖ Glob. J.
Res. Eng. Automot. Eng., vol. 13, no. 1, 2013.

58 www.ijntr.org

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